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01x26 - Drive Hard

Posted: 05/03/23 17:19
by bunniefuu
- C'mon c'mon c'mon s'go s'go s'go s'go!

- Oh! This cliff is the worst!

- AWOL we gotta go!

- I gotta get my bites in.

- Why are you eating cabbage?!

We need to go rescue that cute girl!

- My name is Mandy but thank you

I'm having a very bad day and I needed that!

- According to this article on BuzzFood,

once you take ten-thousand bites of cabbage

you'll be able to dunk like LeBron.

- Cabbage is gross though.

- Hey. Nothing tastes as good as dunking feels.

Nine-thousand-five- hundred-sixty-nine!

- Mandy, we'll be with you as soon as we can

and if I'm being honest you are having a great hair day.

- Well thank you!

I've been thinking about getting bangs but I don't know--

- Dude! What is your problem?

- Pipe down I can't hear my agent!

Go ahead, Ari.

And they wanna hire Danger Force?

[ chuckles ] You animal.

Yeah. I'll see you in Hollywood. Okay...

You'll never guess who that was.

- Ari? - Your agent?

- Well you'll never guess where we're going.

- Hollywood? - To see an animal?

- I think we got cut off.

- Hi can you hold please? - I am holding!

- That's the spirit.

I assume you all know about the sequel

to the blockbuster movie, "The Fight Attendant" is coming out.

- Fight Attendant Two: Fasten Your Beat Belts.

- Ooh, starring That Girl Lay Lay!

- Yeah, there's a blimp right outside with her face on it.

- Well Ari just got off the phone with the producers

and guess who they wanna hire to deliver

the actual hard drive with the actual movie on it

to the actual premiere in actual Hollywood?

- Dwayne "The Wade" Johnson?!

- What? No! Danger Force!

- Awesome! - Green envelopes!

- Hollywood! - Cabbage!

- Yeah I guess a bunch of rival studios and internet trolls

have been trying to steal the movie and leak it online.

So the producers want us absolute units

to drive it safely to Tinseltown.

AWOL: I'm in. Sounds fun.

- Why are you-- Y'know what?

I don't even wanna know what "this" runner is about.

- Fine by me.

Nine-thousand-five- hundred-seventy!

- Ah, the cell service on this cliff is the worst!

I think our call dropped.

- Oh, no no no sweetie I hung up on you

because we have another thing we have to do.

- What?! - Yeah.

Just hang in there, your hair looks great.

I'm gonna get you on the line with someone who isn't me.

Schwooozzz! Line four, got a cliffhanger!

- [ sighs ] Welcome to the Captain Man hold line,

my name is... Schwann.

- Schwan, this cliff is the worst!

- So I say we rent an absolute beater of an R/V,

fire up a hot mixtape, and have ourselves...

a little road trip!

[ Volt and Brainstorm in unison ] - Road Trip!

- Road Trip! - Whoo!

- Wait wait wait wait wait, why don't we just get AWOL

to teleport the hard drive to Hollywood?

- Did you hear how excited everyone got

when I said, "Road Trip?" - Yeah.

- Yeah. Did you hear how quiet they all got when you pitched

a fast and easy and reasonable mission for us?

- It wasn't that quiet...

CAPTAIN MAN: It was pretty quiet.

Let's say we just forget about this

and have ourselves a little road trip!

[ in unison ] - Road trip!

- Road trip.

- Let's do it. - You guys!

I just came up with the perfect name for this mission.

AWOL: What is it?

- Drive Hard.

[ upbeat music ]

[ sound of tires screeching ]

- I love that.

- It all just kinda happened.

[ kids all talking at once ]

- Stop talking!

♪ Danger

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Ooooh-ooooh

♪ Danger!

♪ One two three Force!

[ kids in unison ] - Emergency!

- That's just the doorbell. - I know.

[ music ]

- authorities say, "Hey man,

that whale would have exploded anyway."

- Too bad. - Tough day at the beach.

- In fun news, The Fight Attendant Two:

Fasten Your Beat Belts starring That Girl Lay Lay

is scheduled to premiere. In Hollywood.

- Let's take a look at a clip from the movie.

- You've just been cleared for takedown.

And it's gonna be a bumpy ride...


MOVIE ANNOUNCER: The Fight Attendant II:

Fasten Your Beat Belts starring That Girl Lay Lay.

This film is not yet rated.

- Based on that clip alone,

I give this movie two-hundred Trents.

- Oh wow, you haven't given a movie that many Trents since

A Walk to Remember.

- Her love was like the wind.

He couldn't see it, but he could feel it.

