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09x18 - Virtual Reality

Posted: 05/03/23 12:44
by bunniefuu
She's got a strong heart.

Marissa is a fighter.

She always has been.

It's almost been six months.

Is she going to come out of it?

I don't know.

It'd make things easier.

No, baby.

There's no simple
answer to this one.

Just wish I had
a little more time

to prepare.

Wasn't Gloria gonna do this one?

Yes, but she's on
another assignment.

Plus this is right
up your alley.

Now, I know it's late notice,

but it's important that
this message gets out.

Oh, I agree.

It's just hard to figure
out what's really to blame.

It's not about blame.

It's about truth.

Well, the truth is

two lives have been
changed forever.

But there's still Joshua.

That's right.

The Father has
given you the gift

of seeing into somebody's
heart, angel girl.

And you might well need
to use that with this child.

Understanding why this happened

is going to change everything.

It's time.

Here you go, ma'am.

Hello, Josh.

I'm Monica.

Do you know why I'm here?

The judge has asked me

to talk to you
about... Excuse me.

I would appreciate it

if you'd put the
game down for now.

Well... There are other ways.


Piece of crap.

I just put new batteries in.

So, shall we begin?

All rise.

You may be seated.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

I Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

In the matter

of the State of Illinois
v. Victor Jackson,

is counsel ready to proceed?

The prosecution is
ready, Your Honor.

Defense is ready, Your Honor.

Then let's go on

with the opening statements.

Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

this is not gonna
be an easy case.

It calls into question
the very rules

that govern a free society,

and our ability to protect them.

What is not in question
are the basic facts.

On December 17, 2002,

the defendant, Victor
Jackson, took his parents' car

without permission.

He went for a joyride
with his 14-year-old cousin,

Joshua Walker.

Now, while on that joyride,

they struck a young
woman, Marissa Atkins,

as she stood on a street corner.

Marissa Atkins was
seriously injured,

and she remains in a
coma six months later.

What you will be asked to
decide is whether this tragedy

was an accident,

or whether it was the
deliberate action of a young man

who wanted to extend
the thrill of a video game

that he should never
have been playing

in the first place.

I got to go get some batteries.

When we're finished.

We are finished.

You're not going anywhere.

What's up with this?

You're a material
witness in this case.


I thought I didn't
have to testify.

A new judge has been assigned,

and you may be
required to testify

if I determine that
you're capable.

Capable of what?

Of telling the truth.

Now, sit down.

This is so lame.

Where's Victor?

He's in court.

The trial's begun.

It was just an accident.

Your name is Joshua
Walker, you're 14 years old.

Is this correct?

You gonna ask me stupid
questions like that all day?

I will take that as
a "yes, ma'am."

You've lived with
your aunt and uncle

in Oak Lawn since
your parents divorced.


This hasn't been
an easy time for you.

It doesn't matter.

It does, Josh.

Everything that has contributed
to you being here matters.

Because, as I
look over your file,

the young man described in
it seems to have gone through

an awful lot of changes in
a very short period of time.

Do you want to talk about it?

There's nothing to talk about.

I haven't changed.

I see.

Nice cap.

What's a loser like
you doing with it?

Give it back, Willy.

Ooh, "Give it back, Willy."

I'm thinking no.

And I'm also thinking I can use

a new bike to go
with my new hat.


I'm calling the cops.

Uh-oh, we can't let that
happen, can we, guys?


- Grab his arm!
- No, no, no. Stop it.

- Stop.
- You got him.

Leave me alone. Leave me alone!

Okay, so you can
keep your stupid bike.

But the hat is mine.

Come on, let's get out of here.

What a loser.

You need a ride home, Josh?

Hey, Vic!

We're home.


Come down here and help
your cousin with his stuff.

- I'll go get him.
- Okay.

We're glad you're
here, sweetheart.

You know, your parents

didn't send you here
because of anything you did.

They love you, and
they just need some time

to work out their own problems.

Let me see that eye.


