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05x15 - The Case Against Mr. Roarke" / "Save Sherlock Holmes

Posted: 05/04/23 06:31
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

"The princess..."


-Bye-bye. -CHILDREN: Bye.


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Have you seen Julie?

Oh, she's still working on
Custer's Last Stand fantasy.

Custer's Last Stand?

Oh, yes, yes, of course.
How is she progressing?


Well, we'll proceed
without Julie.

She may be delayed
for some time.

Smiles, everyone! Smiles!


TATTOO: Who is that, boss?

ROARKE: Mr. Kevin Lansing,
an ex-Marine corps MP.

Now employed as
a department store

security guard.

He has always wanted
to be a private investigator.

A profession he considers
much more interesting

and exciting than
merely catching someone

- in the act of shoplifting.
- I see.

He wants to wear a trench coat
and sneak around dark allies.

Uh, not quite, Tattoo.

His fantasy is to assist
some famous detective...

of literature.

Solve an important case.

TATTOO: Who is gonna help him?

Matt Helm? Ellery
Queen? Sam Spade?

I have chosen the
greatest fictional detective

who ever lived.

TATTOO: That's
a cute little girl.

Is that her mother with her?

ROARKE: Yes, Tattoo.
That is Mrs. Fran Warner

and her daughter
Nancy. Adorable child.

As you can see, she has
her mother's good looks.


Mrs. Warner looks very familiar.

You have an excellent
memory, Tattoo.

She was a guest on the
island almost seven years ago.

She's just as lovely
today as she was then.

TATTOO: What's her fantasy?

I don't know, Tattoo.


She would only say
that she would tell me

at the proper time,

in the proper place.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

-[♪♪♪♪♪] -[MOUTHING]


Well, Mr. Roarke,
the most exciting thing

that ever happened
to me on that job,

was the day I caught a
guy going out of the store

with three suits.

He was wearing them,
one on top of the other.


-Uh, Mr. Roarke? -Yes?

When does my fantasy begin?

Very shortly, Mr. Lansing.
Very shortly... Oh, in fact...

this envelope contains
a letter of introduction

to the most famous
detective of all times.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, you must not open it.

Not until you have
arrived at your destination.

Who is he?

Can't you tell me?

You will find out in
due time, Mr. Lansing.

Your fantasy begins
just beyond that door.

This way, Mr. Lansing.


Edwardian London, Mr. Lansing,

at the turn of the century.

Now, Mr. Lansing. You
may open the envelope now.


"Kevin Lansing, a
student of criminology,

is most anxious to meet
your distinguished colleague,

Sherlock Holmes."

Am I really gonna meet
Sherlock Holmes, Mist...

Mr. Roarke?



LANSING: " B Baker Street."

The residence of
Sherlock Holmes.

Lana, uh, will you send a
round of complimentary drinks

to that table in
the corner, please?

-Thank you. -[TATTOO SIGHS]

- ROARKE: Uh, wait... No, wait a minute.

Let me help you, Tattoo.

- TATTOO: Thank you, boss.
- Let me help you.


Always ready with
a helping hand.


Uh, may I say how delighted
I am to see you again.

May I also say

that you are more
lovely than ever.

You remember Tattoo, of course?

- Yes, how are you?
- Mrs. Warner, how do you do?

Where's your little girl?

Oh, she's in our...
our bungalow.

- It was a long flight.
- Oh, indeed.

Uh, please have
a seat, won't you?

- Yes, thank you.
- You're welcome.


You know, I am at a
considerable disadvantage.

If I am to fulfill your
fantasy to your satisfaction,

I must make
certain preparations.

- Isn't that right, Tattoo?
- Right, boss.

But first, I must know
what you have in mind?

Yes, I imagine you would.

Boss, I think Mrs., uh, Warner

would like to talk to you
privately in your office.

No, no, thank you, Tattoo.

I'd prefer discussing
it right here.

