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09x03 - Two Sides to Every Angel

Posted: 05/03/23 12:31
by bunniefuu
- Pillows on a picnic, Tess?
- That's right.

If I'm going to be roughin'
it, I want to be comfortable.

It is so beautiful.

So, we have a day off, huh?

Yes, because every
person on the planet

has learned to get
along with one another

in love and harmony.

Tess, that's not true.

I know that.

But I can dream, can't I?

Hello, peace and quiet.


Gloria, over here.


So, what shall we
do with our day today?

I thought "we"...
Would take a nap.

What did you have in mind?

Oh, I don't know.
I was thinking,

you and I work together,
but we really never

have time to... chill.

- Chill?
- Chill. Ch...

Now, that sounds good.

Go do that. Bye-bye.

Monica, did you ever

see the movie Thelma and Louise?

- Yes, I did.
- Wouldn't it be fun to bond

like the women in that movie?

Well, of course, without
all the-the sh**ting

and the kidnapping and
the driving off the cliff.

I'd really like that, - Gloria.
- Uh...

- it's my car.
- Mm-hmm.

No cliffs.

Maybe we should wait for Andrew
and-and see if he'd like to go.


No, baby. Uh...

Andrew didn't get today
off, if you know what I mean.


♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Oh, I know. Let's make a list

of all the things we
have in common.

You first.


We're both angels.


Number two?

We're both in female form.

Good one.

Number three?

We really are so different.

Why do you think
God made us that way?

I can't say I've given
it much thought.

Oh, that's my problem.
I think too much.

You don't have to. You
have something better.

You have wisdom.

Gloria, wisdom is only
intelligence plus experience.

- You'|| get there.
- Hmm.

How did you get there?

Trial and error.

Error, mostly.

Oh, I pushed when
I should've pulled,

and I pulled when I
should've pushed and...

then, of course, there
was the water problem.

- Water problem?
- Yes.

I was in the middle of this
assignment near a lake,

and I discovered that I
was afraid of the water.

Oh, ouch.

It's not easy
saying, "Fear not,"

when your knees are shaking.

I'm afraid of something.

What's that?

I'm afraid I'll let God down.

There's no need
to be afraid of that.

I'm sure that you will.

I wouldn't do it
on purpose. I...

Sorry? Did you just say...

you're sure I will?

God knows that you're
not perfect, Gloria.

He made you that way.

But He will always
forgive us if we ask for it.

And a certain amount
of fear is a healthy thing.

Without feeling it, how
can we understand it?

How can we help an assignment
who might be feeling it?

Yes. It's true, isn't it?

And sometimes when we
help a human to face their fears,

we face our own, and then
we're not afraid anymore.

How about I buy
you a cup of coffee?

Ah. An angel after my own heart.

- Hello.
- Welcome to Louie's.

If it don't smell right,
look good or taste great,

I'm the one to complain to.

You're Louie?

No, I'm Sally.

Long story.

Table for two, please.

"Please." Mmm.

You're not from
around here, are you?

So, what time's
Doug picking you up?

Any minute.

I, um... I'd like a
cup of coffee, please.

- Mm-hmm.
- And I'll have

one third cranberry
juice, one third apple juice

and one third
tomato juice with ice.

Two coffees, coming up.

So, where is he taking you to?

That fancy Italian
place on the interstate?

No, the Black Boot.

The Black Boot?

For your anniversary?

What's he giving you
for your birthday, Kristie,

a vacuum cleaner?

It's not our real anniversary.

Just six months.

Go on.

Get dressed.

Thanks, Sal.

Doug Jackson, what
is wrong with you?

Always a pleasure, Sally.

When are you getting
rid of these license plates?

Oh, uh, I-I don't know.

When I get around
to it, I guess.

Well, guess again.

How do you think it
makes your wife feel

to see you driving around
with another woman's name

- on your truck?
- Listen.

Ashlee and I have
been over forever.

I'm a married man,
and you know that.


Then act like one.

Can you tell her I'm here or...?

I'm so glad we could get away.

Out on the open highway,

with the sun above
us, the road below us

and the wind blowing
through our hair

in that wonderful car of Tess's.

Speaking of which...
No, you can't.

Can't what?

Drive Tess's car back.

I'm sorry, Gloria, but
she entrusted it to me

and it's not mine to lend.

That's what you were
going to ask me, isn't it?


Aren't you gonna
tell her I was here?


Doug's here.

Hi, honey.

