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09x06 - Jump!

Posted: 05/03/23 12:34
by bunniefuu
Hey, Minneapolis, St. Paul,

it's eight past the
hour at Twin 107,

your FM talk station.

Time to get your buzz on

with the number-one
rated Buzz Weston Show.

Su Kim, I need some
cheering up here.

This is the worst show
we've done since we had

those midgets that couldn't
reach the microphones.

Well, maybe this is a good
time for "Mock the Mayor."

Doris from St. Paul,
dump on the Mayor.

Yes, hello.

I think it's shameful

the way you constantly make
fun of the elected officials.

So what are you saying, Doris?

Are you saying I'm un-American?

Well, yes.

I mean, being able
to elect our leaders

is a freedom we should
never take for granted.

Damn straight, honey.

That's one that I never do.

And, you know,

another freedom that I
never take for granted

is the freedom to
say what I think,

and you know
what I think, Doris?

I think your parents
must've been cousins,

'cause that's

about the stupidest
thing I've ever heard

in the history of this show.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going

to have to apologize
for that last call.

You see, uh, our screeners,

the, uh, people who
answer the telephones for us,

they're-they're interns,

which means that
they're inexperienced

and, uh, and the bottom
line is they work for free,

and you know what they say...

You get what you pay for.

So, sadly,

I have to report
to you it is time

to say good-bye to Heather.

I hope she lands on her feet

at her next job at Burger Hut.

Is he really gonna fire me?

He just did.

Dennis on line five,
talk to me, Menace.


Hey, Buzz, this is
Dennis from Minnetonka.

That's your problem, Dennis.

Don't make it mine.

Yeah, my question is,

who does the mayor
think he's kidding

with that little
blonde assistant?

She looks more like a
stripper than a secretary.

Hey, I'm with you,
pal, but even a Gump

like Newton deserves a
little eye candy, doesn't he?

I mean, have you seen his wife?

We're talking Quasimodo

on a bad hair day, guy.

- You find that funny, Gloria?
- Line six, go.

No. No, ma'am.

Well, just the word "gump."

No, not even a little.

I wonder if Buzz Wescott

realizes the power that he has.

Well, they say

sticks and stones
will break your bones,

but the truth is,
words can k*ll.

The land of fruits and nuts.

It's like freak city out there,

but the cool thing is,
they aren't ashamed of it.

Listen to you every week, Buzz!

Every week, man.

Hey, kid, you ever listen

to this show? I love this guy.

And if you think

it blows having a pro
wrestler for a governor,

we've got a city counselor
who was dealing cocaine

out of his office.

Good choice, although
I wouldn't mind...

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Su Kim?

Siamese twins?

You're k*lling me
with these circus acts.

One of them's
running for city council

in Hennepin County.

I thought it might
be interesting.

No, let me tell you what
would be interesting:

Siamese twin strippers.

Now that would be interesting.

We're back on in three minutes.

Oh, do me a favor.

Help me out with a
screener, will you?

I mean, you know, perhaps
somebody with opposable thumbs?

Buzz, this is Monica.

Station manager sent
her down for a tryout.

Hello, Mr. Wescott.

Meow. How you doing there, red?

Got any experience
at a job like this?

Well, not specifically,
but I've worked

in communications
for a very long time.

Ah, that's great, uh, 19.

Look, if you can't keep the
idiots from getting through,

then you're gonna
be communicating

with a copy machine
over at Kinko's, okay?

Got it?

I like the shoes.

Why did he call me "19"?

He's fired 18 call screeners
in the last five years.

I hope you have thick skin.

I'll work on it.

When you think you've
got a decent caller,

keep them on hold and type
the Vitals into the computer.

The white button
is for the intercom

if you need to talk
to Buzz off the air.

The red button lets you speak

on the air, if Buzz
asks you a question.


Why choose
anything but the best?

Hey, if a kid calls
named Meredith or Taylor,

don't let them
hang up, all right?

Keep him on hold

until I can get to my
next break, you got it?

I understand.


Oh, that's an improvement
already, isn't it?

- Twin 107 FM.
- Strap in, Buzz.

Live in five.

VOICE: Five, four, three,

two, one.

We got some hot talk for
you out there, Buzzheads,

but first I think we should
meet our new screener, Monica.

Hey, Monica,
uh, tell me a little

about yourself, kid. Are
you, uh, married, single?

I'm single.

Ooh... good answer.

