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04x08 - Crescendo" / "Three Feathers

Posted: 05/04/23 06:19
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!


- TATTOO: Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Let's go.



Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


TATTOO: Boss, is
that Mr. Colshaw?

ROARKE: Mr. Alan
Colshaw, yes, indeed.

I remember seeing
his name on your list.

But it didn't say
where he came from.

From a very long
way off, Tattoo.

TATTOO: He doesn't seem
to be very happy to be here.

ROARKE: Mr. Colshaw hasn't
had a single moment of happiness

in an entire year.

All he asks for now is peace
of mind and of the spirit.

Some fantasy.

Boss, how you going to do that?

By arranging a reunion with
three people from his past

and giving him the opportunity to
prove he's not what they think he is,

a thief and a coward.

Boss, I know that lady.

Miss Susan Lohman, the singer.

TATTOO: She's a very big star.

Movies, musical comedy, records.

She's a wonderful artist.

Tattoo, I had no knowledge

of your interest in
that kind of music.

Oh, yes. I saw her on the
stage on a wonderful show,

Autumn Heart, by Edmond Dumont.

TATTOO: Miss Lohman,
she's so famous, so rich.

Why does she need a fantasy?

Everyone has a fantasy, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Miss Lohman's
is to meet the composer

whose music has
enthralled her over the years

and lifted her to the
heights of stardom,

Mr. Edmond Dumont himself.

You mean, she's never met him?

No, Tattoo.

Very few have.

I am afraid that Miss
Lohman is about to undergo

the most bizarre experience
Fantasy Island has ever known.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


Thank you, Mahana.

Now then, Mr. Colshaw,

let me see if I have
the facts straight.

You were the pilot
of a private aircraft

which crashed in a
remote area, the wilderness.

Three people, who were
among your passengers,

accuse you of
abandoning them there,

leaving them to
die. Am I correct?

Yes, but it's not true.

It isn't going to be
easy to convince them.

You cannot expect your
enemies to take your word for it.


White feathers.

The traditional
symbol of cowardice.

I've been carrying
them all these months

as a badge of shame to
remind me of what I must do.

My enemies, as you call them,

the three people who
branded me as a deserter,

were once my dearest
friends, Mr. Roarke.

I know that they'll believe me if
I can just tell them face to face

what really happened.

And I'm gonna ask each of
them to accept one of those

as a symbol of my innocence.

I see. You say you will tell
them what really happened.

The problem, Mr. Colshaw, is,

can you be sure
of that yourself?

The plane crash occurred
exactly one year ago today,

and you were hurt, a
head injury, a concussion.

Yeah, well, some of
the facts are a little hazy.

Exactly. A concussion always
involves a loss of memory.


Thank you.

This pendant has special
powers, Mr. Colshaw.

It enables the wearer to
recall past events of his life

precisely as they happened,

to actually relive them,

and most importantly,

to share the
experience with others.

TATTOO: All you have to
do is to wear the pendant.

Concentrate on it...

and you will have total recall.

That's fantastic.

I must remind you
of the one condition

which I am obliged to impose.

No physical v*olence.

No matter what happens to you,

whatever dangers
you find yourself in,

however much you are provoked,

you are not to strike back,

or your fantasy
will end instantly.

All right. I accept
that condition.

ROARKE: Very well.

Where can I find my friends?

Oh, be patient a little
longer, Mr. Colshaw.

Why don't you go to the
bar, have a refreshment, huh?

That's not a bad idea.

It's been quite a while
since I had a good belt.

Mr. Roarke, I'm very grateful.


ROARKE: Miss Lohman,
Mr. Dumont is a very private person.

He's never seen in
public, never photographed.

Here on the island,
Mr. Dumont has found

the total seclusion he requires.

Behind this wall is
his private estate.

LOHMAN: I've sung every
song he's ever written,

and I've been wondering
about him for years.

I can hardly believe I'm
gonna meet him at last.

He must be a very
beautiful person.


Well, I see what you
mean about total seclusion.


And remember that

you are Mr. Dumont's
first and only guest.

He may not observe
the usual protocol.

I'll remember. Thank you.

- Let me ask you one thing, Mr. Roarke.
- Of course.