[EXHALES] If that
is what you wish,

proceed by all means.

I didn't come to the
island for a fantasy.

Right now what
concerns me is reality.

A very special reality.

May I ask what that means?

I came here to find
out whether you...

her father, is prepared to take
the responsibility of our child.


Please, I think it would be best

if we discuss this
matter privately.

Why? I don't care

if the whole world
knows about it.

I can't keep quiet any longer.

This man is the
father of my child

and I'm here to make sure

that he assumes
his responsibility.

Now that it's public knowledge,

I will expect to
hear from you soon.


Boss, how can you let
her get away with it...

in front of all these people?

She's not getting away
with anything, Tattoo?

-No? -No.

I have a feeling she's doing
what she feels she must do.


I am sorry, sir.
Mr. Holmes is out of the city.

Unexpected business, you see.


Gracious! Dr. Watson!

- Dr. Watson?
- LANSING: Dr. Watson?

- Dr. Watson, where are you?
- Are you all right?

- WOMAN: Where are you?

What happened, sir?
We heard g*nshots.

You certainly did.

Some culprit fired at
me through that window.

Bloody poor shot, I must say!

Missed me by a country league.

WOMAN: Oh, good
grief! My walls again?

Uh, don't fret, Mrs. Hudson.

I've become quite proficient
at repairing those walls.

How about a spot of hot tea?

- [CHUCKLES] Uh, would you...

I say, I don't
believe we've met.

Oh! I'm, uh, I'm...
I'm Kevin Lansing, sir.

I was to meet
Mr. Holmes and assist him

on his current... current case.

-Is that a fact? -Yes, sir.

Since when does Sherlock
Holmes need assistance?

That's ridiculous.

I have a letter of
introduction here, sir,

-from Inspector Lestrade. -Oh?


American citizen, ey?

Yes, sir.

Knew that right off.

The odd cut of that suit
you're wearing told me that.

Student of criminology.

Oh, stuff and nonsense.
But you may as well sit down.

But I'm afraid you're
a little late. You see...


DR. WATSON: Oh, dear!

Oh, dear, dear.

Oh! Made a mess
of that, haven't I?


Mr. Holmes will
never forgive me.

If I ever see the dear
fellow again. [GRUNTS]

I could never stand that
screeching instrument.

Dr. Watson, what did you mean,

if you ever see
Mr. Holmes again?

Well, I'm afraid
he's disappeared.

Abducted, in my opinion.

-Abducted? -DR. WATSON: Yes.

And I suspect Professor
Moriarty has him.

I've been studying Holmes'
notes from his current case...

[MUTTERS] Get out!

Now, his current case.

You see,

numerous prominent personalities
have recently disappeared.

Soldiers of the highest
rank. Eminent scientists.

Officials of the w*r
department and the like.

Well, that's pretty
heavy stuff there, sir.

- Yes.
- Obviously, Mr. Holmes suspected

that these men
have been kidnapped

for some nefarious purpose.


Quite. Holmes had deducted

that the missing persons
are being held in a sanatorium

outside Witcombe
Village in Dartmoor.

And then he disappeared?

Uh, may I ask how long ago?

Well, three days now.

The last I saw of him
was the morning he left

to visit Lord Chesterfield,

who had gone to
Dartmoor Sanatorium

to visit his personal physician.

Coincidence after coincidence.

To me, that spells
calculated purpose.


My deductive powers
suggest that Mr. Holmes

is now being held
c*ptive in that, uh...

Dartmoor Sanatorium.

Great Scott! You could be right!

-Dr. Watson? -Huh?

We must hurry. We must
save Sherlock Holmes.

Let's go. Let's go.


Nancy, did you
have a good sleep?

I couldn't sleep.

Well, you know
you need your sleep.

It's been an exhausting trip.

-Did you see Daddy? -Mm-hmm.

What'd he say?
When can I see him?

Now, slow down.