You need to put
some more ice on it.

All over a baseball cap?

They do it all the time.


Well, guys like that

are a fact of life,
Josh, you know?

There's nothing
you can do about it.

I hate them.

You're really pushing
your luck with this stuff, kid.

I'm telling you, the
next time you ignore me,

I lock you in the
attic till you're 18.


So, will you, uh, show
your cousin to the room?

Come on.

I've just about
had it with that kid.


He's 16. It's a phase.

And when do the
good phases start?

Well, maybe Josh will have
a good influence on Victor.



Uh, which bed should I take?

- That one.
- 1,000 points.

Halt! Police officer!

What's-what's that?

- Stop the vehicle!
- It's Carjack 2000.

It's so sweet.

2,000 points.

Police! Stop!

3,000 points.

WOMAN: Hey, look out!

3,000 points.

Victor was addicted
to video games.

And it didn't take him long to
get his younger cousin Joshua

hooked on it, too.

The evidence is going to
show that these boys played

a game called Carjack
2000: Millennium Mayhem.

Sometimes for days at a time.

Now, the thing with this game

is that it calls on
you to commit crimes

in the name of a cyber
g*ng called the Brotherhood.

You get points for
doing bad things.

Okay, these are virtual crimes.

They're not real crimes.

But as these boys got
drawn deeper into this world,

all the lines got blurred.

- Boom.
- SO...

tell me about Carjack 2000.

What do you want to know?

Mmm, everything.

You and your cousin
used to play it all the time.

The police found a list
of cheats for Carjack 2000

in the car.

It must be a very
interesting game.

Oh, it's totally cool.

First thing you got
to do is steal a car.

Out of the car, or I'll
blow your brains out.

I got him, I got him, I got him.

All right, watch-watch
out, man. He's got a g*n.

No, no, no, no, no, don't worry.

I got my nunchakus.

All right, get him, dude!

Broken neck, 5,000 points.


Welcome to the Brotherhood.

Collect a new w*apon.

All right, sights locked.

Ready to rock.

Step on the gas.

Let's grab some cash.

Street scum ahead.

Street scum ahead.

- Hey, guys.
- What the hell?

Why are you so jumpy?

Look, you just
surprised us, that's all.

Just playing the game.

- Okay. -Playing the game.
- Exactly.

Well, it's dinnertime, so
turn it off and come on down.

- All right, we'll be down in a second.
- Okay.

I got to save it.

Your master congratulates you

for setting a new standard
for death and destruction.

Remember the sacred code:

Never betray your brothers

or divulge the
secrets of the streets,

and you will enjoy the
everlasting protection

of the Brotherhood.

One time, we made it
all the way to level ten.

You have to know all
the tricks to get that far.

Oh. What are the tricks?

I can't tell you.

Why not?

'Cause I'd be breaking
the code of conduct.

The evidence that you
will hear in this case

will prove beyond
a reasonable doubt

Victor Jackson was
no longer satisfied

with k*lling people on TV.

He decided that he was going

to experience
the ultimate thrill.

He was gonna take
the game to the streets,

and on December 17,

he aimed his car
at Marissa Atkins

and he stepped on the gas.


Because, in Carjack 2000,

k*lling a prost*tute

gets you 20,000 bonus points.

You may proceed with your

opening statements, counselor.

Thank you.

The prosecution has, uh,

painted a compelling
picture for you today.

Youth gone wrong
inspired by a game

in which you are rewarded
for violent behavior.

That is a... that's a pretty
easy target to point to,

but is it true?

What about the movies?

What about television?

What about rap music?

Wh-What about the nightly news?

Because v*olence and
crime are everywhere.

Victor started playing this
game about a year ago.

So, what happened on December 17

that caused this
alleged, radical change

in a young man
who had never before

shown criminal behavior?

There was no malice,

there was no forethought,

and there was
no criminal intent.

Your grades began to fall
about seven months ago.

Why is that?

Stupid teachers.

