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03x07 - The Loving Brothers

Posted: 05/03/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
I am thinking of
writing a book called

"How to be happy in the Australian outback

with a broken engine.

You may think that because
I had problems,

I ran out of imagination.

But you are wrong.
I didn't.

I have several avenues
open to me.

I can stop a kangaroo
passing by and get a ride

or I can send the kangaroo to
take a welding course

and come back in three months.

Or I can see if there is someone around here,

what I should have
thought of in the first place.

Kinsall Mining Company

Do not enter. Private.
That means you.

Yes, sir, Australia is a great country,

equaled in size only by the
by the greatness of its people's hearts.

They are large and hospitable.

Is anyone here?

Is anyone here?

Hey, get up!

And raise your hands too.

Do you understand what I mean?

Large and hospitable.

What did you say?

I said hospitable.

Why should I be hospitable to
someone who trespasses on my property?

Now, who are you?

My name is Templar.

I have never heard of you.

Simon Templar?


Subtitles by Susanawho

S E - The Loving Brothers

You know you won't sh**t me,

then why don't you let go of that thing?

Come on, come on, come on.

Didn't you see my warning?
It says, "Stay out."

Of course I saw your warning.
I can read it.

Yes, when my sign says "Keep
out", it means exactly that.

I don't want anyone spying
around me, do you understand?

Will you stop poking me
poking me with that thing?

I am not snooping!

This is a mine, my friend,
not a road.

It is private property.

The fact is that my Land Rover is broken.

I have a broken feed tube.

Now, if you have a
small piece of pipe,

I will try to fix it and
I'll be on my way.

Are you sure you are not working
working for Grove?

Grove? Who is Grove?

Grove is the guy who wants the
mine and he won't get it.

That's my mine!

If there are millionaires around
here, it will be me.

- Well, now, look here, Mr. ....
- Kinsall.

Kinsall Mining Company
Kinsall Mining Company.

I am the president.

Well, Mr. President...

- Ah, here comes Linda.
- Who is Linda?

- Visitors, Pop?
- Intruders.

Is that why you point the r*fle?

I don't want anyone
to try to spy on mine.

Yes, just put it away
before you hurt yourself.

- Yes, but, Lindy...
- Are you in trouble, sir?

I had a little problem with my car.

I was hoping to get help.

I will be happy to
to tow you to Stony Creek.

It's not far.

That is very kind of you.

I'll get a rope in the back.
Will you pull in the front?


You too, Pop.

It's lunchtime.

Yes, I am a two-time millionaire, Mr. Templar.

Yes, two huge fortunes
I made in my time.

Yes, I've had a lot of fortune,
two, four, six,

I ended up broke, but this mine?

This mine will be the compensation for everything.


This mine will make my two sons
the proudest boys in the community.

They will be proud of me, very proud.
me, very proud.

- Tell me about the girl.
- Who? Lindy?

Yes, Anderson.
Lindy Anderson.

You can call it Lindy.
Everybody does.

She is the best nurse
I have ever seen in my life.

She is a beauty, yes.

Yes, she will be a lovely wife
of someone,

the kind of girl my
my children married.

- Don't you like wives?
- Oh, they are a couple of cows.

Of course, boys aren't angels either, you know.
are no angels, you know.

Fighting among themselves all
all day and every day.

They do very well in
Sydney, you know.

Yes, property owners.

They have their own companies.

Yes, they are rich!

The boys will help me with the mine.

Oh, you need capital?

Of course, I am not a millionaire
at this moment, you know.

See you later, Mr. Templar,

when you put the car away
and take a shower.

Thank you very much, Miss...

Just call me Linda.

I'll tell you what, I can have
that cold beer!

Let me give you a hand with that.

- What do you have here?
- Is it heavy?

It should be.
They are ore samples.

That's silver.

- Good morning, Pop.
- Hi, Pop.

Hey, Charley!

Two large beers for
two big men, Charley!

