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09x08 - Remembering Me: Part 1

Posted: 05/03/23 12:36
by bunniefuu
Welcome to our show.

The green-winged
macaw comes from

the tropical rain forests
of South America,

where it feeds on
fruits and seeds.

What a colorful bird.

Let's send our
macaw back inside.

I'm working on it.

We should have it
done by next week.

Well, there's nothing
I can do about it now.

This is very unusual.

Yes, I've never seen
this happen before.

I mean, not to an angel.

Then why me?

Human beings ask
that question all the time.

Well, I guess it's a mystery.

Are... are you afraid?

Not for myself.

Well, Monica is strong.

She doesn't need you.

I know that, but...
does she know that?

You know, this isn't
going to be easy.

Well, not for anyone,

but God will take care of it
and... and use it for good.

God bless you, my friend.

Father, please,

give me the strength I
need to go through this.


Are you coming?


Is anything wrong, Tess?

Yeah, just... some days
are harder than the others.

Yes, but at least we
get to face them together.

I love you, angel girl.

I love you, too, Tess.

sometimes letting go

is the hardest thing to do.

Come on.

It's time for us to go to work.

Right now,

we're looking for a
volunteer with a five-dollar bill.

Oh! Go, go, go.

Right out here, this young lady.

Oh, she's going to
get her five-dollar bill.

Yeah, the-the merger

- will become final in about six weeks.
- Daddy.

Six weeks?

No, the transition process
alone takes some time.

Yeah, well, several
weeks at least.

Hey, Daddy, I need
a five-dollar bill.

Yeah, it's... it's an
integration process.

The shareholders are
going to want to know

that we're eliminating
redundancies from the workforce.

Here she comes.

Take that five-dollar bill,

hold it between your
thumb and index finger,

and hold it straight
out to the side.

Very good.

What do we do with all
those nice five-dollar bills?

Right in my front pocket.

Wasn't that fun?
All right, very good.

Would you like your
five dollars back?

Okay, hold out your hand again.

When you feel him
touch it against your hand,

just close your
fingers on the bill.

Close. You're wonderful.

Thank you. Good job.

All right.

You were great!

Turn your attention to the...

That man's overdue
for a priority check.

Here comes a Harris hawk.

He could learn
something from that David.

Tess, that is David.

You-you know what I meant.

I-I meant he could learn
something from the other one.

You mean Alex?

Yeah. Where is the other one?

The Harris hawk.
Right now, if you turn

your attention to the other
box, we're going to show you

a hawk you could
see right here in Utah.

It's a red-tailed hawk.

The red-tailed hawk
is the most common

large hawk found
in North America.

Here he comes...
Our red-tailed hawk.

- All right.
- Whoa!

That David Satterfield,

he can tell you the
current market price

on natural gas, on crude oil,

on electricity, on water,

but he cannot tell you the name
of his daughter's favorite book,

he doesn't know
who her best friend is,

and he cannot tell you

how many goals she made
in her last soccer game.

It's easy to see what he needs.

No, baby, it's not
as easy as you think.

You can lose the most
precious things in the world

and not even know they're
gone, and don't you forget that.

- I won't.
- No, baby,

I mean, don't you forget
that no matter what happens.

Thank you. We hope
you enjoyed the show.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

The big one's named Hannibal.

He's an African elephant,
and he's 40 years old.


Wow, that's really old.

Oh, very funny.

Well, we need those
figures as soon as possible.


- What? What?
- David. David.

H-Hold on a second. What?

You said you were going
to spend the day with us.

I am spending the day with you.

No, you're spending
it with your phone.

There's a lot going
on right now, Carrie.

Yeah, I'm back.

- Come on. Let's go see the lions.
- Okay.

We... we have access
to the Arizona market.

Look, Tess.

Two fathers, two children.

One is making money; the
other is making memories.

Which do you suppose will
be more valuable in 30 years?

You already know
the answer to that.

Yes, but I don't
think that David does.

