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08x13 - Ship-in-a-Bottle

Posted: 05/03/23 12:26
by bunniefuu
Jasmine. Jasmine, hold on.

I will get that.

I was trying to help, Dad.

Well, I love that,
Jasmine. That's beautiful.

I just hate the sound
of broken glass.

Now, you know there's some
more stuff in the car, sugar.

Can I unpack my barometer first?

Well, you can unpack
it, you can set it up,

you can do whatever you
want, but this little baby

right here, huh...
this little baby

just has to stay
in one piece, right?

And, please, keep an
eye on your sister for me.


Not in the house.

But it's Jasmine's ball.

And your foot.

Go grab some more
boxes out of the car.

And put your jacket on.

But I'm hungry.

We'll get you some pizza.

Just hurry up 'cause the
truck will be here soon.


Look, there's a
hoop in the driveway.

Hey, maybe after
pizza, we could, like...

No, we can't.

It's too cold. The
pressure's falling.

We should stay inside.

And I don't want pizza again.


Ashley always gets pizza.

I want a hamburger.

And I want pizza.

Look, I am not driving
two places. Come on.


What would Mom do?

Mom would have made lunch.

Those movers should've
been here by now.

It's cold in here.

Are you cold?

A little.


So we just turn up
the heat a little bit, see?

No problem, all right? Huh?

This is Washington, girls.

It's going to be colder
than Los Angeles, okay?

Now, I think we
passed a pizza parlor

that's right next to a
hamburger stand on the way in.

But we're gonna get it to go.


Come on, slow poke, let's go.

I'm still amazed by the
creativity of humans.

Look at all these
wonderful details.

All the little knots.

A long time ago, they
called those puzzle bottles.

Why take something that's
already incredibly difficult...

Because ship building is
no cake walk, you know...

And then make it
that much harder

by confining the construction
to the inside of a bottle?

It's their patience
that I admire.

Their determination when it
would be so easy to give up.

Their self-control.

Tevis Lockwood's
father made that ship

by putting every little piece
exactly where it needed to be.

He understood the
importance of doing things right,

but he also understood that
there are some things in life

that you cannot control.

He tried to pass
that on to Tevis.

Like keep your
eye on the horizon,

try to find a port in the storm.

Uh, if you can't, batten
down the hatches

and prepare to ride it out.

But Tevis never learned that.

Tevis decided to
fix the storm instead.

The problem is, he's only human.

And he won't accept that
there are just some things

he cannot control.

Like the weather?

Like life and death.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

♪ Ashley ♪

♪ And Jasmine ♪

♪ Ashley ♪

♪ And Jasmine ♪

♪ Ashley and Jasmine's ♪

♪ Song... ♪

Yes, yes, I'm still holding.

Yes, I'm still holding.

♪ Ashley and Jasmine... ♪

We“, what are you
taming about? What?

Tomorrow night?

You must be
kidding me with that.

♪ Ashley and Jasmine... ♪

Well, well, get a tow truck.

We have a contract that
says I get delivery today, man.

♪ Ashley and Jasmine's ♪

♪ Song. ♪

Okay, here is the situation.

The moving truck broke down,
so we get to sleep on the floor.

We can't sleep on the floor.

It's gonna get cold, and
there's a storm moving in.

Well, we could stay at a hotel.

There's one right
down the street.

Now, don't I always
have you covered, Jazz?


Excuse me.


Hi. Can I help you?

I'm Monica.

I'm sorry?

I'm the relocation specialist...
From the shipping company.

Oh, I thought the relocation
specialist's name was Janice.

Ah, yes, but Janice,
she was called away

on family business to Florida.

But she's left me with a very
thorough list of your needs.

Oh, okay, good.
Well, come on in.

Thank you.

So, how do you
like your new home?

Well, I've never spent any
time in the Northwest before.

I mean, it's great.
It's beautiful up here.

Oh, congratulations on your
promotion, Mr. Lockwood.


Call me Tevis.