All right, Pop.

The only great thing about
you, old man, is your head.

You complete idiot, Grove.

Hey Charley, I didn't know you were leaving

cheap bandits and their
helpers come in now.

Are you calling me a
bandit, you old fool?

Well, isn't it?

Hey, Charley, hurry up with those beers.

He is spoiling me!

You know, one of these days
I'm going to tear this old snake apart.

No, it won't.
Not here in my establishment.

- Thanks. Cheers, Pop.
- Cheers, all the best.

I am Charley O'Shea.
I own this place.

Oh, Simon Templar.
How are you?

How are you?


- Are you new here, Mr. Templar?
- Yes, first time.

This is too good!

Yes, your Land Rover has broken down.

Hello, Joe! Come here!

This is Joe Casey.

Hey, Pop.

Joe Casey.

Fix anything in town,
except the wedding date for Linda.

Here is Simon Templar.

- How are you, Mr. Templar?
- "How are you?"

The fact is that I have a broken
pipe in my Land Rover.

I would be very grateful if
if you could fix it.

Sure, consider it done!

He stopped at the mine.

I almost shot him.

I thought for a minute that it was Grove.

Get out, you old windbag!

You know as much about g*ns
as much as about mining.

- Which is nothing!
- Shut up, will you, Grove?

I can bet that I know more
than you ever will!

In your dreams?


This pig has never
showed a dime.

Oh no?

You f*cking old bitch!

I think I have to teach him a lesson.

Leave him alone.

Are you talking to me?

Yes, I usually look at the people
people I am talking to.

I am also telling you to choose
someone your own age and size.

Like you, perhaps?

Why not?

Hey, guys?

Mr. La-dee-dah here
thinks he can fight.

Well, well.

I'm sorry, Pop, but I'm afraid he lives.

Hey, what do you know?

He is not even Australian!

All right, everybody, the beers
are on me!

The beers, Mr. Templar,
are on the house!

Look right here. Look, right there.

Do you see this vein?

That's silver.


I think it will supply maybe
ounces per ton.

What does this mean?

ounces of silver for
each ton of ore?

Yes, fantastic, isn't it?

Pop, don't you think it would be
a good idea to do a test?


Paying a snobby-nosed guy
to come from Cloncurry

to tell me what my ore
is legitimate?

Never in his sweet life.

I don't need an analyzer
to tell me about ore!

Simon, my boy, I will
make a million, easy.

I wouldn't know what
do with it, Pop.

Oh, wouldn't you know?

I will tell you this.

I will build you the best hospital
your eyes have ever seen.

Yes, oxygen tents,
operating rooms, everything!

That's great, Pop.

Hey, what time is it?

: pm.

Cool! I'd better call my kids
before they leave their offices.

You see, Simon, I have a payment of ,
to make on Monday at noon.

, pounds? For what?

My lease on the mining property.

Don't worry.

My boys will finance me.

Wally and Willy will not disappoint me.

No, I'm sure you don't, Pop.

, pounds is nothing!

They are full of money!

They are also stinky without it.


I'm afraid they are very bad.

How? In what way?

Well, they earned all that
money in properties and

Pop never hears about them.

He lets things loose
from time to time, but

he hasn't even seen them for years.

They are so mean.
They fight in the worst way.

We think so, Mr. Templar.

Cain and Abel were close friends in comparison
compared to Willy and Wally Kinsall.

Is your name my brother?

I don't want to see your face anymore!

- Now, listen, Wally...
- You listen!

If you fool me one more time,
I will slit your throat!

- Let me explain, okay?
- Explain what?

Who went to Harrison behind my back
back and contracted my deal with him?

How can you explain this?

If it is a fight that is behind,
that's fine,

but if it's the truth you want
you want, calm down and listen!


You wouldn't know the truth
even if you sat on it and bit it!

It has been crawling
behind me all my life,

how he hit me with a rock
when I was five years old!

- Shut up and listen!
- Speak.

