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04x05 - Better Off Wed

Posted: 05/03/23 16:05
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- Hey, guys, I made fresh brownies!

- NORA: Yay, brownies! - BILLY: All right, Phoebe!

- MAX: I take back everything I ever said about you, Phoebe.

No brownies?

I take back the take back.

- "Surprise! You're at a family meeting."

It's a trap! - [powers whooshing]

Hey! Nobody leaves. [rapping gavel]

I'm calling this family meeting to order.

- Oh, man, she pinned us in. Now we can't leave.

- Okay, guys, Mom and Dad's th anniversary is coming up--

which means we need to decide on a gift.

- Let's just make 'em something.

They love this piece of garbage Chloe made for 'em.

- Hey!

I made this vase.

- Gift idea--

we take your vase outside and smash it!

- Don't worry, Max, we will take care of the gift

and sign your name to the card--like always.

- Oh, thanks.

I take back the take back I took back.


- Hey, why don't we have Mom and Dad's

original wedding photo framed?

- Great idea, Nora.

Old people love looking at themselves when they were young.

- You know, actually, I've never really seen

their wedding photo.

[gasps] Maybe they're not really married.

- Oh, no! That means we don't exist!

- Did I hear something about brownies?

Ah, it's a trap!

- PHOEBE: Hey! [rapping gavel]

- Oh, man, she banged the thing. Now we can't leave.

- We were just discussing your anniversary gift.

- Oh, what brought that up?

Oh! Oh! The...the fact that it's coming up this...

let's see, first there's Spring, and then there's Summer...

- BARB: Saturday. - Saturday! That's it!

- Uh, we were wondering if we could

see some of your wedding pictures.

- Uh, we don't really have any.

- Ha! I knew they weren't married.

- Are we even your kids?

- Don't be ridiculous. Of course, we're married.

- Then what about your wedding?

- Well, yeah, we don't really like to talk about it.

- It was years ago in Metroburg

when I was melting your mom's heart

with the wedding vows I wrote...

Barb, you are the lightning to my thunder,

the wind beneath my cape,

[voice cracking] the meat in my sandwich.

That's why I wrote you this song.

♪ Beautiful Bar-bar-a

♪ I really love her, yeah ♪

- Ugh, no wonder you guys don't like talking about your wedding.

- Hey, let me finish.

♪ Beautiful Bar-bar-a

♪ Sha la la la la-a-a-a-a-a! ♪

- Now-- - ♪ Sha la la la la

Now you may continue.

- Now, do you, Hank Thunderman,

take Barbara McBooger to be your Superwife?

- I do. - Oh.

- COLOSSO: I don't!

Don't anybody move! - ALL: [gasping]

- COLOSSO: [evil laughter]

- Colosso, why are you here?

- Because I swore I'd never let you have a wedding day

after you ruined mine.

- You broke into the White House,

wedgied the president,

and tried to get married in the Oval Office.

- I wanted it to be fancy.

We're not all rich like the McBoogers.

- Can you, uh, hurry up and marry us

so I don't have to go by that name anymore.

- I now pronounced you husband and wife.

- COLOSSO: Don't kiss her!

Behold! The gadget that turns people into animals.

- ALL: [gasping]

- The people-to-animals switcherooni ray.

- I would just call it the animalizer.

- That's dumb.

With this animalizer, I plan to ruin your wedding.

- Whoa, relax, everyone.

His inventions never work.

- [ray zapping]

- HANK: See? Didn't work.

- BARB: Hank, we're goats.

- HANK: [bleating]

- Congratulations.

I did get you a little something.

- HANK: [bleating] - It's a toaster.

What? I'm not a monster.

Hmmm! [laughing]

A monster! [laughing]

- HANK: [bleating]

- I can't believe Colosso never told me that story.

It's hilarious.

Well, you know it is.

- Okay, so, what happened next?

- Well, the Hero League found a way to turn us back.

- Although, not before I ate my own veil.

- And then we hunted down Dr. Colosso

and used his w*apon against him--

turning him into the rude bunny

that lives in our house for some reason.

- He's payin' for his crime.

- Is he? 'Cause I'm the one

who has to scoop up his poop pellets.

- Well, this has been fun, but, uh,

I need to head down to the mall.

Not because I need any last-minute gifts.

- I'll go with you,

but not because I need to show you exactly what I want.

- Guys, I have the best gift idea.

- You're moving out?

- No. [sighs]

Since Mom and Dad's first wedding got destroyed,

let's throw them another one.

- Great--as long as it means these meetings can stop.

