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Gwen Shamblin: Starving for Salvation (2023)

Posted: 05/03/23 20:09
by bunniefuu
- Would you state

your name, please?

- Gwen shamblin-lara.

- And you're the leader of

the remnant fellowship church.

- Well, I'm one of several

church leaders, yes.

- What is your

title in the church?

- My title?

- What do they call you?

- They call me gwen.

- Okay. Regarding

the matter at hand...

Have you ever instructed

your parishioners

In how they should

discipline their children?


- no. No.

- More specifically,

Did you ever instruct

any of your parishioners

To beat their children

with glue sticks?

- Never.

- If I were to tell you that we have

recordings of you saying precisely that,

Would you want to

change your answer?

- I would question the

integrity of any such recording.

- Alright, why don't we just

start again from the beginning.



- I'm a pig.

I just got off the scale.

- Oh, no. Is it crushed

beyond repair?

- I'm four pounds heavier

than I was this summer.

I'm always up and down! I can never get

my weight where I want and keep it there.

- Gwen, you barely cast a shadow.

Four pounds isn't gonna k*ll ya.

- This isn't just about me. I teach

nutrition, for goodness sakes.

And I can't lose

four extra pounds,

And I'm supposed to be helping

other people lose hundreds?

- And you do. (sighing)

- How do I get rid of emptiness?

- Emptiness?

- My client, you know, she's eating.

I don't have her on any kind

of broth-and-breadcrumb diet,

But still, she says she

feels this emptiness.

- Isn't that just hunger?

- Maybe, but the word she used was emptiness, not hunger.

I don't know why that word's been

stuck in my head ever since she said it,

And it's been bugging me,

Because she says this emptiness

Just pulls her

to the refrigerator

When she knows

she didn't want to eat.

She doesn't want food.

She wants to drop

the extra pounds.


- maybe...

...Just means she's

hungry, hmm? (chuckling)

- But hungry for what?

(bell tolling)

(background chatter)

Oh, sure. Yeah.

Thank you.

- Alright,

Let's have your plate, gwen.

- Not for me today, thanks.

- I wish I had your restraint.

You know, my doctor,

He said my blood

type is, uh, velveeta.

- He did not.

- He's a real cut-up, that one, let me tell ya.

- Yeah, well, I've got four

nasty pounds I'm looking to shed,

So none of the good stuff.

- Alright, dear.

- You want some?

- Alright, tammy, load me up.

- Thanks, y'all, for

coming out today.

Uh... I'm hungry too,

so I'll keep it brief.

Let's everybody bow our heads,

Give thanks.

We thank you, lord,

For the bounty we're about to

receive in jesus's name. Amen.

(all): Amen.

- Amen.

Michael, elizabeth, eat

up. (background chatter)

Put your napkin here.




No, you are not hungry.

(soft music)

Please, help me understand

what I am missing.

What is this emptiness?

And how do I fill it?

Please, god.

Give me your divine guidance.


Don't you see? That's

my point. Once I prayed,

I didn't want it anymore. And the

same thing happened at work today.

I was reaching for the

second half of my sandwich

And I realized I'm not hungry.

So, david, I prayed again.

And the emptiness was gone.

- Then what was the emptiness?

- Spiritual. It's a

spiritual emptiness...

...That can only

be filled by god.

You get it?

- Not entirely.

- Okay, my client, melanie,

She says she can't stop

eating because she feels

Like she's always starving.

And she is starving!

Just not for food.

David, all I had to

do was pray to god,

And ask him to fill

that empty space

That I would've filled

with food, and he did it.

- You show those four

pounds who's boss, sweetheart.

- Uh-huh! (david chuckling)

New sheriff in town.


(indistinct chatter)

- Gwen.

- Oh, hey, emily.

- I did just what you

said and it worked.

- Oh, it does, doesn't it?

- I'm down four

pounds in two weeks.

- Mm-mm-mm.

- I just start taking smaller portions,

And taking little sips of

tea in between my bites,

And then just letting god fill

up whatever emptiness was left.

- Praise god! What'd I tell you?

- Are you still doing it?

- A month and a half.

Down... Six.

- Gwen, you have to bottle this.

- Oh, emily, I'm

way ahead of you.

Oh... Would you like to join me?

I will be putting these

up around town today...

For my new workshop.

- Oh, yes, I do.

- Well, guess what.

We have a date. Let's go.

- Let's go! I thank you so much.

I can't tell you how happy I am.

- Ahem.


So... We all here? (chuckling)

Well, okay, uh, my

name is gwen shamblin,

And I'm a nutritionist

and a christian.

(all): Hi, gwen.

- So y'all here to maybe

lose some weight?

(all agreeing) yeah?

Well, I've come up with a

method that'll help you lose weight

And bring you closer

to god at the same time.

It's very simple.

Even when we're not hungry,

Sometimes we want to eat.

But that emptiness

isn't your stomach.

It's your heart.

And your heart

doesn't need food.

It needs god.

- Gwen, still?

- I'm fine.

- You should be.

So what if it wasn't

a packed house.

You got through to those people.

- Yeah, all two of 'em.

- Three if you count emily.

- Oh, three whole people.

- You know who else

started small? Jesus.


- well...

He went big when he

started walking on water,

And that ain't in my skill set.

- Come on, what's

really bugging you?

- Mm. I'm just frustrated.

I feel like I'm pointing

the way out of the desert

And everybody

thinks it's just a mirage.

- You gotta give it

more of a chance.

- I don't know.

It just makes me feel

so inconsequential.

- Come on, gwen.

You got two degrees,

Your own practice,

teach college, great kids.

Not to mention a

fantastic husband.

Everybody should be as

inconsequential as you.

- Oh, davey, you know I'm

grateful for everything I have. I...

I just have this drive to

reach as many people as I can,

And help as many

people as I can.

I feel that's what

god wants from me.

- It was only one

session, sweetheart.

- Yeah. Or maybe

people just think

I'm some crazy lady in a garage.

- I mean, jesus didn't

even have a garage.

- David... I'm not jesus.

- That's right. You're

gwen shamblin.

And gwen shamblin came up with a

new way to lose weight that really works.

Works for you, works for emily.

And things that

work, they catch on.

- And god hates a quitter.

(soft music)

(gwen gasping)

Well, lookie here!

Wow. We got a few

more people today.

I think you two been talkin'.

- I'm already down two pounds.

- Praise god!

It really works, doesn't it?

Well, okay, I'm gwen shamblin,

And I'll be leading

y'all on a journey.

Is it about weight

loss? Yes, it is.


