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08x04 - Manhunt

Posted: 05/03/23 08:45
by bunniefuu

There's a lot of love
in this world, Gloria.

But there's a lot
of loneliness, too.

To be honest, I'm not even sure

how to begin teaching
you about all of this,

but you can start
by observing humans

and how they try
to love each other.

Wh-What are those
people over there

doing to each other?

Well, um, that's called kissing.

It's an expression of love.


Ladies, good afternoon.

Oh, Gloria... What
are you doing?

Uh, I'm showing Andrew
an expression of love.

Thank you.

Just exactly what
are you teaching

this little angel, Miss Wings?

Well, um, there was a couple
over there who were kissing,

and I was explaining to Gloria

that that can be an
expression of love,

and then Andrew showed
up before I was finished and...

Mm-hmm, I get the picture.

You know, Gloria, there are

different kinds of
love down here.

There are?

I don't understand.

Well, it's time you did,

and I know exactly
where to start.

What time is it, Andrew?


Wonderful. Just time
for the happy hour.

Come on.

I can't believe it, Lew.

She's back.

The angel is back.

- Tess?
- Tess.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

My, oh, my.

Tess, you haven't changed a bit.

Oh. You have, but not much.

Oh, I don't mind getting older.

Thanks to you, I've
got a wonderful man

that I can get older with.

Oh, are these your
ang... um, associates?

- Yes. This is Monica.
- Hello.

- And this is Gloria.
- Hi.

And this is Andrew.

Got a great place here.

I love this retro thing.

Oh, we're not retro, honey.

We're just so old,
we're hip again.

Gloria's a brand-new angel,

and she needs to
learn about love.

Oh, and you brought her here.


Oh, well...

Well, let's-let's
look around, Gloria.

We have all types
and kinds of people.

Everybody comes to
happy hour looking for love.

They don't look very happy.

Oh, that's her, Tess.

The girl I saw in the park.

Hey, Zoe, we're over here.


Oh, Zoe.

Now, there's a sweet kid
that doesn't belong here.

Excuse me.

She's right.

She's lonely and desperate,
and she's our assignment.

Pretty soon, you won't need
me anymore, Miss Wings.

Yes, she's our assignment.

Part of it.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to happy
hour at the Monte Carlo,

where everything
old... is new again.

See, the mic is open, as usual,
so come on up and sing with Lew

whenever the spirit hits you.

Now, I'm gonna
start things tonight

with a song that
I'd like to sing

to my sweet friend Tess,
who gave me this advice

that changed my life.

♪ Make someone happy ♪

♪ Make just one someone happy ♪

♪ Make just one heart ♪

♪ The heart you'll sing to ♪

♪ One smile that cheers you ♪

♪ One face that lights
when it nears you ♪

♪ One man you're everything to ♪

♪ Fame ♪

♪ If you win it ♪

♪ Comes and
goes in a minute... ♪

So what's she look like?

Long dark hair, deep brown eyes,

sort of a lilt-y
accent, size four.

Your basic nightmare.

Monica, right?


Mr. Scott said I
could start now.

Well, that's great.
Welcome. I'm Zoe,

this is Penny, and I guess
you've already met Maggie.


Where you from? Are you married?

Where did you work before here?

For heaven's sakes, give
her a minute to settle in.

This is your desk, Monica.

Thank you.

There isn't really
that much to tell.

That's it? A coffee mug?

How are we supposed
to judge and berate you

behind your back
if you don't have

some ridiculous personal
thing on your desk?

Like Penny's talking corn cobs.

Hey, I like those corn cobs.

My ex-husband gave them to me.

Oh, exes.

That reminds me.

Zoe, I brought you that
book I was telling you about.

It helped me get
over Rick and George.

And the other George.

I'm fine. I don't need a book.

I'm over Jeff.

Excuse me?

I'm looking for Penny.

I'm Penny.

Hi. I'm Gloria.

I'm from the computer
repair service.

They had said they were
sending somebody named Bob.

Oh, Bob won a trip
to Aruba this morning.

I hate Bob.