Shouldn't it be
getting cooler by now?

Why don't you sit down
and I'll get us both a drink?

Oh, my goodness, it's hot.

- Bye.
- Careful, careful, careful.


If you want an ice
cream bar, they're all out.

I see. Oh, well, thank
you for the information.

Two waters, please.


Thank you.


Hey, Tess.

What are you doing here?

Um... that...

that s-stripey,
horsey-looking thing...

The zebra?



It's a funny-looking
thing, isn't it?

The zebra.

Well, your merger and
acquisition proposal

all seems fine,

though I have to say
I'm surprised Kevin Riley

isn't a part of your team.

Mr. Riley left so he could
spend more time with his family.

Oh. Well, good for him.

Mr. Satterfield, you have
nothing to worry about.

You and your company
are in good hands

because Monica and I
have helped many people

through a lot more
difficult transitions than this.

It's a matter of getting
your priorities right.



Yes, because Monica and
I have helped many people

through a lot more
difficult transitions than this.

So you said.

Uh... uh, so we thought
we'd introduce ourselves

before we get
started this afternoon.

Yeah, well, it's
always a good idea

to familiarize yourself
with the territory first.

Unfortunately, I
have a lunch meeting

with my head of
sales in a few minutes,

so if you'd excuse me...

Susan, will you call Carrie,
let her know I'm going to miss

the parent/teacher
conference this evening?

She's not going to be happy.

Yeah, well, I can't help that.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Mind if I get your trash
now, Mr. Satterfield?

No, you go ahead.

- Anything else?
- No.

Oh, what's this?


That zoo is something, huh?


Tess, please don't take this

the wrong way, but I've
been noticing lately that you...

The light is green.

- Come on, lady!
- Tess?

- What's wrong?
- Go!

What am I supposed to do?

Well, drive forward.


Tess, what's wrong?

Where are you going?



Excuse me. Is
everything okay here?

Well, uh, my friend...

we're-we're having a
problem with the car.

It's okay.

What's your name?

Her name is Tess.

Hi, Tess.

I'm Dr. Coburn.

Are you in pain?

Does she have a
regular physician?



Bring her by my office tomorrow.

Thank you.

You'll be doing the driving
from now on, angel girl.

All right, Tess, just
one more question:

Who's the President
of the United States?


Yes, now.

I don't remember his name,

but his father was
President also.

That's right.

Take your time.

John Quincy Adams.

Well, you certainly
know your history.

Baby, you have no idea.

I'd like to run a brain scan,

do some more
comprehensive blood work.

It isn't necessarily

though, Doctor, is it?

Well, the indicators are there.

The brain scan will
tell us a little more,

and we'll run some other tests

to eliminate
other possibilities.

It just, it came on so fast.

progresses differently.

Let's just get these
tests scheduled,

and then we'll go from there.

Well, I don't understand this.

Well, maybe they should run a
brain scan on you, Miss Wings.

I mean, I don't understand
why this is happening.

Why don't we just take you home?

I mean, back, back to Heaven.


No. I have to stay here.

Perhaps it's not something
to get worried about.

I mean, do you
remember that time

when I became an elderly
human being temporarily?

So you think we
should just ignore this?

Well, no, but, Tess...

Don't "but Tess" me, Miss Wings.

This is new territory.

We don't know how
it's gonna work out.

So what should we do?

Finish our assignments.

Tess... if this is Alzheimer's

and it's progressing
this quickly,

there may come a time when we...

I need supervision.


That's true.

What's your point?

Well, if Monica needs
to spend time with David

and my assignments are taking
me all over the world, then...

I might need to
be put some place.


Like a nursing home?

- Fine.
- Absolutely not.

Excuse me?

We started this
assignment together,

and we will finish it together

and then we'll go
on to the next one

and the next one
and the next one,

and that's the end
of that discussion.

Acquisitions could be handled
by our sales department.

And that would eliminate two
tiers of upper management.

This doesn't make sense.

Did you say something, Tess?

