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09x15 - As It Is in Heaven

Posted: 05/03/23 12:42
by bunniefuu
Where has the time gone, Tess?

Where it always goes:

back where it came from.

That's very scientific of you.

Well, I'm a many-faceted being,

and you have not begun
to see all my facets.

I meant I just can't believe

I'm starting my
200th assignment.

And to think of all the years

of difficult and rewarding
and unforgettable cases,

and I'm going to celebrate
my 200th right here.

Instead of the Bahamas?

I didn't say that.

I did. Don't you feel a chill?

So... you say this is gonna
be a special assignment, Tess?

They're all special, baby,

but you've never had an
assignment like this ever.

There he is.

The one in the window.

Jesse Cartwright.


Good job. All right,
what about the next one?

Six times three is what?

Is... 18.

Ah, pretty good, pretty good.

I just added six and 12.

Always so smart.

All right, what
about the next one?

Eight times two.

Have you ever heard a song,
"A Rose in Spanish Harlem"?

Or a story, A Tree
Grows in Brooklyn?


Well, that's Jesse.

He grew up right here

in this neighborhood, with
all this danger and dr*gs

and heartaches,

and somehow he
managed to survive.

No, more than that.

He shines.


He shines. Hmm.

Jesse's brought a lot of
light to this community.

I should think raising a
happy and healthy teenager

in this neighborhood
would take a miracle.

Yes, it did.

What do you mean?

I'm not at liberty to share.


Well, I guess I can't give
you your present then.

What present?

Something I got to commemorate
our 200 assignments together.

Oh, baby, you shouldn't have.

Let me see it. Let me see it.

Look out!


I'm walking here!

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

You crazy broad!

Come on!

It would seem that
after 200 cases,

you'd know the number one rule:

don't run over your assignment.

My assignment?

Hey, Mom.

You okay?

Some nutcase just
tried to run me over.

Please proceed
through the intersection

and pull over.

Oh, no.

We're off to a good start.

A really good start.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪


They're ready for you.


You'll have to appear in
court three weeks from today.


Uh, we travel a lot, Officer.

We may not be in town
three weeks from today.

Well, then you can pay the
ticket and attend traffic school

within the next seven days.

Traffic school?

I don't make the laws,
ma'am, I just enforce them.

Yes, of course.

Now, you ladies have a nice day.

Thank you.

Drive safely.

Well, at least I'm
getting a present.

Oh, yes.

Oh, I hope you like it, Tess.

They're driving gloves.

Oh, they're lovely.

And the perfect gift,

since I'm gonna be doing
all the driving from now on.

What is she doing down there?


That maniac.

Did you see what she
did? She nearly k*lled me.

Cop gave her a ticket,
which she seriously deserved,

and now she's
just sitting there.


Good riddance.

Lionel Flores,
you're 27 years old?

Yes, sir, that's right.

In for, uh, drug trafficking?

Yes, sir.

Before you were convicted,
where did you live?

Uh, I lived just outside
of Chicago in Shackelton.

Um... I need to get back. Uh...

I need to get back because
I need to do right by my kids.

Oh, look at that.

Cop's not gone five minutes,

and the dealers
are right back at it.

Mom, Guillermo?



Well, listen, I was just
coming to say good-bye.

I got to get to work.

I'm filling in for that
crummy Jeremy.

He's got a two-day session,
and he called in an hour ago

saying he's got an
emergency root canal.

Okay, listen, here
are the keys to the car.

It's across the street.
I'm gonna take the bus.

But you drive
home straight away.

I don't want you walking
home alone at night, okay?


Okay. I love you.

- I love you, too, Mom.
- Bye.


All right, man, ten
more problems,

and then we can go
sh**t some hoops.


Hey, I got another one for you.

Is it anything good?

Oh, yeah.

Man, it's obsidian.

Where'd you find it?

At the dump.


This will go right on the shelf.


Hi. I'm the new
after-school volunteer.

