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05x18 - Sitting Duck" / "Sweet Suzi Swann

Posted: 05/04/23 06:33
by bunniefuu



The plane! The plane!





- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Have you seen Julie?

Remember, she's
working with Mrs. Brennan

on our one billion BC fantasy.

Ah, yes, as I recall, Julie
was going to help Mrs. Brennan

introduce women's lib into
that ancient society, yes.

Right, boss.

But I don't think
Julie is doing too well.

What do you mean?


Now, you listen, Olag.

That club is not the answer
to every suggestion I make!

- Will you quit that?


Well, obviously, that culture

isn't quite ready to
adopt women's rights yet.

Shall we go, Tattoo?

Smiles, everyone, smiles.


TATTOO: Boss, that
man looks nervous.

MR. ROARKE: Possibly
because he's approaching

a very critical time in his
life as well as his career.

Mr. Jack Hecker
is a very successful

clothing manufacturer.

He's here for the
fashion show, right, boss?

Quite right, Tattoo.

TATTOO: I bet I know who she is.

MR. ROARKE: All right, go ahead.

TATTOO: She's Mr. Hecker's
top fashion model.

MR. ROARKE: I'm afraid you
would lose your bet, Tattoo.

No, actually, she
is Ms. Suzi Swann,

Mr. Hecker's assistant,

his girl Friday for
the past five years,

and she is hopelessly
in love with him.

TATTOO: What is her fantasy?

MR. ROARKE: Ms. Swann's fantasy

is to fall out of love
with Mr. Hecker.

Out of love?

Boss, that's a new
one for us, right?


TATTOO: Boss, why
the cold-looking face?

Who is he?

Mr. Frank Barton,
formerly a demolition expert,

now a world-famous hunter,
one of the last of his kind.

Did he ever sh**t
at a charging rhino?

-A charging what? -Rhino.

Oh, a charging rhino.

Oh, yes, he's
done it all, Tattoo.

Mr. Barton has hunted
every type of big game

from Alaska to Africa.

TATTOO: What's his fantasy?

His fantasy is to have the
most exciting hunt of his life.

That's not going to be easy.

MR. ROARKE: It will
be quite a challenge

to provide Mr. Barton
with what he wants.

Well, I'm betting on the hunter.

You may be right, Tattoo.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.



SUZI: Oh, I know what people
say about me, Mr. Roarke,

"Good, old Suzi,
everybody's doormat."

It's just that I
really like people.

I like helping them.

People who feel like you are
often misunderstood, Ms. Swann.

But your feelings for
Mr. Hecker are much stronger

than mere liking, or
you wouldn't be here.

Oh, I love Jack.

It's as simple as that.

But he has no
time for love or me.

Being a success
is everything to him.

You know, when
we first started out,

he couldn't even
afford a storefront.

And then his designs
started catching on, and...

look where he is today.

But, you know, in all that time,

he's never once looked
at me as a woman,

or understood how I felt.

You didn't tell him
that you love him?

Oh, I never had
the courage, Tattoo.

Besides, love is a
two-way street, isn't it?

I'm just tired of hurting.

Please make me fall
out of love, Mr. Roarke.

Set me free.

All right, Ms. Swann,

but there's only
one way to do that.

By concentrating your
emotions on the opposite of love.

You mean hate?

That's exactly what
my boss means.

But I've never hated
anyone in my life.

But if that's the only way...

I'm ready.

Teach me to hate.


They look like gum drops.

That's what they are.

Except for one thing.

The sugar content
has been extracted

from a very special fruit

that grows only here
on Fantasy Island.

It contains a certain
ingredient which induces, um,

shall we say, a reverse
emotional response

in anyone who tastes it.

You mean I eat one
of these whenever...

Whenever you feel
the need to experience

the emotion of hate,
Ms. Swann, yes.

That's hard to believe.


You know something, Mr. Roarke,

I just met you, and
already, I don't like you.

I don't like either one of you.

You're too short.

And you, you've
got a funny accent.

You see, Ms. Swann,
they do really work.

So be careful.

Be very careful.

SUZI: I've got to be
careful how I use these.

Mr. Roarke, I came here
to discuss my fantasy.

Oh, I've given it much
thought, Mr. Barton.

Although I prefer a
more relaxing sport...

like golf...

I have gone to great pains

to consider a hunt
worthy of your ability.

Please make yourself
comfortable, Mr. Barton.

Thank you, Tattoo.

Unfortunately, I am against
k*lling animals for sport,

and you've already proven
your skill against such game.

