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04x06 - Parks & T-Rex

Posted: 05/03/23 16:06
by bunniefuu
- Speed it up, Max.

We're gonna miss Chloe's pre-school graduation party.

- Relax. We're early.

- We're two hours late.

- Yeah, for me that's early.

- Happy graduation, Chlo--no!

What...oh! We missed the whole party.

- [laughs] Remember our graduation party?

- Yeah. Uh, you filled my pockets with candy

and told everyone I was the piñata.

- It was a great party.

- Gotta figure out where everyone is.

- You're right, I do want a snack.

- I didn't...say that.

- You're right. I want a nap, too.

Not a single chip spilled.

- There you are. - [screams]

- Glad you finally decided to come home.

The steak turned out amazing.

- Awesome. You cooked?

- Yeah.

I'll just put this delicious steak next to your chips.

- [plate clattering]

- Enjoy!

- This is nothing.

I once ate a slice of pizza off a bathroom floor.

- Ugh!

- Look, I'm sorry, but I was busy training for the Z Force.

- Yes, but you've forgotten about

the most important force of all...the we force!

- That's not a thing.

- It used to be!


- How long have you been breathing like that?

- A while. I'm kind of used to it--

just like being ignored by my best friend!


- That sounds awful.

Say, you got any steak sauce?

- Shouldn't you call the super vet?

- Oh, right, yeah.

I'll call them right after I eat.

- Thank you.


- I'm gonna eat this upstairs.

- Why isn't anyone getting back to me?

Hey, Thunder Monitor, is my family coming home soon?

Get back in your hole.

- It's a lair and I can go wherever I want.

- Not talking to you, Max.

Oh! Where have you guys been?

- After the party we took Chloe for a ride on her new bike.

- [whooshing]

Watch me ride.


- I'm not sure she gets it yet.

- [whooshing]

- I can't believe I missed Chloe's party.

Tell me every single person that was there.

Oh, Jayden? Braden?

Aidan? Kayden?


- Scabby Sam was here?

I'm eating my food outside.

- This is just so not like me. I never miss anything.

What are those looks for?

- [high-pitched] It's nothing.

- High-pitched "nothing" always means something.

- We've just, sort of, gotten used to you missing out

on family time because of your Z Force training.

- Please! Name one thing I've missed.

- The Planetarium. - The Wax Museum.

- My lecture on scrapbooking.

- I wish I'd missed that one.

- Yesterday you missed an epic family day at Prehistoric Putt.

- What? You guys went to Prehistoric Putt without me?

- Not exactly.

Some parents forgot to get tickets ahead of time.

- Hey, it wasn't all bad.

Since we couldn't get in,

we had a tailgate party in the parking lot.

- I got hit by a car.

- Don't worry. It was parked.

- I didn't realize how much family time

I've been missing out on.

I used to be the queen of family time.

Remember that little crown I made myself?

- Yes, honey. We were all at your coronation.

- You know what, clear your schedules.

In fact--

- You keep that little crown with you all the time?

- Just be glad she didn't bring her scepter.

Nope, there it is.

- Hear ye, hear ye!

I declare tomorrow evening Phoebe Family Fun Night.

I shall make up for all the time I've missed.

Your queen has spoken.

- MAX: I'm not coming, Queen. - Just eat your steak!

- ♪

♪ What you see

♪ Is not what you get

♪ Livin' our lives with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in

♪ Bet you never guessed

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest

♪ A picture perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be

♪ Look closer, you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality

♪ Just your average family

♪ Trying to be normal and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- Thank you for coming all the way

from Metroburg, Dr. Goodsniffer.

- Are you sure she's a real super vet?

- That's what the ad on the bus said.

- With your permission,

I'm going to examine your soul...internally.

- [glove snaps] - Gah!

- And that's my cue to step out.

- [wheezing]

- Ah, here's the problem. It's your cape.

- My cape?

I'm not gonna take fashion advice

from some crystal- waving weirdo.

- Who hurt you?

Here, let me loosen your cape.

- Ahhhhh...

You fixed me!

Wait. So, I'm not sick?

- No. Your body is just bursting with love.

- What? - You're chubby.

But the good news is you don't have bunny fever.

