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09x01 - A Rock and a Hard Place

Posted: 05/03/23 12:29
by bunniefuu
You know, Tess, I have
always loved the look

of French country.

- Too cutesy.
- Oh.

Well, what about something
with a-a lodge-type feeling?

Too many moose heads.


No moose heads.

It's got to be
rustic... like this.


Tess, not logs.

How long have you
been a caseworker?

Nine years.

And in those nine years,

how many times
have I been wrong?

Hardly ever?

Almost never.

And do you know why that is?

Because you have
been a caseworker

for a very long time?

Long, long, long time.

Have you got something you
want to tell me, Miss Wings?

Tess, it's just, you know how
we usually go to our assignment,

and they almost
never come to us?

But this time, since

they are coming to us,
instead of the other way around,

I thought it would be great if
we put our best foot forward

and gave them something
really much more...

French country than rustic.


I love the way you
reasoned that out.

It was wonderful.

The answer is no.

Ricky, hurry up.

Your father's here.

Ah, the bill for Ricky's rehab.

Man, they didn't waste
any time, did they?

You know, you're still
getting all your mail here.

Have you moved out, or not?

I don't see why I
can't go camping.

Because this weekend,
it's just the guys, sweet pea,

but I promise you, the
next time that we go,

you can come, all right?

Do you have everything you need?

How should I know?

We never done this before.

I really don't want to do this.

Honey, what did Dr. Price say?

You can bond with your family,
or you can bond with the dr*gs.

Yeah. Well, it'd actually
help if we had a family.


If the phone works
up there, I'll call you.


Have fun.


Where are we?


Be honest.

Okay, honestly, I don't think

that it really matters
which one you go with,

whether it's this moose
manor or this Swiss chalet

or just some country house.

What matters is you
put something here now,

because their car's gonna break
down in about three minutes.

Oh, well, Tess,

if you feel strongly
about the lodge thing...

Oh, no, no, no, no.

If you want French
country, it's fine with me. It...

Let's make that two
and a half minutes.

Did we pass the
Afton Road turnoff?


Did we pass the
Afton Road turnoff?

- How should I know?
- Oh, come on, Rick.

You know, can't we
just try to get along

for one weekend and
have a little bit of fun, huh?

Wow. What the...?


♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Tom's Truck Towing.

Yes. Yes, I need
a... I need a tow.

Number please?

My number is... Hello?

Can, can...? Hello?

Ah, now we can't get
any reception up here.

Listen, we're
gonna have to walk.

There was a store a
few miles back here.

Come on, get
your stuff. Let's go.

No, I'll wait here.

No, you won't wait here.

You're gonna get your
stuff, we're gonna go.

You don't trust me.


Boy, talk about a lucky break.

What happened? You
tear a hole in your gas t*nk?

No, no. Weirdest thing.

Wait, you-you... you didn't
run over a rusty muffler

and puncture your gas t*nk?

No, no. A...

I th... I think a
meteorite hit our car.



a rock fell out of the sky
and landed on your car?

What are the chances of that?

It was like, $55... boom!

Yeah, it's what we would call

in my business a-a low
risk, but then, you know,

you just never know
what can happen,

and that's why
everybody has insurance.

- You do have insurance, don't you?
- Dad.

- Give it a rest, man.
- Yeah.

Well, right, I'm sorry.

But, uh... anyway,
so much for camping.

Geez, what are we gonna do now?

Are-are you sure they can take
us without a reservation here?

Oh, yeah.

Well, what's it like?

It's, um... it's nice.

It's-it's kind of, um... kind of
a rusticky log cabiney, um...

country cottagey, um... chalet.

It's-it's... it's nice.

As a matter of
fact, it's right, uh...

Um... uh, it's over there.

It's nice, huh?

Hey, Tess, I got some
customers for you.

Well, welcome to
Angel's Crest Lodge.

My name is Tess.

Joe Comma. Uh,
this is my son Ricky.

This is a real nice
place you have here.

Thank you very
much. Hello, Ricky.

Uh, we-we just

need a room for-for
a couple of nights.

Our-our car is being
worked on in, uh, Rollinsville.

Uh, t-two...

Two nights.

Uh, fine. Let me see
what I can do here,

if you'll just sign in.


