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05x10 - Little Girl Lost

Posted: 05/03/23 08:37
by bunniefuu
(soft music)

- [Simon Voiceover] Ah, there's a lot to be said

for a fishing holiday.

It's quiet and pleasant,

and the scenery's lovely,

even if you catch nothing.

Anyway, it's nice to get away from

the blare of the city traffic.

(tires squealing)

Or am I hoping for too much?

(tires squealing)

(eerie music)

- Help me, mister, please.

- I'd do much better if my hands were free.

(dramatic music)

(water splashing)

(dramatic music)

(water splashing)

- [Mildred] They're K*llers.

- [Simon] After you?

- Yes.

- [Simon] Who are you?

- I'm sorry, I can't say.

They're getting out.

(eerie music)

(car engine roars)

I thought you were absolutely wonderful.

- Where to?

- Oh, I don't know.

- Dublin?

- Would you?

- Pleasure.

- I don't know how to thank you Mister--

- There's no secret about my name.

It's Simon Templar.

(dramatic music)

(soft music)

- Hello, Pat.

Put them away, please.

My dear, could you tell me where I'd find

Mr. Simon Templar, please?

- [Desk Clerk] In the bar, sir.

- Thank you very much.

- Supposing they followed us here.

- What could they do in a public place?

- You don't know them.

You don't know how desperate they are.

- Brendan.

- Simon.

Simon, you old dog.

How are you? - Fine.

This is Commander Brendan Cullin.

Brendan, this is someone I will just call Miss Schmidt.

- With the face like a Thailand jewel itself.

- Yes well, you sit down there.


- Delighted to meet you, my dear.

Well Simon, that was quite a message.

Top level, international importance.

Are you about to start World w*r III or something?

- Miss Schmidt will explain.

- Before she does, will there be a drop

of gargle about sort to ease the pain?

- [Simon] Waiter.

- I bet in heaven to you, son.

I bet in heaven to you.

Now, Miss Schmidt, I am entirely at your disposal.

- Commander Cullin, I realize that what

I'm about to say will sound incredible, even impossible.

But I assure you, it is the gospel truth.

Tell me.

How much do you remember about the death of Adolf Hitler?

- Hitler?

Well, not very much.

su1c1de, wasn't it su1c1de?

Himself and Eva Braun together in the bunk room--

- Yes, that's what's generally assumed.

- It's a lie, is it?

- In April , the allies had Berlin

inside a steel trap.

Even Hitler realized that his mad dream was over.

Before dawn on April the th,

in a ceremony conducted by the

chaplain general to the forces,

Hitler and Eva Braun were married.

- Then they shot themselves

and it was the valet, wasn't it,

that burned the bodies.

- Yes, but did you ever wonder why

they married after all those years,

knowing they were to die a few hours later?

- [Brendan] Maybe he was a sentimental sap.

- Hitler?

She had borne his child.

- How do you know?

- Because, Commander.

I am that child.

- The delightful girl.

- There is a resemblance.

- You?


- They smuggled me out of Germany.

I was hidden in a convent,

and for years, guarded by the SS.

- Tell him why.

- They want to take me back to Germany.

- To spearhead a new n*zi movement.

She is to be a symbol.

- Do you mean to tell me that the SS

are actually here, trying to get you?

- Yes well, Mr. Templar saw them.

- They were certainly tough looking characters.

- Do you buy all this?

- Brendan, I think we should treat it

as top priority until it's proved one way or the other.

- I can provide names, dates, papers, everything.

You understand now why I must leave Dublin.

The SS are everywhere.

- That's why I called you.

Would you mind if we took Miss Schmidt with us

to that ruined castle of yours?

- Ruined, it may be.

Castle, it never was.

- Oh just for a few days, please.

- If you don't mind he and I being away all day fishing.

- I don't mind anything, as long as we

get away from here.

- We could leave first thing in the morning.

- Can't we leave now, tonight?

- Good afternoon, sir.

Do you have a reservation?

- Am I to take it you don't know who I am?

- Well, I'm afraid I don't know who you are.

- How long have you been working here?

- [Desk Clerk] About six months.

- And if you wish to continue in your employment,

I suggest you learn the rudiments of your profession.

- I'm very sorry, sir, but I still don't

know who you are.