Yes. I'll be right back.

Maybe I should go with her.

Oh, give the lady some

breathing room, Monica.

These last few days, you
jump every time she sneezes.

A“ fight, uh, page
14, paragraph 0.

Here we are... Mergers
and acquisitions.

Let's take a look at that.

SUSAN: Mr. Satterfield,

your daughter is on line one.

Excuse me.

- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi, Daddy.

You know my play is tonight.

Yeah, I know.

I know your play's
tonight, but I have to work.

But you promised.

Yeah, I'm sorry, honey,
but this can't wait.

Call me later.

Yeah, okay, I'll, I'll
try to call you later.

- Bye, Daddy.
- All right, bye.

Okay, where were we?

Uh... Mergers and
acquisitions. Okay.

Absenteeism at the
call-in center is a problem.

We need to address that.

David, what time is it?

Uh, 3:00.

Tess has been gone for an hour.

Susan, is Tess
out there with you?

SUSAN: Well, kind of.


She's over here.

Oh, we'll need to
continue this tomorrow.

Are you kidding me?

Monica, we need to
make some decisions

about the call-in center.

Tess, what's wrong?

I wanted to go see
that zebra again...

but I don't remember
how to get there.

That's all right.

I'll take you.

It's taken us two weeks
to cut the budget, Monica,

and now you want to add to it?

Flex days help to
increase productivity

and job satisfaction.

Not enough to justify
the cost of the program.

Wouldn't you like some flex days

so you could spend more
time with your daughter?

Fear not.

Excuse me?

Tess, you haven't
said one helpful thing

in any of our meetings
over the past two weeks.

Now, are you
part of this, or not?

There's no need
to raise your voice.

Well, I'm sorry,

but there is every
reason to raise my voice.

We've got a
deadline to meet here

and it's coming up fast.

Now, do either of
you two realize that?


Susan said you
were having a problem

with your desk
lamp, Mr. Satterfield?

Yeah, yeah. I don't know.

It's, uh, it just
stopped working.

I, I had Susan change
the bulb, but, uh...

I'll check the wiring.


At least someone around
here's doing their job.

Alex, wouldn't you like to
have a more flexible schedule

that would allow you more
time at your son's activities?

Well, sure.

Who wouldn't?

In the beginning,

God created the
heavens and Earth.

Yes, He did.

Where are we going?

We're working here, Tess.



Where are we going?

I'll get this fixed right away.

Uh, yeah. Thanks.

Where are we going?

Monica, may I have
a word with you?

Do you want to tell
me what's going on?

Tess is showing
the early symptoms

of Alzheimer's Disease,
but she's gonna be fine.

Monica, if Tess has Alzheimer's,
she's not gonna be fine.

That's not the way
this disease works.

I know that's
normally true, but...

It's true always.

Look, I'm sure this isn't easy,

but we both have a job to do.

I know.

We can't have this distraction.

There's nowhere
else for her to go.

I, I know a place that
comes highly recommended.

They'll take good care of Tess.

I can't do that.

I'll get the number.

Father... please help me.

I don't know what to do.

We provide the basics,

and you bring the
personal touches:

pictures, keepsakes,
that kind of thing.

This is only temporary, Tess,

until I finish our assignment,

and then I'll take you home.

You said I was
gonna stay with you.

I tried, Tess.

It's always difficult at first.

There's a call button
on the side of the bed

if you need anything.

Oh, I'm not gonna need anything.

I'm an angel.

This is only temporary.

I don't want to stay here.

I know, but I really need
to finish our assignment.

I'll go with you
and I'll help you.


You'll be fine here, I promise,

and I'll come back later.

I don't want to stay here.

I want to go with you.

Not this time, Tess.

I don't want to stay here.

I don't want to stay here.

I don't want to stay here.


Why is this happening?

I don't know.

But God reveals
everything in His own time.

I like the green one,

but the blue one is nice.

I heard the tornado siren today.

Hi, Monica.

