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01x13 - A Bad Temper and a Hard Heart

Posted: 05/04/23 05:06
by bunniefuu
WILL: Previously on Will Trent...

Our k*ller keeps 'em alive
approximately hours,

then he finishes 'em off and dumps 'em.

Were you able to get a look at him?

- Not really... smelled good.

But it was, like, a
hand lotion or something.

The link between the old murders
and the recent ones... it's you.

One of the women the k*ller
took, back in the 's...

- she was your mother.
- What was her name?

- AMANDA: Lucy Morales.
- You got a date for your internal review board?

ANGIE: Yeah, it's tomorrow.

Detective Polaski wouldn't
miss this, Captain.

WILL: Angie?




AMANDA: We have no comment.

"The Tailor"? Who came up with that?

That's a stupid name.

FAITH: He disconnected the Wi-Fi.

That's why the security system
and the cameras were off.

And what I can't figure
out is why she didn't run.

There was a struggle in the kitchen.

It seems like she could've gotten away.

Is he okay?

FAITH: He's fine...
just give him a minute.

Will, Paul Campano's on his way.

He's gonna take you to his house.

I forgot my tape recorder.


[LOUDER] I forgot my tape recorder.

My routine was off...

sleepin' on the couch
'cause Angie was here.

I took Betty to work.

I had to pack her kibble and leash.

I forgot my tape recorder.

It was... it was right
here in this bowl,

- next to Angie's g*n.
- We'll help you find it.

No. No! I...

She left something for us.
What'd you do, Angie?

She was listening to music.


She played this crap
in the car all the time.

She was psyching herself
up for the hearing.

- She was gonna make it.
- Of course she was.

She was dressed except for shoes.


♪ Yeah, yeah ♪


- SINGER: ♪ You've got to show me ♪
- Ugh, okay.

Let's go not get fired.

What do you think, Betty?

- SINGER: ♪ Promises ♪

♪ I've had more than my share ♪

ANGIE: Mm, luckily for
me, it's not up to you.

WILL: She had a few
minutes to make a snack.

Have we got time to eat?

WILL: Some point, the
security system goes dark.

SINGER: ♪ Nowhere ♪

WILL: She heads to the kitchen.

SINGER: ♪ What I need is somebody ♪

♪ Who really cares ♪

WILL: She starts to make a sandwich.


WILL: There's no time,

so she just goes in
for the peanut butter.

SINGER: ♪ It's been so long ♪

♪ Since I touched a wanting hand ♪

I know.




WILL: She gets in a hit.

k*ller backs off.

She made it to the door.

And that's what I'm saying.
Why didn't she just run for it?

Exactly... why didn't she? Where's Paul?

Right here, buddy.

- Smell Betty.
- PAUL: Why?

Just do it.

That's him. Tha... that's the smell!

I know it from somewhere.

SINGER: ♪ Getting caught up ♪

WILL: k*ller had Betty.
That's why she stopped... to save her.

SINGER: ♪ What I really need is ♪

WILL: They went for
the g*n. They wrestled.


- k*ller: [SCREAMS]
- Hold my dog.

SINGER: ♪ Don't you
promise me the world ♪

Betty bit him. She
couldn't make it to the g*n.

Phone was in the bedroom.
But she grabbed the tape recorder.

- [SOFTLY] Run, Betty. Go, go, go.
- SINGER: ♪ Speak louder ♪


- [WHISPERS] Here, here.
- WILL: She puts Betty in the hamper,

looks for a hiding place.

[k*ller BANGS ON DOOR]



Um, medium build, um...

- [BANG]
- ', Caucasian, blue eyes.

Keep your eye on the ball, Will.

- [k*ller SHOUTS]


That's my girl.

I'm gonna find you.


k*ller: You bitch!


WILL: Thanks to Detective Polaski,
we have a description of the k*ller.

We also know he has a small
dog bite somewhere on his body.

We know what he smells like,
and we also know what he sounds like

when he's screaming the word "bitch."

He's got Angie.

If he stays on schedule,
we got less than hours.

Let's get to work.
I'm back on this case.

Of course.


Donna Mary Halston was the first victim?

EVELYN: Yes, we found her
on our beat in an alley.

She was dumped?