Well, let's get started.

Here, Gloria.

Mr. Peterman's office.

This is Mr. Silverman.

Oh, yes, Mr. Silverman.

- Did he get the message?
- I did give him the message.

I'm sure he'll get back to
you just as soon as he can.

Uh-huh, okay.

- Bye-bye.
- Mmm.

Are you getting married?


Working on it.

I've got a blind date tonight.

Oh, a blind date?

I once met a man
with a wooden leg.

Monica, would you like
some baklava with your coffee?

I mean, I'm really a
sucker for this stuff.

Thank you.

I would love some.

I get it at this great
place in Greektown.

You could have it delivered...
Overnight, same day.

For you, Zoe, we could even
do it in a half an hour or less.

Yeah, you and the pizza guy.

Hey, Monica, this is Billy.

Hello, Billy.

Nice to meet you.

Same here.

Where's the copy machine toner?

I thought it was supposed
to be here by now.

Uh, maybe on the afternoon run.

I'll check it out for you later.

Hey, uh, where's that
picture of your boyfriend

you always have on your desk?

Um, we broke up a
couple of weeks ago,

so I finally put it away.

I'm sorry.


I know what'll cheer you up.

If you like that baklava stuff,

you will love my
mom's apple strudel.

Billy, that's okay.

Your mother doesn't have
to make me apple strudel.

She's not gonna make it.

I am.

You'll need some supplies.

Come with me.

I don't believe you.

I thought you were
over that Jeff guy.

I'm working on it.

Zoe was dating
this, um, great guy.

Today would've been
their one-year anniversary.

I see.

Well, what if there's just
one perfect guy in the world

for each of us, and I
just broke up with mine?

What if mine got hit by
a bus three years ago

and my blind date tonight
is just a waste of time?

This is so depressing.

And there's only one thing
a girl can look forward to

at a time like this.

What's that?

Happy hour!


We are out of here.

You guys coming?

You go on.

I'll catch up in a minute.


Is Zoe here?


She's in the ladies' room.

Do you want to wait for her?

Uh, no.

I'll just, uh, leave this
here and see her tomorrow.

We're all going to go
to the Monte Carlo later.

Would you like to join us?

Nah, it sounds like
a girls' night out.

I'm sure you'd be welcome.


I'll think about it.





Let the games begin.

♪ You made me love you ♪

♪ I didn't want to do
it, I didn't want to do it ♪

What'd I tell you
about this place?

You know, when
you think of angels,

your mind just
doesn't automatically

go to spiked
heels and lip gloss.

It's the new millennium, Betty.

We've got to get
in the trenches.


- Waitress!
- Same thing every time.

A pitcher of margaritas.

You got a good
view of the front door?

Yeah. What's he look like?

- Who?
- Penny's blind date.

He's supposed to be
carrying a briefcase.

- Good sign.
- Mm-hmm.

Unless he's an ax m*rder*r

and that's where
he carries his ax.

And wearing a blue
tie and has a goatee.

- Uh-oh.
- What?

Oh, it's Maggie's
facial hair theory.

He's got something to hide.

Maybe an ax.

What if he's,
like, totally gross?

That's why you have us here.

See, we have this
sort of unofficial club.

We go to happy hour together,

we rescue each
other from the geeks,

we stick together if
nobody asks us to dance,

and we support each other
if some completely low-life,

disgusting loser moron...
Like someone I won't mention...

Dumps us out of the blue.

Jeff's not a loser.

Well, he lost you, didn't he?

Well, he's a wonderful man,
and I know that he loves me.

I just, I think he got scared.

Why are you defending him?

I mean, he said the worst thing
a man could say to a woman.

"There's an ax in my briefcase"?

Gloria, I think you should
just listen right now.


He didn't mean it.

They always mean it.

What did he say?

He looked her straight
in the eye and told her

he wanted to be... her friend.


Look, I just, I think
he needs some time.

That's all.

H-He'll be back.

- We're soul mates.
- You know,

I read in Cosmo that most women
never marry their soul mates.

Thank you, Penny.

