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04x18 - Revenge of the Smith

Posted: 05/03/23 16:13
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- Phoebe, did you get the message?

- Yeah, I got the message.

Teammate celebration handshake?

- Uh, you know it.

- BOTH: Oh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Huh! Huh! Whoosh!

- Still not done.

- BOTH: ♪ Ohhhh

♪ Whoosh

- Barb, Max and Phoebe are getting along.

- I know. I'm scared.

- Okay, guys, remember when Phoebe and I

saved everyone at the prom from Dark Mayhem?

- Yes, because we were also there

saving everyone at the prom from Dark Mayhem.

- Shhhhh! Quiet. Heroes are talking.

- HANK: Oh.

- So, the school board is honoring us

with this huge painting

of our awesome victory on the gym wall.

And the best artist in the school, Smith,

is working on it.

- BARB: Oh! - HANK: Hey! Hey!

- And when she's done... bam!

Future generations will be able to enjoy

my lady amazers.

- BARB: Woohoo! Congrats!

Oh, honey, our babies are getting

their first superhero monument.

- Oh, your historic deed will live on forever.

- One day, my grandkids

will look at that mural and think...

- Grandma Phoebe has a super-handsome brother!

- They do not sound like that.

- Yeah, they do.

- Okay, well, at least my grandkids

won't have a weird bunny uncle.

- Colosso's great with kids.

- Seriously? That's what you're going with?

- Yeah. - He's a bunny.

- They're fighting again.

Everything is back to normal.

- ♪

- Salutations, family.

Ooh, breakfast.

- Oh, no, pancake protection!

- You win this time, short stack.

- Ooh... - Not mine.

- Morning.


- Are you still doing that?

- Short answer? Dab!

Long answer?


- You have to stop doing that.

I feel like every time we try to hang out lately

all you do is-- - Dab! Dab! Dab!

- Are you even listening to me?

- Cool! Pancakes!


Hot maple syrup!


Fork! Dab!

[speed eating]

Dab! Dab! Dab! Dab!

- So, that was awful, right?

- I don't know. I think it's cool.

Da-- - Don't!

- I have to stop Billy somehow.

- Oh, Nora, it's just a dance fad.

He'll grow out of it.

Remember, most of freshman year

Phoebe couldn't stop doing the stanky leg.

- Oh, I remember that dance.

Get a whiff of this.


- Seriously, if he does it again,

I'll have to give him good, old-fashioned laser therapy.

- Nora, laser therapy is for warts

and Daddy's back hair.

Now leave Billy alone and finish your breakfast.

- [groans] Fine!

Hey, where's my pancake?

- [garbled] What pancake?

- ♪

- [whistle shrills] - Point!

The score is now to I've-wasted-my-life.

Ball in.

- Serving!

[grunts] - MAX: Ow!

- Sorry. It's my first time playing water polo.

- Max, look, there's Smith.

She must be done with the mural.

- [bell ringing]

- That's class. You're all losers.

Get out!

- I really want a peek at that painting,

but I know what you're gonna say.

It's wrong and we should wait for the unveiling.

- Max, stop blabbing and get over here.

All right, without further ado...

I give you...

- [dramatic music]

- Max and Phoebe attacking the prom?

- She turned us into monstrous villains.


And she swooshed my hair to the wrong side.

- That's how we're gonna be remembered--forever!

- Your grandkids are gonna be like,

Max's swoosh is wrong. You guys were never heroes.

- They do not sound like that!

- ♪

♪ What you see

♪ Is not what you get

♪ Livin' our lives with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in

♪ Bet you never guessed

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest

♪ A picture perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be

♪ Look closer, you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality

♪ Just your average family

♪ Trying to be normal and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- ♪

- PHOEBE: Cherry, it was awful.

She made us look like the bad guys.

I mean, Max is used to being hated.

But not me.

- Yeah, I need to be remembered as a hero--

a gorgeous, chiseled hero!

- Maybe Smith isn't over what you guys did to her at prom.

- What did we do to her at prom?

- It was a dark and stormy night.

A young girl and her brother were lost in the woods,

and their breadcrumb trail was nowhere to be found.

- That's Handsel and Gretel.

- Are you sure?

- Cherry. - Right.

Okay, it was prom night...

and you two were fighting Dark Mayhem

while we were all hiding behind you

wondering how your hair was holding up so well.

