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08x06 - Famous Last Words

Posted: 05/03/23 08:46
by bunniefuu
Prisoner entering
Death Watch Unit.


Well, look at that.

I never flew first class before.

- Hey.
- Grab him!

What are you gonna
do? You gonna k*ll me?

Daniel, is this really the
way you want to go out?

Lock him down.

Let's go.

I don't understand something.

Daniel Corbitt k*lled someone,

and now they're
going to end his life?

It's human justice, Gloria.

God hasn't sent
us here to decide

whether it's right or wrong.

So we're not here to stop it?


Tomorrow night,

Daniel Lee Corbitt will die.

People gonna remember
Daniel Lee Corbitt.

You hear me, Warden?

Don't bet on it.

I'm gonna be famous!

Hello, Daniel.

I know just... I...

I know just about
every suit in this prison.

You-you ain't... you
ain't one of them.

No, I'm not.

Finney! Finney!

I want to see Finney
in here right now!


What do you want?

Get him out of here.

What are you talking about?

That dude right there.

He just walked through my door.

Get him out.

Kind of late for
an insanity plea,

isn't it, Corbitt?

Finney! Finney, what... Finney!

Who are you?

My name is Andrew.

I'm the Angel of Death.

But I got... I got
36 hours left.

I know.

And you've got to decide

what you're going
to do with them.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

You can find your
own seats, ladies.

Things will start
filling up pretty soon.

Execution tomorrow
night, you know.

Yes, we know.

Ah, reporters.

Reporters like to sit over here.

Oh, we're not reporters.


Yes, thank you, Shirlee.

I'm Monica. This is Gloria.


Shirlee, spelled with two E's.

That's unusual, isn't it?

Well, my mama always wanted
a boy she could name Lee.

I came along, somebody said,

"Well, she surely
doesn't look like a Lee."

I've been saddled
with it ever since.

So many books.

I love books.

May I?

Well, that's what
they're there for.

Can I get you menus?

No, thank you. The
coffee will be fine

for now.

That's what they always say.

I'd hate to see a
reporter's intestinal lining.

Uh, excuse me.

Did I hear you say
you're a reporter?

No, I'm here to
interview Mr. Corbin

for a book he'd
like to have written.

They all want a book.

Problem is, in your case,
there's not much of a story.

Well, a guy from the
other side of the tracks

pumps seven b*ll*ts
into his stepfather.

Happens every day.

What brings you here?

I'm Greg Hatcher.

I'm covering the
execution for the Post.

Corbitt's not worth a book,

but an execution's always
good for a front-page byline.

I see.

I'm Monica.

How you doing?

So, what's he like?

Well, I don't know.

I haven't met him yet.

Well, you'd better hurry up.

Actually, I have my
first interview scheduled

for this afternoon.

Listen... Journalist
to journalist,

I could really use
an inside connection.

I'm still trying to get a seat
in the witness chamber.

Well, I've only been
promised one for myself.

You wouldn't want to sell
me that seat, would you?


Worth a try.

Listen, you want a tip?

The best angle on these
stories is the k*ller's final words.

That's what the
readers are interested in.

I'll keep that in mind.

You owe me one.

It's curious that
there doesn't seem

to be a consistent
societal manifestation

that leads one to m*rder.

People k*ll other people
for all sorts of reasons.

Why did Daniel Corbitt do it?

That's the first question
I plan on asking him.

Gonna see that kid?

Yes, Mr. Corbitt has
agreed to give an interview.

Doesn't seem right
somehow, making him famous.

I'm not here to make him famous.

I'm here to listen to his story.

That ought to be something.

Uh, vitamins.

Well, I must be
pretty hot stuff, huh,

God sending me an angel
with 36 hours to spare, right?

Why do you think that is?

Don't know.

Maybe it's because He cares
about what happens to you.

Well, He's about a day
late and a dollar short

on that one, then, isn't He?

So, are you telling me

that you would have listened
to an angel before now?

I ain't listening
now, either, pal.