- Well Captain Man and Danger Force

are having a drive to remember, as they take a road trip

to deliver the film to Hollywood.

- Producer Deuce Van Nuys is with us now,

sitting in one of those fancy chairs

they have on Hollywood sets.

TRENT: 'Sup Deuce?

- Yeah what's your question?

- Did you hire Captain Man and Danger Force

because you've received a lot of threats?

- Yeah we get a lot of threats.

Everybody wants to steal this movie.

But I says, I says to everyone "I'm not afraid of you!

Bring it on." And then I gave the job to Danger Force.

- Don't you think that puts Danger Force in... danger?

- Oh, they'll be fine.

Heck, I'll even tell you where they are this very second.

- No don't--

- If you go to Fight Attendant Two:

Fasten Your Beat Belts dot com you can watch their progress

on the Danger Force tracker.

I gotta go.

- He seems awful. - In--

- Why would Deuce Van Nuys tell anyone

who would want to steal this movie exactly where we are?!

- Who cares? - Yeah, bring it on.

- He obviously trusts us to get the job done, sonnnn.

- Hey, hitchhikers! - Hey hey hey hey hey.

- Let's pick 'em up!

- We are not picking up hitchhikers.

- Agreed. They might steal the movie.

AWOL: No one's gonna steal the movie.

I had a vision the other day of all of us

sittin' front row at the premiere.

- You did? - Yeah.

And my visions always come true.

- No no no no spoilers! No spoilers!

- Normally I love picking up hitchhikers,

but we're on a mission. Can't take the risk.

- Too bad. They looked like a couple of nice moms.

- Hang tight everybody!

- Noooo!

- M'heads!

[ brakes squeal ]

- Did you take out all our snacks

and replace it with cabbage?

- I'm a cuppa hundred chomps away from being able to yam!

- Okay everybody be cool when the moms get here.

- Don't pick up the moms, Ray.

- He's pickin' up the moms. - He might not.

- We all know he's pickin' up the moms.

- Don't get the moms... - He's getting the moms.

- You moms ever been in an R/V before?

SHOUTOUT: Drive! AWOL: Turn around, man!

[ horns honking ]

- So where you all headed?

- Uh, we're going to...

- Mmmmontana. Montana.

- No we're not. That's stupid.

We're actually on a mission to deliver

the new Fight Attendant movie to Hollywood.

- It's top secret.

You might've heard about it on the news.

- Shhhheck it out.

- Uh, can I talk to you in private?

- Easiest "no" I've ever given.

- Oh no. Someone has clogged the toilet.

- Oh no! - Come on!

Will somebody drive for me for a second, please?

- I will! I got my license the other day.

- Seriously?! Please explain. Fast.

- My step-dad is the Vice Mayor and one night

he wanted chicky-nuggies but ladies' billiards was on TV

so he gave me a legal Swellview Drivers License.

- Don't hit anything I wouldn't hit.

- Yes!

- Whoa!

SHOUTOUT: It's not that bumpy! Come on!

Okay. Alright.

- The toilet's fine.

For now -- get out.

- Ewww. And no.

- Something's not right about those moms.

- Yeah, Doris is really givin' off "aunt" vibes

which will do in a pinch I guess but--

- I don't think they're hitchhikers --

I think they're thieves. - Why would you say that?

- Sorry y'all gotta grab a fresh head.


- Is that a toilet cabbage?

- So...what're we talkin' about?

- We think those hitchhiking moms

are trying to steal the movie.

- Definitely possible.

Nine-thousand-eight- hundred-seventy-two.

- Hey... driving-kid.

- Name's Brainstorm.

Please do not distract me while I focus on

my very important job of driving this R/V.

- I think your friends are calling for you in the bathroom.

- Love those guys! Drive for me, will ya?!

[ horns honking ]

- You got it!

- Brainstorm! Do you think there's something weird

about those hitchhiking moms?

- Yeah, I'm getting aunt vibes off of Doris.

- Not what I'm talking about! - Thank you!

- Wait. If you're in here...

- Who's driving?!

- Caroline. Or Doris.

Honestly, all aunts look the same to me.

- Is that a helicopter? - Somebody open the door!

- Open it!

- Hey sorry but we're takin' the hard drive with the movie.

- No! - No no no! Hey!

- Also the R/V is headed for a cliff.

And we're not moms, we're aunts -- byeeeee.

- Man, my mom-dar is way off today.

- Bigger problem! We are trapped in a bathroom

in an R/V that is headed off a cliff!

- Guys, I'll get us out of here.

I just gotta put my fist in the air.

- Well do it then. - Come on.

- Okay okay. - You know what?

- Maybe you should let go of the giant head of cabbage

you're holding. - I gotta get my bites in!