That reminds me, since
this is girls' night out,

I thought I'd bring
some research material.

Are you totally
out of your mind?


Gloria, I want to actually
attract a man tonight,

not repel one.

But there's a really good
article in that magazine.

Oh, honey, you show up at
happy hour with Bridal Guide,

and you will never,
ever, ever meet a man.

Got it?

Excuse me.

Would you like to dance?

Oh, I-I don't know how.

I'll teach you.


I don't believe it.


Three minutes till D-Day.

♪ They're congregating ♪

♪ For me and my gal ♪

♪ The parson's waiting... ♪

Okay, Monica, you do know

that you have to
be initiated, right?

- Initiated?
- Oh, yeah.

Girls' Night Out
Club... There's no way

you can sit here at this
table and enjoy the benefits

of sorority until you get up...

Until you get up and
sing a song with the geeks

at the piano bar.


No. No, no.

I-I don't sing.

I haven't got a gift for it.

Oh, yes, you do, baby.

Pitcher of margaritas.

So, go ahead.

Sing for them.

You're wired for it.

You just don't know it,
I-if you know what I mean.


Oh. Okay.

Here goes.

All right, Monica!

♪ Me and my gal. ♪

This ought to be good.

That's him.

Oh... okay.

Go for it, girl.

♪ You're so good ♪

♪ You're too good
for me, you are ♪

♪ You're the best darn
person I have known by far ♪

J“ If I could J“

♪ You know I'd never
throw this curve ♪

♪ You're a goddess ♪

♪ And I'm not what you deserve ♪

♪ What I am saying is ♪

♪ Our thing must end ♪

♪ But though it must ♪

♪ I want to be your friend ♪

♪ Friend? ♪

♪ Friend ♪

♪ You want to be my friend? ♪

♪ You want to be
my friend? Oh! ♪

♪ That's nice ♪

♪ You want to be my friend ♪

♪ I want a lover and a husband ♪

♪ A partner and a
spouse, I want someone ♪

♪ To split expenses with
me on a summer house ♪

♪ I want a father for
my unborn children ♪

♪ Someone who's in tune ♪

♪ Since I'll be 39 next
month, I want him rather soon ♪

♪ I want someone to
buy rugs and lamps with ♪

♪ Someone who'll cosign ♪

♪ I want a small
joint bank account ♪

♪ In his name and in mine ♪

♪ I need someone
I can fight with ♪

♪ Learn to cook
for, love to feed ♪

♪ Come to think of it, there's
only one thing I do not need ♪

♪ I don't need another friend ♪

♪ You want to be my friend? ♪

♪ Who'd want you
to be a friend? ♪

- ♪ Is my name on the lease? ♪
- ♪ Huh? ♪

♪ Is my name on this lease? ♪

♪ Well, yeah ♪

-♪ Then get out
of my apartment. ♪

That's my angel.

Oh. Oh, that was fun.

That was great.

Nobody can beat it. Oh.

You made me laugh so
hard, you made my cry.

I just wish it wasn't so true.

I'm sorry.

I'm just... being so pathetic.

I just loved him.

I really loved him.

I'm sure you did, Zoe.

Oh, my God.

Maybe you were right, honey.





I figured you might be here.

It's really nice to see you.

I, uh, looked at the
calendar this morning.

Thought this might be
a difficult night for you.

You remembered our anniversary?

I didn't think guys
remembered things like that.

Now, see, that is why I love...

Did you want to get a drink?

No, I can't. I...

I got to be somewhere,
but I-I wanted to come by

and make sure
that you were okay.

I got this for you.

It's yellow for friendship.

I just thought it would be
a real shame, you know,

if we couldn't be... Me, too.

