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03x07 - Forever and Always

Posted: 05/03/23 12:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman & Lois"...

I was just diagnosed
with stage inflammatory breast cancer.

End-of-life decisions?

We need to be ready, just in case.

Bruno Mannheim invested $ million

in Hob's Bay Medical Center.

I can't prove it yet,

but I think the hospital
is a cover for something.

So Mannheim is what, giving
powers to dying criminals?

But what if this isn't about powers?

What if he's actually trying
to keep these guys alive?

I'm getting worse.

Peia, I'm going to save you.


I stained another one of your shirts.

Don't worry about it.




OK, number four.

You sure you're well enough to go?

I hope so.

Babe, they'll postpone
if you're too sick.

I can do this.

Did you pick some good podcasts
for the drive?

You know I did.

- Do you need help?
- We're good.

Mom, is everything OK?

Yeah, everything's fine.

We'll be home before dinner.



They're not telling us something.

Hey, which dress do you like better?

The floral one.

Dad, come on. Pick one.

- Whichever one you like best.
- Are you gonna change?

Maybe you can wear, like,
a button-down or something?

God, this place is a mess.

Oh, I'll clean it up.

OK, did you get the food already?

- Not yet.
- Dad, come on.

He's gonna be here
in less than two hours.

You don't have to stress about this.

Everything is gonna be fine.

It's only lunch.

OK, look, I know
this is important to you,

so I'll clean up,

and then I'll head out.

And I think you'll
look beautiful in the blue.

Maybe I'll ask Sarah.


So when are you breaking ground?

That is not what you promised.

OK, then I'll come down today, Scott.

Let me guess, more town hall
construction delays?

I mean, this contractor
thinks I'll back down

just 'cause I'm a woman.

What? That... [BELL RINGS]

- Best of three, Soph.
- Pickup order.

Hey, I know that Kyle talked to you,

but I need you to know
that this thing between us,

it just sort of happened.

I know.

There was never anythinggoing on

behind your back, ever.

And I wanted him to tell you
way sooner than he did,

but he was just concerned
about, you know...

I appreciate it.
But you don't have to worry. We're fine.

Here you go, hon. Egg white omelet.

Order of sausage and biscuits,
extra gravy.

OK, well, um, have a great day.

We know you already have.


It's OK.

- What?
- Don't ever do that again.

Mom, somebody has to say something.

None if this is Chrissy's fault.

She's, like, ten years younger than dad.

It's gross.


Everything is making me nauseated.

Also alternating between
constipation and diarrhea?

Thank you for the heads-up on that one.

Didn't want to scar him for life.

- Yeah, we are way past that.
- OK.

So I asked about getting you
a new anti-nausea prescription,

picked up some different
fortifying drinks to try,

and here is some fresh ice.

Aw, you're lucky.

He's such a caring husband.

Clark's the best.

My husband's the same way.

Yeah? How so?

Mm, just...

That he'd do anything for me.

You can't keep doing this, Bruno.
It's too dangerous.

It's just a dinner.

This is Moxie's restaurant.


I want to be with you.

Why is Moxie gonna care?

We both work for him.

Things aren't as easy
as when we were kids.

- I know.
- No, you don't.

Then explain it to me.

I'm not the same person.

Some of the things I've done...

We all had to do
what was necessary to survive.

Bruno, it is so much more than that.

Nothing is gonna change
the way I feel about you.

When I first met you,

I knew that we were
meant to be together.

You knew it too.

It's a bad idea.

It'll never work.

Maybe not, but you're still here.

How are your boys handling things?

As well as can be expected.


Which reminds me, I should
probably check on them.

Do you have any pics?


Wait, so he's never
even brought Mom to see you?

There was no need. I discussed

her condition with him,
and your father agreed.

OK, but that's not the same as doing

a diagnostic test to make sure.

I mean, when Jordan was sick
with that Kryptonite virus,

that's what Holo-gramps did.
He used lasers to save him.

