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03x06 - The Saint Steps In

Posted: 05/03/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening, John.

- The usual?
- Yes, please. Thank you.

- Do you know who this is?
- And who doesn't?

He is always getting
involving himself with women.

Yes, and they are the ones
do the approach.

Every time.

Excuse me, sir, but may I
speak with you in private?

Absolutely, dear.

What is your problem?

My mother is sick.

My father drinks and my life
is in serious danger.

You see, this image of Casanova
is simply not true.

Oh, of course I lead a
social life here in London

in Paris, Rome, New York.

Very social.

But beautiful damsels in distress

practically never come
to me and say things like,

- excuse me...
- Excuse me, may I speak with you?

Would you say that again?

May I speak with you, please?

Well, go ahead.

In particular.

Enter the office.

My name is Madeline Gray.

My life is in danger
and I need your help.

Why mine?

Well, because...

Because I am
the famous Simon Templar?


S E - The Saint Enters the Stage

Subtitles by Susanawho

Now, what is your problem?

I just received this.

If you want to stay alive,
don't see Hobart Quennel.

The reception clerk gave it to me.

Oh, you also stay at the hotel?

And who exactly is Hobart Quennel?

Have you heard of the Quenco company?

Yes, chemicals, synthetic fibers.

One of the largest in the world.

Well, Mr. Quennel is the president.

I have an appointment to see you tonight
in the evening in about half an hour.

I was leaving when the
receptionist gave me this.

And why exactly would
would someone thr*aten your life?

I'm afraid it's quite complicated.

You see, my father is a very brilliant scientist
very brilliant and he

No kidding.

He has an invention worth millions.

How did you know?

I imagined. You see, I have an uncle.

He was a scientist.

His life's ambition was to raise cabbages,

to mass produce, so he
used all these test tubes and

Mr. Templar, my life has been threatened.

Don't you understand?

So where would you like to eat?

I am also in the hotel because my
apartment is being redecorated.

Otherwise, we could eat there.

You don't believe me, do you?

Not a word.

- I think you are...
- And I think you are beautiful.

It was a big joke, folks.

Same again, John.

- Could you get me a cab, please?
- Certainly, Miss Gray.

- It seems that she is ignoring the note.
- Yes.

I think she is on her way
on her way to Quennel now.

We'll get her, Mr. Devan,
don't worry.

Be careful.

- Is that her?
- Yes.

What is all this then?

It's her old man.

He is Professor Calvin Gray.

A smart guy.

- He came up with something.
- It must be big.

Yes, it is.

By the way, where did you find the girl?

- Girl?
- The girl in the joke.

We lost a line somewhere.

The girl, Madeline Gray.

- The girl you were talking to?
- Yes.

We have never seen her
before in our lives.

You mean she wasn't with you?
Are you not part of it?

The man speaks in riddles.

Extraordinary coincidence.

- Did you call a cab for Miss Gray?
- Yes, Mr. Templar.

- Can you remember the address?
- Hampstead.

- Pentleman Drive.
- Thank you.

- Get it now.
- Yes, sir.

- Miss Gray?
- Yes.

We are detectives, special division.

Did you receive a threatening
threatening note tonight?


We have orders to take you to the
police station, for your own protection.

Thank you for your protection,
but I don't need it now.

I have an appointment
and I'm about to...

Sorry, Miss Gray, we have our orders.

I don't care what your orders are.

I have an appointment
with Mr. Quennel and I...


What is going on?

- Mr. Templar, these men are...
- Stay out of it, sir.

We are police officers.

Yes, I am the Secretary of the Interior.
Let me see your identification.

All right, if you insist.

Put it in the car.

Go ahead.

- Madeline, are you all right?
- Yes, I think so.

I was wrong in not taking you
seriously, I'm sorry.

What made you change your mind?

Question time later.

Miss Gray, what is going on?
Who were those men?

What is most important,
who are you?

I am Walter Devan.
You may not remember me.

I met her and her father
in the office once.

Oh yes, of course.

You are Mr. Quennel's
Mr. Quennel's personal assistant.


Now that we all know each other,

would anyone care to introduce me to
introducing me to Mr. Quennel?

Good evening, Mr. Devan.

- Is Mr. Quennel at home?
- I'm afraid not, sir.

Don't tell me that after all
this, the man is out.

Ah, I'm afraid so, sir.

Where is he?

I have an appointment
with him tonight.