- My name is Drew.

Eugene Drew.

I own this hotel.

See that my suite is ready.

- Mr. Drew, Blaney's the name.

London Echo.

- I'm not accustomed to giving

impromptu press interviews.

- Well, just a word about your reasons for coming here.

- No comment.

- The Hardaker Group.

There's a rumor you're taking over.

- I've made a note of your name.

If you address one word more to me,

I shall telephone Lord Abbeville,

the proprietor of your paper,

and request him to dismiss you at once.

- Have you got a r*fle at this place of yours?

- r*fle?

It's fishing we're doing.

Not big game hunting.

- These men are trained K*llers.

Your life will be in peril, I promise you.

Will you excuse me for a moment, please?

- A right one you caught there.

- Don't you believe her?

- Believe her?

Hitler's daughter?

Even an Irish barmaid couldn't think of

a better one than that.

(eerie music)

- Of course she's lying.

That's what intrigues me, but why?

- Maybe she's an infamous trickster.

- No, it's more than that.

- Hey, are we going to be stuck with her

for two whole days?

Pretty and all she is.

- I have to find out what's going on.

This one's in the Barnum and Bailey class.

See them?

- What about them?

- Her storm trooper friends from this afternoon.


- Hey, maybe I'd better get a r*fle after all.

- No, I think it will be more tactical

if we got out of here before they spot me.

- Let me finish my jar.

(eerie music)

- Why are you alone?

- There was a bit of a confusion.

She went off with a man called Simon Templar.

- We nearly had her but Templar

helped her get away from us.

- If he has any expectations of financial reward,

he's going to be sharply disappointed.

- I think he's just an interfering sort of fella.

Don't worry, we'll soon pick up her trail again.

- You do that, Mr. Mullins.

- But how the blazes did they follow you here?

- I don't think they did.

I think they had an appointment with Eugene Drew.

- Who's he?

- Millionaire property owner.

- But where does he fit in?

- Brendan, I haven't a clue but

we are going to have a ball finding out.

Now, you go get your clothes.

- Right, Pat, give me me gear.

I'll be back in an hour.

- We'll be in my room.

Until we know what's going on,

there's no point in letting them know the girl is here.

- Thank you.

- I must have that girl back, do you understand?

- Yes, sir.

- And in hours too.

Otherwise, the handsome fees I agreed to pay you

will most certainly not be forthcoming.

- [Mullins] We understand, Mr. Drew.

- I doubt it.

I consider you a pair of helpless,

dull-witted incompetents.

- Crafty old--

- Think of all that money.

- If we ever get it.

Suppose he doesn't pay off.

- He's got more money than the Bank of Ireland.

(soft music)

- Can we go now?

- When I've packed.

By the way, your two thug friends are here.

- Where?

- In the bar.

They were talking to that gray-haired man

whom I think you recognized.

- He looks harmless, but he's one of the worst.

He was in charge of one of the most

bestial concentration camps of all.

- Really?

(eerie music)

- I'm very grateful to you for helping me like this.

- Ah.

It's the least I can do.

After all, you are a figure of international importance.

I'll be right with you.

Sit down.

What were they planning to do with you?

- Who?

- The SS.

- Oh, well.

How do you mean?

- Well, the new upsurge with Nazism

with you as the bigger head.

When were they going to reveal you

to the waiting world?

- In .

years after my father's death.

- And what made you rebel?

- Well they brought me up to think

of my father as a great hero.

And then one day, I read a book

which showed me the real truth about him.

- So you decided you couldn't go through with it, eh?

- No.

- Must've been quite a decision,

going against dear old dad.

- Yes, it was.

It certainly was.

- Well now, what about clothes for you?

- Oh, well I left mine at the convent.

But it doesn't matter, really.

- Good.

Shall we?

Laurel and Hardy.

(eerie music)


Enjoy your swim?

- All right joker, where is she?

- Fraulein Hitler?

She was feeling hungry.

Went out looking for a carpet.

- You're getting in our way, Templar.

I dislike v*olence, but if I have to,

I'll rub you out like a chalk mark.

- So where's the girl?

- Gone about her father's business, no doubt.


(dramatic music)

In the deep end again.

(pounding) (intense music)

- How much longer?