She was staged:

hands over her chest,

nails done bright red.

Jane Delray was next?

Yeah, a couple of blocks south,

the same pose, same red nails,

but we didn't know that at the time.


Lucy Morales.

It's the first picture
I've ever seen of my mother.

AMANDA: She was great,
Will. Just real special...

No, we're not doing that now.

You've had over years to
tell me who my mother was.

Lucy was the third one
taken and the last one found.

The unique thing about her
was how long he kept her,

and he technically didn't k*ll her.
She died in childbirth.

So technically, I k*lled her?

She was in a dirty room,

tied down without a doctor.

He k*lled her.

He kept her longer because he liked her.

Lucy, your mother...

she had on red fingernail
polish the last time we saw her.

She said it was a client.

Good thing you didn't follow up on that.

You know, I'm not gonna keep
explaining myself to you.

Some girls mentioned a gold Jaguar
cruising around during lunch rush,

but Butch and Rick... they weren't
interested in tracking it down.

I'd like to speak to
Detective Bonnie and Landry

as soon as possible.
Can you two arrange that?

Cancer got Landry in the 's,

and I'm sure we can find Butch Bonnie

in whatever bottle he's crawled into.


Do you know who my father is?

I do not.

She wouldn't say.



Detective Bonnie, we saw that car again.

Oh, right,

the one you said was suspicious?

He was just stopped, watching
the girls from a distance,

then sped off as soon
as he saw we noticed him.

- No plates.
- There's something there.

I... I just... I can feel it.


Well, why didn't you just say so?

She can feel it, Rick.
We gotta get on this.

You are such a jerk.

You're out of your league, rookie.

Women's intuition isn't
gonna find this guy.

We will.

I wouldn't trust you to find
your own ass in a snowstorm.

What did you say, you little slut?

It's not women's intuition.

It's a cop's hunch.

You ever had one?

I feel it in my gut,
not between my legs.

Stay out of our case,

or you will feel something
between your legs.


Wow, you are turning into
one fierce son of a bitch.

Lucy's still out there.

We gon' find that car.

ORMEWOOD: I'm sorry for the late hours.

FAITH: Yes, ma'am. Anything
you could tell us...

ORMEWOOD: No, I know you already
talked to some uniforms, sir,

but I have some...

damn. Don't worry about it!

It's just my partner.
It's only a human life.

God, people are garbage.

I can't comment on the Tailor, ma'am.

I'm just calling to see if
there was anything unusual

- in your neighborhood prior to...

- ORMEWOOD: Detective Ormewood.
- A gold Jaguar, really?

Did you happen to get a license plate?

ORMEWOOD: Oh, thanks
for returning my call.

No, I don't guess I would
stop with two grocery bags

and a Great Dane either.

A gold Jaguar?

Yes, that's very helpful.


Oh, we're gonna catch the guy, ma'am.

Just stay vigilant and be aware
of your surroundings, okay?

Have a good night.

- Gold Jaguar?
- Gold Jaguar.

- Did you get a plate?
- Nope.

[SIGHS] It's been seven hours.

I'm putting out a BOLO.


It's Will.

- What do you have?
- FAITH: We've got witnesses

placing the gold Jaguar

near several of the
recent victims' homes.

No plates.

It was a gold Jaguar spotted in ' too.

Keep looking, even a
partial plate will help.

Where are you?

I'm at the site where they
found Brooke Miller's body.

k*ller's used it before.

FAITH: He likes to repeat himself.

No. It's a dumb spot to dump a body.

He's flashy, arrogant.

First time, he wanted to be seen.

The second time, he was just
reminding us that he got away with it.

Okay, so he's emotionally involved,

and he likes attention. What else?

WILL: We know the connection
between the present-day victims is me.

We can't assume the connection

to the old victims was just
what they did for money.

There's gotta be something
in all those boxes of files.

I'll go through them.

Definitely'd be faster. Thank you.

FAITH: I'm on it.




right behind you, Trashcan.


- Where is she?



I don't care what time it is.
Wake them up!

- ORMEWOOD: I'm on it, okay?

What else do you need?

Expand offline research
for gold Jaguars, new model,

to retail and rental agencies,

and subpoena every
camera within three miles.