♪ The night is bitter ♪

♪ Stars have
lost their glitter ♪

♪ The winds grow colder ♪

♪ And suddenly you're older ♪

♪ And all because of the man ♪

♪ That got away ♪

♪ No more ♪

♪ His eager call ♪

♪ The writing's on the wall ♪

♪ The dreams you dreamed ♪

♪ Have all ♪

♪ Gone astray ♪

♪ The man that won you ♪

♪ Has run off and undone you ♪

♪ That great beginning ♪

♪ Has seen a final inning ♪

♪ Don't know what happened ♪

♪ It's just a crazy game ♪

♪ No more that all-time thrill ♪

♪ For you've been
through the mill ♪

♪ And never a new love ♪

♪ Will be the same ♪

♪ Good riddance, good-bye ♪

♪ Every trick of his ♪

♪ You're onto ♪

♪ But fools will be fools ♪

♪ And where's he gone to? ♪

♪ The road gets rougher ♪

- ♪ It gets rougher ♪
- ♪ It's lonelier and tougher ♪

- ♪ Lonely and tougher ♪
- ♪ With hope you burn up ♪

- ♪ With hope you burn up ♪
- ♪ Tomorrow he may turn up ♪

♪ Tomorrow he may turn up ♪

- ♪ There's just no letup ♪
- ♪ No letup ♪

♪ The livelong night ♪

- ♪ The livelong night and day ♪
- ♪ And day ♪

♪ Ever since this world began ♪

♪ Ever since the world began ♪

♪ There's nothing sadder than ♪

♪ There is nothing sadder than ♪

♪ A one-man woman ♪

♪ Looking for the man ♪

♪ That got away ♪

♪ One-man woman ♪

♪ Looking for the
man that got away ♪

♪ The man... ♪

♪ That got away ♪

♪ Looking for the man ♪

♪ That got away. ♪

♪ Give my regards to Broadway ♪

♪ Remember me to Herald Square ♪

♪ Tell all the g*ng
at 42nd Street ♪

Dancing's fun. You
guys should try it.

♪ That I will soon be there ♪

♪ Whisper of how I'm yearning ♪

♪ To mingle with the
old-time throng... ♪

So why don't you
just go talk to her?


Why don't you just go say hi?

It's pretty obvious you want to.

I'm Andrew.

- Bi||y.
- Hi.

So, about this girl.

Okay, all right.

So, which one of you

invited me over here?

I'm Peter.

Well, Peter, why don't
we skip the small talk

and go straight
to, "Take a hike."

Bad for him.

Good for you.

Yeah, well, he's not
exactly Zoe's type.

So you know her name
and you know her type.

You know, this sounds something
like unrequited love to me.

I deliver packages to the
company she works for.

She signs the receipts.

Beautiful handwriting.

It seems to me you
got two choices, okay?

You can go over, talk to
her, see what happens,

or you can stay here

and keep up with this,
uh, this stalking routine.

I can't do it, Andrew.

And the thing is, I knew
I wouldn't be able to.

I don't even know
why I came here.

Oh, honey, you know
exactly why you came.

What you can't figure out is

why you're being
such a wimp about it.

Hey, go easy on me here.

You're not alone, you know.

There's a lot of other
shy people in the world.

And, frankly,
it's to your credit

you're not like some of
these other palookas in here.

But when...

when somebody's giving you
a push in the right direction,

I'd listen.

For all you know, that
somebody might be an angel.


You're an angel, Andrew?

You never know.

Zoe, you have a suitor.

Is that Billy?

The delivery guy?

I didn't recognize him
without that gag-me uniform.

Oh, he doesn't like me.

He came to the
office to see you,

and I told him
that you'd be here.

The thing is, I
see her every day.

If I were to go over there
and tell her how I feel,

and she didn't
feel the same way,

I would have to
transfer to another route,

and I would never see her.

Billy, nobody is
promised tomorrow.

So don't pass up the
opportunity to tell somebody

how you feel about them.

That would be a push.

It's the best I can do.

Here he comes.

What do I say?

Uh, don't decide that right now.

Hey, Billy.

Hey. Hi, Zoe.


How are you doing?

I'm good.

I was wondering if
you'd like to dance.

Go ahead.

It's not as hard as it looks.

Yeah, okay.

Zoe, I-I just want you to know

that I think very highly of you.

You think very highly of me?

What I mean is,

I love the fact that you eat
baklava at 9:00 in the morning.

I love your... handwriting.


