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09x14 - A Time for Every Purpose

Posted: 05/03/23 12:41
by bunniefuu


I took this picture
on one of my visits.

Just three months ago,
but seems like a lifetime.

In some ways, it
was a lifetime ago.

When did you start
following this case?

Oh, it's been about two years.

I drop in every now and then.

But when I first started,

I-I never thought that
we would need you.

Is Gloria on her way?


She should be there
any minute now.

Need some help?

Can I get a ride with you?

Where you headed?


I can take you part way.


So, I didn't see
your car or anything.

What are you doing out
here in the middle of the night?

Waiting for you.


Oh, there really is no
time to ease into this.

So here it is.

My name is Gloria, I'm an angel,

and I have a message
that you need to hear.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

An angel?

Yes, Pepper.

Why did you call me that?

Because that's the nickname
your brother gave you.

He was 12, you were eight.

He mixed some chili pepper
into your chocolate milk shake

when you weren't looking.

You nearly choked to death.

Been Pepper ever since.

Look, lady, I don't
know what you're up to...

Pepper, your
brother is in trouble.

Did he send you?


I told you, God did.

Oh, please!

Please, just try to stay
on the road, please.


I'm sorry. I'm
gonna let you out.

- This is just too weird for me.
- No.

No, no, no.

Please, just let
me ride with you.

Just listen to
what I have to say,

and then you can decide
what to do. Please?

I already know everything I
need to know about my brother.

No, you don't.

Two years ago, Rob and Courtney

started getting
visits from an angel.

Only, they didn't
know she was an angel,

and they didn't know how
much they were gonna need one.

Monica was hired as a consultant

for your family's
furniture business.

It's over a hundred years old.

My great-grandfather
originally built it

for the old Biltmore Estate.

And he made it right here?

Uh, yeah.

The original mansion
had over 250 rooms,

so a lot of craftsmen
settled down in this area

when they were working on it.

And that's how the
furniture business

got started here
in the Carolinas?

Right, and Kellerman and Sons

has been a part of
that for four generations.



Did you make this?

Uh, no, no.

That was a project my
son Sam was working on.

Supposed to be a bookend,
but the wood is too light.

It just falls over if
you lean a book on it.

I see.

You see, there are certain
things that you cannot know

unless you can touch
them and look at up close.

That's the whole problem with
this computer Web site thing

you and Courtney have dreamt up.

Yes, but if people like what
they see on the Web site,

then they'll come down here
for a more hands-on experience.

She's right.

We've got to get the
word out somehow, Rob.

Business is down
by almost ten percent.

We've been fine for a hundred
years without a computer.

And we'll be even better in the
next hundred with a computer.

Don't worry, Monica.

He'll come around eventually.

So this Monica... is she
supposed to be an angel, too?

Not supposed to be, she is.

Well, God must be really bored

if he sends an angel
to pump up sales.

God sends angels to
people for all sorts of reasons,

but in this case, it was
about more than sales.

After your father passed away,

Rob and Courtney were so
busy trying to handle the business

that he left behind, that, um...

well, they didn't notice
another problem developing.

Good one, Dad.

Yeah? Your turn.

Let's see if you
can beat three skips.

- Easy.
- Easy? Let's see what you got.

Go ahead.

Let's see.

Stupid rock.

Oh, that's an
interesting strategy.

You blame the rock
instead of trying to figure out

how you can improve
your next throw?

Maybe I didn't
hold it level enough.

Yeah, well, you hold it...

There you go.

Yeah, you know, you-you
keep practicing, buddy.

I got to get in the house,

see if I can help your
mom and Monica.


Honey, is that you?

Hey, you're just in time.

You can be the first to
boot up our new computer.

I'm not worthy. You go ahead.

You'll soon get
the hang of it, Rob,

and then you'll wonder
how you ever lived without it.

Whatever you say.

Don't pay any attention to him.

He's not really
good with change.

Well, if you really
don't want this Web site,

you could bring in a
full-time salesperson instead.

Your brother, perhaps.

I don't have a brother.


Well, why did your father

rename the company
Kellerman and Sons?

Didn't you want to get
some pictures of me

working out in the shop?

Yeah. That'd be a great way
to sell the craftsman concept.

Well, then let's
make that happen.

Come on.

Maybe that's enough for now.

Uh, no, no.

It's just a cramp.

Or something.




Apply some pressure on that.

This is crazy.

We should get you into
the house and clean that up.

What is it, Mrs. Poole?

Oh, Robbie.

I was just admiring
your new car.

It's not ours; it
belongs to Monica here.

She's a consultant.


I see.

I'm kind of bleeding
here, Mrs. Poole.

Oh, dear.


I'll be inside.

Are you okay?


So what kind of consulting
do you do, Monica?