Well, Harrison called me and...

- Mr. Kinsall?
- Can't you see we're busy?

I'm sorry, it's your father.

What about him?

This is a personal call for you,
Mr. Willy, from Stony Creek, Queensland.

- Tell him I'm out.
- Or dead.

He said it is terribly urgent.

He wants to see you.

- Tell him to come to Sydney.
- Yes, next year.

Are you sure it wouldn't be
it would be better, Mr. Willy, if...

You heard what my brother said!
We don't want to talk to him!

- What do you think he wants?
- Money,

- What else?
- He'd better look elsewhere.

I'm not going to pour any more
money on that grumpy old man.

Now, about the Harrison deal.

Listen, leave me alone!

Put one more finger on me...

I'm sorry, Mr. Kinsall.

Your children are at an important conference
important conference and cannot be disturbed.

I'm sorry.

Well, tell Willy to hurry up, will you?

This link is costing me money!

Hello, Willy!
How are you?

I am fine, thank you.

Look, Willy, about this mine.

I need , pounds by
Monday at noon.


Will you go?

Oh, Willy, that's great, son!

I knew I could count on
you, Willy!


Oh, sorry, Minnie, he's not here.

Yes, bye.

Would you like a shot of whiskey, Pop?

He didn't even talk to me.

Sorry, Pop.

You won't tell anyone?

No, of course not.

Oh, I'm an old fool.

Hello, love.

What's the matter with you?

Did you win the lottery or something?

No, but I won from Willy today.

That Harrison business.

I'll fix it right this time!

What else is new?

You and Willy have been
been getting ready for years.

Well, wait until he hears what
Harrison has to say to him in the morning.

Honestly, Wally!

Why don't you and Willy stop it?

It's so boring.

By the way, there was a long distance call
call to you this afternoon.

Yes? Who?

I don't know.
It was for you personally.

Some place called Stony Creek.

Ah, that was my old man.

He called Willy too.

- What did he want?
- Money.

That's all he ever wants.

If he calls again, tell him I have been in South
in South America for five years.

My treasure.

The loving brother,
the loving son and the loving husband.

What woman could ask for more?

You say.

End of story.

Here, Pop.

Thank you, Simon.

Now, drink this and we'll go to the bar.

No, no, I simply could not
could face them.

Nobody knows that you were bluffing.

Charley knows.

But he will not tell a soul!
He promised.

No, I'm staying here.

Now, listen to me, Pop.

Maybe Willy really did
had an important conference

And maybe Wally was absent.

I might be jumping to conclusions.


No, they are simply not interested in me.
interested in me.

You weren't exactly
an attentive father, were you?

What is it, years since
since you saw them?

Yes, something like that.

So you call them out of the blue,

expecting them to drop everything and
run here with , pounds.

Don't lecture me.

Pop, I'm going to Sydney in the morning.
Why don't you come with me?

Give the boys a chance.
See them face to face.

Make them an intelligent business
intelligent business proposal.

No, I won't.

But if an evaluator agrees with you
that this mine is as good as you say,

then the boys will appear.
Now, give them a chance.

Come to Sydney with me.

No, sorry, Simon.

Hey, you're a good guy.

Yes, and you are a stubborn old man.

Oh, it's not stubbornness

which is preventing me from
me from going to Sydney.

It's just that I have no hair!

- Is that all?
- Yes!

What I don't understand is where he
did he get the money for this trip?

He had pounds saved,

hidden under the mattress.

Here it comes!

- Well, how do I look?
- You are very well!

Just great, Pop!


A regular native of the city!

Hey, Linda, do you think this tie
will look good down with...


Hey, look, how do you think
I would fit in there?

You know, in Sydney?
What do you think?

Pop, you fit in anywhere.

Have a good trip.

It's all going to work out, Pop.

If you don't fall out of the plane!

You'd better be careful, Mr. Grove.

When I get back to Stony Creek,
I'll give another lesson in manners.

