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04x13 - Come What Mayhem

Posted: 05/03/23 16:10
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- Guys, get excited! We're about to watch the news.

- News? Bo-ring!

- Oh, Chloe, it's the Metroburg Super News.

Max and I were interviewed about the Z Force

by Anderson Super.

- Anderson only has the best supes on the show.

He even got to interview our favorite hero.

- I don't remember being on his show.

- 'Cause you never were.

I'm talking about a kid hero named Pause Girl.

- She stops time and pranks people

by drawing moustaches on them.

- Oh. I can see how that's more important

than saving the world times.

[crunching popcorn]

- FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE: Connecting to the Metroburg

News Network. - Ooh, it's starting.

- Being on TV is so exciting.

I'll try not to let it go to my head.

- Family, do not make eye contact with me,

unless you wanna catch greatness, okay?

- Max, not so much.

- Hello, Metroburg.

Tonight, we profile two heroes

vying for a spot on the legendary Z Force--

twins Max and Phoebe Thunderman.

But the wrinkle in this cape

is that one of them used to be evil.

I spoke to Max Thunderman in his home lair.

- What's he talking about, Max?

We shot that interview together in the driveway.

- Yeah, but then I made Anderson re-sh**t it

because your part was...

[laughs] boring!

- Told ya.

- What...?

- Max, it is a pleasure

to finally meet the man behind the swoosh.

- [laughs] Please, I'm just a regular gu--

- Hi, Mom!

Look, I'm on TV!

- [powers whoosh]

- Now, Max, you've gone from being Dark Mayhem's lap dog

to possibly saving the world with the Z Force.

- I don't know about lap dog, I mean--

- But the question remains--

is there anyone you'd like to thank

for helping you become the hero you are today?

- Yes, there is. Someone very important.

Someone who was always there for me, during my evil phase.

- [tsks] Aw, Max.

- The person I wanna thank is...


- Are you for real?

- I guess that was rude.

I should have thanked Colosso.

- [high-pitched] I meant me!

- Why would I thank you?

- Because I spent my whole life

cleaning up your evil messes.

If it weren't for me,

you and your swoosh would be rotting in SuperJail.

- First of all, my swoosh thrives in confined spaces.

And, second, I don't-- - Can you two zip it?

Anderson said he had a special announcement.

- ANDERSON: And while we're on the topic of the Thundermans,

the Supe Awards are coming up,

and I've just heard that

the Platinum Cape Lifetime Achievement Award

will be given to...

Thunder Man and Electress.

- HANK: Ha, ha, hey!

- Yay, Mommy and Daddy!

- What's wrong, Max?

Bummed you didn't get nominated for SuperJerk of the Year?

- No!


Don't follow me!

- Well, now I have to follow him.

- Hank, the awards are this weekend,

and I have nothing to wear.

- Me, neither.

Let's go shopping, baby.

- Ooh, sweetie, you're too little

to come to the awards with the rest of the family.

You'll have to stay home with a babysitter.

- Okay. But I'm still going shopping.


- Was that my credit card?

- Hey, Dad, um, can we stay home with Chloe?

We can't handle sitting through another long awards show.

- Yeah, it's like you guys win an award every other week.

- Come on. We haven't won that many.

- Tell that to your trophy shelf.

- [wood creaks]

- [awards clattering]

- Look, honey, it buckled under the weight of our awesomeness.

- Well, I guess if you really don't wanna come,

we won't force you.

You can stay home with Chloe and the babysitter.

- Thanks. Come on, Billy.

- You guys were champion Flamenco dancers?

- Still are.

- Hit it, thunder monitor.

- [Flamenco music playing]

- You had to ask.

- [Flamenco music continues]

- I really messed up this time, Colosso.

- Relax. You'll be fine as long as Phoebe never finds out.

- As long as I never find out what?

- You told her not to follow you again, didn't ya?

- You acted all weird

when Anderson Super announced mom and dad's award.

Tell me why or I'll do this... [powers whooshing]

- Ow! My ear! You know I have sensitive lobes.

- PHOEBE: Spill it! - Okay, fine!


Okay, the reason I got weird is because

I remembered that when I was evil,

I set a mega stink b*mb to go off

during this year's Supe Awards.

- What? How could you forget that?

- I had a lot of villainous plans going on back then,

and I couldn't afford an evil assistant.

- You shoulda told me. I woulda lent ya mine.