- About miles.

- What do you keep looking at?

- We've been followed for the last half hour.

- Looks like them.

- How's your navigation?

- Perfect, I was a Queen's Guide at school.

- Good, there's a map in the glove compartment.

See if there are any side roads coming up.

- He's putting on speed.

- Well, don't lose him.

- How are you doing?

- I think I've got it.

There's a small road turning off to the left

about a quarter a mile ahead, look.


If we turn down there, it crosses a ford

and leads to a major road further along.

- Well, if you say so.

(eerie music)

Are you sure about this?

- I told you, I'm a whiz with maps.

(eerie music)

- You've lost him.

(eerie music)

- A great idea that was.

- Well, can't you revert it out then?

- The axle is bent.

- You mean, it won't go at all?

- That's what I mean.

- Well, what are we going to do?

- Walk.

- [Mildred] Where to?

- Away from here, for a start.

Come on, Dr. Levinson.

We'll see if we can find a way through this jungle.

Straight on.

- Look, there must be a side road back there.

Stop, turn around and go back.

(eerie music)

- Come on.

- Where to, this place is a wilderness.

- Well, you picked it.

- Oh!

- [Simon] What is it?

- Oh, now look what you've done.

The heel's broken.

- So it is, never mind.

Can't be more than miles.

(eerie music)

- I'm sorry, I just can't go on any longer.

- You may not have to.

(eerie music)

- What is it now?

- .

- [Man] Put it in.

- Well, it may not be the Ritz,

but at least it'll be a roof over our heads.

- Hey!

- Good evening.

Our car broke down in the lane.

We saw the light of your farm.

- What do you want?

- Somewhere to stay the night.

- This is not a hotel, mister.

- We're not from the Revenue,

if that's what worries you.

- What are you then?

- We're running away from my father to get married.

If he finds us,

please help us, we need you desperately.

- This the truth?

- You heard her.

- Hang on.

- What are they doing?

- It's an illicit sill.

They're making a pot of it.

- What's that?

- Booze.

- You mean, they drink that stuff?

- Eventually.

- What's it taste like?

- A mixture of iodine and gasoline,

and near twice as potent.

- Well now, it's all agreed.

You can stay and welcome.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Mind you, we haven't much to offer.

We're only tinkers, you know.

Not very large, but it's spotless clean.

The wife and I use it ourselves.

- They could be anywhere.

- Well they're not gonna spend the night in a tree.



They're near here.

She's not get very far in stocking feet.

- Well let's keep looking until we

see a house or something.

- Well now, have you eaten?

- If you're offering, we'd be very grateful.

Thank you.

- The wife will have something ready

for you in a jiffy.

And miss, I'll get you something to put on your feet.

- Thank you.

- You ever slept in one of these things before?

- I told you, I was a Queen's Guide.

- Oh that's right, troupe leader Hitler.

Who are you really?


Tess of the d'Urbervilles?

- You must know who I am.

- Must I?

- You saw me react when my father

walked into the bar.

- Eugene Drew?

- Yes.

- He's your father?

- I think you've known all along.

- Well, I must admit that Hitler's daughter routine

was a bit thick.

- I guess it was.

- Well, what's your first name?

- Mildred.

- That's nice.

- Thanks.

I suppose you're going to turn me over to the police.

- Oh, is that who those g*ons are?

- Private detectives hired by Dad.

- Why?

- Don't you ever read the papers?

- Assiduously.

- Well it was all over them a couple of months ago.

I ran away with an actor.

Don't you remember?

- A complete blank.

- It had world coverage.

I don't know how you could've missed it.


Dad disapproved of this boy, Rick,

and he made a ward of court.

- Oh and what happened to Rick?

- They threatened to put him in jail

if he didn't go back to America.

- That must've cooled his ardor somewhat.

- Oh, don't laugh.

- I'm not laughing. - Yes, you are.

We're terribly in love.

And he's just, you see, you are laughing.

I'm not going-- - I am not.

Really, please go on.

- Well, he's very kind and he's unbelievably handsome.

Anyway, Father got stubborn and mean

because Rick was poor.

I mean, who needs money?

- Nearly everybody.

- Well, we don't.

- I gather that you and Rick are planning a return match.

- We've been planning it for months.