You guys cut it a
little close, didn't you?

Never mind. How come
they're staying for two nights?

Their car's trashed.

Andrew... Oh, no,
no, it's not my fault.

Something very weird
happened out there.

Uh, uh, Monica will
show you to your room.

- Hello.
- And I'm sure your busted gas t*nk or...

or-or whatever will
all be taken care of.

Monica, they're in
the bunkhouse suite.

Oh, the bunkhouse suite.

Uh, would you follow me, please?

See you guys later.

Just what is going on?

- Something got in the way.
- Like what?

A meteorite.

So, this is your room.

Uh, there's extra
blankets in the closet.

Dinner will be at 8:00,
family-style, in the great room.

- Where's the TV?
- Oh, there's no TV.

No computer, no telephone.

That's what makes this
place a really great getaway.


This whole weekend sucks.

Hey, look, Ricky,

just because your
mother and I...

are separated,

that doesn't mean we have to be.

And... you know,
I care about you,

and-and I brought you up here

because I want to spend
some time with you.

I was in rehab for 16 weeks,

and you only came to the
family counseling sessions once.

I was working.

Now you bring me up here to see
if you wasted your money, right?

You want to make sure
I'm not using anymore.

Are you?

Why would I?

I mean, my life
is perfect, isn't it?

I'm gonna go for a
walk. You want to come?



Well, I've only had an hour
and 15 minutes since you called,

but I'm here, and I read
everything published

on general astronomy from
1584 to yesterday afternoon,

with special emphasis on
publications relating to NEOs.

That's Near Earth Objects.

Well, that rock came
a lot more than near.

Well, so what's the difference

if an old muffler
breaks his gas t*nk,

or a meteorite
breaks his windshield?

I mean, it still got
him here, right?

The difference is that
something up there

changed our plans down here,

and if it has already
changed things a little,

it could change them a lot if...

Oh, my.


I just remembered something

about Joe Collette.

Do you remember in his
file... what his hobby is?

Oh, yes.

Well, there's no such
thing as coincidence.

Gloria, did you... did
you get new glasses?

Yeah. You like 'em?


I just wanted to remind you
that dinner is in half an hour.

Did your father
go out for a walk?

I don't know.

Ricky, I know that we may
not seem that exciting up here

without all the usual
electronic equipment,

but we have something here
that you won't see in the city.

What's that?



- Hi.
- Hi.

You-you mind if
I... if I take a look?

No, please, be my guest.

Wow, Polaris is looking
good tonight, huh?


Are you an astronomer?

Um... no.

No, just an amateur.

It came right out of the sky
and right through the car.


Probably about 19
centimeters in diameter.

Very, very, very
dark fusion crust.

From the ablation.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

- So it wasn't cometary then.
- No, no, no.

- It was definitely...
- Oh.

- It was a piece of an asteroid.
- I have to see this.


I'll see you at dinner.


That shouldn't be there.

Oh, no.

Sit that right there, baby.

We have a problem.

And it's a lot bigger
than a little rock.

- Asteroid?
- Yes, a big one.

Remember, you told me
to set up the telescope,

and I started talking
to Joe about astronomy.

Which, by the way, for
an insurance salesman,

he's really knowledgeable.

Anyway, when he walked
away, I looked up again,

and there it was.

What does it mean, Tess?

I don't know, but it's
never a good thing

when a heavy object
falls on you, is it?

An asteroid in Siberia
about 100 years ago...

It flattened over 700
square miles of forest.

Where is this one
going to land, Gloria?

I don't know.


What are you doing?

It's embarrassing, you
know, watching you pretend

like you know all kinds
of stuff about astronomy.

Well, I do.

Now, didn't you ever notice
all the science magazines

I used to get when I
used to live at the house?


You see, you complain
that I don't know you.

See, but you don't know me.

All right, look, I know

it hasn't been such
a great day today,

but tomorrow's gonna be better.

That, uh, Monica

said she'd take us
fishing at sunrise.

Dad, there's no
way I'm waking up

at the crack of
dawn to go fishing.

Want to bet?

There have been two
near misses in the last year.

Yes. One missed us by
300,000 miles, another

by just 75,000 miles...

Uh, Erica, honey,
finish your breakfast.

That's less than a third of
the distance to the moon.