You know, if God
was all so fired up

and worried about me,
He'd have been looking out

for me a long time
ago when it counted.

He was looking after you.

Yeah, well, He ain't done a
very good job, then, did He?

You know, I want you
the hell out of here.

I got me a book writer
coming to see me.

You want to know something?

I'm gonna tell her
to tell the whole world

that Daniel Lee Corbitt don't
take nothing from nobody,

and that's including
God and His lousy angel.

Can't do that, Daniel.

You and I are stuck
with each other.

Oh, that's Tess.

She's our visitations


Is something funny?

Did you say something
funny, Officer Finney?

Oh, no, not me.

And neither did I,

so what are you
smiling at, young lady?

I think she's just trying
to be friendly, ma'am.

Well, may I suggest to you

that what you're about
to do is extremely serious.

Mr. Corbitt's time
is running out.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

Yes, ma'am.


Then go on in.

Right this way, ladies.

So, uh, you the lady that's
gonna make me famous?

My name is Monica.

This is my assistant, Gloria.

Nice to meet you.


You better believe
it is, sweet thing.

Meeting me gonna be
the highlight of your life.

So, uh, where do we start?

Let's start with
why you're here.

Yeah, yeah. Why don't we start

with the day I cleaned up
my little corner of the world?

That's good.

Let's see.

I ain't seen my mama

or her welfare bum
of a third husband

since I run off at 14,

but, uh, I knew they still lived

in their cruddy little trailer
out in the middle of nowhere.

And that place
ain't changed much.

Of course, I did.

I picked up a few
nasty habits, you know,

running around
the streets as a kid.

The prodigal scum returns.

Hey, Delroy.

You aren't welcome here, punk.

Ain't you happy to
see your long-lost son?

You're nobody's son.

Where's my mama?

She don't want to see you

any more than I do.

I asked you a question.

She's at confession,

asking God to forgive her

for giving birth
to the likes of you.

That just cost you
seven, old man.

The cops caught up
with me the next morning.

What happened to your mother?

Don't know.

But you must have
seen her at the trial?

She didn't come to the trial.

She hasn't been
here to visit you?


No, go figure.

I k*lled her husband.

You remember that part?

Would you like to see
your mother, Daniel?

Yeah, yeah.

I'd like her to be here.

We could try to find her.

When, uh, she was with Dewey,

her married name was,
uh, Ellen S. Gibbons,

if that helps you out any.

I don't know.

Anything else?

She also used to like to
go by her middle name,

which was, uh, Shines,

but she... she
spelled it with two E's.

Oh, my goodness.

I'll see what I can
do to help, Mr. Corbitt.

We'll be back. Thank you.

I don't have time
for this, Monica.

Just “stern, Shines.

Would you keep your voice down?

But you are his mother.

Okay, yes.

Are you happy now?

What do you want from me?

He wants to see you.

I don't want to be
another chapter

in your book, Monica.

This is not for a book.

This is for you and your son.


What's up with Monica
and the waitress?



What's this sudden
interest in Shirlee

when you guys
got a book to write?

Would you believe
we're here for the coffee?

Not really.

So... Who's got the other seat?

The other seat?

Corbitt's got two tickets to
his execution to give away.

If Monica's got one,
who's got the other?

Oh, I really don't know.


I'm going to make
the same deal with you

that I tried to
make with Monica.

If you find out for
me, there's 100 in it.

100 What?



200 What?

200 dollars.

Here you are at a diner
just down the road from him.

You're so close.

You must want to see him.


I just want to be near him.

What would I do with $200?

What planet are you from?

Well, it's not exactly a planet.


She doesn't want to see him.

So you just k*lled
your stepfather

because you didn't like him.

None of your business.

And you're just going
to walk in there and die

without letting anyone
know what the truth is.

What truth?

I don't know, Daniel,

but I do know that I
wouldn't be here this early

unless you had something
to say or something to do.

Oh, I got something to do.

Finney? Finney!

What happened
to my hour outside?

You said you didn't want it.

Yeah, well, I've
changed my mind.

You just ain't gonna
leave me alone, are you?