I mean, because, you know,

you got that whole sexy
Irish brogue thing happening.

Hey, you know what, Su Kim?

I think we should try
to talk the lovely Monica

into playing "Welcome
the New Employee" Game.

Tell her the rules, Buzz.

Well, faith and
begorra to you, Monica.

You see, it's a wee little game

where you-you work
your first day naked.


Well, I won't be takin'

me clothes off today, Buzz.


Well, you see, that could
directly affect your chances

of being back here
tomorrow and playing again.

That's a risk that
I'm prepared to take.

Not the answer
we wanted to hear.

Su Kim, let's give her
a consolation prize.

That's right, it's a
free trip to Guam.

Hey... come on, man.

Didn't you read the sign, kid?

I can't change nothing
bigger than a 20.

It doesn't matter.

Just... keep it.

You have one new message.

Hi, Scott, it's your mother.

You're probably out
having fun with your friends.

Look, this is Scott.

Do you want to...

Oh, your father says "hi."

Well, try you back tomorrow.

We love you.

Sorry, pal.

No way you could be a Buzzhead.

Buzzheads use soap,
and I can smell you

all over the phone.

Do me a favor...

You want to stink up
the airwaves, call Imus.

He loves talking
to dipsticks like you.

You're “sterling to the
Buzz Weston Show.

Hard talk all day.

Gee, a whole 50 cents.

You're some tipper, pal!


I need a ride.

Are you deaf?


I heard you just fine.

Now you hear me.

I need a ride.

Look, lady, forget about it.

It's been a long day.

Got to go home,
see the wife and kids.

Find another cab!

Why do they all make it so hard?

This is my first time
being a police officer.

Yeah, that's usually how it
works when you're a rookie.

So, how many donuts
do you think you've had

in 23 years on the force,
Sergeant Richardson?


Well, I mean, the fat
content alone would...

You're a cop, Gloria.

A donut is the
least of your worries.

Hang on, Meredith;
he'll be right with you.

You heard it first

on the Buzz Westcott Show.

Okay, everybody, we're
gonna take a little break.

Up next is, uh,
Roger the Redneck

calling in from his truck.

Apparently, he
doesn't agree with me

that all religious
wackos should be shot.

Now let's go back

out to the freeways
with Captain Candace

in the Twin 107 traffic copter.

Hi, Meredith.

How you doing, sweetie?


Hey, how was your recital?

Great. Great, honey.

That's-that's so great.

Yeah, is Taylor
driving you crazy?

Yeah, I bet he is.

Oh, gosh, I miss you guys.

So watch out, I-85
eastbound looking good.

We have some slowing
coming out of Rapid City now.

His daughter sounds
like a lovely young lady.

Yeah, they used
to be a great family.

Used to be?

Let's just say

that Buzz is not the
man he used to be.

He made a lot of
trade-offs to get where he is.

Now he's divorced, and
his ex took the kids to LA.

That's a lot to trade away.

Sweetie, look...

my lawyer's been working
with this new judge,

who seems to think
that he can, you know,

really get it so we can spend

some more time with
each other, you know?

I mean, for real
this time, so, uh...

30 seconds.

Yeah, I know 30 seconds.

Hang on a second.

Um, now listen, I got to go.

Uh, What?

Yeah, I-I-I got one
around here somewhere.

Oh, here, right in front of me.


What-what, what-what's up?

Sweetie, that's a great idea.

You-you should come over here

and be one of the
producers on my show.

H can see it right now.

Uh-huh, yeah, okay.

I love you,

and tell Taylor I
love him, too, okay?


- Bye-bye.
- Here you'll find

acres and acres of
new and used cars,

award-winning service,

and state-of—the-art
repair facilities.

The Borderville Auto Center,

the number one auto center
in all of the Glenville area.

Now back to Buzz

on the Buzz Wescott
Radio Network.

Yeah, welcome back.

Uh, before we get to the phones,

I, uh, was just talking
to my incredible kid,

and, uh, and she turned me on

to this really weird
story in the paper today.

It seems some 40-year-old
proofreader in New York,

uh, sat dead in his
office for five days

before fellow
workers noticed him.

Ooh, that's terrible.

Yeah, now this lame-o
had a heart attack,

but, uh, he was,
uh, such a nobody

that nobody even
noticed it for five days.

None of his coworkers, nothing.

Uh, you know, he was dead.

You know, now there's a
ten on my loser meter, babe.