- You aware it's

approaching 2 a.M.?

- No, it is not.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, boy. When

you get a roll...

(david sighing)

- You're on page 236?

- Yeah, I'm writing a

book, not a pamphlet.

- Couple of hundred pages,

though, for a diet book?

- David, you know

it's more than that.

It's a spiritual guide.

- Uh-uh. It's bedtime.

I don't want you

burning yourself out.

- Okay, let me just get

through this chapter. I'm--

Oh, david!

- Nope. Thou shall

get thy beauty sleep.

- No, I... Well, you

have to turn it off!


- Doesn't mean

anything, sweetheart.

- Yeah, it means

nobody wants my book.

- Come on, gwen. So what?

Your workshops are still huge,

Your videos are

still doing great.

You can't tell

me you still think

You're inconsequential.

- I mean, maybe... Maybe

I've been wasting my time...

...Just, you know, going to

the christian publishing houses,

Because they don't have near

the reach that I want, that I need.

Maybe I should be

going for your, you know,

Your simon & shuster,

your doubleday.

- Well, that's ambitious,

Which is good.

I only worry that if the christian

publishers aren't interested

In a christian-based diet book,

Will the big houses

really want it?

- God willing.

(indistinct chatter)

Good morning!

- Oh, mrs. Shamblin?

- Oh, please call me

gwen. What's your name?

- It's carmen, ma'am.

- Oh, hello, carmen.

It's so nice to meet you.

- It's nice to meet you, too.

Um, can I just say personally

What an honour it is

to be working for you?

- Oh, bless your heart.

- Really, I-I can see

the hope and inspiration

You're bringing to

people with this program.

I'm just so proud

to be a part of it.

- I am so touched,

carmen. Thank you.

Have a great day.

- Thanks. You, too, ma'am. Bye.

- I'm not special. I'm no

different from any of you.

God does not favour me over you.

Let me tell you something.

There is not one

person in this room

Who cannot tackle this demon.

And this demon isn't food.

It's sin.

When we overindulge ourselves,

We are falling short

of the glory of god.

And that is what sin is.

And we can only overcome sin...

With god's help.

Because with god on

our side, we cannot lose!

Well, we can lose.

Weight, that is.

(laughter) but y'all

know what I mean.

(indistinct chatter)

Oh, thank you!

(indistinct chatter) bye.

Thank you. Oh...

Come over here, give me a hug.

Okay. Oop. Okay. Thank you.

Thank you. See you later. Bye.

Oh, hi.

- I'm down 10 pounds

because of you.

- Oh, bless your heart.

- I've tried so many

other methods.

I was really ready to give up.

- Well, you just keep

puttin' it in god's hands.

- My wife and I cannot

stop talking about you.

- Oh, well, it's not about me.

- I'm david martin.

This is my wife, jennifer.

- We drive miles

to come to these.

I wish there was someone

like you in our church.

- Oh, what parts you from?

- We're out in willowdale.

- Oh, well, heck, I think we

have workshops out there.

We are spreading like wildfires.

If you were thinking maybe you

wanted one in your own church,

I think, jennifer,

That you would probably be

very good at running one of these.


- Me? Oh...

Oh, my gosh. I-I

don't know what to say.

Well, okay. Okay.

Thank you.

- Thank you so much.

That was... Incredible.

- Ah, so good.

(david sighing) -

the kids are in bed.

You may commence foot rub. Ooh.

- Well, you'll have to rub

your own feet tonight, buddy.

(david sighing)

- what's that?

- I'm at a moral crossroads.

- Well, if you think that's

more important than a foot rub...

- Here's the thing.

I feel blessed that I'm reaching

so many people with this program

And I feel like I'm

doing god's work.

But, baby, maybe making just a

little more money at it, is that wrong?

- Why? This is

work. A lot of work.

- Right? Yeah, but...

But what's the number?

(david sighing) what's

fair and what's greedy?

- Let's see what we've got.

- Okay, for a 12-week workshop,

We've got all these expenses:

We've got gas money,


photocopying... I mean...

...I need all this right here.

- That's a lot.

- Right?

And the donations we collect...

Yeah, that'd pretty much

cover all of it. But I thought...

If I just charged a flat rate,

I'd cover costs and maybe

make just a little bit of profit.

So I came up with

this number here.

- Hmm.

- I mean, you're the one with the

divinity degree. What do you think?

- Here.

Selling good seats,

You should reap what you sow.

- Well... That's

definitely reaping.

- You're providing

something very valuable,

And working like crazy and

you're making a big impact.

How's that greedy?

Let's go to sleep. You've got that

book signing tomorrow in new york.

- Mrs. Shamblin, I'm nancy,

I'm your rep from doubleday.

- Oh, hi, nancy. It's

nice to meet you.

- I hope your travel

went smoothly.

- Oh, yes, it did.

And, you know,

I had never ridden in a limo

before. I felt like a movie star.

(nancy chuckling) I'm

just a little confused.

I thought that the signing

was set up at a bookstore.

- It was, but we actually

got a surprising response.

We needed to change the venue.

- Oh.

- People seem to

just love this book.

- Oh, thank you. I did put

my heart and soul into it.

- Okay, she's here.

Get ready to announce.

So right through

here to the stage.

- The stage?

- Yes.

Go ahead.

(announcer): Please give a

warm welcome to gwen shamblin!


(gwen laughing)


- Oh... Well, y'all can't

be here for little me.



...Let's get started.

My name is gwen shamblin.

- Hey, everybody!

How y'all doin'?!

(crowd cheering)

Welcome. Welcome, everyone...

To the 1999 weigh down

workshop desert oasis.

(crowd cheering)

Let me ask you something.

Y'all ready to see gwen?

(crowd cheering)

- Do not spray that cheap

crap in my hair, sheri!

What am I, a hooker?

(announcer): Well,

folks, here she is.

The founder of the weigh

down workshop, gwen shamblin!

(crowd cheering)

(loud cheering)

- Oh.

How y'all doin' on

this glorious day?

(crowd cheering)

We are blessed...

To have attendees...

From 37 states

and six countries.

(crowd exclaiming)

I mean... I mean...

You know, it's still

hard for me to grasp

That this little program

I started in my garage...

...And now to be in

14,000 churches--

(wild cheering)

I love these annual rallies.

It's just like we are

creating our own little city.

It's like a garden of eden apart

from the fallen world out there.

(cheering) we have

some special guests

For you tonight. Come up!

They didn't bring the

700 pounds they lost, but...

Show everybody

what you did bring.

(crowd whooping and exclaiming)

Come on, come on.

(man): Whoa!

