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09x11 - Private Eyes

Posted: 05/03/23 12:39
by bunniefuu
The day started
just like any other.

The sun came up.

And that was the first
disappointment of the day

for Maury Hoover.


For some people,

every day presents
a new opportunity.

For Maury, it was
just another challenge

to his existence.

Another day...
another disappointment.

For a guy in the long,
slow, slide downhill,

becomes an old friend.

You eat your
breakfast with remorse.

You call your buddy
Regret for lunch.

Your life is full of phantoms.

Nothing real is there for you.

And the glass isn't half full.

It isn't even half empty.

It's the dregs.

But you drink it... every day...

black, no sugar.

Maury Hoover used to
investigate real crimes.

That was a long time ago,

Before he was the
one getting investigated.

And before a
marriage fell apart.

Before the world
turned him upside down

and shook him out like a bad
penny falling on the sidewalk.

Now, he looks at life

through a different lens.

But even in Maury's
cloudy vision of the world,

there is the
occasional silver lining.

A glimpse of beautiful...
long gone now

of what it once meant

to be young and foolish.

It's said that the
road to he" is paved

with good intentions.

And Maury Hoover is about

to move into the fast lane.

♪ ...teases all my senses ♪

♪ I can't hide the pain inside ♪

♪ But it's slowly
going away... ♪

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

There's a part of this city
most people never see.

A place where gray
is a primary color.

Where good and
bad, right and wrong

get lost in the fog.

Mmm, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Never done this before?

Not really.


In ten minutes, you're
gonna feel so good.


Cross my heart.

There's a little motel
around the corner.

I'm gonna go check in.

In five minutes,
come to room 112.


I'll be there..

Hey, pal, want to buy a tape?


I got to tell you, you
are gonna love it.

It-it's got everything.

It's got romance,
it's got action,

it's got great dialogue.

- I don't think I need a...
- Just pay attention here, pal.

The price is 500 bucks.

Only 500 bucks.

It's gonna cost you a lot
more if your wife sees it.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

What the...?

You've never done this before?

Not really.

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't-don't worry.

There's only
one print... so far.

It would be
terrible, just terrible,

if this fell into
the wrong hands,

though, wouldn't it?

So when you think about it,

500 bucks is quite
a bargain, hmm?

I-I didn't even...

I know what you're thinking.

How do I know I can
trust this guy, right?

Yeah, yeah, that's part of it.


I'll be there.

In the final analysis,

it all comes down
to trust, doesn't it?

Your wife trusts you.

You trust me.

I trust cash.

Don't be a chump, pal.

Look, uh... here's three,

four, uh, yeah, I got that.


Do yourself a favor.

Don't make the sequel.

Thank you, son.


You're looking lovely
as always, aren't you?

Your new advisor
must be a bit off, love.

Not much business around here.

That's cause I'm
through with that, Lennie.

I'm clean now.

You're what? You're clean?


So I guess you don't want
a little bit of this then, eh?

She doesn't want any.

Not the way it looks from here.

Didn't I warn you
about doing business

in my territory,
you old man, you?

Didn't I?

Come on.

That's right.

You go.

Be careful with Lennie.

- He could hurt you.
- Oh, Lennie.

Lennie's nothing but talk.

Let's go somewhere.

Somewhere warm, like L.A.

They've got modeling
schools out there.


And more sleazeballs
per square inch

than any place
else on the planet.

Oh, forget it.

Listen, I'm not worried
about that “may punk.

As long as you got the
guts to do what you got to do.

I told him I was clean.

That was good.

Things go okay in here?

Yeah, like clockwork.



I've almost got enough
now for my pictures.

I just want you to worry
about getting healthy.

Don't worry about
the money. It'll come.

Then you can take all
the pictures you want.

Well, it's, it's not
just for pictures.

It's makeup and hair and nails.

Everybody thinks
that modeling is

just about the pictures.

But you got to
have a whole team.


Yeah, that's what
it said in Vogue.

"It takes a village
to raise a model."

That's what the article said.

Well, you keep your
end of the bargain,

I'll get you a whole city.

Listen, we got
another job tonight.

But I want you to eat first.

Maury... Maury, nothing.

Listen, somebody's
got to make sure

you eat your Brussels sprouts.

People don't always like
to do what's good for them.

Sometimes it takes an angel

to make those Brussels
sprouts more appealing.