I run a tight ship but
a friendly one, Monica.

So, where are
Ashley and Jasmine?

I'm really looking
forward to meeting them.

Well, they're upstairs
playing the guitar,

sitting on the floor.

As you can see, I'm
having a little trouble

with the moving company.

Man, I-I would offer you

a cup of coffee or
something, but...

I understand.

I just spoke to the movers
myself a short time ago.

Yeah, well, so did I.

How do these people
even stay in business?

If I ran my shipping
company that way,

we wouldn't last a week.

Well, sometimes
unforeseen things happen.

Not if you keep your eyes open.

Come here. Let me
show you something.

You see this?

It took my dad
years to build this.

And it can all be gone
in just a split second

if somebody gets
careless with it.

That's the problem with
the world, you know?

There's just too many
fragile things in it.

Like your family, your
health, your career.

You can't let your
guard down one second,

or you lose it all.

I suppose that's true in a way,
but it sounds so pessimistic.

Yeah, well, nice guys
finish last, Monica.

I'll tell you a little secret.

I actually am a nice guy.

Just can't let that
stuff get around.

I know.

Well, um, I found a great
nanny service here in town,

and they're prescreening
some applicants

for you to interview next week.

In the meantime,
my friend Gloria and I

are at your disposal
to help with the girls.

I don't suppose you
know how to braid hair?

Well, I might surprise you.

Yeah, well, I'm not
big on surprises.

You know, Ashley,
excessive motion

is detrimental to
the braiding process.

My mom always did it.

Well, she had to, 'cause
this one won't be still

for anything.

I hope I have a really
nice teacher, Monica.

Oh, I'm sure
they're all really nice.

They're always nice, Jazz.

Maybe to you they are.

Don't worry, Jasmine.
I'll talk to the principal.

Have I ever let my girls down?

- No.
- No.

Hey, a carnival.

It's a school fundraiser.

I hear they still
need another booth.

How about knot-tying?

Grandpa taught us all these cool

sailor knots, and
you can help us, Dad.

I don't know, honey. I'm
gonna be pretty busy for a while.

The school could really
use your help, Tevis.

There's a flu bug going around.

A lot of the teachers
are out; some of the kids.


Well, there's a flu
season every year, hon.

But Mom always made
sure we had our flu shot.

We never got one this year.

- It's on the list.
- Yeah, the nd at : .

And I'm sure you'll
love your pediatrician.

She's really nice.

Doesn't matter if she's nice.

She just better be
really, really smart.

Good morning.

Good morning. You Mr. Lockwood?

Some kind of weather
we're having, huh?

Yep, not L.A.

No, no, it's not.

You did it, Tevis.

Where's the receptionist?

Is anyone working
the front desk?

Excuse me. I'm
looking for personnel.

Uh, me, too.

- You want a job?
- Well, I...

Good, good, good.

All I need you to do
is answer this phone.

Just answer the phone for me.

Hello. Uh, uh... Chinook
Shipping Company.

That's our overseas department.

I'll put you right through.

I'm Tevis Lockwood,
regional manager.


I like you, Tess.

You remind me of me.

Is that a good thing?

Well, it is if you
want to work for me.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

How can I help you?

What's your name?


Well, I'm Tevis Lockwood.

Mr. Lockwood, we weren't
expecting you till tomorrow.

I know.

H was at a doctor's appointment.

It took longer than I expected.

Yeah, I should've called.

It won't happen again.

I know it won't, because
I've replaced you

with someone who knows
how to stay on top of a job.

But, Mr. Lockwood...

Time waits for no man,
Joaquin, and neither do I.

Thank you.

Are you sure you're
taking everything

into consideration here?

Yes. I need someone
who's fast and reliable,

and that someone is you, Tess.


Oh, hey, uh, upstairs hallway,
all the way at the very end.

Thank you.

Stop! Just let it
go! Give it to me!

You give it to me!

No, stop! Just... Ugh!

Jazz, it's mine!