That was very different, Jonathan.


- Jon, come on.
- What?

No, dude, I'm not leaving
until I get some answers.

Why can't you help our mom?

Because I don't believe
she has the proper makeup

to withstand Kryptonian procedures.

You don't believe, or you two
just assumed because she's human?

- The risk is too great.
- It's worth a shot!

My technology could k*ll her.

She might die anyway!


What are you two doing here?

They wanted to know if
there was Kryptonian science

that could help Lois.

You guys, your mom is gonna be fine.

She didn't sound fine last night.

That's just the chemo, OK?

Sometimes it's hard,
but your mother can handle it.

Yeah, but what if she didn't need to?

What if there was another way?

Your mom and I have
already discussed this.

- Yeah, not with us.
- Her treatment isn't

- for you to decide, Jonathan.
- We were just trying to help.

Which is what you should
have been here doing

- the entire time.
- Excuse me?

There's Kryptonian science
that we're not even using.

Jonathan, I explained the dangers.

No, no, no, you just explained

why our dad was scared.

- Dude.
- Stop it right there!

I understand
you're worried about your mom,

but don't you dare act like I don't care

just as much as you.

Do you understand me?

Do you?

Yes, sir.

Both of you go home.

We'll finish talking about this
when your mom's done

- with her treatment.
- Come on.

They look just like each other.

I think it's the eyebrows.


What about you?

Do you have any photos of your family?

Well, actually,
I don't have my phone with me.

Maybe next time.

Hey, I've been meaning to
ask you about Bruno Mannheim.

Living here your whole life,
you must have met him.

We both know that Lex is
bleeding South Metropolis dry.

The neighborhood's falling apart.
People are scared.

- Crime's up.
- So are profits.

But where's that money going?

A little in our pockets, sure,

but the lion's share is going straight

to Lex and his people in Metropolis.

So what, you want to take Luthor out?

What the hell is wrong with you?

You're gonna get the devil
sent after all of us.

I don't want to take Lex out.

I want to make him a deal.

Offer him the rest of the city,

and then in return,

he gives us back our
neighborhood free and clear.

Not this again.

We got a infrastructure
just waiting to be modernized.

By who, you?

Not just me.

Gillespie, Alistair,
and some of the other ers.

They all think there's opportunity here.

This ain't a democracy.

No, it's a business.

And I think that it would grow tenfold

if you were to make this move.

Let me think it over.

Peia here, she'll be in touch.

Yeah, I've seen Bruno in passing.

Nothing worth mentioning.

But your initial treatment

was right after he invested
in Hob's Bay Medical Center.

It seems like you must
have crossed paths then.

Yeah, it's a big hospital.

Yeah, I don't...
I don't really remember.

What about at Little Ace's?

I saw his photo on the wall there.

It looks like he's a regular.

What are you implying?

Nothing, just that
you both go there a lot.

Wait, I'm sorry.
Are you interrogating me?

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have brought it up.

You know what?

This is my last treatment.
I don't feel great.

I'm gonna go sit over there
and close my eyes.

Please don't follow me.


- Hey, stranger.
- Oh, hey.

Natalie told me you were away.

Yeah, I just had
to take care of a few things.

I just got back a couple days ago.


Cooking dinner for someone special?

Not that it's any of my business.

No, no, no, it's OK.

Nat's actually having
her boyfriend over for lunch.

Oh, yeah.

I saw them at the
Valentine's Day dance together.

So cute.

- Thanks.
- Hey, yeah.

It's nice to see Nat finally
having a crush, you know?

Hmm, it seemed like
more than that to me.

- What makes you say that?
- Oh, nothing.

They just seemed really smitten
with each other.

Too bad, 'cause he lives all the way out
in Metropolis, you know?

That's not that far,
especially if he's got a car.

Hold on.

Wait a second. I know that look.

You better not be scaring him away.

No, no, of course not.
You know I'm a cool dad.