Whatever kind is
needed, Mrs. Poole.

Nice to meet you.

- Let me see.
- It's fine.

Let me see.

I think Mrs. Poole will survive.

Oh, she's a nutcase.

She's been pulling that
fake fainting thing forever.

I think you're
gonna need stitches.

Honest to God,
Courtney, it's just a scratch.

Don't be such a man.

Monica, what do you think?

Yeah, I have to agree with you.

It does look quite deep.

We're going to the
emergency room.

Do you mind keeping an
eye on Sam for a while?

Oh, I'd be happy to.

Oh, and, Rob, you should tell
the doctor about the shaking.

What shaking?

It's nothing.

I love a good "Rob
cuts himself" story.

No, the cut wasn't that bad.

But the doctor was
concerned about

the shaking in Rob's
hands, so he ran some tests.

A few days later, Rob and
Courtney got the results.


Hi. Sorry to keep you waiting.

So what's the verdict?

Pinched nerve?


No, the, urn, the MRI showed

the beginnings of some
muscle atrophy in your hands

and some cell death in the area.

It indicates the early stages
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Lou Gehrig's disease?


No, that-that can't be right.

You haven't spoken to
your brother in over 12 years.

But I saw him at
my dad's funeral.

He looked fine.

I mean, I-I didn't talk
to him or anything.

They didn't even know I
was there, but I saw him.

I think you got some
bad information.

No, it's true.

And two years ago, Rob
didn't want to believe it either.

For the past two weeks,

you've been reading
about a bad break.

Today, I consider myself

the luckiest man on
the face of the earth.

A lot can change in two years,

and life can become...


It's addressed to his son.

But there's somebody
else who needs to read this.

Pedal to the metal, baby.

Time is short.

Can't believe it.

Doesn't make any sense.

It never makes sense
when you get news like that.

When Rob and Courtney
came home from the doctor's,

they still couldn't believe it.

Look, Andrew said they
can slow the paralysis,

and they're doing all
kinds of research, so, uh...

Maybe the... maybe
they made a mistake.

Maybe the lab messed up.


Oh, honey.

Hey, Dad,

want to skip some
rocks before bedtime?

Sam, can you have
a seat for a second?

You know, I haven't been
feeling a hundred percent lately.

Well, the doctor thinks I have

this disease that
makes my muscles weak.

But they can fix it, right?

Sure, buddy.

They're gonna try.

Hey, get your coat on.

Let's go skip some rocks.

I'm not letting this
thing get to us, okay?

Nothing changes.

But things did change.

A year and a half later,
things were very different.

Okay, medications,
water bottles, clothing.

What am I missing?


Come on, Sam, you
can do better than that.

That's not straight,
and you know it.


Damn it!

- Let me help.
- No, I'm doing it.

It's okay, Mom, I've got it.

It's my assignment.

There you go.

I knew you could do it.

It's 4:00.


Come on. Come on.

I am gonna get the van set up.

Sam, give your
dad a kiss good-bye.


I, uh, got the pictures
of those oak chairs,

and I'll have them up on
the Web site tomorrow.

Yeah, did you get a good
shot of the uneven finish

and the nicks on the inside?

Oh, I think Gary's
doing good work.



Yeah, well, good work
isn't Kellerman work.

We hired him to meet
a particular standard.

Oh, the poor thing's
doing the best he can,

considering he wasn't
born a Kellerman.

Give him a break.

We're gonna be late.

Bye, Sammy.

See you later. Love you.

Bye, Mom. I love you.

Thanks for watching him.

I'm happy to.

Rob's voice is starting to go.

Rob can still speak for himself.

It's a good idea to learn a
new communication system

before you actually need it.

We don't have a lot
of money, Andrew.

And that's okay,
because there are

a lot of organizations out there

that can help
you if you need it.

And a lot of this technology's
actually inexpensive.

Like this one.


My name is Rob Kellerman.

This is called the E-triloquist,

and what it does is it
uses a computerized voice

to read back whatever
you just typed in.

And then when typing
becomes a little difficult...

Um, excuse me.

You have this.

This is called the Mercury,

and you preprogram the symbols

on the touch screen
to relay the message.

The, uh... well, the
water glass symbol.

I need a drink of water.

My name is Pat Edmonds.

Who's Pat Edmonds?

Pat was a patient here.

Now deceased.

The ALS Society tries to make
this technology available to you

as soon as it becomes
available again.

Let's go, Courtney.

Rob, I know that this is
a very, very difficult thing

for you to adjust to.

I'm not gonna roll over
and adjust, Andrew.

Excuse me.

Could you pull off up there?

Is that an order from on high?

No, it's just a
suggestion from me,

because the rest of the
story's gonna be difficult to hear.

Three days ago, when Rob
and Courtney were driving back

from their visit with Andrew,

everything changed... again.