Now, why would
I leave you alone?

I weren't talking to
you, you stupid idiot.

I'm talking to my
own personal angel.

He's standing right
here next to me.


Why would God
waste an angel on you?

You know something?

I think I k*lled the wrong man.

Weatherman says rain tomorrow.

Better get a look at that
sunset while you can.

That right?

It gonna rain tomorrow?

Don't know.

What good are you, then?

I guess we'll find out.

So this is my last sunset.


It is.

Kind of makes you think, huh?

I hope so, Daniel.


I found your mother.

You did?

She works at the diner
across the highway.

The diner? What...?

Well, wh-wh-wh-when...
when-when's she coming?

I don't know if she will.

She's afraid, Daniel.

She doesn't believe that
you really want her here.

What are you talking about?

I told you I wanted her here.

Monica, you got to get her here.

Maybe if you add a message

that I could give
her that might...

Okay, just... tell her...

tell her to bring Alonzo.



She'll know what
I'm talking about.


And would you do
me one more favor?

Of course.

Would you tell Tess that I know

who I want to give
my other seat to now?

I'll see you tomorrow.

Who's Alonzo?

Just something to
let my mama know

that I really want her here.

That's good, Daniel.

I'm glad to hear you say that.

I don't know.

I guess it was
looking at that sunset,

knowing it was my last one.

Somehow... things
start to seem more real.

There must be a thousand
things you want to say to her.


Just one.

I just want to
look in those big,

beautiful, sad eyes

and tell her that
I'll see her in hell.

Why do you think
you're going to hell?

Well, I figure that's
why you're here, ain't it?

Why do you think your
mother belongs there?

Why don't you go and
ask that God of yours?

I'm asking you.

You know what?

Let me tell you something
about my 14th birthday.

It's like I got my
own little ocean.

Got any names picked out?

I loved that thing.

It made me happy.

Weren't many days
like that, but that was...

that was one of them.

For a little while, anyway.

What the hell is that?

Oh, it's nothing, baby.

Just a birthday
present for Danny.

I only took a little
out of the cookie jar.

I never said you could spend
that money on this little mooch.

Shut up.

What'd you say?

Probably cost less than
the beers you had for lunch.

You little punk.

I give you a place
to eat at my house,

I give you a place to sleep,

and all you do is give me lip?

Where's my belt?

This time, I'm
gonna lay something

on this kid he'll never forget.

Where's my belt?!

In the bedroom, baby.

You, go on.

Get in there.

Your mama and
me are gonna decide

what to do with you.

I realized something that day.

I realized that
they was in on it,


They'd send me into
that room, and they'd...

plan the whole thing.

And I just ain't
seen it fill that day.

You promise?

Don't I always promise?

Get in there.

That mouth... just
cost you seven, boy.

You little nothing. You
should've never been born.

Turn around!




- Four.
- Four.




You see now?

She counted... every time...

one through seven.

She was my mama, and she
never did a damn thing to help me.

I ran away that... day,

and I ain't... come back
till the night I shot Delroy.

That's... how I know
I'm gonna see her in hell.

I wish you would
reconsider, Shirlee.

Don't you think, after
all of these years,

I haven't wanted
to go over there?

I just couldn't make myself.

I was too afraid.

I can't believe that he
really wants to see me.

He does, and he wants
you to bring Alonzo.


Oh, God.

My poor Danny.

What he went through...

and it's all my fault.

A“ that is “m the
past now, Shines.

But this is your chance
to find some healing.

He really wants to see me?

But who's gonna
watch the restaurant?

Well, it's easy...
All you have to do is

you take their order, you
write it down on this pad,

you give the order to the
cook, you serve them their food,

you give them the bill,
and you collect the money.

I think I've got it.

Oh, one more thing.

You have to memorize
this entire menu.

We serve breakfast, lunch
and dinner round the clock.

Gloria's a very fast learner.

I'll go get my purse.


Welcome to the Oasis Diner.

My name is Gloria, and you'll
be my very first customers.

We have 95 items on the menu,

and we serve them
any time, day or night.