- Come on!

I mean, I could just get

in these pants with him

And there would still be room.


So I have to say I have

known tammy here for ages,

And she has always struggled

with her weight. Is that right?

- That's right.

- Well, will you tell us, tammy?

- I just want to point out that gwen

didn't just make a great diet plan,

But she built up a

whole community.

I mean, look around.

This is something beautiful,

And I'm just so

grateful to be a part of it.

- Oh, bless your

heart. (applause)

- Thank you.

- I love you.

Praise god. (all): Praise god!

- Praise god. (applause)

(all): We love you,

gwen! We love you, gwen!

(chanting continues)

- Uh, uh...

That went well, huh? (laughing)

- Those people worship you.

- "worship" is a

very big word, david.

- I dunno. When people

start chanting your name,

What word would you use?

- I dunno. Excited, exhilarated.

Joyful. And they should be.

- I'm just sayin', is all.

- You're just saying what?

- Just...

Stay gwen, alright?

- Well... Well, who

else am I gonna be?

If it makes them feel better

chanting my name, it's okay.

All I hear is... "glory

to god." (chuckling)

- Maybe, but what

they're saying...

...Is "glory to gwen."

- God knows men are imperfect

and can never be sinless,

Yet our sins...

...Needed to be wiped away

If we're to join

the lord in eternity.

Someone had to pay for our sins.

And that someone

was our lord jesus christ!

So rejoice!

Your sins have been forgiven...

By his blood.

Can I get an amen?

(parishioners): Amen.

- Hey, do you have

just a quick sec?

I wanted to ask you

about something.

- Sure.

- Now, listen,

This is not a big deal at all.

It's just that I, uh, I did

mess up one of the orders,

And I just wanted to

give you the heads-up,

'cause I was

worried that maybe...

Gwen, have I caught

you at a bad time?

- It's... People are getting

the wrong message here.

- In church?

- This is why some people fail

At the weigh down. When

you're told that your sins

Are washed away for nothin',

Well, then why not keep

sinning? Why not be gluttons?

It's no wonder that some of our

people are gaining their weight back.

They hear our message

on Wednesday night,

They come here and hear

this message on Sunday?

Well, they figure: Why not just

keep refilling at the Sunday buffet?

'cause jesus paid for it.


- ah...

Gwen, I mean, come on, you're...

You're not sayin' that people

should be rejecting jesus?

- No, of course not.

Just... Sometimes,

Maybe they need to go

over his head, you know?

- Oh.

- Just can't have these preachers messing up my program!

Anyway, I gotta go.

See you tomorrow?

- Bye.


- I am your vessel, lord.

I have so many ears...

Listening to me,

And I fear I do not

have the words.

(sighing) speak through me...

So that I may deliver your

word free of human corruption.


- Hey, hey! (all): Hey!

- How y'all doin' tonight? Good?

(enthusiastic response)

yes! That's what I like to hear.

Okay, listen.

You have all come

so far in this program,

And I'm really proud

of each one of you.

So for our last

session, what I... Oh!

Okay. Well, this is a

surprise. Look, everybody.

We are getting an in-person

visit from our founder,

Gwen shamblin.

- Hey, everybody.

(crowd cheering)

- Alright, everybody.

Let the lady speak.

- I have an important

message for everybody.

The other night I was praying.

And I've been

disturbed more and more

By some of the messages

coming from the modern-day church.

What I'm hearing...

Is that we're being

given a licence to sin...

Through christ's sacrifice.

In church, we are taught

that jesus is equal to god.

But how could that be?

Because before his crucifixion,

Jesus called to

god. He said, "god!

God, not my will,

But yours," he said.

Well, there's a colossal

distinction right there.

Because jesus was acknowledging

A very clear line of authority,

With god at the very top.

But our churches preach

to you the holy trinity.

They tell you that the father,

The son and the holy

spirit are all equal.

Well, I'm here to

tell you somethin'.

That is simply not true.

Because it is only...

Through god himself, directly,

That you can conquer sin.

And any church that tells

you otherwise is counterfeit.

God has called upon me...

To warn the people.

I have been called upon...

To start a new church.

And this church will be a place

Where the remnants of

all the bogus churches

Can come to find true...

Christian perfection.

And every one of you

Are invited to join.

(cheering and applause)

(man talking

indistinctly on phone)

- I understand that you feel that

way, pastor, but if you could just give--

- ...Of the trinity

is heresy! Heresy!

- Hello? Hello?

- "may you and your families

be smote with running sores."

That paints a pretty picture.

- Hmm. I read one yesterday

That was nice enough to

mention the horse I rode in on.


- Well, this is a

whole lot of bad.

- Gwen's not

worried, so I'm not.

- I dunno. We lost

almost half our churches.

That doesn't trouble her?

- Gary, gwen's been right

About everything so far.

I want you to have a

little faith, sweetheart.

Where you taking me for dinner?

- It's a surprise.

- Hmm. So you have no idea.

- None whatsoever.

- Good mornin'! Aw,

let me see some smiles.

It's a brand-new day,

never been lived in before.

- I don't know what you

thought was gonna happen.

- I can only tell people

what I know to be the truth.

- What you know to be the truth?

Where you gettin'

these truths from?

- Same place you get yours.

I'm interpreting scripture.

- Well, my interpretation

is that the trinity is real.

And, if it matters, I'm the

one with the masters in divinity.

- I'm the one with the audience.

Sorry if that stings

your ego, but it's true.

- Did you happen to notice the very

big chunk of people you just drove away?

- And have you noticed

how many stayed?

I'm in the business of

trimming the fat, honey.

- So was that your plan?

Purging the organization

Of everyone but

your true believers?

- I put myself in god's hands

from the very beginning,

And I've seen

miraculous results.

I've gotta believe I'm

doin' something right.

- What're you doing, anyway?

You've been in there an hour.

- I'm doin' my hair.

- One follicle at a time?

- Ha-ha.

- Well, no one's gonna

miss you in the crowd.

(gwen chuckling)

- The higher the

hair, the closer to god.

- I just heard that your publisher

cancelled your new book?

- Yep. A few angry letters

and they got spooked.

Who cares?

You know, I'll get

another publisher,

Or we'll publish it ourselves.

- Gwen, can I tell

you something?

People around here are

starting to get worried.

I mean, what with your

trinity announcement,

And all of these

returns and everything,

There's a lot of people that are

starting to worry about their jobs.

- Well, they don't have to.

Emily, can I tell

you something...


I experienced a true miracle.

I've been talking to god

a lot lately, as you know.

And the other night,

god spoke back.

