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05x14 - Daddy's Little Girl" / "The Whistle

Posted: 05/04/23 06:30
by bunniefuu



The plane! The plane!



-Bye-bye. -CHILDREN: Bye.


JULIE: Mr. Roarke?

- Ah, good morning, Julie.
- Good morning, Mr. Roarke.

Where's Tattoo?

Well, it seems that one of
our guests, a CPR instructor,

has asked Tattoo's
assistance in setting up a class.

-Oh. -Yes.

There is the instructor now.

I'll bet she's big on
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


JULIE: Let me guess.

ROARKE: All right. Go ahead.

JULIE: He's a school teacher.

ROARKE: Very good, Julie.

And he wants to bring
his fifth-grade class

here to Fantasy
Island on a field trip.

Very wrong, Julie.

Mr. Adrian Brilles

is a college professor
of archaeology,

who feels he has missed
out on the mainstream of life,

with all its challenges,
dangers, and excitement.

JULIE: So, what is his fantasy?

Mr. Briles' fantasy is
to make some discovery

that will assure him
worldwide recognition

and fame in his
profession at any cost,

even though it may mean

facing a terror he has
never known before.

JULIE: How could anyone
that cheerful need us?

ROARKE: Miss Christa
Ackland is happy, my dear Julie,

because she has come
here to get married.

Oh! Is that her fantasy?

No. No, her fantasy
is to have the father

she has never
known give her away.

And you found him for her?

Unfortunately she doesn't
even know who her father is.

She has never seen him, you see.

- JULIE: How will she know him?

When the time is propitious,

she will know
him, my dear, Julie.

Oh, yes, she will know him.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island!


ROARKE: Mr. Briles,

and you are willing to
forsake what you have for...

the unknown, even
if it is terrifying?

Anything, rather than live out
my life as a mediocre nobody.


I believe this, uh,
ancient stone whistle

will interest you, Mr. Briles.

It is said the whistle
has great powers,

possibly even evil powers.

Markings are similar to
Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Yes, and no one has
ever translated them.

Hmm, Julie's correct.

If you can decipher
those markings,

you will have accomplished
something no other scientist

has ever been able to do.


I warn you once more,

the path you must follow is

terrifying, beyond
your conception.

If you wish to continue,

your fantasy will take place
on an island not far from here,

where legend has it that
time has seemingly stopped.

You will find a
strange village there,

a ghost town, if you will,

haunted by a constant
wind and swirling dust

that has changed
it into a wasteland.

A Miss Leila Proctor

went there some months
ago and hasn't returned.

I'm very concerned about her.

Look for her, Mr. Briles.

She may be able to help you.

But, of course, the
decision is yours.

All you're doing, Mr. Roarke,

is making me
eager to get started.

Where do I begin?

Very well.

I believe Julie has
made arrangements

for your short passage.

I wish you...

success, Mr. Briles.

Thank you.


CHRISTA: My mother was a nurse,

in a hospital in
the Philippines.

MR. ROARKE: I see.

And all these years

I've always thought
that Daddy...

I mean Bill was my real father.

Well, what made you
change your mind?


I was in our attic one day,

looking for Mom's wedding veil,

and I found some old letters.

Uh, well, it didn't take
a genius to figure out

that my mom was
already pregnant with me

when she came back
to the States and met Bill.

Why do you say that?

According to the letters

my real father was
in the Philippines

when my mother was there.

Please, can't you see
how important it is for me

to have my real
father give me away?

What about the
father that raised you?

Well, he was always
very good to me.

He's kind and understanding,

but I need to know
my real father.

Can you understand that?

Many things must have
happened in all those years.

Don't you think
your natural father

would have tried to contact
you if he had wanted it that way?

How do I know that he hasn't?

Yes, I see what you
mean. [INHALES]

Well, perhaps I
can put you in touch

with someone who
knew him in years past.

Do that, Mr. Roarke.
I'll do the rest, I promise.

Very well, Miss
Ackland. Very well.

Will you come with me?


No, really, I can't figure
out how those tickets

got on my seat of
the station wagon.

I found the tickets on my
desk when I got to work.

The weird part about it was,

the office was
closed at the time.

So mine were in my golf
bag. But let's not knock it.

What it all adds up to
are freebies in paradise!

-[LAUGHING] -Listen,
maybe somebody knew

you were all pals
in the old days, huh?

-[LAUGHING] -Could be.

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention,


- May I have your attention?

Thank you very much.

First of all, please,

forgive me for
interrupting your festivities,

but uh, this young lady has
an announcement to make

that I think you
will find interesting.


