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05x06 - Druids" / "A Night in a Harem

Posted: 05/04/23 06:25
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

- "The princess..."



- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Ah, good morning, Julie.

Mm-hmm. Uh, you know the family

that arrived yesterday
with the three little kids?

Oh, yes, yes.

Well, I volunteered to baby-sit

while their parents
went out for a little walk.

Oh, that was very
considerate of you, Julie.

Well, the little walk was to
the other side of the island,

and now they're
trapped by a cloudburst,

and they can't get
back till tomorrow.


[SIGHS] Mr. Roarke, I... I'm
practically a nervous wreck.

They... they put a frog
in my bathtub, and then...

Then I... I found worms

-in the sugar bowl. -[CHUCKLES]

And who knows what
they're up to right now!

Courage, my dear Julie.

I'm sure Tattoo will
assume your duties

while you struggle
through your noble deed.


Thank you, Tattoo.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


Boss, who is that
good-looking lady?

ROARKE: Miss Laurel Fandell,

who operates a gift shop
in Torrington, Wyoming.

Her fantasy is to be something
she has never been before...

a woman who is the
center of all attention,

- revered, queen-like.
- Take it from me, boss.

Most of the ladies
want to be placed on a...

-Pedestal? -Pedestal.

Well, you're right, Tattoo.

But in Miss Fandell's
particular case,

I fear her wish fulfillment...

may conjure up certain...

dark powers that are
beyond my control.

ROARKE: That, uh, rather shy
young man is Mr. Herbert Snyder,

a computer systems engineer.

His fantasy is to
spend the weekend...

in a harem.

Boss, let me go with
him... in case he needs me.

All his life, Mr. Snyder
has been insecure

about forming any sort
of personal relationships,

and he hopes that
a harem experience

will give him the
confidence he lacks.

Boss, you know lately, my...
My confidence is slipping.

Don't be too envious of
Mr. Snyder yet, my friend.

His fantasy may be far more
unsettling than he imagines.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.



[SIGHS] When does my
fantasy start, Mr. Roarke?

Oh, I am prepared
to grant it now.

But first, uh, there are
certain things you should know.

Please have a seat, won't you?


Somewhere in your past,
hundreds of years ago...

a member of your
family was a queen.

Queen of the Druids.

The Druids were an
ancient people who

practiced the art
of black magic.

Near here, there is an
island where Stonehenge

has been resurrected...

and where they live
as they did years ago,

and where they still
practice that art...

and where they wait for
a queen to rule over them,

as your ancestor did.

TATTOO: I don't
think you should go.

It sounds too dangerous.

I really want this fantasy.

Very well. This
way, please. Tattoo?

There's still time to change
your mind, you know.

Nope... I'm ready.

Good luck, Miss Fandell.

fantasy can be fulfilled

only out of what you are.

It is possible to
weave your future,

but only from the
fibers of your own past...

and that of your ancestors.

That involves many... unknowns.


What happened? Is this me?

The crown. She wears the crown.

Do I look okay,
Mr. Roarke? I mean...

what do you wear to a harem?

Who do you ask?

Oh, you look very dapper,
indeed, Mr. Snyder, eh, Tattoo?

It's a bit formal.

Well, perhaps, but I am
sure Mr. Snyder's fantasy

will help him to loosen up.

Now, if you'll get in the
car, our driver will take you

to the north end of the island,
where your fantasy will begin.

Tattoo, what are you doing?

My job, boss. He's
too nervous to go alone.

No, no, it's... it's not nerves.

I'm having my
first heart attack.

Actually, Mr. Snyder, I
think you're going to be...

- just fine.
- I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

You're okay.

-I'll be fine. -[ENGINE STARTS]


[PANTS] Where did you come from?

[CHUCKLES] Girls, look here.

-WOMAN : God! -WOMAN : Look!

-Isn't he cute? -[ALL CLAMORING]

-Well, hello. -ALL: Hi!

My name is... my name
is Herbert... Snyder.

-[ALL CHEERING] -Herbert Snyder.

-WOMAN : Oh.
[CHUCKLES] -My... my friends...

- my friends call me Herbie.
- ALL: Herbie!