- What? What do you mean?

You mean like he "spoke"

spoke, like out loud?

- He told me not to hesitate

in beginning his new church.

We don't have a second to waste.

Come here. I gotta

show you something.


I hired these people

to build this website,

And this is a mock-up

Of what the actual

building would look like.

- Oh, wow.

You're starting your own church.

(gwen laughing)

- praise god.

Everybody, the remnant

fellowship church.


It's gonna be nice, not having

services in the warehouse, huh?

(laughter) (exclaiming)

- Hey!

- Who wants cake?



So yummy. (david chuckling)

(gwen laughing)


- Mrs. Shamblin?

- Mm!

Please call me gwen. (laughter)

- Oh, we're new to the church.

I just wanted to

introduce you to my family.

I'm joseph smith. And

this is my wife, sonya.

- Oh, well, welcome. And...

Who's this little cutie?

- This is josef jr.

- You want to watch out for

this one. He's a troublemaker.

- Well, the remnant fellowship

Has lots of babysitters

out of the youth group,

And they can handle

pretty much anything.


- We think you're

doing great work, gwen.

- Oh, thank you.

- And we'll follow you

wherever you lead us.

- Well, I hope that is

right to god's doorstep.

- Hmm. Amen.

- The kids' stuff, that goes

upstairs in the bedroom.

- Got it.

- In the living room.

My wife will show

you where that goes.

- Yes, sir, mr. Shamblin.

(indistinct chatter)


- Oh, come on in,

carmen. Come in.

Have a seat.

- We've been meetin' with everybody

personally in the organization,

Because loyalty's a very

important thing, don't you think?

- Absolutely. I... I agree.

- Good, good. Because we

believe the best way to reach people

Is for everyone

at the weigh down

To approach things

from the same philosophy.

- Oh, for sure. I mean,

no, that makes sense.

- Well, we're very glad to

hear you say that, carmen,

Because moving forward,

We're gonna need

everyone employed here

To become members of the church.

- Oh, I am. I've been a member of the

same church since... Since I was born.

- Well, what I need from you...

Is for you to be a member of

our church, remnant fellowship.

You'd do that for me?

- It's a long story.

- Alright.

(indistinct chatter)

- Emily, did you

go along with this?

They're kicking me out

'cause I won't join her church.

- Well, this is gwen's company.

I mean, how hard would it be to

join the remnant, carmen? Come on.

- You mean join or be fired?

You really believe that's right?

- I believe...

I believe in gwen.

(david martin): There was a

time when I lived a life that...

That had to be apologized for.

But when I came to

the remnant fellowship,

I finally saw

how to live with...

With no secrets

and no dark places.

And for that I am...

Grateful beyond description.

We all should be.

And I think we all owe it

to one person, don't we?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Fellow saints of

the remnant nation,

I give you gwen

shamblin, the prophetess!

(wild cheering)


- Oh, thank you so much, gary.

Thank you very much.

Oh. (gasping)

Isn't it great? I mean, I saw it

and I just thought of the two of you.

I think it's perfect for you.

- For us? Gwen, we're

not looking for a house.

- Oh, this neighbourhood

is selling up fast.

You don't want to miss out.

- Gwen, to remind

you of the obvious,

We aren't even married.

- Well, yeah, I expect

you to be married first,

But I think it's about

time, don't you?

Gary, this here is a great gal.

- Gwen, please. Don't put

him on the spot like that.

- Oh. See?

There's deirdre and bob.

Why are y'all

dragging your feet?

We're building a community here.

- No, I know, I know.

- It's gonna be great.

We're all gonna live here

in brentwood together,

Have our own doctors

and construction people,

Plumbers, lawyers,

All from the remnant.

- Wow. So we're gonna be...

Independent from the

outside world altogether.

Is that what you're telling

me? Is that what you mean?

- Like the amish,

but with electricity.

- Okay, listen. I-I'm

sorry, I'm rushing you.

I'm just so excited.

I want our people married,

I want to see babies!

I just want to see our

community grow and thrive!

Come on.

Do you, emily bertram,

Take gary stockwood...

As your lawfully wedded husband?

- I do.

- Then I now pronounce you...

...All of you...

Husbands and wives!

Gentlemen... You

may kiss your brides.


Today is the day I've been

waiting for for a very long time.

We are finally, finally

christening the exodus group,

Which will be the organization

Overseeing all

of the enterprises

And taking care of all the needs

Of the remnant fellowship.


- Ah, at this rate,

We'll be building a wall around

brentwood by the end of the year.

- Oh, adrienne, you

are such a cynic.

- Oh, I believe in gwen.

Don't get me wrong.

- I know. It's just that lately,

you've been making a lot of cracks.

- Yeah, well, it just feels...

- Praise god!

- ...Like gwen is more interested in

playing god rather than serving him.

(gwen): That doesn't mean for

certain that he's cheating on you, emily.

- He admitted it. When I showed him what

I'd found, I mean, how could he deny it?

It was right there on his phone.

- Well, I'm so sorry, emily.

- I just don't know how I

can ever trust him again.


- Well, you're not abandoned.

I will do everything I can to help

you get through this. You know that.

- I don't want to

get through this.

I don't want a divorce,

but I don't want...

- Well, I mean, you

can't get a divorce.

- I don't want a divorce, gwen.

I'm just saying it's still raw,

And I can't see a way

of getting through this.

I cannot stand the idea of ever

getting into the same bed as him.

- Emily... Look at me.

Look at me.

I don't think you

understand completely

What I mean when I

say you can't divorce.

What I mean is, god forbids it.

I know you're in terrible pain,

But... You are surrounded

By people who love

and care about you.

And we will help you through it.

But you made a promise...

Before god to your husband.

You know these things

are never just one-sided.

You know, we need

to look at ourselves

Whenever things like this occur.

- What are you saying, gwen?

- When men stray,

It's always for a reason.

- Why, yeah, of course, but--

- You have put on some

weight lately. Let's be honest.

- So this is my fault?

- No, it's his fault.


You have allowed sin...

To re-enter your life.

This is just all part of

it. That's all I'm sayin'.

(emily sniffling)

(door opening) (sighing)

(crickets chirping)



- hey, josh.

To what do I owe?

- I was hoping we could talk.

Emily... Gave me a key.

- She's not here?

- No.

- You've been

talkin' to my wife?

- I've been talkin' to gwen.

- So what are we

talkin' about? (chuckling)

- Well... Gary...

...We're talkin'

about your marriage.

- Are we?

- I think we should.

- Uh... And what

about my marriage...

Uh, concerns you?

