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05x13 - King Arthur in Mr. Roarke's Court" / "Shadow Games

Posted: 05/04/23 06:30
by bunniefuu



The plane! The plane!





- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.


- Good morning, Mr. Roarke.
- Good morning, Julie.

-Tattoo. -Good morning, Julie.

Going on a picnic?

Not exactly.

Julie, do you recall
a few weeks ago

when I asked you to take
care of a certain intruder

the chef found in the
kitchen? Remember?

And he asked you
to find a nice family.

Because you neglected
to fulfill that duty,

it would appear that you
now have, not only the mother,

but four more intruders

to find homes for.

Now, will you see to it,

my dear Julie?



JULIE: How cute!

Smiles, everyone.



know that lady, boss.

She's Sarah Jean Rollins.

MR. ROARKE: Quite right, Tattoo.

TATTOO: Who is
that man with her?

manager, Mr. Sam Treacher.

Ms. Rollins traveled the
country-western circuit

for some years with a
very gifted young guitarist.

They were very much in love.

His name was Billy Williams.

Hmm, I remember him.

He died in an
automobile accident.

MR. ROARKE: Yes, Tattoo.

And now she's here
to record a new song

that both she and her manager

feel will be her biggest hit.

Ms. Rollins' fantasy

is to have Billy Williams
accompany her on the guitar

at her recording session.

But, boss, how can he?

After all, he's dead.

TATTOO: Who is that, boss?

I hope he didn't come here
to bury his nose in the book.

Hardly, Tattoo.

Mr. Ralph Rogers is
an English history buff.

And that book happens to be

Mark Twain's A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

TATTOO: I get it, boss.
He wants to visit Camelot.

Close, but more precisely,
Mr. Rogers's fantasy

is to meet in
person the legendary

King Arthur himself.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.



SAM: Now, look, I believe
this whole business...

Sarah Jean coming here
expecting Billy Williams,

a dead man, to be playing

at her recording session, is
just a whole lot of bologna.

Sam, don't.

It's my dream.

It's all I have to hold on to.

Now, Sarah Jean, I
just don't think it's right,

him leading you on like this.

I am curious, uh, Mr. Treacher,

please forgive me,

but which concerns
you the most...

Ms. Rollins' personal feelings

or your own
financial enrichment?

Now, you look here, Mr. Roarke.

Sam, please!

Mr. Roarke,

now that I am here,

what am I supposed to do now?


Do you have any
questions, Ms. Rollins?

Can you really make
it happen, Mr. Roarke?

I can make it possible
for Billy Williams

to accompany you at
your recording session.

But you must
listen very carefully

to what I have to say.

It is of great importance.

You must believe,
deep within yourself,

that your fantasy
will come true.

That is the only way I
can make it possible.

I'll try real hard, Mr. Roarke.

Very well.

Then, uh, please
proceed with your plans.

And keep that faith
firmly in your heart, huh?


MR. ROARKE: I certainly
hope your expectations

are fully realized, Mr. Rogers.

And now, will you join
us on the terrace, please?

You are, of course, familiar

with the legend of
Arthur's magic sword,

-Excalibur? -Oh, yes, of course.

Uh, he...

He pulled Excalibur
from a stone.

A feat no one else
could accomplish,

and he became
King of all England.

Precisely. Tattoo.

You recognize it?


Yes, Mr. Rogers,
it is Excalibur.

And if you can draw
it from that stone,

your fantasy will begin.




I'm in Camelot!

What happened?

Merlin, you muddle head.

What have you done now?

-Uh-oh, boss. -Shh.

What manner of sorcery is this?

Who are you?

Who dares to touch my sword?

here you are. I, uh...

What happened? I was
there. I saw Camelot.

All of a sudden
I'm back... With him.

I'm sorry.

Somehow the
polarity reversed itself.


But no harm done.

Your fantasy is, after all,

to meet King Arthur,
and here he is.