Oh, come on, Buzz.

You're being so mean.

Can you imagine
being such a zero

that nobody notices
your cold, dead corpse

slumped over on your desk?

What did they think?

That the guy was
the first one to work

and the last one to go
home for five straight days?

Oh, my God!

Does anybody have a cell phone?

Stop, stop, stop!

Look, somebody's up there.

Do you have a cell phone?

Dial 911... Oh...

911, what is your emergency?

Yes, there's somebody
on top of a building.

I think he's gonna jump.

- Scott?
- Oh, God.

Who are you?

Don't be afraid.

My name is Andrew.

I'm an angel.

Are you here to stop me?


I can't do that.

This is your life,
Scott, but I would love

to try to talk you
out of doing this

because I don't think
that you really want to.

This is just a cry for help.

I'm here to tell you
that God's listening.

Well, I don't have
anything to say.

I think you do.

What the hell is this?

Come on!

Can you believe that, though?

All right, then, 19,

beating people with a stick
like they do in Singapore.

Yea or nay?

- I would have to give that a nay.
- Oh, come on.

Give me a break.
Are you kidding me?

If they brought
caning to America,

crime would drop in three days.

Steal a car, get the
crap beat out of you.

I say beat them like an
ugly red-headed stepchild.

That's what I say,
and I'll tell you what.

I bet you the Siamese twins

of Hennepin County
would vote for it, too.

Would that count
as one vote or two?

Ho! Su Kim, ladies
and gentlemen.

She'll be here all week,
thank you very much.

You know, speaking
of the Siamese twins,

where the hell are they?

They should be here by now.

They're stuck in traffic.

They're stuck together,

they're stuck in traffic.

What I want to know is

who the hell is
driving, righty or lefty?

Nobody can get across town

because there's
some kid on a building

and he's threatening to jump.

Oh, there's a new one.

No one can get across
town because there's a...

'cause there's a kid

on a building
threatening to jump.

Uh, hey, Buzzheads,

anybody out there that's
stuck in this little, uh, soiree?

Give us a call on the hotline

and let us know what's
going on, would you?

And, ha, hey, Ying and Yang,
if you're out there listening...

I don't think this
is a very good idea.

We“, you're not Buzz Waste“.

Oh, no, look.

You know the kid's name?

Scott Hardwick, apartment 1401.

He's a nice kid.

I don't get it.

Yeah, they all are.


how do you think this is
gonna make your parents feel?

I don't know.

It... We don't really, uh,

talk that much, uh...

they're busy with
their own stuff, so...

So you mean you
never even told them

that your best friend died?

How do you know that?

I believe you dropped this.

How long were you
and John friends?

Since, uh... the second grade.

Um... that's my, uh,
arm in this picture.

They cut me out.

A bunch of us went to the
U2 concert last summer.

Scott Hardwick?

Who is it?

Who's-who's there?

My name is Sergeant Richardson.

Go away, okay?

Leave me alone or I'll jump.

Scott, just relax.

Nothing's going to happen.

No one's going to do anything.

A-And are you sure it's
the same Scott Hardwick

that you go to school with?

Yeah. Jackpot.

What are you doing?

My job.

- Line three. Talk to me.
- Yeah, Buzz,

this is Paul. This
Scott Hardwick dude's

in my chemistry class.

Unit 93, be advised

Crisis Intervention
Team en route.

- ETA in ten.
- 10-4.

God, how do we stall this
kid another ten minutes?

I'm not going out on
that ledge to get him.

Maybe we could find some
rope and-and tie you in.

No, it's an unnecessary risk,

and it's against procedure.

This is Sergeant Richardson
of the Minneapolis PD.

- Who's this, please?
- This is Scott's father.

- Yes, sir.
- Can I speak with Scott please?

Uh, yes, but we
have a situation here.

Uh, please stay on the line.

Who is it?

I think we got a shot
at something here.

Patch me through
to the crisis team.

Oh, for crying out loud.

Come on, come on, kid,

you're completely screwing
things up over here!

Scott, it's Sergeant Richardson.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna slide

this phone to you here
along the ledge, okay?

It's your father.


Scott, it's, uh,
actually not your dad.

Um, I sort of had
to lie to get to you.

It's Buzz Wescott.

Buzz Wescott?

Scott, I-I-I know this is
a strange time right now,

but, uh, look, Scott, I
think we need to talk.

Should I talk to him?

