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09x20 - At the End of the Aisle

Posted: 05/03/23 12:46
by bunniefuu
I got a letter from Grandma.

She's still in Africa.

Isn't she something?

I mean, everybody says
they want to help other people,

but she's actually
out there doing it.

I think you were a lot like her.

I, um...

I want to tell you that I'm
getting married, sweetie.

I don't know if you can
hear me or not, but...

I had to come out
here and say it out loud.

He's a good man,
Petey... and he loves me.

And he's got a little
boy about your age

that you would have been
such a good big brother to.

The wedding's tomorrow,

and I'll be thinking
about you all day.

And then, they
live in Ohio, so...

I'll be moving there as
soon as I get the house sold.

It's gonna be so
hard to say good-bye.

That house is all I
have left of you, kiddo.

Oh, that reminds me.

I didn't know
where to send these,

but I figured maybe you could
pass them along somehow.


I love you so much.

And I always will.

And you're gonna be
there with me tomorrow.

I know it.

I know it.

Bye-bye, sweet baby.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

"The dress rehearsal is today.

"Hope you can make it!

Love, Audrey."

It's so nice that
she remembered us.

Yes, it is.

I've never forgotten her.

- Excuse me.
- ♪ Mm-hmm ♪

♪ Wherever you
are going, there... ♪

Hi. I hope you don't mind.

Celine said I
could just walk in.

My name is Monica.

You're here to see the room?

So, Tess, we're
going to a wedding.

But it's just a wedding, right?

That's right... We're
just invited guests.

This is not our assignment.

I wish that Gloria
could come, too.

She would love meeting Audrey.

Well, she may
still get her chance.

More to the right.

Mmm, down.


That's perfect.

Gloria, did you add three
names to the guest list?


Oh, Karla, I did.

Uh, Monica, Tess and Andrew?

Yeah. It's a long shot.

I don't know if they'll come.

We wouldn't have missed it.

Oh, you did come!



- You look beautiful.
- Oh, thank you.


Oh, it's so good
to see you guys.

You got your invitations.

- Yes. We're so happy for you.
- Thank you.

So, where is Mr. Right?

Well, let me introduce you.

This is Scott's son, Kyle.

- Hi, Kyle.
- Hey, Kyle. -Hi.

- And Scott's dad, George.
- George.

About time we got to meet
somebody from Audrey's side.

So, where's Scott?

Right behind you.

Oh, Scott, honey.


I want to introduce
you to some old friends.

- This is Monica.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- And Andrew.

- Hi. -Hi.
- And this is Tess.


So, how do you know Audrey?

It's a long story.

When Petey was sick,

they sort of helped me out.

They're special friends,

and they've come a long way.


Pretty much everybody
here is Scott's family.

They all came in from Ohio.

So, tomorrow, you're my family.

In fact, I was
wondering, Andrew,

if you'd walk me down the aisle.

I-I'd be honored.

Hi, everybody.

Now, that's a tie.

- You think so?
- Yeah. Handsome.

Looks good, doesn't it?

Herbie, this is Monica,
Andrew and Tess.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Herbie is Scott's best friend,

and he'll be
marrying us tomorrow.

Yeah. I was just ordained
this morning on the Internet.

Oh, we should
probably, uh, run through

everything again just to
make sure we get it right.

Uh, Kyle, want to
help me with, uh,

lighting the candles once more?


- Andrew, you're with me.
- Yes, ma'am.

Is it just me,

or did you expect
to hear Scott say

he had heard a lot about us?

- Mmm, she hasn't told him.
- Uh-uh.

Hey. What are you
guys doing here?

Audrey invited us.

She's an old friend.

Huh. She's my assignment.

I'm supposed to get
Audrey to say "I do."

Oh? Is she having
second thoughts?

What? No, H... I don't think so.

Well, but, you know, Scott...

Gloria, this is Alex.

- He's the manager here.
- Oh, hi.

I just have a
couple of questions

about parking
tomorrow. Do you mind?

No. Not at all.

Okay, I need

the bridesmaids
and the groomsmen

at the top of the stairs.

Where's the maid of honor?

Where's Cornelia?

I'm here!

You guys made it!

It's so good to see you.

How are you? Oh!

We're fine, Celine.