- Fine. We will schedule a meeting

to discuss cancelling future meetings.

There'll be brownies. - BILLY: Really?

- No.

- ♪

♪ What you see

♪ Is not what you get

♪ Livin' our lives with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in

♪ Bet you never guessed

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest

♪ A picture perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be

♪ Look closer, you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality

♪ Just your average family

♪ Trying to be normal and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- BARB & HANK: Happy Anniversary!

- Ooh, I have a feeling this is a neck massager.

- I have a feeling this is a handbag.

- BARB: A neck massager? - HANK: A neck massager!

- What happened to the handbag?

- Ooh, you look tense.

You should put that on right now.

- Special delivery. - BARB: Oh!

- All right. About time one of these kids got a job.

- Oh, Hank, the kids are throwing us a wedding

as an anniversary gift.

- PHOEBE: That's right.

- Can I have my brownie now?

- Why does she get a real brownie?

- Because she doesn't complain about the meetings.

- "The Thunderman kids request your presence

at the marriage of Hank and Barb Thunderman this evening."

- Oh, kids, that is so sweet.

- Hey, we want you guys to have the wedding of your dreams.

- Hank: Aww...

- It'll be the most romantic event of the century.

- Hm, settle down.

It's in the driveway by the garbage cans.

- Oh, I can't believe we're having a wedding.

I'm gonna need a new dress, a new tux.

- Oh, not me.

I still have my Thunder Tux from our first wedding.

It will fit me like a glove.

- Are you sure?

'Cause you haven't tried on that glove in a while.

- Please, one quick workout,

and I'll get my wedding bod back in no time.

So, you can just relax. - No, I--

- [neck massager vibrating] - Oh, right.

This is much better than a handbag.

- Okay, guys, we've got a lot of work to do.

First, we'll need a wedding theme.

- One word--bows!

- Better word--fire!

- Or robots.

- Or robots that breathe fire.

I know a guy.

- Uh, guys, guys, um...

it's so awesome that you wanna help,

and I already have the perfect job for you.

- I'll take it, but I need today off.

I have a wedding.

- All you need to do is keep Colosso in the lair

and make sure he doesn't find out about the wedding.

- All right. You heard her, Billy.

You watch Colosso, I take a nap.

- That's not what she said. - MAX: It's what I heard.

- Three, four, five, six.

Cool, I landed on the carrot patch.

- Ooh, but ya got stuck in farm jail.

- Can I pay my way out with Colosso bucks?

- No, because the farmer ran you over with his tractor--

which means I win again!

- How do you win every game of Farmageddon?

- I'm asleep and even I know he's cheating.

- I don't care.

This is the best secret job I've ever had.

- Secret? What secret?

- Stop talking, Billy.

- Tell me what's goin' on--

and a million Colosso bucks can be yours.

- I'll be richer than a McBooger.

- Billy, don't.

- We're supposed to keep you distracted

so you don't ruin Mom and Dad's second wedding.

- Second wedding?!

- Good job.

You just bought yourself a lifetime of Phoebe meetings.

- Why are they having another wedding?

I worked so hard to destroy the first one.

- Yeah, we heard.

By the way, the goats were hilarious.

- I don't think they were.

I regret what I did.

- You actually feel bad?

- Yes.

Now that I've seen the love between your parents,

I wish I hadn't ruined their special day.

[suppressed sobs]

- Are you...crying?

- I just wish I could go back and fix my mistake

with a year- switcherooni ray.

- You mean a time machine?

- That's a much better name.

Well, I'm sure the wedding will be great--

especially since Phoebe has Max down here.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- You're stuck here guarding a bunny.

Maybe Phoebe's more worried about

you ruining the wedding.

- Oh, that's ridiculous.

Phoebe's not keeping me down here.

I can go up whenever I want.

- Wait, are you going up--

because I'm supposed to tell Phoebe.

- What?

She has you watching me?

- No.

She has me watching you. - I just said that.

And Phoebe's wrong. I don't ruin things.

I make things awesome.

- Yeah, you should get up there

and give Hank and Barb the best wedding ever--

because they deserve happiness.

- Yeah, come on, let's go, Billy.

- Uh, I'm rich now, Max.

Call me "Billy McBooger."

- So, you see, Chloe,

some people have to do months of exercise

to get their wedding bod,

but all Thunder Man needs to do is a single push-up.



- It didn't work.

- Well, that's funny.

It must've made some difference.

I bet I can fit into my jacket.

[clears throat]

[straining, sobbing]


Like a glove.