Your Majesty, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

I am Arthur, King
of all England!

I have no time to dally.

I have scheduled a
meeting of the Round Table,

and that cursed Lancelot will be
romancing Guinevere, my queen.

I'm afraid it's all my fault.

But knowing how
things turned out,

I think you'd be
better off here.

I am better off when I am
where I wish to be, knave.

Stand aside.

I will find a horse

to take me from your
island back to Camelot!


isn't what I wanted.

See, I was thinking of
knights and ladies and...

And Camelot.

Your fantasy was to meet King
Arthur, and you have done so.

Okay. Can we start over?

May I point out that,

until I can return
him to his Camelot,

his safety is your

Now, I would suggest you
get started immediately.

My responsibility.



-[GASPS] -Oh!

Are you all right?

Well, I don't know.

There was weird music
coming from I don't know where.

Like someone was
trying to scare me.

Well, whoever did it
is probably gone now.


You're Sarah Jean
Rollins, aren't you?

Now, how would you know?

I think I'd know you anywhere.

They told at Mr. Roarke's
office that I'd find you here.

My name is Todd Porter.

You see, I have all
your records, and...

I play them all the time.

Nobody in the world sings
better than you do, Ms. Rollins.

That's mighty
sweet of you to say.

[LAUGHS] Heck, you ought
to be president of my fan club.

It's all right with me.

Maybe we could...

I don't know, maybe
we could get together

and talk about it or something.

You're welcome to
call me later, if you like.

-Do you mean it? -Sure.

I'm in the lilac bungalow.

All right.

I'll see you later then.



What's that?

MAN: It's a guy in
a tin suit on a horse.

I know that. Tell him
to get out of the way!

Hey, Sir Lancelot, move over!

- We're coming through.
- Lancelot?

So, you would jest with
cuckoldry, would you?

Prepare yourselves and
your strange mount for battle.

You have insulted
Arthur, King of all England.





I'll get you!


I'll order out my knights!

Come on! Tsk, tsk, tsk!


Young Ralph.

Have those miscreants skewered.


Uh, Your Majesty, you've
got to get it through your head,

this is the th
century, and we don't...

We... We just
don't go around, uh,

skewering people.

Twentieth century?

Are you mad?

Yes, of course you are.

You are in the future,

and this is a place
called Fantasy Island.

And you're here through
some kind of, um...

Uh, magic.

If what you say is true...

And, against all judgment,
my senses confirm your words...

Oh! Lancelot.

Curse your amorous instincts.

You have connived with
Merlin to my undoing.

Why don't we go
to a bar, and, uh...

Um, uh... A tavern?

And wash the dust
from out of our...


The mud from
off our faces and...

For the first time, young Ralph,

your words make sense.


-Away we go. -Move on!

SARAH: Sam, who is going
to accompany me at rehearsal?

Oh, I shall, Ms. Rollins.

That is, if you
have no objection.

Yeah, I said it
would be all right.

My boss is an excellent maestro.

He used to give recitals.

Now, Tattoo, please.

-There you go. -Ah, thank you.

Shadow Games.

Oh, that's a lovely title.


♪ I touched ♪

♪ The pillow nestled
where he lay ♪

♪ Called his name
and echoes came ♪

♪ I knew that he had gone ♪





His face... It was horrible.

Mr. Roarke, who was that, and
why would he do such a thing?


Come on.


The King of all England

invites you to drink with him.

A tankard of ale,
my good fellow.

MAN: [LAUGHING] Tankard of ale?

Did you hear what he said?

Who is this guy?

Oh, boy.

Hey, king or no king,

Mr. Roarke said
you're my responsibility.

Now, come on, let's go.

Will you let go?

Frankly, young Ralph, you're
become something of a pest.

[GASPS] Oh, I've always wanted

to meet a real king.

Don't tell me now...
Charles, right?

Your name is Charles?

No... I have come
here to quench my thirst,

not to dilly dally with
a common wench.