Oh, I don't go by
Celine anymore.

I decided to be a
fashion designer,

and Cornelia fits better.

You know, like Gucci, Chanel.


A fashion designer!

Mm-hmm. I even designed
Audrey's wedding dress.

Wait till you see it.

You're gonna die.

- Well, not you.
- Cornelia?

I'm coming.

- We'|| talk later.
- Okay.

My, she has changed.

She must be 16 now.

I can't believe how
grown-up she is.

So you changed your name
from Cornelia to Celine, huh?

Wouldn't you?

Do you speak any French?

Only in France.

They speak French in
Canada, too, you know.

Celine Dion is from Canada.

She speaks French sometimes.

A music lover, huh?

So, you gonna rent the room?

Well, I'm not sure yet.

They won't hear you.

Petey's taking a nap,

and Audrey's probably
got her headphones on.

Let's just go right in.

Come on.

It's okay.

I practically live here.

Okay, at, uh,
this point, I'll, uh...

I'll, uh... I'll-I'll...
oh, here we are.

Yeah, yeah, I'll...

I'll welcome everyone
and announce

the purpose of our gathering,
which is to witness a joining

of Scott and Audrey in marriage.

What is a marriage?

A marriage is a
union, an agreement

between two people who... um...

Um, uh, then I'll say, uh,

"Do you, Audrey, take Scott

"to be your lawfully
wedded husband,

"to promise to stand by
him and encourage him

"in sickness and
health, joy and sorrow

for as long as you
both shall love?"

No, don't-don't say "I do."

That-that... you
wait till tomorrow.

Tomorrow's when you say
the real "I do," 'cause then

you'll really be
married. So, just-just...

And then I'll say
something like, uh,

"These witnesses, uh...
Yay, even the universe

"has heard your
expression of love,

"and your agreement
to live in marriage.

"So, we join in
celebrating the," uh...

Blah, blah, blah,
uh... "By the powers

"vested in me,

I now pronounce you
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morgan."

As long as they both shall love?

The universe has heard you?

Yeah, that-that's what I was

gonna tell you earlier.

Scott's an atheist.

You were great.

Yeah, but how was I?

- And you were great.
- You mean it?

- I mean it, really.
- Is there anything you want me to change?

- Not a thing.
- Not a thing at all?

- Oh, hi, Monica.
- Audrey,

may I ask you a question?


Why wasn't God mentioned

in your wedding vows?

Oh, that.

Look, Monica, I know
what you're saying,

but Scott and I have
an understanding.

Believe me, it's not a problem.

It may not seem like
a problem now, but...

Can we talk about this later?

I'm just so glad you're here.

You know, Monica,
I'm an old choirboy

from St. Michael's
back in Poughkeepsie,

and I must say

that ceremony seemed
a bit off to me, too.

Whatever happened to God?

I don't think God was invited.

Well, look on the
bright side, Monica...

At least we're going
to get some great food.

Food. Oh, dear.

Uh, could you
excuse me a minute?

Thank you.


Um... I-I have a... well...

did you notice
somewhere on the invitation

where it said something
about a rehearsal dinner?

Yeah, it's in, like, 15 minutes.

Oh, no, it's not
because I didn't plan it.

- Ooh, uh...
- What am I going to do?

Plan "B."

We're going to
need two things...

The banquet
manager... and a miracle.

Well, the room's
yours if you'd like it,

but we're completely
unprepared to serve a meal.

That's all right.

We can handle it
from here, Mr. Waters.

Yes, ma'am.

What do I do?

The wedding party's on the way.

There's really only
one thing to do now.

Father... we thank
You for Your bounty

that we're about to receive.

- Amen.
- Amen.


Thank you. Thank you.


Dinner is served.

So how did your dad meet Audrey?

It was at one of those meetings

for people who used
to drink and stuff.

Yeah, like an AA meeting?

Hmm, yeah, yeah.

Audrey saw me take
a bunch of cookies

- off the table in the back.
- Uh-huh.

She asked if I'd share
some with her, so I did.

Then my dad came over,
and they started talking

and stuff, and she
never ate her cookie,

so I ate it.

And now they're getting married.

What if I mess up lighting
the candles tomorrow?

You'll be fine.