They told me to come find you.

Oh, yeah. Monica, right?

No. Actually, I'm-I'm Gloria.

Monica wasn't able to make it.


I just feel terrible.

What's going to happen
to Jesse and his mother?

- Plan "B."
- Plan "B"?

Yes, and it's already
been put into effect,

so you just hustle on in there

and learn your turn
signals and things.

Everything's gonna be just fine.

Okay, but... Don't "but" me.

Just go.


Yes, ma'am.

So, uh, we get, um, bilingual
tutors in here on-on Tuesdays,

and scouting meets
upstairs on Thursdays,

and, uh, every day at 6:00
we get some ex-gangbangers.

- Hey, Jesse.
- Hey. How you doing?

"Man's reach should
exceed his grasp

or what's a Heaven for?"

Are they all children?


Those are all the kids
we lost in the last 12 years.

AIDS, dr*gs,
gangs and drive-bys.

It's a dangerous neighborhood.

You ever wonder why
your name's not up there?

I've got a great mom.

What about Guillermo?

His mom is doing
the best she can,

you know, but
she's got five kids

and she works all the time.

And they're really, really poor.

What about his father?

The best thing I can
say about that guy

is that he's in jail.

Can't say I'm
sorry to see you go.

- Hey, yo!
- Yo!

- What's up, man?
- Yo, mire, check it out, bro.

I'm out, man. I'm out!

What are you in for?

Driving through a stop sign
and almost k*lling a human being.


I'm Monica.

God, I'd give anything
not to be here. Anything.

My name is Kelly Cartwright.

Anyone who is here for the
Smart and Safe-T Traffic School

two-day course and does
not have their paid receipt

and does not have their
original violation citation

can leave now.

No, you may not go
and get it from your car.

No, you may not call your
wife and have her bring it to you.

No. No, no, no.

This is not a course in
yoga and aromatherapy.

This is a jail... my jail...

And you are here to do time.

And your time starts... now.

Oh, my God. It's you?

The homicidal maniac?

How did you get here so fast?

You were just
cited this afternoon.

Or are you here working
off a different traffic violation?

Uh, no.

Uh, I just thought I'd
get it over with quickly.

Oh, you did, did you?

Well, we'll just see
about that, won't we?

Stop looking at
the clock, people.

The law requires that
you spend four full hours

reviewing basic traffic rules.

If you do not, you will not earn

your valuable
completion certificate.

Lady in the suit, what traffic
sign does this shape signify?



Danger ahead?


School crossing.


Speed limit.

- Stop sign.
- Ah.

Stop sign. Very good.

Do me and the world

a favor, Monica, and
memorize this sign, okay?

Now we are finished.

I expect to see
you all back here

to complete the last
four required hours

at precisely 5:00
next Wednesday.

Ms. Cartwright, I can't make it
Wednesday. Can I reschedule?

This is not a hair appointment.

Tough noogies.

Excuse me, Ms. Cartwright.

I was wondering if perhaps

you and I could have a
cup of coffee together.

You've got to be kidding.

Look, there must be
something you can do.

Mm, I only have a 20.


Crazy rock.


Hey, do some more
consulting today?

Hey, you.

Uh-huh, a little.

After class.

Need anything?

- Nope.
- Few bucks for lunch?

I'm fine.


It's gonna go right back
into the Durango fund.

H-How much do we
have in there now?

I don't know, but
we're really close.

Hey, I tripped over
that crazy rock again.

If it's a doorstop, put
it against your door.

If it's part of your collection,
put it in your room, please.

All right.

Rocks in the freezer now?

It's an experiment.

How was your day?

It was good.

Well, I, uh... I got a
"♪ on my history exam.

- That's great!
- Yeah.

And, uh, w-we got a
new volunteer in today.

Um, a Gloria something.

She-She's good though.

You know, we were supposed
to have someone named Monica,

but, um, you know,
she couldn't make it.

That's funny.

