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09x12 - And a Nightingale Sang

Posted: 05/03/23 12:39
by bunniefuu
♪ That certain night ♪

♪ The night we met ♪

♪ There was magic abroad ♪

♪ In the air ♪

♪ There were angels dining ♪

♪ At the Ritz ♪

♪ And a nightingale sang ♪

♪ In Berkeley ♪

♪ Square ♪

♪ I may be right ♪

♪ I may be wrong ♪

♪ But I'm perfectly ♪

♪ Willing to swear ♪

♪ That when you turned ♪

♪ And smiled at me ♪

♪ A nightingale sang ♪

♪ In Berkeley ♪

♪ Square. ♪

So, I thought, uh...

they were gonna be so busy
tonight, they needed extra help.

Well, traditionally
Valentine's Day is

one of the busiest
nights of the year.

It's also supposed to be
one of the most romantic.



Hello? Valentine's Day?

Not Take Your
Boyfriend to Work Day.

I know, but I've got three
escrows and two offers

out there right now; I need
to know what's happening.

- So you'll know tomorrow.
- Look, I'm sorry, honey,

I didn't know this
would come up tonight.

Oh, and tonight of all nights.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

Carlson can have one ear.

I get the rest of you.

Okay, um, Ron,
Ron, I-I have to go.


Well, it's a '92, not an '87,

but I think it'll do the trick.

- Mm.
- Okay.


I got to get an ice bucket.

We're supposed
to be full up by now.

I know.

Hell of a day for love, huh?


- I have a headache.
- Yeah, me, too,

and it involves 20 swordfish
fillets going to waste.

Well, there's worse things
to lose than a few fish fillets.

Yes, I know... There's
also the prime rib.

We're getting
buried here, Tricia,

and I am not talking
about the snow.

Thank you for calling
the Ritz Ristorante.

This is Gloria.

Oh, hi.

Oh, sure.

Well, no problem.

That was Tess.
She's gonna be late.

Something about
something freezing over.

Well, if this weather

is slowing down an
angel, it's no wonder

- hardly anybody else is here.
- I wonder if this

- changes our assignment.
- Yeah,

I'm a little curious
about that anyway.

Because if falling in
love is anything like

what's described in this book,

that's not gonna be
happening here this evening.

- Why not?
- Well, apparently

it involves an ocean,

a bottle of champagne,
and someone in a loincloth.

Oh, right, the romanticized
version of romance.

When I was a new caseworker,

one of the hardest things
for me to understand

was what humans mean by "love."

For them it can mean anything.

For us it means only one thing.

We know what real
love is at its best...

but when a human
reaches for love,

sometimes all
they can grasp is...

A loincloth.

People are always
waiting for the bells to ring

or the nightingale to sing
or... stardust to fall on them

to tell them that
they're in love.

But it doesn't happen like that.

Well, I'm told that
you hardly ever

hear a bell ring.

So... how do you know?

Pay attention, because two
people are going to fall in love

right here tonight.

Which ones?

I don't know.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪


- Oh, hello.
- Do you have a reservation?

Uh, yes, I think so.


Hi. Happy Valentine's
Day from the Ritz.

Oh, yes. Hello, Miss Cradock.

Let me check the book.


I'm Charlotte.

Hi. I'm Andrew.



Is that your real name?


Oh. Okay.

Would you like to
sit down, Charlotte?


Have a nice evening,
Miss Cradock.

Well, just got another one.

20 cancellations

on what should be the
biggest night of the year.

I-I don't know what
to say, Monica.

How about good-bye?

- Ever the tactful businessman.
- Oh, what, Trish? Come on,

we got more employees
than customers here.

Marty, Gloria and
I would like to stay.

How do you feel about
being paid in swordfish?

Sounds good.

Smells wonderful.

Don't bother appealing
to his softer side.

He doesn't have one.

Oh, I used to, I used to.

Oh, yes, I remember.

Stay. Go.

Work. Eat. Build a snowman.