-Be off. -Common wench?

Listen, you fruit bowl, no
two bit actor in a funny tin suit

calls Sheila Shalom a wench.

I've got friends,
and they'll chase you

and your crummy road company

or whatever nut house
you escaped from

right back to Des Moines!

-Ow. -Miss... Miss, Miss.

Miss, you misunderstand.

See, uh, "Wench" is
an old English idiom.

And wench means beauty and
charm and grace and nice things.

Let's get out of here.

Will you let go?

Well, well, well...

Hey, Lancelot.

The two toads

that caused my horse to pulse me

into that abysmal quagmire.

I told you...




-Oh... -Ow!


Come on!

SARAH: ♪ Here you come again ♪

♪ Lookin' better than
a body has a right to ♪

♪ Shakin' me up so ♪

♪ That all I really know ♪

♪ Is here we come again ♪

♪ And here I go ♪

♪ And here I go ♪

♪ And here I go ♪

♪ And here I go ♪

♪ And here I go ♪


Sarah Jean.

Oh, yes, indeed, she's
wonderful, Mr. Treacher.

Thank you, thank you.

I heard that you came
here to record a new song.


One of the prettiest
songs I ever wrote.

It's called Shadow Games.

Who wrote it?

Sam bought it from
a young songwriter

down in Nashville.

I heard later he
drowned in a bottle.

Thing about it is...

The words and the melody line,

they remind me
of Billy Williams.

Did you ever hear of Billy?

Yeah, he used to
play guitar for you.


Billy and I went through
some hard times...

Riding buses all night,

barely making one-night stands.

Living on junk
food and soda pop.

But they were sweet times.

Sounds as if you liked
more than just his music.

I loved Billy more
than I loved life.

And he loved me.

Just when things were
getting good for us...

Was at our first recording date,

the accident happened.

- I got to get going.
- Todd, wait.

I'm sorry if I got
running on and all, but...

Sometimes... It makes me
feel better to talk about it.

It's all right, I think you
said all that needs saying.


Ah, you did well in
battle, young Ralph.

But tell me... What
was that strange w*apon

that spat smoke and fire?

Shattered a bottle at paces,

put a hole in my armor at .

That's called a g*n.

A g*n, and they got bigger ones

that can shatter your
whole body and k*ll you.

Zounds... With a
w*apon like that,

I could wreak havoc
with the Vikings.

They would never
raid England again.

Is that all you ever think
about is... Is battles and wars?

-Yes. -I mean, what about...

What about the... What
about the splendor of Camelot?

What about chivalry?

What about love?

What about your wife, Guinevere?

She left me... Vanished.

Not even Merlin could find her.

I'm sorry, I...

You must have
loved her very much.

I adore her.

But I had affairs of state
to attend to, wars to fight.

Such is the life of a king.

Somehow I... I thought
it would be different.


Well, I'm taking you
back to my bungalow.

I'm going to keep you out of
sight, keep you out of trouble

until Mr. Roarke can
get you back to Camelot.

Hold, knave!

You would lock up
the King of all England

like some maiden aunt?

I shall do what I
wish, where I wish.


Have a nice walk, young Ralph.


You know, he's nothing
like I thought he'd be.

King Arthur, he's...
He's vain, he's stubborn.

- He's ungrateful.
- Oh, now, now, now, come now,

Mr. Rogers, you're speaking
of King Arthur, your idol.

Why, you must remember,
he's a stranger in a strange land.

Strange... That's the word.

Well, as you say, you
did the best you could.

Now, I suggest you
have a seat over here.

Have a nice, cool drink.

-Huh? -Yeah.

Perhaps, strike
up a conversation

with someone and, uh, relax.

Mr. Rogers...


Uh, do you mind?

Oh! No, not at all.

My name is, uh, Ralph Rogers.

Oh... Well, you may
call me, um, Gwen.

-Gwen? -Gwen.