My name is Christa Ackland.

Um, my mother was a nurse

stationed in the Philippines
nearly twenty years ago.

Her name is Ellie,

and her maiden name is Brandon.

She fell in love with
a man she met there,

and then she was

suddenly transferred
back to the States.

She never saw the man again.


That man is my real father.

Did you arrange
for him to be here?

The word "arrange"

has a multitude of
definitions, my dear, Julie.

CHRISTA: I'm hoping desperately
that he's here in this room,

and that he wants to meet me
as much as I want to meet him.

And most of all,

that he will give me away
at my wedding tonight.


Even if he's here, it's
possible that he's married.

Then how will I ever know?

Have faith.

If he is here,

he'll find a way of
making himself known.



Uh, my guess is you don't
get a lot of visitors, right?

Had one about a year ago.

Uppity little thing.

She thought she was
better than common folk...

Now, now, Mrs. Abbott.

Just passing through?

You're as nosey as she is.

Can't go pestering this
gentleman with questions.

Might be looking to invest.

Start up a little business.

I'm afraid not. I'm a scientist.

An archaeologist.

Sort of on a field trip.

Well then, before you move on,

you might want to take a
look at our local museum,

just around the corner there.

Museum? Are you joking?

Not hardly.

Other than dying, might say
it's our best going business.

Sort of the last gasp.

I'll take a look at it. Thanks.



LEILA: No one's ever been
able to decipher the tablet.

I'm Leila Proctor.

I guess you could call
me the curator here.

Oh, this is lucky.

Mr. Roarke said you
came here a year ago

and you could help
me. I'm Adrian Brilles.


Do you know where
this came from?

No one's sure. They
think ancient Samaria.

- Is it important to know that?
- Well, not exactly, no. But, uh,

how it ended up on
this island is a mystery.

If it's what I think it is,

it's more important than
you could ever dream.

-Why? -If I'm right,

and I think I am, this
tablet could be as important

as the Rosetta Stone
was to the breaking

of the Egyptian
hieroglyphic code.

It could unlock

whole new doors to
the mysteries of the past.

That's gonna take a lot of
time and a lot of concentration.

Could I work here?

I'll pay you whatever you want.

Of course you can work
here. I think it's wonderful.

You must work here.

Oh, now you're talking,
Miss Leila Proctor, curator!

We're gonna put your museum

on the map of
the scientific world.


BURT: Miss Ackland?

Hi. I'm Burt Wilson.

I was in the Philippines the
same time as your mother.

Did you know her?

Oh, yes, I knew her.


I'm your father.


I don't know what my
wife will say if she finds out.


Let's hope that she understands.


way back,

when I knew your mother,

we had something very special.

When she left, we didn't know
there was a baby on the way,

and we sort of
got out of contact.

Later on, I found
out she got married.

That doesn't matter.

I'm just so happy
to have found you.

I want to know so
much about you!

Everything, in fact!

Well, it's a long story.
I don't... [LAUGHING]

What should I call you?

Dad? Father? Uh, Pop?

-[LAUGHING] -Your choice.

Whatever you wish.

I know I'm rushing
things a bit, but uh...

But I'm getting married tonight.

I know.

Would you give me away?


mean, only if you can work

things out with your wife.


Of course I will.
Of course I will!


Mr. Roarke?

Mr. Roarke, you were right!

He contacted me! I
finally met my real father!

Oh, how very nice, Miss Ackland.

I'll never know how to thank you

for making it possible.

Well, are you quite certain it
was I who made it possible?

Who else could it have been?

How would you like
to accompany me

to the plane dock
to meet your parents

and your fiancé?

Oh, Mr. Roarke, uh...

I need some time to think.


Well, you see,
I'm not quite sure

how to tell mother and Bill.

Perhaps you should have
taken that into consideration

before you began your fantasy.

I suppose I just didn't
want to face up to it.



He brought the whistle.

Are you sure about
that? Is it the whistle?

I saw it, Mr. Stone. Yes, it is.

At last, at last, it shall
be as it was decreed.

How long will it take
him to do the work, girl?

MAN: Don't get in
a tizzy, old woman.

- It takes as long as it takes!
- MAN : Be quiet.

The important thing
is that our visitor

is not distracted from his work.

That he stays here
until he finishes it.

Your blood is
eternally hot, my dear,

should he need
incentive to stay.


He'll stay,

if it takes the last
ounce of strength and life

in Leila's body.



There's something
wrong with my eyes.

Maybe I've been
squinting too much,

and there's a
glare off the street.