- Your infidelity.

And quite frankly,

gary, I'm a little bit hurt...

That you didn't come

to me about this.

- I didn't go to anybody

about this, josh.

It's... It's my business.

- Well, I think it's also

the church's business.


Gary, you are the

head of your household.

And that comes

with responsibilities.

- Uh, listen, josh.

I don't think, uh...

...What happens in my household

is anything for you or gwen...

To concern yourselves with.

- I'm sorry you feel that way.

But I disagree.

Gwen was very... Firm.

Whatever happened...


Reconcile with your wife.

- Thanks for

coming by, josh. I'll...

I'll give it some thought.

- I'm pleased to hear it.

But why don't you give it

some thought right now.

We can pray on it together.

Adultery is a pretty big sin.

And we can't have

that in the church.

- Some other time.


- Fair enough.

You know what I'll do?

I'll just come back.

(gwen): This church

is only gonna live on

Through our children.

And we're not supposed

to be our children's friends.

We're supposed

to be their parents.

And sometimes...

That means discipline.

And we are doing

our children no favours

By sparing the rod.

(crowd murmuring) am I right?

(crowd murmuring)

You want proof that it works?

Well, I just happen to

have the proof right here.

I know two young people...

Well... They're not

that young anymore,

But they'll always be my babies,

Even though they've

got babies of their own.

Michael, elizabeth, come on up!

(laughing) (applause)

Come on.

Well, I can't think of

any better example...

Of the promise of america's

youth than these two fine people.

And they were good

kids. They were.

You know. But every

now and again...

(laughter) you know.

Hope I wasn't too hard on y'all.

- Well, when we had it

comin', we had it comin'.

- Hmm. (laughter)

Well, I've asked michael

to play for you a song

That he has written

about this very thing.

Would you? (michael): Yeah.

This is a song called

honor thy father...

...And mother. (laughter)

- Thank you.


honor thy father young one

make your mom proud

there's a million

people you can be...

- Jesus said, "a good

tree cannot bear bad fruit."

And you can know

this church by its fruit.

- Our prayer is that

you would unite with us

In giving everything

we got to god.

We good?

- What's with you today?

- Nothing.

I'm just tired of doing

these promo things.

- Oh, well, honey,

they are critical,

And you are such a natural.

Come on now.

- I just wish I had more

time to work on my music,

That's all, instead of always

being pulled away for church stuff.

- Church stuff?

Maybe have a little more

respect for what we are doing here.

- Look, you can't say that I haven't

devoted my time to the church, mom.

I have. You know that.

I'm just sayin' that...

I think the things I wanna

do deserve a little respect too.

- If you want more

time for your music,

That's fine, but the church has

Its own recording studio;

you can make music there.

- Yes, the church has its

thumb in everything, doesn't it?

- Just don't start.

- Am I wrong?

- Dad...

- Will somebody please tell me

what this all is about anymore?

All this self-promotion,

all this recruitment.

What god are we selling here?

- Oh, come on, dad.

- With the son and the

holy spirit out of the way,

Just who do you put next

in line after god? You?

- Oh, it's all comin'

out now, isn't it?

- Maybe that emptiness

you used to feel

Was for something

completely different.

- Oh, right.

Because I wanna

be god. (laughing)

- Whatever it is,

It's just become

too much for me.

I've been holding my

tongue about this for too long.

I'm done with

it, with all of it!

- Oh, really?

Well, maybe that's

all for the best.

I mean, you've always been a

good 30 pounds off-message.

I don't need that from

my husband. Right?

(sighing) - well,

that's interestin'.

I wonder what it is you

do want in a husband.

- Look. We completely booked it.

It's the second one

that I'm worried about.

- Okay.


Who's the new handyman, hmm?

- I-I dunno. I think

josh hired him.

- Well, he seems qualified.

- Oh. (laughing)

Well, I see.

Yes, that is, uh...

That is quality.


- Uh-huh.

Well, that looks

like thirsty work.

- That's... Very nice of

you, ma'am. Thank you.

- Oh, please, call me gwen.

What's your name?

- Joe.

Joe lara.

- Well, you do not

sound like a southern boy.


- Yeah... You got me.

Yeah, so turns out, as an actor,

I make a pretty good handyman.


- Oh, I bet you were great.

I bet you just

filled the screen.

- Well, as long I filled

in the loincloth, right?

- You know what I mean!

You got presence, joe.

- Well, thank you, gwen.

- Mm.

- I have to say you

have presence, too.

I'm surprised you never

gave hollywood a try.

- Oh.

- God knows you're

able to draw an audience.

You certainly got the

looks for it anyway.

So... This house. Wow.

Somethin' else. It's

like my dream home.

- Took one look at it and just

fell in love. What can I say?

- Yeah, I bet.

Would, uh, would I

be rude in asking you...

...How many bedrooms you got?

- Well, I can give you a tour.

- I'd like that.

- Well, just follow me, please.


- Gwen?

- Oh, in here.

- Hey.

- What do you think of this?

- Uh... Listen.

I'm hearin' everywhere that you

and david are getting a divorce.

- Oh...

Why do people feel

the need to gossip?

Tighten the reins on

your tongues, people.

It's right there in

the book of james.

(emily chuckling)

- well, is-is it true?

(gwen sighing)

- It's...

(sighing) it is

the saddest thing.

I never saw myself as someone

who would ever be divorced.

- Right.

Because god forbids it.

- Well, sometimes it is

simply the only alternative.

(scoffing) - why

are you doing this?

Gwen, why are you

getting a divorce?

- Emily, david

and I have been...

Growing apart for

quite some time.

I mean, don't tell me

you haven't noticed.

He's just not the

david I once knew.

- Oh... (scoffing)

I have to tell you, gwen,

I'm a little bit upset by this.

- I've prayed over this.

I have spoken to god.

It is the best thing.

David has already moved out.

- Gwen, what is

going on with you?

- What do you mean?

- I just don't understand.

I mean, this whole thing

started as a weight-loss program,

And I-I don't even

know what it is anymore.

- Emily, I have to listen

to what god is telling me.

The weigh down was always

the pathway to the remnant.

I see that now, but god was

just revealing it to me gradually.

(joe speaking indistinctly)

Um, listen, emily. Do not worry.

Everything is gonna be okay.

- I'm sorry, honey. Didn't

realize you had company.

- Oh... You remember joe?

(soft music playing)

I had no idea you

were this good, joe.

- Well, I'm still working

on it in parts, so...

- Oh, no, I have goose bumps...

All over.

- I gotta be honest with you.

