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09x19 - The Show Must Not Go On

Posted: 05/03/23 12:45
by bunniefuu
Hey, guys, what's going on?

What's up, Odie?


Hey, Benny!

Happy anniversary, man.

What, are you like 200
years old now or something?

- Get out of here, ya punks!
- Just ignore 'em, Ben.

They're trying to
get a rise out of us.

You want me to give Ryan,

over at the sheriff's
office, a call?

Yeah, and tell him what?

They're here,
they're drinking again.

That JZ is just like his father.

They're not old enough to drink.

God help me.

I wish there was
a better answer.

There is a better answer.

So which is our assignment,

the people out here
or the people in there?

Well, it's all connected.

Where's Monica?

She's assigned elsewhere.


Because this is
a musical theater.


You know, Herbert still wants

to sing that God-awful
thing from Pippin.

Right. White gloves and all.

He says it's emblematic.

Emblematic? Emblematic of what?

Of Herbert, I guess.

That gives him
three-and-a-half songs...

- The duet with Naomi.
- God help us.

Wally, get the coffee going,

'cause they're gonna
be here any minute.

Herbert gets three solos?!

You all get three solos.

Plus a duet with Naomi!

That puts him a half song ahead.

You had an extra half
song in the last show, Calvin.

Ben, it's not so much
the numbers as it is

a quality of life issue.

Does anyone out there really
wanna hear "Magic To Do"?

Yes, Calvin, they do.

Those people out in the dark
yearn for a powerhouse opener

like "Magic To Do."

That's why we
come to the theater;

to share our passions,
to resonate with the past,

to tune our empathetic
bones to the pitch of humanity.

What on earth is that, Herbert?

This, my dear, is 32
ounces of purified water

from the Seychelles,
mixed with kelp,

seaweed, and
finely crushed coral.

Here, have a sip and feel
the heavy velour drapes

of fatigue part
like the Red Sea.

No! I like velour.

Oh, oh, forgive me. Forgive me.

Those doctors, they wanted
to push the surgery up.

I said, "No, no, no, I can't.
We have a performance."

Your spastic bowel
acting up again, Naomi?

My darling husband
Alan refused to leave

until the doctors
answered all his questions...

about my hammertoe.

Can we please get
it together, people?


Hey, JZ, get away
from the window!

Oh, my goodness,
what's going on?

I'm telling you, Ben,
they shouldn't be allowed

to hang around here.

It's hard to tell which
is in worse shape,

this community or
this community theater.

They're both running
out of hope, Angel Boy,

and if they don't get
it back and in a hurry,

the final curtain is gonna
come down on both.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

People, people...
people, please!

Calling the police will only
get another report written,

and send our
insurance rates higher.

Oh, you'll figure it out, Ben.

You always do.

Now, about my
song for the finale.

You know...

it was a different
world 50 years ago.

Ben Homer?

Uh, we're here. Where
do you want us to set up?

Thank goodness. That
is good, good service.

I just called you an hour ago.

Uh, please.

Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I
had an inspiration this afternoon

and hired a video crew to
document our 50th anniversary.

Uh... uh, Tess, Gloria
and Andrew, right?


This is the board
of directors...

And acting company.

Of the Egyptian Theater.

♪ Beautiful dreamer,
wake unto me ♪

♪ Starlight and dewdrops
are waiting for thee ♪

♪ Sounds of the rude
world heard in the day ♪

♪ Lulled by the moonlight
have all passed away ♪

He has a lovely voice.

And he seems like
a very nice man, too.

♪ Beautiful dreamer,
queen of my song ♪

♪ List while I woo... ♪

Wally, how many times to I
have to tell you I can't rehearse

with that light in my eyes?!


I'm surrounded by imbeciles!

Any more observations,
Little Angel?

Tell us what this theater
means to you, Naomi.

Camera, is there
enough fill light?

Mm-hmm. Plenty.

Well, my first role here at the
Egyptian was Sleeping Beauty.

That's back when we were
doing Children's Theater.

Before the
neighborhood went bad...

before the children went bad.

Tragic, really.

Anyway, now I specialize
in playing strong women.

Medea in Medea, Joan
of Arc in Joan of Arc,

Lysistrata in Lysistrata.

My husband Alan says
that's the only thing I can do,

and of course, he's right.

He always is.

But even back in the beginning,

I managed to find the complexity

and emotional center of
every character I played.