Ready, Pop?

Pop, don't forget to
send us a postcard!

Did you get everything you wanted?

- Bye, Pop!
- Be yourself!

When Mr. La-dee-dah Templar
returns to Stony Creek,

I'll get it.

Yes, sir, I'll get him.

Yes, come in.

- Aren't you ready yet?
- Yes, almost ready.

Do you mind if I
make a suggestion, Pop?

Not at all.

Don't you think it would be a good idea
idea, instead of just showing up,

call Wally first?

Oh, I wanted to give you a big surprise!

I'm not very good on the phone.

But he could have gone out for
dinner or something.

Well, I'll wait for it.

Don't worry, Simon.
I know what I'm doing, son.

- Did you get the address?
- Yes!

Longworth Avenue.

It sounds quite sophisticated, doesn't it?

- You look good!
- Yes.

See you in the morning, right?

- Yes, right, Simon.
- Good luck, Pop.

First of all, you need to attract
their attention!

Another martini, Mrs. Harrison?

Ah well, if you insist.

- Thank you.
- And for you, Joan?

Wally, dear,

- we are dry.
- Sorry, dear.

Excuse me, Mr. Harrison.

No, it's okay, baby,
I know these people.

Hello, everyone!

Oh, no!

Just in time for a party!
I didn't know they were having one...

Hi, Wally! What's up, son?

How are you, boy?

- Hi, Dad.
- You guys know how to have fun too!

Hey, how are you?

Aren't you gaining weight, dear?

She is still as thin as
the day I met her!

Hey, I'm Pop Kinsall, Wally's father.

How are you, friend?
What is your name?

- Harrison.
- Hey, nice to meet you.

Good time for a drink, eh, Wall?

I think we're going in.


Mr. Harrison?

Mr. Carter?

Hey, where are they going, Wally?

Well, Dad, we are having a
small dinner...

Oh, hey, enjoy the food, everybody!

I would ask you to join
us, Dad, but it's...

is business.

It's all right, son.
Sorry to interrupt.

In fact, I need a few pounds.


No, that kind of money, son.

I need , pounds.


. .

Now, where do you keep the beer, son?

Yes, Wally, I have a
of silver that's a sure thing.

The lease expires
next Monday.

, pounds?

Are you crazy?

I don't want you to give it to me, son.

It is just a loan.
I will pay you back.


I have the richest
richest ore you've ever seen, Wally.

I have some in my pocket here.

- Take a look at this.
- Don't bother!

Look, Dad, this is a business dinner.

Mr. Harrison is a very important
very important man!

And I am not?

- Oh, I didn't mean that.
- How did you mean it, son?

Simply that this is not
the time or the place

to be discussing
family matters!

Why, you ungrateful stinker!

- Don't talk to me like that!
- I'll talk the way I want to!

You built this fancy house with the money
the money I gave you, son!

And his business began
and everything else!

Like those diamonds that your wife's
your wife's cow is wearing!



You bet I'm leaving.

I have been to stables that
smell better than this dump,

you rotten, stinking snob!

You see, Wally's capital is invested
in the big deal he's going to make. Yes.


He wanted to sell some
shares and give me the money,

But I wouldn't let him do that.

So, this morning
you will try Willy.

Yes, of course.

I have an appointment at the examiner's
of the examiner at : am.

I'll pick you up at Willy's
Willy's office at : , okay?

Oh, all right.

Hey, don't worry, Simon.
Willy will help.

You know, maybe I shouldn't
say this, but

I think Willy is my favorite.

I just can't do it, Dad.
I'm sorry.

You will have to excuse me.
I have a golf date.

Ms. Caine, if Harrison
calls, leave a message

with Stewart,
Pittwater Golf Club, yes?

- Yes, sir.
- Willy?

Couldn't you think about it, son?

Look, Pop, for the last
time, the answer is no.

N-O. No!

Do you see, Mr. Templar?