- You okay?

- That a real question?
- Oh, I guess not.

Oh, I know this smell. [INHALES]

I swear to God, I'ma figure it out.

You have any ideas?

WILL: k*ller targeted
the kids we grew up with

to get my attention,
because he blames me

for k*lling my mother.

He wants to punish me. I
think he thinks he loved her.

But I don't think he
was at the site tonight

because he was following me.

He's cleaning something up,

which means he's making mistakes,

which means I'm gon' catch him.

Ylang Ylang? I said no floral notes.

You can hold your
breath for ten minutes.

You can't follow simple directions?

I'm trying to catch a k*ller.

You on dr*gs?


The situation calls for it.

I don't have time to babysit you, Paul.

No one's asking you to...

hence the Navy SEAL bodyguards, geez.

You haven't even said
hello to your stupid dog.


Come here, Betty. I got you, girl.

Oh, yeah, I am so sorry.

Can I just say what is happening here

is really messed up,
and that's me saying it.

I'm so proud of what
you did, you know that?

I'll be back soon, I promise.


You're gonna k*ll this guy, right?

I don't know.

I'ma figure out that smell.

That's helpful. Stop taking pills.



Butch Bonnie always was a grandstander.

I don't understand why we're waiting.

- Why don't we just go to him?

Mandy Wagner, look at
you behind that desk.

It's like Take Your
Daughter to Work day.

How's your liver, big guy?

- I'm Special Agent Will Trent.

Glad you could make it.
I'd like to dive right in.

Yeah, sure, uh...

well, it sounds like you ladies
got yourselves a copycat, huh?

We no longer think
Juice was responsible.

WILL: We've been
reviewing your case file.

Lots of leaps in the investigation.

We wanna make sure no
suspects were overlooked.

Wait, you're second-guessing me?

Yes, we are.

My CIs were solid.

We took that twisted
psycho off the street.

Dead whores stopped showing
up looking like Raggedy Ann.

You seem to not have a problem
at all with what happened to them.

I didn't really come here
to talk about my opinion on whores.

I'm sorry... hookers.

What happened to your hand... dog bite?

Cut myself working in my garage.

WILL: Your eyes are blue.

You're about what, '?

Yeah. I'm also a Pisces.

Where were you last night?

What's going on?

I called you in here because I was eager

to speak to the lead detective
on the case in the 's,

but now I'm just trying to figure out

if you're sloppy, lazy, dumb,

or guilty.

Amanda, you better handle your boy.

Who better to frame Julius?

I'm calling my lawyer and my union rep.

You're gonna regret this.

You two never liked Butch for this?


WILL: He fits the k*ller's description,

and he's definitely hiding something.

He's a misogynist prick
who liked shortcuts,

but he also puked at crime scenes.

Everybody called him
Ralph behind his back.

The guy we're looking for
is prepared, meticulous,

capable of sewing a woman's mouth shut

- while she's still alive.

We got something.

A mission at Piedmont Heights

kept coming up in old case notes.

I got a list of contacts from back then,

and we have a witness.


You gotta be careful with this one.

WILL: Ms. Treadwell?

Thank you for coming to speak with us.

We understand you have
some information to share.


This all started with me.

KITTY: I brought that.

I don't know.

I knew some of the girls,

so I thought maybe...

Anything can help.

You're very brave to be here.
Thank you for coming in.

Did you know her?


Can I have this photo?

She was my mother.

Of course.


I knew I should've said something

back then, and...


I just couldn't.

You're doing a great job.

You're with the three people
in the world who truly know

what that guy is capable of.

No, you don't. You don't.

This guy's had a hold
on you for years.

Help us. You can get your life back.

My life stopped

the moment

I got in that car.

Do you remember what it looked like?



He told me to...

get in the back,

tie something around my eyes,

took me somewhere.

I mean, the johns... you
know, they got their things.

So when he started choking me,

I just waited for him to finish.

But he did it again.

And I screamed.

And I screamed.

And then he...

he sewed

my mouth shut.

[SOBS] He...

How did you get away?

KITTY: He left,

and I didn't hear that
click, the lock on the door.

So I just crawled,

and I broke a window,

and I pushed my body through the glass,

and I ran

and ran.