I-I kind of miss the limelight.

- Oh, yes.

- Hey, ma?

- Hey, michael.

- Oh, michael! Hi!

Wait. I have... Two

musical geniuses

Right in the same

room with me right now!

Did you hear joe's music?

Did you hear his song?

- Yeah, not really.

- What's the matter, sweetheart?

- Nothin'.

Just the music

business, you know?

Everybody's too afraid to try

anything new, pull the trigger on it.

- You just gotta

keep trying, honey.

- Probably none of my

business, but you know what--

- Damn right, pal.

- Oh, michael!

Michael, do not talk

like that. (chuckling)

- Seriously, mom? This guy?

- What?!

Excuse me, joe.

I'm so... I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.

- Can you just give us a minute?

What is going on?

- Everything sucks.

- Well, that is no reason

to take that out on joe.

Are you still having

trouble at home? Is that it?

- Yeah, that's it. That's it. You

know, that's exactly the problem.

You have no idea what's going on

with me or anyone else for that matter.

'cause you are so

caught up with that guy!

- Listen to me. I know what

is going on with everybody.

You think it's easy

for your sister?

You think elizabeth and brandon

aren't struggling? Well, they are.

But they plant their feet

and they get on with it.

It is called being an adult.

- Yeah, give me some

more marriage advice, mom.

- You have...

Every blessing god

could bestow on you.

You get your head

clear, michael.

(piano music)

- My darling gwen...

I never knew love this amazing

was possible on this earth.

I just want it to last

forever. I... Really do.

- Oh...

- So...

- Oh!


- So I'm asking you, would you do

this humble servant of god the honour...

Of becoming my wife.

- Oh.


Oh. Oh...

(man coughing)

Are you kidding me?!

You've gotta be kiddin' me.

Who did that?

- Sorry.

- Okay, you just ruined

the whole moment.

- Honey, it's alright. There's

gonna be music playing all over that.

It's gonna be fine.

- No, no, joe. It's not alright.

This has to be the

perfect moment.

You'd think I'd be able

to expect the camera crew

To not hack up a lung in the middle of

sh**ting, but now we have to start over.

We're starting all over again.

Let's go. Let's go. Come on.

- Okay.

- Am I the nutty one,

Or is it like watching

the titanic put to sea?

- What are you talkin' about?

Honestly, I've never

seen gwen more in love.

I mean, look at her.

He makes her

feel like a princess.

- Yeah, well, maybe that's

because gwen and joe are...

Both in love with joe.


- You're terrible. You're

such a wet blanket. Stop.

- I'm not the

only one sayin' it.

Word is that joe's got

a pattern for hooking up

With wealthy women so

he doesn't have to work.

- Oh, yeah? Word is?

What does that even mean?

- I ask questions.

(man coughing) (gwen):

Oh, for god's sakes!

This is great. Just

stand up straight.

Beautiful. Julie,

you're a vision.

Oh, what's the matter, tammy?

Did you get

someone else's dress?

- No, it's mine. It's

just maybe a little tight.

- I don't think the dress

is the problem, tammy.

You have put on a lot of weight.

- Only a few pounds.

- Oh!

Oh, my gosh, tammy.

- Come on. Gwen, I can lose it.

- In three days? I can't

have you up on the stage

Looking like 10

pounds of potatoes

Shoved in a three-pound sack.

- Gwen.

- No. I'm sorry.

You cannot be

part of my wedding.

And unless you can get it

together and get back on board,

You may as well just

leave the church too.

- Gwen, please

don't talk like that.

I've devoted

everything to the church.

I gave up everything!

- Including your trust in god.

We are settin' an

example, people!

(bells tolling)

(soft music)

Bet you weren't

expecting this, were you?

- No.

(funky music)


- You win. Ah!

(gwen laughing)

(groaning) ooh!


Take me, ape man.




(phone buzzing)


- Why is god punishing me?

- What?

(woman crying over the phone)

What happened?

(sniffling) I know, I know.

- Why does god let a

baby die in its sleep?

- Oh... I don't know.

- I mean, he was

only five months old.

- Mm, I don't know,

sweetheart, but...

It's gonna hurt you

real bad for a long time.

But listen to me.

And this is important.

You can cry your eyes

out here at home with me,

But you cannot show these

kinds of emotions in public.

- It just hits me in a

wave. I can't control it.

- Oh, but you have to.

We can't let anybody think

That this was a

punishment from god,

'cause it might harm the church.

- The church?

- If people think that god

Is trying to punish

us, they might think

We've been doing

something wrong.

- Why is god punishing me?

- He hasn't told me.

I've prayed to him.

It has been a few months

since you gave birth.

You haven't lost

the baby weight.

Here, just put on some lipstick.

- You've no idea how

long I've wanted to be

In the controls of

one of these babies.

- So how many hours

you got in the air?

- Sadly, none in these.

But I got my private

pilot's on single engines.

And I got my vfr certs. So...

- Well, props and jets,

And getting certified

and rated for instruments?

Two totally different animals.

- Well, I have no

doubt he can handle it.

- Okay, well, just so

there's no surprises,

You're probably gonna have

to cram way more flight hours,

And you're probably gonna have

to pony up some serious ka-ching

In order to get

certified on this bird.

- Well, I don't think

that's gonna be a problem.

- You like it, hon?

- I'll give you one guess.

- Well, I think you just

sold yourself a plane.

(laughing and screaming)

- You know, if you put it in god's

hands, you might be surprised.

- And why are you

assuming I haven't?

I've prayed about it, I've thought

about it, I've talked about it,

But I just... I can't stay

with the church anymore.

- I've spoken to

your husband and...

He tells me he's determined

to stay with remnant.

- Yeah, well,

he's free to do so,

But I'm leaving and

I'm taking my son.

- Sit with me for a minute.

I've spoken to gwen about this.

- Gwen doesn't

get a say in this.

- I understand.

Nevertheless, she

has implored me

To see if I can't get

you to change your mind.

- David...

Gwen is the reason

why I'm leaving.

I mean, this whole thing's

Starting to feel

like mind control.

- Well, that implies

some ugly things.

- I am implying

some ugly things.

- Your husband's had a

heart-to-heart with gwen.

He don't want to lose his

son. Said he'd sue for custody.

- Then I better get

myself a lawyer.

- Lawyers can be expensive.

Well, not for gwen. (chuckling)

There are plenty of

lawyers within the church

Who'd be more than happy

to work for her pro bono.

- Good for gwen.

- Yeah.

She's already told your husband

That he can count on her

lawyers to help him keep his son.

Hey, I'm telling you

this as a friend, adrienne.