Very interesting.

So you think
mine has possibilities?

Well, I don't exactly say that.

He said that this ore sample
assay gives about ounces per ton.

Obviously, one sample
does not make a mine.

Do you think you could go to
Stony Creek and examine the mine?

Why, yes, of course.

It should cost pounds a day, plus expenses.
day, plus expenses.

Everything is fine.

It may be just an outcrop of isolated
isolated outcrop of high-yield ore.

And if not?

Mr. Templar, you have a rich mine.

Can I get you a cup of coffee, Mr. Kinsall?
coffee, Mr. Kinsall?

Hello, Pop.

How was it?

No chance?

Come on, it doesn't matter.

Does it matter?

Of course I care!

You strive to earn money to educate
money to educate them,

you put up with their tantrums
their tantrums, their fights!

You strive to do
more to give them more

and all they do
is disappoint you!

I wanted my children to be proud of
proud of me.


They have nothing to be proud of.

Pop, I said it doesn't matter, because
I intend to put the , pounds on myself.


I said I will put up the money.

I talked to the analyzer

and he said that the ore will reach
to ounces per ton.

ounces per ton?

That's what he said.

Get the first flight
available for Cloncarry

and hire a car to take me to
take me to Stony Creek.

Yes, sir.

He became rich twice before.

Maybe he did it again.

Yes, it looks good.

Very good.

There you are, boss!

What did I tell you?

Waste of your money
bringing you here.

I can smell our income.

I don't need an analyzer
to tell me that the ore is good.

Why don't you calm down, Pop?

Still, Mr. Kinsall, since I'm
here and Mr. Templar is paying me,

you won't mind if
if I take a look?

Perhaps examine a little
more, a little deeper?

No, go ahead!

- Do your own digging, buddy!
- Well, sure.

I'll give you a hand.

Hey, it's lunchtime, isn't it?

Lunch or beer?

Go ahead, you old drunkard!

- Good Morning.
- Good morning.

- Is all this Stony Creek?
- Indeed it is. Do you want to drink?

Yes, a drink and some information.

Let's get the drink first.

Whiskey, a large one.

What kind of information?

- I'm looking for a Mr. Joseph Kinsall.
- Oh, him.

He is on his mine.

Oh, where is that?

A few miles down the street from the telegraph office.

Are you a reporter or something?

We heard rumors that Pop got rich.

I am not a reporter.
I am his son

Where is the mine?

Well, it is a bit complicated
if you don't know the country.

You can get lost there very easily.

Look, I'm not doing anything.

- I'll show you the way, huh?
- Yes.

He said he was lending

the money for the lease
of the mine, right?

I don't.

A guy named Templar did this.

You don't like him, huh?

He is a bandit,
a fast-talking, smooth-talking bandit.

You know, I think he is trying
to take your old man's half of the mine.

Well, we'll have to do
something about this, won't we?


And I hope you do
well, very well.

It was good of you to show me the way, Grove.
to show me the way, Grove.

- I appreciate it.
- No problem.


Thank you.

What a surprise!
Look who is here!

Hello, Daddy.

- I thought I'd come see you.
- Oh, you've come now?


Well, I apologize for being so rude to you in Sydney.
so rude to you in Sydney.

Well, that's really thoughtful
on your part.


I would like you to meet
my idea-filled son, Willy.


How are you?

Well, and look who he brought
with him?

Mr. Loyal Grove,
the stranger's best friend,

the best friend of all
the snakes in the bush.

Yes, you must be
here as a good neighbor,

helping my son.

- I just showed him the way here.
- Yes.

Now that you are here, what do you want?

Well, I thought, Pop,
if you still needed help...

So you want to be a
partner in my mine, don't you?

Sure, Dad, anytime.

I'm afraid your father already
has a partner, me.

Yes, that's right.

Let's get that beer we
we talked about, partner?

How about a toast to the
first million Pop!

This round is on me.

I have been paying for beers since
before you were born.