How do I look?

Why don't you just...?

You look fine.

Let's go.

Bye, Sally.

So, why do you like
coffee so much, anyway?

Oh, I don't really know.

But I remember the
day I had my first cup.

I'm sorry, I know
it's Tess's car,

and I know she doesn't
want me driving it,

but what I don't know is why.

Well, I think she'd
just like to see you...

get your feet a bit
more on the ground first.

So I'm too young.

How old would I have to be?

Well, you see,
it's not a question

of chronological age,

Gloria, inasmuch as it's,

you know, experience

and maturity, understanding.

Are you saying I'm immature?

No, no, that's not
what I mean. I-I...

I'm not immature. I'm not.

Is there a Monica here?


Phone for me?

Only if you're Monica.

Back down the hall.


Well, I'll be right back.

Gloria, I'll be right back.

On second
thought, let's just go.

What about the phone?

It's not important. You are.

You didn't sound
like that a minute ago.

I apologize, Gloria.

Would you let me
make it up to you?

Me? Y-You're letting me drive?

I have faith in you.

Well, what about Tess?

- She...
- If you'd rather not.



Listen to me.

I know you've met evil before,

but you've never met it
one-on-one, face-to-face,

especially when
the face is tricked up

to look just like you.

Are you sure you're
ready for this, baby?


You can call me... Monique.

I don't need to know your
name to know who you are.

Confusion is your w*apon,

destruction your goal.

And you can counterfeit
anything to accomplish it, even me.

You're too late, Miss Wings.

I think you're getting a
wee bit ahead of yourself.


A wee bit.

Aren't you embarrassed
to talk like that?

Fear not.

God loves you.

Of course, what
else can you expect

from that dreary crowd
you hang out with?

You know, if it wasn't for
your addiction to coffee,

I'd say you're hopeless.

This better be good, Miss Wings.

Oh, Tess... it's Monique.

She's back, and she's
taken Gloria and your car.

My car?

It's been so long
since we saw her.

I just thought that she...

We can never forget

what the enemy
is capable of, baby.

I have to go after them.

Gloria is so innocent.

She's never had to face
an evil like this before.

I-I can't bear to think of
her alone with Monique.

Now, you listen to me.

I don't like the thought
of Gloria being out there

with a demon any
more than you do,

but this is something
every angel has to face

sooner or later.

I did, you did,

and unless the Father gives
us permission to intervene,

all we can do is wait and
trust him to take care of her.

She's going to
be all right, baby.

Father, take care of
our little Gloria for us.

She's in Your hands.

Monica, I can't believe
you're letting me drive.

I think it's time for you to
spread your wings a little.

Take some risks, be bold.

So, where to?

Oh, just keep driving
down this road.

♪ She can make you laugh,
she can make a man cry ♪

♪ And she makes
me lose my mind ♪

♪ She can drive you
wild with that sexy smile ♪

♪ And it tease me all the time ♪

♪ She can take your... ♪

Oh, wow, look.

It's Doug and
Kristie from the café.

Isn't that a coincidence?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Hey, girls.

What'“ it be?

Oh, I am just dying for a glass
of one third cranberry juice,

one third apple juice and one...

Two coffees, please.

- Hey, Wanda.
- Yeah?

Two coffees for these ladies.


Are you feeling all right?

Oh, I don't know. I just...

Suddenly, I feel really
sick all of a sudden.

Oh, Rudy, I've
never felt like this.

I think I need to go home.

- You can't go home. I...
- I...

Oh, golly.

Isn't that a hot
poker in the eye?

I got a full house.

Maybe I could fill in.

Honey, I've known you
for about 30 seconds.

Can you give me one good
reason why I should hire you?



There's uniforms in the back.

Monica, that was so nice of you.

I'm a giver, Gloria.

That's what I do.

Oh, what should I do?

Have your coffee,
keep your eyes open.

I have a feeling that you're
going to play a very big part

in what's going to
happen here tonight.


Oh, it's been hours now, Tess.

I can't stand the waiting.

God only knows where
Gloria is with that... thing.

Now, you got that right.

God knows where Gloria is.

That's why we're not
going to go anywhere

or do anything until He tells
us where to go and what to do.

Where have you been, baby?

The park, and then an ambulance,

and finally, the hospital.

Oh, no.

Some... animal just
beat a girl half to death.


Physically, she's gonna
recover, but on the inside...

You know, I could spend
a million years on Earth

and never understand the things

that some people
do to one another.