No one will soon forget
my Little Red Riding Hood.

Well, that tells us what you
mean to the theater, Naomi.

What does the
theater mean to you?

Well, is there really
any difference, dear?

Dostoevsky said, "There
is nothing more human

than the urge to confess.”
That's been my credo.

I see the stage
as a confessional,

a chance to break
through mendacity,

as Tennessee
himself might've said.

Tennessee Williams?

In all humility, the
demands of my time

would tear apart a lesser man.

Financial responsibility,
social obligations...

taxidermy is a jealous mistress.

But that is why I
put this theater first,

because ultimately it's about
fellowship; a band of brothers.

Which is why it is essential

that we include that
number from Pippin.

What's a Pippin?

I'll tell you later.

Cut! I felt very good.


I'm sorry. Did I
overstep my boundaries?


That's a very unusual name.

My mama thought it
was a Roman goddess.

I'm, like, "Whatever."

At least people will
never forget my name.

So, you're the newest
member of the company.

Yeah, so it's up to me to, you
know, shake things up a bit.

Like last year,
when I played Juliet,

I gave her this sexy kind of
Christina Aguilera slinky thing.

Romeo, oh, Rom-e-o...

Anyway, I can't
remember the rest,

but it brought
something really fresh

to a tired old love scene.

That must've been
very enlightening.

Well, I did have
12 years of training

at Miss Harriet Grubb's
Dancing School in East St. Louis.

Do you know the place?

I can't say that I do, baby.

Oh, well, it's gone now.

Miss Grubb was arrested

for running a math
hat» in her basement.

I guess I was the last
star she ever launched.

Isn't that sad?

Oh, for so many reasons.

You see, any dentist
can fill a cavity,

but I'm not just any dentist.

I like to think of
myself as Dr. Fun.

You come in my office
and you can get a filling,

uh, you can get a song,
you can get a dance,

you can get a couple of jokes.

Uh, now, you may
not believe this,

but until I was in junior
high, I was bor... ing.

Snooze City.

And then, one day,
I found my gift...

The fickle finger of
fate pointed at me,

and zingo... baritone!

It just happened!

So I opened my mouth and...

♪ Oh, Shenandoah ♪

♪ I long to see you ♪

♪ Roll away, you might... ♪

Cut. Just cut.

Mm, cut.

That's very nice.

Hi, Wally.

Do you have a minute
for an interview?

Oh, hey, you don't
wanna talk to me.

I'm strictly backstage.

I don't know about that.

You seem to be a pretty
essential part of this place.

Me? Essential?

Oh, no.

No, all I do is I build the
sets and I run the lights.

I-I-I open the box office
and sell concessions,

and, uh, and I order supplies,

uh, and clean the
dressing rooms,

and answer the phones, but
it's general stagehand stuff.

Anybody could do it.

Well, Ben relies upon
you pretty heavily.

Well, I'd do anything for Ben.

He's been more of a father to
me than my old man ever was.

I have to clean
this up, you punk.

Why do you keep doing this?

That is it.

I've had it; something has
to be done about those kids.

We could hire a security guard.

Security guards cost
money, Wally, come on.

So does repainting.

I want them gone,
you understand?

Whatever it takes, I
want those kids gone.

I'll see what I can do.

It wasn't easy 50
years ago, either.

Oh, hi, Tess.

I didn't hear you come in.

Well, hear this, baby.

I'm an angel... sent by God.

What are you talking about?

You heard me.

I am an angel.

What do you want from me?

You're a good man,

Ben Horner, but
you've lost your way.

Do you remember why
you started this theater?

Yeah, I-I wanted to, uh,

celebrate the kids.

Now you say
they're your enemies.

It's a different world now.

Yes, it is.

This is a world
of fear and anger,

where people would
rather turn their backs

than extend their
hands in compassion,

and that's a sad
state of affairs

because God made human beings

to dream together

and to inspire each other.

You used to believe that, Ben.

A long time ago, maybe.

17 years, to be exact.

The last time you tried
to change somebody's life.

A disaster.

The young man was
so angry and so lost.

You gave him a job

and tried to show
him a new direction.

Yeah, he nearly
destroyed this place.

It was the dr*gs.

I probably could've done
more about it, but I had to...

The point is... you tried.

What happened after
that was not your fault,

but the sins of the father

are not the sins of the son.