I'm glad you agree.

Any safari is not
what I had in mind.


No animal is a match for me.

Granted, if trapped or
wounded, they can be ferocious.

But intellect, Mr. Roarke,

intellect is what makes an
adversary really dangerous.

There can be only one
adversary with intellect.

Man himself.

That's m*rder, Mr. Barton.

Oh, I agree, if we were
talking about a traditional hunt.

Certainly, nothing is
safe in my g*n sights.

No, Mr. Roarke,
what I had in mind,

what I envisioned
was a game of wits,

like a high-stakes poker
game. Very high stakes.

Say what you mean.

You're the game

for the kind of a hunt
I've got in mind, Roarke.

With the condition
that you can't use

your so-called special powers.

Of course, you know the
essence of a truly great hunt

holds danger for the
hunter, as well as the hunted.

Exactly why I'm here.

Boss, you'll be a sitting duck.

Very well, I accept your terms.

No special powers?

No special powers, Mr. Barton.


if you're not successful
in the next hours,

there will be no holds
barred on my part.

Fair enough.

Good day.

Boss, why are you doing that?

I have very special
reasons, Tattoo.

Now, will you go prepare things

for our other guest's
fantasy, please?

Thank you.


BARTON: "Lucky for you my
little friend is harmless, Roarke.

"If I had wanted,
you'd already be dead."

Here, pin these ends together.

Suzi, I'm here putting
my career on the line,

and you suddenly disappear.

Where have you been?



Jack, you didn't have to
put everything on the line.

You were doing just great,

selling to everyday
working girls.

But, no, all of a sudden
you had to get into

very expensive original
designer dresses.

Suzi, moving up is
the name of the game.

And I have to admit the tension
is starting to get to me already.

I mean, if this show is a
flop, I'll probably be right back

selling ready-mades
right off the rack.

Jack, I have something
to confess to you.

That sounds ominous.

Well, I... I just wanted you to
know that when we came here,

well, I wanted to...

Oh, I just don't
know how to say it.

Mr. Hecker, Irena Ravel
will be here in a little while.

- She wants to see you.
- Irena Ravel?

As in The House
of Irene, from Paris?

The one and only.

Jack, I was trying to tell
you something very important.

Not now, Suzi. What could be more
important than meeting one of the most

famous fashion
designers in the world?

Nothing I could say, obviously.

Skip it.

Please come in, come
in. He's right over here.

Mr. Hecker, may I
present Ms. Irena Ravel.

Ah, what a marvelous surprise.

This is just... Just a
privilege meeting you.

I've been following your career
with a great deal of interest.

Why, thank you.

Am I interrupting anything?

No, no, no, of course
not, of course not.

SUZI: No, of course not.

I was only going to
tell him I love him.

I so looked forward to
meeting you, Jacques.

Jacques, Jacques.

Well, that's it, my new label,
"The House of Jacques."

Vera, get the printer
on the phone right away.

Yes, sir.

JACK: Thank you.

Well, what have we here?

I know, how about the lady
barracuda and the puppy dog?

-Suzi... - "House of Jacques."

"Yuck" would be a better word.

Now, I know you two
have so much in common

you want to talk about, Jacques,

but before I go, about
that tension in your neck...



BARTON: Mr. Roarke,
I'm glad you could join me.

Oh, I hope you don't mind.

I took the liberty of ordering

the special King Emmanuel
lobster salad for you.

Excellent choice.

What's the matter, Mr. Roarke?

Has something
upset your appetite?

Oh, I don't scare
that easily, Mr. Barton.

Well, if you're just going
to stare at your food...


Do you think I'd
be that obvious?

Perhaps I underestimated you.

But I seriously doubt it.

You know, I'm not
really very hungry.

Perhaps you would
like another bite of mine?


Very, very good, Mr. Roarke.

You are catching on.

Actually, it's an interesting
chemical I put on your fork.

It's easily activated
by a person's saliva.

Just a short time in
your stomach and...

A little trick I picked
up from a village elder

while searching for the
abominable snowman, in Tibet.

You escaped this time, Roarke,

but I promise you, within
hours you'll be dead.

Excuse me.

Forgive me for disturbing you.

-May I join you? -Oh, sure.

Has anyone ever
told you, you look like

one of those mysterious
stars in those foreign movies,

you know, where you
have to read what they say?


No, but I find it a most charming
and flattering observation.

-You do? -Are you here alone?

Yes... No... Uh, in a way.

I'm Jack Hecker's personal
assistant for the fashion show.