- Been to Fantasy Island before?
- Oh, no, no, never.

I needed to be someplace
away from my usual,

um, pursuits.

You know, um,
solitude, peace of mind.

My husband is in
politics, you see.

You're... You're married, huh?

We're separated.

My husband is a very
jealous and possessive man.

But let's not talk about him.

That's a good idea.

I've got another one, too, uh...

How would you
like to have, uh...

Dinner tonight?

Where do you suggest?

[STAMMERING] Oh, there's a...

I, uh, I don't... I mean...

Later on?

-Boss... -Yes?

Ms. Rollins would
like to speak with you.

Oh, by all means,
please, Ms. Rollins.

Please come in.

- Have a seat, won't you?
- No, it's okay.

It's about one of the other
guests who's staying here.

-Todd Porter? -Yes?

Well, there's
something about him,

but I don't know
quite what it is.

Ms. Rollins...

I cannot tell you anything
about Mr. Todd Porter...

Not at this time.

But there is
something I will tell you.

He will later prove to be
of the upmost importance

in the fulfillment
of your fantasy.

Todd? But how?

You must allow him to play
the guitar accompaniment

at your recording session.

Now, I think you
will find he is...

Quite talented.

You promised me
Billy would be playing.

Mr. Roarke said that
you must have faith.

You must believe.

He can make your
fantasy come true.

I've been trying very hard.

Then you must do what I ask

by allowing Mr. Todd
Porter to accompany you.

All right, Mr. Roarke.


Billy, I... I miss you.

I need you so much.


♪ And you walk the floor ♪

♪ The way I do ♪

♪ Your cheatin' heart ♪

♪ Will tell on you ♪

♪ Your cheatin' heart ♪

♪ Will tell on you ♪



No, there's something
about you, Gwen, that's...

Besides being beautiful
and warm and charming, it's...

There's a certain...


-A regalness. -[LAUGHING] Oh...

You are a romantic, Ralph.


Ah, there you are, young Ralph.

Mr. Roarke said that
I would find you here.

I'm afraid I was a bit
high-handed with you

this afternoon,
and I've come to...

Guinevere... Oh!

The rogue!


Have you struck an
alliance with Lancelot,

or do you dally with
the queen on your own?

Ah, but it's just...

Oh, Arthur, please act your age.

He's a perfectly nice man

who doesn't have the
slightest notion of who I am.

Stand aside, Guinevere.


Mr. Roarke wouldn't
do that to me.

I shall cut this false friend

into four vertical
st*lks of celery.



Stop it!

Again, you make a fool of me!

Camelot, London, our castle,

our friends' castles, North
Sunderland, and now here!

Always, your insane jealousy!

And, like always, I
am leaving you again.


Gentlemen, gentlemen.

I suggest we have
a word together

in my office within the hour.

In fact, we may have
several words together.

Will you excuse me, please?

Thank you.

To say I am disappointed
in the conduct

of two of my most distinguished
guests is to put it mildly.

It's my responsibility.

I was supposed to keep
him out of trouble, and...

And instead, I...

Instead, you succumbed to
the formidable charms of my wife!

I didn't know who she was.

I'm sorry, Arthur.

Guinevere is a great lady

and queen, Your Majesty.

It would seem to me that,
by now, you should realize

you will never woo her
back by reckless accusations

and questionable conduct!

He's right.

And the only reason I'm
involved in this, Arthur, is...

Art, you're my idol, ever
since I've been a kid.

I dreamed about...

Sitting at the Round
Table with you.

You touch me, young Ralph.

Mmm, matter of fact,

the Round Table was a
good thing when I thought of it.

It gave fighting men a
chance to express themselves

without actually doing harm.

And where you would
swear a mutual oath

to fight only for the highest
ideals, Your Majesty.


That's the way it
was, for a while.

Things don't always work out.

Like now, here in this
peculiar world of yours,

I... I feel...


A buffoon.