That's right.

Unlike his father,
he could be a leader.

He could help to change
things around here,

and so could you.

"Change things"?

How am I supposed to do that?

Ask God for inspiration,

and then use it
to inspire others.

It's all there if
you're listening.

Are you listening?

I can hear it.

I can hear it, Tess.

It's a song.

Oh, I got to write it down.

Ben, I... Ben?

She's an angel, Wally.

Can you see her? Look.

Right there.

Are you all right, Ben?

Oh... Wally...

I've just seen the
future of the theater.

No, no, actually, I heard it.

It's all in my head.

It's a song that
just came to me,

and it's gonna
change everything.

I'm gonna get you
a glass of water.

Hey, that'll be terrific.

Oh, I got to write this down.

A song that will change
everything, Tess?

That's right, baby.

Oh, no.

No, baby.

He ran out of time, Tess.

W-What's happening, Tess?

I don't know, baby.

I just don't know.

Poor Wally.

It's like losing a father.

Tess, Ben was supposed
to change everything,

but now Ben isn't here.

Are we finished?

No, Gloria, we're not finished.

When God makes a
plan, He sees it through.

So if it's not going
to be plan A with Ben,

it'll be plan B with
somebody else.



I am not painting
over this, mister.

Why would I want you to?

It's an old flat.

Maybe you don't like my art.

No, I do, actually.

I like it a lot.

I just thought maybe you
needed some-some supplies.

So you just came out here
just to give me free paint?



I don't believe you.

You want something.

They all do.

Who's "they"?


I mean, they're always like,

"Hey, hey, get the
hell out of here."

"Get a job."

- "Do something productive."
- "What are you,

a-a gangbanger?"

Is that what your
parents tell you?


My dad says that
to me every day.

Man, what are you
talking about, JZ?

You don't even have a dad.

Hey, shut up, Odie.

Look... Enjoy the supplies.

See you.

Are we cancelling the show?

Ben would've
wanted us to continue.

First thing he taught me
is that the show goes on,

no matter what.

He had no equal.

Teacher, director, friend.

When he took me under his wing,

I didn't know Stephen
Foster from Gwen Stefani.

He taught me that there
were a lot of great songs written

before I was even born.

Compatriot, leader.

He believed in this
little troupe of thespians

when nobody else would.

Our impresario.

He was our Aristotle,

and this little
theater, our lyceum,

and now we are a
ship without a rudder.

- ♪ So when life's bright sun ♪
- There are not enough metaphors

- ♪ Is setting and its day... ♪
- in the English language

to express how
much we loved him.

Rough wind that moanest loud.

♪ pain
regretting over... ♪

Grief too sad for song.

This town

- used to love the Egyptian.
- ♪ And when death... ♪

Back when-when we
did children's plays.

The first Saturday of
every new season, winter,

and spring, summer, fall...

This theater was the only
place people wanted to be.

♪ ...Gone. ♪

Especially the kids.

But now... CALVIN: People,

we have to cut to the chase.

Now, Ben always said,
"the show must go on."

I agree, and I say
we do it in his honor.

Well, in that case,
I make a motion

to carry on with the show
as a memorial to Ben Horner.

Don't we need, like, a director?

Of course.

We need to appoint

an interim artistic director,

preferably someone with
her finger on the pulse

of the broader
theatrical community.

You mean someone like you?

I would be honored to serve you.

Uh, excuse me, but...

You don't talk. You take notes.

You're not on the board.

True, but the theater's charter

prohibits the
appointment of officers.

Now, if you want a
new artistic director,

you're gonna have
to put it to a vote.

Fine, then we'll vote.

Naomi, it's spelled
just like it sounds.

Um, excuse us.

Ben hired us for the whole week,

and we're wondering
if you want us

to continue filming.

Damn the torpedoes.

- Full steam ahead.
- Marvelous.

You'll be here to
capture the beginning

of a new era for the Egyptian.

A brand-new course,

bigger, better and
brighter than ever.

Listen, uh... Wally.

What happens if there's a tie?

Well, um, Ben always had
five members on the board

to make sure that
that didn't happen.

We don't have anybody left.

I make a motion we
add Wally to the board.

Isn't there anybody else

in town we could choose?

Yes, but the sooner
we select a director,

the sooner we find
out who gets the lead

in the spring production.


Wally, welcome to the board.