Well, he's about to take the plane
from Newcastle to London, sir.

Did you definitely have an appointment?

Yes, your office
confirmed with me this afternoon.

And you didn't know.

Did you know what?

That Miss Gray had an appointment
and the boss was out of town.

I have no idea
what you are talking about.

Well, Madeline, we are wasting our time here.
our time here.

I'll take you back to the hotel.

Would you like to leave a message, sir?


Just a warning:


Now let me get this straight.
What exactly is Process G?

It is a revolutionary new way
of manufacturing synthetic fibers.

Whoever has it will put all the competitors out of business.
competitors out of business.

It must be worth a lot of money.

An American company offered
to my father for the world rights,

one million dollars.

A million dollars?

And will the Imberline Corporation
really pay for this?

Cy Imberline will arrive in England
tomorrow with the contract.

As soon as my father signs,
we will receive the check.

- Whiskey and soda?
- Yes, that's fine.

Why treat with Quennel?

Oh sentimentality.

Patriotism is my guess.

You see, Daddy wants to keep
the G-process in this country.

Well, Quenco is the largest manufacturer
of synthetic fibers in England.

We thought they would jump.

Quennel refused.

No, that's what's so annoying.

We offered him
G-process three months ago.

Your chemical researcher spent a week

with dad in our labs
labs doing tests.

What was the final verdict?

We haven't heard a word since.

Quennel did not answer Dad's letters,

he is very conveniently
out of town when we call.

Then Dad got tired of it and offered
the process to Imberline.

Well, it occurs to me that someone in
Quenco, Quennel or someone else,

is trying to steal it.

- No, it is impossible.
- Why?

Well, first of all,
the process is patented.

And a company with Quenco's reputation
does not run the risk of being dishonest.

Look, I don't understand why they
are trying so hard to achieve.

They could sweep the world markets
world markets with Process G .

Maybe you are being a little
a little too optimistic about this.

Well, if that is true,

why is Imberline so eager
to pay a million dollars for this?

Why indeed?

Today was my last attempt
to speak rationally with Quennel.

Obviously, I failed.

Would you mind if I tried?

What would you do?

Oh, I have all kinds
of little tricks.

Let me tell you something,
you meet me at the bar in one hour.

In the meantime, I will try
some of them with Mr. Quennel.

Good evening.

It is now.

Come in.

Thank you.

Is Mr. Quennel back?

Wow, but you are big and strong.

Actually, it is the tailor.

I come from a long race of pygmies.

Beautiful mutation.

- Is Mr. Quennel back?
- Do you want to see my father?

Well, if Mr. Quennel is your father, yes.
Would you call him?

Couldn't we get acquainted first?

I am Andrea.

- I am Simon.
- Simon, lovely.

Simon means champagne.

In what language?

You are the first Simon
I fell in love with.

I celebrate all my
firsts with champagne.

You must wreak havoc
in your father's wine cellar.

Andrea, do you need to have fun in the lobby?

Mr. Quennel?


Would you mind, while
while you put the champagne on ice?

I'm very busy.
What do you want?

A few minutes of conversation.

- Now, look here, young man, I'm not...
- My name is Simon Templar.

I see.

In that case, I can give you
two minutes of my time.

What is it?

I am curious. Why are you
using pretexts with Professor Gray?

What the hell do you mean?

Professor Gray wrote dozens
of letters about the G-process.

His daughter had an appointment
with you tonight.

But you missed it.

Miss Gray, an appointment tonight?

- Do you deny it?
- Certainly.

Believe me, Mr. Quennel,

someone in your office made an appointment
appointment for her with you tonight.

And on her way here,
she was almost kidnapped

by two bandits at his entrance.

You don't mean it.

Your personal assistant, Mr. Devan,

I was waiting, watching.

- Now clarify that.
- I can't.

If it is true, I simply
don't understand any of it.

My theory is that someone in your organization
does not want you to get Process G .

But this is ridiculous.

Nobody would want to bother.
The G-Process is worthless.

Who said that?

My chemical researchers.

They must be mistaken.


Really, then why is the Imberline
Imberline Corporation is willing to pay

to Calvin Gray a million dollars?

Imberline, a million dollars?

Cy Imberline will arrive in London tomorrow,

with a contract.

I don't believe that.

That's right, Mr. Quennel.

Someone in your organization does not want
you to get Process G.

I have a hunch that
that someone is Walter Devan.