OK, good, 'cause when you're that age

and you're falling in love,
there's no better feeling.

Everything OK?


The boys were at the fortress.

Doing what?

Let's just talk about it later.

You should be resting right now.

- It's not possible.
- You feeling OK?

No, I feel sick to my stomach,
not just from the chemo.

Right after you left, I started
asking Peia about Bruno.

And it got ugly.

I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

She walked away from me
with her chemo cart

to be as far away as possible

because I am a horrible human being.

- Lois.
- What am I doing?

She's my friend, and I'm questioning her

like she's a part of some conspiracy.

Your gut was telling you
she knew something.

That's just it.
Ever since this diagnosis,

everything feels off.

I don't trust my instincts anymore,
especially as a reporter.

Lois, you've been right this whole time.

Bruno is hiding something,
and you're so close

to figuring it out.

I think you might
just need a little help.

Help from whom?

I must admit, you showing up
here caught me by surprise.

Well, I just wanted to give you a chance

to tell the world your story.

Where are you taking me?

I want you to see what I see.

A dump?


These are the old offices

of the factory
where my mother worked in.

Private entry.

Separate elevator
that goes to Rickles Station.

Metro stopped that line years ago.


What? You want to buy this place?

I already did.

My whole life,

I waited for things to be better,

waited for change.

I don't want to wait anymore.

It's time for us
to reclaim the su1c1de Slums.

You single-handedly
transformed Hob's Bay.

All I'll say is

I saw the potential
in things others didn't.

Well, that seems to be true
of every investment of yours.

I've been very fortunate.

Except with your hospital.

According to the records
you provided my wife, um...

yeah, you've invested millions
into cancer research,

but to date, you haven't made a cent.

Your point?

Every investment you've
ever made has been profitable,

except for this one.

I'm saving my people.
I don't need to profit from illness.

Especially cancer.

Especially cancer.

This disease is important to you?

People in Hob's Bay
are developing cancer

at disproportionate rates.

Did your wife show you those records?

She did.

She also told me about Henry Miller

- and James Distefano...
- More accusations.

Two criminals
who have been experimented on.

Were they also part of your research?

Because if they were,

it certainly makes me wonder,
Mr. Mannheim,

how far would you go
to cure this disease?

Your wife is sick.

If her treatment doesn't work,
she'll likely die.

So you tell me, Mr. Kent,

how far would you go to save her?

Will you just take a breath?

Why do you keep defending them?

Look, I hate it too,
but they're just trying

not to make us freak out.

I'm not freaking out.

Look, I know they're
hiding something from us.

What are you doing?

Mom keeps notes on everything.

Dude, none of this is helping.




You've got a key already?

No, your dad loaned it to me for today.

He's not back yet?

Well, I guess I'll just
wait here until the movie then.

- You're coming?
- Yeah.

I mean, I thought that it'd be
a small first step for us to...

Yeah, that's not happening.

OK, well, you don't
have to leave, Sarah.

I also don't have to hang out
with my dad's hookup.

That's not what I am.

That's what it looked like this morning.

You know what?

I know where you're at right now.

I know how it feels
to see your dad date.

Sarah, it sucks,

but that doesn't give you the
right to go full-on mean girl.


Well, your dad is stuck at the station
for the rest of the day.

Movie's off.

So I don't know.

Take whoever you want.

Hold up.

I heard it's supposed to be funny.


Oh, Mr. Johnson.

Come in.


- I'm Matteo.
- Nice to meet you.

That's a firm grip you got there.



Wow, um...

You look stunning.


I hope you're hungry.

Oh, man. This lunch was phenomenal.

Dad did all the work.

Oh, you didn't have
to do all this for me, sir.

It was more for Bug.

- Nat-Bug.

That's what I called her
when she was little.

And for some reason, still does.

Your parents are OK
with you making the trek

back and forth to Metropolis alone?


I mean, they trust me.

It's not that far.

- It's far enough.
- Dad...

Tell me about this party
where you met Natalie.