- Bunny fever? What's that?

- Your insides turn to jelly and you need -hour care

for the rest of your pain-filled life.

But you don't have it.

- But if I did,

Max would have to take care of me all the time.

- Now I do recommend

these organic mints for your butt breath.

- Get out!

- Namaste!

- Oh, Max!

- What did Dr. McWeirdo say?

- It's bad, Maxie. Real bad.

I have something called bunny fever.

- Really?

Oh, man. That sounds serious.

- The doctor said it's caused by neglect.

I don't want you to blame yourself.

But it's all your fault.

- Oh, Colosso, I'm so sorry.

Is there anything I can do to help?

- The super vet said I needed someone

to watch me over me all the time.

- I got you.

You won't have to lift a finger...

or whatever you call those things in your paws.

- There's no telling how much time I have.

Just hold me.

- That's a little weird.

- [wheezing]

- Hey, you guys ready for Phoebe Family Fun Night?

- Oh, I thought you said Phoebe Family Fun Fight.

- Why...why would I... never mind.

- [whooshing]

Who wants a knuckle sandwich?

- I clearly said Phoebe Family Fun Night.

- I'll go change.


- Right, guys, we are going somewhere awesome.

Feast your eyes on these bad boys.

- [squealing]

- Six tickets to Mini Golf

and Family Fun Zone Prehistoric Park.

- Phoebe! How did you get these tickets?

They've been sold out for months.

- Let's just say I know a guy.

Are you Guy?

I'm also going to the fifth grade dance on Friday.

- Well, I can't wait to go to Prehistoric Putt.

- You know, kids, your dad was an award-winning

mini golfer back in his day.

- They called me hole-in-one-Hank!

On account of all the hole-in-ones!

- Isn't that clever? [laughing]

- Can we please leave now?

- Yeah, let's start Family Fun Night.

- All right, all right.

But let's call it Phoebe Family Fun Night...

because that's what the t-shirts say!

You get a shirt... and you get a shirt.

- That steak was delicious!

You didn't stick it in your armpit, did you?

- Of course not.

Ah! - Ah!

- BOTH: [laughing]

- Now this is what I miss,

the old Max and Colosso back and forth.

- Hey, you seem like you're feeling much better.

- I do?


[raspy voice] Because I'm pretty sure

my insides are turning to jelly.

- What can I do to help?

- Well, there is one thing

that'll take my mind off the pain.

I wrote this song and I'd love for you to sing it for me.

- Yeah, maybe later, buddy.

- There might not be a later.


- Okay, fine.

♪ Oh, Colosso, your style makes me weak in the knees ♪

♪ Remember the time that you gave me fleas ♪

♪ I love all the evil things you do ♪

♪ And at the end of the day I pick up your poo ♪

- Yeah. Sing it out, Maxie.

- ♪ I ain't gonna kick this habit ♪

♪ Because my best friend he's a rabbit ♪

♪ My best, best, best, best, best, best, best ♪

♪ Best, best, best, best, best, best, best ♪

♪ Colosso and Max are best friends ♪

♪ And I pick up his...

[high note] ♪ poo-oo ♪

- [sighing]

- Hope you enjoyed that because I'm never singing it again.

I'm gonna get a drink.

- Well, hurry up because when you get back, uh...

I need you to do that thing you sang about.

- Oh, man.

- [Thunder monitor bleeping]


Dr. Beatrix Goodsniffer calling.

- Hey, doc. - Namaste.

I'm calling with the name of a personal trainer.

- Oh, don't need one.

Surely a vet like you can admire these pythons.

- [giggles] It's not for you.

It's for your chubby bunny.

- I'm confused.

Why would Colosso need to work out if he's sick?

- He's not sick.

He just has a big belly.

- But why would he tell me he has bunny fever?

- I'm no doctor, but my guess is that he's a liar.

- Yeah, he is.

Wait you're not a doctor?

- Uh...Namaste. - But...

- ♪

- Why do you have putters?

- Because after I sink a putt,

I like to do a little celebration dance.

- Show 'em, Hank.

- Hole-in-one! Woo!

- [golf club thuds]

- Save it for the course, baby.

- For being the hottest ticket in town,

this place sure looks empty.