- [button ricocheting]

- [vase shatters]

- Yay, your belly broke Phoebe's vase.

- This is bad.

It's not a Thunder Man wedding without a Thunder Tux.

How am I gonna get a wedding bod in just a few hours?

- With boot camp, baby!

- I don't think this is a good ide--

- [whistle shrills]

- Stop yapping and give me .

- Twenty?

- You're lucky I can't count higher.

One, two, three...

- Well, it'll be pretty obvious who decorated this.

I can't believe you used all your bows.

- You think this is all my bows?

- Oh, hey, this wedding is gonna be so elegant.

- Let's get this wedding started!

- [dance music]

- Max, what are you doing?

- I'm Maxifying this wedding!

- Billy, you're supposed to be watching him.

- I am. I'm watching him Maxify this wedding.

- I give you the mashed potato bar!

- BILLY: It's got fixing's, yo!

- And what's a wedding without bub-bubbles!

- We're both like, what?!

- This is exactly what I was afraid of, Max.

You always ruin everything.

- So, Colosso was right.

- Colosso? Colosso, wait!

If you guys are up here,

then who's downstairs watching him?

- Don't worry about Colosso.

He's happy about the wedding.

- You told him about the wedding?

- Yeah, he regrets what happened and said

Mom and Dad deserve happiness.

Oh, no. - Oh, yes!

I'm here to renew my vows

to always destroy Thunder Man's wedding.

[evil laughter]

- [sighs] He's gone.

- This is bad.

- Colosso's on the loose, yo!

- [rays zapping] - [mic drops]

- Okay, we're running out of time

to find Colosso before the wedding.

- Aha! - You found him?

- No, I found the TV remote.

Welcome home, old friend.

- Max, focus.

It's gonna be your fault if Colosso

ruins this wedding like he did the last one.

- No way. Last time, Colosso had the animalizer.

- BOTH: The animalizer!

- Let's see if it's still there.

- Wait, when did Mom and Dad

get a new security system for the animalizer?

- It was last year's anniversary gift from us,

along with that vase I made them

that they will treasure forever.

- [scanner hums]

[sighing] Okay, good. He hasn't gotten to it.

- Not yet.

- All right, let's close this thing back up.

- PHOEBE: Um-- - [scanner beeping]

- Why can't I close it? - [scanner beeping]

- Denying you access

was also part of last year's anniversary gift.


- Well, at least we tried.

Now let's thaw this thing out and watch some TV.

- Can I see that really quick? - Yeah, sure.

- [remote smacking] - Help me find that bunny!

- [ray zapping]

- Here comes Colosso...

[straining] ...any second now.



Oh, there I am.

[evil laughter]

- [panting] Am I done yet?

- No, give me jumping jacks.

- Fifty? I thought you couldn't count that high.

- Talking back? Make that -.

- HANK: [groans]

- What's going on, guys?

- Daddy doesn't fit in his jacket.

- Not yet, but I will after the next - jumping jacks.

- Hank, I don't care if you fit into a tux

from years ago.

I'd marry you again, no matter what you wear.

- This is not about your love and support, Barb.

This is a battle between me and that tux

and I am gonna win.

- Didn't you once lose pounds in sweat

battling that supervillain near the surface of the sun?

- Oh, that's a great idea! [laughs]

I'll be back before the wedding.


Thunder Man, getting in shape!

- Call me if you need a trainer.

- There you are. - Did you find Colosso?

- No, I found you.

I thought we were playing hide and seek.

- We're supposed to be finding Colosso.

- I saw him an hour ago.

He was the one who told me we were playing hide and seek.

- Okay, we've officially searched the entire house.

It's like Colosso disappeared.

- Maybe we should just tell Mom and Dad

what happened and cancel the wedding.

- No, we're not doing that.

- You know, this never would've happened

if you'd have just included me.

- Max, I didn't include you

because you always ruin things.

- Okay, yes, I might ruin things.

But I always fix them.

It's all part of the Maxifying process.

- Okay, fine, fix this and make sure

Colosso doesn't destroy this wedding.

- I

letting Colosso destroy the wedding.

I guarantee this might work.

This is weird--the wedding's already started

and Colosso still hasn't shown up yet.

- I hope he hurries.

I wanna try that carrot cake you guys got.

- We thought you guys bought it.

- I don't know who bought it.

- I do! [evil laughter]

- Colosso! - That's right!

And now to turn your parents into...


- Colosso, why are you human?

- Why are you forcing that poor scarecrow to marry you?