- [dramatic music]

- CHERRY: Smith was over by the punch bowl...


- It's the end of days!

- CHERRY: One of the plasma balls you guys deflected

got an itty bitty piece of her.

- [heavy thud] - Oh!

- [table crashes]

- That museum still smells like

burnt hair and fruit punch.

- Oh, no, proms are supposed to be a dream

and we made hers a nightmare.

No wonder she has it out for us.

- And I do not want her to hate me, too,

so I am outie like my belly button.

- I had no idea. - That Cherry has an outie?

It's actually more common than you think.

- No, about prom.

And stop pretending you know anything

about Cherry's outie struggle.

We need to apologize to Smith.

- [scoffs] No way.

We saved everyone that night.

She should be thanking us,

not ruining our legacy.

- What does it hurt to just apologize?

- Sorry, but Max Thunderman never says sorry.

- You literally just said sorry twice.

- I have my pride, Phoebe.

I will not apologize.

But I will tattle.

Principal Bradford!

♪ I have something to tell you ♪

- Spit it out, Max.

I have to get to a meeting with some angry moms--

angry "single" moms.


- Look, Bradford, the girl you got to paint our mural

is making us look like monsters.

- Really? - Yes.

Which is why you have to make her fix it.

- [laughing]

Which is why this is awesome!

Because of the school board,

that thing's gonna be on the wall forever.

Ooh! Hot diggity-dog!

Ow! Ow!

- What did we ever do to him?

- Oh, trip him down the stairs,

beat him in wrestling, hot sauce fountain--

- Okay!

We should focus on what we did to Smith.

We need to apologize and show her

we're not the horrible people she thinks we are.

Oh, uh, we should invite her

to dinner at Splatburger.

- I am not buying her dinner.

- Why? We'll say we're sorry

and she'll change the mural.

- Not interested.

- I'm paying. - I'm in.

- ♪

- Thanks for making this movie

to help Billy stop dabbing.

- I still think Plan A was better.

- [metal clanks]

- COLOSSO: [chuckling]

Just so we're clear.

Normally, I wouldn't help.

But I have to make a movie

for my online film class.

- You take online film classes?

I thought you were an evil bunny.

- I can be two things!

Now bring Billy down,

so I can set his happiness on fire.

- Billy! - [zooming]

Dab! Dab! Dab! [laughing]

- We must destroy him.

- What's up, guys?

- Uh, Dr. Colosso and I found this video

that I really think you should watch.

- Is it the one with the shark trying to eat the submarine?

Come on, shark, it's a submarine.

- The video's about dabbing.

- Cool! A video about dabbing? Dab!

A random bear trap? Dab!

- Just watch the video.

- It's show time.

- [lively music]

- [mock German accent] Gooden day und velcome.

Trust me when I tell you that dabbing is dangerous.

Just look what dabbing did to these poor kids.


Und if zat's not enough, listen to zis sad story.

- [sad violin music] - I loved dabbing.

I dabbed everywhere--

schools, weddings, dog shows.

I didn't care.

Then my sister stopped talking to me.

If I could take back all those dabs

just to get her to hang out with me again,

I would. - [sad violin music]

- Remember, kids, don't dab,

or you'll just be dabbing the tears from your eyes.

- [sad violin music]

- I'll never dab again!

- No, you won't. [patting back]

No, you won't.

- ♪

- So, Smith. Huh. That's a cool name.

Is it a first name, last name, nickname?

- Yes.

- Well, thanks for coming.

You know, we always see you around the halls and stuff,

but it's nice to just hang out and talk, one-on-one.

- MAX: [clears throat] - On one.

Anyway, um, I brought you a little something.

- Whoa! These brushes are really expensive.


Real Canadian squirrel hair.

- Spending three months' allowance

on someone I barely know is what I do.

- That's weirdly nice.

- Oh, and, uh, a little birdie told me

your fave shake is choco-strawberry.

- It is.

- It's brown and swirly like my eyes.

Try not to get lost in them.

There's no way back.

- [sighs]

You guys are being really nice to me,

but I have to ask--

are you just pretending to like me

because I'm painting the mural?

- What?! Are you painting that thing?

I just forgot. - I did, too.

- Um, no, actually we just found out

what happened to you at the prom,

and it was not cool.

- Not cool?

A demon threw fire at me!