Is something wrong?

Just leave, Adrian!
Get out of this place!

Oh, come on. Why should
I? What's happened?

ask questions, please!

Just go as fast as you can!

What? Just like that,
I'm gonna walk away

from what I've been
looking for all my life?


Leila! Leila, stop
it! What's wrong?

I don't know.


I was just afraid
you were tired.

Maybe there's a
curse on the tablet.

[SCOFFS] A curse?

You're not serious.

Too serious, I guess.

You see, I'm so lonely here.

And you walked
through that door.

I just don't want anything
to happen to you, because...


-[CHUCKLES] -Uh, Miss Ackland?

I'm Al Bond.

I knew your mother.


Well, I'm sure my mother's
gonna be pleased to see

some of her old friends again.

I knew your mother, real well.

What I'm trying to say is,

I'm the man you're looking for.

I'm him.

I'm your father.

Hey, look, he finally got here.


I thought we were
supposed to meet for a drink.

Sorry, boys. I got sidetracked.

Well, we could pick up the
ladies and go sightseeing.

-AL: Why not? -Why not?

Uh, I think my knee's
acting up again.

Looks like maybe I'd
better take a rain check.

Okay. Well, why don't we meet
back here for mai tai's later?

-Great. Later on. -Yeah.




Excuse me?

Well, you got your
mother's eyes and her walk.

And the way you hold your head.

You turn back the
clock, you could be her.

Excuse me, sir, but who are you?

You're looking at
your long-lost father.

I, uh, thought
finding me would be

very important to you.

This is terrible.

I wish I'd never
come here at all!


"One at sunset, one between,

one at middle night.

First for giving,

then for, for taking,

the last for she who waits.

Blow and wish and we will come."

I've done it.

I've done it.


I don't know why
you're here, Mr. Roarke,

but you're right on cue.

Then the tablet in the museum
provided the key you sought?


You knew it was there all along?

I suspected it was, Mr. Briles.

The question is,
what will you do now?

Well, I've deciphered the
markings on the whistle.

Now, I solve its secret.

"One at sunset, one
between, one at middle night.

First for giving,
then for taking,

last for she who waits.

Blow and wish and we will come."

You knew what it
said all the time?

Oh, yes, Mr. Briles.

But the thrill of discovery,

the admiration of your peers,

the reward of fame
will be all yours.

Well, you did find the tablet,

and you did
decipher its meaning.

You're right, I did.

Then is that enough, Mr. Briles?

Do you wish to
terminate your fantasy

-and return with me now? -No.

I mean, I've met someone.

Someone very special.

And besides that,
there's, there's my work.

I mean, it's not finished yet.

I don't know how I
know that, but I do.

Then it's your desire
and your choice to stay?

Yes, I must, Mr. Roarke.

So be it.

Should there come a
moment of great doubt

and fear,

remember this,

the third wish can save
you and all that you love.

Only the third wish is final.

Good luck, Mr. Briles.


Terribly sorry to be late.
No, please, please sit down.

- It's been a very busy day.
- Oh, we understand that.

When do we get a
chance to see Christa?

Oh, I'm sure she'll
be along any minute.

She's quite anxious to
speak to you about a...

A rather delicate development.

What do you mean?

Well, it seems Christa
discovered some...

old letters in her attic.

-Letters? -Yes.

Yes, I think I know the letters

Mr. Roarke is referring to.

Mr. Roarke, you
must understand that

Ellie and I have always felt
we were doing the right thing

by not telling Christa
the truth about her father.

Of course.

Which father?

Or hasn't Mom filled you
in on all the gory details?


There seems to be an
over-abundance of fathers.

And no bride to give away!

Can't you tell me
what's going on here?

Mr. Sidney,

I believe this is a matter
for her mother to resolve.

-[DOOR OPENS] -Mr. Roarke?

Mr. Roarke?

Something is going on here

that I just don't understand!

Julie, may I suggest that
you calm down, please?

-[SIGHS] Okay. -Thank you.

It's about the dinner jacket
for the father of the bride.


The tailor is literally
pulling his hair out.

So far three fathers
have shown up to be fitted.

Three fathers! It's,
well, it's impossible!

What do I tell the tailor,
about the fittings, I mean?

Julie, this is one decision

I am going to allow you to
make all on your very own.

-You are? -Absolutely.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- You're welcome.

Why am I thanking you?



Hurry, my love.

The sun's almost down.


That, that does it.

MAN : It's nearly time.

What are they doing here?

They came to witness
your triumph, darling.

They're here as witnesses.

Of course.