What can I get you?

Just a glass of water.

My mother's
feeling a little faint.

Oh. Water.

Okay, I can do that.


I hope that you're
able to see this moment

for what it really is.

Hey, Mama.

Hi, Danny.

It's been a while.

You look... so old.


You... you look good.

They've been fattening me up.

Did you bring Alonzo?

Yes, he's here.


they made me leave
him in security, though.

They gonna let him in?

We had to check him
out pretty thoroughly.

Here he is.


I remember the day
you gave him to me.

I do, too, honey.
I remember that.

Lot of things I
remember about Alonzo.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for all that.

It's a bit late for
that now, Mama.

You know, I meant
to come earlier.


You really been working
right across the road?


Since when?

Five years.

Five years, and you...

you never come visit?

Well, I wanted to. I...

I just didn't think you
wanted to see me.

But now you do...
so I'm here now.

I'm here, and I'm going to
be sitting in that chair tonight.

This means so much
to me that you wanted...

to have me there for you.

Who said I wanted you there?

But... I... No, shut up!

You want to know
who's gonna be sitting

in that chair tonight?


You know, people
always want to know

a k*ller's last words.

I'll give 'em famous last words.

I want to tell 'em all about
what you done to me.

How you sat there

and you counted
while he beat me...

every time he gave
me seven with that belt,

how you sat there and
you planned the whole thing.

And how this bear
was my only friend

till I run off.

Then I'm gonna look
'em right in the eye

and I'm gonna tell 'em exactly
what I'm telling you right now.

I'm gonna see you in hell, Mama.

Oh, God, let me
out of here! Now!

- Shirlee, I didn't know...
- Let me out!

You just leave me alone!

Let me out!

You cannot have that bear

in the witness
chair, Mr. Corbitt.

This is not a joke.

You think I'm joking, lady?

I can have whoever the
hell I want in that chair,

and I want the damn bear.

He's the only
one I want in there

when I get my last beating.

I'm afraid he's right, Tess.

He can have whoever he wants.

Hey, angel... you coming?

You're gonna miss the best part.

The clock is ticking

here at the Arizona
State Penitentiary,

where in just three
hours from now

death row inmate
Daniel Lee Corbitt

will be ex*cuted.

Unless there are
any last-minute stays,

Corbitt will die at one
minute past midnight tonight.

This is Florence

and her daughters,
Clara and Cybil.


Their last name is Gibbons.

This is Delroy's mother.

Me and my daughters are here

to witness the
execution tonight.

Are you aware, Mrs. Gibbons,

that Delroy's
wife is here, also?

That's what Gloria said.

Hi, Florence.

State invited us,

Shirlee... as
Delroy's next of kin.

I'm glad you're here.

But, uh, I just can't do any
more family reunions tonight.

Mrs. Gibbons, this
might be a good time

for you to tell Monica the
same thing you told me.

All right.

I heard you're writing
a book on Daniel Lee.

Yes. He wants me to try.

I want you to know...

I harbor no I" feelings against
that boy for k*lling my son.

Children live what they learn.

When Delroy was a boy...

his own daddy used to
beat him something terrible.

He always used to say:

"That's gonna cost you 20."

And what exactly did that mean?

For any smart-off,
any mess-up...

any misbehaving...

you got 20 licks with the belt.


Thank you, Mrs. Gibbons.

Those aren't really
vitamins, are they?


May I have those back, please?

Why are you afraid
to go to sleep?

They're gonna
k*ll my son tonight.

How is a mother supposed
to sleep through that?

If I stay up all night, then
I don't have to wake up

and know he's gone.

He was such a good little boy.

He just... never
had a chance to...

grow up to be a good man.

You don't need pills to get
you through tonight, Shirlee.

Oh, how do you know?

Because God has sent His
angels to get you through.


Yes. Angels.

And God wants you to know
that He loves you very much.

But I don't deserve to be loved.

Not with the life I've lived.

I mean, it's all my fault
the way he's turned out.