I didn't hear you come in.

I thought private detectives
were supposed to be observant.

Ooh, feisty.

I like that.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

I think I'll stand.


I-I'm not an
upholsterer, I'm a P.I.

Yes, I saw it on the door.

I'd like you to help
me find someone.


I'm not married.

Well, the world's gone blind.

Long-lost relative?

No, it's just a man.

His name is Jim Grant.


He owe you money or something?

Or something.

So you're looking
for him because, uh...

Because I want to find him.

I charge five bills a
day, plus expenses.

Money's not an issue.


So, give me the 411
on this Jim Grant.

He's about 45 years old,

and last I heard he
lived near Chicago.

Well, that's not much to go on.

If you find him in
the next 48 hours,

I'll double your fee.


You know, it's not just
about turning on a computer.

A search engine will turn up a
few hundred names on Jim Grant.

Now, I need something
more specific.

Perhaps this can help.

What's this?

A thumbprint.

How'd you get it?

Does it matter?


But for a match, we'll have
to get the police involved.

You sure you want to go there?

It's like finding a needle
in a cyber haystack.

Searching for a
name on a computer

can make you hungry
to see a human face.

Even if it's on tape at
the end of a long day,

a man wants to see a last
ray of sunshine before dark.

Well, I've got to get going.

Thanks, Candy.

You have a good vacation now.

You'd better believe I will.

I finally got
somebody I can trust

to hold down the
fort while I'm gone.

Doug... night shift,

two sugars, one half-and-half?

I'll see you tomorrow, Tess.

Yes, you will, baby.

Staying out of trouble, Maury?

Always do.

How's it going, Dougie?

D.A.'s making noise about some
action over at the Tip Top Club.

Some kind of magic show
where 500 bucks disappears.

You know anything about that?

It's not my kind of place.

- Is the D.A. making a move?
- Could be.

But he might get distracted
if he had a bigger fish to fry.

Like that bottom feeder Lennie?

You're getting warmer.


I'll keep my eyes open

if, uh, you'll run
this print for me.

I can't.

It's against regulations.

Hey, come on, man.

You still owe me one

from before I left the force.


But this is the end
of the line, Maury.

Even Steven, whatever you say.

Hey, sweetheart.

I see you got your hands full.

If you ever want to talk
about our friend Lennie,

you know where to find me.


Come on, let's sit down.

You can't turn Lennie in.

I know.

I'm so stupid.
This is all my fault.

Don't go blaming yourself, kid.

You didn't know what
you were getting into.

I-I-I... I just really
needed the money.

I... Sweetheart,
we all have regrets.

The thing is you got to move on.

Uh-huh, right.

Have you been using?

Diet pills.

No big deal.

All the supermodels use them.

It just makes you feel
kind of zoom, you know?



Two chicken specials.

With the green
beans and the salad?

Coming up.

Can't I just have pie?


They come here for
dinner every night.

Well, it looks like
the child could stand

to add another meal
or two to her schedule.

The kid's had it rough.

Ran away from some kind
of abusive family situation

when she was 15.

And started working
the streets, doing dr*gs.

Then Maury came along.

Been like a father to her.

A real mentor.

Well, from what I
hear about Maury,

his idea of mentoring
leaves a lot to be desired.

Yeah, believe me, it's
better than where she's been.

Maury? Maury!

I told you to stay out of here.

The world can be a messy place

when you live in the shadows.

- Sometimes...
- ♪ warned, you didn't I?

Even an angel has to get dirty.

This is one of those times.

Maury, are you okay?

Maury, are you all right?

That means he's okay.

This guy saved your life.


I'm Andrew.

He came out of nowhere

and scared Lennie off,

and then he carried you in here.

I can barely see out of one eye.

I can taste my own blood.

Now I think I owe somebody, too.

Can't you just say thank you?

I don't do thank you.

- Maybe that's why people beat you up.
- I'm fine.

I just need a Band-Aid
and a shot of whiskey.

I think you need a doctor.

I got no time.

I'm on a case.

I only got 32 hours to crack it.

You can't work.

You can't even stand up.

Oh, yeah?

Watch me.

- Maybe I can help you out.
- No, thanks.

I want to keep the role
call simple on this one.

It's just me and
Delphina. Capiche?

You might want to
rethink that policy.