- Colosso, look,

let's talk about this man-to-man.

- No, thanks. I'd rather talk man-to-pig.

- [ray zapping] - [evil laughter]

- MAX: [oinks] - Guys, duck!

- If you insist. - [ray zapping]

- [evil laughter] - PHOEBE: [quacking]

- Run, Billy! - [ray zapping]

- Too slow, Zippy. [evil laughter]


- [rays zapping] - Ow!

Quit horsing around. - [ray zapping]

[evil laughter]

- NORA: [whinnies]

- PHOEBE: Oh, way to fix it, Max.

- MAX: [snorts] I should've just let you sign the card for me.


- Quiet down, ya filthy animals.

We've got a wedding to start.

[evil laughter]

- [wedding march piano music]

- ♪ Here come the dopes

♪ I'll turn them into goats ♪

[evil laughter]

- Hank, the music's started.

- Oh. Sorry.

I had to take a shower after the sun.

I got space dust in my crater.

- Spare me the detail

and just see if you fit in your jacket.

- Oh, it's the moment of truth.

Thunder Tux, you are the last thing

standing between me and my wife's love.

- I told you I didn't care.

- I will wear you. You don't wear me!

- Just see if the jacket fits!

- Oh. [laughs]

[laughing] It fits!

[laughing] Woo!

This is the happiest day of my entire life--

other than marrying you and havin' a buncha children.

- Oh, way to go, Hank. I knew you could do it.

- Yep, it's all good as long as

I don't eat anything or exhale.

- Okay, let's go.

I can't wait to see what surprises the kids have for us.

- [wedding march piano music continues]

- BARB: Oh...

- NORA: [whinnies]

- A petting zoo?

Uh, not quite what I was picturing,

but I'll try to keep an open mind.

- NORA: [whinnies]

- Yay, a pony! - It's me, Nora.

- Yay, a pony named Nora.

- What is going on here?

- PHOEBE: Mom, Dad, look out!

- COLOSSO: Surprise!

Pretend I'm jumping outta that cake.

- Colosso!

- You turned our kids into animals?

- It wasn't that much of a stretch.

You've seen them eat dinner.

- Chloe, go back inside.

We've got a wedding crasher.

- CHLOE: [whooshes]

- Hank, Barb, I now pronounce you

Mr. and Mrs. Thundergoat.

- Not this time, Colosso. - [ray zapping]

- HANK: Ha. - COLOSSO: Yeah!

- HANK: [yelps]

- [ray and electricity zapping]

- Keep him busy. I have an idea.

- Am I just threatening him so you can eat?

- Yes.

- What do you see in him, Barbara?

- The man who's about to beat you.

- What? You're gonna eat me?

- I said beat you.

- [button ricocheting]

- Back to the cage for you, Colosso.

- [ray zapping] - No!


Oh, well, see you at the th anniversary.

- [sighs] Well, Hank.

Your Thunder Tux has never looked better on you.

- Oh, and you're even more beautiful

than you were on our first wedding day.

- Aw...that was a goat, but thank you.

- [kisses]

- MAX: Your children are still animals.

- Oh, right, the kids.

- [ray zapping]

- Mom, Dad, we are so sorry.

We really wanted you guys to have a nice wedding.

- What? Are you kidding? This is amazing.


- Yeah, we finally stopped Colosso

from destroying our wedding.

- And that mashed potato bar is delicious.

This really is the wedding of our dreams.

- Well, then, I guess you guys should thank Max.

He's the reason for all this weirdness and destruction.

- [laughs] Yeah.

I Maxified your wedding!

- Well, who's ready to get married?

- Oh, I am. - Hm.

- But, uh, who's gonna perform the ceremony?

- Oops, it looks like we forgot that little detail.

- Ahem! I know someone who can do it.

- Justin Timberlake?

- No, me.

- Are we really that desperate, Hank?

- [laughing] Absolutely not.

- I now pronounce you Thunder Man and Superwife.

- HANK: Hey! Hey! Hey!

- COLOSSO: You may not kiss the bride

because nobody wants to see that.

- Truth, yo!

- Smile!

- [phone camera clicks]

- ALL [cheering]

- Congratulations, you two.

- HANK: [laughing]

- Hey, we should get this picture framed

for next year's gift.

- Oh, yeah. Max, do you wanna pick out a frame?

- Ah, it sounds like work. Just sign the card for me.

- All right, let's dance.

- [dance music]

- Should we tell Nora she still has a tail?

- Ah, she's havin' fun.

We'll tell her later.

- ♪

- ♪