[ Super-screams ] - JUST LET GO OF THE CABBAGE!

- Clifffff!

[ all scream ]

[ brakes screech ]

- What the heck?!

- What's going on, babygirl? Talk to me.

- An R/V just pulled up!

I think someone's here to save me!

- Ha-ah!

- [ laughs ] That was close.

Brainstorm back us out of here.

- You got it Boss.

[ Music - "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpions ]

- Never mind...

[ Mandy cries ]

[ music ]

- You have to call Deuce Van Nuys and tell him

that we lost the hard drive. - Can I just text him?

- You're the one who picked up the hitchhikin' aunts,

you're calling Deuce.

[ phone ringing ]

- What.

- [ imitates a female voice ] I have ShoutOut for you.

- Heyyyy Deuce.

- Whaddaya want?

- Listen, the hard drive you hired us to protect

kinda sorrrta... got stolen.

- No big deal.

- I'm sorry what?

- No biggity. The one you had was a fake!

The only movie on that hard drive is A Walk To Remember!

[ Deuce laughs ]

- So you were just using us?!

DEUCE: Yeah that's right, baby.

You see, if everyone thought you had the real movie

they'd only attack you.

- So the five of us

and my sweet, sweet cabbage were just bait?

- That's right. I'm in a van right now with the real movie.

Protected by four mercs and a real superhero!

- What real superhero?

- Hello sir!

- Lil' Dynomite?! - Schwozzzllllil Dynomite!

Lil' Dynomite. Lil' Dynomite.

Lil' try hard from Neighborville.

Hates me. Got it.

- I told you I'd be back. And now I am!

- I knew this kid wouldn't let me down.

- I just keep thinking, "What would Captain Man do?"

And then I do the opposite.

Get roasted, sir.

- Now you listen to me, you little try hard--

- Look at it this way. We're like the A-Team.

You guys are the B-Team.

So go "B" somewhere else and let the big boys take it from here.

- Oh yeah... well "C" here, Deuce.

You may have "D"-ceived us but-- "E"...

- I'm almost to Hollywood. I'm gonna hang up on you now.


[ Deuce laughs ]

- Hello?

Yeah, I think we must've got cut off.

- We didn't get cut off, he hung up on you!

- Gah!!

- Let's just go home. - No.

- Volt's right, let's just take the L

and go back to Swellview.

- Those guys used us and made us look like clowns!

We almost drove off a cliff!

They hung up on Captain Man!

- I am done being embarrassed for today.

- No you're not!

I mean...because we're gonna show them

who the real A-Team is! We're gonna roll up,

we're gonna give 'em a beat down,

we're gonna jack that hard drive,

and deliver it to Hollywood!


[ in unison ] - Yeah!! Yeah!!

[ tires screech ]

- You hear how excited they got when you said that?

- I did. I really did.

[ music ]

- I just think Queen's Gambit was so good

why don't they green-light a second season?

- Right?! Like, what other female-driven chess shows do they have?

[ phone beeps ]

- One second babygirl. Yello?

[ in unison ] - We need your help!

- Aiieee!

- Uh! Hanging off a cliff here!

[ music ]

[ playing the keytar ]

- Woo! That sounded just like Blinding Lights, huh?!

- No, but it sure felt like Blinding Lights.

[ Deuce's phone rings ]

- What do you want now?

SHOUTOUT: I just want to tell you

you're about to get wrecked.

- [ scoffs ] You don't even know where we are.

[ Music - "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpions ]

- Hiiiii! We're gonna destroy you!

♪ Here I am

[ AWOL laughs ]

♪ Rock you like a hurricane

- What kind of name is Deuce anyway?

- Let's go get that hard drive!

[ in unison ] - Yeah!!

- But I do not know how we're going to do that!

- Ok, ok, I have a plan...

- Whatcha got? sh**t.

- Let's have AWOL teleport over there,

grab the hard drive and teleport back.

- Boom! - Use my power.

- Okay, so when she pitches teleporting everyone loves it.

But when I pitch it, everyone gets quiet?!

- She really sold it. - Also, I'm terrified of her.

- It's a great plan. What could go wrong?


Something went wrong! - Why'd you bring them back?!

- I grabbed the briefcase, and they grabbed me!

- Well get 'em outta here! - Okay!

- Wait, leave the hard dr--

- First time teleporting?

Yeah you're gonna be sick.

Here, take two of these...

[ grunting ]

- Get off it!

- Where is ShoutOut?!

- Heyyyy, Lil' D. - Hi, ShoutOut!

- What are you waiting for dummy?

Get the hard drive! - Right away sir!