No, you had the flamingo one.

- I had the one with the red apes.
- You liar!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, girls, hey, hey.

Look, look, look. I don't
want to hear anything else

about apes and flamingoes, okay?

I got too much to do, all right?
Just calm down. Dining room.

You never had the
one with the red apes.


Daddy, Ashley just
took my sweatshirt!

- Girls, girls!
- And I need it!

Girls, girls, girls, W.W.M.D.?

Uh, where-where
does this one go?

Uh, upstairs hallway.

Uh, are you sure?

It looks more like
appropriate for a bedroom.

The hallway's where it was.
The hallway's where it goes.

Jasmine, what's this?

Oh, that's my weather tree.

I still have to hook
the barometer on it.

- Can you show me how it works?
- Yeah.

It's really important to
keep track of whether

it's gonna rain,
snow or get cold.

We've got to stay
out of damp weather.


You okay?

Damp weather is
really bad for us.

I don't think we
should've moved here.

Everett's a wonderful
city, Jasmine.

There's lots to do and see here:

the Forest Park Animal
Farm, the Children's Museum.

Yeah, but my mom's not here.

She's buried in the ground all
the way down in Los Angeles.

Your mother is with
you wherever you go.

She's in here,

and all you have
to do is think of her.

It's not the same.

I used to go down to the
cemetery every Thursday,

'cause mom was a
really good speller

and that was the day
before our spelling test,

and I'd practice the
words while I sat there.

Do you think she gets cold?


I hope she's not
cold... or lonely.

Your mother's not alone.

She's with God.

Well, then, maybe
it's me who's lonely.

Ashley's sick.

I'm taking her to the hospital,
Monica. You know the way?

Yes, of course.

I'll get my coat.

No, you stay here with Gloria.
Come on, honey, let's go.

Excuse me. Excuse me. We
need to get through, please.

Sir, you're going to
have to wait your turn.

This is the emergency room.

You're supposed to
deal with emergencies.

Please, this little girl
urgently needs help.

So do the other
people in front of you.

My daughter needs to
see a doctor right now.

Does she have a high
fever, chills, vomiting?

She has sickle-cell
anemia, and she needs help.

Hello. I'm Dr. Josephs.

How are you doing?


Good. Temperature's
down, your Vitals are good.

I'll, uh, have the nurse
bring you discharge papers.

Excuse me.

Can we talk
privately for a minute?

Uh, sure.

Dr. Jesse to Ophthalmology.

Dr. Jesse to Ophthalmology.

So are you really
feeling better,

or did you just say that
so you can go home?

I'm feeling mostly better.

Are you still in any pain?

A little, but it doesn't feel

like knives are
stabbing me anymore.

Well, that's good.

Don't tell Jasmine, okay?

She's just gonna
say, "I told you so."

She's always afraid we're
going to get sick and catch a cold.

She just knows that both of
you need to be very careful.

I know, but she glues
herself to that barometer

and never has any fun at all.

It doesn't make any
sense to me, Dr. Josephs.

No sense at all.

How many sickle-cell cases
do you treat in a year, Doctor?

Honestly, I rarely see
it here, but I am familiar

with the proper
treatment protocol,

and, frankly, Mr. Lockwood,

I think your daughter
is probably suffering

- with the same...
- Excuse me. Doctor?

Stomach flu as °
of the other patients

that I've treated
here so far tonight.

Yeah, well, I think it's

- a pain crisis.
- I'm sorry, Doctor.

- We need you over here.
- I-I can understand that,

but kids with chronic
conditions are susceptible

to regular illnesses, too.

I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me.

Doctor, is there someone here

with more sickle-cell

Look, if you want
me to admit her, I will.

We have no beds available.

She's gonna lie on
a gurney in the hall

until something opens up.

We can keep her
on a saline drip,

give her five-dollar
aspirin every four hours,

but none of that is
gonna change the fact

that all your daughter
has is a stomach virus.

Man, everybody's got
an excuse in this town.