Yeah, that's right,
Brian. It was a close call.

No one saw that asteroid until

- it had passed.
- I remember.

- Last June.
- Yeah, that's right.

If that would have landed,

it would have been like
dropping a nuclear b*mb.


For those of you just tuning in,

astronomers at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory

in Pasadena have
confirmed the existence

of a new asteroid on a possible
collision course with Earth.

But, you know, Brian,
we're constantly being hit

by rocks from space.

Most burn up in the
atmosphere and never reach us.

If an asteroid is
big enough though,

it is possible for it to
hit the Earth's surface.

That's right. It could certainly
do some serious damage.

You don't know what
you're missing, Ricky.

I can live with that.

Have you ever done
this before, Ricky?


Ah, there's nothing like

the feeling you get
when you're fishing.

Except maybe being in a coma.

It should be crossing
into the Earth's orbit

in 12, 14 hours,
and it could hit us.

Oh, Lord. What now?

This was gonna be such
a simple assignment.

What's this place doing here?

My name is Tess.

Gosh, that's swell.

Maybe you didn't hear
the actual question.

And you are?

Mildred Mancini. Like
Henry. No relation.

You have rooms?


Rooms, rooms.

Yes, Mildred. Uh, come with me.

We'll see what
we can do for you.

The bag is in
the Sidecar, cutie.

Yes, ma'am. Can I get
your backpack for you?

Nobody touches this
thing but yours truly.

You got it, green eyes?

What brought you
up here, Mildred?

My late husband and I
used to bike in here to fish.


Never caught anything, but
then, that wasn't really the point.

AI and I just liked
being alone together.

He would've hated this place.

Come with me.

Uh-huh, I have three houses
in the same neighborhood

that I can show
you this afternoon.

We interrupt this
program to bring you

a special news report.

Good afternoon, everyone.

Could you hold on a second?

We are just receiving word of

a Civil Defense Alert called

by the Defense Department.

We want to go
now to the Pentagon

where a briefing is just
about to get under way.

I imagine a woman like
Mildred has had a fascinating life.

Is that true, Mildred?

Oh, honey, fascinating
doesn't begin to cover it.


I'm 79 years old,

and I've spent 60 of those years

on the road with my
darling AI, seeing the world,

one back road at a time.

You always keep
your backpack on?

A woman has to keep a
little mystery about her.

Well, you strike me as
being the kind of woman

who has a real healthy
philosophy on life.

You bet I have.
Life is an adventure.

You just got to go
along for the ride.

I like that. No pressure.

Yeah, but there
are pressures in life.

You can't get around
being responsible.

My dad's real big
on not having fun.

The thing about going
along for the ride is

that you miss out on the
joy of planning the trip.

I don't need plans. I go
where I want, I do what I want.


You're darn right it's cool.

Everything that
means anything to me

I got out there on my bike.

Some clothes, a few pictures
and a little portable TV.

I never miss Judge Judy.

Oh, she is a real
firecracker. That gal...

What-what time is it?

Um... it's 2:00.

Oh, I was gonna take a
hike up that mountain today.

I guess I'll do it tomorrow.


Excuse me.

You know, I'm not a dad,

but I do know what's it
like to love somebody

and not be able to
get through to them.

And I've learned that
you never really know

what it takes to bring
two people together,

but... you just got to recognize
that chance when it comes,

because sometimes that window
opens and closes very quickly.

I just hope it hasn't
already closed.



- Dad?
- Yeah?

- Dad, you better hear this.
- Where'd you get this?

Off my bike, I'd wager.

- Is that right?
- Just listen!

This thing discovered sooner?

Well, simply put,

our telescopes aren't
looking for asteroids this size.

It's one of the same reasons

we missed Asteroid
2002 MN back in June.

That one actually
passed by the Earth's orbit

before we knew
anything about it.

And how does this new
asteroid compare with that one?

It's roughly triple
the size, Terry.

It would easily cover the
space of three football fields.

Have you even been
able to determine yet when

or if this thing might
cross the Earth's orbit?

Well, at its current speed

of about ten miles per second,
it would cross the Earth's

orbit in something
less than ten hours.

Our latest projections on the
path of the asteroid suggest

a possible... and let me
stress possible... impact

somewhere in the
Western United States.