Of course. That's
a damn good idea.

I'm feeling kind of
feverish. [STUTTERING]

It's too much
excitement, I guess.

We... I understand.


- One at sunset.
- First for giving.

Giving? My God,
what does it mean?

You remember the legends?

The ancient rituals,

they began by
placating the deities,

an act of kindness,
gestures of unselfishness.

Yes, but what? Help me, Leila.

Of course.

Our witnesseses, Adrian.
Look at these poor people.

Time has passed them by
and left them in this place.

They've been cursed.
They've lost everything.

Wish that they'd be
restored to what they were.


Blow and wish.


Wish! Make the wish!

May these people be
restored to what they were.

I so wish.


ELLIE: He deserves
some kind of explanation.

Christa, talk to me.

Mother, what am I
supposed to tell him?

That, in addition to the man

who's pretended to
be my father for years,

that I also have
three other fathers?

You have only one father, Bill.

Please, Mother, I am not stupid!

I know that you were pregnant

when you came
back to the States.

Now, just, just
try for one minute

to look at it from
my point of view.

I was only one year older
than you are right this minute,

and I was thousands
of miles away from home

and very lonely.

[SOFTLY] You must have been.

You had an affair with every
man I bumped into this morning.

That is not true!

There was only
one, your real father.

But I think I know who
those three men are

you met here.

There were four of
them, including Frank.

That was your
father's real name.

They were in the
same flying squadron.

They even went through
basic training together.

They were friends.

But Frank was special.

We were very much in love,
and we planned to get married.

But before that could happen,

his plane was sh*t
down and he was k*lled.

Then why would those other
men say that they were my father?

Perhaps because of the
kind of friendship that develops

between men during a w*r,

when they face death
together every day.

that true, gentlemen?

AL: That's right.

ALL: Hi, Ellie.

Oh, Al, Burt, Gene! Oh...

He bailed us out
of a rough situation.

None of us would
have been alive today

if it hadn't been for him.

That's right.

So when you said
you wanted a father,

you couldn't have
known the truth,

else you wouldn't have
asked for him to give you away.

But who can tell a
bride on her wedding day

that her real father is dead?

GENE: Any of us would
have done anything for Frank

and your mother.

And you offered us the chance
to pay him back a little bit.

And we were glad for the chance.

BURT: We're just sorry we
messed up the whole thing.

That's right, we are.

You see, when I first came
back to the United States

and met Bill,

he asked me to marry him.

I told him the whole story,
even about the pregnancy.

But he wanted to
marry me anyway.

At first things were
a little bit rough.

But then you were born.

And from the very first moment

that they put you into his arms,

he's called you
daddy's little girl.

And you've been daddy's
little girl ever since.

Mom, I'm sorry.

Can you forgive me for
the terrible things I said?

Oh, honey, it doesn't
matter, not now.

Well, I can't stand
here blubbering.

I've got a wedding to plan.

-Come on, guys. -[ALL LAUGHING]

-Mom? -Hmm?

I love you.

Oh, I love you, too.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, come on.


- Don't tell me I fainted.

All right, I won't.

I had...

I had an awful dream.

The midpoint between
sunset and middle night, : ,

that's when I have to
make the second wish.

Don't make it, Adrian, please.

Who are you really, Leila?

One time you're like this,
you're young and innocent

and sweet, and then...

[SIGHS] You can
still save yourself.

You can leave. Please.

No, I can't leave.

I thought it was my work,
but it's more than that.

It has to do with love.

It has to do with you, Leila.


I've been a fool.

I always thought that...

reading a paper about
my great discovery at a...

scientific convention and...

and hearing the bravos
of dry and dusty old men

would fill the rest of my life

with all the pleasure
I could want.

And wouldn't it?

Not since I've met you.

I actually got caught
up in this insanity.

My God, what a
man's ego will do.

There's nothing wrong
with getting what you want.

With taking what's
offered to you.

You're so... I don't understand,

you're so different.

Which Leila is the real one?

Blow the whistle, Adrian.

Make the second
wish, the wish for taking.

But you just asked me not to.

Blow the whistle, Adrian.



May all I want be
granted, I so wish.

May all I want be granted...

I so wish.


Mr. Adrian Briles...

I am Adrian Briles.

Scientist, archaeologist,
seeker of the truth.

For your work in decoding
the tablets of Samaria,

and opening a door
to an unknown world,

it is our pleasure

to present to you this medal.

And to elect you to
membership as Lauriat of Honor.

You accept this honor?

-I so accept. -[GIRLS GIGGLING]


now I have everything!