He wasn't gonna make
that mistake again, huh?


Kitty, we have a suspect.

We'd like to do a lineup.

We can assign protection for you.

No. No way.

No, I... I wanna go home.

WILL: He has someone right now.

She's tough like you.

You two, you don't
break like other people.

You keep going on despite everything.

You're not listening!

He won't stop

until he wants to!



If you're looking for tears

or a scream, you're not gonna get it.

I don't know who you think you took.





Come on, Polaski.


- Stairs...

Turn right, ten steps,


Stairs, turn right,

ten steps,



turn right,

ten steps,


Hey, you need to see this.

ORMEWOOD: It was in with
that attorney's notes.

The one who defended Juice.

FAITH: It's a note to "Look
into Detective Butch Bonnie

for assaulting prostitutes."

We need to bring him in.

No, Evelyn and I will go talk to James.

I want you three to go
find Butch and sit on him

until I call for confirmation.

Don't make a move until I call you.

I mean it.


Ladies. Two visits in one week...

- how'd I get so lucky?
- Don't ever change, James.

- Can we have a moment?
- Well, Amanda,

I... I... I could spend
a lifetime with you,

- but I'm with a client, so...
- Care to dance...?

- Bruce.
- EVELYN: Bruce.

Bruce, you gon' make me ask you twice?

Mm, never dream of it.


[LAUGHS] She's a smoothie.

SINGER: ♪ Treat me wrong ♪

♪ Come and love your
daddy all night long ♪

I have some questions for
you about Butch Bonnie.

SINGER: ♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ All right ♪

Faith, you have eyes on him?

FAITH: Yeah, eyes still working.

He's on his fifth drink
and second helping.

I would not wanna be his colon tonight.

ORMEWOOD: Yeah. Toilet's
gonna be its own crime scene.

Hey, you guys should
pull back a few rows.

Your vehicles don't exactly blend.

Good. I want him to know I'm watching.

Now quit the chatter. I
don't want any surprises.

- Who the hell are you?
- PERSON: Got your order.

SINGER: ♪ Tell your mama ♪

I didn't order anything.

ORMEWOOD: Just take the food, Trent.

Wait, you ordered us Postmates?

ORMEWOOD: You're damn right I did,

'cause you can't spell
"stakeout" without "takeout."

We're not on a picnic.

Hey, when's the last time you ate?

Look, I'll eat after we arrest Butch.

ORMEWOOD: Will, we're gonna find her.

Kay? Decide that,

and then put some fuel on the t*nk.


I miss her too.

SINGER: ♪ What'd I say? ♪

♪ All right ♪

Listen, I got an APD officer kidnapped.

- Tell me what you know.
- Okay.

But you have to keep in
mind, it was a different time.

I was representing prostitutes,

and you could not go up against the APD.

I did what I could. I got
Butch transferred out of Vice.

James, spit it out.

SINGER: ♪ What'd I say? ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ Well, tell me what'd I say, hey ♪


♪ Tell me what'd I say right now ♪

Faith, let's give him a squeeze.


SINGER: ♪ Yeah, I want
to know right now, yeah ♪

♪ Baby, I wanna know ♪

♪ Baby, I wanna know, yeah ♪


- I... I... I... I... I... I...

- PERSON: Do it again.
- SINGER: Wait... wait a minute.

I... I... wait... wait a minute.
Wait... ho... hold up... ho... hold!


Not crazy about this.

What's this fool doing?

- SINGER: ♪ Oh ♪
- ALL: ♪ Oh ♪


Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Yeah? I got one of those too, asshat.

- ALL: ♪ Time ♪
- SINGER: ♪ Say it one more time ♪

Some of my clients said Butch

liked to use his badge for freebies.

You know, if you don't get
in the car, you go to jail.

If you do, you get...

r*ped. It's called "r*pe."

Plus, he liked to get rough.

How rough?

He liked choking them...

repeatedly, like a...
it was a sex thing,

not a m*rder thing,
although, I'm not sure

the girls could
appreciate the difference.

Look, I would've handled
it much differently today.

I wouldn't be surprised
if he's still doing it.

SINGER: ♪ Uh ♪

Drop the g*n, Butch!

- You got it all wrong!
- Then drop the g*n!