Whatever. I'm sorry we
didn't confirm reservations

so you would have
something to do.

I didn't make it snow!

Look, it's an
hour earlier there.

I need to talk to
someone tonight.

I'll be right back, babe.

- Oh! Oh, uh, uh, sorry. Hi.
- Oh.

The restroom is down
the hall and to the left.

Um, that's good to
know. Uh, who's in charge

- of salads?
- Oh, that would be me.

And Monica's in charge of roses,

silverware, and...
bendable straws.

How can we help you?


is there a way you can
stick this in her salad?

She'll be able to give you

a pager number or
a cell number or...

You want that in the salad?

- Yeah.
- Well,

did you know,
traditionally we, you know,

do something with
the dessert, or...

maybe you could drop it
in her champagne glass

when she's not looking.

Well, we met at a salad bar,

so I-I'd like to do
the salad thing.

She dropped her cell
phone in the Thousand Island

and I fished it out for her.

Maybe you
should've left it there.


Yeah, I, uh, I'll be on my cell.

You-you can't fault a person
for loving what they do, right?

Well, I'll make
sure it looks good.


So, um, Charlotte...

what-what brings you
out in this weather?

Well... you.

- Me?
- I have to say,

you didn't describe
yourself very well.

You're much more
handsome than you let on.

Oh, thank you, um, but...

Was it bad of me to say that?

- I-I never know the right thing to say.
- No, no, no, no.

No, it's-it's a very
nice... nice thing to hear.

It's just that H don't think
that I'm who you think I am.

Well, I guess none of us

are really the same in real
life as we are in the chat room.

Charlotte, I-I've never
been in a chat room.

Aren't you Ben38?


Oh, God.

I am so embarrassed.

Don't be. Because, you
know, when Ben38 shows up,

I'm sure he's gonna
be one very happy guy.

I am so sorry.

Excuse me.

H-Have a nice night.

Thank you.

You, too.

May I have another
table, please?

Oh, not a problem.

Look, I'm really
sorry about this.

I'm just waiting
for one more call,

and then I'll turn
it off, I promise.

Are you ready for
your complimentary

- Valentine's Day photo?
- Oh, um,

I really don't like
having my picture taken.

Come on, babe,

let's make this a
night to remember.


You ready?

One, two, three.

Great. I'll have it
for you in a minute.

Um, I'll be in the ladies' room.

Excuse me.


Wait, w-w-what?

Did you lose 'em?

Yeah. It's the storm.

It's hard to keep a connection.

Cell phones are supposed
to make our lives easier.

Instead, they make
them more complicated.

I really don't
need this tonight.

Are you okay?



God, I hate Valentine's Day.

It's a wonderful day
to celebrate love.


But it's a lousy day to
break up with somebody.

- Salads are up for table four.
- Mm, she's in the ladies' room.

I'll pick 'em up when she
goes back to the table.

You, uh, kind of look
a little pasty, huh?

Nice valentine. You
write that yourself?

I could've told you the minute
she walked in that that guy

was not who she was looking for.

- Oh, come on, right.
- I'm out here every day, Marty.

I see how people go
together and how they don't.

So waiting tables makes
you an expert, huh?

Maybe it does. Look at them...

They're like oil and water.

There's nothing wrong

with being opposites...
It, it adds a little zing.

Come on, they have
nothing in common.

Yeah, so what?

You know, I-I can't
believe you sometimes.

How are you supposed
to build a life together

if you don't want
the same things?


- Thank you, baby.
- No problem.


There you go.

Two more for your
precious swordfish.

Hi. Can I help you?

Thank you, baby. I
know where I'm going.

- Are you meeting someone?
- Uh, yeah.

Her name's Charlotte.

Um, Charlotte... something.

I'll bet that's her
right over there.

Thank you.



Just Ben.

Sorry I'm late.

That's okay.

I wasn't sure you'd come.


I got a lot of
last-minute calls.

Seems like everybody
needs a tow... tonight.


we can just have
drinks if you want.