Your daddy is a very
important and busy man.

Don't worry, you'll
see him soon enough.

But I can't wait!

Do you know something?

I have been sitting in this
seat for over a minute now

and I have not had one hug.

What's the matter? I
don't rate anymore?

-Of course you do. -Yeah.

Mom, are you okay?

You look tired. Maybe
you should lie down.

No, I'm fine.

Now, why don't you
get your hair brushed?

Don't you want your hair to look
real pretty when you meet your daddy?

Now go on. Shoo.


Oh, boss, I'm glad you're here.

[EXHALES] Is something
troubling you, Tattoo?

Everyone on the island
is talking about you

and your daughter.

And I suppose you've
been denying it?

Of course. Someone has to.

Well, I appreciate
your concern, my friend,

but please stop
defending me, huh?

But, boss. You don't understand.

You should hear
what they are saying.

Don't worry, Tattoo.
You should know by now

that idol gossip
doesn't concern me.


But there's something
else you should know.

All right, Tattoo, what is it?

Mrs. Warner, I saw
her go to the pharmacy.


And, uh, what was
she doing there?

She was buying a lot
of prescription medicine.

I hope you weren't
following her.

Well, I was trying to.

I want you to leave Mrs. Warner
and Nancy to me, will you?

I'm sorry, boss. I was
just trying to help you.

I know you are, Tattoo.

I know you are.

I am very worried
about that little girl.

You... you mean,
she's your daughter?





Well, Mr. Holmes...

are you now ready to cooperate?

Or shall we continue

with your therapeutic

I'll never cooperate
with you, Moriarty,

in this or any other of
your insane schemes.

Even if it costs
me my life, sir.

I must remind you, sir,

that you are speaking to
your doctor, Lord Collingwood,

and I'm trying to cure
you of your psychosis.

You keep insisting that you're
the famous Sherlock Holmes,

-but I know better. -[LAUGHS]

Oh, Moriarty, you're mad!

And you'll never get
away with this plot.

Nurse Heavenly,

give this foolish
patient his usual...

No, double his usual dose.

Whatever you say, Doctor.

Just relax, Mr. Holmes,

this will be good
for what ails you.

My dear...

nothing ails me.


Miss Vinton, may I come in?

- Well, of course, Mr. Roarke.
- Thank you.

What can I do for you?

Uh, the lady who just
left, uh, Mrs. Warner,

would it be proper for me to
ask what she was doing here?

Normally these
are private matters.

Oh, I know, that's why I asked.

Well, since you're,
uh, shall we say,

intimately involved.

She came here to place
your child's birth certificate

on record with us.

-I see. -She also inquired

about enrolling
the child in school.

I, um... I had
her fill this out.


Thank you, Miss Vinton.

You're quite
welcome, Mr. Roarke.



Rather spooky place,
wouldn't you say?

That's just what I'd say.


Uh, I'm, uh... [CLEARS
THROAT] ...I'm Dr. Watson.

We... We have an appointment
with Dr. Collingwood.

Yes, he's expecting
you. Come in.



They're all loonies.


How ironic...

and unfortunate
for you, Dr. Watson.

You came all this way
to see Lord Chesterfield

and he's no longer here.

He received an urgent
call from the w*r department

shortly after we spoke.

It was too late to
inform you. [CHUCKLES]

- Well, uh...
- Uh, Doctor, do you suppose...

Do you suppose we might
have a look around your facility,

since we came all this way?

Dartmoor Sanatorium is
an international landmark

in the medical trade, you know?

Well, yes, I suppose it is.

Of course!

Nurse Heavenly will
give you a personal tour.

- I shall see you along.
- Well, thank you, sir.

Oh, don't worry about
the sweet patients.

Mostly they're harmless.


This way, sirs.

Steady as she goes, Edwin.

And steer clear of
the Rocks and Shoals.

Good heavens!

Admiral Winslow, are
you all right, old boy?