Do you believe it's possible

to fall in love with a
person because of his art?

Are a man and his music
one and the same thing?

You must answer that
for yourself, Miss Lohman.

There's no bell.

There's not even a
doorknob, Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Roarke?














Won't you please
come in, Miss Lohman?

We've been expecting you.

I'll tell the master
you're here.



All right. Come on.

Which one of you two
organized this reunion?

No, no... Not me,
Lena, honestly.

The plane ticket arrived
mysteriously in the mail.

I felt I was due a long weekend.

So why waste it?

Don't look at me, either.

LENA: Well, somebody wanted to
bring the three of us together here

on the anniversary of the
plane crash. Who? Why?

Maybe your answer is
sitting right over there.

It can't be.

I'm going to find out.


Right? Alan Colshaw.

-Hello, Jake. -Hello, pal.

JAKE: You're a gutless
creep and a coward.


All I ask is that
you listen to me.


That's enough,
mister. Knock it off!

That's it! Easy!

- JAKE: Come on.
- BARTENDER: Easy! Easy!

I think you better get out of
here, sir, for your own safety.

-Come on. -All right, all right.

- Easy.
- Come on, let's get outta here.

Everybody relax.

Sit down, have another drink.


Is everything all right, miss?

I'm afraid I'm not very hungry.

Just nervous, I guess.

I'm so sorry.

I hope it wasn't the
animals frightening you.

They're quite tame, really.

And they give Master
Dumont so much pleasure.

They're almost like family.

Where is Mr. Dumont?

He will join you
in a little while.

Tell me, what does he look like?

I wouldn't know.
I've never seen him.

I don't think I understand.

I'm blind.


I'm so sorry.

These are all of me.
Photographs, reviews.

Yes, Miss Lohman.

The master is your greatest fan.



I had to talk to you.

How could you do it, Alan?

How could you just abandon me?

How could you believe I did?

I loved you, Lena.

Did you?

Or was it only I who cared?

I would like the truth, Alan.

The truth, Lena,
the absolute truth,

I don't know what
caused the plane to crash.

I guess it was some
kind of structural failure.

I couldn't hold her.

We didn't even have
time to get off a radio call.

We were over the high country.

Nothing but ridges
and trees everywhere.

I knew we were going in.

I was hoping maybe I could
slide her down one of the hillsides.



Here we go.


Alan! Alan, help me, my leg.

The radio's smashed. There's
no way to give anyone our position.

It's as if I was seeing it
happen all over again.

I'm sorry to put you
through this, Lena.

Oh, no, no. I asked
you for the truth.

But the most important thing is,

why did you leave us?



From Rainbow Lake.

How I loved that role.

[SINGING] ♪ When
first I saw you ♪

♪ By the lake ♪

♪ My eyes could not believe ♪

♪ That such beauty ♪

♪ Could be smiling just for me ♪

♪ And fill my heart ♪

Oh, don't stop.

It's one of your
loveliest, maestro.

I'm sorry to
interrupt your work,

but please don't send me away.

I'll be very quiet, I promise.

must excuse me. I'm...

I'm not prepared. You...

You must give me
more time, Miss Lohman.


There's no need to
stand on ceremony.

I've waited so long
for this moment.

I feel like we've known
each other for years.


your music is so alive

and so aware.

From the first
moment I heard it,

I knew that we were
destined to be together.

Oh, my.


I sound like a
romantic schoolgirl.

Edmond, why won't
you look at me?

Aren't you glad
we're finally together?




Two in our party were dead.

Willis and Noonan.

A third, Brett
Neilsen, was dying.

He asked to speak to me.

I remember.

He was delirious.

He was trying to tell me that

I shouldn't blame
myself for the crash.

He said that he knew
that I had done my best.

Then he d*ed.

That's when we checked the map.

And we found that
there was a chalet

on the other side of the ridge.

There was a good chance
there'd be a phone there.

It was only miles away,

but the territory in between was
some of the roughest in the state.

Jesse, you're the only
one that can move.

-Just handle things here. -Okay.

Then you volunteered to go.


ALAN: I came to a river
and started to swim across.

The current was stronger
than I thought, and I went under.

That's all I remember.

Are you sure?

I hit my head on a rock.


Amnesia! That's why you
never came back for us.