There's a Monica
in my class today.

Uh, I'm gonna go change.


Do you know that
she's teaching my class?

Yes. I told you everything
would work out all right,

one way or another.

I wouldn't count on it, Tess.

She doesn't like me.

I mean, she really,
really doesn't like me.

Well, it could have
something to do with the fact

that you almost k*lled
her with my Cadillac.

Well, of course I...

It could be there's
something about you

that makes her
feel uncomfortable.

Like what?

You'll see.

This is terrific. Uh, just take
another look at number six.

And remember what
I told you Tuesday

about flipping the
fractions upside-down?

It's time for basketball.


It's time for basketball
in about five minutes,

and then when Jesse
gets back from the 5...

Well, come here, boy. Ain't
you glad to see your daddy?

Get out of here, Lionel.

Who the hell are you, fool?

You know who I am.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

You that genius kid who
lives with the white lady.

Well, I come for my boy.

Hey, what's up,
man? Come here, mijo.

Hey, Guillermo, you know,
I can't find your mama.

Uh... where did
you guys move to?

You know, I think you should go.

Oh, yeah? Y-You got no
business with my son, man!

- Hey, hey, hey. Please.
- I'll just cut you!

That's enough.

Now, he asked you to leave.

You don't want to
mess with me, guera.

Sir, you're not welcome
here, and, believe me,

you don't want to mess with me.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I'll see you
later... ma'am.

What you looking at, man?

Last chance, Guillermo.

You all right, man?
You're all right.

Thank you.

Red jasper agate.

Guillermo says you like rocks?


It's kind of a funny hobby
for a boy from the city, huh?

Yeah, well, I'm not
gonna be here forever.

My mom and I, we're saving
up to move to Colorado.

Lot of rocks there.

Yeah, they, um... they have
a School of Mines in Golden.

I'm gonna be a geologist.

That's great.

We're gonna live
down south in Durango.

That's a great name, huh?


So, what's there?

Well, um... there's this place

where the mountains and
the sky and the lakes, they...

they all come
together, like glass.

You know, I've
never seen it, but...

but my mom says it's the
nearest thing to Heaven on Earth.

And I can use a piece of that.

Once again, we
witness the grim results

of one man's selfish
journey into intoxication.


Twisted metal intertwines
with ripped flesh,

torn limbs and the lost
dreams of a prom night

that will never be.

It will be along night
for the ambulance crew.

Each year, nearly 500
people die and more than

450 people are injured
while trespassing

on railroad crossings.

Remember, everyone, you
must return your certificate

to the court in five days
in order to have your ticket

completely removed
from your record.

Thank you. Bye-bye.


I noticed that Leigh skipped
the last night of class.

Not my problem.

Did you sell her a
completion certificate?

Class is over, Monica.


I think that you did.

Look, Nancy Drew,

if nobody saw it
happen, it didn't happen.

Get it?

Maybe I didn't
see it, but God did.

Oh, great.

I knew it. I knew it.

I knew there was
something about you.

You're an angel, for
Heaven's sake, aren't you?

Why, yes, but how...
I should've known.

I never knew an angel who
could drive worth a damn.

Well, you listen to me.

You go right back there
and you tell them no.

Uh-uh. I am not going
back, and you can't make me!

Make you what?

Go home.

It's too late for that.

You're not bringing me in.

Bringing you in?

You mean that you're an angel?

Yes, she is, baby.

Yes. She is.

It's good to see you, Kelly.

Well, that makes one of us.

I don't understand.

Don't force it; you
might ruin your hair.

She's a deep-cover angel.

She's been on the
same assignment for...

How long has it been now?

14 years.

14 glorious years in Shackelton,

the drug capital
of South Chicago.

Raising a wonderful boy.

But you're not his mother.

Very observant.

You know, I think
you should spend

less time insulting a coworker

and more time explaining
your un-angel-like behavior.

Walk a mile in my halo,
honey, and then we'll talk.