Well, you must be
Mr. Snyder, huh?

- Yes. My friends call me Herbie.
- Herbie.

[LAUGHING] Oh, Herbie.

Why, why, why are
you so shy, hmm?

I... I... I just picked
it up somewhere.

Oh, well, now,

I'll just see if I can't put
you at your ease, okay?


I'm called... Contessa...

and I understand
that you want to be

in the harem, huh?


Well, are you quite certain
that you won't be shocked...

by what you're
going to encounter?

Oh, no, no, no. I, uh...

I've been around the
block a couple of times.

-[ALL LAUGH] -Oh! Of course.

But I think I should
explain that, um,

the experience might prove
to be... quite... exhausting.


[CHUCKLES] Well...


CONTESSA: Oh, come on,
Herbie! It's on to the harem!


Aren't they... aren't
they coming with us?

No, no, love, the
harem's not for us.

- It's for you.
- Well, wait a minute.

- If they're not in the harem...
- Mm-hmm.

And you're not in the
harem, who's in the harem?



Welcome to the
Contessa's harem, buddy.

You'd better start
getting in shape.

ALL: Carnute.


Carnute, Carnute...


Carnute, Carnute...



ETAIN: He has answered.

He has answered.

Etain! Etain!

Cybele, you know
better than to interrupt.

I'm sorry. But she's here.
The queen has come.

Look for yourself.

You see? She wears the crown.

- What is your name?
- Laurel. Laurel Fandell.

Then it's true. Laurel,
of course. And Fandell...

the corruption of the name Fand.

Was Fand your
father's family name?

Yes, it was.

That was the old
Gaelic spelling.

Tell me... have you a husband?


Because that is the final sign.

You see, it is
written that one day

the beautiful daughter
of Fand shall appear

and restore your glories...

and she will be crowned
your virgin queen.


Hear me... your high priestess.

Hear me, oh,
children of the Druids.

Your long wait has
finally come to an end.

Behold the daughter of Fand.

Behold Laurel, whose very
home crowned ancient heroes.

Behold our queen.


ALL: Laurel!

Thank you, Mr. Roarke,
wherever you are.

ALL: Laurel!


You'd better not
let Alvar catch you.

He'll be very angry if you
avoid your weight training.

A firing squad couldn't
get me to pick this thing up.

Besides... this is
all a terrible mistake.

I don't belong here...

at Motel Macho.

Who, by the way, is Aldo?


The mean-looking one.

Ooh, yeah.

Come on.

-Oh... -Oh, sorry.

That's... that's all right.

It was... it was nice. Friendly.


what did you mean when
you said that there'd, uh,

been a mistake, that
you don't belong here?

Well, when I came
to Fantasy Island,

I thought there'd be...

you know...

- Oh, that there'd be girls?
- Exactly.

I mean, Webster's Dictionary
clearly defines a harem

as a household of...

of women.

Not men.


I didn't know that.

-What's your name? -Herbert.

I'm Lisa.

Hello, Lisa.

It... it has a...

a classic ring.

Actually, we shouldn't be
doing this at all. [SIGHS]

We haven't done anything yet.

Although I get the
distinct feeling that

I have been tried, found guilty,
and... and am now being held...

prisoner. I am.

Well, I guess you
are, in a sense.

Well, I gotta get out of here.

Will you help me?

Herbert, Alvar has
guards posted everywhere.

You'd better get
out of here, Lisa,

before you get into bad trouble.

Now hear me good, pal.

Lisa is off limits.
A definite no-no.

- Understand?
- No, I don't understand.

And why do you suppose I'd take

orders from you, anyway?

'Cause I'll tear your head off

and play soccer
with it if you don't.

Uh, that makes sense.

ALVAR: Besides
which, that's the way

the Contessa wants it.

And I make sure
she gets everything,

and I mean
everything, she wants.

Now move it!

Time out. I mean, no fantasy.

Back to reality. This
is... this is all a mistake.

I'm... I'm Herb Snyder,

and this is a... this
is a... this is not right.

I'm sure it's not
your fault, you know.

Now listen, pal...

before I met the Contessa,
my life was one long drag

of pumping iron and pumping gas.