Rick's flying into Shannon the day after tomorrow

and we're going to fly off and get married.

And rats to big Daddy and the British lord high executioner.

- Why didn't you tell me all this in the first place?

- Well, you can get into serious trouble

for helping me disobey a judge.

- Well if I wasn't deterred by a whole

regimen of storm troopers,

why should I be worried about a judge?

- Oh, Simon, Simon!

Then all my troubles are over.

(eerie music)

- Anything?

Can't see a thing.

- Over there.

Looks like a campfire.

- Well, let's get closer.

- What's that, would you say?

- It's some sort of bag.

- Well, me too.

Look at the stitching.

Now who would a thing like this belong to, do you reckon?

- The gentleman's, maybe.

- That's right, it could be him.

I'll just slip over and see.

- Should you be disturbing them?

A young couple running away to be wed?

- That's a thought.

I'll tell you what.

I'll just take a look inside and make sure

there's nothing he'll be needing.

- Did you find anything?

- I thought you might be--

Yes, well, maybe this calls for a little drink, eh?

(soft music)

- Slainte. - Slainte.


- Delicious.

- Come on, me arm's dropping off.

Dad. - What is this?

- A man, there.

- Revenue men, get them.

(intense music)


The whole family team has arrived, come on.


- [Man] Hit him again, he's still punching.

Hit him again.

- I'm not a Revenue man.

- Hit him, will you, hit him.


Hit him again, he's no relation.


- After them.

- I wonder which one of them fellas was her father.

(eerie music)

(train whistle blows)

- [Simon] Think you can make it?

Come on, up.

Right, jump!

- You're wonderful.

Why should you do this for me,

taking all these risks?

- Well, because you have a talent

for embroidering the truth, which fascinates me.

- But that's not the only reason, is it?

- No.

No, your father took over my favorite brewery

and the beer's been terrible ever since.

(soft music)

(mumbles incoherently)


- Well.

Nice of you to show up.

Hey, what happened at the hotel?

- I'll tell you later.

Have you got a bed for her?

- Yes, upstairs.

- Haven't you got one on the ground floor?

- Yes, if you want to share with a few rats.

- I once got lost in a sewer in Paris.

Seen rats enough to last me a lifetime.

- That would be on some Gestapo reunion, no doubt.

- That is all over now.

It was just a story.

- Is that so, is that so?

Well who is she really?

Such as Mussolini's aunt?

- [Simon] It's possible.

- I'm sorry, Commander, about that little white lie.

- White lie?

- Brendan, we are starving.

- No food until I've had an explanation, this--

- That'll come in due course,

but first we eat.

- Everything's been provided with true Irish hospitality.

- That's you catered for, but what about us?

- Wait, wait.

Let revelry commence.

- Bread.




And more soup.

Do you seriously consider this

adequate provisions for a two day fishing trip?

- The essentials are all here.

- They teach you to cook in Bertie's Garden?

- I happen to be a cordon bleu.

- Oh, naturally.

Go wreak a small miracle.

I trust you have all the latest

peak burning equipment.

- Not in there, I haven't.

- Hilarious, I'm sure.

- In there, darling.

- What do you think?

- [Mullins] Well, it's the only house for miles.

- Take a look.

(eerie music)

(phone rings)

- Drew here.

- Mr. Drew, it's Mullins.

We found her.

She's with Templar and another man.

- What?

Just listen to me, Mullins.

- We'll keep the place under surveillance

until we see an opportunity.

- Just don't let her get away.

- Oh we'll get her, Mr. Drew, don't worry.

Just leave everything to us.

- Cordon bleu, huh?


- I can stand the lovely morning.

Did you sleep well, darling?

- Fine, thanks.

- You still got that old banger of a car of yours up here?

- If you mean six seater,

leather upholstered limousine, yes.

- Oh, may I have the keys?

- Why, where are you going?

- I'll get my car fixed.

- But what if those men have followed us here?

- Even the postman can't find this place,

let alone a couple of city dogs like them.

- The axle's badly bent.

I'll be quite awhile.

- Well don't worry about us, we'll be all right.

- I'll see you later.

- Right.

- It's very kind of you to help me this way.

- Oh thank Simon, he's the one.

- I have a feeling he disapproves of me.