Is that what you want?

What did I miss, angel boy?

Well, Marty and
Tricia are arguing

over whose fault it
is that it's snowing,

and Riley and Amanda...

they seem preoccupied.

And the blind date

from the chat room's
just getting started.

Well, it almost
didn't get started.

- Ben kept getting calls.
- Well, it's a good thing

one of those calls was from
an angel in a red Cadillac.

Yes, isn't it?

Well, that only leaves

- one more couple.
- Who?


Not now, George.

We're inside.

Wait till we sit down.

What's the difference?

Don't start, George.

Good evening.

Uh, we don't have a reservation.

No, we usually go over to
Quartermaine's over on Oak,

but it's up a hill and
it's icy and snowing...

No problem... we'll be
happy to accommodate you.

Right this way.

Food can't be any good;
there's hardly anyone here.

Uh, something
without a draft, please.

Or maybe with a draft.

It's got to be 90
degrees in here.

I'll check the thermostat.


Hi. Can I get you something
to take the chill off?

- How about two weeks in Bermuda?
- George.

I'll have a cup of hot tea,
please, and he'll have a Sanka.

Coming right up.


Suit yourself; you've
got a mind of your own.


- Okay.
- Thank you.

Sorry it took me so
long. Look, um, Riley,

there's something I
want to talk to you about.

What's going on?


They're not going to sing
to us or something, are they?

N-Not a chance. I-I've
learned my lesson.


- Are those the salads for table four?
- Yep, two salads

of love and one
22-karat crouton.

Well, there might be a problem.

Take a number, Monica.

Here you go.

Oh, um, fresh ground
pepper for either one of you?

No, thanks.

So, um, salad looks okay to you?

What is this?

Oh, my God.

Marry me?


I'm sorry.

Will you marry me?

I, um... I... Ex-Excuse
me. Excuse me.

What did I do wrong?

She'll be back.

I've seen it a hundred times;

it's the shock.

- Your tea.
- Thank you.

And your Sanka.

Would you like to
hear the specials?

Uh, do you have
anything low sodium?

Oh, come on,
Loretta, forget the diet.

We're celebrating.

You want to celebrate your
arteries closing down again?

I want to eat what I
want for one night.

Okay. Do what you want, then.

Well, in honor

- of Valentine's Day...
- Oh? Is it Valentine's Day?

Well, uh, yes.

Don't pay any attention to him.

He knows perfectly
well what day it is.

We never celebrate
Valentine's Day.

Wh... Why not?

Because it's also
our anniversary.


Happy anniversary.

Thank you.

49 years.

Flew by just like that.

Except for the middle 19.

Those took forever.

So... you're a tow truck driver?


It's not a bad job.

Any job's a good job these days.


What do you do?

I'm an information operator.

One of those
people who says, um,

"What city, please?"



Is something wrong?

I was just noticing the way
you wear your hair. It's...



Was in a car accident
a few years ago, and...

What's on your mind, angel boy?

Loretta and George.

Aren't they cute?
They're celebrating

their 49th wedding anniversary.

George has big
plans for their 50th.

Loretta isn't
totally on board yet,

but personally I think a
cruise would be a hoot.

But it's not my party.

Hold that thought, Gloria.


There's not gonna be a cruise...

or a 50th anniversary.

So, how's the fish
for table four looking?


Is there anything else coming?

I don't know.

The first date's
only having drinks,

and the old couple's still
discussing their cholesterol.

Let me tell you,
my dad was right...

nobody succeeds in
the restaurant business.

Honey, it's one bad night.

- No, it's another bad night.
- Why is it

that every time we have
a conversation these days,

you turn it into
something about money?

Money... is the problem.

Is it the only problem?

- What?
- There was this column

in Dear Abby a few months ago.

I cut it out. I put
it somewhere.

Anyway, she said that men
who keep complaining about

the same old things
probably have deeper issues

they don't want to deal with,

so they take out
their frustrations

on the people they love.