I'd been waiting all year for Jimmy to ask me out.

It was supposed to be my first dance,

not my first dance with death!

- Look, when I was a superhero,

I always tried to do the right thing,

but from time to time,

good people got hurt in the process.

Sometimes you've gotta break a few eggs

to save a prom.

- Eggs make me throw up. - Okay.

My point is I'm sorry.

We're sorry.

- Yeah, we're very sporry and we capologize.

That's the best you're gonna get.

- I used to think you were both horrible people, but...

I guess I was wrong about you.

- Don't feel bad.

Just go back and change the painting

so we don't look like prom goblins.

- You did see my mural!

- Max, did you look at the mural?

Okay, fine, we did look at it.

But, in our defense,

you totally caught us and now we're frightened.

- You are horrible.

You're liars, connivers, and straight up toilet people!

- Smith, I know we went about this the wrong way,

but, please, give us one more chance to fix everything.

- You can't fix this!

That plasma ball turned me into a human tumbleweed.

- That is...

Really? It's always like that?

- I kinda wanna touch it.

- There has to be something we can do here.

Please don't let that awful mural

haunt us till the end of time.

- Okay, I'll change my mural.

- You will? Oh, great.

- On one condition.

- Spoke too soon.

- You have to suffer the same pain

and humiliation that I did.

- Don't worry, I'll get her lost in my eyes.

It's not working. We're in trouble, Phoebe.

- ♪

- Wonder what Smith's got planned for us.

- Maybe she'll show us mercy after I give her

this gift basket of all-natural conditioners.

- Good idea.

Hey, wait, that is my healthy hair basket.

- She needs it more than you.

Hopefully, it'll only be a few minutes of humiliation

and then she'll repaint us to look like the heroes we are.

- Maybe she'll feed you candy and cookies

and then try to throw you in her oven.

- Again, Cherry, that's Hansel and Gretel.

- Are you sure?

- Cherry. - Right.

I'll see you guys later.

- [bell rings]

- I got you something.

- [laughs] You have to wear the same dress as Smith.

- Oh, no, the second dress is for you.

- [laughs] You have to wear the same dress as me.

- Now go get changed.

You don't wanna be late for prom.

- Prom? What prom?

- This prom!

- STUDENTS: [laughing]

- I'm sorry, but this is why I never say I'm sorry.

- You keep sayin' it.

- ♪

- NORA: [humming]

- You seem very happy, Nora.

- I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

- [laughing] Hello, family.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, lookin' good, son.

- What is happening right now?

- Billy looks like Daddy.

- That's right, Chloe. I'm not dabbing anymore.

I've started a new craze

that's even cooler called "dadding."

- Dadding? Why? And what? And why?

- Hey, big guy,

thanks for letting me borrow your loafers.

- "Shoe" got it.

- Shoe? Great dad joke.

- BILLY & HANK: [laughing]

- Oh, no, they both think that was funny.

- [sighs] Come on, Billy.

Oh, hey, let's go to Splatburger

and make fun of Mrs. Wong.

- Now, Nora...

I did not raise you to make fun of people.

How about we go watch the news together?

- I have some news--

you broke Billy!

- I know, but maybe I can fix him.

Oh, are you up for a popcorn party?

- [lasers zapping, popcorn popping]

- Laser corn!

- Pretty cool, huh?

If you want, you can dab while you eat.

- Nora, I don't do that anymore.

Now clean up this popcorn.

"Pop" to it!

- HANK & BILLY: [laughing]

- [music with a beat]

- This is terrible.

I guess we're just stuck with the mural.

- The only good part is

this dress really shows off my man stilts.

- This is the part where I danced alone

because my date never arrived.

- How is it our fault that your date bailed?

- His car was crushed by Dark Mayhem's helicopter.

- Okay, yeah, that's on us.

- What is this?

You call that dancing?

Come on, feel the music!

- ♪

- Woo! [laughing]

Yeah! Encore! Encore!

- Okay, Smith, we did what you asked.

Now you can change the mural.

- Prom isn't over yet.

You're about to experience

the moment that ruined my life.

Get ready to get wet!

- I was on prom committee

and I distinctly do not remember a kiddie pool.

- It symbolizes the punch bowl I fell into.

Symbols! Art! Open a book!

- No. No. - [channel surfing]

- Ooh, a plumbing documentary--

"Who Let the Clogs Out?"