Well, it says here

that you weren't turning
in your assignments

and that you'd become surly
and uncooperative in class.

I don't know what "surly" is.

It means rude.

You'd been an " ♪
student up until then, Josh.

"Polite and... and attentive"

is how your teachers
describe you.

They think that,

because you were
angry with your parents,

that's why you were acting out.

What do you think?

Okay, well, perhaps
we'll come back to that.

Let's talk about what
happened the day that Victor

ran into Marissa Atkins.

Were you and Victor
acting out a part

in Carjack 2000?


People always try
to blame video games

and stuff for bad
things that happen,

like those Columbine guys.

Everyone thinks they whacked out
because they played video games,

but I think they must have
been kind of whacked out already.

So you don't believe the
game had any influence

on what you and your
cousin were doing?


Man, don't be such
a wuss, all right?

I got my license. I mean...

It's all under
control; trust me.

Yeah, I know, but
your mom's gonna be

totally P.O.'d that
we took the car.

Well, it's a
family car, isn't it?


And we're family, okay?

So relax.

Put the CD in.

♪ Check it ♪

♪ Well, I saw it in
a Hollywood film ♪

♪ A g*n gives you
a license to k*ll ♪

♪ Semiautomatic and
my army boots on ♪

♪ Going into town
to have some fun ♪

♪ Picking off humans ♪

♪ Yeah, all right ♪

♪ I'm picking off humans ♪

♪ That's right ♪

♪ I never knew it
could end this way ♪

♪ Whoever pulls the
trigger is a king for a day ♪

♪ So I may not
make it out alive ♪

♪ I'll make the
headline as I die ♪

♪ You know I saw it
in a Hollywood film ♪

♪ Where a g*n gives
you a license to k*ll ♪

♪ My heart is racing,
sh**ting up adrenaline ♪

♪ I'm going in ♪

♪ Let the game begin ♪

♪ Picking off humans ♪

♪ Bang, got another one ♪

♪ Bang, bang, got another one ♪

♪ Picking off humans ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang,
got another one ♪

♪ Got another one,
picking off humans ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang,
got another one ♪

♪ Got another one,
picking off humans ♪ -

♪ Bang, got another one ♪

♪ Bang, bang, got another one ♪

♪ Picking off humans. ♪



No. No, you don't...
you don't think she...

Oh, yeah.

That's a hooker for sure.

The statement that the
boys gave to the policeman

tells the story.

He was an inexperienced driver

on a rain-slicked street.

So, why did they
leave the scene?

Because they were scared.

They panicked.

He was driving too fast.

He was not paying

close enough attention,
but he did not get

behind the wheel
of the car that day

with the intention of murdering

a defenseless pedestrian.

We will hear the prosecution's
case tomorrow morning.

We're adjourned until 9:00 am.

All rise!

One more question,

and the police
officer will take you

- to your aunt and uncle.
- What?

How do you feel

about what happened
to Miss Atkins?

What do you mean?

Do you feel badly that this
young woman was hurt?

No, and why should I?

She wasn't a woman.

She was just street scum.

"Street scum"?

That's what he said.

It makes me crazy
to hear someone,

especially a kid,

refer to another human
being as "street scum."

When you reduce
a person to a type,

you make them
seem less than human,

and then you don't have
to deal with their suffering.

I believe that's
what Josh is doing.

Well, Miss Wings, you
better open that child's eyes

before he loses something more

- than his humanity.
- You still think

they weren't re-creating
that game out there?

Even if they were,
it doesn't mean

that what happened to
Marissa wasn't an accident,

and Victor
deserves a fair trial.

That's right.

We're here to
present, not to judge.

Don't forget that.

Street scum ahead.

3,000 points.

Yeah, drop, scum.

Watch where you're going!

3,000 points.

How was your evening?

Look, how much longer
do I have to sit here?

Till they're ready for
you in the courtroom.

There's something
I would like you

to take a look at.

Who's this?

Marissa Atkins.