Can you be more
specific on that?

No, not yet. To get an
accurate projection...

We could be right in
that asteroid's path.

Works for me.

Sooner it hits, the better.

Well, there are hundreds
of possible scenarios.

Best case, it misses
the Earth completely,

or just skips off
our atmosphere.

Oh, come on.

Worst case, obviously, is
if it lands near a major city.

Now given the size -

And speed of this asteroid,

there would be significant
damage in a large

area extending from
the point of impact, right?

Yes, I'm afraid that's
likely, if it does hit.

And that could mean
heavy casualties

in a populated area
such as Los Angeles.

Steve Chamberlain,
spokesman for the National

Aeronautics and
Space Administration...

The cellular caller

you are trying to reach
is unavailable at this time.

Thank you very
much for your time,

and we'll be checking
back with you

throughout the day for updates.

Coming up right
after the break...

So, if Asteroid 2002 cs hits,

it'll have an impact the likes
of which we've never seen.

That's correct.

This kind of destruction...
It's almost unfathomable.

Tell me, Dr. Gershwin,

is this what they call an
Extinction Level Event?

No. However, if it does land

somewhere in the
Western United States,

which is a possibility now,

the area of significant
damage could extend

for hundreds, possibly
thousands of miles.

What could survive that?

Well, probably not very much.

The first 100 miles
in every direction

would likely be nothing
but scorched earth.

After that, there'd
be hundreds of miles

in which all large
animals, including people,

would be k*lled.

Beyond that, hurricane winds
could have devastating effects

for a diameter...
a thousand miles.


Impact... this...
Batteries are dying.

I might have some
extras on the bike.

But come 4:00,

I'm still gonna
watch Judge Judy.


This is a very
serious situation, but...

you don't seem to care. Why?

Well, princess, you'd have
to live as long as I have

to understand the
answer to that question.

I think I know the answer.

May sound old-fashioned,
Andrew, but...

I'm a Father, Son and
Holy Spirit kind of gal,

and I'm not afraid to die.

I don't think that
sounds old-fashioned.

Hasn't failed me in 79 years.

I don't expect it to now.

Makes me... feel good to
know that Al's in Heaven,

but now I'd just like to
die and be there with him.

But here I am,
healthy as a horse.

Here they are.

So, how long were you married?

59 years... since I was 19.

I don't much like the
world now without him.

So I'd be perfectly happy to

ride to my eternal
rest on an asteroid.

But there is one thing
that I still have to do.

And just in case
there's no tomorrow,

I would be much obliged
if you would help me

get to the top of
that mountain tonight.

I'd be happy to.


And these calculations are based

on an estimated speed of 9.8

miles per second ten hours
before potential impact?

Well, that's a
conservative estimate.

The asteroid will gain
speed as it approaches Earth.

So we're talking about
a collision velocity

upwards of 42,000
miles an hour on impact.


Raise havoc on the coastal...

That's great. Now
it's really dead.

I wonder if Mildred
found the batteries.

Dad, can I have the
phone? I want to call Mom.

Yeah, go ahead.
It's not gonna work.

I mean, this whole
thing is totally surreal.

You know, there's probably
really nothing to worry about.

You know how the press
is when it gets a hold

of something like
this. You know,

they'll say, uh, "Disaster Earth

2002," and then...

in a couple days,
nothing will happen.

In a week, everyone
will just forget about it.

Well, there are actually
a variety of scenarios

that are realistic.

For example, if it did hit,

it could have 30
times the impact

of the b*mb that hit Hiroshima.



So basically you're saying this
could be the end of the world?

No. Oh, no. No, no.

Well, maybe, uh,
just part of the world.

This part... actually.

But it could also just
come really close and, uh...

and burn up in our atmosphere
and then just-just go right by.

We don't know what
tomorrow will bring, Ricky.

But this could be it.

I mean,

all we really are is just a
rock spinning around in space

with a bunch of other rocks.

That asteroid isn't
gonna steer around us

just 'cause we're here.

It doesn't know.
We're just in its way.

The weird thing is,

it's probably been headed
for us for thousands of years.

And we were doomed
a long time ago.

And now life on Earth— books,

music and religion

and art... man, everything
that humans have accomplished

will have meant nothing.