Where's Gloria?

♪ She must have stood in ♪

♪ The line up in Heaven ♪

♪ God's greatest gifts... ♪

I remember the
first time I saw you.

Right over there,

beating the hell
out of that jukebox.

Well, that jukebox
had it coming.

They raised the price,
and I only had one quarter.

I gave you another
one, didn't I?

You remember what
song we played?

Yes, I do.

Uh... yeah, it
was... it was one...

Oh, yeah, I know,
but you have no idea.

Hello there.

How y'all doin'?

Young lady at the bar asked
me to send over a drink.

I made a suggestion.

It's called Devil's Delight.


What is she doing here?

I don't know.

What? It doesn't matter.

It's not like she
means anything to me.

Just a set of license plates
you can't seem to get rid of.

- Come on. Don't do this.
- No.

You know, I'm gonna
use the ladies' room,

and then I want to leave.

I'm not in the party mood

- all of a sudden.
- Kristie.

♪ She had a mission... ♪

Oh, such a shame.

Jealousy is such an ugly thing.

Would you mind just
taking these back over to her

and tell her that...
that we don't want 'em?

Well, sure.

Easier if you don't face her.

I'm not afraid...

Ah, never mind.
I'll do it myself.


Long time, no dance.

Mm-hmm. How are you?

Well, still single.

Unlike some people I know.


♪ Let's make a little thunder ♪

Oh, you always were so funny!

A six-month
anniversary is very nice,

but if you want to
make it to one year

or five years or even ten,

you're going to need
to fight fire with fire.

♪ Bring on a little rain ♪

♪ Let's wash away
the heartache ♪

♪ That's been
causing so much pain ♪

♪ Let's drown the sorrows... ♪

Maybe you're right.

♪ Ain't no right way
to do what's wrong ♪

That's your song, isn't it?

♪ If you want to
sleep good at night ♪

It used to be.

♪ There ain't no wrong
way to do what's right ♪

Excuse me.

The lady would like to dance.

♪ Years later, met
my wife at church... ♪

Oh, well, I don't...
I don't think that...

Remember, fire with fire.

♪ She swayed up to
me, trouble-bound... ♪

I'd love to.

But just a dance.

Just a dance.

♪ Nobody else around ♪

Excuse us.

♪ Said, "Stay
just a little while" ♪

♪ And I heard my dad's
words behind her smile ♪

♪ Ain't no right way
to do what's wrong... ♪

So, it looks like we have
an assignment after all.

Doug and Kristie.

So it's not a coincidence
that we're here.

Why don't you go play
some songs on the jukebox?

What? Why?

You could do a little...

angelic surveillance out there.

So whatever happened
to us, Dougie?

I mean, I thought we had
something pretty special.

Yeah, we did.

Then I met Kristie...

and I knew that she was the one.

Sometimes you just know.

Yeah, I guess I just
never figured you

to be with someone
who's so jealous.

She's not usually like that.

Oh, no?

♪ Little or a lot, it
don't belong to you ♪

♪ If you want to
sleep good at night ♪

Kristie, what are you doing?

♪ There ain't no wrong
way to do what's right... ♪

Give me another one.


Oh, dear.

I'm sure it was an accident.

♪ Then one day
a flirty neighbor ♪

♪ Well, she swayed up
to me, trouble-bound... ♪

Well... people never
cease to amaze me.

What are you talking about?

Your wife.

She just left with that cowboy.

♪ Said, "Stay
just a little while" ♪

♪ And I heard my dad's
words behind her smile ♪

Son of a...

You know something?

I just don't give a damn.

You want to get out of here?

You sure you want to?


Happy anniversary, Kristie.

♪ There ain't no wrong
way to do what's right. ♪

♪ Every time I lose my heart ♪

♪ You know where to find it... ♪


Where's Doug?

I don't know how
to tell you this,

but I saw Doug
walk out with Ashlee.

♪ For a week or two ♪

♪ And you knew ♪

♪ She's the kind who
doesn't finish games ♪

♪ She likes to start ♪

♪ It seems like every
time I lose my heart ♪

♪ You know where to find it... ♪

What happened?

Doug left with Ashlee.


Well, he-he thought

that Kristie had
gone with the cowboy.

No, but they were helping
me pick up the change and...

Oh, no.

This is all my fault.

♪ To make an old love run ♪

♪ It seems like every
time I lose my heart ♪

♪ You know where to find it... ♪

♪ You seem to say ♪

♪ What I cannot say... ♪

Come on.