She was assigned as
the next-door neighbor

for Jesse when Jesse was two,

and she and his
mother were very close.

And so, when the mother
was k*lled by a drunk driver,

she became
Jesse's foster mother.

And a six-month
assignment became 14 years.

I see. Well, that explains it.

Why I'm so human?

It's a rough world
down here, Monica.

You ought to try it for
more than a week at a time.

We are not here
to discuss Monica.

We're here to help you.

I don't need any of your help.

Oh, really?

The Father hasn't
heard from you in years,

so whatever power He
gave you, you lost that

because you lost
your connection to Him.

Let's face it, Kelly,
you're earthbound.

So what?

You take one look at my kid,

and you tell me
what I'm doing wrong.

He's not yours, he's God's.

That was the first
thing I taught him.

What else did you teach him?

All he knows is
that I'm a good mom.

Tess, I don't think

I'm the right angel
for this assignment.

Baby, your assignment
hasn't even started.

Aah! OW!

Damn it, Jesse.

Him and his rock.


Remember that stock
I bought last summer?

Uh, yeah.

It's climbed 30 points.

If I sell now, we'll
be way ahead

of schedule for Durango.

What's wrong?

You remember Lionel?

He got paroled.

What is wrong with the criminal
justice system in this country?

I'm just worried about...


we're gonna get out
of here pretty soon.

Real soon. I promise.


Well, the only problem
about finally getting out...

is thinking about the
ones that you leave behind.

I love you.

Love you, too, Mom.

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here, Lionel?

What are you doing here?

This ain't your corner.

Things have changed,
Lionel, all right?

Guillermo doesn't want
you around here no more.

It don't matter what
Guillermo wants, okay?

I tell Guillermo
what he wants, okay?

I'm his father.

You don't know what a father is.

And when I get back
out here, I want y'all gone.

Yo, yo, yo. No, listen.

Flores, what's up, man?

Hey. Qué pasa?

Hey, this ain't your
corner no more.

Oh, well, I'm-I'm
taking it back, man.

Oh, yeah, you think so, huh?

Uh, yeah, looks like it to me.

All right, man.

We will see. We will see.

Qué pasa, man?

What's up, man?
Nobody likes me no more.

They don't want me around.
What happened, huh?

Like, I'm such a
nice guy, too, huh?

Good afternoon. Is
this Mrs. Polachek?

Ah, Mrs. Polachek, my
name is Kelly Cartwright,

and I'm calling on behalf

of the Greater Chicago Pork
and Chicken Suppliers Association,

and you have been chosen
by their board of directors

as the recipient of a
one-year subscription

to our Dining Out
Coupon Book which...



It hasn't always been
easy, has it, Kelly?

Oh, for the love of Pete,
can I just get a break here?

We've got to talk.

Is the hit-and-run angel
absolutely necessary?

Actually, I didn't
hit, and I didn't run.

It's funny how things work out.

You know, I thought
it was an accident

that Monica had to
go to traffic school.

But look who she ended
up with as a teacher.

Will miracles never cease?

You know, it may be

that Monica ends up
being your teacher.

Fat chance.

Why not?

Because you don't have a clue

what it's like in
the real world.

No matter how horrible
it gets here sometimes,

people still expect miracles.

And for the angels
who deliver them

to be less than the best
that God has to offer is wrong.

Let me just tell
you what's wrong.

Wrong is trying to raise a
child without any money,

and not even a
safe place to live.

Wrong is spending more
time taking Jesse to funerals

than to birthday parties.

Wrong is-is... is teaching him
how to say no to drug dealers

instead of teaching
him how to ride a bike.

You think I've become
too human, Monica?

You think I wanted to
give up paradise for this?

Honey, I've been
slammed into the pavement

and ground into dust

like every other miserable
soul on this planet.

All I am trying to
do is to hold on here.

It's time for you to let go.

No. I'm not gonna be the
angel who came in from the cold.