You lost your memory!

That's why you waited so long.

I had to wait.


what about the diamonds?

- What diamonds?
- The Angola blues.

It all came out at the inquiry.

Brett Neilsen was
a diamond courier.

He was carrying a set
of five matched stones

worth over two million!

I didn't know that.

Wait a minute. You all
thought that I'd taken them?

Well, you were talking to
Neilsen just before he d*ed.

When the rescue party
recovered his body,

the stones were missing.

And they've been
showing up one at a time

over the last three
months in New York...

Lena, I swear to you,

I knew nothing about
those diamonds.

Now you have got to believe me.

You know...


You know, I don't
know why I feel so sure,

but I believe you, Alan.

The three of you
branded me as a coward.

In other words, you
gave me a white feather.

Will you take it back?


Alan, how can we get
back to the way we were?

Is it possible?




You're not Edmond Dumont.

You can't be.

I'm the man whose music
you have sung with such...

such incredible
artistry and insight,

music you alone have understood.

Your unique talent, your
eloquence, your sweetness,

gave me the courage
to go on, to live,

when all else seemed hopeless.


Please, leave me alone.

You, of all people
on this earth,

I thought could see
beyond this misshapen clay.

I felt sure you would understand
me as you understand my music,

see me as you sing it,

that you would know
the loneliness, the...

terror in me.

I'm condemned
to live all my life

in solitude and shadow,

hiding myself from a world
that can't bear the sight of me.

I was foolish enough to hope that
you could release me from this prison.

Forgive me, Susan.

I should never have
brought you here.

You brought me?

I reached out for
you with every note,

every chord, my whole
being set to music,

imploring you to come to
me, to be with me always.

The lyrics speaking my love,

every word meant for you alone.

And your heart heard me,

felt my love.

It did.

Didn't it, Susan?

If you love me,
you'll let me go,

let me leave this place.

You are free to go

after you've heard
my new ballad.

It was written for this
moment, for our meeting.

Just hear it. That's
all I ask of you.

Then, if you still
wish to leave,

I will release you.

I'll hear it.

Just give me some time
to get myself together.




Excuse me. I'll be right back.

Mr. Roarke, can I speak
to you for a minute?

Of course, Mr. Colshaw.
What about?

My enemies. What else?

- Will you excuse us a moment, Tattoo?
- Sure, boss.

Emerson once said,
"He who has , friends

has not a friend to spare.

And he who has one enemy
will meet him everywhere."

Well, that's just
the strange part of it.

My so-called
enemies, Jake, Jesse,

they mean nothing to me now.

I've got Lena back, and
that's all that matters.

Mr. Roarke, I want
to change my fantasy.

All I ask is that I be allowed
to stay here forever with Lena.

I am sorry.

You know that's
quite impossible.

[SIGHS] I know now
that it was really Lena

that I came here for.

Mr. Colshaw, you
did not suffer amnesia.

- You actually drowned in that river.
- No, look, please...

You were given a reprieve

by a power infinitely
greater than I,

brought back to
life for hours.

You drowned, Mr. Colshaw.

This is the first time I've
granted a fantasy to a dead man.


- Mr. Roarke.
- Mr. Durwood, quite a pleasure.

Please have a seat, won't you?

Good. Then you know who I am.

But of course.

Miss Susan Lohman's
personal manager.

The man who has
guided her entire career.

It is my business to know
such matters, Mr. Durwood.

Well, there's one thing
you obviously don't know.

Susan, Miss Lohman, is
giving a concert in London

the day after tomorrow.

-London. -Indeed.

That's wonderful, Mr. Durwood.

Yeah, well, it's
wonderful if she shows up.

But if she doesn't,
they'll sue us for breach.

I've got to talk to
her. Where is she?

I'm sorry. I cannot divulge Miss
Lohman's present whereabouts.

But she'll be back tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be too late!

I regret to say that's the
best I can do, Mr. Durwood.

Well, I'll find her, Mr. Roarke.

Your island can't be that big.



Come on.

It's just you and me
now. Let's get at it, huh?

I'm not gonna fight you, Jake.

Go on, b*at the hell out of me

if it's gonna make
you feel any better.

No, you're not worth skinning
my knuckles on, you know that?