I don't understand
how all this happened.

It-it was just a... a
big misunderstanding.

So I'm gonna go to
Kristie and tell her the truth

about why Doug left with Ashlee,

and then she's
gonna run after him

and clear this all up.

This is not the time.

We can't say or do anything
more than we already have.

"We" is not the problem, Monica.

It's "me." It's my fault.

Gloria, it was an accident.

Angels aren't supposed
to have accidents.


I just hope I haven't
let God down.

Well, I'm sure that
God has another plan.

He usually does,
and-and you'll get

another chance
to fix the problem.

This time, you have to be
ready when that chance comes.

♪ You know where to find it ♪

♪ It seems like every
time I lose my heart... ♪


You know, I've seen
more people die than...

than I can possibly count.

And I've always thought
it was an honor and...

and it was a privilege to
be able to escort them home.

But then there
are days like today.

Do you know that
he beat her so badly

that she doesn't
remember her name?

The only thing she
even remembers

about the guy is his boots.

Red cowboy boots.

I mean, she has...
she has parents,

she has... she has kids.

She has a job, she has a life.

And tonight the only thing she
remembers is red cowboy boots.

She's alive.


But the next one might
not be so fortunate.

You did all you could.

But why is it that I only
get to help afterwards?

Why can't I do my
job beforehand?

I don't know.

Sometimes I feel
so helpless, too.

Angel babies.

Sometimes the battle
is not ours to fight.

I can't believe he just left.

With her.

He doesn't deserve you.

You need someone
who appreciates you.

She's so vulnerable right now.

And that cowboy, he's
taking advantage of her.

Love can be a slippery slope.

Isn't that what we're here for?

To take some of that
slip out of the slope?

Yes, that's exactly
right, Gloria.

So go ahead.

Do your magic.

Oh, uh... m-maybe
you should do it.

I'm-I'm not... I'm not so sure.

I'm not sure about
a lot of things today.

This is your second
chance, Gloria.

Are you ready?

Oh, um... I guess so.

Go ahead.

Don't give up now.

I'll be right back.

Don't make me come and find you.

Hello, Kristie.

Do I know you?

My name is Gloria.

I-I saw you earlier at the café.

I-I just didn't get a
chance to introduce myself.

This... this is not a good time.

I know.

But it has to be now.


I have a message for you.

A message from Doug?


From God.


I'm an angel, Kristie.

And God wants
you to know the truth.

Oh, please.

something's supposed

to be happening right about now.

Oh, I'm sure it does.

This is when everybody
starts laughing at you

and the bartender
sends you home in a taxi.

No, no, this is where I
usually glow with God's love.

Please, leave me alone.

I am having a bad day,

and this is not
making it any better.

I'm supposed to be
glowing. I'm not glowing.

No, but you're babbling.
Does that count?

God loves you, Kristie.

And He wants
your life to be filled

with all kinds of
wonderful things and...

Who's this?

She thinks she's an angel.

Oh, no.

You're the angel.

Come on.

Let's get us one
more for the road.

No, no, please, stop...

Kristie, there's more.

There... there's more.

Oh, dear.


Not even a touch of a glow.

I've never seen that before.

What does it mean?

I'm sorry to have to tell
you this, Gloria, but...

that means God doesn't
love you anymore.


Let's go.

It's been a pleasure, ladies.


Gloria's so afraid
of letting You down.

And... and now she's
out there in trouble,

and she needs to hear the truth.

Telling the truth
is what I do best.

So, please, tell me where to go.

Let me help her.

- Come on!
- Where are we going?

Doug, why are we stopping here?

Got to deliver a message.

So, how was the big anniver...?

What is she doing here?

- Who you calling "she"?
- Hey!

Lady, you got one lead foot.

- Excuse me?
- I don't know how

you got here before
us, but I'll tell you.

Got here from where?

The Black Boot.

You were just there.

The Black Boot.

Sally, listen... I want you
to do me a favor, okay?


I want you to tell Kristie

that if she thinks that her
new boyfriend is better than me

just 'cause he's got
some cowboy clothes

and a pair of stupid red boots,

she can keep him.

All right?

Oh, no.


Yes, go.

It's time to go.

- Good night, Rudy.
- Good night.

This is the worst
day of my life.

I let my assignment down.

I let God down.

Now you're telling me he
doesn't love me anymore?

It's not the end of
the world, Gloria.