Teddy! Pick up my sailor suit from the dry cleaners!

- Okay, okay, how bad of a stink b*mb are we talking here?

Like rotten eggs or wet dog?

- Rotten eggs wrapped in wet dog,

stuffed with moldy cheese and dipped in hot sewage.

Everyone in that place will stink for years to come.

- Max, if the Z Force finds out about this,

we will never get in.

- What are we gonna do?

- Teddy, order me a kiss-the- Z Force-goodbye muffin basket.

What? It's totally for someone else.

- ♪

♪ What you see

♪ Is not what you get

♪ Livin' our lives with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in

♪ Bet you never guessed

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest

♪ A picture perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be

♪ Look closer, you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality

♪ Just your average family

♪ Trying to be normal and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- MAX: Keep looking.

Without those designs, we can't disable the stink b*mb.

- [groans] The Supe Awards are tonight

and the only stinky thing I found

is Colosso's dance unitard.

- Hey, hands off my sparkly diaper.

- I can't remember where I put them.

You know, when I became good,

I had to sweep a lot of my evil past under the rug.

- Well, did you look under the rug?

- Phoebe, that'd be way too obvious.

- Oh, hey, look what I found.

Amazing. Even when you're good,

I'm still cleaning up your evil messes.

And your bunny's messes.

Buy a tiny hamper!

- Oh, no! I built it with a ThunderTanium casing.

The only thing that can disable it is an electro-plasma blast.

- Okay, so make one.

- [laughing]

She thinks you can just make one.

Wait! Can you make one?

- I don't have anything capable

of generating that type of energy--

unless you have some super- powerful weapons lying around.

- Like the ones in the Thundermans'

secret weapons vault.

- MAX & COLOSSO: Thundermans' secret weapons vault?

- Oh, guess we can drop "secret" from the name now.

- All right, kids, we're heading out

to the pre-Supe Awards party.

This is your last chance to come to the show to see us--

- NORA & BILLY: We're good.

- Are you sure? Because this award is gonna be really--

- NORA & BILLY: We're good.

- Well, I guess we should call that fancy super-sitter

the Hero League got us.

- Yes, they say he's the best in the business.

- He's also free.

Now, I've just gotta push this baby monitor and...

- SuperNanny at your service.

- Cool! How'd you do that?

- Monitor travel is one of my babysitting powers.

Others include creating toys

and disinfecting playground equipment--

with my mind.

- Oh, ho, Chloe is gonna love you.

I'll get her.

- Please, allow me to fetch the girl.


Who's up for a bounce?

- [whooshes] Bouncy House!

- Okay. Bye, Chloe. We'll miss you.

She doesn't care. Let's go.

- Thundermans, getting awa-a-a-a-rds!

- You must be very excited for your parents.

They're going to be recognized

by Metroburg's finest heroes--

Cake Man, Super Viking, Pause Girl.

- NORA & BILLY: Pause Girl!

- Yes, Pause Girl.

I hear it's the first awards show she's ever attended.

- Hey, SuperNanny, watch me jump.

- Coming, young Miss.

- We blew it.

If we don't go to those awards,

we may never have another chance to meet Pause Girl.

- I was thinking the same thing.

- To the Supe Awards!

What are these?

- Another one of my powers

is keeping kids on a short leash.

I've never had a child run away on me.

- Well, Billy has super-speed. Go, Billy!

- BILLY: [zooms]


- Or we can stay.

- The Thundermans' secret weapons vault

is in the fireplace?

- Yeah. I can't even tell you about

the secret ThunderCopter in the attic.

Dang it, I am just off today.

- [tiles beeping]

- PHOEBE: These are the most dangerous weapons

our family has collected over the years.

- Hey, remember this?

It's the booger blaster I made in junior high.

- Yes, Max, I remember the day the cafeteria

served Chicken Snot Pie.

Hey, what about this?

- The orb containing all of Dark Mayhem's powers?

- Yeah, we could transfer his powers

from the orb into one of us,

and then use his plasma balls to destroy the stink b*mb.

- Are you out of your mind?

- Ha, that's weird. I'm usually the one saying that to you.

- Dark Mayhem's powers are pure evil.

If we use it, we could turn evil.

Huh, that sounds like something you would say, too.

How do you live like this?

- Max, that orb might be the only way

to save our Z Force chances.

- It's too dangerous.

Besides, I think I can use a few of these weapons

to build an electro- plasma blaster.