Take your daughter
home, Mr. Lockwood.

Put her in bed, load her
up with fluids and ibuprofen.

If she starts to get the
chills or fever again,

then bring her back here.

Or you can take her
to the sickle-cell clinic

down at, uh, Weaver
Medical Center in Seattle.

It's just miles down
the road on the interstate.

Yeah, yeah, I know where it is.

What did the doctor say?

Well, she said it's the flu and
that we should take her home,

and they don't have
a bed open tonight.


She'd take me home.

For sure.


Ah, Patrice.

Ashley, do you have a fever?

I'm fine.

Are you cold?

Here, put this on.


It hurts!

I knew it. I knew it!


What? What is it?

Oh, God.

Monica? Gloria?

Yes, we 're heading

to the Everett
Community Hospital now.

No. They don't know
what they're doing there!

We're going to the sickle-cell
clinic at Weaver Medical Center!

That's miles away.

I know where it is!

Maybe the ambulance
can meet us along the way.

- Hello?
- Hello. Sorry.

Yes, we're going to the
Weaver Medical Center.

Well, we're heading
south on Madison.

We're in a silver SUV with
California license plates.

Ashley's gonna die.

You don't know that.

Yeah, I do.

When my mom went to the
hospital for the second time,

she never came back.

Why don't we say a prayer

that God will take
care of your sister?

That's what Mom would do.

Tevis, pull over.

- What?
- Please, just pull over.

Tevis... she's gone.



Hey, sweetie.


Ashley? Oh, God.


Oh, God. Oh... Don't
take her away from me.

Mr. Lockwood?

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

I need to talk to Jasmine.

She's upstairs. I
haven't told her anything,

- but I think she...
- Daddy?

Where's Ashley?

Jasmine... uh... honey...

Do you want us to
stay here tonight?

No, thank you.

I'll see you all tomorrow.

I tried to get
him to put this off

for a while, but he just...

He's a man in pain.

And he's trying
desperately to find someone

or something to blame for this.

Andrew, right?

- Yes. Hi.
- Hi. I'm sorry I'm late.

I had to make some arrangements.

Uh, yes, sir, I-I understand.


Uh, the funeral parlor called,

and they found a minister
to officiate at the services.

And Dr. Josephs called.

She wants you to call
her as soon as possible.

Yeah, I'm sure she does.

Come on, Andrew.
My office is this way.

Of course.

This is Jasmine.

This is Ashley.

Ashley's the one I'm
going to bury tomorrow.

She's beautiful.

This wouldn't have happened

if that doctor had
taken me seriously.

Um, frankly... you
don't know that.

Do you think, if Ashley was a
white girl as sick as she was,

they would've sent her
home from the hospital?

Mr. Lockwood, I thought that
this lawsuit that you wanted

to bring against Dr. Josephs
was about malpractice,

not about prejudice.

Let me lay this out
for you, Andrew.

My wife and I dealt
with this every day

since I found out

my girls were diagnosed
nine years ago.

There was always
a sickle-cell crisis,

and there was always some
doctor in the emergency room

who didn't know the drill.

And that's malpractice.

But not bothering
to make the call

to find someone who
does know the drill,

that's prejudice.

And this Josephs woman,

she claimed that
she knew the drill.

And she didn't.

And rather than
admit that to me...

she sent my baby home to die.

She has no business...
being a doctor.

Mr. Lockwood, before
you bring any action,

we're gonna need to get...

all the information.

Rarely, in a case such as this,

is there one simple explanation.

And I would strongly advise you

just to take a little
time before you...

Are you interested in
helping me, Andrew, or not?

There are other
lawyers out there.

I want to help you
in any way I can.

"Surely goodness and
mercy shall follow me

"all the days of my life.

"And I will dwell in the
house of the Lord forever.



I spoke with Ashley's
father yesterday.

Tevis told me she was

fun, loving and active.

She enjoyed her friends.

She loved basketball.


Her sport was soccer.

I'm sorry.