Well, thanks, I-I think.

On with the vote.

Um, okay, folks,
uh, just a reminder,

the bylaws say

that you cannot
vote for yourselves.

This must be very
frustrating for you.


Having all this artistic energy

and no place to put it.

Well, I'm putting it
where I want to put it.

It's vivid.

A lot of anger in there.

Yeah, well, life sucks.

Well, maybe if
you put that anger

into real art, people
would pay attention.

Well, what do you mean?

Like those people in there.

I don't need nothing from them.

Well, maybe they need
something from you.


Yo, whoever voted for
me, I won't let you down.

I don't under... I
don't understand.

There must be some mistake.

Stop babbling.
What's the verdict?

Uh... well, by a
vote of four to one...

it would appear

that the new artistic
director... is me.

Plan B?

I guess so.

So, Calvin, this is a very
interesting turn of events,

Wally being elected
Artistic Director.

How do you think that happened?

Well, I'll tell you
how it happened.

I voted for Wally because he was

the lesser of three evils.

But apparently I wasn't
having an original thought.

Wally is good people,
open to good ideas,

malleable, easily led.

What do you think he should
do about the kids outside?

Ignore them.

And their childish
cries for attention.

I voted for him

because he's like, you know,

not Calvin, Herbert or Naomi.

And the kids?

You ever heard that
song "Looking For Love

in All the Wrong Places”?

"No man is an island."

John Donne.

I truly believe that.

In fact, I think it would be
fair to say that I've striven

to conform my whole life

to that basic principle.

I'm sorry... What was
the question again?

Uh, I-I-I think that
I have what I need.

I asked myself,

"Naomi, who is the
best person here

to lead this theater

into the 21st century?"

But since it couldn't be me,

I needed to know
who was second best,

and then... it dawned on me.

It could only be one person.

And it was...


Yes, that's it.

And as for the children, well...

it must be tragic
to be so desperate

for other people's approval.

Wow. Me.

Artistic Director.

I hope I'm up to it.

Oh, you're a natural, baby.

You'll be just fine.

Not an easy job.

I used to watch Ben
dealing with all the, uh...

he used to call
them "personalities."

And I hope I learned something.

Well, I think you've got

a lot of personalities
outside of this theater

that could use
some attention, too.

What, those punks?

It was the stress
they put on Ben.

- Ben wanted to help them.
- Aw, no.

Even Ben knew a lost
cause when he saw one.

Did he?

Think patriotic.




Such a masculine, Celtic name.

Have I ever told you how
much I love your name?

Uh, no.

No, well, anyway,
I think I've got it.

The grand finale.

Since this is a tribute to Ben,

why not use one of the
theater's high watermarks?

My Joan.

He loved me
burning at the stake.

Yes, he did.

So much, he lit
the match himself.

Herbert, that's
lowering the bar.

You loved it.

I know you did.

"Loved" is a strong word.


Aw, I knew it!

Mr. Artistic Director,

since clearly you are
still in need of pitches

for the finale,

why not make it
a fitting capstone

to Ben's life in the theater?

Such as?

Well, I have the perfect,
perfect hood ornament

for the Rolls-Royce
that was Ben's life.

Two words... Ziegfeld Follies.

Ziegfeld Follies?


The master showman, read "Ben,"

producing for our edification,

eye-catching Ziegfeld girls.

Gowns, gems, peacock
feathers, and jazz.

♪ Frankie and
Johnny were lovers ♪

♪ Lordy, how they could love ♪

♪ Swore they'd be
true to each other ♪

♪ True to the skies above ♪

♪ He was her man ♪

♪ But he was doing her wrong. ♪

You know, if we have to
do "Frankie and Johnny,"

my boyfriend Johnny
can play Johnny.

Does anyone smell smoke?

Oh, my God, look!

The garbage can's on fire.

Get the fire extinguisher!

Hurry up!


I can't work like this!

The safety of our
company's at stake.

Wally, when are you
gonna do something

about those street punks?!

That's right. Stop
being indecisive.


You want action?

I'll give you action!

Now listen up!

This is Wally Nybo,

Artistic Director of
the Egyptian Theater.

This theater, and one
block in each direction,

is now officially
a punk-free zone.

So take your crime elsewhere.

This area is reserved
for theater-goers.

And they have the right
to spend an evening out

without any trouble.

If you want to buy a ticket,

the box office is
open every day.