I have known Walter Devan for years,

and I find it completely reliable.

The decision is yours, Mr. Quennel.

But if I were you, I would check out
G-process with Calvin Gray personally,

item by item, as soon as
tomorrow morning.

I certainly will,
and I am very grateful, Templar.

You can meet me at the Plaza Hotel.

I know the way out.

All right, I'll let you know
about what happens.

Thank you.

Simon, dear?

Not today, Josephine.


Look, a man in New York told his
father that the G Process would revolutionize

the entire textile industry.

And a man from Germany said

Madeline, you don't have to sell me.
I am already convinced.

What's more, so is
Quennel, I think.

He promised to
contact with your father tomorrow.

Then I suggest you go upstairs,
call your father,

and tell him to postpone Cy
Imberline for a few days.

All right, I'll go.

Oh, and Simon,

- thank you. Thank you very much.
- My pleasure.

Good night, I'll talk to you in the morning.

- Still here, guys?
- We are part of here.

Is this girl really in danger?

No, not now.
I've straightened things out.

- Some guys have all the luck.
- Such is life.

- My key, please.
- Certainly.

Didn't you catch it earlier in the evening?


Well, someone did.
It is not here.

Obviously, I am about to
entertaining an uninvited guest.

Hello again.

Are you going to k*ll me?

Well, I'm tempted.

Don't you want to know
how I got in here?

I assume that you have turned
the key that is in the door.

Very clever.

The receptionist left for a moment.
I picked it up.

- That's trespassing.
- I know.

But I have to find out if this physique
is custom-made or the real thing.

Is that all you want to find out?

Are you working for Walter Devan?

You are delirious.

Are you trying to stop your
father from getting Process G?

Too bad you are not well.

Never mind.

Andrea will take care of you.

I have a cozy apartment.

Let's go over there and get a good doctor.

We will be alone, just the two of us.

Hello, Madeline.
This is Andrea.

- She is leaving.
- No, I'm not.

Yes, it is, sweetie.
Come on, you're leaving.

Time to go home.

Who is this, your wife?

A business acquaintance,
now get over it, come on.

When will I see him?

- I will call you.
- When, tomorrow?

Yes, tomorrow.

Good evening.

Here is my number.

It's from my little nest.
I'll be waiting for your call tomorrow.

Good evening, my first Simon.

- Do you know who it is?
- No.

Andrea Quennel.
Quennel's daughter.

What did she want?

So what's with you?

I just came to tell you that my
father is not answering his phone.

I called the house and the
lab and there is no answer.

Dad rarely goes out at night
night, never this late.

Simon, the house is in
an isolated part of the country

and I'm afraid that something
has happened to him.

Let's go.

Does anyone else live in the house
next to you?

No, our cleaning lady comes in the morning.

- Simon, I am so scared.
- Let's not jump to conclusions.

Your father may be asleep
and didn't hear the phone

or the phone may be defective.

No, operator, I was just
checking to see

if the line was with
problems, thank you.

- Any sign of him?
- No.

- Was the bed untidy?
- No.

Have you checked the lab?

Yes, there is nothing there, but his
coat is still in the room.

That doesn't prove much.

Simon, look!

Clean cup.

Whole teapot.

Well, that proves something.
I'll call the police.

Madeline, the moment has something
to do with it.

Do you know why someone tried
to kidnap you tonight?

I assume to prevent
me from seeing Quennel.

Yes, but who knew that
you were going to see him?

The person in Quenco
who arranged the meeting.

It could have been Devan,
even if he denies it.

Let's stay with Devan anyway.

He decides, but Quennel is informed
that Process G is worthless.

So he has to stop you and your father
father from meeting Quennel face to face.

To do this,
he organizes a kidnapping.

With you, it failed.

But he made it with his father.

Why does he want Quennel
think that this is worthless?

Well, because the Imberline Corporation will pay
one million dollars for Process G

and Devan wants everything for himself.

Well, I'm calling the police now.

Madeline, turn off the lights, quickly.

- Why?
- There is someone out there.

Lock that door.

Well, we meet again.

You didn't bring your friend with you.

That must make life very difficult.

- Where is Calvin Gray?
- I don't know.

You don't scare me.

I made a mistake, I must be out of practice.

Let's practice a little more, shall we?

Now, where is Calvin Gray?

I don't know, I swear I don't.
I had nothing to do with it.