Now I'm living in fat city...

and I don't want
anybody making waves.

Get the message?

Move it.


DOOR] -Yes? Come in.

-Come in. -HENLEY: Mr. Roarke.

Ah, Mr. Henley.
How are you, sir?

I'm here to make a
serious complaint.


As you remember,
I came here to do

a fantasy based
on my favorite book,

The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

I remember quite
clearly, Mr. Henley.

But, uh, didn't we
deliver your fantasy?

Well, no. I mean, I found
myself in medieval Paris, all right.

I did meet the lovely Esmeralda.


And I saw the
hunchback up there,

swinging on the bell rope.

He was so high up there,

he looked small to

But he was magnificent.

-Well? -His rope broke.

The rope broke?

The last time I saw him,
he was falling to earth

like a brick, Mr. Roarke,
yelling pathetically.

Now look, I either want a refund
or I want to do a new fantasy.

Oh, certainly, Mr. Henley.

Certainly. If you'll
just step outside,

my assistant, Julie, will make
the necessary arrangements.

Is that satisfactory?

Yes. Maybe I could do
my next favorite book,

Les Misérables.

You can't fall out of a sewer.


Boss! Boss!

I'll never do the
Hunchback of Notre Dame

fantasy again, ever!

Not until you buy new
ropes for all the bells.

I promise, Tattoo.

Look, boss.


I'm sorry I'm so
dumb about all this.

I always thought the
Druids were either

ancient sorcerers
or modern kooks.

Well, we try to encourage
that image, my queen,

ever since our ancestors
were crushed by the Romans

and the Groves
of Mona destroyed.

I remember reading something
about that in Greek literature.

But what interests
me is the name Fand.

I've never heard it before.

Of course you haven't, darling.

You see, Paul is new among
us. This is his first solstice.

But it won't be
his last. He, uh...

he shows great promise.

Well, I'll take that
as a compliment.

But it still doesn't
explain Fand.

My grandparents never
would talk about why

they changed the spelling.

There's an old tale, my queen...

about a fabled king of Ulster...

who one day blundered
into a fairy forest,

and there saw a most
beautiful fairy woman

named Fand.

She mocked him
and tempted him...

and he wanted her badly,
but he couldn't possess her...

because, you see...

he was human, and she
was a woodland sprite.

It drove him mad.

And her punishment
was... to be transformed

into a human... and
to mother a cursed line.

PAUL: To mother a cursed line?

Aha. I suspected something
dark and dreadful, my queen,

in one so beautiful.

There is another part
of the fable which says...

that one day the
daughter of Fand...

will rule as the
queen of the Druids

and lift the curse.

In any case...

A queen is not for a
mere mortal like you.

I'm afraid I don't feel
much like a queen yet.

What am I supposed to
do? What's expected of me?

All that will be explained
tomorrow at the coronation.

-The coronation? -Of course.

Now come with me.

But in the meantime,
enjoy the adoration

of your subjects.

PAUL: Hail to the Queen!

ALL: Hail to the Queen!

Hail to Queen Laurel!

Laurel, Queen of the Druids!

Laurel, Queen of the Druids!

Laurel, Queen of the Druids.

Laurel, Queen of the Druids.

There's no curse
attached to a high priestess.

Laurel, Queen of the Druids.

Only the promise
of great pleasure.

Yes, I, uh, I can see.

Together you will stand
with me as high priest.

And together we will
give Queen Laurel

to Carnute as his bride.

Carnute is just a legend.
A mythical creation.

He's given us a
sign, he will appear.

Say he does appear...

what happens to her?

She's human.

To be joined to
Carnute, she must die.



Here he is, Contessa.

Thank you,
Alvar. That'll be all.

You may go, too, Rex.

Hello again.

Oh, I see you've met.

Why didn't you tell me, Lisa?

You're always so busy, Mother.

I didn't think you'd
be interested.


Of course I'm interested.

You'll have to forgive Lisa.

Seems that she doesn't
approve of me or my lifestyle.

Having a harem is...

Is decadent, immoral
and immature.

Precisely what I had in mind.

The only meaningful relationship

is between one man
and... and... one woman.

-I totally agree. -Oh, really?