Scott, I don't think
that Buzz Wescott

has the answer that you need.

Well, who does?

I mean, you?


Yes, God.


Well, tell that to John.


Scott, I got your number

from a high school
buddy of yours,

and, uh, he tells me that
you're a big fan of the show,

which means we-we
have something in common.

We both think I'm great.

I'm just one of those
nobodies on your...

on your loser meters.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
man, don't say that, all right?

You're a Buzzhead,

and Buzzheads, by definition,
are not losers, my friend, okay?

Now, listen.

What do you say you go
on the air with me, huh?

You want... you want to
put me on-on the radio?

Just forget that we're
on the radio, all right?

Just two guys talking.

Mano a mano.

Let's face it, Scott.

I mean, uh, people
don't walk out on ledges

'cause they want to
check out the view.

You know what I mean?

You got problems, man, and
we should talk about them.

Anyway, you're a teenager.

Now what are you doing, man?

I mean, you should be
out there chasing chicks

and drinking and partying
and causing trouble,

for crying out loud.

You know?

I mean, what do you say, Scott?

Okay, uh... Yeah, okay.

Scott, stay on
the line, all right?

Don't go anywhere, if you
know what I mean, okay?

No pun intended, kid.

Look, just-just-just hang on.

I'm gonna put you on
hold for one second.

Oh, I love this kid.

I love him.

Buzz, this is so great.

Buzz, please don't do this.

Why not?

Because somewhere there has

to be a line that
you won't cross.

This is a frightened
and confused young boy.

He doesn't deserve
to be exploited

in front of thousands of people.

Did you say thousands of people?

Su Kim, how many radio
stations do we have lined up now?

500 and counting.

Over four million listeners.


You may not realize it,

but you made a real
connection with him.

You have the power to
make a difference in his life.

Yeah, you know
what, Monica, trust me.

I'm going to make a
huge difference in his life,

and while we're at
it, mine, too, okay?

Now let's shoo, shoo,
shoo, shoo, shoo.

Hurry on, let's work.


I-I can't believe I
put that piece of slime

on the phone with this kid.

Well, clearly he
likes Buzz Wescott.

Maybe it'll buy us
the time we need.

Stay by the window;
I got to call this in.

Hey, Minneapolis, St. Paul,

it's eight past the hour

at Twin 107, your
FM talk station.

Hello, America.

We're gonna deviate
from our usual program

because, uh, quite frankly,

there's stunning
events taking place

in downtown
Minneapolis as we speak.

There's a young man threatening

to jump off the 14th
floor of a building.

His name is Scott Hardwick,

and we have him live,
on the air, right now.

Scott, buddy, are you there?


What's going on,
buddy? I mean, uh,

what made you want to
walk out there on that ledge?

Uh... last week, my
best friend, John,

swallowed a bottle
full of sleeping pills

and k*lled himself.

Wow, bro, I... I'm sorry.

I mean, we went to the movies

the night before, and
he seemed totally fine.

Yeah... SO...

What movie did you see?

Uh, uh, Austin Powers.

Funny flick.

Yeah, I mean, that's the thing.

I mean, how-how could you go

from one minute to-to
laughing your head off,

and then go home
and k*ll yourself?

Look, Scott, I'm no expert.

I mean, maybe he was
having problems with a...

with a girlfriend.

Um, you know,

maybe there was a bad
situation at home with his parents.

Maybe he doesn't
like Mike Myers films.

He didn't even tell me
anything was wrong,

and the worst part is...

is that he didn't
even say good-bye,

he didn't leave a note.

He just left.

A few hours earlier... Hello?

Oh, yeah, hi, Barry.

Yeah, can you hold on a second?

I'm sure Buzz wants
to speak with you.

Great. Thanks.

It doesn't... it doesn't
make any sense.

People just don't k*ll
themselves for no reason.

There has to be an answer.

I mean, if John's life
wasn't worth living,

then whose is?

What's-what's the
point of anything?

Scott, I'm not gonna
pretend to know

why your buddy did
what he did, okay?

But it sounds to me

like he was taking
life a little too seriously,

Scott, you know?

I mean... for me,

life's about having
fun, you know?

blowing off all the stuff

that burns you out.

Yeah, but sometimes
you-you just can't.

I mean...

You-you know,
Scott, you're right.

Sometimes you can't and, uh,

and then sometimes you
can, you know what I mean?

Look, can-can you stay with me

during a-a commercial
break here?