I mean, it was just
a couple of friends hanging.

With the parents out of town, right?

Sir, I'm sorry if you think that I...

No, don't apologize.

Just 'cause my dad's short-circuiting
for whatever reason

doesn't make that your problem.

- Bug...
- Don't call me that.

We're going to the movie.
Thanks for ruining lunch.

Thank you for the lunch.
It was really delicious.

What part of don't follow me
do you not understand?

Peia, I am really sorry.

And now you're sitting. [SCOFFS]

Peia, you have every right to be upset.

I was digging for a story,
and I crossed a line.

And way too often, I let my work bleed

into my personal life,
and it never ends well.

It's probably something
I got from my dad.

Now it's your dad's fault?


This is all me.

Honestly, I don't have
that many friends.

And I really like you.

And going through all of this
has been...

Unbelievably hard.

And I don't know how I could
have done it without you.

That's what cancer friends are for.

I don't want to just be cancer friends.

I want to be friend-friends.

What does that even mean?

I mean, do we need,
like, matching bracelets?

No, I was thinking necklaces.



you and me, we're...

We're from completely different worlds.

Not to mention, we both have cancer.

This isn't really the recipe
for a lifelong friendship.

I disagree.

And I can be very stubborn
when I want to be.

I don't know if you've noticed.

A little bit.

I promise, no more angles, OK?

Hey, I'm sorry to surprises you.

You got a second?

Did something happen at lunch?

[SIGHS] Yeah.

Let's pick this up later.

- OK, sure.
- All right.

[MOUTHS] Oh, my God.

Was it the boyfriend?



John, what happened to cool dad?

He never showed up.

I thought that I could handle
Nat having a boyfriend,

but then I saw the way
he was looking at her

and the way she was looking at him.

Aw, that's so sweet.

I just felt myself
getting really protective.

It was like this other person took over.

None of this is easy,
especially for a parent.

But it's just...

It's like ever since Nat
showed up in Smallville,

all I've wanted for her to do
is teenager things.

Now she is, I'm terrified.

I don't know what my dad's problem is,

but that was not OK.

I mean, could he be more of a cliché?

He was clearly trying to intimidate you.

Yeah, well, mission accomplished.

But you dad's gonna have
to step his game up

if he wants to scare me away.

- Don't tempt him.
- No, I'm serious.

Dude could go, like,
slaughter cabin-level scary,

and I'm just gonna keep coming back

bringing my A-game charm offensive.

What does that even mean?

It means that I'm gonna
k*ll you dad with kindness

and possibly gifts

until he realizes
that I am the perfect guy

to date his daughter.

You are perfect.

Hey, you two.

Are you gonna buy tickets or what?

Oh, sorry. Hey, sorry.

Hey, sorry, y'all.

I'm just kind of crazy
about this girl right here.


two tickets for "Dumb Einstein."

Uh, thank you.

So should we get some candy or...

Actually, that won't be necessary.

- Wah-pah!
- Oh, my God.

- It's like a candy shop in here.
- Yeah.

Well, why pay movie theater prices

for what you can just sneak in yourself?

Ooh, these gummies look good.

Oh, my God.
No, those aren't for sharing.

- No.
- Sarah...

Oh, my God. You're a stoner.

No, no, no. This is so inappropriate.

Please don't tell your dad about this.

Oh, my God, my dad's dating a stoner.

Where did you even get those?

OK, I go to Coachella every summer,

and bad decisions are made.

And we're never gonna mention
these gummies ever again, OK?

Wait. What bands did you see?

This isn't about me.

No, it's about saving your wife.

So why do you keep acting
like I'm the bad guy?

Because you're playing God,

giving powers to criminals,
putting people in danger.

Even if that's true,
isn't risking a few lives

for a breakthrough that
could save millions worth it?

But jeopardizing even one life is...

How could you even look me in the eye

and say you'd do anything for Lois?

- Because I would.
- Then admit that I'm right!