Hello, Alex.

Um, this is my friend Andrew.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Oh, that's my dad Carlos.

With whiskers and
tiny ears, and my tutu...

I better catch up.

You, you need some help?

Oh, thanks.

I asked them for chocolate,

but they only had blueberry.

I asked them for chocolate,

but they only had blueberry.

I kept him at home
for a long time,

but I come by every
night, feed him dinner.

Isn't that right, Papa?

These aren't my clothes.

Where are my clothes?

So what are you
doing here, Monica?

I brought Tess here.

This is a nice place.

They'll take good care of her.

Of course, the Tower of London

is much larger.

I like the way the cheese
melts over the bread.

This is my wife.


Nice to meet you both.

This is Irene Satterfield.

As in... David Satterfield?

This is his mother.

There you are.

God reveals everything
in His own time.

Does she have any family?

Oh, yes, she has
lots and lots of family.

But they're very far away.

I'm her closest friend.


She's always taken care of me.

Well, that's just the
way life is, honey.

She took care of
you, now it's your turn.

Hello, Tess.

Oh, Monica.

It's been three days.

Don't you think you
should get out of bed?

How was your lunch?

The food is terrible.

Would you like me to
get you something else?

I'm not hungry; I
just finished lunch.

I could really use
some Tess wisdom.


I'm having a hard time
with my assignment.

I just can't get through to him.

Oh, and he has an
answer for everything.

Meanwhile, he's missed two of
his daughter's soccer matches,

and his wife has all
but given up on him.

That's wonderful.

Tess, it's not.

If-if he doesn't change,
he's about to lose everything.

Well, you just go right ahead.

Are you listening to me?

Is it lunchtime yet?

You've already had lunch.

It must be time for lunch now.

What should I say to David?

Well, I like tuna fish.

Could I have a
tuna fish sandwich?

Tess, are you listening to me?!

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

Good afternoon, ladies.

How are you doing today, Tess?

She hasn't got out of bed.

I see.

Any pain?

No, there doesn't seem to be.

Thank you, Monica.

Let's hear what Tess has to say.

Well, there aren't
any physical limitations

that are keeping you in
bed as far as I can see,

and I'd sure like to see you
up and around a little more.


You're doing just fine, Monica.

Just remember,
it's gonna take her

a little more time
to respond to things

than it used to, and she
won't always get it right,

but that's okay.

Just let her try.

Father, please help us.

Who are you talking to?

To God.

I talk to Him all
the time, you know?

Yes, uh, David, I will get
those numbers for you.

Well, it-it's just that I've
been running a bit behind.

Just get back to me on it.

Okay, fine.

I'll see you then.

I'm messing everything up.

You need to cut
yourself some slack.

You are one angel and
you're doing the work for two,

and you're spending all
your free time here with Tess.

I yelled at her, Andrew.

God forgive me, I yelled at her.

I know it's not her fault,

but I-I really needed
her to help me

and she wasn't
paying attention and I...

Monica, I don't think that
Tess can help you anymore.

I know.

Come here.

Thank you, Susan.

David, I'm sorry I'm late,

but I was thinking,
and I have this idea.

Your daughter has another
soccer match in an hour.

We could take the
budget over there,

you know, go over it
and watch the game.

Do you realize this
merger closes in two weeks

and we're not even
halfway through yet?

I know that we're
a little behind,

but think of your daughter.

How many things are
you going to miss in her life

before she stops asking
you to be part of it?

My family's not your concern.

But it should be your concern.

When I see you ignoring
your wife and your daughter,

and the same way that
you ignore your mother...

- What?
- Your mother is in

the same nursing home as Tess.

When was the last time
that you went to visit her?

We have a real
problem here, Monica.

Yes, I know that we do.

And-and I have a dilemma, too,

because I have a job to
do and I can't abandon it,

but I can't abandon
my friend either.

I love her.

So I'm...

I'm just gonna go ahead
and tell you what I know.