I got to pay the rent, too, guy.

Uh, yeah, I guess. Yeah.

Beautiful. We'll be back
in about two minutes.

You're “sterling to
the Buzz Waste“ Show,

Twin 107 FM, talk radio.

Hey, Barry, Barry,
Barry, Barry, Barry, Barry,

I'm having a great day, baby.

Tell me you're
gonna make it better.

I'm not sure I
can do that, Buzz.

I got some bad news.


The judge said no.

Wait, what do you mean,
"the judge said no," Barry?

I mean, what the
hell did he say?

Well, what did you expect

the judge to say, Buzz?

You spend every afternoon

talking to hookers
and strippers.

What does that have to
do with anything, man?

That's part of my act.

I'm the one with
the career here.

What, does he
think she's gonna be

a better parent than me?

Hey, it's over, Buzz.

You're not getting your kids.

I'm sorry, man.

We tried.

Be sure to send
me the bill, Bare.


Oh, man, no way, no way.

That's why we're
still out there,

testing and continuing
to build our network

to make sure you stay connected

no matter where you are.

And with everything
from great value

and reliable customer service...

you can be sure you'll
find all the best in wireless...


We like to stay one step ahead.


Ten seconds, Buzz.

You're “sterling to
the Buzz Waste“ Show,

hard talk all day
on the Twin 107.

Scott, it's Buzz.

We're back.

SCOTT: You know, uh,

I've been thinking about
what you said and, uh,

I'm thinking that
maybe-maybe you're right, uh...

Scotty, you know,
the world, uh...

it really does stink.

You know, I don't
know what to tell you

about your friend, man.

Maybe he did the wrong thing

swallowing all
those pills, you know.

Maybe he did the right thing.

Maybe you're doing
the right thing, too.

I don't know anything anymore,

and frankly... I don't care.

Nobody does.

Not about me, and
not about you, Scotty.

So do what you got to do, okay?

Make your move.

There is one thing I do
know, though, Scotty-watty...

and that is that, uh,

you're tying up traffic,
Scotty, and that ain't cool.

Vaya con Dios.



Would you like a

Ah, come on, come on, kid.

Get it over with already.


Jump, you idiot!


That's right. Jump!

Wait, no!

Come on!


Jump, jump!

Jump, jump...!

Jump, jump!

Jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump... Hello?


No, no.

Shut up, okay?

I don't want to talk
to you anymore.

I don't want to talk to anyone.

Jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump, jump,
jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump, jump,
jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump, jump,
jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump, jump,
jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump, jump,
jump, jump, jump, jump,

jump, jump, jump, jump...


You have never walked
out on a show, ever.

You cannot leave 500
stations hanging now.

Watch me.

And what about that kid?

You gonna leave
him hanging, too?

I've got my own
problems right now, okay?

Deal With it!


It's a real mess down there.

I knew that radio jerk
was gonna screw us.

Well, he did buy us some time.

Not enough.

Fire's at least another
five minutes away

with that airbag.

The crisis team is stuck
in traffic six blocks away.

They're trying to
get here on foot.

Okay, why don't
we just grab a sheet

- and tie it up by the window?
- No.

It's too risky.


isn't there a time when
a risk is acceptable?

Yeah, when it means I don't
have to jeopardize 23 years

on the job on some crazy kid.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump...


Scott, don't listen to them.

Why not?

Because what they're
saying doesn't matter.

There's a book,
Scott, the Book of Life,

and God has written
your name in that book.

He has a plan for you.

He chose the
moment of your birth,

He's chosen the
moment of your death,

and if you take that
out of His hands,

then you're gonna miss the
life that He wanted to give you.

Why didn't someone
tell that to John?

I did.

You're not John, Scott.

You're still alive,

and you still have a choice.


Scott, I can't imagine
how badly you must've felt

to come out on this
ledge, but if I were you,

there's one thing
I'd think about doing.

- What?
- Leave a note, son.

I-I heard you say
how badly you felt

when your friend died
without an explanation.

What are your
parents gonna think

if you do the same thing?


Jump, you idiot!


Jump, jump, jump...
Shame on you, Tony.

Where'd you come from?


You're that lady.

I'm no lady; I'm an angel.

Holy... Stop it right there.

Now you wouldn't
listen to me before,

but you're going
to listen to me now.

What kind of a man would
urge another human being

to k*ll himself just so

he wouldn't miss
a roll in the hay?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about you weren't

rushing home to see
your wife and your children.