Then may I suggest

you make the most of your
stay here, Your Majesty.

Let Mr. Rogers, your
most ardent admirer,

help update you

so you may enjoy the
few hours you have left.

Why not?

If you're not offended
by my jealous tantrum.

No, not really, I...

I'd be honored, Art.

What's this?

Another jest by Merlin?

No, jest... Jester.

For the masquerade ball tonight.

Oh, yes, I forgot to
mention it to Your Majesty.

The ball is to honor you
and your queen, of course.

Well, jolly good idea.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

No offense, jester.

No offense.

Ah, Your Majesty.

Come along, Ralph!


-Hey, boss. -Yes?

Maybe I'll change the
costume for something else.

To what, my friend?

I'll surprise you.


SAM: We may as well get started.

All right?

Here you go.

I won't be needing that.

You mean you've
already run through it

with Sarah Jean, is that it?


Well, first off, I
would like to hear

the new guitar
player run through it,

if it's all right with you.


I'd know Billy's
playing anywhere.

That is him playing, Mr. Roarke.

It is.

Yes, Ms. Rollins.

It is.

But how?

That's Todd.

It is whoever you want
it to be in your heart.


♪ I watched ♪

♪ The morning sun
play shadow games ♪

♪ In rooms that
softly sang his name ♪

♪ And I reached out for him ♪

♪ I touched ♪

♪ The pillow nestled ♪

♪ Where he lay ♪

♪ Called his name
and echoes came ♪

♪ I knew that he had gone ♪

♪ Tears I couldn't hide ♪

♪ And the song within me died ♪

♪ Times of secrets shared ♪

♪ Knowing he cared ♪

♪ I watched ♪

♪ The morning sun
play shadow games ♪

♪ In rooms that
softly sang his name ♪

♪ And I reached out for him ♪

♪ Where have the shadows ♪

♪ Gone? ♪

♪ Where are the shadows ♪

♪ Now? ♪

All right, that's it.

That was lovely, Ms. Rollins.

That was real nice, honey.

But before we all
start going platinum,

let's wait till we get it mixed
tomorrow and hear the playback.

You two can go.



TODD: Are you going to tell
them about Mill Road Lake, Sam,

or do I have to?

Todd, what's going on here?

Mr. Roarke told me about
your fantasy, Sarah Jean.

And I'm glad I was able
to help make it come true.

Ms. Rollins, your
fantasy is almost over.

I want you to
listen to Mr. Porter.

And for one final moment,
you must try very hard

to be strong.


Sarah Jean...

Billy didn't die when his
car went into Mill Road Lake.

are you talking about?

Don't listen to him!

He's crazy.

I was there!

That... That car was on fire.

I... I saw the car go over
the cliff and into the lake!

Ah, Sam was there, all right!

Said he wanted to talk
to me about some songs

I wrote for Sarah Jean and
was saving for a surprise.

Sam stole those songs from me!

Some of the very ones you've
been recording, Sarah Jean.

Now, that's a damn lie!

Now, don't you listen to him.

The last thing I
remember that night,

Sam was coming
at me with a tire iron.

He must have set the
car on fire after he hit me.

Heard later I was fished out
of the lake by some old man,

taken off to a hospital
in a little backwater town.

Burnt half to death,
and no identification.

Wait a minute.

I don't believe what
I'm hearing here.

According to the doctor, I was
in a coma for almost six months.

When I came out of it...

I just had one thing on my mind.

I knew I had to k*ll Sam
for what he did to me!

But you don't look like Billy.

How can you be Billy?

The Billy you knew
doesn't exist anymore!

-Billy? -No.

No, Sarah Jean... No!


I'm sorry, Sarah Jean.

I guess you had
to know sometime.

It's time now for what
I came here to do.

I'm telling you...

I'm telling you,
Billy Williams...

Billy Williams is dead!

Mr. Roarke, you
can't let him do it!

- Don't come near me!
- You've got to stop him!