Who are you working for?

Walter Devan?

Now look, my friend,
I am running out of patience.

Are you working for
Walter Devan or are you Cy Imberline?

- Where is Gray?
- In London.

- Where in London, where?
- All right, I'll talk.


That's fine, thank you.

Well, the dead intruder is Jim Morgan.

Arrest record?

Yes, Yard is trying to
to trace your recent contacts.

If Devan is one of them,

we will be on our way to
finding Professor Gray.

Are you finished with me?

Yes, for now.
Thanks for the help.

Well, Inspector, I have to
return to London now.

I am a little worried about
about Miss Gray.

They can try again.

Everything is fine.

Sergeant Blackie will stay close by
close by and keep an eye on her.

Yes, but who will keep an eye on him?

I am married and have
three children, Mr. Templar.

Congratulations, it doesn't look like it.
Goodbye, Inspector.


Nice guy, delicious sense of humor.


Ms. Gray,

I am deeply distressed by this.

Is there anything, anything at all
that I can do?

There is nothing anyone can do,
Mr. Quennel, except wait.

Hello, Mr. Quennel.

Good morning, Templar.
Isn't that terrible?

Simon, do the police have any leads?

No, not yet.

I came to review the G-Process

with Professor Gray, as I promised,
only to find this. It's amazing.

Has your technician signed?

No, but I have examined their reports.

I am convinced that there is more to
in Process G than I have been told.

Why the full facts were hidden from me
from me, I simply cannot imagine.

Why don't you talk to Walter Devan?

Ask him why he is
pushing Process G away from you.

Does he want to sell
to Imberline and leave him out?

And in the meantime, ask him
how he was present

in the attempted kidnapping of Madeline.

I tried!

- Well?
- He is missing.


He is not in the office,

he didn't sleep at home last night,

and his wife doesn't know where he is.

- Did he leave the country?
- I don't know.

With my father?

No, the police are taking care of it.

They are watching all the
exit routes out of the country.

If Devan is behind this, he will be caught and punished.
of this, he will be caught and punished.

Miss Gray, I have known your father's
of your father for many years.

Believe me, I feel very bad about it.

But now I must go.

If there is anything I can do, please
do, please contact me.

- Yes, thank you.
- Goodbye then.

- Goodbye, Mr. Templar.
- Mr. Quennel.

Now, why don't you
go to bed?

Oh, Simon, I couldn't sleep.

You can try, you were up all night.

Now don't worry,
you will be perfectly safe.

The police will keep an eye on you.

Are you leaving?

Yes, I have to go to London.

I appointed myself a reception committee

for Mr. Cy Imberline.

Ah, yes, here it is, Cy Imberline.

About an hour ago.

Any connection?

No, Mr. Templar, not that I know of.

What is his room number?


May I?

- Certainly.
- Thank you.

, please.

Hello, Mr. Imberline?

My name is Walter Devan.

I would like to talk to you
you about Calvin Gray.

Thanks, I'll be right there.

You are lying again.

Hello, Andrea.

But I won't tell if
invite me to lunch.

Look, darling, I'm rather
busy at the moment.

It certainly is.

But he promised to call me today.

I sat by my
phone all morning.

Well, let me tell you something.

Wait in my room
just a little longer, okay?

I am a very impatient girl, Simon.

Don't forget that.

Oh well, try holding your
breathing for a few hours.

- Good morning.
- Mr. Devan?

- Come in.
- Thank you.

Well, it is good to see you again.

- Have we met before?
- We haven't.

Because you are not Walter Devan.

And if you don't
tell me what this is about,

I will get the hotel detective
hotel detective here in seconds.

Well, go ahead and call him.

We can ask him what he thinks
about the kidnapping of Calvin Gray.

Calvin Gray was what?

He was kidnapped
home last night.

Walter Devan organized.

Are you paying him?

This is the craziest
crazy idea I have ever heard.

You know Walter Devan.

- We have already met.
- Where?

He works for the Quenco company.

They have acquired some of our patents.

Devan and I worked out the terms.

I see.

Is it true that your company is paying

one million dollars for
G to Calvin Gray?

That is none of your business.

I'm doing it on my own.

Not with my help, he isn't.

No calls, not yet.

Imberline, may once have been
great player,

but it's pretty smooth now.

- Where is Calvin Gray?
- I have no idea.

All right.
Where is Walter Devan?

I don't know.