Why, because I got blindsided
by a hopped-up pimp?


And you're gonna need
somebody with a car.


Six years I've
been parking there

and nothing.

All right, one case.

This one. That's it.

You won't be sorry.


You get your coat.

And I want you to go
get something to eat.


Got to keep your strength up.

Here's 20 bucks...

if you tell me where
you hid my shoes.

They're underneath your desk.



She cares a lot about you.

She is the light of my life.

Good morning, baby.

What can I get for you?

And don't tell me pie.

Pie would be good.

Bacon and eggs, Harry.

Pie is not a food.

Pie is what you get
after you eat food.

What-what are you doing?

My dad used to
get that same growl

in his voice right
before he'd beat me.

I'm not your father, baby.

And I would never hit you.

But I'm not gonna

let you eat pie for
breakfast either.


Thank you, baby.

Here you go.

Thank you.

That Will be $106.

And my tip.


How do you do that?

The clock is ticking, Maury.

Thanks for the update.

Look, I'm glad you stopped by.

I've run into some
unexpected expenses.

Yes, I saw the boot on your car.

Beside that.

I've had to take on a partner.

- Had to?
- Look.

You want to find this
guy in the next 26 hours,

that's what it's gonna take.

Hey, boss.

Andrew, meet our new client.

That is one fast woman.

So, did you find anything?

Uh, yeah.

We got four Jim Grants.

Three of four have been guests

at the Illinois penal system.

One grand theft auto,

one as*ault, one
domestic complaint.

Lucky for us, they're
all still on the street.

Maury Hoover.

I got a match on that print.

The guy lives out in Naperville.

You got a pen?


1420 Summerhill Drive.

1420 Summerhill Drive.

Got it.

Now remember, you
didn't hear this from me.

I need you to go on record
about Lennie Blackwood.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, someday.



Give me a hand with this, yeah?


And, uh, take that.

So, how long you been
a private investigator?

Ever since I stopped being
a cop, about eight years ago.

I was in the narcotics division.

Tough job.

Yeah, it's even tougher

when your partner's dirty.

Guilty by association.

I cut a deal, I walked
away, I became a P.I.

And Delphina came
along for the ride?

No, she came
along a little later.

I guess I'm just a softie when
it comes to kids on the skids.

Hey, we all need a
little help sometimes.

We do.

You grow up with
abuse, it becomes a habit.

She deserves better.

And that's you?

Well, at least
she's safe with me.

There's our guy.


Is this the, uh,
Grant residence?


We're from the gas company.

We had a report
of a possible leak.

I didn't report a leak.

Well, the work order
here says that a Mrs., um...

can't read this chicken
scratch here, uh...

Is it Logan?

She lives next door.

Logan, yeah, yeah, that's it.

Unfortunately, the
state requires us

to check every
residence within 500 feet

of the original call now.

Frankly, I'd rather be home
because tonight's meatloaf,

and it's the only thing
my wife doesn't burn.

You know what I'm saying?

Yeah, sure. Come on in.

We'll be out of your
hair in five minutes.

It shouldn't take long.

Well, not picking
up anything in here.

Uh, you mind if I look around?

Go ahead.

I'm sorry about that,
I... Nothing broke.

Is this your kid?

That's my daughter Violet.

Violet... That's an
interesting name.

Yeah, when she was born,
she was this little flower.

I knew a kid who
looked just like her.

Her dad used to beat the
crap out of her just for kicks.

Oh, well, guys like that
shouldn't be parents.

That's what I was thinking.

I never laid a hand
on my daughter.

Violet was a great kid...

till she got hooked up with
this no-good street punk.

She was 15, he was 22.

Made her all sorts of promises.

Said he'd make her a
model like her mom and...

Her mom was a model?

Small stuff. You
know, newspaper ads.

On a box of soap powder.

That's her right over there.

A beautiful woman.


Then the boyfriend
got Violet into dr*gs

and she disappeared.

I've looked everywhere
for her, but...

Sorry. You guys got work to do.


Andrew, I think we're done here.

All right. You have
everything you need?




Uh, it's videotape.

You can move around.

Come on, Daddy,
we're gonna be late.

Show off the dress.

It cost enough.

Mm-hmm, nice dress.

Hey, Mike, come here.

Come take this.
Get the two of us.

Daddy, watch the hair.