Then why did you come
here in the first place?

-Oh, that was different. -Oh...

Well, I certainly
didn't expect to find a...

That the harem was
composed of men

and that the harem
keeper was a woman?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, Herbie...

Oh, I'm afraid that
you are basically

just a male chauvinist.

Any wealthy man...
may keep acres

of nubile young
women at his disposal

without affecting his
public image in the slightest.

I've heard it all before.

Catherine the
Great and Elizabeth I

had scores of lovers
which didn't affect

their capabilities to
rule in the slightest.

I believe you like
this young man, Lisa.

Yes, I can feel
a certain energy.

Why don't you take him?

What a disgusting way to put it.

Look, Lisa is not the
sort of person who

picks out a... a
lover as if she were

choosing a... a used car.

Well, if you don't
want Herbie, Lisa...

I do.

I'll expect you this
evening, Herbie,

and uh... I know I
won't be disappointed.

Come along, Lisa. Alvar!

Mother, you are terrible.

CONTESSA: Terrible,
that I am, dear. I'm terrible.

Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

Okay, now I'm mad. Put me down.

Would you put me down?



- My queen.
- Oh, it's really not necessary.

But you are a queen.

Oh, I'm really someone
from Torrington, Wyoming

who's having a
wonderful fantasy.

I see.

[SIGHS] Believe
me, to these people,

this is not a fantasy.

It's very, very real.

Could we talk somewhere alone?

Of course.

I don't know how
to tell you this,

but you're in real danger.

Danger? From what?

Look, I'm not one of
these people, not really.

This is just a research
project for me.

really sorry, but I don't know

what you're talking about.

Of course you don't.
But you have to trust me.

I think I've heard this
line somewhere before.

Please! I'm not playing games.
I'm trying to save your life.


This, uh...

so-called coronation tomorrow,

Etain told me what it really is.

It's a sacrificial rite,
and you're the fatted calf.

Are you trying to tell me
these people are murderers?

I'm telling you
they're true believers.

There's no doubt in their mind

that some shaggy
horror of a god is gonna

come out of the jungle tomorrow.

And they're gonna give
you to him as his bride.

Do you believe this?

[SIGHS] Look, I
know how it sounds.

But I'm talking about
your pretty neck.

This god of theirs may be
in their mind. I don't know.

But they'll k*ll you
for him just the same.

Now you've got to
get out of here now.

I think not, Paul.

To try to seduce our
queen with wild lies

is a contemptible offense
and shall be dealt with later.

Lock him up.

I'm sorry, my queen.

But there are always
those who betray the order.

You see, he... he
mistook ritual for reality...

and would have stolen
from you the most

magnificent experience of
any queen... her coronation.

And here's the real
answer to your doubts,

the veneration of your subjects.

ALL: Laurel,
Queen of the Druids.

Laurel, Queen of the Druids.

Laurel, Queen of the Druids.

Laurel, Queen of the Druids.



Going so soon?

And it's just the
shank of the evening.

Look, Contessa, I've
already made a fool of myself.

This is all a big mistake.

Anyway, I'm not
much of a shank man.

Some people may find
the rhythm old-fashioned,

but I simply adore... I adore

the incessant,
repetitive bolero.

Oh, it's so erotic
and stimulating!

-Oh! Can you feel it? -No.

It's, uh... actually, I
feel a... a little warm.

Warm? Oh.

Well, then perhaps
we should just, uh,

- loosen this.
- Oh, no, no, don't...

- Oh, come on, oh...
- don't do that.

No. Look, Contessa...

I... I mean, you're
a beautiful lady,

but I'm not
interested, you know?


Oh... Herbie...

Oh, Herbie, for someone
who's not interested,

that was a very
interesting kiss.

-Yeah, yeah. -Oh...

I find your honest shyness

positively thrilling.

-Oh, no. -Oh, yes.

-Oh, yes. -Oh, no. No, no...

-Yes, yes, yes. -no, I... no.



No man makes a fool of
me in my own bedroom!


- Oh! No...
- I warned you once before!

This time you're
gonna pay the price!

No, I... Alvar, it's
not what it looks like.