Try his office,
try his house, try Alaska.

Alaska is a good idea because he
disappeared very conveniently.

Well, too bad.

Is he offering a cut
on the fee for Process G ?


Look, I don't know what this is about.

I came to London in good faith

to negotiate a contract with Calvin Gray.

I am prepared to offer
him a million dollars.

This is all I know.

Mr. Imberline, I am inclined
to believe you.

You'd better see a doctor
for that pulse.

I would hate it if you were not able
to sign Calvin Gray's check.

Good Morning.

This is becoming a habit.

Are you comfortable?

I ordered some champagne.

- So I see.
- On your account.

I imagined.

Here is my first Simon.

Is there something going on in that little head of yours?

No, not really.

My father gives me all the
money that I need.

I just have to have fun.

I suffer from a kind of
of agitated boredom.

I met you, I liked you,

And what I like, I get.

How Walter Devan got Calvin Gray.

- You kidnapped him last night.
- You're crazy.


I have to find Walter Devan.
Will you help me?

Is that all you want to know?

Yes, that's all.

All right, I'll tell you.

Do you know where he is?

Walter Devan is at home
with my father.

He has been there since last night.

You should be resting, Ms. Gray.

Easier said than done, I'm afraid.

Oh, sit down.

Thank you, Miss, that's very nice.

How long have you been in the police?

Oh, eight years, Miss.


It's the lab, it's on fire!

Stay here, miss.

It's okay, Ms. Gray.

We have your old man,
now we want you.

- Now let's go.
- No!

Come on, shut up!

Simon, I don't understand.

Why would Dad lie
about Devan's whereabouts?

You know your father better than I do.

- Suppose you answer that one.
- I can't.

We are not very close, you know.
We don't talk much.

He thinks I am too dumb to understand
understand anything about business.

Just give me a large amount of money and
expects me to stay out of the way.

You are afraid of him.

How did you know?

I guessed it.

I suppose so.

Sometimes I feel that he hates me.

Well, well, isn't that cozy?

Ah, Templar. I was waiting for you.

It is good to feel welcome.

How are you, Mr. Devan?

- Very well, thank you.
- Really?

Aren't you even a little nervous?

Andrea, dear, that's business.

I know and I want to hear.

No, walk, be a good girl.

Watch TV or something
like that, we won't be long.

There is nothing to
to worry about, dear.

What's up?

May I offer you a cognac, Templar?

I only drink with people
I find pleasant.

Why didn't you tell me
that Devan was here?

It is quite a complicated story.

I bet it is.

I have a very sharp mind.

Why don't you tell me?

You have been amazing and
responsive the whole time, Templar.

Quite remarkable.

Walter here organized the
Professor Gray's kidnapping.

I know that.

Under my orders.

Well, the plot begins to
thickening, isn't it?

Would it be very presumptuous of me
to ask where Professor Gray is now?

He is quite safe.

Would you mind if I asked him?

You can ask him anything you want.

Right now, if you want.

Templar, stay with me a little longer.

You love adventure and excitement, don't you?

Well, the big deal is the most
adventurous and exciting game in the world.

There are alliances, there are fiefdoms, there is espionage.

Often, it is necessary to go through
through orderly laws and restrictions.

My argument is that businesses can
fully exploit all their talents.

- Are you offering me a job?
- Yes.

With a salary of £ , a year.

- You must be desperate.
- I am.

By a man of your caliber.

Or desperate to avoid
a w*apon of that caliber?

Oh, please, Mr. Templar.

- That's unnecessary.
- I don't think so.

I am still waiting to
to see Professor Gray.

Tell me something, Quennel.

You are a rich man.

Why he wanted to kidnap Calvin Gray

instead of paying his price?

Well, it is all very simple.

Our company does not wish to
to use Process G .

But we have to acquire it.

To prevent anyone else from having it.

We have just completed our
new plant, Templar.

acres of new construction.

Built and equipped
at a cost of millions.

And the G-Process would make it obsolete?


Employment , men.

On average, three dependents
per man, that makes

, people dependent
on me to sustain themselves.

I care a lot about these people.

This devotion to humanity
is a bit out of character,

if you don't mind me saying so.

But assuming that there is a spark of truth in what you say
of truth in what you say,

why not extend your
philanthropy to Professor Gray?

Pay his price and file the lawsuit.

Filing a million?

Lose the interest for years.

Do you have any idea how much
this would represent in the total cost?