Everything, Mr. Briles?

It is my wish...
I want her, too.

I'm sorry, Mr. Briles,

but that is she who waits.

She is the third wish.

I must have her!


[FIRMLY] I must!

I must have her!



Come in.

-Hi, Daddy. -Well...

Shouldn't the bride be, uh...

getting dressed just about now?

I wanted to talk to
you for a few minutes.

Nervous, huh?

-A little. -[BOTH CHUCKLES]

I talked to Mom...

and she told me everything.



I hope that you

can forgive me, Christa.

I should have told
you a long time ago.

As soon as you became
old enough to understand.

There's nothing to forgive.

You had every right...

to know that I am
not your real father.

Oh, Daddy...

What is a real father?

Isn't he someone who
loves and protects you?

The person who bought
you your first doll?

Someone who's caring,
and understanding,

and somebody who's always
there when you need them.

[SOBS] You are my real father.

You always were,
and you always will be.

[WEEPING] I love you, Daddy.


[SIGHS] I told daddy
I wasn't nervous.

Now I'm not so sure.

Well, a bride has the
right to be nervous.

-Do I look okay? -Oh...

You look very lovely.


I think that's our cue.


Who gives this woman

to enter into the holy
bonds of matrimony?

I do.

PRIEST: For as much as these
two persons have come hither

to be made one
in this holy estate,

if there be any here present
who knows of any just cause

why they may not lawfully
be joined in marriage,

I require him now
to make it known,

or ever after to hold his peace.


LEILA: You know the
power of the whistle, Adrian.

You've experienced
its ancient mysteries.

You shared in its promises.

Hallucinations! Nightmares!

I can't accept
any of it as reality!

Not even me?

Yes, you're real, but only...

part of you is real.

I can't explain it. [STAMMERS]
I don't understand it.

Listen to me.

Everything that you've
experienced is real.

It's only a reflection
of what is to come.

It's just a glimpse
into the future.


In a few minutes
it'll be middle night.

You only have to
make the third wish,

along with the other two wishes.

All will come true,
all in an instant.

And the townspeople restored.

- Yes.
- My success, my recognition?

Yes, yes.

And the third wish,

for she who waits.

For she who waits.

Blow and wish,

and we shall come.

Yes, yes, Adrian.


Blow and wish and we will come.

It is nearly
middle night, Leila.

Blow the whistle, Adrian.

Blow the whistle, Adrian!


Blow the whistle, Adrian.


- Make the wish, Adrian.
- Yes, Adrian.

Wish for she who
waits and we will come.

Make the wish, my love,

and we will be together always.

MAN : Yes, make the wish.

- MR. STONE: Make the wish.
- MRS. ABBOTT: Make the wish.

- MR. STONE: Make the wish.
- MAN : Make the wish.

Make the wish, my love,
and we'll be together always.

Make the wish!

-Hurry. -Make the wish!

-Make it. -[LAUGHING]

Make the wish, Adrian!
Make the wish, Adrian!

ALL: [CHANTING] Make the wish!


ALL: [CHANTING] Make the wish.

Make the wish.

ALL: [CHANTING] Make the wish!

third wish can save you

and all that you love.
Only the third wish is final.

Make the wish!

This is my third wish...

Oh, yes.

That my first two wishes

never come true!


I'm free!

She or whatever it was is gone.

The real Leila?


The power, the possession,

that terrible
creature is all gone.

Oh, Adrian,

since the first day I walked
through that door a year ago,

I'm just me.


What would have happened
to me if you hadn't come here?



It was Mr. Roarke
who sent me, darling.

But I'll be more than
willing to take full credit.


Oh, um...

Would you mind going on
ahead and checking the luggage?

I want to talk to
Mr. Roarke for a minute.

Sure, honey.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- You're very welcome, sir.

-Bye, Julie. -Bye-bye.

The wedding was
just lovely, Christa.


Thanks to Mr. Roarke and you.

I'm just glad your father
brought his own morning coat.


It would appear your
fantasy didn't turn out

quite as you had
anticipated, huh?

I arrived here thinking
that I didn't know my father.

And I realize now that I
know him more than ever.

I'd better hurry.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

-Bye-bye. -Bye.


Everything is
wonderful, Mr. Roarke.

Thank you so much,
especially for Adrian.

Do you regret losing
the fame and recognition

you sought, Mr. Briles?

Are you kidding? [CHUCKLES]

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Thank you.

You're very welcome, Mr. Briles.

-Miss Proctor. -Bye-bye.

-Goodbye. -Bye-bye.