You see, we were pulling
back and forth, back and forth.

One way we went, and... Alvar!


CYBELE: Will there be
anything else, my queen?

LAUREL: No, thank you, Cybele.

Then we'll be back in an hour...

to dress you for the coronation.

Thank you.

I see you find the
weight of a queen's crown

to be light and
pleasant, Miss Fandell.

- Mr. Roarke.
- Is everything satisfactory?

I don't know that's
exactly the right word.

-Oh? -There's something wrong.

- Wrong, Miss Fandell?
- It's hard to explain.

Maybe it's just this
mood or attitude, but...

there is something wrong.

- There's this young man named Paul.


I'm afraid I've gotten
him into some trouble.

Well, it should be simple
for you to correct that.

After all, you are the queen.

You're right!

What is wrong with
me? I keep forgetting that.

He's under some
sort of house arrest.

I'll just order
them to let him go.

A queen must test her
power to truly savor it.

Is there some special reason
you're here, Mr. Roarke?

I was concerned, Miss Fandell,

that among those
fibers of your past

which are woven
into your fantasy...

a dark and evil one

might have appeared
to thr*aten you.

A dark and evil one?

Then I wasn't
just seeing things.

Listen carefully, Miss Fandell.

What was he doing?

The great god Pan down
in the reeds by the river,

spreading ruin
in an evil shower.

Splashing and trampling
with the hooves of a goat.

Ravaging the
golden lilies afloat,

but fleeing the
silver acorn's power.

I don't think I understand.

You will, Miss Fandell.

This silver acorn...

Is very, very old...

but it is said to
have certain powers

greatly feared by the
forces of darkness.

Wear it, Miss Fandell.

Wear it... at all times.

If you have great
need... I promise you,

the silver acorn
will not fail you.

I promise, Mr. Roarke,
I won't take it off.

Please. Please don't.

Mr. Roarke? Mr. Roarke?

ALVAR: Some of the
other jocks around here

have been thinking
about moving on.

But they'll all fall in line

when they see what
I do to you later on.

Have a nice day, buddy boy.

Oh, Lisa!

Oh... I heard what
you did to Mother.

It's so funny.

But it's also awful,
because now Alvar is gonna

make an example of you, and I...

And you what?

Alvar used to be a
professional fighter,

and I just don't want
to see you get hurt.

I've never been real
big on pain myself.

Is there another reason?

What other reason
could there possibly be?

That's what I want
to find out, but...

but not with Alvar
breathing down our necks.

We've gotta get out
of here, come on.

No! The guards!

We'll take our chances.

Come on.

Hey! Hey!

ETAIN: You are the
symbol. You are the sign.

ALL: You are the
symbol. You are the sign.

ETAIN: Be with us on thy
special day, oh, Carnute.

Be pleased with thy
children, and restore our work.

ETAIN: Oh, Carnute... you
are the symbol, you are the sign.

ALL: You are the
symbol, you are the sign.

- ETAIN: We need you now...
- I want Paul released now.

I'm sorry, but he's
not to come out

by order of the High Priestess.

LAUREL: I'm the queen.

GUARD: Look, I'm
just doing what I'm told.

You can go in if you wish.


[SIGHS] This is quite
an honor, Your Majesty.


- What is it?
- I just saw them praying.

At least, I think
they were praying.

We've gotta get away.

If what you said is true,
and I'm to be sacrificed,

they can't let you live either.

Laurel, it's now or never.


Guard, I'm ready to leave now.



Take him back.

My queen, I am sorry
for the disturbance.

Cybele, prepare her.

[ALL CHANTING] Carnute. Carnute.

Carnute. Carnute.

Carnute. Carnute.


- Lisa, does that...

does that bridge
look familiar to you?

-Vaguely. -Yeah, it should.

It's the third time
we passed it.

Oh, Herbert, I'm sorry. I
thought I knew this place.

Don't be upset. If
we're going in circles,

Alvar's dummies are, too.

Let's sit down.

I think you look tired.


You don't like that place much.

Why do you stay?

You know the
Contessa is my mother...

and it's not something
I'm exactly proud to admit...

Lisa, you don't
have to be ashamed.

I mean, just because
your mother is into...