You always did have a
sense of fair play, Jake.

Can't hit a man who
won't defend himself.

You got no guts.

You hear me?

You disgust me.


You'd think a fair-minded man

would wanna hear
my side of the story.

That's all I'm
asking. How about it?


All right, but make it short.

I want you to think back.

We're in the plane.

Suddenly, she goes into a dive.

Boss, at least they're talking.

Yes, my friend.

If men would talk and
listen to each other more,

the world would
have fewer problems.

People who are busy talking
don't have the time to make w*r.

I thought I just said that.


You didn't take the
diamonds from Neilsen?

I didn't even know
anything about them.


You know, it's strange,
but I almost believe you.


If I had taken those stones,

would I be here now
telling you all this?

No, I guess not.

But let me ask you something.

You arranged this
little reunion, didn't you?

Yeah, well, in a way.


Yeah, I know what
that stands for.

Okay, Alan.

I accept your story. I
don't know why, but I do.

And listen to me.

I'm sorry.

One more to go. Where's Jesse?

Oh, he rented a boat and went
fishing. He should be back any time now.

Come on, let me buy
you a drink at the bar.

No, thanks.

But I'll take a rain check.

You got it.


That's far enough, Colshaw.

I've got nothing to say to you.

[SIGHS] Look, Jesse, if
you'd just listen to me...

I don't talk to a
thief or a coward.

Get off my ship.

Toby, Kako, get rid of him.

You heard Mr. Mason.

Get off!


ROARKE: You are
not to strike back,

or your fantasy
will end instantly.

JESSE: Go on, get out!


My entire life has been a
rehearsal for this moment,

when I play my
music just for you.


This way.

I realize all this has been
a great shock for you.

I thought of writing to you
to warn you in some way,

but I was afraid
you wouldn't come.

Susan, don't do this!

Susan, wait! Please, wait!

SUSAN: Stay away from me!

Susan, don't do this!



- Don't come near me.
- Susan, wait!

Susan, don't go! Please, wait!


SUSAN: Help me, somebody!



No, Susan, wait!
Let me talk to you!


Let me go!

You tricked me into coming here,

tricked me with your music!

But you do feel love for me.

I know you do.
That's why you came.

Get away from
me, you filthy beast!






You look forlorn, Mr. Colshaw.

Like some poor
ghost, Mr. Roarke?

Jesse won't listen to me,

and the pendant is at
the bottom of the harbor.

I'm sorry.

Do you realize the
gravity of your situation?

In one hour, you must
return to the other side.

And unless you have
delivered the third feather,

you will remain a
restless spirit in limbo

for all eternity.

Were those not your very words?

I'll never convince Jesse
without the pendant.

You can do it, Mr. Colshaw,
and I shall help you

by removing the restriction
on physical v*olence.

Yes, you can defend yourself,

with actions as well as words.

You don't need the
pendant, Mr. Colshaw.

Stand on your own feet.

It's the only way you
can go to your rest,

find peace.


Forty-five minutes.
Oh, at the dock? Right.

Well, they got a plane waiting.

Clear skies from here to London,

and Fantasy Island
is gonna be nothing

DOOR] -but a bad fantasy.

May I come in, Mr. Durwood?

I just heard of your
experience, Miss Lohman.

Are you all right?

I'll be fine, Mr. Roarke.

But you could have warned me.

If I had, would you
have believed me?


I guess not.

Then it wasn't just some
kind of hallucination?

Edmond Dumont's
family is said to bear

an ancient Gallic curse,

passed on to one male
each seventh generation.

Whatever the origin
of the deformity,

Edmond Dumont grew
up shunned by people,

with only the creatures
of the forest and his music

to keep him company.

Well, naturally, I
feel sorry for him.

Hey, baby, we don't
have a lot of time.

Can anything be done for him?

Oh, every curse can be broken,

with the right cure, of course.

But you were his last hope.

That's not fair, Mr. Roarke.

He tricked me.


Mr. Roarke, what is it?


Mr. Dumont is
dying, Miss Lohman,

of loneliness, of
a broken heart.

By midnight he will be dead.


♪ When first I saw you ♪

♪ By the lake ♪

If Edmond Dumont dies,

the world will be a
much poorer place.