Hey, partner, how about a dance?


She's avoiding me, Andrew.

Ah, Monica, you know...

people fall in love,
and they just ignore

everything that
doesn't quite fit.

Frankly, I think there's
another question

that we should be asking.

Who has she actually
fallen in love with?

Doesn't Kyle remind
you of somebody?

Oh, uh, he's awake,

and he wants to meet you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

There's something
else you need to know.

You can't get cystic fibrosis
from germs or kissing people.

You have to be born with it.

And you see his mom? She
has to do that twice a day,

or else all of the mucus
and stuff in his lungs

gets really thick, and
then he can't breathe.

Okay, done.

So you still want to live here?


- What's this?
- Nothing.

I was just making a list.

And checking it twice?

It's, um... it's
a list of things

I've got to do before I die.

Everybody should
have one of these.

No, it's stupid.

I don't think so.

Do you mind if I take a look?

Let's see.

Number one: "Learn
to play the piano."

That's an excellent,
perfectly achievable goal.

Number two: "Find a
good home for Fluffy."

Celine's mom would
never let her keep him.


Number three: "Find someone
else to sing with Mom."

That's very thoughtful, Petey.

Number four:

"Get somebody to shovel the
sidewalk for Mom when it snows."


"Help Mom finish the song."

Is that the song
you played for me?


I, um...

I thought that if she could
just finish one whole song,

then she could write
a whole bunch of them.

You know?


Can I get everybody's
attention, please?


I just want to say
that I've known Scott

since, uh, Little League...
We were in it together.

Couldn't get a hit
for the life of him,

but I'm glad to see he
finally made it on base.

To Scott and Audrey,

two people that prove
that if you stay in the game,

you'll end up a winner.

I'm Cornelia, if
you didn't know.

I've known Audrey all my life.

I love her so much.

I'm just so happy to
be the maid of honor.

I don't know what to say.

Monica, would you
say something, please?

Oh, um...

I met Audrey several years ago,

and we've been through some
very difficult times together.

♪ Every corner of creation... ♪

No... I can't do this.

I can't do this.

Petey didn't think you were
ready to read this before,

but I think you are now.

You knew about it?


Well, I can't do that.

I can't write that song.

You must, Audrey.

Petey needs to know
that you'll be okay.

But I won't be okay.

Yes, you will.

Am I going crazy?


Am I awake?


Was that you in my dreams?


God's voice will be
heard, no matter what.

Whether you listen is up to you.

I did listen to Him before,
and look what happened.

I wrote a song and my baby died.

You wrote a beautiful
song, Audrey,

that helped Petey
to die in peace.

I'm sorry.

So many memories,

I don't even know
where to begin.

But one of my best memories

is one that Audrey
might repeat for us here.

Would you do us the
honor of singing the song

that you wrote for Petey?

Oh, um...

I would, but I don't
have my guitar.

♪ All the colors
of the rainbow ♪

♪ All the voices of the wind ♪

♪ Every dream that reaches out ♪

♪ That reaches out ♪

♪ To find where love began ♪

♪ Every word of every story ♪

♪ Every star in every sky ♪

♪ Every corner of creation ♪

♪ Lives to testify ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love ♪

♪ I'll be a witness
in the silences ♪

♪ When words are not enough ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

♪ I will give thanks
to God above ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I Will testify ♪

♪ To love ♪

♪ From the mountains
to the valleys ♪

♪ From the rivers to the seas ♪

♪ Every hand that reaches out ♪

♪ Every hand that
reaches out to offer peace ♪

♪ Every simple act of mercy ♪

♪ Every step to kingdom come ♪

♪ All the hope in every heart ♪

♪ Will speak what
love has done... ♪

It's finished now.

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love... ♪

I'm sorry, Monica.

Thank you.

That was some song.

- Thank you.
- You wrote that for your son?

Yeah, before he died.

Keep it.

Those are very special tears.

God counts every one, you know?

Yeah. Thank you.


We haven't had much

of an opportunity to
get to know each other.

It's been a busy time.

I'm glad you're here.

It means a lot to Audrey.

This might sound strange, but...

has Audrey mentioned
anything to you about angels?


We steer clear of
all that spiritual stuff.