Yes, you have made mistakes
that have hurt your son...

but Daniel's crimes
were his own.

God does not hold
you responsible

for the choices that he made.

I tried.

Oh, I... I tried to protect him,

but there's only so
much I could take.

I mean... only...

What did you
almost say, Shirlee?

I... I don't want to talk
about this anymore.

If there's something
that you need to say,

if there's a truth

that can help your son die
with some understanding,

even with some love in his heart

instead of hate, then
you must speak it.


God gave me a gift for
moments just like this,

when the truth is
too painful to share.

If you cannot say what
is still in your heart,

will you let me?

May I see for myself?

All right.

Oh, Shines.

I understand.

I'm so sorry.

It's 11:15, Daniel.

You know...

death isn't the end of anything,

and after you're
declared dead tonight...

there's going to
be another trial.

What are you
talking about... a trial?

It's the same trial
that... every man faces,

and believe me,

your sentence
depends on what you do

on this side of the grave.


I never thought they'd
let you back in here now.

Well, Daniel, since you
didn't ask for a chaplain,

I thought you might
want a spiritual advisor.

Well, what do you know?

My... angel skipped town on me.

I wouldn't bank on that.

So, uh... how do you
like my dress whites?

Daniel, listen to me.

You don't know the whole
story of what happened

the day that you
ran away from home,

or all the other days before

when Delroy gave
you seven with his belt.

I know what I need to know.

Your stepfather didn't
believe in giving seven.

He believed in giving 20.

What are you... what
are you talking about?

It was the same punishment

that his father had
inflicted on him:

20 licks with his belt.


Don't I always promise?

That mouth... just
cost you seven, punk.

So I'm supposed to be thankful

that he only whipped
me seven times?

Daniel, your mother
wasn't helping him;

she was protecting you.


Now, get out of
here, you little creep.

You need to know what
happened that day, Daniel.

You may have run away,
but your mother stayed there

and fulfilled her
promise to Delroy.

What promise?

You are one stupid woman.

That kid deserved all 20.

Are you ready?





She took 13 for me?


And not just on that day, but
every day he punished you.

She was your mother, Daniel.

She wanted to take all 20,
but Delroy wouldn't let her.

That can't be true.


It's time to go.

What am I supposed
to do about my mama?

- It's too late.
- No, Daniel.

As long as there is
breath in your body,

even if it's with
your last words,

it's not too late.

Make peace with your mother.

Make peace with God.

Why do you care
so much about me?

Because, just like Andrew...

I was sent by God.


Do you still believe that God
hasn't been watching over you

all these years?

No, sir.

I don't want to go to hell.

Will you tell me how to
ask God for forgiveness

for all the stuff I done?

I'd be happy to.

Monica is not going
to need her seat.

At 12:00 midnight, I've been
ordered by the State of Arizona

to enact a sentence of
death on Daniel Lee Corbitt

by injection of
lethal substances

sufficient to cause death.

Daniel... do you
have any last words?

Mrs. Gibbons...

I just want to ask
you for forgiveness

for taking Delroy away from you.

And, Mama...

I'm so sorry for
everything I said.

It's okay.

Mama, listen to me.

I know what you did.

I know how you took 13 for me.

Now, listen.

You remember
my little fish t*nk?


I want you to remember
me looking at you

through that little
window, okay?

Not this one.


We need to finish, son.

♪ There will be love... ♪

I got me an angel here, Mama.

That angel's gonna help me

get into Heaven...

even after all the stuff I done.

Oh, I believe you.

So I'm gonna be waiting
for you up there, Mama,

and you and me, we gonna have

the biggest, baddest
fish t*nk in all of Heaven.

It's time.

I love you, Mama.

I love you, too, Danny.






♪ Feel my heart ♪

♪ That shares your tears ♪

♪ And you will ♪

♪ Fly away. ♪

Open the gate.

- Here they come.
- Thank you.

Mrs. Comm? Mrs. Comm,
can you tell us What,

if anything, Daniel had
to say for his final words?

No, sir.

But they were the best
words a mama could ever hear.

Excuse me.