Please, Mr. Roarke, turn it off.

Oh, certainly.


With the flick of a finger.

But I can turn it on
again, Miss Lohman.

How much more of
Edmond Dumont's music,

as yet unwritten,

will you be turning off forever

if you do not go
back and help him?

Are you prepared to deprive
the world of that music?

That beauty?


Are you?

Mike, you better make some
more phone calls. I'm sorry.

DURWOOD: Are you
crazy? You've got a contract!


LENA: Jesse!

Jesse, have you seen Alan?

Yeah, I just threw him off.

-Oh, no. -Listen.

We've been wrong about him.

Jesse, you've got to
hear his side of the story.

I see he's really got you
two guys conned, hasn't he?


Well, he's not gonna
make a sucker out of me.

He not only stole
those diamonds,

leaving us by that wreck was
a form of attempted m*rder.

I'm gonna turn him in.

ALAN: Why now, Jesse?

Why didn't you go to
the authorities yesterday

when you first saw
me here on the island?

Why did you wait until now?



- Jesse, stop them!
- Stay out of this, Lena.




You don't want to listen to me because
you already know the truth, don't you?

Look at me, Jesse.

Look at me!

Lena, Jake, how well
did you know Brett Neilsen

before you came aboard my plane?

I didn't. He was Jake's friend.

Mine? I thought...

It must have been Jesse
who brought him along.

Yes! Come to think of it,

I remember the two of
them talking together.

In that case, we can assume
that Jesse was the only one

that knew Neilsen
was a diamond courier.


Wait. Wait! I remember now.

After you left for help, I saw
him beside Neilsen's body.

You took the diamonds.

And when Alan didn't come
back, you put the blame on him.

Because you thought
Alan was dead.



I'm sorry.

There is not much time.

Excuse us, please.

Lena, I...

I must go now.

- Well, take me with you.
- That's impossible.

But I... I don't understand.

You will. And
understand this, too.

I love you.

I love you very, very much.



Please... Please
take me with you.

I have no choice.

But we'll be together again.

I promise you that one
day, we will be together.

I promise.

Goodbye, my Lena.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Thank you for everything.


LENA: Alan?

ROARKE: I'm sorry. He has left.






Master. Maestro!

Are you all right?

Lee Soong,

that's where I belong.

Out there with them.

My own kind!


Master! Come back!













SUSAN: Edmond!


SUSAN: Edmond, where are you?



Oh, Edmond,

I was wrong.

Forgive me.

I love what your music says,

what you give the world.

I love what is you.


EDMOND: Susan?




Mr. Roarke.

Thank you for bringing me here

and for letting me
see Alan again.

You realize, it
was really for you

that he came back.

I can assure you that
now he has found peace.

I've learned something
very special, very beautiful.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye, Miss Jordan.

-Goodbye, Tattoo. -Goodbye.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- You're welcome, Mr. Lawrie.


Boss, what do you mean
by, "He found his peace"?

The survivors of that plane crash
weren't rescued just by luck, my friend.

A forestry helicopter spotted
Mr. Colshaw's backpack on the riverbank.

Oh. And they made
a search of the area?

That's how they found
the plane wreck, yes.

The man they called a
coward was really a hero.

Indeed, Tattoo.

He gave his life
for his friends.

He gave his life?

You mean, we've
been entertaining a...

A ghost?

My dear Tattoo, don't
tell me you are prejudiced!

Mr. Roarke, words can't
express the way we feel.

Would you please
accept a simple thank you?

Of course, although
there is no need for it.

It was your love

which brought about
this happy conclusion.

And set me free.

How could you possibly
have known that it would?

There is always a way, maestro,
especially on Fantasy Island.

Mr. Roarke, the music
we make together

will tell you how
grateful we are.

I'm sure.

But more importantly, together
you will enrich the whole world.

Goodbye, old friend.

Goodbye, maestro.

-Thank you. -Bye, Miss Lohman.


-Boss. -Hmm?

Did Mr. Dumont really
have an animal face?

What do you think, Tattoo?

Was that just the way
Miss Lohman saw him,

a trick of the mind?

The only thing that
really matters is,

now we know she
loves him as a man,

not just for his music.