Uh, I know she used
to be pretty religious,

but I got her to back off
all the hallelujah prayers

and the crosses
and the God stuff.

Now she's just kind
of... generally spiritual.

And me... I've changed, too.

I used to be a full-on atheist,
and now I'm just an agnostic.

But marriage is about
compromise, right?

Well, how did you get through AA

when they put so much
emphasis on a higher power?

I just think of myself as
only on an 11-step program.

Excuse me.

Oh, Tess, I'm not
sure about this.

This is not our assignment.

It's Gloria's assignment,

and she's here to
help Audrey say "I do."

You all right?

What have you got there?



Is something on
your mind, Cornelia?

Well, kind of.

See, there is this thing

that I was supposed
to do, and I didn't do it.

Now... I think it
might be too late.

Oh, it's never too late, baby,
if it's the right thing to do.

Half pepperoni, half veggie.

Girls' night out
has officially begun.

Uh-uh, uh-uh.

Hold it.

Dress there.

Pizza over there.

Far be it for me to
argue with an angel.

Okay, I know we need to talk.

But first, you got to admit,

besides the God thing,
Scott's a pretty great guy.

I met him in AA two years ago.

His wife had died, and...

we just connected.


have you ever heard the
phrase, "unequally yoked"?

What do you mean?

When a farmer puts
two oxen in a yoke,

they need to be the same size.

And the yoke needs to be placed

precisely in the middle,

because the slightest difference

will begin to throw
them off-balance.

They may still move forward,

but never quite together.

And eventually, the team...

will not be able to function.

Well, if it's so
important to you,

why don't you just
go up to Scott and...

light up or something?

Prove that God exists.

Could be your
wedding present to me.

Problem solved.

I can't do that.

Angels go where God sends them.

And they speak to the hearts

of those that God
has prepared for them.

Well, what am I supposed to do?

The last thing that you
promised Petey that you would do

is testify to love...
God's love...

But you haven't done that.

You've kept silent.

And now you're
moving from your home.

You've moved away from God.

You've compromised
your life more and more,

and with each
compromise, you take a step

further away from
knowing that God exists.

Audrey, you were given
the gift of knowing the truth,

and you have a
responsibility to share that gift.

Scott is a good man.

He's a nice guy,

who has found a wonderful
woman who loves his son.

But I don't see

the deep love that
God wants for you,

and I don't see the... the
joy of two people in love.

In fact...

I don't think that you're
truly marrying this man at all.

I think you're just trying
to... to replace Petey.

How dare you.

You don't know.

I'm sorry, Monica.

It was a mistake to
invite you to my wedding.

I'm sorry, Monica.

Please don't come back.

I didn't mean to
hurt you, Audrey.

It isn't always easy
to hear the truth.

But it's important
that you do hear it.

We'll be praying for
your happiness, baby.

I think I'm going
to go to bed now.

Okay. Good night, honey.

Good night, Audrey.


Good morning, Cornelia.


How are you supposed
to walk in these things?

Don't ask me.

The last time I tried
a pair of those on,

I almost broke an ankle.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Did you hear that Monica,

Tess and Andrew won't be coming?


Monica thinks that
Audrey and Scott

don't fit well together.

I've kind of been
thinking the same thing.

Have you told Audrey that?

- No.
- Why not?


I really, really wanted
to be maid of honor.


it made me feel like I was
finally grown-up, you know?

Sometimes, the most
grown-up thing you can do

is tell a friend the truth...

Even if it means giving up
something that matters to you.

I really wish Tess was here.

What do you think
she'd say if she were?

I guess I have to
tell Audrey the truth.

Maybe that's a good idea.


Could you help me
for just a moment?

Sure. I'll be there in a minute.

Oh, no.

Oh, no!

It is so beautiful, Cornelia.

It is absolutely perfect.

I am so proud of you.

Thank you.

I have something for you.

No, sweetheart... no presents.

You've done enough.

This isn't a present.

It's something I
should have given you

a long time ago, but I didn't.

But you need to see it now.

Attention, phase.

What is that?

There is a fire in the
building. Please proceed

- to the nearest exit.
- We need to get out of here.

Do not panic.

All right, just
come right out here.

Fire department's on the way.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

- Just keep going.
- Have you seen Kyle?