Look, I know this sounds insane,

but I think you're the most
amazing person I have ever met.

When I look at you,
everything inside me just...

God, I am an idiot.

Uh, give me a chance.

I'll get there.

I'm sad.

I'm happy.

I'm sad. I'm happy.

See you tomorrow, guys.


Okay, so let me
get this straight.

You visit your mother,
you bake strudel,

and I guess now
you're gonna tell me

you volunteer at
the hospital, right?

Well, actually,

it's the, uh, senior citizen
program at the park.

Which reminds me,
you should know

there is another
woman in my life.

Her name's Lola; she's 82.

So... where do we go from here?

You know, I heard you talking

with the other girls about
all the things Jeff used to do:

balloon rides, uh,

sending you three dozen
roses when you were sick,

the fancy French dinners.

And I think all those
things are great,

and you deserve
all of them and more.

But you should know,
I can't afford that stuff.

Oh, I don't need
that stuff, Billy.

I-I mean, I could
buy you one rose

three dozen times
over the course of, well...

a few years.

And if we ever got married,

well, I would give
you my firstborn child.

Well, I guess we'd
have to share him.

Oh, man, it's almost 3:00,
and my shift starts at 5:00.

Can I give you a-a ride?

Actually, I came here
with Monica, so I...


So I guess, uh, I'll
see you tomorrow.



Thanks for the push.


I'll walk out with you.

Hey, Zoe?

I just wanted to say
your name again.

Are you ready to go?

- Yes.
- Okay.

And they all lived
happily ever after.

Come on, Lew, let's go home.

Happily ever after...
Now, there's a nice idea.

Gloria, we're angels,

and happily ever after
only happens in fairy tales.

This is so great.

I mean, what are the chances

of both of us connecting with
great guys on the same night?

Apparently, 100%.

Don't be bitter.

I'll bet your guy's just
right around the corner.

Ugh, you're
beginning to sound like

one of Betty's
sappy old love songs.

Well, we always said
there's one perfect guy

out there for each of us,

and yesterday I would
have sworn it was Jeff.

Yesterday you did
swear it was Jeff.

That was before I
danced with Billy.

Shouldn't we say something?

That's not our job right now.

He's never late.

I mean, don't they
advertise never, ever late?

He probably overslept.


He's having second
thoughts, he can't face me,

and so he's got a
different route now.

I knew it.

He just, he seemed so sincere.

He was sincere.

Well, then where is he?

I'm looking for Zoe.

Who are you?


I've, uh, got some packages.

Where's Billy?

Billy was on his way
into work this morning,

and he was hit
by a drunk driver.


Where-where is he?

Where is he?

He didn't make it.

Are you sure?

Look, you better be sure,

because this is
really, really important.

I'm sure.

I'm sorry.

I'll go after her.

Okay, let's go.

You stay here and
fix the computer.

But I want to come with
you and be an angel.

You need to be an
angel fixing a computer.

You'll be fine.

When I saw you walk
in here the other day,

I honestly thought you came
to make somebody as happy

as you made me and Lew.

Sometimes we do that...

and sometimes we just
have to make them stronger.

Somebody just got lucky.

And that somebody is me.

Bartender, how about another
for my beautiful friend here

and vodka rocks for me?

I remember you.

I'm Peter.

I was abruptly dispatched
by your friend last night.

I know, I know, I
probably deserved it, I...

Look, whoever he
is, he isn't worth it

if he could hurt a
gorgeous lady like you.

You, uh... you want
to get out of here?



All right, I had to try.

Take care of yourself.


Maybe I do want to come.

Excuse us.

Zoe, don't leave with this man.

I don't think that's
any of your business.

Well, then it's mine.

Maybe some other time, okay?

What is this?

You didn't really want to go
home with that man tonight.

I just didn't want to be alone.

Oh, you're not alone, honey.

You're so very
not alone right now.

You're talking to an
angel... That's right.

Monica is an angel.

And so is Tess.

Don't be afraid.

I've been visited
by an angel before,

and I know it's frightening
the first time, but...

it's the best thing that
ever happened to me.