Things happen in
this world, David,

and-and we sometimes
aren't given the answers

that we would like to have,

but we are always given the
time with the people we love

before it's too late.

Please, don't throw
your time away.

How dare you presume

to know anything
about me, or my life.

Let me tell you
what I know, hmm?

My mother was the
smartest, most creative,

loving woman in the world, and
I would've done anything for her.

But none of that matters anymore
because that woman is gone.

And this one doesn't
even know I'm there.

And if I choose to work
a little harder these days

and do what I have to
do to keep things together,

then damn you for
deciding that's wrong.


Two gentlemen
are here to see you.

All right, tell them
I'll be right there.

I'm hiring a new
transition team.

Oh, no, David,
really, I can do it.

No, you cannot do this.

You have some place
you have to be right now,

until you discover you can't
go there anymore either.

Gentlemen, thank you for coming.

I couldn't do it, Tess.

I tried.

I tried to do both, but...

but I-I couldn't.

While I was there, all I
could think about was you,

and I think that that's
good and right because...

because I love you,
and God knows that I do,

and I'm sure that's why
he sent Sam and Rafael

to take over the case.

What is this place?

Uh, this is a nursing home.

What is this place?

It's a nursing home, Tess.

What is this place?

It's a safe place, Tess.

A good place.

I think... I think I know that.

I'm sorry, baby.

♪ The Lord moves
in mysterious ways ♪

♪ His wonders to perform ♪

♪ He plants His
footsteps on the sea ♪

♪ And rides on every storm... ♪

Let's sing a-a song, huh?

What would you
like to sing, Tess?

♪ Abide with me ♪

♪ Fast falls the even tide ♪

♪ The darkness deepens... ♪

Is it really so dark
in there, Tess?


Who are you?

Oh, no.

God, please, no.


Oh, Tess.

Oh, no.

Father, please, help her.

♪ Abide with me, fast... ♪

Tess, please, don't
sing that song again.

Where do you live?

In Heaven.

Where do you live?

In Heaven.

Where do you live?

In Heaven.

I live in Heaven. In Heaven.

I'm an angel. We're angels.

We live in Heaven!

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

I know it's not your fault.

It's no one's fault.

Oh, Sam.

Sam, this is so hard.

Yes, it is.

Well, hello, old friend. Yeah?

She's gone.

We've lost her.

Hey, you know, that is not true.

Oh, it is true, Sam.

She doesn't know who you are.

She doesn't even know who I am.

But she knows God.

Don't you, Tess?

♪ The darkness deepens ♪

♪ Lord with me abide... ♪

We need to have
a talk about this.

It's too late to talk to her.

No, not to her, Monica.

I need to talk to you.

Sam, you don't need to do this.

I know that He holds
Tess in His hands,

and I know that He
holds me in His hands.

It's just that it still hurts.

It hurts so much.

Well, you know where
to go when it hurts.

God, forgive me.

I can't go there right now.

I'm just so angry with God.

God didn't give this to Tess.

I know that.

How many times have
I said the same thing

to other people myself?

But I'm angry because
I don't understand this.

It makes no sense.

No, it doesn't...

At least not yet... but all we
need to know now, Monica,

is that this, too, shall pass.

Perhaps not tomorrow,

perhaps not for
a thousand years,

but God will take the
weaknesses of this world

and use them to
make us stronger.


I've never felt so weak.

I simply can't bear another day

of watching Tess
just slip away from me.

Sam, I can't bear it.

Well, now you know
how David feels.


May I talk to you?

I'm busy.

What do you want?

I want to apologize.

Please forgive me.

I was so consumed
with my own loss that I...

I couldn't see how much
pain you were in, too.

You just don't give up, do you?

I almost did.

There was a moment
when it hurt so much

that I wanted to walk
away, like you did.

Tess was in a place
that I couldn't go to,

just like your mother.

But they didn't go
anywhere, did they?

That's the problem.

They're still sitting there.

At least their bodies are.

But it's not them.