- No, I haven't.
- I can't find him.

- We need an ambulance.
- Kyle!

- We need an ambulance!
- Come on! Kyle.

We need some help out
here at the Hampstead House.

How is he?

I don't know.

The nurse just came out
and said that Petey's awake,

and Scott just
went in to see him.

So... that's all I know.

- What?
- You just called him Petey.

I meant Kyle.

I-I think Monica was right.


I was trying to give
you this up in the room.

What is it?

It's a letter from Petey.

He asked me to give
it to you before he died

if you ever decided
to get married.

"Dear Mom,

"If you're reading this, you
must be getting married.

"I knew you would someday,

"or at least I hoped you would.

"I know the angels are
coming to get me soon,

"so I've got to say this now.

"I hope he's great.

"I hope that you are

"the most important
thing in his life,

"and that he makes
you feel like singing.

"But you'll always
be my sunshine.

"And I hope we'll all
be together someday.

"Tell him I'll be up in Heaven,

"waiting for you guys.

Love, Petey."

How can he ever meet
Scott up in Heaven

if Scott doesn't even
believe that there is one?

Oh, God.

I'm really sorry, Audrey.

I'm really, really,
really sorry.


It's okay.

Kyle's gonna be fine.

He just inhaled a
little bit of smoke.

Oh, thank God.

Don't thank God.

Thank that guy Andrew.

He's the one that
pulled Kyle out of the fire.


Look, why don't you go back,

get out of the dress, and
then I'll meet you there,

and we'll figure out
what we're gonna do.


You know something, honey?

You've always had an
understanding about life

that Scotty never had.

He told me how lucky
he was to meet you.

But I always thought
he was blessed.

And I guess, when
it comes down to it,

that's the difference
between you two.

And I'm afraid that
makes all the difference.

You do what you
have to do, sweetheart.

Good-bye, George.

Dr. Keller to Orthopedics.

Dr. Keller to
Orthopedics, please.



I need to tell you something

about Monica, Andrew and Tess.

They're angels.

You're serious?

They came when Petey was
dying, and they helped us,

and they showed
me that God is real,

and that He loves me,

and that no matter what
happens, He's always with me.

If that's what you want
to believe, that's fine.

I don't believe it. I know it.

I've seen it.

And I promised I
would testify to it...

but I haven't.

Not to you.

Scott, when you look at all
the wonderful things in this life,

your beautiful son

and all the love and
miracles in your life,

don't you ever feel
like there's someone

you want to thank for it all?

I'm sorry, Audrey. I don't.

I do.

Scott, I love you.

I love you, too.

God has been such a big
part of my life for so long,

and when I met
you, I let Him go.

And I miss Him.

And I think, if we got married,

we'd be speaking a different
language to each other.


It wasn't meant to be, huh?

I'm sorry.

I guess I'd better get
back to the hospital.


I will always love you and Kyle.


You were right, Monica.

I am sorry, Audrey.

I was so lonely...

You thought it was
easier to leave God out of it

rather than let Him get in
the way of the relationship.

I never thought anybody
would ever want me again.

I know how badly you
want someone in your life,

and I know how much
you've been through.

God wants you to
be happy, too, Audrey.

But not at the cost

of losing that which
is most precious.

God loves you so much,

and He wants to
be first in your heart

so that He can make
a safe place there

for everything
else that is good.

And God has a message for you.

One day, there will be
someone waiting for you

at the end of the aisle.

And when the time comes for you

to be together,
it will feel right,

completely right,

and then you will know love

and joy and peace,

just as surely as you
know that God is real.

He's here with us
right now, Audrey.

Won't you invite Him
back into your life?

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet ♪

♪ The sound ♪

♪ That saved ♪

♪ A wretch ♪

♪ Like me ♪

♪ I once:

♪ Was lost ♪

♪ But now ♪

♪ I am found ♪

♪ Was blind ♪

♪ But now ♪

“see. ♪

Miss Carmichael?

Oh, Alex, hi.

That was, uh, beautiful.

Thank you.

Are you all right?

I Will be.

You know... I think you will be.

You need a ride home?

That's all right.

I think we've been
enough trouble.

It's no trouble.

That's very nice.

Thank you.

I'd love a ride home.