I would not accept your offer

even if he asked me on his knees.

That's it, Pop.
You showed him.

What a snake you have become!

How did you know I was here?

Caine said to Harrison, you skunk!

Well, well.
Come on, Charley!

I'm dying of thirst here!

Hello, Daddy.

Well, the smell of silver travels
fast, doesn't it?

Daddy, I'm sorry,
I was rude the other night.

I'm sorry I can't ask
you to stay, Wally.

I am giving a small business
business dinner.

That's it!

- Are you two still here?
- Daddy, listen.

We want to be your partners, Daddy.

I have a partner.

Simon Templar.

You don't even know him.

After all, we are his very
flesh and blood.

You know what, Wally?

I would rather have bred ticks in a sheep's
a sheep's belly than the two of you.

A couple of maggots, that's all they are.

He's drunk as a skunk.

Yes, maybe I am drunk,
but I will tell you this.

You will not get
a part of the mine,

not a stony, stinking part
and stinky!

Then you can go back south
and crawl

under those stones from which
they have just crawled over.

He is very drunk.

He means it.

Sounds like a wasted trip, huh?

We will just have to wait for him to die.

He is not a coward.
He will have to go someday.

Remember that will?

Didn't he make a will
with Stephens and Hardy in Sydney?

Yes, a long time ago.

He left everything to us,
split - .

That means - .

Templar will receive the
other half of this mine.

That only leaves the half for us,

% each.

I had forgotten about it.

Someone should do
something about Templar.

Good idea.

It's a tough country up here.

A man went for a walk one evening.

I never saw him again.

- Are you suggesting...
- Of course you are!

Why not?

I would like to stick my hand
down the Templar's throat

and pull his guts out.

That makes three of us.

Suppose he has an accident.


I suppose so.

After we get back to Sydney!

When are you leaving?


Okay, if we can come up with a price.

How much?

- .
- .

, take it or leave it.

- each.
- Ok.

Hey, what are you doing here?

On my way back to
to Stony Creek.

I thought I would stop here and
see how you are doing.


Only interest.

- I'm also from Minas Gerais.
- Oh, good for you.

- Did you finish the rehearsal?
- Yes.


Since you are a miner,

you know that the information
belongs to the man who pays for it.

Ah, just the man I wanted to see.

- How is it going?
- Not %, but close enough.

What do you think?

It looks good, almost too good.

I have never seen a silver vein like that.

So I thought I would dynamite it even more,

say, three loads only
to take a look.

What's up?

It's over.

What do you mean?
Is the vein finished?

After eight feet, it's all basalt.


Yes, I threw three more loads, basalt.

Two more, basalt.

So I went out and drilled sideways.

All the silver in that mine has been removed.

But how?

It is just an outcropping.

An isolated outcropping,
that's all. Sorry.

- It's not your fault, is it?
- Well, now,

I think I'll take a bath.

Hold on a second.

Don't say anything about it
to Pop, right?

I would like to tell him gently, okay?


I will write my report
and submit it in the morning.

Yes, thank you.

Hey, you there, buddy!
Give an old man a beer!

All things considered, Mr. Kinsall,

I need a bath more
than anything.

How is the rehearsal going?

As I told Mr. Grove at the mine,

the essay belongs to the
man who pays for it.

In that case, Mr. Templar.

- Did you say Grove?
- Yes.

On my mine?

He said he was just passing through
on his way back to the city.

- And why did he stop?
- I suppose just out of curiosity.

- I wonder.
- Yes, but he's a bandit! He's poisonous!

You know, Pop, I think it's about
time to give Mr. Grove

the second lesson in manners
lesson I promised him.

Hey, that I have to see!

Well, what are you waiting for?

- Okay, leave it to me.
- Punish him well.

Stay away.

Come on, Pop.

- Yes, you showed him!
- And how!

Too bad you didn't finish him off.
He is still breathing!

Hey, what was he doing?