- The awards start in an hour.

- Phoebe, relax. I'm a professional.

- [laser blasts] - [glass shatters]

- We might need a new microwave.

- ♪

- I'm hungry, SuperNanny.

- Then prepare for some tasty weather.

- [thunder rumbling]

- Tater tots!

Dreams do come true!

- Billy, we have to meet Pause Girl.

You know what we need?

- Yep, an invisible dinosaur with a taste for mischief.

- What? No.

- Good, 'cause I definitely don't have one of those.

Shhh, quiet, Francine.

- I'm talking about Colosso.

He can distract SuperNanny

with one of his weird fashion lectures.

- Someone request a fashion lecture?

- How did you get ready so fast?

- I was born ready.

- SuperNanny, behold, Dr. Colosso.

- Today's topic-- the kimono.

But, first, Japanese pop dance break!

- [lively pop music playing]

- This is a train wreck...

but I...can't... look away.

- Why would you want to?

- Nora, this is getting very strange.

- BILLY & NORA: [zooming]

- Oh! They're gone!

Nobody sneaks out on Super- Nanny and gets away with it.

- And nobody interrupts my dance.

Now I have to start over.

- [lively pop music playing]

- ♪

- Hurry up, Max. We've gotta go.

- You can't rush handsome, Phoebs.

- Come on, you're supposed to be working on the machine

that's gonna save our future, not working on your hair.

- Phoebe, my hair is the future.

And I care just as much about the Z Force as you.

That's why I made this.

- What's with the lemons?

- Lemons contain electro-plasmic energy.

I figured out a way to harness it

into a concentrated blast.

- Great. So, our entire future depends on a lemonade maker?!

- Just for that you don't get any.

That is not good.

- I have to come up with a better plan.

- No, you don't, Phoebe.

Your days of cleaning up my evil messes are over.

- So, you admit it.

- Yeah, sure I admit it.

I have no problem saying it.

Just not on TV or in front of anyone else.

- Why not?

- Because it's embarrassing you had to save my butt

all those times when I was a villain.

I'm a superhero now.

I should be able to save my own butt.

- Can you stop saying butt? - No.

You've gotta let me fix this, Phoebs.

And let me use the words I love.


- [sighing]

All right, if it means that much to you,

then, fine, we'll do it your way.

- Thanks.

- [horn honks]

- That's the SuperLimo. Let's go.

- Okay. Oh, uh...

I forgot my phone.

- All right, hurry up.

- Sorry, Max.

- [tiles beeping]

- This is another one of your messes I've gotta clean up...

with a little help from Dark Mayhem.

- [dramatic music]

- ♪

- Okay, the stink b*mb's hidden

in a room underneath the stage.

I got the idea from Dark Mayhem.

- I didn't get anything from Dark Mayhem!

- Okay. Follow me.

- Look, mom and dad are being interviewed by Anderson Super.

- So, Anderson, I'm gonna be real classy and not bring up

that you've never had me in for an interview.

- You just brought it up. - BARB: [laughs]

Please don't air that part. - We're live.

- Okay, the only way to the room

is through that trap door, so, play it cool.

- Okay.

Hi, Super President Kickbutt! We're playing it cool!

- Phoebe. Max. You two look nice.

Max, what's under your cape?

- What's under your cape?

- What? What?

- BOTH: Uhhhhhhhhhh...

- PHOEBE: [powers whooshing] - MAN: [gasps]

- [dishes clattering]

- Mitch! This happens at every awards show!

- Great. Where are the stink bombs?

And why's there a toilet in here?

- The toilet is the stink b*mb. It's an evil metaphor.

- You'd better open it. I'm not touching that thing.

- Me, neither--

which is why it's voice activated.

It's potty time.

All right, time to charge up my lemon blaster

and get the plasma goin'.

- [buttons beeping]

- [grunts of effort]

Come on, baby! Work for Maxie!

[grunts of effort]

- Max, um, you're not gonna be happy about this.

But there's something I have to do.

- Uh, you know it's not a working toilet, right?

- No, I mean I...

- [motor starts] - Wahoo!

It'll be fully charged soon.

- Oh, guess I'll hold it in.

- TMI, Phoebe.

- BILLY & NORA: [zooming]

- Let's find Pause Girl before Mom and Dad realize we're here.

- Our feet are stuck to the ground.

- Indeed, they are.