- He thinks you're prettier than a pansy.

- Did he say so?

- Raving about you, he is.

- Honestly?

- Wishing he had hair down to his shoulder blades

and a dirty shirt so that you'd be

wishing to marry him.

Finish your breakfast.

(soft music)

- Hey, that's Templar out of the way.

And the Commander won't be a problem.

- I don't like this.

- Well this is a fine time to go yellow.

- I'm not.

We're private detectives, not gangsters.

- Look, you want to go on collecting

divorce evidence forever at pounds a time?

- Oh all right, all right.

But let's get a move on.

(eerie music)

(car doors slam)


- Brendan?

- Yes dear, what is it?

What are you two doing here?

- [Mildred] They're Daddy's detectives.

- Put the g*ns away, boys.

This isn't the Wild, Wild West.

- True enough, me bucko.

But on the other hand, now that you're here,

I think we're going to need them.

- You're not planning to sh**t

your employer's daughter, are you?

- And k*ll the golden goose?

No Commander, we're just going to kidnap her.

- And since you're here to see who's doing it,

we'll have to take you too.

Out, both of you.

- Oh and Mildred, dear.

I'll have your lipstick.

(eerie music)

- We didn't reckon on having an extra

hand aboard, Commander.

But we'll make you as comfy as we can.

- Well, I'll never forgive myself, never.

- But it wasn't your fault.

- Standing there like a big ninny.

Why didn't I take the g*n out of his hands

when I first saw him?

- Because there were two of them.

- That's not much comfort to a fellow

that used to be known as k*ller Cullin.

If it was raining soup, I'd be out there ready to eat,

with a knife and fork in me hand.

(eerie music)

- Brendan?


- [Simon Voiceover] Come to St. Patrick's Cross

at midnight, alone.

(eerie music)

- Turn around.

And hands on the car.

Well, you seem like a sensible fella.

- So what's your proposition?

- Since you choose to put your nose in,

we thought you might like to be in at the k*ll.

Figuratively speaking.

- Go on.

- We've got the little girl safely tucked away.

Tell Mr. Drew he can buy her back

for a mere , of the British best.

We'll throw the Commander in for nothing.

- Why not tell Drew yourself?

- We're a respectable couple of ex-private eyes, Templar.

Poor but honest, you know the type.

- No.

- Yes, all our lives, we've slugged along

for a measly pittance.

You can't blame us for taking our

one big chance, now can you?

- Well that's a matter of opinion.

But why use me?

- Well you see, until we're caught,

we'll still be respectable.

You're not and never could be.

So if anything goes wrong, it'll be Simon Templar

who carries the bag.

- Suppose I don't feel like playing patsy.

- You may not be respectable,

but you're still a real sucker.

You wouldn't risk anything happening

to little Millie, now would you?

- If Drew agrees to the figure,

how do we exchange?

- Here, tomorrow night.

Same time.

You, alone.

- All right, I'll see what he says.

- It had better be yes, friend.

If he wants to see his little darling again, that is.

(intense music)

- [Eugene] I knew those detectives were crooks.

I knew it.

- I came here to talk to you about Mildred.

- I'll let you have the money

as soon as the banks are open in the morning.

Bring Mildred straight back to me.

There are a few things I want to say

to that young lady.

- I have a few things to say to you.

It is your daughter we're discussing,

not a shipment of prime beef.

- [Eugene] Now don't be insolent.

- Not once, as far as I can ascertain,

have you shared any real interest.

Not one spark of genuine human affection.

It's not just some boy she's running towards

because she's in love with him.

She's running away from you.

(eerie music)

- They're here?

(eerie music)

- It's open.

(eerie music)


(intense music)

- Avast there, Commander.

Back inside.

- He jumped me.

- Evidently.

Get in.

Is there nothing I can trust you to do?

- I'm sorry.

- Well, keep your nerve.

It'll be all over by midnight.

- There you are.

, pounds.

- I've decided it's not enough.

You see, I tracked down your perspective son-in-law,

had a very pleasant chat.

Considering everything, I think you're

lucky to get him.

- He's an actor.

- Mildred loves him.

- She'll get over it.

- No, she won't.

And if you go on playing the heavy handed

Victorian father, you'll lose him.