Oops. Okay, Pookie.

Daddy, I love you.

But you got to
stop calling me that.

Stop it.

Mike, turn off the cam...

Is there a problem, Maury?

Nothing you need to worry about.

What are you doing here?

I understand that
you found Jim Grant.

How did you know?

I have sources.

Yeah, well... this is
your guy, Jim Grant.

He matches the
thumbprint you gave me.

Home address, work
address, phone numbers,

pictures of him,
pictures of his house,

pictures of the tire
swing in his backyard.

Here's your money.

Oh, did you double it?

I found him in
less than 48 hours.

That was the deal.


What is your angle?

What do you mean?

Come on, I'm not stupid.

I don't believe in coincidences.

Neither do I.

Good night, Mr. Hoover.

Hey... Wait a minute.


You didn't answer my question!

They say it always gets
darkest before the dawn,

but some men don't
want to see the dawn.

♪ Ta-da! ♪

Oh, they are just beautiful.

They are beautiful.

They're called head sh*ts.

It's-it's the beginning
of my portfolio.

All models have them.

I look good, huh?

Ten months being clean.

This calls for a celebration.

Specials all around.

I still need to
lose five pounds.

What are you talking about?

You're beautiful
just the way you are.

You're the one person in the
whole world that's on my side.

Delphina, listen, um...

What is it?


How much is in here?

Enough for your tuition and
so you can buy some clothes

for modeling school.

They've got one in Old
Town. I got the brochure.

- You mean, I...
- You're gonna do it, kid.

You are gonna be the biggest
thing that Chicago's ever seen.

Oh, my... Chicago's
just the start.

Then there's New York and Paris.

Ah, well, some day.

I couldn't have
done this without you.

Oh, I'm gonna get my hair cut,

and not at one of those
nine-dollar places, either.

And my nails, French tips.

I'm getting my eyebrows
dyed and arched...

You can do anything
you want, sweetheart,

just the way we planned.

I cannot wait until
my dad sees me

on the cover of Vogue.


So you can throw
it in his face, right?

Maury, um...

have you ever made
a-a big mistake?

Honey, that's all my life is.

I kind of made a
big mistake, too.

Well, listen, we
all make mistakes.

You just have to live and learn.

I hope my father feels that way.

Well, what do you
care what he thinks?

You're much too
good for a guy like that.

He-he's not that bad, really.

What are you talking about?
He beat the crap out of you.

Well, uh...

I kind of lied about that.

Uh, the truth is he
never touched me.

He was a great dad.

I just never wanted
to listen to him.

And I ran away with this guy.


I... I just never

could go back and face him.

You lied to me?

Well, yeah.

He never hurt me.

I just told people that

to keep them from
turning me into the cops.

Nobody wants to be the one
to send you back to a monster.

Anyway... I just
kept telling myself...

when I'm somebody,
I can go back home...

and show Dad that
it was all worth it.

I've-I've... never
been ready to do that.

But I am now.

Thanks to you.

It's gonna be really
hard to say good-bye.


I'll never forget you.

Listen, Delphina, uh...

there's some-something
you should know.

Uh... I've been
looking for your dad.


Yeah, I knew the
day was gonna come

when you'd want to find him,

so I-I've been looking for him,

and he moved around a lot,

ever since you
lived in Naperville.

But you found him?


At the cemetery.

He died six months ago.

No... I'm sorry.

No, no... No,
that-that can't be.


I haven't gotten a
chance to... Del...?

Delphina, wait!

What have you done?

You were always my
favorite, you know?

Welcome home.




- Maury, over here!
- Oh, my God.

Delphina, now
listen to me, okay?

I'm right here.

Maury's right here.

- She's-she's holding on.
- It's Lennie.

I swear to God,
I'm gonna k*ll him.

Now, listen, don't worry
about Lennie right now, okay?

Let's just get her
to the hospital.

No, no, we can't take
her to the hospital.

They'll report it and
they'll arrest her again.

We'll take her to my office.

I know what to do.

Here we go, honey, come on.

Come on, sweetie, come on.

Hey, she's gonna be okay.

It was, uh, it was
close, though.

I've seen closer.

But it never really mattered
as much before, did it?


Not since... Your daughter died.

You know about that?

Yeah, word gets around.

It was dr*gs, wasn't it?


I, uh, I couldn't help Laura.