- Mm-hm. - Yeah.

You know what, you guys go take a picture with the dinosaur

and I'll figure what's going on here, all right?

Don't have any fun without me.

Just kidding.

Not really.

- Cool! A real dinosaur.

- Billy, you know dinosaurs are extinct.

- I don't care if they stink.

I still wanna take a picture with them.

- Oh, uh...excuse me, sir.

Do you work here?

- I'm the owner.

- [dinosaur cane roaring] "Prehistoric Putt."

- Basil Healey-Hutchinson of the Wotton Healey-Hutchinsons.

- Oh, uh, I'm Phoebe Thunderman of the...

Hiddenville Thundermans.

- Lovely to meet you. [chuckles]

We're closed.

- What? No, no, no. You can't be closed.

- Oh, I'm afraid I can't let anyone in.

You see the dinos need a little, uh, jiggery-pokery.

- I'm sorry, could you say that one more time

in American teenager?

- The dinos are broke, yo. [laughs]

But do be sure to come again.

- But, no, no, no, it has to be tonight.

It's Phoebe Family Fun Night.

- Oh! Well, in that case... [chuckling]

...we're still closed.

- [dinosaur cane roaring] "Prehistoric Putt."

- Cheerio.

- Wait.

Oh, oh, wait! Mr. Healey- Hutchinson, you forgot your...

- It's closed? - Are you kidding me?

- Worst night ever!

- Did you guys really think I wouldn't come through?

I had this park shut down for our special night.


- Welcome...

- [lock clicks] Prehistoric Putt!

- ♪

- ♪

- ALL: [cheering]

- Another hole-in-one!

Woo! - [golf club thuds]

- All right, time for a Phoebe Family Snack Break.

Who wants...

- [drumstick thuds]

- ...a dino drumstick?

- Vending machine meat?

Yes, please.

- [dinosaur cane roaring] "Prehistoric Putt."

- Oh, no...

A photo booth! Hey, guys!

Why don't we go make some memories...

out of the way, where no one can see us.

- Just let me finish this drumstick.

- [powers whooshing]

Guess you're done.

In the booth.

Go, go, go. Come on. Everyone go in.

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

- NORA: What's that smell? - BILLY: Don't look at me.

- CHLOE: Sorry. I have issues.

- Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I knew someone stole my keys.

We have a trespassasaurus.

- Grrr!

- Yes, you're right... large security person.

We should sweep the perimeter.

[chuckles] Tally-ho!

- [flashbulb pops]

- All right. Let's check out our family photo.

- PHOEBE: Not our best.

Guys, why don't we finish up Phoebe Family Fun Night--

wait for it--

at home! Booyah!

- But we're only half way through the course.

- Yeah. Your father's on a hot streak.

He's gonna be the first person

to get a hole-in-one on the th hole.

- According to the website, if you sink that shot,

the dinosaur will spit out a lifetime family pass.


- Fine, but, um, why don't we make it interesting...

speed golf.

We play the rest of the holes as fast as we can.

- Well, international mini-golf rules clearly--

- You're already losing Dad.

- Max! - [bell ringing]

- Ma-a-a-a-ax!

What took you so long?

- I was upstairs doing some research on bunny fever.

- Bunny what?

Oh, bunny fever! The thing I have.

Yeah, it eats away at your memory.


- Well, there's good news.

Turns out it's caused by an allergic reaction

to tiny clothes.

- Tiny clothes?

- Yeah.

Your outfits are making you sick.

But, all we have to do is destroy your clothes

and you'll be good as new.

- Destroy my clothes?

But...shouldn't we get a second opinion?

- We don't have time for that, buddy.

Let's start with your favorite outfit.

- Ooh! My leather-lined wizard ensemble?

- [flames sizzling] - [gasps]


- Sounds like you're getting worse.

I'd better step it up.

[powers whooshing]

It's for your own good, Dumbledork.

- Stop! Stop! Clothes before bros!

Look, I...I really don't have bunny fever.

- I know.

I spoke to the doctor.

Why would you do that?

You made me sing that stupid song.

- Stupid?

It's already been covered by Ed Sheeran.

- Seriously, Colosso, I was worried.

- I know.

I just needed a way to hang out with you again.