But just so you know. Call me dummy one more time

and I'll blast that gum right out of your mouth.

- Hold on! Hold on!

I have a movie to pitch you.

- No. Whoa whoa. Let's hear it.

- Three words -- Vampires.

College. Ryan Reynolds.

- And if we don't get Ryan Reynolds..?

- Then we get...

[ ShoutOut and Deuce in unison ] - Chris Evans.

- Hey I was just stalling but...

are we doing this?

Okay. So...

- Huh!

- Can you please teleport correctly this time?!

- I'm trying but I'm tired and I have a tummy fulla' cabbage!

Hey! That's ten-thousand though...

[ grunts ]

- Upt-dahhh.


- Oh my god, you're here!

[ screams ]

- Ahhhh!

- Ahhhh!

- Daaaahhhhhh!

- I can't teleport anymore.

I'm gassed.

- Feel the slap!

- Oh no! Please don't punch me, mister.

I'm just a kid.

- Oh my god...

What have I done with my life--

- Sucker.

- Hey! You wouldn't hit a kid would ya?

What kind of horrible person punches a kid?!

- Yeah, you like that?!

How 'bout some more!

- You're gonna have to do better than that, sir.

Thanks to Schwoz's protective suit

I didn't feel any of your punches.

- Yeah. Well maybe you'll feel this!

BLASTER VOICE: Charge level -- eight percent.

- Be with you in a minute--


- Oops! - Ahhh!

- Is it too late to give up?

[ Super-screams ] - YES!

- Yaaaahhhh! Ooooh.

- Umm... - What the?

- Well that's weird.

BRAINSTORM: Sorry guys.

Couldn't let you have all the fun.

- Oh thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Oh, you sweet angel!

You saved my life! - I did no such thing!

- Ahhh! - Wow.

- Brainstorm you gotta get back down there and drive!

- It's fine! This road is mostly straight.

[ tires screeching ]

Mostly... - Go. Drive.

- Ugh! This license is the worst thing that ever happened to me.

- AWOL, go teleport over there and get the hard drive.

- No. I can jump. - Just teleport!

- I ate my cabbage! I am just like LeBron James!

- Miles! No, don't do it.

Please! No!

- CABBAGE! - Miles! Miles!

[ Super-screams ] - NOO!

- I did it! - No you didn't!

- ShoutOut's super-scream pushed you along!

- It was the power of cabbage!

- It was the power of me!

- Is that all you got?

- Hey! Move outta the way, I'm gonna jump back!

- I can't super-scream you towards us!

- You won't need to!

- I dunked! I'm just like LeBron!

- Oh my god...

- Dangit!

- Say goodbye Captain Man!

BLASTER VOICE: Charge complete.

- Hey, Lil' Dynomite.

LIL' DYNOMITE: I'll be back, depending on my scheduuuuullllllle!

CAPTAIN MAN: I'm gonna miss him.

- Dude!

- Oh the places he'll go...

- He had the briefcase with the hard drive in it!

- Did he?

- Oh my god! You did something right!

- My guy!

- Hey is Bose still driving?

- Drivin' this hug.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

- And before you say, "Bose, why aren't you driving the truck."

What if I told you I still am...

BRAINSTORM: Next stop, Hollywood.

- Premiere! - Hollywood!

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

What about that girl on the side of the cliff?

- Did you notice how quiet it got

when you reminded us about the girl on the cliff?

- Well excuse me for being responsible--

- You're excused.

[ uplifting music ]

- Ryan, honey, this movie has franchise written all over it.

- Tell him we got Chris Evans on another line

and he's begging to do it.

- Ryan, we got Chris Evans on another line and--

Happy to hear that, Ryan.

- We got Ryan Reynolds!

- Can you believe this? I asked for popcorn,

they gave me a big ole' bucket o' seeds!

- F.Y.I. they're called kernels.

- No kidding...

- Hey, did you know popcorn seeds are called kernels?

- Coool.

Hey Schwann, do you maybe wanna get outta here

and watch Queens Gambit?

- You just read my mind, baby.

- I meant with me!

Oh, Hollywood is the worst!

- Ladies and Gentleman, get ready for...


starring me, That Girl Lay Lay.

[ everyone cheers ]

- If you need to use the bathroom during the movie,

the lavatories are located at the fore

and aft corners of the theater.

- She's doing the thing-- - from the movie.

- But first, whoever parked a cabbage-filled R/V

on the roof, could you please move it?

[ music ]

♪ Always on the scene in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay

♪ I'm okaaaay!

♪ Danger

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Ooooh-ooooh

♪ Danger!

♪ One two three Force!