We had to make a clean
sweep pouring out, bosom.

-Yes. -And we have to keep

a tight ship. Do you understand?

-Tight. -All right.

- Carry on, mates, carry on.
- Carry on. Yes.

They're all loonies.

Tell me.



Wait, wait!

There's only one person
who plays a violin that poorly.

Holmes. Come along, Lansing,

we may not have
a moment to lose.


He's obviously in there.

Great Scott!


He's been drugged.



I'm sorry, is this an
inopportune moment?

I thought you had
asked me to come?

[STUTTERS] Uh, no... Yes...

-Please come in. -Thank you.

Um, won't you please sit down?

Thank you.

- Could I offer you a drink?
- No, no. Thank you very much.

I hope you understand
that Nancy means

more than anyone
else in the world to me.

Of course, I understand.

And I'm... I'm sorry
if... If I embarrassed you

in front of all those
people out there.

ROARKE: Are you?

Or did you had it
planned that way?

[SIGHS] Yes, I suppose I did.

If I could only make
you understand why.

NANCY: Mommy, who's there?


Are you my daddy?

Pleased to meet you, sir.

And I am very
pleased to meet you.

Oh, Daddy, I'm so
glad you're here!

Mommy's told me
so much about you.

Has she?


the important
thing is you are here

and I have lots of
things planned for you.

As a matter of fact, I
have a friend outside

who would like to
spend some time with us.

Would you like to see him?

Well, go ahead.


- A pony!

Can I ride him?

Well, he would be
insulted if you didn't.

How about after lunch?

Mommy, I better change
right now so I'll be ready.

ROARKE: That's right!

I'm so glad we're all together.

Now we're just
like a real family.


HOLMES: Moriarty has
been using dr*gs on me.

-Incredible! -HOLMES: Yes.

He's been using
hypnosis on the scientists

and the other hostages.
He gathered a great deal of...

information on a secret w*apon

that our w*r
department developed.

A long-range torpedo.

Mr. Holmes, uh, do you
know what Moriarty planned

to do with that torpedo?


Not Moriarty...

the Kaiser.

Good heavens!

HOLMES: Moriarty is to
deliver the torpedo plans

to the Kaiser's ambassador,

the Archduke
Oberth, later today.


At the... [SIGHS]

Easy, dear fellow.

Fox and Hounds Pub...

in Whitcombe.

And for a considerable
number of marks, I'm sure.

The Kaiser will develop
the torpedo and...

disrupt the world
shipping trade.

That will launch World
w*r I, gentlemen.


World w*r I?

We've got to get out of here.

[MUTTERS] World w*r I...

Impossible. The door's
locked and we have no key, sir.

Never mind, I'll find us a way.

The Baskervilles
estate's nearby, isn't it?

We can call Scotland
Yard from there.

Lord Baskervilles will see
that Holmes is taken care of.

He owes him a favor.

You know, the, uh,
the Baskervilles case.

The Baskervilles case?

That's right. The
Hound of the Baskervilles

hadn't been written yet, had it?

Never will be,

unless I can find
us a way out of here.


LANSING: Hmm, potassium
nitrate and magnesium.

Gentlemen, I'm going
to get us out of here.

man talks such rubbish.


You know, if we
don't rest for a while,

you're going to wear
out both the pony and me.

- I don't believe that.

Maybe you're right. [CHUCKLES]

Look at those.
Aren't they beautiful?

Oh, yes.

A pretty flower
deserves a pretty girl.

-Oh, thank you. -You're welcome.

- May I take it home to Mommy?
- Of course.

She hasn't been
very happy lately.

Oh, do you know why?

I thought it was
because she wanted us

to be together so bad.

Well, now that we are,

everything's going
to be all right, huh?

- I'm sure it will.
- Yes. [EXHALES]

-Oh, look! -What?

A swing.

Oh, I suppose you
want to try it, huh?