And she liked animals.

It was red apes.

Red apes!

Would you like to come
up and say some words

about your sister?

The zoo built this really
cool exhibit for the red apes.

They had this glass...

and you can get
right next to them.

Ashley loved that.

She even bought a sweatshirt.

But... I always wanted it.

Ashley was always
better than me.

Everybody liked her.

She was better at sports.

She was never afraid.

I was the older sister.

I was supposed
to take care of her.

But I didn't.

And she died.

No, that's not right, baby.

It's not your fault.

And now she can't even
lay down next to our mom.

Here you go.

Just, uh, turn the lights
out when you leave.

Never been to a carnival before.

Looks like it's gonna be fun.


You know, you don't have to
do this, Tevis, if it's too hard.

Everyone will understand.

I'm not doing this for everyone.

I'm doing this for my girls.

This carnival starts tomorrow,

and Ashley, she would
really want us to finish.

You don't have to stay if
you don't want to, Gloria.

I'll just... I'll
do this myself.

- Is Jasmine asleep?
- Yes.

She wanted to wait up for
you, but she was too exhausted.

Did you finish the booth?


Quite a while ago.

I see.

But we stopped at the
hospital on the way home.

Tevis was looking
for Dr. Josephs.

That doctor's
going to pay for this.

This is happening so fast.

Don't you think you
should slow down?

I've slowed down too much.

We've all slowed down too much.

My... my father slowed
down his whole life!

"Let things take their course,"

he'd always say.

Well, to hell With that.

He would... he would
bottle these ships forever

just like his dreams.

And his real ship never came in.

Neither did Patrice's.

Neither did Ashley's.

And somebody's
got to say, "Enough!"

Probably woke up Jasmine.


I tried to tell him it
was a bad idea, Monica.

He's not ready to
listen to anyone yet.

Jasmine? Jasmine.

"I went to see Ashley.
Don't worry about me."

She went to the cemetery.

She didn't take her coat.

It's going to snow.

Oh, my God.

It's kind of cold
tonight, Ashley.

I don't know if
this will help or not.

And I don't want
you to be lonely.

♪ Ashley ♪

♪ And Jasmine ♪

♪ Ashley ♪

♪ And Jas... mine ♪

♪ Ashley ♪

♪ And Jasmine's ♪

♪ Song. ♪

It's a beautiful song.

Oh... Where'd you come from?

No, don't be afraid, Jasmine.

I'm an angel.


You really are, aren't you?


Do you know God?

Yes, I do.

I prayed to God
to help my sister...

and now she's dead.

You asked God to
take care of your sister

when she was sick, and He did.

He sent her all sorts
of angels to help her,

and He sent them to you, too.

And when your sister died,

I took her to Heaven myself.

Am I gonna die, too?

Yeah, someday.

Everyone does.

But not tonight, not tomorrow.

Is Ashley okay now?


Right now, Ashley
is sitting in God's lap.

And you know something?

She doesn't hurt anymore.

I bet that's really something.

Yeah, it really is.

Ashley is going to be just fine.

So are you.

So, tell me about this
song you're playing.

Oh, I made it up.

Want to hear it?


What are you doing out here?

Do you know how worried I was?

I know, I know, but I
came to keep Ash...

Look, I don't care
why you're out here.

Go... go get in the car now.

It's okay, Daddy.

There's an angel here.

An angel?

That's ridiculous.

Is it so hard to believe that
God would send His angels?


Yeah, no doubt God
is right on top of this.

I'm gonna take
Jasmine to the car.

Yeah, we'll all go.

Come on, Jazz.

No, Tevis.

You have something else to do.

Don't be afraid, Daddy.

Bye, Jasmine.

Bye, Andrew.

Who you... Who-who
was she talking to?

She's talking to an
angel that you can't see.

A what?

And you're talking to an angel

that you can see.

Don't be afraid.


She's all right, Tevis.

She's safe.

Gloria's an angel, too,

just as I am, and
Tess, and Andrew.