Something with the shoring.
We'd better take a look.

Sure, I'll work around here.
You guys, come up here.


He is alive!

Come on, let's get some of
of these things off of him.

- Hey, what about Grove?
- Grove?


I have to take it off.

He is fine.

Oh, if only we could take him
to the hospital in Bundaberg!

I couldn't.

Don't be crazy, Digger.
You'll be fine for another years.


Do you know what I'm going to do?

I will leave you my silver mine.

You know what I want, don't you?

A hospital...

here in Stony Creek.

Behind that...

big old tree.

That's what I want to leave.

A monument

to the truly

good nurse named Linda.

And also for me.

And Simon?

Yes, Pop?

You will see to it that it is done, won't you?

Promise me that the hospital will have

anything Linda wants.

Sure, Pop, I promise.

Oh, call Charley over here, will you?

He is the local judge.

I have to make a new will.

No, Pop. It's not strong enough.
Wait until tomorrow.


I will be very busy tomorrow,

organizing the sky.

Ah, Simon,

a bottle of whiskey?

And a couple of straws to suck on.

- Ok.
- No!

Oh, come on, Linda.

What difference can it make?

You know, I always imagined
that I would die drunk.

I think we should all stand up
stand up, gentlemen,

and drink in memory of Pop.

- By Pop.
- By Pop.

It's hard to believe that Pop is gone.

Yes, I know.

The mine, worthless.

It hardly seems possible.

I'm afraid it's true,
but there was no point in telling him.

We have gone a long time without
a hospital in Stony Creek.

We'll be fine.

Linda, I promised Pop that
you would have a hospital.

I intend to keep that promise.

But how? What do you mean?

Now, these two sons of his
are drooling over a worthless mine,

but they don't know that it is useless.

I will take advantage of it.


Oh, I have a little
scheme cooking.

Tomorrow, you and I will
fly to Sydney.

I took care of your father a few
times when he got sick.

I liked him very much.

We all liked it!

He used to talk
a lot to me about you.

And Willy, but you have always
been his favorite.

Well, I understood him better.

Oh yes, he knew that!

How about getting to the point?


I understand that your father made
a will many years ago

that he registered with a
Sydney lawyer.

That's right.
Stephens and Hardy.

Leave everything to us as well.

Mr. Kinsall,

your father made another will
the night he died.


Oh yes! I witnessed it!

What was in it?

I only witnessed the signature
of your father. I didn't read it.

But I know that there was
only one beneficiary.


What are you getting at?

Mrs. Kinsall,

I don't trust this Simon Templar.

I think he tricked Pop into
to give him a partnership in the mine.

I am sure of it!

Well, that's why I want
justice be done.

Now, at this very moment,

Simon Templar is in his brother's
his brother's office,

selling him the will that his father made
father made the night he died.


- And Willy is paying?
- Well, that's what I understand.

- Oh, it's obvious why!
- Of course!

If Willy is paying good money for it
good money for it,

the new leaves everything to me!

That bandit!

Dirty traitorous pig!

How do we know that she
is telling the truth?

Mrs. Kinsall, I just want to see justice done.

If you don't believe me,

why don't you call Willy's office
Willy's office and ask for Mr. Templar?

He is there now.

You speak.

Ms. Caine may recognize my voice.


William Kinsall Company.
Good Morning.

I believe there is a Mr. Simon Templar
with Mr. Kinsall.

Could I speak to him, please?

Mr. Templar is in conference
with Mr. Kinsall at the moment.

Can I take a message?

He is there.

I told him.

You mean the bush nurse
is on Wally now?

Making a deal.

And whether Wally is paying for it,

I must be the beneficiary!

That may be the logical conclusion.

Can you take possession of it?

I can guarantee it, at a price.

How much?

, pounds.

I'm going to make a check now.

You can have the will when
that check clears at the bank.

It will pay off in the bank.
What do you think I am?

What I think you are
is beside the point.