Maybe the wiser thing to

do is to... Rethink things.

- One of the things

I most remember

About growing up with my mother

Is how every night,

to help us go to sleep,

She would sing,

"take their life, o father,

And mould it in

obedience to thy will."

(all murmuring in agreement)

From this obedience

comes salvation

And all of god's rewards.

(all murmuring in agreement)

- But does anybody

know who you are?

(joe): Uh, sure. (chuckling)

Gwen here's the author

of the weigh down diet,

Which I'm sure you've heard of.

- Not really.

- It's a huge success. Huge.

Ain't that right, honey?

It sold over a million copies.

- When?

- It was first

published in 1997,

And it has been

in print ever since.

- So... 20 years ago.

- Mm-hmm.

- And still in print.

- Mm-hmm.

- So the show's about a diet?

- Well, no. This show

is about... About us.

- Um, dieting?

- Well, not...

Not just all about dieting,

But mostly it's about

our marriage and, uh...

Yeah, and our... Our thoughts.

- Your thoughts on what?

- Well, I'm also the founder of the

remnant fellowship church in tennessee.

- Oh, okay. Well...

That's interesting.

- Mm-hmm.

- I like the idea

Of a woman starting a church.

- Yeah, well... The

show isn't about that.

The show focuses really

on me... And, uh... And gwen.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

- Alright. And, uh...

Your thoughts.

- That's right.

Our daily lives. (laughing)

- Okay, sorry,

honey, I-- - what?

(mumbling) - hold

on a second, honey.

See, you gotta

forgive my wife here,

She doesn't come from

a, uh, showbiz background.

But... I do.

- Joe once played tarzan.

- Yeah, well, among... Among other

things, honey. Among other things.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, can he sing.

- Yeah. And--

- like an angel.

- Yeah.

I play guitar.

- I love the scale and

the scale loves me.

Your turn, baby.

- I don't have to

weigh myself, honey.

- Sure you do. We all

have to keep track, honey.

- I don't.

- Are you still upset

about the show?

- Yeah, I am.

They're all the same,

every single one of them.

Least creative people in the world

making all the damn decisions.

It's just not right.

- Can't you just step

On the scale just for me?

- Honey, do I look like

I need to weigh myself?

- Well, it would just be

something you would do for me.

- Babe, I weigh what I weigh.

We're just gonna have to shop

it around until we find somebody

Who doesn't have their head

stuck up their ass, that's all.

- Well...

I was just thinkin', I produce

my videos without hollywood,

Maybe we just do the

same... With our show.

- You know what,

honey? That's a great idea.

That's a great idea.

We got the money, right?

- We could always

sell that silly plane.

- Come on, it's not

gonna cost that much.

I mean, you can't

sell the plane.

(gwen laughing) -

well, of course, I can.

It's in my name.

But we'll figure it out.

(gwen sighing)

I just always feel

better about myself

When I've stepped on the scale.

But I'm not going to

pressure you anymore.

(clicking tongue)

- let's see here.

Hi. I'm joe.

And... I'm sitting here

beside my beautiful wife gwen.

So... How many views?

- Hmm. Well, that's

90 grand up in smoke.

- That's 178 views.

That's not a bad start.

- Well, it's been up

for... Three weeks!

(clattering) -

baby, take it easy.

- I cannot fail, joe.

- We'll just adjust

the format, that's all.

- No, you don't get it. People

have certain expectations of me.

They rely on me to succeed.

- Honey, no one's gonna

think the worst of you.

- It's not about the show!

It's about me falling short.

And if I can fall

short with that,

Then I can fall short at

things that are important

To people in the church,

and then people start talkin',

And next thing you know, I

don't have any control at all.

- What do you mean by control?

- I don't want to

lose their respect.

- Gwen, honey...

- What?

- That's one thing...

You'll never lose.

- Oh.

- You know what, baby?

- Mm-mm.

- You're my everything.

(soft music)

- I like it.

- Who likes it?

- Oh.

Don't let me stop you, josh.

I heard you

playing, so I came in.

- I dunno if I'd

call that playin'.

Michael is the musical

talent in this church.

- Not the only one, apparently.

- How are things going with you?

- Things are going great.

- Good.

- Can I confess...

Something to you?

Lately, I've been thinking

less about my husband,

Because... Well, I've

been thinking about you.

- Me?

- I know, I know, I shouldn't.

It's just...

I dunno, you've got this thing

About you that I just

can't stop thinking about.

- Adrienne, your marriage

can't be in trouble because of me.

- No.

- And I mean...

I'm married.

- Well...

I don't see her here.

that's what she does

she spins me right around

you are my angel

- Boy! Your whole

family's musical.

(laughing) - oh,

well, hi, adrienne.

I'm surprised to see you.

Can I assume this means that

you've decided not to leave?

- Oh, no, I'm

definitely leaving.

- Well, that's a disappointment.

- And I'm taking my son with me.

- Joe, can you give

us a moment, please?

- Alright, honey.

- I know your

financial situation,

And if you leave your

husband, it would be...

Oh... What's the word?

More desperate, I guess?

- Gwen...

This whole thing...

Remnant, the exodus

group, your blind followers...

Did you set out to

start a religious cult,

Or... Do you even know

what you've created?

- Hmm.

I'm doin' god's work, not mine.

And if you can't see

that, that's your blindness.

But if I ever hear you've used

the word "cult" outside this room,

I will teach you what the

word "slander" means.

- You can't thr*aten me, gwen.

Not anymore.


Turns out, your right-hand

man josh is a sinner.

Just like the rest of us.


- well...

If that video goes public,

It will not make you look

like a very good mother.

- Doesn't look good for the

church, though, either, does it?

I mean, what are your followers

gonna think of your judgment

Picking a man like

that to lead 'em?

Yeah, I mean...

What are they gonna think about

anything that you have to say?

I'm leaving the church.

I'm taking my son.

And you're not gonna

do a damn thing about it.

- If she wants to leave

the church, then just let her.

- She's taking her son!

And she used a member of

the remnant family to get at me.

- I really don't think

that josh is in any hurry

To talk about what they

did together anyway, so...

- That is not my point!

Remnant cannot

lose any of its children!

Did you forget that I

also lost a grandson?

You can't just swing in

on a vine and fix this, joe.

- I'm sorry, honey.

- The future of this church,

Everything I've built,

depends on the children.

- I know.

I know.

I know.

(woman): I'm just

at the end of my rope.

- Well, you can't abide

a disobedient child.

- Of course not.

But we've tried everything

And we just can't seem

to get him to behave.