SINGER: ♪ Uh, uh ♪

- [g*nsh*t FIRES]
- [b*llet CLANKS]

Oh, no. No, no, no.

You're not taking me in.

- You got a shot?
- Yeah.

WILL: Could you bee-sting
him from that distance?

I can trim his nose
hairs from this distance.

Amanda, I have thought
about this for years.

SINGERS: ♪ Make me feel all right ♪

He's a monster.

Just let it go, Trent!

SINGERS: ♪ Make me feel all right ♪

- They're only hookers!
- ALL: ♪ Make me feel all right ♪

SINGER: ♪ Make me feel all right ♪

Take him.

- [g*nsh*t]

ALL: ♪ Make me feel all right ♪


[YELLS] Where is he?

There was nothing at Butch's house.

- I need to talk to him now.
- He just got out of surgery.

- You're not gonna get anything.
- Oh, I'll get something.

We got him, okay?

Will, they found
another body in Bankhead.

- Angie?
- We don't know.

Female, Caucasian, red nails.



I'm so sorry, Kitty.

I promised her she'd get her life back.

How the hell did this happen?

Security detail says that
Kitty had a panic attack

and fled the safehouse,
but didn't make it home.

This was after we had
Butch in our custody.

Then why did Butch run?

Because he's a r*pist.


DISTORTED VOICE: The one that got away.

I just couldn't help myself.

I hate loose ends.

You didn't have to do this.

All right, you want
me, just come for me.

- I'm right here!



Come on!

Worthless, stupid,




LUCY: Hey, sugar.

You can't let anger get the best of you.

Then I'd never get anything done.


My boy...

Look at you.

I messed up so, so badly.

That poor woman...

- I should've...
- LUCY: Shh, stop that.

It won't help.

I have so many questions.

Where were you from?

What did you smell like?

Do you have a name for me?

I hope I made you proud.

You did.

You do.

We passed the -hour mark hours ago.

What if she's dead?
What if he gets away with all of it?

- LUCY: Hmm...

LUCY: I'm so sorry, baby.

I know it's been hard.

But if anyone can do it, it's you.

Any chance you can tell me who he is?



That's what I thought.

LUCY: What I can give you is this.

Everyone else looks at
things from left to right,

top to bottom.

Yeah, it must be nice.

LUCY: What, being regular?


You're special.


LUCY: I hate that anyone ever
made you feel like you weren't.


LUCY: I'm so sorry I missed everything.

Me too.

He took you away from me.

And now he has Angie.

Then go get her back.

What am I missing?

Everyone looks at things
left to right, top to bottom.








k*ller: Angie!







Hello, James.

This all just got very interesting.


I'm alone. Where is she?

You know, there was a third condition.

A conversation... about what?

Whatever we want.

Ask me anything.

Where's Angie?

Hmph, that's boring. She's here.

She's fine...

sort of.

[SIGHS] Will's not answering.

Faith hasn't heard from him either.

You know, maybe he found something,

went off on his own like we did.

This cannot end the way
it did the last time.

We won't let that happen.

I solved it. I got him!

- Where's Will?
- What do you have,

- Mr. Campano?
- The smell!

Ah, I couldn't place it,

but then I ordered dry-aged
wagyu from By George,

and, by George...

[CHUCKLES] I got it.

The men's room... the soap!

The lotion... that's the k*ller.

I mean, that's the smell of the k*ller.

By George, the steak house.

Where you can always find
James Ulster having lunch.

It's a wonderful
limoncello from Catania,

excellent for digesting

bad news.

I don't drink.

Ah, disciplined. Hmm.

Ah, good for you.

You know, I really thought
the Butch thing would work.

He was the perfect patsy,
even better than Juice.

This was all so much easier in the 's,

but we have to be


don't we, hmm?


What was it, by the way?

[CHUCKLING] How did you know?

The note you slipped
inside the case files.

It was supposedly
written December of ',

yet it left a wet ink
stain on the back of a page

- dated three months later.
- Ah.

Why her?

Why my mother?

You mean my Lucy.

She was different from the others:

Softer, sweeter.

She only screamed a
little at the beginning.

We were very happy together.

We would talk for hours
all about her hopes,

her dreams, her family,

That crazy brother of hers... ooh.