- [water swishing]

- Just so you know,

if this plan doesn't get him dabbing again,

I'm still keeping the outfit.

- You should let me dress you more often,

because normally you look pretty stupid.

- Oh, no, now he's ordering useless products off the TV.

- I love to deep-fry pound hams.

I'll take two!

- Ugh!

Last thing I need's another Hank.

Let's bust a move.

- Yo, Billy!

Good luck not dabbing.

- Dr. Colosso, [span] muy fuego[/span].

♪ Get up, get ready to dance ♪

♪ Fly by the seat of your pants ♪

♪ Bob your neck, bend your elbow ♪

♪ It's time to dance, ready, set go ♪

♪ Dab dab dab dab

♪ Dab dab dab dab

♪ Dab dab dab dab

- I'd love to dab, but I can't.

- [music stops] - ♪ Dab dab dab dab da--

What happened?

Turn up my snare!

- That song was fire. Why aren't you dabbing?

- Because I don't wanna be like that kid in your video.

He doesn't even talk to his sister anymore.

- Billy, that video you watched...

it was fake.

Dr. Colosso made it.

- I knew Dr. Macaroni looked familiar.

Your German accent's really good, Nora.

- Look, you might annoy me from time to time,

but I'll always be your sister.

- Thanks, Nora.

- Blecch!



Your tender moment's makin' me sick.

[coughs, sputters]

- Are you two ready to suffer the ultimate humiliation?

- Now I'm confused.

When do we throw those water balloons at you?

- They're paint balloons and I throw them at you.

It's like this is your first revenge prom.

- Hold on. How many humiliating things

are we talking about before we're even?

- It was a long and terrible night, Phoebe--

the rain, the bicycle accident,

the bus ride home when that chicken bit me.

- Max, she's never gonna be satisfied

no matter how much we let her humiliate us.

- Yeah, and the joke's on her, anyway.

I am lovin' these shoes.

They're oddly comfortable.

- We're doing all this so we'll be remembered as heroes,

but we know we're heroes.

We help people every day.

What's on that mural isn't gonna change that.

Come on.

Hey, Smith, we're done here.

- Yeah, we already capologized,

so if that's not good enough, that's on you.

- It's not enough.

I spent six hours filling these balloons with paint

and I'm feelin' throwy.

Unless you're cool with everyone seeing that mural?

- We're cool with it.

In fact, we're gonna show it to them.

- Uh, we are? - Yes, we just agreed on it,

but you were too busy enjoying your lady shoes.

- It's just that they look like a dressy shoe,

but feel like a sneaker!

- [sighs] Hey, uh...

six period gym class?

Time to unveil our mural.

- Yeah, but, before we show it to you,

lady amazers, activate! Oosh! Oosh!

- Just help me pull this.

- STUDENTS: [murmuring]

- [laughing] Sweet revenge!

- They're not laughing.

I think they think it's...

- Kind of cool?

I was so worried about my legacy

that I didn't notice this thing is kinda epic.

- Yeah, and I could use hands like that.

Colosso'd finally stop asking me for tummy tickles.

- PHOEBE: [laughing]

- Stop liking it!

- I'm sorry, this thing is amazing.

Come on, look at that girl.

She's all, ahhh, stop chasing me.

And I'm all, no, I'm not gonna.

- SMITH: [angry growl]

- Uh, Phoebe, is she still mad for some reason?

- Aaaahhhh!

- [paint splats]

[paint splats]

- Ahhhh! - [paint splats]

- Ahhhhh! - [paint splats]

- Oh, you can relax, Max. She's outta balloons.

- SMITH: [panting]

- But now she's doin' that. - Uh-oh!

- [slow motion roaring]



- STUDENTS: [applauding]

- You saved me?

After everything I did?

- Yeah, you were in trouble.

- Thank you.

- You can thank me

by telling me where you got these shoes.

- Consider them yours.

- Best revenge prom ever!

- Uh, since you're feeling so generous,

think I could get those Canadian squirrel brushes back?

- No, sorry.

I'm gonna need them when I redo the mural.

- Awww...

I mean, you could use your old brushes, but, hey...

- [groans]

Okay, this was fun when you hated each other.

But if you're gonna be all nicey, nicey, nicey,

then I want you to clean the--



Oh, the sugar's burning my eyes!


- Well, you can't save everybody.



- ♪