Although I suppose

it actually is the
end of yours, isn't it?

But I thought you
said that God knows

that I'm not perfect.

That if I let Him
down, He'll forgive me.

Well, I'm sure
He'll forgive you.

It's just that He...
clearly made a mistake

by making you a caseworker,

and now He's cutting his losses.

God doesn't make mistakes.

God is perfect.


Well... even God is entitled

to a wee mistake now and then.

Oh... my... Oh... your what?

You're not Monica.

Oh, hell.

That always trips me up.

I just can't quite grasp
the "God is perfect" thing.

Uh, who, what?

You must be some sort of...

Demon? She-devil?

Not nice thing?

I prefer "Hateful Hottie."

I gave that to myself.

Her name is Monique.


You... you are Monica, right?

Yes, I am, Gloria.

Well, well, well.

Look what the Lord dragged in.

It's all over, Monique.

You've lost.

Oh, really?

Well, by my count,

I have one broken-up marriage,

one very confused angel.

Not bad for a weeknight.

And don't forget one
woman in terrible danger.


The cowboy.

Is he one of yours?

Not officially, but I am
a big fan of his work.

Who? The cowboy?

What? I'm so confused.

That's how the
enemy works, Gloria.

Lies of all sizes designed
to muddy the water,

throw you off balance

and make you
question who you are.

Yes, that's exactly
what she did.

It's all making sense now.


How about now?

Don't be fooled, Gloria.

I am Monica.

It's another lie, Gloria.

Don't listen to her.

Gloria, together we could send
her back where she came from.

Don't believe her.

She's a master manipulator.

Uh, I-I-I don't know what to do.

She's trying to trick you,
to confuse and destroy you.

Yes! No!

Oh, I don't know!

Listen to your heart, Gloria.

You know that it's me.

It doesn't matter which
of us is Monica right now.

What matters is
that you help Kristie.

God will protect Kristie.

Use your head.

Gloria, why do you think God
gave you that wonderful brain?


Think very hard about this.

No, don't use your
head right now.

Your head is confused.

And don't listen to your heart.

Your heart is fearful.

Listen to God.

Be still and know
that He is near.

Let God tell you what to do.

I'm an angel with a job to do.

And this experience
has given me wisdom.

Thank you, Monica. Thank you.

Well done, Gloria.

Well done.

I have to go, but
will you be all right?

Yes, of course, although I
can't say the same for Monique.

You are good, Monica.

That's not a
compliment, by the way.

I'm not interested
in your compliments

or anything else
that you have to say.


Shall we just cut to the
good-versus-evil catfight?

Fighting hate with more
hate is never the answer,

but when we resist
evil, it loses power.

Good-bye, Monique.

Come here, baby.

- No! No!
- Come on, now.

- Come on.
- Stop it!

Get your hands off of me!

- Come on.
- Let go of me!

They always try to run.



I told you not to run!

- Why even fight it?!
- Go away!

Let go of me, please!

No! Let go of me, please!

Get your hands off of me!


- No!
- Let her go.

Gloria, help me!

You shut up, now, you hear me?!

I'll take care of you later.

In the name of God, let her go.

Who are you?

I'm another angel.

I have somebody
who wants to meet you.

Oh, God.

What have I done?

Nothing that can't be undone.

Now, when she gets here, Doug,

you have to be
understanding and forgiving

and ready to take
responsibility yourself

for all of this.

It's not every day you
get a band of angels

stepping in to help, so
you be ready to listen.

And one more thing.

Young lady, you are out of here.

Well, why do I have to leave?

Because... three's a crowd.

There's a cab
waiting outside for you.

Angels. Yeah, right.

Get me out of here.

Are you okay?

I think so.

Don't tell me.


Yes, I am.

And I have a message
for both of you from God.

Of course, it might
have been more helpful

had I given it to you earlier,

but sometimes even angels
let things get in the way.

You open the door just
a crack, and evil steps in

and takes advantage of all
your fears and insecurities.

You both opened that door, too.

You let each other down.

You didn't honor the
vows you made before God.

You were inexperienced,

and now you're experienced.

And experience... brings wisdom.

God is here, and He loves us

in spite of all the mistakes.

And He has a plan for us all.

He even sent me my
own angel to prove it.

It's a brand-new day.

She's come a long way.

She sure has, angel boy.

Tess, would it be okay if we...?


Or chilled?

Do whatever you want to do.

Just don't do it in my car.