First grade.

Here she is in eighth grade.


This was a party
her friends threw

for her 15th birthday.

Later that day,

her father got drunk
and beat her up so badly

that she ran away and
never went home again.

She wasn't much
older than you are now.

This is her in science club.

She was in science club?


She wanted to be
an oceanographer

when she grew up.

You're in science
club, aren't you?

Josh, do you know why I'm
showing you these pictures?

The car was registered
to a Deborah Jackson,

the, uh, defendant's mother.

And you inspected the
vehicle after the incident.

Did you find anything
mechanically wrong with it?

Uh, no. The power steering
and the power brakes

were functioning properly.

So, then, based on
your investigation,

could you estimate
when the defendant

tried to hit his brakes to
avoid striking the victim?

There were no skid marks,

no indication that, uh, he
made any attempt to stop.

Nothing further.

Your witness.


Is it... is it possible

that, because of
the slick streets,

the defendant tried to stop,

but instead hydroplaned,

leaving no skid marks?

Uh, yes, sir,
it's... it's possible.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

You're excused, Officer Bassett.

Video games aren't
child's play anymore.

They're a $6.5 billion
to $10 billion industry,

depending on whose
statistics you read.

Over 225 million games
were sold just last year.

Not child's play?

Could you explain
what you mean by that?

I mean that the majority
of games manufactured

are not intended for kids.

Uh, most of them reward
some sort of v*olence.

Uh... the more
violent the behavior,

the greater the reward.

The industry rates them
anywhere from E for "everyone"

to M for "mature," or adult.

Does your research indicate

that children do play
games rated for adults?

Yes, all the time.

Hmm. Bailiff?

Thank you.

Professor Milgrom, are
you familiar with this game?

It's called Carjack 2000:
Millennium Mayhem.

It's very popular right now.

And could you please explain
to us how points are scored?

Objection, Your Honor.

The prosecution has yet to
show any relevant connection

between the game and the
charges against my client.

Your Honor, the jury needs
to fully understand this game

in order to understand
the connection.

I will allow it.

Professor Milgrom?

Stealing a car is
anywhere from 1,000

to 5,000 points,
depending on the model

- and the year.
- 5,000 points.

But if you k*ll the driver,

your point total doubles.

Wait! Stop!

Breaking through
a police roadblock

is 3,000 points, but you
get 3,000 bonus points

for every officer and
patrol car that you take out.

Street scum ahead.

k*lling a prost*tute is
a 20,000-point bonus.

20,000 points.

In the game, they're
called "street scum."

How long have you been

a child psychologist,
Dr. Warren?

24 years.

And you've studied the effects

of violent images
on children for...

The past ten years.


Doctor, could you tell us
what we're looking at here?

This is a cross-section
of eight composite brains

taken from a study conducted
at the University of Texas

Health Sciences
Center at San Antonio,

and published by John P.
Murray at Kansas State University.

As you can tell

by looking here at
the posterior cingulate,

and here at the amygdala,

there is heightened
neurological activity

in the children who were
exposed to violent images.

Could you put that into

layman's terms for us, Doctor?

It means that playing
violent video games

and watching violent
movies or TV shows

activate areas in the
brain involved in arousal.

This repeated exposure
to media v*olence

increases aggression
and violent behavior,

and violent video games
are by far the worst.

Really? Why is that?

Because, unlike simply
watching movies and TV shows,

video games are interactive,
and that's how children learn.

It's also the nature
of video games

to be repeated over and over.

This repetition of
aggressive response

reinforces that
kind of behavior.

These games teach them

that there are a
lot of bad people

out there waiting to hurt them,

and then trains them
to retaliate aggressively.

This is particularly
troublesome in young people,

since they are still writing
their behavioral script,

if you will.

The games encourage them

to solve their problems
through v*olence,

rather than teaching a
peaceful conflict resolution.

So, in your opinion, Doctor,
what happens to children

who are exposed to
significant media v*olence?