I'm coming to you

on my knees, gwen.

If anyone knows how to

raise good kids, it's you.

- Well, you say you've tried

everything. What have you been doin'?

- We did exactly

what josh told us to do:

Take everything out of his room.

We got everything out of there

And locked him in there from

that Friday until the Monday,

And only left him in

the room with his bible.

- And that didn't

change his behaviour?

- Not even a little bit.

My husband has spanked

him till his hand is sore,

And he just isn't learning.

- Well, he's gonna have to.

We can't spoil these kids.

- That's why I called you, gwen.


- Here's what I

think you should do.

We don't instruct our

people to lock their children

In trunks and smother them, if

that's what you say happened.

- Of course not.

However, you have

instructed your... Followers

On disciplinary methods.

- We believe children should

be obedient to their parents.

Straight out of the bible.

You can look it

up if you care to.

- Well, I'd like to play for

you something I did look up.

We were surprised in

executing our search warrant

To discover you record

every conversation

In and out of the church.

But I can't say it

hasn't been a goldmine.

(gwen): Here's what

I think you should do.

You're gonna go out and

buy some of those glue sticks.

You know, hot glue sticks?

The ones about a foot long.

(sonya): Okay...

(gwen): And what

you do is you whip 'em

On the back of his bare legs...

That is... That

tape has been, uh...

Made or tampered

with or something.

- If anyone tampered with

this tape, gwen, it's you.

We got this from

your saved recordings.

- And you can play it in

any order that you want

To make whatever point you want.

- Okay.

Well... How about this?

(sonya): We did exactly

what josh told us to do:

Take everything out of his room.

We got everything out of

there and locked him in there

From that Friday

until the Monday,

And only left him in

the room with his bible.

- I didn't hear me

Instructing her to do

anything in that clip.

Did you?

- Not directly, no.

But you were

certainly condoning it.

- Nowhere did I instruct her

To lock her child

in a trunk. Correct?

Well, then, detective,

I'm confused.

I really don't know what

we are achieving here.

So I just want to assure you

That we're gonna

get y'all out of here.

The church is gonna cover

all your legal expenses.

- Oh, bless you, gwen.

- And I know that what happened

was just a terrible accident.

- That's what it was.

- Okay, now. Listen

to me, though.

I need to know...

Why you told the authorities

You were following

my instructions

When you were

disciplining josef jr.

- We were following

your instructions, gwen.

- Strict discipline

creates obedient kids.

It saves their souls. I mean...

You do preach that.

- You misinterpreted.

Institutions like the remnant

can collapse when att*cked

By ignorant claims.

And if the church

is no longer there,

It cannot help

you get out of here.

So we're not gonna say anymore

That the punishment

that you utilized

Came from the church in any way.

Are we?




Please tell me

what is your will...

(indistinct whispering)

(chuckling) oh, thank you, god.

I will no longer fear...

Or doubt you.

I will... Always follow you.

- Mom?

- Mm-hmm.

Hi, michael. Come

on in, sweetheart.

- Um...

There's, uh, something that

I... I've been meaning to tell you,

And, um...

You're not gonna like it.


My marriage... Isn't working.


It hasn't been for a long time.

So... I'm getting a divorce.

Don't try to stop me.

- Honey... If that's

what you feel,

You have to do it. I understand.

I do.

- Uh... What?

- It's your marriage.

It's your life.

- You're not worried

that it's gonna

Sully your reputation?

- Honey, people are gonna

think whatever they're gonna think.

- Alright... Wh-what's

going on, mom?

Where's the lady

with the iron fist?

The one who wants to control

everything and everybody?

- Well, you are free

to think that about me,

Sweetheart, but I always

just wanted to do god's will.

And god has assured me...

That I'm doing exactly that.

- Right. Because

you're a prophet.

- Well... I've been

called far worse.

(chuckling) we have survived.

(crowd cheering)


Do you hear me?

We... Have... Survived!

(wild cheering)

But still, satan

never... Gives up.

Because we have to

strengthen the remnant nation.

Jesus has told us

that we do not need

To accumulate

possessions or wealth,

Because that is how

we keep this place pure.

We cannot be... Half-hearted.

We cannot be... Lukewarm.

Lest god spew us

out of his mouth!

(wild cheering)

(indistinct chatter)

Oh! Um, hi. Would you

put these in the car for me?

- Sure, honey.

- Well, hello, emily.

- Hi, gwen.

- Oh, we were just in town

picking up some things for joe.

We're going down to florida.

We're all flying

down for a rally,

Doing some networking.

- Oh, that sounds great.

- Mm.

- I suppose you haven't

forgiven me for abandoning you.

- Oh, emily.

My forgiveness is insignificant.

It is god's forgiveness

you should seek.

(emily chuckling)

- Yes, well, I suppose

all of us should be seeking

God's forgiveness.

Isn't that right?

Oh, you know, I found an

old photo of us the other day.

Can I show it to you?

- Oh, please.

- Mm.

- Oh!

Those were fun days.

- Yes. You know, I

really loved that gwen.

- Hmm.

- Sometimes I wonder

If there's anything

left of her in there,

If this gwen has

destroyed her completely.

- Well, I am so happy

I ran into you, emily.

I'll pray for you.

- Yeah, you take

care of yourself, gwen.

- Y'all don't have

to worry about me.

God takes care

of me. (chuckling)

I survive everything

by his grace.

(soft vocal music)

for far too long

I've walked head down...

(gwen): It is only

through god himself,

Directly, that you...

Can conquer sin.

But I have always had...

A very special

connection with god.

- Alright. Hello, hello, hello.

This is your pilot

speaking. Good morning.

I want you all to relax,

because you are in good hands.


- oh, joe.

I've put myself in god's

hands from the very beginning

And I've seen

miraculous results.

I've gotta believe I'm

doin' somethin' right.

- Alright, you

ready for takeoff?

- Take us up into

the heavens, joe.

- You got it, honey.

you've seen me walking

you've seen me

walking on water

raise my head high

nothing to lose

make my way out

(gwen): If it makes them

feel better chanting my name,

It's okay.

Because all I hear

is... Glory to god.


(alarm sounding)

(bell tolling)

(elizabeth): Glory... To... God.

(all): Amen.

- I do know that the

question is out there.

Do we give up?

But I know a little something

That the enemies

of god don't know.

And that is that I never

stuck with my mother

In starting this church

for the praise of man.

What man thinks doesn't matter.

It never has.

So I'm not about to start caring

What man thinks now.

The church... Will... Go on.

(alarm beeping)

- No!

- Amen.