I tried.

And she wouldn't let me.

Things can change.


Sometimes you get
a second chance.

And you blow that, too.

Maury... Thanks for
your help, Andrew.

You don't have to stay.


You gonna be all right?



Hey... this, uh,
isn't over, you know.


I never meant for
any of this to happen.

You were the only light
in my crummy world.

I love you, kid.

And... when you said
you were leaving...

something inside me
just snapped and I...

And you lied.

You know what, lady?

I'm getting sick and
tired of your crap.

The disappearing
acts, the secrecy.

You came in here, you
sent me looking for Jim Grant,

and you knew
exactly what I'd find.

Yes, I did.

So what is this, some
kind of Shakedown?

Who are you?

Who are you working for?

My name is Monica.

I work for God.

Oh, there's a new one.

I am an angel.

God has sent me here
with a message for you.

Your heart was broken

when your little girl died.

And you tried to hide it.

You can't hide
anything from the One

Who knows you the best,

the One Who created you.

God was with you on those nights

when you couldn't stop crying,

and He was with you
on those mornings

when you couldn't face
yourself in the mirror.

He forgave you when you
couldn't forgive yourself.

And He loves you, and
He forgives you now.

He knows why you
tried to help Delphina.

And He also knows
why you failed.

But why?

I tried.

I tried so hard.

Because you tried
to do it by yourself.

You tried to work
out your own plan

rather than letting God
work His plan through you.

And God's plan is always better.

You're standing in the valley,

looking for the way.

And God is sitting
above the mountain

and he sees the best
and the only way up.

He wanted me to let her go.

I know that.

I knew that the moment I
saw her picture at the house.

But I can't let her go.

I can't.

She's all I have.

She's all that Jim has, too.

Imagine if it were your daughter

and she came back home to you,

think how you would rejoice

if you saw her
coming down the road.


Well, that's how Jim
feels about Delphina.

And that's how
God feels about you.

And that-that's
why He was hoping

I'd find Jim Grant.

Hoping that you would find him?

Maury, He sent an angel
to drive you to his house.



And Tess at the diner.

Well, why?

Why all this for me?

Because you said that Delphina
was the only light in your life,

and God wants you to see
that there's another light.

For God Himself is light...

He's the light
of all the world...

And He's inside of you, Maury.

Oh, He wants you to know

you will never have
to work alone again.

I don't know...
if I can find it.


I'm here, sweetheart.

I'm right here.

Who are you talking to?

I was, uh... I... I
was talking to you.

How you feeling?

You're kidding, right?

Not one of my better questions.

Can I get you something?

I'm hungry.

Can we go to Candy's
and get some food?

You bet.

Nice piece of pie?

Pie is not food.

Pie is what you get
after you eat your food.

You're feeling better already.

I can tell.

I'll bring more of everything.


So, this modeling
school, when do I start?

Listen, Delphina...

I need to tell you something.



Oh, bye.

Where you going?


Look, Delphina...
if I made a mistake,

you'd forgive me, right?



I, uh, I need for you

to remember something.

Maury, you're scaring me.

Promise me you'll remember this.

Yeah, I promise.

What is it?

God loves you, kid.

And so do I.

Yeah... I love you, too, Maury.

And sometimes...

the best way to love somebody

is to let them go.

Good-bye, Violet.

Did he just call me...?

Yes, he did.



So, you're an angel, huh?


You guys have,
like, powers, huh?


So if you wanted to get the
Denver boot off my car...?


Well, you don't
ask, you don't get.

And sometimes you
do ask and you don't get.

Ah, that's a good one.

You did a good thing.

Well, I guess you
could say I saw the light.

Hey, that's a good one.


Thanks for your help.

I thought you didn't
do thank you's.

I'm rethinking my policy.

Take care.

Loitering is a crime, you know.

Maybe I'm willing to cut a deal.

What kind of deal?

You drop the loitering charge,

I'll testify against
Lennie Blackwood.



you forget you ever
heard the name Delphina.

Delphina who?

Now, that's a deal.

You know, considering you're a
cop, you're not such a bad guy.

I'll take that as a compliment.

You would.

The most ordinary
day for some people

is the most extraordinary
day for others.

Broken hearts are healed,

broken dreams restored,

broken families reunited.

And you never know when
your miracle may arrive...

on the wings of a clove.