I mean, that
doesn't mean that...

That you have the same...

Does it?

Actually, it is
just the opposite.

Mother has me
watched day and night.

I've never really
known a man before.

We have a lot in common.

I learn about things
from... from books.

There are no books about women.

And I love ladies. I
mean, their beauty,

their mystery...
they astound me.

But... when I get close, I...

I came here to
Fantasy Island to...

to experience... learn...

- to prove to myself that...


you don't have
anything to prove.

You know how I know?

Because I'm a woman.

ALVAR: Over here!



Oh! Oh!

We... are in trouble. [PANTS]

My queen, I have a necklace

of real acorns for you to wear.

ROARKE: If you have
great need, I promise you,

the silver acorn
will not fail you.

- No. I'll wear this one.
- Yes, my queen.

It is nearly high : .

I'm ready.


I hope Alvar won't
be hard on him.

I found this paperweight
on Mother's desk.

Alvar, do you really
think this is necessary?

This is my show.

I'd like to handle it.

Any time you're ready.

How about right now?

Come on now, let's go.

Come on, that's it.
Ooh, that was good.

Come on, come on. [LAUGHING]

Come on, that's it.


It's hopeless.


-Ooh! -That's it.

A little closer. Oh! Watch out.

Watch it now. [LAUGHING]


Hey, wait. Wanna hit me?

Come on, put one right
here. Come on. [LAUGHING]

Put one right here. That's it.

Come on. [LAUGHS]
Hit me right here. That's it.

-Ugh... -Oh! Alvar!

-Alvar! Alvar! -Hey!


Come on!

There are boats in the cove

on the other side of the island!

-Okay. -Hey, go, get 'em!


Are you all right?

-Go on without me. -No, no.

We're leaving here
together. Come on.

Look! Mr. Roarke
must have sent it.

-Who? -Never mind.

Just get in the car.

Take us to the cove,
would you please?


[ALL CHANTING] Carnute. Carnute.



Laurel, Queen of the Druids.

ALL: Laurel,
Queen of the Druids.

Laurel, bride to Carnute.

ALL: Laurel, bride to Carnute.

Oh, great Carnute...

the years of waiting are over.

Your children and your
bride bid you welcome.


ALL: Carnute.






ROARKE: If you have great need,

the silver acorn
will not fail you.





The silver acorn!
Where did you get it?

Throw it away... No!










Paul! Paul!


It's over, Miss Fandell.

Your fantasy has ended.


Your Majesty.

I guess I deserve
that, Mr. Roarke.

Oh, but I'm not mocking
you, Miss Fandell. No.

When you were faced
with the ultimate challenge,

you were most regal indeed.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

Did it all really happen?

Who is to say what is truly real

and what is fantasy,
Miss Fandell?


some things are
very real indeed.

-[LAUREL GASPS] Paul! -Laurel.

LAUREL: Oh, Paul! Oh!

Paul is a researcher
at a university.

He studied the Druids.

I have a new research program.

-How to woo a queen. -Oh...

I made you this
present, mistletoe.

- Oh, thank you. Thank you both.
- Are you gonna wear it?

Uh, no way. I'm gonna
find me a nice house,

and I'm gonna hang some
of this over every doorway.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

- Goodbye, Miss Fandell.
- Goodbye.

-Goodbye, sir. -Goodbye.

-Tattoo. -Goodbye.

Mr. Roarke, uh,

I want to thank you
for a wonderful fantasy.

More importantly,
for a wonderful wife.

The wedding you
arranged was lovely.

It was my pleasure.

My best wishes.

- Thank you both.

-Goodbye, sir. -Goodbye.

Boss, I bet the
Contessa is plenty mad.

Why not ask her yourself?

Ah, I'm not angry, Tattoo.

No. [CHUCKLES] I'm grateful.

I may not be the greatest
mother in the world,

but... I love my daughter.

Indeed. You see, Tattoo, the
Contessa also had a fantasy.

To have her daughter meet
someone who would love her

for herself, not her money.

Yes, and...

that that's settled,

I just might give up my harem...

to spend one evening
alone with you.

Perhaps some
other time, Contessa.

- Some other time.