-Uh-huh. -[CHUCKLES]

-[NEIGHS] -All right.

All right. Hang on!


Here we go.

- Are you ready?
- Yeah! [CHUCKLES]



- Higher, higher!
- Really? Higher?

Yes, Dad.

All right.


Mmm. Excellent,
Henri! Excellent.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

But, um, I don't
know, it... it...

- There's something missing.

Perhaps just a
touch more pepper.

- What do you think, Nancy?
- Too much pepper.

Definitely too
much pepper, Henri.

Not enough pepper,
too much pepper.

Not enough, too
much! Not enough!


-Know what? -What?

You're a perfect daddy.

say it isn't a b*mb?

Well, not exactly,
Dr. Watson, uh...

A b*mb would bring
Moriarty and his men

swarming down on
us like a SWAT squad.

-SWAT squad? -LANSING: Mm.

These Americans and
their slang expressions.

Not exactly a b*mb?
A b*mb is a b*mb.

Uh, Dr. Watson, you
better step back over there.

This is apt to get
just a little bit warm.


I hope he knows what he's doing.

We shall soon see,
my dear Watson.



Incinerator device.
Not a b*mb at all.


It's a little trick the
commandos used in France

during World w*r II.

Mr. Lansing, the more I get to
know you, the less I know you.

World w*r I, World
w*r II? Rubbish!


Well, Mr. Holmes,
Dr. Watson, let's go.

You hurry along,
Mr. Lansing, I must stay here

with my old friend
till you summon help.

God speed.


Oh. You couldn't
have pulled that off

any better yourself, Holmes.

Rather reminds me of you
and your resourcefulness.

-[CHUCKLES] -My dear Watson...

I must agree.

MAN: Hurry up, it's your move.

Your move.

Mr. Lansing, over here.

How on earth did you
escape from that dungeon?

I'm Superman, didn't you know?

And right now, I'm
looking for my phone booth.

Superman? Phone booth?

You act a bit odd, Mr. Lansing.

So do you, Miss
Heavenly. So do you.

Tell me, what is
your real thing?

I'm working for
Inspector Lestrade.

I'm trying to find out

what Dr. Collingwood's
diabolical scheme is all about.

Just as Sherlock
Holmes is, or was.

Oh, yeah?

Then why didn't
you help us escape?

The doctor is
already suspicious.

-You mean Moriarty? -Yes.

Moriarty is suspicious of me.

I haven't learned
what his scheme is yet,

and if I tried to
help you, well...

You'd have blown your cover.


- My cover?
- Forget it, forget it. Look...

how do I know I can believe you?


I believe, I believe.

I know what Moriarty's plot is.

And I've got to
contact Lestrade.


Good hunting, Superman.





Boss, this is Dr. Randolph,
Mrs. Warner's family doctor.

Yes, I know, Tattoo.

I asked him here
from the mainland.

- Thank you for coming, Doctor.
- Not at all.

I only wish I'd brought
you some good news.

Is Nancy sick?

I don't think it's
Nancy, Tattoo.

I think it's her mother.

-Am I right, Doctor? -Yes.

- Is it serious?
- It's very serious, I'm afraid.

She doesn't have
much longer to live.


LESTRADE: Ah! There's
the Fox and Hounds Pub.

That's where Moriarty
and the Archduke

are to have their
secret meeting.

Oh! Well!


- LANSING: Inspector Lestrade?
- LESTRADE: Kevin Lansing, I presume?

That's right, sir. Uh,

Professor Moriarty
should be in the pub here

and, uh, I can just bet he's
got his henchmen with him.

Oh, don't worry,
I can handle it.

You just point him out to me.

Anything you say, sir.

Let's get about it, men.

You two cover the
front entrance here.

The other two, around the rear.



- Do you see him?
- No, not yet I don't.


Wait a minute, that's him there.

The sailor type with a beard.
That's Moriarty in disguise.

We're in luck! The
Archduke hasn't arrived, yet.