That's not the woman who
showed me how to tie a tie,

or spent hours teaching
me how to dance

so I wouldn't embarrass
myself at the prom.

That woman in that place...

that's not the one
who stayed up with me

for almost a week
when I had the mumps,

or held my daughter and...

and told me she had my eyes.

She's no one.

She's a... a stranger.

So... so why should I
care, Monica, hmm?

Why should I waste one
moment of my life watching her drift

farther and farther
away from me?

Because your mother's
spirit is still with her.

She may not be able
to communicate it,

but she can feel your love.

I wish there was a way
you could really know that.

There is, David.

I am an angel.


I am an angel, and
God has sent me here

with a message for you.

You're an angel?


No, that-that, uh... that...

that doesn't make any sense.

It's true.

I know that it's hard
for you to believe,

especially because...

I haven't acted much
like an angel with you,

and I am so sorry for that.

But I hope that the
lesson of my weakness

will help you to become strong.

But I-if you're an
angel, then, uh...

then who's Tess?

Tess is an angel, too.

How can an angel
have Alzheimer's? I...

I don't know.

Terrible things happen
in this world, David,

to humans and
sometimes even to angels.

But God is strong.

Strong enough to carry
us through the pain.

He's... He's strong enough

to help us face the
difficult days ahead.

God will hold us in His hands,

if we let Him,
because He loves us.

But He wants us both to know

that even if we have
lost those that we love,

we can mourn them,

but we must never
turn away from them.

We must never let the
pain become so great

that we lose our memories, too.

It's so hard.

I know.

I know.

I know.

How's it going, Alex?

Ah, I'm running behind tonight.

Are you and Mr. Satterfield
going to be working late again?

I don't think so.
You look a little tired.

Are you taking care of yourself?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You know, deep
down in his spirit,

your dad wouldn't mind
if you were a little late.

What are you talking about?

Your dad.

How do you know about that?

Well, I know a
lot of things, Alex.

I'm a terrible son for
putting him in that place.

I'm a terrible person.

No, you're not.

I tried to bring him home,

as he did with his
mom, but I couldn't.

It wasn't safe, and my
apartment's so small.

And you're doing a great job.

You've honored your father
as God commands His children.

You've protected him, and
you haven't forgotten him.

God loves you, and He's
very pleased with you, Alex.

You're a good son.

Somehow I feel better.

Thank you.

I don't know why
this is taking so long.

It never used to take this long.

Maybe it's time
to buy a new one.

Buy a new what, Irene?

I like the crunchy ones.

You look familiar.

I look like you, Papa.

You look familiar.

I know.


Nicky, come and pick
up Irene's fork, please.

Thank you.


Mind if I join you?

Mr. Satterfield.

Uh, no.

Please have a seat.

Let's... let's just
make it David, huh?

So, how are you doing, Mom?



Dennis was my dad.

I'm David.

I'm very happy to
meet you, David.

This is my husband.

I'm pleased to meet you, sir.

Are you my grandson?


I'm your son.

But you've got a granddaughter
I'd like you to meet.

This... this is Maggie.

Hi, Grandma.

Isn't she beautiful?

We need to vote.

So, what's for dessert, hmm?

Something sweet.

Cheesecake with strawberries.

Raspberry soufflé with lemon.

Upside down cake...

You know, in all these years,

I never really
thought I could fail

because I had you to back me up.

Isn't it amazing all the things

that people put their
faith in besides God?

David counted on
money and success.

I counted on you.

Without you, I was lost.

But now I am found.

I am an angel of
the Most High God,

and I truly believe
with all my heart

that you won't be in this
darkness much longer.

Fear not, Tess.

Fear not.

You are coming
back, aren't you, Tess?

♪ The Lord moves
in mysterious ways ♪

♪ His wonders to perform ♪

♪ He sets his
footsteps on the sea ♪

♪ And rides on every storm... ♪

If someone you love is
suffering from Alzheimer's,

the Alzheimer's
Association offers support.

Thank you.