That family was bonkers.

You ever get invited to Thanksgiving,

bring your g*n. [CHUCKLES]

Are you my father?

Mm, what kind of a father

would throw his own
son into the garbage?

Where is she?


I suppose we should... mm.

Get on with it, hmm?

It's this way.

WILL: Angie...

JAMES: No, no, she won't answer you.

I bashed in her skull
and her spine, so I...

What do you want?

I watched my Lucy
give birth to you and die.

Now I wanna watch you watch her die,

and we'll call it even.



I'm not done with you. Get up.


Look at this place,

and tell me that wasn't
his car parked outside.

EVELYN: Just let me call someone.



Go, I'm okay.

APD... stop!




Look at me.

Look at me!

[g*n COCKS]

ANGIE: Will...



Easy, easy, easy.

You took your sweet time.

WILL: How bad is it, huh?

What... what do you got, a concussion?

Who's the lead singer
of Concrete Blonde?

Johnette Napolitano.

Stroke... move your
tongue side-to-side.

Spine... move your fingers.

- Your toes too.

Help is on the way.



James Ulster...

I'm arresting you for the
murders of Donna Mary Halston,

Jane Delray,

Veronica Wylie,

Susan McBride,

Kathryn Elizabeth Treadwell,

Brooke Miller,

Edward Ross,

David Reynolds.

I'm so sorry, Lucy.

And my mother,

Lucy Morales.





- This is not how this ends.

- OFFICER: Police!
- WILL: You don't get to do this. Come on!

- Breathe, assh*le!
- OFFICER: Go, go, go, go.

Wake up!


- WILL: You don't get to die like this!

- OFFICER: Clear!
- No!

It's okay. It's all right.

- No!
- It's all right.

It's over.

Where's the baby?


I gotta find it.

Damn it.






I got you, baby.

I got you.

You're safe.

Okay? I got you.





Wherever you are, James,

I hope it's a hellscape.

EVELYN: It's over.

- ORMEWOOD: Is she okay?
- How is she?

DR. BRIDGES: Ms. Polaski
is out of surgery.

We did an emergency
decompression and stabilized her spine.

Once the swelling goes down,

we'll know more about the
extent of the nerve damage.

What, you mean paralysis?

Not necessarily.

But possibly?

For now, she's stable.

I'll take that.

Thank you, Doctor.

I think I'm gonna head home,

maybe see the kids before
they forget what I look like.

Keep you posted.

We'll get through this. We always do.

Hey, Mom.

You ready to go? I parked in the garage.

Mm, you go. Um, I'll call a ride.

Something I need to take care of.

Did you know Amanda's father was police?

I did not.

Guess it makes sense.

Evelyn, I'm not very
good company right now.

Everybody called him Duke,

but his given name was Wilbur.

And her mother died when
Amanda was still young.

Her name was Martha.

Her maiden name was Trent.

What are you telling me?

It was Amanda who found you.



Amanda found me?

Why didn't she ever say anything?

Because of what happened after.

Mandy took you home with her that night.

Three weeks, you lived with her.

Every day, she said
she'd give you to CPS,

and every day, she didn't.

She just couldn't give you up.

She bought you a brand-new crib.

[CHUCKLES] Tried to
pretend it was secondhand,

but I could see right through her.

She was planning a life with you.

Then she just had a change of mind?

Absolutely not.


It was the 's,

and single women couldn't adopt babies

on their own back then.

Losing you broke her heart.

So she gave you the
only thing she could.

Your name.


And she thought there
was a family lined up.

Oh, a family?

Right. [SCOFFS]

Look, I don't know what happened.

It must've fallen through.

I know you're angry, but
that wasn't Mandy's fault.

She thought you were gonna be okay.

That turned out not to be the case.

She didn't know that.

And so years later,

you and Amanda found each other?

When I was arrested.


Out of all the police stations
you could've ended up in?

I'm sorry, but the two of you...

you're connected.

Amanda Wagner

is one proud bitch.

The job gave her

a bad temper and a hard heart.

But she...

She is your family.

I know this is a lot to take in.


Good night, Special Agent Will Trent.


Do you want coffee?




Thank you.

This belongs to you.