This is your wife we're talking about!

I'm not sure that it is.

- This is personal for you.
- Don't go making assumptions.

No, no, it's why
you bought the hospital,

why you're experimenting on criminals.

Someone you care about is sick.

Oh, God. I feel terrible.

At least this is your last round.

You should clear your head
and get out of the city.

[SIGHS] It's been a long time.

Come out to the farm. Bring your family.

Clark's not great on the grill,
but he makes a decent burger.

Um, I don't think that's a good idea.

You took me to Little Ace's.
It's the least I could do,

is show you some small-town hospitality.


Plus, we could make it a celebration.

Just stop.

I can't do this anymore.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

You and me, we weren't
supposed to become friends.

Everything I told you was real about me,

about how I was feeling.

I just didn't tell you about...


My husband's
not who you think he is, Lois.

Everything he's done,

it's all been for me.

I think that's enough.

No, it's OK. I'm glad she knows.

I don't understand why.

All of these years, why
would you keep this a secret?

My whole life, people have judged me,

thinking the worst.

I just...

I just didn't want them thinking
the same way about Peia.


Looks like my treatment's finished.

Now you know the truth.

Do what you want with it.


♪ ♪


I can't believe I never figured it out.

They're not the only family
that's kept a big secret.

Um, I want to thank
everyone on the staff

for taking such good care of me.

And I'm truly grateful
for all the surprising moments

I've had with the people here.

But most of all,

I want to thank my husband.

This man has moved heaven
and Earth to try and save me.

Bruno, you have my heart.

Forever and always.

Forever and always.

All right. Let's ring this damn bell.


Say with me, people.

Screw cancer!

ALL: Screw cancer!

Screw cancer!



You know, the food
actually came out pretty good.

I think you ought
to ditch the steel suit

and open a restaurant. [LAUGHTER]

No, but seriously, though.

Thank you for talking me off the ledge.

Oh, well, at the most, you
had your head out the window.

Yeah. No, I know.

Whoa. What did we just talk about?

OK. No, you're...

You're right.

- Cool dad.
- Mm-hmm.


- Dad.
- Sir, I was just...

You and I need to have talk.

Yes, sir.

Don't worry.

He can't do anything to him in public.

It's like he's trying
to drive Matteo away.

Your dad's just trying to figure it out.

This is new for him too.



I should go.

It worked, though.

- Yeah. No, it did.
- Right?

I just want to say I...
I didn't handle things well.

No, sir, I totally understand...


Just let me admit to being wrong, OK?


You're Nat's first boyfriend,
which means

you're the first boyfriend
I ever had to deal with.

And I totally get that.
And I just wanted...

And despite your need

to always give the right answer,

I can tell you're a good kid.

Nat likes you.

And I trust her.

So now, I'm trusting you
to treat her right.

This is the part where you talk.

Well, sir, I give you my word.

My mom, she raised me to...

She raised me to respect women.

If I were to ever disrespect Nat,

I'd be more afraid of her than you.

Your mom sounds like a good woman.

Yeah she's, um...

She's great.

Maybe you can meet her one day.

Take it one step at a time.

Yes, sir.


I can't stop thinking about it.

I mean, Bruno, all of this,
it's been to save Peia.

Yeah, meanwhile, I've been chasing

this brutal crime boss for years,
and now, all I can see is

this loving, doting husband.

Mom, what is this?

Whoa, you guys went
through your mom's things?

You lied to us about how bad this is.

- Boys...
- These are

end-of-life documents.
Mom, this is your will.

You wrote goodbye letters, Mom.

I know. And I know how this looks.

And I know that this is really scary.

But this is all
a normal thing you would do,

just case things go bad.

Things are already bad.

We hear you getting sick.

We see you losing your hair,
not eating, not drinking, weak,

but you never talk to us about anything.

And when we try
to get help from your mom

about what is going on,
you get mad at us?

I mean, what are we supposed to do?

- Jonathan, look, you have to...
- What, Dad? Have hope?