I'm Inspector Lestrade
from Scotland Yard.

I'm afraid, you're
under arrest, sir.

On what charge, Inspector?

Possession of secret
military documents.

I must search you,
Professor Moriarty.


I'm afraid you've
made an idiotic mistake.




- Lestrade, are you all right?

Moriarty's given us the slip.

LANSING: Yes, he's
famous for that. [SIGHS]

I'm afraid he's on his
way to the sanatorium

to waste Holmes once and
for all. Possibly Watson, too.

We haven't a moment to lose.

-Let's go, Lestrade. -Yes!

TATTOO: Boss, Dr. Randolph.

Ah, Dr. Randolph.
Please, come in.

- Have a seat, won't you?
- No, thank you.

I'm only going to
stay for a minute.

- May I ask you a favor, please?
- Certainly, Dr. Randolph.

Would it be all right
if I used the facilities

- on the island hospital?
- Oh, by all means, Doctor.

- Thank you.
- How is Mrs. Warner doing?

What can I say? I'm going
to run some tests anyway.

It's a shame.

She's a wonderful
lady, isn't she?

Yes, she is, Doctor.

Mr. Roarke, I feel I must tell you,

I know that you're
not Nancy's father.

You see, I knew her real father.

I also knew that
he ran out on Fran

before Nancy was born.

Boss, you went along with it
for the sake of the little girl?

Yes, Tattoo.

You see, coming
here to meet her father

was very important to her.

So how are you going
to tell her the truth?

I just have to wait for
the right time, Doctor.

Mr. Roarke, for whatever
it's worth, I admire

what you're trying to do
for Nancy and her mother.

There's nothing
to admire, Doctor.

And I would appreciate

if you kept this
matter confidential,

at least for the time being.

-Yes, of course. -Thank you.

Tattoo, have you seen
Nancy? I can't find her anywhere.

Hello, Fran.

What are you doing here?

Mr. Roarke sent for me.

Did you tell him?

You had no right to tell him.

I suppose he's known all along.

What do you mean, Nancy is gone?

Just that, I looked for
her and I can't find her.

I thought she might be with you.

Please don't worry, Mrs. Warner.
She couldn't have gone very far.

But she's not the type
to wander off by herself.

I know. Tattoo, I want
every available member

of the staff to start
searching for her at once.

Right, boss. Excuse
me, excuse me.

ROARKE: Please.



Now, I want you
to look everywhere.

ROARKE: Uh, Tattoo,
have them spread out

and take the other
side of the island.

All right, boss.
Follow me, follow me.

ROARKE: Uh, this
way, Mrs. Warner.

We should have found her by now.

And we will find
her, Mrs. Warner.

-You must believe that. -Nancy?


TATTOO: Nancy! Nancy!

If anything's happened to her,

I don't know what
I'm going to do.



TATTOO: Nancy, where are you?





I think I hear something.
Nancy, where are you?

Nancy, honey, where are you?

Mommy, here I am,
here I am! [PANTS]

Mommy, I'm here! Over here!

Oh, Nancy, sweetheart!

[SIGHS] Oh, darling, darling!

I was so afraid.

I know, sweetheart.
It's all right now.

Well, what happened,
huh? How did you get lost?

I heard him talking.

He said he really
wasn't my father.

You lied to me.

-Oh, no, Nancy. -[NANCY SOBBING]

No, I didn't lie to you.

I never actually said I
was your father, did I?

And if I didn't say anything,

it was only because I
thought it made you happy.

But she lied to me.


Why, Mommy? Why did you lie?

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I guess, I...

I thought there wouldn't
be a better person

to be your daddy than Mr. Roarke

or a better place to
live than Fantasy Island.

But I was happy with
you just the way we were.

And I was happy with you.

I've got to tell her.

No, please don't. Please.

Nancy, listen to me, will you?

I have a goddaughter,
her name is Julie.