Love meant nothing,
w*r meant nothing,

rehab meant nothing.

I don't believe that.

Yeah, well, I do. And that means

one kid getting stoned isn't
gonna make any difference.


Whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

- Where you going?
- Home.

I'm gonna go find Andrew,
and I'm gonna go home.

- No, you're not going anywhere.
- Look,

just because you don't
care about our family...

- H-How can you say that? I do care!
- No, you don't care!

I wish to God we weren't
stuck up here right now,

Rick, but we are!

What do you think, you're
gonna outrun that thing?

You can't outrun it. We don't
know where it's gonna hit!

What you're gonna do
is you're gonna sit down

and you're gonna wait this
thing out for the next few hours!

And you're gonna
try to have some faith.

Faith in what? God?

Faith is a joke, Dad.

Don't say that.

Everybody I ever put my
faith in has let me down.

Why should God be any different?

You're not going...

Mr. Collette?

- Yeah?
- I want you to start counting to 100.

Monica, you might want to
help him with the counting.

Gloria, you go
watch your asteroid.

I've got business to
take care of my own.


And where do you
think you're going?


If I drive fast
enough, I could...

Let me get this straight.

You're gonna get stoned,
steal my friend's tow truck,

ride 100 miles an hour
down a one-lane road

and try to outrun an asteroid?

- Yeah.
- I think not.

- Give me this.
- Hey!

Hey yourself.

Now, I'm not gonna
stop you from leaving.

And as bad as I want to
give you a lecture on dr*gs,

I'm not gonna do that either.

But I am going to suggest
that this is not a good time

for your head to be
in a cloud of smoke.

MAN: As you just heard,

the president has declared
a curfew for everyone

in the Western United States
to begin two hours from now.

That's 8:00 pm.
Pacific Standard Time.

The National Guard has been
called up to prevent looting

and enforce the curfew.
Let's face it, folks.

There's nowhere to run,

so just sit tight, keep
your loved ones close

and say a prayer.

Come on back, baby.

Turn around.

Come on back.

Authorities have narrowed down

the potential impact
area to include

California, Arizona,
Nevada and parts of Utah.

That includes us here in
the Rollinsville area, folks.


I never planned on being
a lousy father, Monica.

I know.

You know, sometimes
I just hate myself.

You mustn't say that, Joe.

Yeah? Why not?

You must not hate
what God loves.

And God loves you.

And how do you know that?

He sent me here to tell you.

I'm an angel.


I'm an angel, a
messenger from God.

So are Tess and
Andrew and Gloria.

God knew even before we did
that we would all be here tonight,

watching the sky,
waiting and praying.

It's true?


A-And... and-and
the world's gonna end.

Oh, God.

All sorts of things get
broken in this life, Joe.

Hearts get broken,

the pieces of rock are
broken off from distant worlds.

But you can't worry
about the myriad things

that can break in the universe.

Just remember that
God can heal all of them.

God can heal this
world in His time,

and He can heal your broken
family right now if you let Him.

It's not too late.

I-I would do anything
if He could do that.

God's not making a trade, Joe.

He's giving you a gift,
and all you have to do

is accept it and share it.

Beginning with your son.

Oh. I-I don't know how.

Tell Ricky

about the first time
you ever saw the stars.

Andrew, um... Oh.
Uh, look, I'm sorry, man.

I-I took your tow truck and...

I ran over an old muffler

and I think I tore a-a
hole in the gas t*nk.

What do you know about that?

Well, I guess the
only thing left to do

is go back to the
lodge, so, uh, get in.


We should know one way or
another in, uh, about an hour.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, in fact, I'm a lot
better than you might think.

Um... we need to talk.

I know a great
place for talking.

- Oh...
- Watch your step.

Here we go.

Oh, I-I have to rest.


You okay?

Yeah. Go on ahead.

There. Go on.

Watch your step up there!

I don't see it.

Yeah, well,

y-you're not gonna see it till
it comes in our atmosphere.

You know, when I
was a kid, we had this...

we had this tiny
apartment in the city.

And, uh, you know, we
never saw much at night,

just, uh... asphalt
and streetlights.

There was one summer
they took a bunch of us

city kids... street kids...
And-and they, uh...

sent us to the
country for a campout.