It was like the old days when we were the we force.

- Again, not a thing.

But I'm sorry, you're right.

I have been really busy training for the Z Force and...

I'll try to make more time for you.

- Great.

Can I ask one more favor?

- Fine. But this is the last time.

- COLOSSO & MAX: [harmonizing] ♪ I pick up his poo-oo

- Billy go! Nora go! Chloe, go!

- Okay, see you at home.


- Not what I meant, but, hey, one down, four to go.

Okay, guys, let's get to the th hole

before we get caught--

--up in all the prehistoric fun.

- HANK: There she is, the th hole.

All I have to do is hit the ball into its mouth,

down the tail and into the hole.

No one has ever sunk this putt

in the history of Prehistoric Putt.

- Didn't this place just open?

- Shh! Let Daddy have his moment.

- [dinosaur cane roaring] "Prehistoric Putt."

- Uh, yeah, but can you have it a little faster?

- Fine.

Oh, halfway there!

- ALL: Ohhhhh!

- It's not there yet, guys.

All we have to do is wait for gravity to pull it in--

even if it takes all night.

- [powers whooshing] - [ball drops]

- ALL: [cheering]

- Gravity, you've done it again.

- Hole-in-one-Hank! Woo--oh!

Actually, I'm keeping this one.

That way I'll always remember Phoebe Family Fun Night.

- That's what the t-shirts were for, but, whatever.

- Ha! Look! It's the hooligans!

- Grrr!

- You heard him.

What are you doing here?

- We can explain.

- Yeah. I just made a hole-in-one.

That dinosaur is about to spit out a lifetime pass.

- [flames roaring]

- That dinosaur is wonkerjawed!

You've doomed us all!

- BARB: Everybody get out of here.

- [flames roaring]

- [moaning] Now my ankle's wonkerjawed!

- [flames roaring] - [whimpering]

- Where are you going?


my dino babies have turned against me.

- Quick, you guys go.

I'm gonna go save this... funny talking man

I've never seen and/or spoken to.

- We're not leaving you.

We'll all do this together.

- [flames roaring]

- I think I can super-speed past those flames.

- But if he sees us use our powers,

the whole town's gonna know our secret again.

- [flames roaring]

- Wait...

maybe we can use this egg to block the dinosaur's mouth.

Dad, do you think you can make another hole-in-one?

- I'm on it.

Good thing I still have my last Thunder putter.

[grunts, winces]

- Dad, hurry up! - All right.

[laughing] - You did it!

- No. We did it. - Thanks, Dad.

- Me and my putter. - Okay.

- NORA: Are you okay? - No.

No, you...scoundrels.

You broke into my beloved Prehistoric Putt

and almost fried me like fish and chips.

- Broke in?

- Mmm! Fish and chips.

- You! You're the one who made off with my keys.


Well, I'm gonna call the police.

- Police? Phoebe, what is going on here?

- You guys are gonna laugh!

Uh, when we showed up, this place was "closed." I borrowed the little man's keys and,

sort of, snuck us in here.

So, we're technically "trespassing."

[sheepish laugh]

Why aren't you guys laughing?

- Oh, we'll have plenty of time to laugh...

in prison!

- Phoebe, why would you do that?

- 'Cause I just wanted us to all have an amazing night

to make up for everything I've missed out on lately.

I don't know, I just didn't wanna disappoint you guys again.

- Phoebe, we haven't been disappointed in you.

I mean, not until you started breaking the law.

- You haven't?

- Of course not.

- Sweetie, you've been out saving the world.

- Sorry, how's that?

- With your good grades and "can do" attitude.

- We couldn't be more proud of you.

- Thanks, Dad.

You're talking to your putter again, aren't you?

- No, I'm not.

Yes, I am. [kisses]

- I think it's time for a Phoebe Family Fun Hug.

- Moments like this are why

I came to the New World to create Prehistoric Putt.

- Wait, does that mean you're not gonna call the police?

- No, and, uh, in return, may I have one of those t-shirts?

- Aww! You wanna remember us?

- I most certainly do.

- [hammer banging]

- There! [chuckling]

Phoebe Thunderman is banned for life.

- Stop leaving me your keys!

- ♪