Come to the Westbury Hotel at : PM,

and you can have the will.

Thank you.

Come in.

Where is the will, you swindler?

What do you mean?

My father's will that leaves
everything to me! I want it!

I know you're trying to sell it
to that dirty brother of mine!

If I don't succeed, I will go to the police!

Wally, there is no need to shout.

I'm going to arrest him! I'll put him in jail!

What proof do you have of the
existence of this will?

I know it exists and
I know you got it.

You are a thief and a crook!

If you don't observe your
manners, I will expel you.

It's okay.
It's okay.

I won't go to the police.
I will buy it.

How much do you want?

I'm afraid the will
is not for sale.

It has to be!

No, you see, your brother's check
brother's check is already in my bank.

I am just waiting for the compensation
before I hand over the will to him.


Willy hasn't done it yet!

That's what I just said.

I will give you what he gave you and
you won't have to return his money.

- I would be dishonest.
- So who will know?

Willy wouldn't dare go into
Court and say what he gave her.

This is true.

Wally, I...

I like you, I really do!

No, I could not break
my word to Willy.

Well, not for less than , pounds.

- He paid only !
- Yes, yes.

You are a thief! A swindler!

Granted, granted,
but so are you.

Wally, I suggest you
run to your bank

and withdraw a substantial
substantial amount of cash.

You see, Willy will be
here in less than an hour

and if you are going to make an offer,
it must be on acceptable terms.

Watch out for the stairs.


- Did you hear it?
- Who didn't?

I think you'd better pack your bags.

Go to the agency, pick up the tickets

and meet me at the airport
at : pm sharp.


I have a feeling that we will have
to leave Sydney abruptly.

Yes, to say the least!

Willy, welcome.

Has the check cleared?

- Yes, I just called the bank.
- Great.

Well, you can deliver the will, then.

I'm afraid a rather difficult
rather difficult situation has arisen.

How hard can it be?

You got the money!
What are you trying to do?

Your brother was here to talk to me.

Wally? How did he know that?

I have no idea.
I certainly didn't tell him.

That must be Wally now.

I came as fast as I could...

You bandit!

You dirty traitor

Now, guys, calm down!

Everything he gave you,
I will give you double.

- I will give you three times!
- Four times!

I will give you % of everything
I get from the property!

- I'll give you %!
- %!

Now, hold on, folks.

%! Half!

Don't you think you should take a look
take a look at the will first?

Let's go!

"I, Joseph Kinsall,
being in good conscience, do this..."

Let's go! Let's go. Get on with it.

"All my property"

"to Joseph Kinsall
Memorial Joseph Kinsall Hospital"?

"To be erected in Stony Creek" ?

Now, when I give you a
wink, you go to work.

Drink up.

I have an announcement to make.

Finally, Joe Casey got the courage

to ask Linda Anderson
an important question.

What else do I have to say?
They are getting married!

Ah, just a moment, friends,
there's more.

That's him.
Arrest him.

The two best public-spirited
public-spirited men of

all of Australia have just entered.

Let me explain.

The fact is that Pop's
Pop's silver mine is worthless.

I have an expert's report
here in my pocket to prove it.

But his two good sons,
generous and socially aware,

did a truly wonderful and generous thing.
wonderful and generous thing.

- What do you want me to do?
- Shut up.

Knowing the great need
for a hospital here in Stony Creek

and knowing that this hospital was his late father's
his late father's greatest wish,

these two good sons of yours,
in the name of Pop,

donated the sum of , pounds!

Willy, Wally?

They realized that tomorrow morning,

their names will make the headlines,

in all of Australia?

Nowhere in the country will you
will you get a more sincere tribute

or tribute to what we
we offer you tonight.

- He can't do that!
- He already has.

Then smile.

I can't.

Try it.

Now we are famous,
the loving brothers.

What do you say, friends?

Three exciting giveaways
for Willy and Wally Kinsall!

Hip hip hooray!