You can stop him, Ms. Rollins,

but only by the
strength of your love.

BILLY: I'm gonna k*ll
you, Sam, just like I said.



Don't do it, please!


I still love you!

And I... [SOBBING]

I always will.


Sarah Jean...


I think I know.


MR. ROARKE: Ah, my
lady, how lovely you look.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

And thank you for
taking so much trouble.

But I am worried about Arthur.

Nobody's seen him all afternoon.

Uh, I didn't do a very good
job of taking care of him.

On the contrary, Mr. Rogers,

I think you have
done a splendid job

helping the king
redetermine his values,

reassess his
lifestyle, and, uh...

Reevaluate his
personal relationships.


So that's what
this is all about.

Now, I understand.

That reverse polarity
you were talking about...

You did that on purpose.


MAN: The king is coming.


Your Highness.

You are looking at a man
who has put foolish pride

behind him, Mr. Roarke.

I congratulate
you, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I
owe you an apology.

No, no, young Ralph.

You've made me believe again.

Things I let go in
my life too early...

Fairy tales, romance...


Since coming to this place,

I have looked at myself

with new eyes and beheld a fool.


Can this be Arthur...

King of all England,

my Lord, speaking?

No, Guinevere.

Only a man who
has made your life

and his own miserable...

Who begs your forgiveness...

And declares his
undying love for you.

Forgive me, but I can
hardly believe my...

I understand.

I know you wish to stay
on here in this world,

and I pray you have
every happiness.

I shall love you...



I have no wish to stay here.

I wish to be in Camelot,

with my king...

The only man that I love.

To Camelot.

Young Ralph, my friend.

Before I leave, would you kneel?

In recognition of your
devotion to your king,

because you believe in
the dreams of knighthood

and the ideals of
the Round Table,

I herewith dub thee

Sir Ralph, Knight of the Realm.

Rise, Sir Ralph.


If you follow the road
to the sea, Your Majesty,

you will find Camelot.



Did you see it?

It really happened?

Oh, indeed... Sir Ralph,
Knight of the Realm.

Sir Ralph...

Knight of the Realm.

Sir Ralph...

Knight of the Realm.

Sorry I'm late, boss.

It's all right. It's
all right, Tattoo.

Is this better?

Oh, much better,
Tattoo, much better.

That's what I thought.


TATTOO: Sir Ralph.

Sir Ralph, Knight of the Realm.

Um, tell me,
Mr. Roarke, about that...

reverse polarity

that brought King
Arthur to Fantasy Island.

I admit to a slight... A
very slight subterfuge,

one that's not only
satisfied your fantasy,

but also made you a
Knight of the Round Table.

Hmm. And...

And, at the request of a
very old friend named Merlin,

restored peace,
love, and harmony

in a place called Camelot.

That is just... That is...

That's wonderful.
Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

- You're very welcome, sir.
- Thank you, Tattoo.

-Goodbye. -Bye.


Thank you.

Ms. Rollins. Mr. Williams.

Mr. Roarke, I don't
know how you did it.

I don't think I want to know,

but I'll never forget
you as long as I live.

I consider that to be
the ultimate compliment,

Ms. Rollins... Thank you.

What Sarah Jean says
goes for me too, Mr. Roarke.

Heck, now, if there's anything
that we can ever do for you...

As a matter of fact,
there is something

you can both do for me.

Just name it.

Well, I thought perhaps an
invitation to your wedding.

Mr. Roarke, I've got no folks.

I'd be real proud if
you'd give me away.

I would be honored.

Ms. Rollins...

Yes, Tattoo?

You didn't forget, did you?

Oh, no, Tattoo...
We didn't forget.

For you.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

Well, I expect we ought to be
going now. Thank you very much.

Much happiness to you both.

Thank you.



Uh, please, please. Take
it to his room, will you?

-Thank you. -But, boss...

Later, Tattoo, later, not here.