Wow. You and Dear Abby

really seem to have
it all figured out, huh?

So, tell me, what
am I hiding from?

I don't know.

Having kids, maybe?

Kids? Really? Are
you nuts, Tricia?

We can't even afford
a bartender! Come on!

See? There you go, turning
it back into money again.

You are driving me crazy!

The gentleman outside

is wondering how
you are, and so am I.

- I'm fine.
- I'm sure the food

in the dining room tastes
a lot better than that pencil.

Bad habit.

You making notes?

A pro-and-con list.

Another bad habit.

Right now the cons are winning.

You can always find
a lot more reasons

not to do something
than to do it.

Some things just
take a leap of faith.

He asked me to marry him.

Yes, I know.

I thought I knew what I wanted.

But now you've
changed your mind?

- It's complicated.
- Well, I could stand here

and you could explain it to me,

or you could go back out
there and talk it through

with the one person who
really deserves to know.

50 years of marriage...
That's a big deal.

That's why I think
we should tell them.

The Father may have
a different opinion.

He may feel that
the mysteries of life

and the mysteries of death
should remain mysterious.

Or maybe He showed this to us

so that we could
help them prepare.

That's a possibility, too.

What do you think is
the right thing to do?

What is the most
loving thing to do?


It's Valentine's Day.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

My name is Andrew...

I'll have another
glass of champagne.

Yes, sir, I'll-I'll
let Gloria know.

What's the matter,
your legs broken?

No, sir, I'm not your waiter.

Look, is it some
kind of union thing

that you can't get me
another glass of champagne?

George, let the man finish.

It's gonna come out of the tip.

Uh, actually, um, I, uh...

I need to talk to you both.

I, um... Do you
remember the dove?

- You mean our dove?
- The one that landed

on the windowsill
all those years ago?

How did you know about that?

God told me.

I'm an angel.

Don't talk to me about angels.

I married one.

For goodness' sakes,
George, I think he's trying to say

that he's a real angel.

How else would he have
known about our dove?


Well, what brings you
to these parts, angel?

Well... I have a gift for you,

even though it may not
seem like a gift at-at first.

You've been married
49 years, right?

Yeah, 49 wonderful years,

and we're planning
our 50th anniversary.


Maybe you'll be there.

It would really be nice to
have an angel at our party.

Well, that's what I need to...

to talk to you about,
uh, to tell you...

that, um...

one of you is
going to go home...

to God before that date.

- Charlotte...
- Ben... Sorry.

No. You go.

- I'm not very good at this.
- It's because

- of my scar, isn't it?
- What?

Why it's so hard to talk to me.



Lots of folks don't
know what to say.

That's not what it is.

I'm just...

not much of a talker.


That's all right, Andrew.

We've had a good life.

No regrets.

There's nothing else
we really need to do.

Well... actually...

there is something
that you have to do.

Not another list.

Riley, you know this is
how I like to work things out.

Yeah, I know...
You've got to see it,

all laid out there
in black and white.

Well, how about this list?

When your sister passed away,
who was right there next to you

holding you all night long?

When you got yourself into
that million-dollar sales circle,

who was cheering
the loudest for you?

Who-who made you chicken soup
when you got the flu last month?


I mean, sure, it was in
a can, but I heated it up.

You think I don't
want to have kids?

That's exactly what I think,
and you want to know why?

Well, I'm sure
you're gonna tell me.

Because you're a control freak.

Wait, Trish, it's
called having a plan!

- It's called making excuses.
- Oh, you know what?

There's a little more lemon
and butter caper sauce,

if the two of you would
like, in the kitchen.

Marty and Tricia have been
going at each other all evening.

That seems to be how
their relationship works.

Yes, but tonight is
supposed to be different.

Oh, my. I never
would have guessed.

That's right... after ten years
of marriage, they're the couple

that's supposed to
fall in love tonight.

Maybe they shouldn't call it

falling in love.

Humans seem to
be afraid of falling.

I think that's why

it doesn't happen
sometimes, 'cause people get

very, very scared when
they have to give up control.