Does Mr. Hecker require
your services at dinner?

Only if the lamb chops
need to be dressed.

Eight o'clock, Miss...?

Call me Suzi. Eight
o'clock would be fine.

I'm staying in the
Lilac Bungalow.

Au revoir, Suzi.

Enjoying yourself, Ms. Swann?

Oh, yes.

Did you see that
man that just left?

-Very handsome. -Mm.

The point is, I saw
him too, and he saw me.

And you know what?

I forgot all about Jack.

For the first
time in five years,

I was turned on by another man.

Oh, then your fantasy is
coming true the way you wanted.

Enjoy yourself, Ms. Swann.

Oh, I intend to.



TATTOO: More hips,
please. More hips.

All right, watch me.

Watch your hands.


Boss, the stereo
just broke down.

Oh, perhaps the
generator has cut out again.

But boss, right in the
middle of the lesson.

Don't sulk, my
friend, I'll fix it.

Usually all it takes
is a good, swift kick.

All right, girls, take five.

The generator, boss!

Boss, booby trap!

No, boss, no!



Ah, that's better.

Boss, I thought
it was booby trap.

Tattoo, after all these years,
have you no faith in me?

Sure, boss, but I didn't want
anything to happen to you.

Thank you, Tattoo, thank you.

But don't worry, I
know what I'm doing.

Now, if you'll carry on
with your hula lesson,

I'll get the rover and attend to
some other important business,

-All right? -All right, boss.


Oh, no!

A fatal mistake, Roarke.

You can't always
ignore the obvious.

You lose.

CLAUDE: I'm not sure this
Suzi Swann can help us.

She said her position with
Hecker is only temporary.

IRENA: She may be right.

I just saw an example
of her vile temper.

But that's their problem.

Right now she
is working for him.

And our concern
is that Jack Hecker

is a very talented and
imaginative competitor,

and that we're playing
for very high stakes.

I love your thinking, darling,

especially when
it comes to money.

Oh, by the way, your Suzi Swann?

She said I looked like
a motion picture star.

Then you should have no
trouble in keeping her occupied

and out of the way.

While you do what?

Make absolutely certain

that my designs
dominate this fashion show,

by making just as certain
that the Hecker creations...



You take absolutely no
chances, do you, darling?

Dear Claude, I didn't get to
where I am by taking chances.


Hello, anybody here?


I had a message someone
wanted to meet me here.


Oh, no, it's impossible.

This soup is a special
creation of mine, Mr. Barton.

- Would you care for a sample?
- But you're... You're...

Dead? Oh, come now,

don't tell me my little
game of possum fooled you.

The master game hunter? No.

I saw you walk in that
garage with my own eyes.

Yes, you did.

You cheated.

There's no way you could
have survived that expl*si*n

without using
some special power.

I don't need special powers
to b*at you, Mr. Barton.

I simply walked out the
back door of the garage.

That simple.

You are proving to be a
worthy adversary, Mr. Roarke.

Does that mean
you wish to try again?

I wouldn't miss
it for the world.

You're positive you
won't try my soup?

I assure you, it's quite good.

Oh, no.

No, thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Barton?

Enjoy your fantasy.


JACK: Kim, you start
off with number four.

Stephanie, you model number
two, and Kathleen, number six.

I think it's the
best one, but...

I'm going to have to change
the design a little bit on that.

I'll work out the
schedule later.

Vera, see to it that the
girls get plenty of rest.

Of course, Mr. Hecker.

Have a good day.

It's kind of late for
making changes, isn't it?

So, we'll burn the midnight
oil. It's not the first time.

There's one little
problem. I have a date.

Date? You mean a guy?

I imagine such a thing
is quite a surprise to you,

a man being interested in me.

No... I mean, why should it?

Then you don't care?

Of course not.

Go on, have yourself
a good time, I'll...

take care of things here.

It doesn't make
you... extra work?

It's nothing I can't handle.


You know what I feel
like doing, Jack Hecker?

-What? -Eating a gum drop.


BARTON: A little
surprise, Mr. Roarke.

You like to practice putting.

Next time, bang.

Ah, Mr. Barton, do come in.

Have a seat, won't you?

No, thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Why did you ask to see me?

I thought it my
duty to remind you

that time is running
out on your fantasy.

I am well aware of that.

I was hoping you might
reconsider and drop this

strange obsession of yours.

Well, don't be
ridiculous, Mr. Roarke.

I'm enjoying myself.

You do remember, don't you,

there will be serious
consequences if you fail?