Otherwise, take a hike!

And another thing!

Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.,

we rehearse the grand finale!

And there will be
no dirty dancing

no Joan of Arc and no Ziegfeld!

It Will be whatever I say it is!

Don't be late!

Wally, are you okay?

Never felt better.

What about the finale?

I have no idea.

Wally, they finally did it!

Those punks of yours broke in.



- Oh, look.
- Oh, wow.


Well, we're all here, Wally.

Just like you asked.

10:00 am. sharp.

Everything's trashed.

The dressing rooms
are even worse.

This is all your fault, Wally.

Yeah, Ben never
would've inflamed

those hoodlums like you did.

The Ben Homer
Era Pasted 50 years.

- The Wally Nybo Era one day.
- What do you mean?

The show can't go on now.

What's the point?

This was supposed to be

rehearsal for the grand finale.

Well, apparently it
was our real finale.

Oh, Tess, this is terrible.

Oh, no, Little Angel.

We're finally making progress.

What kind of an idiot provokes

a g*ng of teenage delinquents?

That would be Wally.

Well, I suppose we're the idiots

who gave him the job.

So, guess it's all over.

Not if you help
them through this.

You're their leader
now, aren't you?

A leader needs followers.

They're gone.

Theater's destroyed.

Wally... It's done.

It's time for this
theater... and me...

to fade away.


- Wally...
- Just leave, okay?

"Thy worldly task hast done.

"Home art gone,
and ta'en thy wages.

"Golden lads and girls all must,

"as chimney-sweepers
come to dust."


in all the years we've
been working together,

performing side by side,

how come you never once

stopped by my
office for a cleaning?

Never once said,

"Calvin, my gums are bleeding.

Could you take a look?"

Calvin, as much as I admire
your gift with bicuspids and molars,

I've always felt that there
should be a separation

between church and state.

You never trusted me, did you?!

My Lancéme.

My Cranberry Cocktail.

We go out not in
a blaze of glory,

but in tatters and shreds.

This cost me like four bucks.

Maybe it's a wonder
we lasted this long.

I mean, with a
dentist playing Lear?


Hey, how about a shrew
playing Joan of Arc?


The oldest living Ophelia

in the history of the theater.

Ungrateful, self-centered...

Pot calling the kettle!

That's right, you fat ham!


Now, there's a name that
could launch a thousand ships!

Hey, Latrina, talking of
ham, why don't you try

pushing yourself away
from a table once in a while?

Trained monkeys could've
given a better performance.

This is insufferable.

I can't wait to get out of here.

Well, then let's
call the demo crew

and raze the building tonight.

Wait, guys.


What's that?

Oh, my.

Curtain up, folks.

What is this?

Enter the angel.

- The angel?
- Putting on

a private performance,
scripted by God,

for an audience of five,

right here on this stage

that has filled the holes

in your hearts for years.

I don't understand.

You“ re a '7 Yes,
Calvin, I'm an angel,

here with a message for you:

You have a very big voice,

but you have a very
small self-concept.

You sing on this stage
because in your heart

you believe no one
finds you interesting.

God knows that?

Yes, baby.

I'm a dentist.

Colorless job, colorless man.

Except for my voice.

When I sing, people
think I'm special,

interesting... charismatic.

God wants you to know
that He finds you interesting

every moment of your life,

in every little thing you do.

Filling cavities or singing,

God loves you, Calvin.

He loves me?

And you, Naomi,

for all these years, you've
played strong characters

on this stage because, at
home, you felt weak, didn't you?

Are you...?

Did God send you, too?

Yes, He did, because He knows

that you've been at the mercy
of someone, haven't you?


Yes, I have.


Your husband?

You told us he
was Mr. Wonderful.

It was easier than
telling you the truth.

Easier than admitting
I'm married to someone

who belittles everything I do,
who thinks I'm worth nothing,

less than nothing.

Naomi, I'm so sorry.

I can't seem to
do anything right.

Except on this stage,
where you're strong,

and you're powerful,
and you're in control,

but God wants you to
know, Naomi, that he wants

to help you become stronger

than any character
you've ever played.

My God, Naomi, I had no idea.

What about you, Herbert?

How is it in your home?

So you're all angels?

Live and in person.

Herbert, this theater,

these people, they're your
only family, aren't they?

What do you mean?