Andrew was trying to help.

By wasting our money on
something we don't need?

How's that helpful?

Dear God.

I am trying so
hard to do this right,

but sometimes I feel
like I am in this all alone,

and it is k*lling me.

I want to keep you
as long as I can, Rob,

but you have to try.

I-I'm sorry.

I just... I see that voice box
thing and I see surrender.

It might as well be a coffin.

What will I do when I can't
hear your voice anymore?

I just love you so much.

Look out!

X-ray to E.R., stat.

X-ray to E.R., stat.


Is there anyone out there?


The doctors are
looking at your X-rays,

and Andrew's getting
you a new wheelchair.

How's Courtney?

Uh, she was in
surgery when I got here.

Listen, I'll-I'll tell the
nurses that you're awake.


Uh, wh-where's Sam?

Oh, I found a friend
of mine to watch him.

Her name is Tess.

She'll take really
good care of him.

Wheelchair to room 412 East.

Wheelchair to room 412 East.

What's going on?

Got some bad news, Rob.

No! No!


Her injuries were so severe.

She's dead?

I'm sorry, Pepper.

I know how much
she meant to you.

You know, I met her first.

Can't believe that
it was 15 years ago.

Business was booming
and we needed somebody

to answer the phones, so we ran
an ad, and Courtney answered it.

My job to interview her.

I just kept staring at her.

She was... She was so beautiful.

Couldn't even form
a complete sentence,

so I just hired her
right on the spot.

And then later, when...

I got to know her, she was...

she was even more
beautiful on the inside.

I never felt like that
about anybody before.

Or since.

Uh, but Robbie,
he liked her, too.

I mean, we used
to laugh about it.

We'd say, "May
the best man win."

She liked us both.

And when we made her choose...

But you told them
you were okay with it.

Yeah, well, what
was I supposed to do?

Tell him I felt like my
heart had been ripped out?

No, I wasn't gonna
give him that satisfaction.

I did the right thing.

You know, I backed off.

And then later, he asked
me to be his best man.

I thought I could
handle it, but...

on their wedding day, I...

I drove to the church...

and I looked inside,
and then I just...

turned around and
walked back to my car.

Just started driving.

I guess I left them
waiting at the altar.

I started over and I
never looked back.

Never talked to either
one of them again.

Now I guess I never will.

Courtney's gone,
but Rob's still here.

You don't know how it works
with Rob and me, Gloria.

We don't back down.

Then you both lose.

And so will Sam.


How's he handling this?

Rob had become almost
totally dependent on Courtney,

and with her gone, -

started to fall apart.

Sorry, Dad.

I'm sorry.

Hey, don't worry.
It's okay, Sam.

I found a whole bunch of
loose change down here.

Are you okay?

What happened?

I tried to help him
into his wheelchair,

but he slipped, and it
was too heavy, and...

Don't worry about it, Sam.

It takes some getting used to.

Go ahead and get
cleaned up for breakfast.

Monica will get some help.

It's all right; I'll
take care of it.


Sorry, Dad.


It's okay.

Maybe Mrs. Poole can help.

You can't do this by yourself.

Mrs. Poole is getting
flowers for the funeral.

Let me try.

How did you do that?

Well, strength comes
from all sorts of places.

You just need to
know where to look.

Rob, you know that I will
stay here as long as I can,

but you are going
to need special help.

And as much as he may
want to, Sam cannot do it.

He's just a little boy.

I know.

It's not fair, is it?

Every day,

this thing takes away
a little more of me.

I'm alive, but I don't
have a life anymore,

and neither does
anybody around me.

It's all about maintaining me.

And I'm not sure it's worth it.

The funeral was today.

And it was like most funerals:

beautiful, sad, surreal.

And when the guests
started to leave,

reality stayed behind.


What you said about
your mom at the service

was really beautiful.

It was true.

I know.

Now, Robbie, I'm right next
door if there's anything you need.

Anything at all.

Mrs. Poole?

I need to go to the bathroom,
and I can't do it by myself.


Well, that, um, that's...

I'm not sure that
I could... It's okay.

Thanks, anyway.

Oh, there is something
else you can do.

Oh, dear.

Could you open these?

Uh, the cap is childproof.

Unfortunately, that means

they're Rob-proof as well.

Of course.

Like I said, I'll do anything.

Oh, pain pills.

Do they help?

They will.

Thank you.


Sam... get ready to go to bed.

Um, okay.

Um, can I... I mean, do you
want me to sleep in your room?

Uh, no. It's okay.

I'll be fine.

And you're gonna be fine, too.

I know. I'm a Kellerman.

Come here, give me a hug.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Good night, Sam.

Good night.

Thanks for everything
you did today.

Um... can you
loosen this damn tie?