You were trying to squeeze
in some time for your girlfriend,

and don't tell me you weren't,

because if you do,
you'll be lying to an angel.

Now we gonna talk about this,

and about how to get your
marriage back on track,

but first you're gonna
get out of this cab

and shush those people
urging that boy to k*ll himself.

Well, why would
they listen to me?

Because they
listened to you before,

and they'll listen to you again.

Robert Anthony, God loves you.

He has got you here to
get you out of this jam,

and I'm not just
talking about traffic.



Jump, jump, jump, jump... Hey...

Jump, jump, jump, jump...!

Y'all need to knock it off

and let that kid alone.

Yelling "jump."

That's not right.

You must miss them very much.

Look, I don't know
how you got in here,

but leave the same way.

And I think

that you miss the man
you were a long time ago

and wish you could be again.

A man who loved his family

and counted it an
honor to be on the radio,

speaking over thin air

to a world brimming
with possibilities.

Bank before Ray David
Waste“ became Buzz,

and Buzz became
number one in the ratings.

Who are you?

I am an angel.

Excuse me?

I am an angel whom
God has sent here

with a message for you...

and the message is this.

God loves you very much,

but He doesn't love
what you have become.

Look, I-I-I know I got in

over my head today with the kid,

you know, on-on-on the
building and everything,

but it's-it's-it's
just radio shtick.

Everybody knows that.

I mean, it's-it's just an act.

They all know that.

Do they really?

Every day you push the envelope

closer to the edge,

and the competition
pushes it further,

and soon the world is-is
a mean and angry place,

and people begin to believe
that there's no more hope,

no more compassion,
no more love,

and then they
tune into your show

and hear you tell a young
boy that there is no answer

for his pain,

and suddenly they're yelling
at him to jump from a building.


At this very moment,
hundreds of your fans

are yelling at Scott Hardwick

and urging him to jump.

Oh, my God.

God, please forgive me.

God does forgive you, Buzz,

because He loves you more
than you could ever imagine,

but He requires
something of you, too.

That you turn around

and offer that love
to someone else,

and right now, there's
someone who needs it very badly.


Leave me alone.

Come on, come on, come on...

He's not answering.

Put me back on the air.

Come on.

Yes. We can still pull this off.

Well, just-just-just get
me on the air now, okay?

Gloria, he's gonna jump.


Scott, it's Buzz.

We're-we're back on the air.

Please don't jump, buddy.

Sergeant, turn
that little radio on

and-and put it out the window.

No, Gloria, I don't
trust that guy.

Sergeant, I wouldn't
normally pull rank on you,

but I-I'm going to... because...

well, because I'm an angel.

Scott, wait.

I said some stuff to you that...

I can't believe I'm saying this,

but give Buzz Wescott
one more chance.

I-I don't know if-if you're,

if you're listening out there,

but I pray to God that you are.

I need to ask you to forgive me.

Forgive me for being so
caught up in my own stuff

that I...

that I didn't treat you with
compassion and kindness.

See, I...

You're not alone
out on that ledge.

I've-I've been living on
a ledge of my own for...

for a long time.


I'm not the man people
think that I am. I...

I go home to an empty
apartment every night

because my wife left me and...

she took away my kids.

I mean, she had good reason to.

I... H was a self-absorbed
husband and...

and a lousy father.

I was...

I was more worried
about my ratings

than I was my own family.

Scott, M... I-I-I
know you're scared

and you're hurting right now,

but please don't jump.

I don't...

I don't know if you
believe in angels...

but I do, and I'll-I'll
make you a deal,

under-under one condition.

I'll tell you about...

about a real special
angel that I know,

but only if we both
have feet on the ground.

Come down from there now.

Please come down now.



Um... I'm-I'm ready
to go in-inside now,

but I'm too afraid to move.

Uh... It's okay, it's okay.

Just hold on.

You've followed procedure
for 23 years and six days.

This is where

the rubber meets
the road, Sergeant.

Give me your hand.

Give me your hand.

Give me your hand.

I got you.

All right, son...

All right, okay.

Just come with me.


Let's go down...
now, easy, easy.

I got you.

Oh, thank God.


You're okay.

Wait, um...

I-I have to say
good-bye to someone.


Thank you.

And, uh...

no offense, but I
hope I don't see you

for a long time.

Along, long time.

Yeah, okay.