Well, as much as you
would like people to think

that you live your
life in the fast lane,

your days and your
nights are really very lonely.

That's why you spend

every free minute
here at the Egyptian.

I have nowhere else to go.

I don't have a family.

I just fill my date
book with places to go,

things I'd like to do...

It's an encyclopedia of fantasy.

Truth is...

you guys are the
only family that I have.

What about me?

I come here wishing
my life could be

one never-ending love scene.

If only I could be
Juliet in real life.

Or Camille.

Or Cleopatra.

Women who've found perfect love.

And you've always
wanted that, haven't you?

You know what?

I've never even had a boyfriend.

I made Johnny up.

No one has ever
told me they loved me.

Even God knows that, Lemma,

and He wants you to
know that He loves you,

perfectly and
completely... All of you...

And that empty place
in your hearts that you fill

with this theater,

with pretending
to be other people,

he can fill with His
love, if you just ask.

Tell them, Wally.

They need to know, and
they need to know now.

I was one of those kids outside.

I got caught stealing from
one of Ben's old man's stores.

But Ben stood up for me.

He took me into this theater,

and back when it
was all about kids.

And you know what?

I played Jack in
the Beanstalk...

right here.

I... and I, I climbed higher
than I'd ever climbed before,

and that's why I never
gave up on this place.

That's why we can never
give up on this place.

It's too late, Wally.
There's nothing we can do.

Wait a minute.

Just before Ben died,

he-he said something
about a new song.

He, he said it would
inspire us all again,

it would change everything.

What is it?! Where is this song?

It was all in his head.

He-He started to write it
down, but it was too late.

Do you know what inspiration is?

Inspiration is something
that God puts in your spirit,

and Ben's spirit is not lost.

Neither is the song he wrote.

He taught it to me this
morning, in Eternity.

♪ I've been touched
by an angel ♪

♪ Really touched by an angel ♪

♪ I have hope, I have choice ♪

♪ Since I heard that voice ♪

♪ Telling me all is well ♪

♪ I've been touched
by an angel ♪

♪ Deeply touched by an angel ♪

♪ What a perfect release ♪

♪ I can feel the peace ♪

♪ Happiness words can't tell ♪

♪ I know:

♪ My life ♪

♪ Will be better somehow ♪

♪ I put aside worry ♪

♪ And now I can see
there's a new life for me ♪

♪ Winter has
blossomed as spring ♪

♪ My mind, heart and body ♪

♪ They sing of
the joy in my soul ♪

♪ Now that love is
in complete control ♪

♪ I've been touched
by an angel ♪

♪ Bless the touch of an angel ♪

♪ Now my future is
bright, as I follow the light ♪

♪ My angel has shown to me ♪

♪ I know my life will
be better somehow ♪

♪ I've put aside worry,
and now I can see ♪

♪ There's a new life for me ♪

♪ Winter has
blossomed as Spring ♪

♪ My mind, heart and body,
they sing of a joy in my soul ♪

♪ Now that love is
in complete control ♪

♪ I've been touched
by an angel ♪

♪ Bless the touch of an angel ♪

♪ Now my future is
bright as I follow the light ♪

♪ My angel has shown to me ♪

♪ How to be free ♪

♪ How to stay free ♪

♪ How to be me ♪

♪ Wonderful, wonderful me! ♪

I don't know what made

these theater geeks
change their minds.

They were always just
ragging on us before.

I mean, those guys
are the reason my dad

got sent to prison.

Well, them and the dr*gs
and robbing that pharmacy.

All right, truth is, my
dad deserves to be in jail.

Anyway, they asked
me to join them,

and to get my
friends to join 'em, too.

They want this place
to be all about kids.

They're talking about a
song and angels or something.

I don't know.


Things are definitely
different now.

And I don't know,

it's not like we had
anything else to do.

♪ Give my regards to Broadway ♪

♪ Remember me to Herald Square ♪

♪ Tell all the g*ng
at 42nd Street ♪

♪ That I will soon be there ♪

♪ Whisper of how... ♪

There's a lot of
scary things going on

in the world right now.

You could be a
part of the darkness,

or you can shine the light.

♪ Mingle with the
old-time throng ♪

I think light is
definitely better.

♪ Give my regards
to old Broadway ♪

And who knows?

♪ Mean, maybe someday
I 71 even believe in angels.

♪ And say that I'll
be there e'er long! ♪