Because you two are grounded.

[laughs] Cheeky, right?

- [powers zapping]

- Billy, Nora. - Apologies, ThunderParents.

They snuck here,

but I promise I will not lose one of your children again.

- You're it! [whooshes]

- Spoke too soon.



- We know why you two snuck out of the house

and came down here.

- BILLY & NORA: You do?

- You decided to come down here and see us get the award.

- To tell you the truth, we were a little heartbroken

when you guys said you didn't wanna come tonight.

- But the fact you two showed up

means more than any award we've ever gotten--

even more than the Nobel Pizza Prize.

- Thunder Man, Electress, get backstage.

We're about to start.

- You know what? Come on stage with us.

- Look, Nora, those people have moustaches drawn on them.

Pause Girl is here somewhere. We have to find her.

- No, Billy, wait.

We came here to meet our hero,

but our real heroes are Mr. and Mrs. Goober over there.

- I thought their last name was Thunderman.

- Let's get on stage.

- [awards show jazz music] - GUESTS: [applauding]

- Welcome to the th Annual Supe Awards.

We begin by honoring two living legends.

I am proud to present this year's Platinum Cape

Lifetime Achievement Award to Thunder Man and Electress!

- GUESTS: [applauding, cheering]

- Here's your child. Congrats on the award.

I'm never babysitting for you again.

- He needs a nap.

- HANK: Thank you. - GUESTS: [applauding]

- HANK: [laughing]

We'll make this quick.

I was born in the big city.

- And I was born in a barn.

- While I was flying over skyscrapers...

- BARB: I was jumping over...

- [dramatic music]

- We're running out of time.

How much longer does your blaster take to charge?

- If my math is correct, three lemons and a surprise lime.

- If that stink b*mb goes off,

every supe up there is gonna smell like an elephant's armpit.

- Elephants don't have armpits. They have legpits.

- That's beside the point!

I'm sorry, Max, but I'm done letting you try to fix this.

- You don't have a choice.

There's nothing your powers can do to help.

- My powers won't help, but...

Dark Mayhem's will.

- That wouldn't matter, unless you took them.

Oh, my gosh, you took them!

- You might wanna stand back for this.

- Phoebe, what are you doing?

- [expl*si*n]

- [puff of smoke]

- Excuse me.

I guess those fancy hot dogs I had are "barking."

- GUESTS: [laughing]

- MAX: [coughing]

How could you take Dark Mayhem's powers from the orb?

- Max, I had to.

- I told you it was dangerous.

- Yeah, for you. I can handle it.

Besides, it's not like your portable juice box

was gonna save us.

- [laser blasting]

- That was surprisingly powerful.

- See? I could have cleaned up my own mess.

I didn't need your help.

- Okay, well, can we focus on the positive?

Our future as supes is saved,

and it smells lemon-tastic in here.

- The only thing that could make this moment better

is if our twins, Max and Phoebe,

were here to share it with us.

- Right here, Dad!

- Oh. Where'd you two come from?

- It doesn't matter. Just wrap this up.

- We will now that our whole loving family is here.

- You're the worst, Phoebe. - Get over it, Lemon Boy.

- You know, Electress and I have done many amazing things

to end up here on this stage.

- But this family, and the love we have for one another,

is our greatest lifetime achievement.

- Thank you! - Thank you.

- GUESTS: [cheering, applauding]

- [awards show jazz music]

- As much as I wanted to meet Pause Girl,

this is pretty amazing, too.

- Yeah, we definitely made the right choice.

Still, it'd be pretty cool to meet her some day.

- [powers whooshing]

- [magic marker squeaking]

[magic marker squeaking]

- [giggles]

- [powers whooshing]

- Yeah, who cares about-- - Billy!

You have a moustache. - So do you!

- BILLY & NORA: Pause Girl!

- I'm never shaving this off.

- Hey, Max, could you, uh, make sure nobody's watching

while I put Dark Mayhem's powers back?

- Just do it yourself, like you always do.

- Oh, come on. Don't be grumpy.

- I am not grumpy.

This is the face of rage.

- [cell phone clicks] - [cell phone 'bings']

- And a text of rage.

- [tiles beeping]

- Okay. [sighs]

Bye-bye, evil powers.

Uh, I said, bye-bye.

Uh, [span]adiós[/span].


Oh, no, I can't put Dark Mayhem's powers back.

- [dramatic music]

- ♪