Angels... from Heaven?


From Almighty God Himself.

God sent me angels?


To help you through
this most painful time.

To help me through?

Where was He when Ashley
needed Him to help her live, huh?

My baby is dead!

you're telling me now

that she died in the
arms of an angel?


So, my God, what, is
that supposed to help

make me feel better?

Tevis... Look, just
get away from me,

'cause I don't want
anything to do with a God

who would let a
child die like that!

I work hard.

I tried to protect my family.

I did everything I could

to fight against this disease.

I lost my wife, I
lost my daughter,

and I could still lose Jasmine.

What kind of God is that?

What is He doing up there?

Disease exists in
this world, Tevis.

So does w*r.

So do car accidents
and all sorts of tragedies.

Which disease
should God wipe out?

Which tragedy should He prevent?

Which w*r should He end?

All of them.

And create a perfect
world here on Earth?

- Yes!
- And how long would it

remain perfect while
human beings live in it?

Little ships can be
put in bottles, Tevis,

but that's not what
ships were made for.

You can struggle and fight

to control every
storm, every wave,

to protect every detail in
your world, but you can't.

If you try to, your
life will pass you by,

and all you'll have left

is regret that you
lived your life in fear.

I had a lot to be afraid of.

You had a lot to trust God with,

but you didn't.

It's all my fault, isn't it?

I've just got to
have things my way.

You know, we
should've stayed in LA.

If I had just driven you
straight to the clinic...

Ashley, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You did what you
thought was best, Tevis.

So did Dr. Josephs.

There are so many mysteries

about life and death that
you cannot understand.

So many things that
you cannot control.

But there are many things
that you can know, Tevis,

and God wants you to know
that He loves you so much,

and He loves Jasmine,
and He understands

how much it hurts
to lose a child,

and He knows how lonely you
have been since Patrice died.

But God is strong enough

to bear your grief if
you'll give it to Him,

if you'll give up the control
and let go of your pride and...

and make a simple prayer.

Tell God that you'll

take your life out of a bottle

and give it over to
Him to take care of.

If you do that,

He'll gather you up in his arms,
and there, you'll find the peace

that you've been
seeking for so long.

And do you know what
else you'll find there?

Your wife... and
your little girl.

They live today, right now,

in His presence,
in joy, in peace

and in no pain.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Here you go. Thank you.

Dad, can we go look
at the other booths now?

Sure. You want
me to go with you?

No, that's okay. I'll go
with my friend Cindy.

Come on.

There's somebody
here you need to talk to.


It's good to see you
here, Mr. Lockwood.

Oh, um... about what happened...

I'm really sorry.

Me, too.

I messed up, but it
kind of worked out,

since it gave me the time
to help when Tess called.

Tell him the rest, baby.

I'm sorry about your
daughter, Mr. Lockwood.

I know what it's like.

You lost a daughter?

No, I have sickle-cell, too.

Sometimes the pain
can slow you down, but...

it doesn't have to stop you.

No, it doesn't, baby.

Tevis, you know
I've got to move on.

Uh, right, right. Got it.

Well, would you consider
coming back to Chinook Shipping?

Yeah. Sure.

Thanks, Mr. Lockwood.

I'll see you Monday.

I got to go check on the
cotton candy machine.


Mr. Lockwood, I, uh...

I'm not sure my coming
here was the right thing to do,

but your... your lawyer
thought it might be.

Yeah, well, Andrew
knows what he's doing.

May I speak with
you for a moment?

I just...

I am so sorry for your loss.

I got into medicine originally

because I wanted to help people.

I wish that there
was something more

that could have been done.

Yeah, well, so do I.

But we're only human, Doctor.

Thank you.

So, you about ready
for that cotton candy?

I was created ready.

Jasmine and I just
invented a new knot.

It's tough and strong
and easy to remember.

Let's go show your dad.

What are you going
to call it, Jasmine?

I don't know.


How about... the Ashley?


The Ashley.