But that's the whole
point, angel babies.

Falling in love is
about giving up control

and surrendering
to something higher.

It's about falling

so they can be lifted up.

That's right,

and some heavy lifting
is needed in this room.

Excuse me, you left
this in the ladies' room.

- There's a call for you.
- Thanks, Monica.


Whoever this is, I'm trying to
get this woman to marry me.

Can she call you back?

Call Tom tomorrow.

- I can't believe you just did that.
- I can't believe

you walked out on
my marriage proposal.

Look, you don't understand.

Riley, I have been
offered a job promotion,

but it means moving to L.A.,

and... I'm really
confused right now.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I don't
know what I want to do

and I didn't want you
to do something stupid

like ask me to marry you
to keep me from going.



Lots of things you
must miss out on, hmm?

Never get to have a
drink, never get to swear.

Never get to fall in love.

Well, no, sir,

not the way that
you do, but angels...

experience a
different kind of love.

I'm sure it's a beautiful thing.

But I wouldn't trade what I've
had with Loretta for anything.

That's nice to hear.

Watching her give
birth to our children,

sharing my deepest
fears with her,

realizing that she still
thinks my jokes are funny.

Andrew... you
said that one of us

wasn't gonna be
around for our 50th.

That's right.

Take me.

Let it be me.

It's not my decision.

Well, now...

I'm sure you can put a
word in with the Big Man,

now, can't you?

I mean, with my heart condition,

I'm not gonna be around
that much longer anyway.

Seeing her grandchildren grow up

would mean the world to her.

They adore her.

They confide in her.

I'm just the guy who pulls
a quarter out of their ear.

They need her...
and she needs them.

Okay, a little closer together.

Okay, good enough.

Charlotte, would you like to
push the hair out of your eyes?

I-I don't think so.

It seems a shame to
cover up such a pretty face.

She's right, you know.

Okay, say something
that makes you smile.

- Cheese.
- Burger.

I'll be back in a minute.

Would you think I was a jerk

if I asked you
about your accident?

It was four years ago.

I just got laid off
from work that day.

I was crying and angry, and...

I shouldn't have been driving.

I missed the curve
at Wendell's Peak.

Wendell's Peak?

Wait a minute.

You were driving
a silver '89 Honda.


I pulled that car
out of the ravine.

I remember looking at it,
thinking it was a miracle

that the driver survived.

That was you.


But it wasn't a miracle.

Miracles are good things.


Andrew, quick, please, while
George is in the washroom.


Do I presume correctly that
you are the Angel of Death?

You presume correctly.

Well, I'm not afraid to die
and go home someday...

Neither of us is...
But let me go first.

- Loretta, I-I can't make that promise.
- No.

Listen, we have a grandson.

His name is Gus,
and he has dyslexia.

George has spent
years reading to him,

- studying with him, working with him.
- Mm-hmm.

That kid's gonna
graduate from high school

in a year and a half, and
it's all because of George.

My husband deserves
to be in that auditorium

when Gus gets his diploma.

Okay, Andrew?

We'll talk later.



I thought we were in
this thing together, Trish.

Well, I guess we both got
too busy working together

to stop and just be together.

So what are you saying?

It's over?

What is the point
of going on like this?

Here we go.

Calamari salad.
Swordfish special.

Now, I know you said you weren't

the sit-and-be-waited-on
kind of people, but...

But maybe it's
time you were. Sit.

Have a conversation.

Eat off each other's plates.

Look into each other's eyes.

Tell each other your
deepest, darkest secrets.

Let the volcano of your...

Uh, thank you, Gloria.

That'll be enough.


Excuse me.

Uh, I'd like to propose a toast.

To love.

Um, I've had many jobs.

I've watched a lot of people.

I've seen every kind
of human experience,

at least a little taste of love,

and at the end of their lives,

I've never heard anyone say...

"I wish I hadn't
fallen in love."

I-Is he ready, angel boy?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Good, because the time is now.