Um, shall I just give
you your medication?

Oh, no, I've got it
covered, thanks.

Uh, I was wondering,

could you come
in early tomorrow?

There's something we need
to handle before Sam gets up.


But, um, I'd just like to
give you your medicine,

then I'll be on my way.

I'll do it.

It's not a problem.

Are you having pain?


Just leave it, Monica.

Do you want me to stay tonight?

No, I just want to be alone.

Good night, Monica.

Good night.

Rob went to the
computer to write.

Okay, so what's the point?

Rob's typing tonight. So what?

It's not that he was typing.

It's what he was typing.

He's gonna k*ll himself.

I always told Mom you
were the messy one.

What are you doing here?

My God, Rob.

You like the chair?

It's not much for mileage, but
I get the best parking spaces.

I came to help.

Not interested.

Get out of my house.

I mean it! Get the
hell out of here!

Oh, wait.

Wait, wait.

There is something you can do.

Open these for me.

You gonna do it or not?


I'm not gonna help
you k*ll yourself.

You don't have any idea
what you're talking about.

How'd you get that?

You wouldn't believe
me even if I told you.


You don't want to
help me, get out.

Get out!

I'm not going anywhere.

You need my help.

I don't need you!

Not now, not ever!

You made your
choice a long time ago.

I'm sorry, all right?

I loved her as much as you did.

So you destroy this family?

There is nothing
left for you here.

I know that it's too late
for a lot of things now.

It's too late for everything.

What about Sam?

They're gonna take him
away from me sooner or later,

and I can't take that.

I can't lose him, too.

So he's just gonna wake up in
the morning and you'll be gone?

Don't you get it?

He's gonna lose me anyway.

I'm already dead.

Rob? Rob?

Rob? Rob?

Don't do this.

Leave me alone!


Rob! Rob!


Open the door.

Don't do this.

Let me in!


Please let me do this.



Open the door, or I swear
to God I'll break it down!

Let me die! Let me die!

Please let me die.

Rob! Rob!

No. Not like this.

How did you get in here?

I'm an angel.

An angel?


I don't believe
in angels, but...

But here I am.

And somewhere deep
inside you, you know it's true.

You can lock out the world, Rob,

but you can't keep an angel from
delivering a message from God.


There really is a God?

Oh, yes.

Almighty God, creator of
all things, has heard your cry.

He's here with us right now.

And He wants you to know

that as alone and
frightened as you may feel,

you're not alone,
because He is with you.

And you have no need to fear,

because He promises He will
provide for you and for Sam,

if only you will trust Him.

But how can I trust a
God who gave me this?

God didn't give
this to you, Rob.

But God will see you through it.

To the end of this
life and into the next.

I don't want to go
through it anymore.

I don't. I can't take anymore.

If this is some kind
of test, I don't want it.

I can't pass it, Monica.

God doesn't treat
His children that way.

He doesn't test
you with disease.

He doesn't create car
accidents to teach you a lesson.

God loves you.

And when you fall down,

the Father wants to pick
you up and carry you home,

and heal you in
His time, in His way.

But your time is
not here yet, Rob,

because you're a father,
too, and you have a little boy

who needs to be healed
before he can let you go.

Look at me.

The state is gonna take Sam
away from me sooner or later.

That's not part of
God's plan for Sam.

The man that he
will grow up to be,

the husband and father
that one day he will become,

the son that he'll
always be glad he was...

All of these things
depend upon the lessons

that you can still teach
him while you have time.


isn't that something
worth living for?

Won't you let those who
love you help you do it?

I don't deserve it...

God knows how much
I've screwed up in my life...

But I want to be
a brother to you.

I want us to be a family
again for as long as we can.

You sure you're ready for this?

You're my big brother, Rob.

I lost you 12 years ago

'cause I was jealous
and angry and selfish.

I don't want to lose you again.

You're gonna lose me, Pep.

This isn't curable.

I know.

But does it have to be tonight?

Nah, I guess it doesn't.


What's wrong?

Nothing, buddy.

Uh, but there is somebody
here I want you to meet.

Come on in.

This is your Uncle Pepper.

He's my brother.


Mom told me about him.

She did?


She said that you'd left,

but that you'd
come back someday.

Your mom was a smart lady.

I was thinking of
hanging out here

with you guys for a while.

What do you think?

Well, it's okay
with me, I guess.

You could help me
take care of my dad.

Yeah, I could do that.

Wow, Sam, you nailed it.

That was cool.

How'd you learn to do that?

My dad taught me.

They still have time to make
a few memories, don't they?

Yeah, they do.

Can't help but thinking about
all the people in the world

who-who should be skipping
stones together right now.

Every moment on this
earth is precious, baby,

but some human
beings never learn that.

For those who do...

life is a miracle.