And all of a sudden, I was, uh,

surrounded by
fields and meadows.

You got... horses,

cows, birds flying around.

But the one thing that-that
really blew me away

was the stars.

I'd never seen the
stars like that before.


I never really looked
at 'em till last night.


That's what, uh...

made me want to be an
astronomer when I grew up.

So what happened?

Yeah, what happened? Um...

everybody thought
that, you know,

it was a little bit... a little
bit too intellectual for...

for a guy like me.


Anyway, you know, I, uh...

I got a job right out of
high school, and, um...

I-I never made it to
college till I was 30.

Yeah, that's... that's
when I met your mom.

Well, we fell in love in
about a minute and a half.

So why didn't you become
an astronomer in college?

Well, her dad, he...

Well, he was kind of
an old-fashioned guy.

He thought that whoever
married his daughter

should have a
real career, and...

and me being an astronomer
didn't really fit into his...

his plan for me, and...

I went into business with
your grandad selling insurance.

You see, nobody

seemed to think that I could
be the guy that I knew I could be,

so I just... I just
stopped trying.

And I buried myself in work so
I wouldn't have to think about it.

I guess you could say
th-that... that became my drug.

I never knew you
were so unhappy.

I never realized you
were so unhappy.

You see, God gave me dreams
that night I saw those stars,

and I lost 'em.

I lost 'em because I
never trusted Him enough

to let Him help me make
those dreams come true.

You see, Ricky, I don't
want that to happen to you.

It's kind of weird
talking about a future

when we don't even know
we're gonna have one.

Yeah, but you know what?

We got right now.

I love you, Ricky.

And, uh, maybe I-I should've...

I should've said that to you
and I should've told you that

a lot more than I did.

And I'm sorry.


- Okay, okay, okay.
- Ah, ah, whoo!

Whoo! Okay. Ah.

Listen up, everybody.

I got a lot to say and not
very much time to say it

if Astro Girl there is right.

Right now,

oh, there's a million
people out there

praying that this
asteroid doesn't hit.

And I might probably be

the only one praying it does...

'Cause I miss my
husband so much,

and I keep asking for
God to take me, too. But...

I guess God has
got His own plan.

So I'm gonna keep on

staying on the road,
waiting for my time.

But... it's time for Albert...

to get off the road.

Bye, baby.

God willing,

I'll see you sooner than later.

Andrew, can you...

- Yeah.
- Give me a hand?

Help me out.

- Come on.
- Yeah.


We are about to switch
now to live pictures

from the National Observatory
in Cambridge, Massachusetts,

as we count down
the last few moments

before we learn the fate...

- Hey, it's ringing.
- Hello?

Oh, Sandy.


Oh, thank God. Where are you?

Uh, we're 20 miles
outside of Rollinsville.

Um... No, we're okay, honey.

D-Don't worry about
anything. We're okay.

I just can't believe
this is happening.

Mom, we've been
trying to call you.

Oh, honey.

I love you so much.

I love you, too, Mom.

Ricky, I want to
tell you something.

I am proud of you.

I am so proud of you.

I have always been proud of you.

Um, here, your little sister
wants to say something.

I love you, Ricky.

I love you, too, squirt.

Is Daddy there?

I'm right here, baby.

Now, you listen to me, okay?

I don't want you to
be scared, all right?

Now, I need you to be brave.

And we're all gonna get
through this together, okay?

Me, you, Ricky
and Mom, all right?


Give me the phone, honey.

Okay, hold on.

Just hold on to me.

Any second now.


What does an angel
do at a time like this?

We do what we were
created to do, baby.

We praise God for
what we understand,

and we praise Him even more
for what we don't understand,

because He
understands everything.

♪ He's got the whole world ♪

♪ In His hands ♪

♪ He's got this
whole wide world ♪

♪ In His hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole world ♪

♪ In His hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole world ♪

♪ In His hands. ♪

I love you, Dad.

What's happening?

You're having a heart attack.


- Sandy?
- Joe.

We're okay.

It didn't hit us.

The angle, it-it
was too shallow.

It just bounced right
off the atmosphere.

It's gone. It's over.

I'm coming home, Mom.

I'm coming home.

I'm coming home, too.

Take me home, Andrew.

Glory be to God.

In the highest.

In the very highest.