She's a lovely young lady.

I'm sure you'd
like her very much.

And do you know what
she would like very much?

Very, very much?

A little sister.

Someone exactly like you.

Then I could be your
goddaughter, too?

Of course.

Did you hear that, Mommy?

Then I would not
only have a daddy,

but a big sister, too.

FRAN: Mm-hmm.

-[NANCY SNIFFLES] -Yes, I heard.



LANSING: Hurry, driver, hurry!
There's not a moment to lose!



MAN: Hurry up, your move.

It's locked. Gore, the door.

LESTRADE: Investigate that, men.

Go on.

MAN: Your move.

Which way did they go?

POLICEMAN: Surrender,
Moriarty. We've got you!


LESTRADE: Splendid work,
chaps. [LAUGHS] Well done.

By Jove, Holmes, I
didn't think he could do it,

but that Lansing fellow
did it. He saved your life.

That's an astute
observation, my dear Watson.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, yes, come, come.

Miss Heavenly,
you wait right here.

I'll see where that door leads.

Will we see each other again?

Well, of course,
I... I'll be right back.


I wish...


I wish you wouldn't go.

We have to get
out of here, right?

[SIGHS] Oh, I suppose so.

I guess you're right. Go on.

Anyone ever tell you...

you're beautiful?

Not recently.

Well, you are.

Now, don't go away.

I'll be waiting for
you, supersleuth.


LANSING: The chess player?

Oh, it was you?

Yes, Mr. Lansing.

I thought that even a
Sherlock Holmes helper

might need a
little help himself.

And I congratulate you
on saving the master sleuth.

And those perpetuating,
the Sherlock Holmes legend.

Uh, what about Miss Heavenly?

She's waiting for me
just outside the door there.

I'm sorry, Mr. Lansing,

Miss Heavenly lived in
another time and place.

She existed only
in your own fantasy,

which is now
concluded. I'm sorry.



Ah, Mr. Roarke, I want
to thank you for creating

such a delightful
experience for me, but, uh...

But what, Mr. Lansing?


- LANSING: That's Miss Heavenly!
- ROARKE: Oh, no.

No, Mr. Lansing, that
lady is Miss James.

She's here to fulfill
her own fantasy.

But, oddly enough,
she is employed

in the same
department store as you.

I wouldn't be surprised if
the two of you should meet

in the coffee shop one
day in the near future.

Now your job at the
store won't be so dull.

[CHUCKLES] That's right.


- Thank you again, Mr. Roarke.
- Good-bye, Mr. Lansing.

-Good-bye. -Bye.



♪ Not last night But
the night before ♪

♪ Twenty-four robbers
Came knocking at my door ♪

♪ As I ran out They ran in ♪

- Mrs. Warner.
- Oh, Mr. Roarke and Tattoo,

I wanted to come
and see you later

and thank you both for
everything you've done

for Nancy and me.
And to apologize again

for all the embarrassment
I've caused you.

There is no need to
apologize, Mrs. Warner.

Everything you did was
out of love for your child.

-Tell her, boss. -Very well.

Mrs. Warner, I just
left Dr. Randolph.

And he is very excited

about the results
of your latest tests.

- What do you mean?
- It seems there are signs

of significant
remission in your illness.

Although there
are no guarantees,

Dr. Randolph feels that in time,
you stand an excellent chance

of complete recovery.

I... I can't believe it! Uh...

I'm so happy now
I didn't tell Nancy

about my... my illness.

You know, I rather enjoy
being Nancy's father.

I'm going to miss
her when she leaves.

In fact...

I will miss you
both, Mrs. Warner.

I'll miss you, too.

Oh, you're both so
sweet to say that, I...

Well. Well, would you excuse me

before I begin to


Where's my daily hug, huh?

[SOBS] Oh.

Never have I been more pleased
with the outcome of a fantasy.

[INHALES] Give me a kiss.

It's beautiful.