So just listen.

It's true, Zoe, I am an angel.

An angel?


A messenger from God,
the one true God who is love,

who created love, and who
loves you and Billy so much

that, even in the
midst of tragedy,

He's near you and He
wants to comfort you.

Comfort me?

Well, then why didn't
He just save Billy?

There are angels
everywhere, Zoe,

whispering guidance,
offering direction.

Last night, an angel
whispered in someone's ear,

"Don't drink.

Don't drink and drive your car."

But once again, God was ignored,

and once again, an
innocent person died.

It has broken your heart,

but it has broken
God's heart, too.

Did Billy get an angel?


The same angel who
gave him the courage

to say those words
to you last night,

words that he'd been practicing
to say to you for so long.

Billy died with nothing
left unsaid, Zoe,

with no love left unexpressed.

And when he went
to work this morning,

it was the happiest
he'd ever been in his life.

It was the happiest I
had ever been in my life.

And now I'm alone.

I'm sorry.

I know I sound selfish.

But the truth is, is that
I'm just... I'm so scared.

I don't want to
spend my life alone.

I want a husband to hold,
and I want children to raise

and a family to love
and to share my life with.

And last night, I
was hurting so much,

and Billy walked in,

and I thought he was
really the one this time.

The one?

Zoe, love is not about waiting

for the one who is
destined to love you.

Stop shopping for love.

You're not going to find it
searching the singles' bars

and the happy hours,
looking for the right man.

Well, I'm lonely.

And I'm afraid that time
is running out for me.

God's timing is not your timing.

Only He knows what
and who is ahead for you.

He's asking you to trust Him.

You won't be ready
for the right man, Zoe,

until you become
the right woman...

The strong, confident,
generous woman

that God created you to be.

When you learn to love
anyone who comes your way...

Hungry child, a
homeless stranger,

a friendless neighbor...

Then you can't help but
draw love back to yourself.

Like Billy.

Like Billy.

How do I do that?

How do I learn how
to be that person?

You ask the question,

and then you listen to
the voice that answers.

You listen to God,
you listen to the angels.

And you follow the example
of those good people

who've been there, too.

Betty and Lew?

Betty and Lew have
been together forever.

It's been so easy for them.

Honey, Lew and I
have only been together

for three years.

That man in the picture
with me over there...

That was Mike.

That was my first husband.

I loved that man
with all my heart,

and when he was k*lled in Korea,

I-I thought my life was over.

And then one day...

this angel walked in named Tess.

She showed up

and gave me the
same kind of talking to

that you just got from Monica.

And I was just

heartbroken enough
to take her advice.

I didn't spend the next 30
years of my life looking for love.

I just ran around sharing
it as much as I could.

And when Lew
walked in that door,

I knew the wait was worth it.

God doesn't always deliver
on our timetable, sweetheart.

He just delivers the best.

So what are you gonna do?

Will you do me a favor?


Will you tell Billy
that I miss him?

Tell him that I'm gonna miss
everything that might have been.

But tell him I'm so glad that
he came over and talked to me.

I Will tell him.

♪ Make someone happy ♪

♪ Make just one someone happy ♪

♪ Make just one
heart the heart ♪

♪ You cling to ♪

♪ One smile ♪

♪ That cheers you ♪

♪ One face that
really lights... ♪

Okay, so there's the kind of
love that God gives all of us.

- Yes.
- There's the kind of love

that friends give
each other, like us.

- Right.
- Mm-hmm.

And then there's the
romantic kind of love,

like those two over
there are experiencing.


Well, kind of.

Okay, so that's it, right?

That covers
everything about love.

No, Gloria.

There's a lot more. You'll see.

- There's more?
- Oh, yeah.

For example,

there's another kind
of love right over there.

- You don't look a day over 40.
- Thank you.

So, Lola, what do you say?

You want to go to the zoo today?

Absolutely. You've got it.


♪ Make somebody happy ♪

♪ Make just one someone happy ♪

♪ And you'll find ♪

♪ That you will be happy, too. ♪