I remember.

I was hoping we might
reach some sort of agreement.

Frankly, Mr. Barton...

I find it impossible
to understand this...

fascination you
have with k*lling.

It's not the k*ll, Mr. Roarke.

It's the excitement
of the chase.

Oh. Oh, I see.

Frankly, it's conversation
that bores me.

MR. ROARKE: Mr. Barton...

You should try golf.

It requires skill,
a bit of luck...

And nobody gets hurt.

You're wasting my time, Roarke.


I am appreciative of your
concern over my lack of skill.

Thank you.

Curiously, I found
an expl*sive device

in this putting cup today.

They're popping up in
the most unlikely places.

Who knows?

Anyone might even find one in...

His own room.

Perhaps even your
room, Mr. Barton.

Oh, by the way, I believe
the door will open now.


Did you design that lovely
dress you're wearing?

Oh, no, I've never
designed anything.

My specialty is fabrics.

And I'm also pretty
good at solving

last-minute fitting problems,

at least I was until today.

What do you mean?

Do we have to talk
about business?

I want to know
everything about you.

Well, that'll take
about three minutes.

- Then what will we talk about?
- Don't underestimate yourself.

But if you'd rather not
talk about yourself...

how do you get on with this
Jack Hecker chap you work for?

You did mention your relationship
with him is only temporary.

Suzi, Suzi, I've
been looking for you.

I've got a problem with
the bodice on number six.

- You said you could handle it.
- Well, I need you.

I just can't get it
done by myself.

You need me?

Well, of... course, I need you.

Oh, Jack.

Look, here, Suzi and
I are having dinner.

Hey, stay out of it, will you?

Look, will you help me, please?


I don't want to get
physical about this, but...

Look, Romeo, she works for me.

CLAUDE: She's in
the middle of dinner.

I'm not paying her salary
to have dinner with you.

If I tell her to work all night
long, she works all night long.

If I tell her to jump over a
measuring tape, she jumps.

SUZI: She jumps?

You're an awfully rude man. Why don't
you be a decent fellow and run along?

Yeah, Jack, why don't split?



Oh, Claude, I'm so sorry!
I was trying to hit Jack.

As for you, you go
fix your own dresses,

you... you sl*ve driver!

did he hide that b*mb?


Go away!

so sorry, Mr. Barton.

I didn't mean to alarm you.

You're really enjoying
yourself, aren't you, Roarke?

I? You insisted on this
fantasy, remember?

That's right, and I'm
gonna make sure it works.

Well, then perhaps I
should remind you that, uh,

you haven't got much time left.

JACK: At this point, I
don't know what to think.

Suzi's acting strange,
my show dresses stolen.

What's going on suddenly?

If I don't find those dresses in
time for the fashion show tomorrow...

- I'm ruined.
- Oh, no, no, Mr. Hecker,

I assure you, you
have my full cooperation

as well as that
of my entire staff

in helping you to locate
them. Please don't worry.

I'd appreciate that.

Now, you mentioned
Suzi, Ms. Swann.

Well, I'm a little worried
about her, Mr. Roarke.

I mean, she was always so...

So sweet, so solid, always
there when I needed her.

Now, sometimes, I feel like...

Like she actually hates me.

Oh, no, no.

Well, if you want to know
the truth, Mr. Roarke, I think...

I think I love her.


And have you discussed
these, uh, feelings with her?


Well, perhaps you
should, Mr. Hecker.

Perhaps you should.





BARTON: Hope my little
smokescreen didn't scare you.

But I needed to
get your attention.

I'm raising the stakes, Roarke.

I've got Tattoo.

I'll leave a trail for you
to follow at daylight,

so you can find
us in the jungle.

If you don't, your
little friend will die.


You know, Suzi, you've brought something
into my life I haven't had for a long time.

Like a pie in the face?



Your innocent charm.

You're truly a very
desirable woman.

Is something wrong?

Oh, it's not you,
Claude, it's me.

JACK: Suzi! Suzi!

Did you bring a measuring
tape for me to jump over, Jack?

Look, I'm sorry about that.

I mean, I've been stupid, blind.

You... You have?

If you'll just let me explain.

Oh, no, not again, not
ever again, Jack Hecker.

Do me a favor,
you gigolo, get lost!

And as for you, I never want to
see you again, not as long as I live.

Do you read me loud and clear?


I've got lots of surprises
planned for your boss.

The entire area out
there is booby trapped.

I wouldn't want to be you.

My boss is gonna get real mad.