Just believe that somehow,

everything is gonna work out fine?

You know, maybe that works
for you as a Kryptonian,

but us humans like mom and me, we can't.

'Cause hope didn't stop your
dad from having a heart attack.

It didn't stop your mom
from having a stroke.

And the last time
that I checked, hope...

Doesn't cure cancer.

Sorry you had to hear that.

Jon's just scared.

I think seeing me like this
is a big reminder

that he's not like you and Jordan.


Why don't you get some sleep?

And I will go and talk to the boys.

I think it would be better if
they heard it from both of us.

I'm sorry.

It's OK.

Come here.

You were right.

I'm really sick.

And we've been trying
to hide it from you

and pretend like everything's fine.

But you said no more secrets.

We didn't mean for it to be a secret.

We just didn't want you guys worrying

about something that may never happen.

You can't know that for sure.


It's true.

This kind of cancer is really bad.

OK, then why not use
technology from the fortress?

Yeah, there might be something there
that can help you.

Because if we use it to help your mom,

it wouldn't be fair
to keep it from anyone else.

And sharing Kryptonian technology here,

the risk to the greater good
is just far too high.

What if the chemo's not enough?

Then we're all just
gonna have to accept that.

I just don't want you to die.

I don't want to either.

I love you both so much.

More than anything in the world.


♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

I saw you in town earlier.

Why did you leave so suddenly?

Because lately, I've been
doing that thing I always do,

not being honest about my feelings.

So you're being full of crap?


I tried to act like nothing was wrong.

And then I saw you
and Chrissy having fun,

and it just made me...


Mom, it was only a movie.

No, it's not just that.

I just feel like ever since the divorce,

everyone's just moved on.

Maybe it's not about moving on.

Maybe it's about being present.

I mean...

If there was anything
that you could do...

Anything in the world right now...

What would it be?


would go sh**t off fireworks.


Yeah, I would.

I mean, I found an old box of fireworks

that your dad left behind.

And I'd go and sh**t them off

and run away before the sheriff comes.

That wasn't the reaction
I was expecting.


Go to the kitchen. Get the lighter.

I'll grab the fireworks.

- Right now?
- Mm-hmm.


Bad time?

You tell me.

I'm sorry.

I know you're doing everything
possible to help Mom.

I just wish there was more we could do.


Me too.

Probably helps having
a glass of wine, though.

Wait. Can you even feel it?

Nope, not even a little.

But it's something your mom likes, so...

You know, I was thinking
about what you said earlier

about being human like your mom.

I didn't mean anything by that.

I know, but I understand

where it's coming from.

But I want you to remember

that you are just as much
Kryptonian as your brother.

And he's just as human as you are.


It's probably Wellnitz and Gator.


No, that's Lana and Sarah.



♪ ♪

It's actually kind of nice.

Yeah, it is.

There you go.

It's OK.

Let me get you some water.

It's fine. I just...

I just need to catch my breath.


I've been thinking a lot
about your proposal, Bruno.

Yeah, I've also been thinking

about how you went behind my back

talking to them.

They work for me, not for you.

And I think you all need a reminder
exactly who's in charge here.

You don't understand.

Oh, I understand everything.




I told you this was a bad idea.

No, this is our future.

I know the real you.

I've loved you since we were kids.

Make a life with me, Peia.


Make a city.

Forever and always.


Peia, do it now!



I love you too, Bruno.

It's gonna be OK.

I promise.

Mom? Mom, are you here?

We're in the dining room.

Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.

Is everything OK?

It's fine, baby.

How was your date?

It was amazing.

We watched "Dumb Einstein,"
which was hilarious.

- And then after that...
- Slow down, Matteo.

Your mother has had a long day.

So you and this girl,
you had a nice time then?

Mom, I'm telling you, she is the one.

The one?

- Please.
- Dad, you'll see.

I was actually wanting to
invite Natalie over to Little Ace's.

You two have to meet her.