You force her to choose between you and Rick,

she'll take Rick, unless that's what you want.

You want to cut her out of your life completely.

- No.

I love Mildred very dearly.

- [Simon] Well then.

- Get her back for me, Templar.

She can marry anybody she likes.

(eerie music)

- Got the money?

All whole notes, nothing too big.

- What about Mildred?

- I'll have your car keys.

You can wait here.

Be back in an hour with the girl.

(soft music)

(door slams)

- Who's that?

- The devil's back, that's all.

- All okay? - Perfect.

Let her out.

Well go on, let her out.

(eerie music)

- You, out here.

- Where are you taking her?

- None of your business.

- I'm making it me business.

- Brine.

- I don't want to have to break your knees, Commander,

or any of that malarkey.

But I will if I have to.

- I'm sorry, Brendan, but it's no use.

- It may take a little time,

but this should get you out in a day or so.

Well, that wraps up a very satisfactory operation.

- [Simon] Not completely.

- Simon.

How did, well, how did you find me?

- Our friends left a trail.

- Well, now you can tell Drew she's unharmed.

- You think he'd be interested?

- Well, what do you mean?

- He has never laid eyes on you.

- But that's ridiculous.

- Forget the histrionics, darling.

The show's over.

- Is it?

- Sorry.

- Well, it was a beautiful idea just the same.

- Yours?

- Of course, I'm the brains around here.

- Not just a pretty face, eh?

- Oh, you must admit that that story

about Hitler's daughter really intrigued you.

- Hmm.

Too bad it didn't work.

- Who says so?

- These two baboons were hired by Eugene Drew

to find his daughter.

When they couldn't find her,

it was decided to substitute you.

But you needed someone who had never seen

the real Mildred to persuade Drew

that his daughter had been kidnapped.

- We're wasting time.

- We've got the money, you've got him covered.

What's the rush?

I'm enjoying this.

- While it lasts.

- Oh, it'll last all right.

It was a brilliantly conceived plan.

- But it hasn't come off.

- You keep saying that.

- Oh well, take a peep outside.

You'll see what I mean.

- He's trying it on.

- Take a look just the same.

(eerie music)

- Cops! - What?

- Cops, I said.

(intense music)

- Come here, you.

(intense music)

- I'm Sergeant Finnegan, where's Mr. Templar?

- Templar?

He's, he's gone.

And the money too.

(intense music)


- You hurt yourself?

- I think I've broken my back.

- Oh well, never mind.

They'll take good care of you in the hospital.

Prison hospital, that is.

(intense music)

- You want the money for yourself, don't you?

- No, I don't.

When I went to pick the car up yesterday,

I drove into Shannon and there I met the real Mildred.

Pretty little thing she is.

And her young man, Rick.

Oh, they're very much in love.

And very nice.

So I thought well, Mr. Drew could do with a lesson,

which he has had.

And so have you.

- They made me do it, they forced me.

- But I thought you were the brains.

- Yes, well.

You see, my mother needs this dreadful operation.

And there's only one surgeon in the world who can do it.

And he's an American.

And he needs , pounds.

(laughs) Well, it's true, really.

- You never give up, do you?

- I think you're a disgusting pig.

- Oh, because you didn't get away with it?

- [Brendan] Simon, where are you?

- You're not going to turn me in, are you?

- Well, you've been a very naughty girl.

And you did call me a pig.

- Please Simon, don't do that.

I won't do it again, I swear.

- All right.

You swear you'll lead a clean and decent life?

And never tell another lie?

- With all my heart.

- And you'll never get mixed up in

anything criminal again?

- I do, I do.

- All right then.

- You mean,

oh Simon!

I'll never forget this, I promise.

And I'll never ever be a bad girl again

ever in my life.

- Oh, by the way.

Those notes.

- Yes?

- They're counterfeit.

- [Brendan] Simon!

- You're foul.

And you are a pig.

- She got away.

- Oh, afraid so.

- [Brendan] And you still don't know who she was?

- Nope.

No one of any importance.

Just an ordinary little peasant girl they tricked.

- You still took a fair chance

letting her belt away with a , pounds, did you not?

- Oh, not really.

She was simple minded enough to let me

persuade her they were phony.

(dramatic music)