[LAUGHING] Good, then he's
more likely to make a mistake.

But if he gets through...

We'll all go to hell together.

I'll blow the top
of this hill off.


MR. ROARKE: Ingenious,
Mr. Barton, a trip wire for a land mine.

All right. Two can
play that game.

Have you heard what happened?

All of Mr. Hecker's
dresses were stolen.

I couldn't care less.

Excuse me, Ms. Swann,
but why are you so angry?

Oh, it's a long story.

And it doesn't have
a very happy ending.

The only prayer Mr. Hecker is going
to have at that fashion show today

is to come up with at
least one dress to model.

He said he'd just have
to start from scratch.

He's chosen this one, but
wanted you to select the fabric,

so she could get started on it.

Well, why isn't Wonderman
here watching the store himself?

He said he had
important things to do.

[SIGHS] And he wants me
to select the fabrics, does he?


Let's go with satin...

-And burlap. -Burlap?

Yeah, why not
really be creative?

But burlap and satin...

It is my decision, remember?

I'll need a bolt of burlap.

If that's what burlap comes in.

So much for your Mr. Roarke.



BARTON: Where are you?

Where are you, Roarke?

Here, Mr. Barton.

It's all over, Mr. Barton.


The detonator!

You had to break the rules.

You used your special powers.

No, Mr. Barton, I b*at you

with a pair of scissors.

Yes, I cut the wire to
your dynamite charge

under this hill.

No. No, it's not fair!

It's not fair!


BARTON: Roarke!


-Thank you, boss. -Yes, Tattoo.

JACK: Suzi!

Suzi, I've been looking for you.

It's almost show time, and...

It's not all that
important anymore.

You're not going to forgive
me, not ever, I know it.

You don't know what I
did to your beautiful dress.

Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry.

It's, uh... satin and...
[LAUGHS] And burlap!

I mean, that's... That's
what I call imagination.

But I've probably
destroyed your whole career.

So, we...

-We start over. -We?

I want you to be with
me for the rest of my life.

Suzi, I've got to be the
biggest jerk in the world.

I mean, I've been in love
with you all along. It's just that...

old Jack has been so
involved with his business

that he couldn't even
admit it to himself.

Oh, I've waited so long.

- Say it.
- I love you, sweet Suzi Swann.

Oh, and I love you.

Well, shall we...

Shall we have a look
at our burlap beauty?



Ms. Irena has designed

this gold lamé
two-piece cocktail dress

for dinner with
your favorite man.

This gown has the
look of molten metal

and the movement
of a summer breeze.


Here, Ms. Irena has designed
Mata Hari cocktail knickers

with a halter top of
gray and black trim.


For your formal nights
with that special one,

you have a raspberry
moss crepe slim line dress

with a palmetto
accent on the shoulder.


And now, the one
and only creation

from "The House of Jacques".


Next thing we do is
change that stupid name.

This lovely creation

of turquoise burlap
and pink satin.

Monsieur Jacques has
created this jacket of burlap

and a Penang of pink silk satin.

A brilliant statement
on the dichotomy

of today's society.

WOMAN: [ON P.A.] Wear this
to the President's cocktail parties,

and what a hit you'll be.


Well, I believe congratulations
are in order, Mr. Hecker,

in every category.


Mr. Barton's fantasy
didn't turn out happily.

Perhaps it will in
the long run, Tattoo.

He will now be where he should have been
for a long time, under a doctor's care.

Why did you grant
him his fantasy?

You could have been k*lled.

If I didn't, his sick mind
would have driven him

to seek prey somewhere
else. You understand?

I understand.

-Boss? -Yes?

I'm glad that you
are on our side.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke,
from both of us.

Oh, then the fashion show was a
success, from your point of view?

I've had a dozen offers to create
a new line of designer dresses.

Which we will
begin to think about,

right after our honeymoon.

MR. ROARKE: Congratulations.

Ms. Swann, I have a
going away present for you,

just in case.

Thanks just the same,
but no thanks, Tattoo.

I like the things just
the way they are.

Thank you very much.

You're very welcome,
Mr. Hecker, Ms. Swann.

-Bye-bye. -Bye-bye.

Boss, what about her fantasy?

After all, she didn't
fall out of love with him.

Ah, that is a question
of interpretation, Tattoo.

Ms. Swann did fall out of love

with the Mr. Hecker
she used to know.

But at the same time, she fell
in love with a new Mr. Hecker,

who appreciates
her for the loving,

desirable woman she is.

I don't like you.