Well, over time, their view
of the world is distorted.

They become desensitized
to the pain they inflict.

Do you mean to say that...

they don't know the difference
between right and wrong?


They just don't care.

Thank you, Doctor.

Nothing further.

Your witness.

Dr. Warren.

It, uh... it says here,

"Some researchers believe
that playing these games

can be a cathartic
experience for some children."


So, for those kids,
the v*olence is a...

it's an outlet for their
aggression, isn't it?

Sort of like hitting
a punching bag.

Well, hitting a punching bag
is not the same experience

as sh**ting a realistic-looking
character in a game.

Let's say that you have a child

who really likes playing
violent video games,

and he plays them
for hours on end

and days at a time.

Is that child likely to
walk down the street

and as*ault somebody?


Thank you.

Redirect, Your Honor?

Doctor, do you
think it's possible

that an individual who's
playing these games

for an extended period of time

became so consumed by it

that they are actually more
likely to commit a violent act,

like running over a pedestrian?


That calls for a conclusion

that is not supported by
the evidence presented.

I'll allow the
doctor to respond,

but I remind the jury,
this is his opinion,

not a definite fact.

In my opinion,
the answer is yes,

but those studies are
inconclusive to this point.

Is Carjack 2000 clearly marked

as being only intended for
those over the age of 17?

Objection, Your Honor.

That is not relevant to
the content of the redirect.

I'm sorry, but the defense says,

"if a child plays a video game."

What I'm trying to establish
is whether it's clear or not

that this game
is not appropriate

for someone under the age of 17.

You may answer the question.

Yes, the game is clearly marked.

Prosecution rests.

You're excused, Doctor.

Court will resume
tomorrow morning.

All rise.

What would you
say to Marissa Atkins

if you could speak to her?

Do you think she's
ever gonna wake up?

I don't know.

Does it make a
difference to you?


Kind of.


'Cause she might
not know who I am.

Whether she knows
who you are or not

shouldn't change the
truth about how you feel,

and it shouldn't change what
you say in that stand tomorrow.

Yeah, I know.

I'm supposed to tell
the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but
the truth, right?

I watch TV.

All right, so, Mrs. Jackson,

you reported your car

stolen from your driveway

right before the accident.

Yes, but I was mistaken.

- You were mistaken?
- Yes.

I didn't know that my
son's driver's license

had come in the
mail earlier that day,

and I had promised
him that when he got it,

we would share my car.

He didn't steal your
car like it was a game.

He took it without
your permission,

but with your implied consent?


You know how kids are.

They take everything
you say literally.

Your witness.

Mrs. Jackson, were you aware

that your son was in possession

of an adult-rated game
like Carjack 2000?

Yes, I bought it for him.

Did you know that it
was an adult-rated game?

Yes, that's what the
clerk at the store told me,

but, honestly...

I mean, don't they see worse
on the news every night?

Besides, it was
his 16th birthday,

and he wanted it so much.

What could I say?

No more questions.

Uh, y-you can take
your seat, Mrs. Jackson.

The defense calls Joshua Walker.

Raise your right hand.

Do you, Joshua Walker,

swear that the testimony
you're about to give

is the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the
truth, so help you God?



Why don't you tell me
what happened in the car

just before the accident?


we were driving around
listening to music, and...

Victor made a
turn and hit the gas.

And then what happened?

We drove for
about a half a block,

and this woman just
stepped off the curb

right in front of the car.

Victor tried to stop,

and he didn't have
time and we hit her.

He couldn't help it.

I... I know we should've stopped

and seen if she was
okay and everything, but...

we were... we
were just so scared,

so we just drove straight home.

Thank you, Josh.

Uh, is there
something wrong here?

She wants to call
another witness.

Uh, counsel, will you
approach the bench, please?

Let the record show the
victim, Marissa Atkins,

has recovered sufficiently to
be present for this testimony.

There will be a
15-minute recess.

What'd she say?

She's expected to
make a full recovery.