I'm not finished yet.

Jesse needs me.

I've been saving all this money

so that we can get
out of this hellhole,

and we can see
something that's beautiful,

and Jesse's gonna be safe!

He's gonna go
to college. He's...

He's not gonna go to college.

God, no.




Where are you going, Kelly?

To stop all this.

You can't stop this, baby.

Only Jesse can.

Then what did I come here for?


Sound it out.

"Par-tee." See?

- Hey, where you been, dawg?
- Hey, yo.

Our Father, who art in
Heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Move! Move, move!


Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,

on Earth as...
as it is in Heaven.

Our Father...

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Why can't we just have
some place for ourselves?

We can.

I'll be right back.

Where are you going?

Look, I just got to
take care of something.

It'll only take a minute.

I-I don't think this
is a good idea.

Look, if we do nothing, Gloria,

then we're telling
these kids that it's okay.

Well, wait a minute.
Think about it.

Maybe... maybe
there's another way.

How can there be another way

when you're doing
the right thing?

Look, they've got their
turf, Gloria, all right,

but this is mine.

And it's the children's.

Move, move, move!

Oh, God, please.

Please, please, please.

All right, that's it, Lionel.

I warned you. Take off
now, or I'm calling the cops!

- Yo, I ain't done nothing.
- Man, that's not what I saw.

Oh, yeah? What you gonna
do? What you gonna do?

- Man, just leave.
- Do it!

You bet I'm calling
the cops. Now go!

- Just go run your mouth!
- Just go.

Run your mouth!

Move me! Why don't you move me!

Get off the block.

- What you gonna do?!
- Man, get off the block!

Make me, or k*ll me,
'cause I ain't leaving!

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

No! No, no.


Jesse? Jesse? Jesse?

Oh, Jesse, it's all right.

It's okay. It's okay.

I'm sorry, Mama.

No. No. No, no, JJ.

Stay strong. Stay strong.

Please, no, no!

No, no!

Don't you dare!

No, no, no.

No. No!

No, no, no, no!

It's time for you
to come home, too.

Go to... hell.

♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah. ♪



Um, Mrs., uh... Senora?

Yes, yes. You are
Jesse's mother.

Um... I have something
of Jesse's that...

that I...

I thought he would
want Guillermo to have.

It's a... it's a poster
of a place in...

Colorado that's very beautiful.

And it's... it's a
lot safer than here.


And this might help you to...

take your kids there.

Or... anywhere else.

Dios mio!

But where will you go?

I don't... I don't know.

When we last spoke,

you told me to go to hell,

but I think that you're
already there, Kelly.

Just go away.

Leave me alone.

Will you pray with me?


I don't think I'll
ever pray again.

You prayed the
day that Jesse died.

Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on
Earth as it is in Heaven.

Well, His will sure got done

right on schedule.

That's not how it works,
Kelly, and you know it.

Jesse didn't die because
he had no choices.

He died because
he had every choice.

And since God is the same

yesterday, today and tomorrow,

He already knew the choice
that Jesse would make.

Free will.


The angel's excuse
for everything.

It's not an excuse.

It's God's answer to evil.

We can accept evil,
or we can fight it,

and Jesse chose to fight it

because you raised him
to know the difference

between right and wrong.

So he could die at 17?

So he could live to be 17,

and make a difference
in those 17 years

that most people
don't make in 80.

God granted you the gift

to love a child with
all your heart and soul.

Every angel in Heaven
would love that chance.

And I know that you're exactly

the right angel
that Jesse needed.

But you're needed again now.


isn't it... isn't it too late...

to go home?

No, it's not too late.


will He forgive
me for being so...?

So human?

Of course He will.

He does it all the
time, you know.


I guess He does.

Kelly, there's a little
corner of Heaven,

a place where the mountains
and the lake and the sky

all come together
just like glass,

and there on that mountaintop,

someone is waiting for you.

Are you ready?


You ready?

Jesse says bring the rock.