Uh... Uh, Monica
is right, you know.

Nearly 50 years ago,

Loretta and I were
on our first date

at a little coffee
shop off the interstate.

We shared a piece
of rhubarb pie.

That's all we could afford.

But it really didn't matter...

because when I
looked in her eyes...

if it were the last
moment of my life,

it would've been enough.

But then... a dove came
from out of nowhere

and landed on the windowsill

right outside our booth

and looked straight
in the window.

We both knew, then
and there, that God...

was trying to say
something to us.

There's a passage
in the Bible that says...

"If I have a faith that
can move mountains

"but have not
love... I am nothing."

I believe that.

That doesn't mean it's easy.

No, love is about
sacrifice, it's...

it's about caring for someone

more than you
care about yourself,

it's about...

acting from your heart when
you don't see eye to eye.

I mean, it takes a lot of work,

a lot of patience,
a lot of admitting

that you don't know
all the answers.

That's why your
wedding vows say:

"What God... hath
joined together."


He has all the answers.

Yeah, it's just up to
us to ask for them...


So... to my beautiful
wife... Loretta...

and to all of you,

may God bless you
as He has blessed us.

Hear, hear! Cheers!


Remember what we talked about

the night you asked
me to marry you?

Yes, I remember.

We were... going to
give ourselves five years

to make the restaurant work,

then work on a family.


I guess we blew that.

Marty, I'm pregnant.


I'm pregnant. I'm
really pregnant.

Marty? Marty? Marty!

- Oh, no.
- Marty!

Oh, my God! Marty! Marty!

- Don't do this, Marty! Don't you dare!
- Come on.


Okay, let's get him
up. Let's get him up.

Oh, my God!

- You okay?
- Thank you.

- Good touch. Thank you.
- Thank you.

Swordfish is on her.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.


That was amazing.

You do what you got to do.

So, uh, this L.A. thing...

It's a great opportunity.

But, um...

I'm not sure I'm ready
to give up on us just yet.

Tell me one thing.

Do you love me?

Yes, I do.

E-Excuse me? What?

Yes, I do.

I do.

Well, you remember those words

when, uh, we're standing
in front of the preacher.

Eh, you know, a town like
L.A. needs guys like me.

- Oh.
- You know, guys who can, uh,

take charge and, uh...

show 'em how it's done.

You, uh, kind of surprised me
with that little announcement.

My God, Marty, I
thought I was losing you.

I don't want to lose you.

Whatever else happens,
I don't want to lose you.

I am not going anywhere, Trish.

I love you.

Love you more than
anything, I always have.

I guess I got a
little too caught up

in other things.

But you know what?

From now on,

things are gonna
be better, okay?

They're gonna be better, and I
am gonna be a great husband.

You're gonna be a great father.


♪ That certain night ♪

♪ The night we met ♪

♪ There was magic ♪

♪ Abroad ♪

♪ In the air ♪

♪ There were angels ♪

♪ Dining ♪

♪ At the Ritz... ♪

Every time I get
an accident call,

I say a prayer for
the people involved.

That they'll be okay?

No. That they'll
be in God's hands.

I'm just a tow truck driver.

I don't know anything
about who should live

and who shouldn't... I just...

know there's a plan.

Like when I said a prayer
for you four years ago,

I never figured that
one day you'd be sitting

right in front of me,
but... here you are.

And I think that's
pretty amazing.

I guess it is.

♪ And I may be wrong... ♪

How about one
dance, and then we'll...

see about ordering some dinner?


What does it matter?

Who's gonna keep
after you when I'm gone?

You're not going anywhere.

- You're too stubborn.
- Well, you're not gonna

leave me here alone, mister.

♪ Sang in Berkeley ♪

♪ Square ♪

♪ Yes ♪

♪ A nightingale sang ♪

♪ In Berkeley ♪

♪ Square ♪

♪ I know:

♪ I was there ♪

♪ That night ♪

♪ In Berkeley ♪

♪ Square. ♪