No, about the accident.
What'd she say?

She didn't talk
about the accident.


She doesn't remember
what happened that day.



You seem... relieved.

Well, yeah.

I mean, I'm glad
she's gonna be okay.

Are you telling the truth,

the whole truth and
nothing but the truth?


So help me God.

That oath shouldn't
be taken lightly,

and neither should God.

You lied on the
stand today, Josh.

You're lying again now.

No, I'm not.

How would you know anyway?

I know because God told me.

I'm an angel.

You know what? You're whacked.

I don't have to listen to this.

I am an angel, and God sent
me here with a message for you.

Are you serious?


So God, He saw everything?


So you came here
to take me to hell?


He sent me here to tell
you how much He loves you.

God knows that
you're hurting, Josh.

He knows how lonely
you are, how scary it is

to watch your
family falling apart,

but God is a father
who will never leave you.

He hurts when He sees the hole

that your parents
have left in your heart,

and He cries when He sees you

trying to fill it with
terrible things.

Like Carjack 2000?

Like anything that
encourages you

to hate instead of love,
to k*ll instead of heal,

to play games with your
feelings instead of facing them.

So I'm not supposed to
play video games anymore?

You can learn wonderful
things from some video games,

but v*olence isn't one of them.

They will never
heal your heartache

or take away your anger,

and they'll never
bring you peace.

I know how hard it is to
figure out what peace is

when you're only 14,

but it's when there's
no pain in your heart,

when you don't feel afraid.

When you know that you're
safe and loved and cared for,

and... and God wants
you to feel all those things.

Marissa didn't feel safe
or loved or cared for,

and she made a
very wrong choice.

Instead of asking God for help,

she gave up her
dreams, her hopes,

and eventually
she gave up herself.

Josh, please, don't
make the same mistake.

I lied, Monica...

about what happened in the car.

I know, but there's
still time to make it right.


You go back in there
and you tell the truth.

Yes, there will be
consequences to pay,

but it's the right thing to do.

And if you ask God for help,

then you'll know
just what to say.

I'm so scared. I'm so scared.

I know.

I know you are.

But you're not alone.

I understand you want to make
some changes in your testimony.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I like the changes
I'm hearing already.

Go ahead.

Well, like I said,

we were driving around
the corner, and Victor...

noticed this woman.

Hey, hey, hey.

- What?
- Look.

Come on, baby, why don't
you show us what you've got?

No. No, you don't...
you don't think she's a...?

Oh, yeah.

Look, man, that's
20,000 points right there.

You know the score.

Yeah, I do, but let's go
home and play the game.

No. I'm sick and tired
of playing this on TV.

Let's play it right here.

Right now.

Sights locked.

Ready to rock!

Hit the gas.

Die, street scum, die!

Die, street scum, die!

I said it.

I said it, but I
didn't really mean it.

It didn't feel real.

It didn't.

But it was real.

And I'm sorry.

I'm really, really sorry.

I know all about
what happened to you.

I know you were in science
club, and I was in science club, too.

I didn't know...

We didn't know
you were a person.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

On the charge of
violating Chapter 720,

Act Five, Section 8-4

of the penal code
of the State of Illinois,

the jury finds the
defendant guilty.

The defendant will
remain in custody

until sentencing in one week.

Your Honor,

may I, uh, please speak
to my client privately?

I think that's a good idea.

Bailiff, take them
to my chambers.

I would like to thank
the jury for good work,

because this was
a very difficult case.

To the reporters in here,

I want you to take
down every word,

because this is pertinent
to parents everywhere.

Children want
all sorts of things.

They want candy, they
want to stay up late,

they want to play games
not meant for them,

and I have a word that
you can use to answer them.

The word is "no."


A big dose of vitamin no.

Now, you would not
allow your children to eat

only fast food every day,

so why are you allowing them
to learn how to m*rder people?

Look on the box, people.

Think of what you're doing.

It's your children's future.

This court is adjourned.

All rise.