So, Professor Gray needs to be
be separated from Process G .

You are not such a humanitarian.

There is no alternative,
unless he accepts my price.

- What if he objects?
- I'm sure he will.

Even if he is
careless with his own life,

I believe that he must have some
consideration for his daughter's safety.

Ah, yes, we took the precaution of...

how should I place it?

Invite her to
to keep her father company?

I made you an offer, Templar.

The answer is no.

Well, put your g*n down.

I prefer it this way.

You heard what he said.

Take him to the Shelter.



- Father?
- Yes?

Were you calling me earlier?

I just wanted to know where I was.

Dad, what are you doing with Simon?

Father, please answer me.

They are taking him to the Shelter.

What are you going to do with it?

Andrea, my dear, you have seen
many things happen in this house.

They are none of your
concern you, so forget about them.

Simon is my friend.

Everyone is your friend.

It is its only engaging feature.

Now go back to your room.

I won't.

How did you put it?

I won't let him hurt Simon.

And how do you propose to stop me?

I will tell the police.

I will.

You will do exactly as I told you.

I have given you everything that
money can buy

and all I ask in return is that
stay out of my business.

Now do as I say and
go to your room.

You talk in your sleep, Mr. Templar.

What did I say?

Get out?

Welcome to the Tower of London.

Not so much.

This is Mr. Quennel's
of Mr. Quennel.

He built it during the w*r.

- Very nice.
- It's adequate.

feet deep,

absolutely soundproof,

and very well guarded.

Are there His Majesty's guards?

That is a delicious sense of humor, Mr. Templar.
sense of humor, Mr. Templar.

- Problems?
- None.

I'm not going to waste time
asking you to reconsider

my proposal.
I have another one to offer you.

This should be a good one.

I want you to
convince Professor Gray

to sign the
G-process for my company.

I will also demand the formula,
which so far he has not disclosed.

You will have to work hard to do this.

He is a very obstinate man.

What if I refuse?

Or fail?

Well, then I would have to draw your
attention to these air vents.

They are designed for
the introduction of fresh air

that we are all
enjoying at this moment.

Some of us are.

They are also equipped for
the introduction of poisonous gas.

- It's good to feel wanted.
- Very much so.

In fact, time is an important factor for me.
important factor for me.

I will take a plane
to Rome at midnight.

And while I'm fastening
my seat belt,

I would like to reflect
that the subject is being

finally resolved,

one way or another.

You have a good mind
and organized.

And you have exactly minutes.

Good evening.

Have a good trip.

Oh, the Professor and his
charming daughter,

you will find there.

- Simon, what are we going to do?
- You heard it, didn't you?


Professor Gray, I can think of
better places to meet you.

I feel terribly
responsible that you are here.

In that case, think of a way out.

Before they let us off the gas,
someone will come back for an answer.

I don't see anything here that can help us
help us against an armed man.

There is no alternative.
I'm going to have to give up the formula.

Professor Gray, don't you really think
don't you think that after signing

the patent to them,
they will let us go, won't they?

- You mean...
- Yes, I do.

It gives us about minutes
to find a way out.

Madeline, see if you can find
some threads or bits or something.


Yes, why not?

Can we attach a wire from this
chain point to the handle?

Yes, but you need
have another terminal.

Yes, something to lean on.

- Any luck in this place?
- How about that?

Yes, that should do nicely.

Let's take a wire from here to
the doorknob,

another one for that on the floor,
it stays on that,

touches the doorknob,

The results will be very interesting.

I hope it works.


something to cover up.

Put it on the faucet.
Wet everything.

It is a bit obvious.

The lights should help.

Do you think it will work?

It is our only hope.

All he has to do
is to put his hand here

and stay here.

Someone is coming.

Welcome back.

I hope that everyone has
decided to be sensible.

- I don't have a choice, do I?
- No, Professor, you don't.

The Professor decided to
to hand in his formula.

But first, he needs to
return to the laboratory.

What for?

Now, your notes.

The formula must be in his head.

Isn't that right, Professor?

Well, it is an
extremely complicated formula.

I need to refresh my memory.

Yes, it is not
about "A" plus "B",

is equal to XYZ, you know.

Who do you think you are
are you fooling, Templar?

Time is not up yet.

Let's just go down.

Teacher, concentrate.

Try and remember,
we only have half a minute.

Make the most of it.

This is exactly what we are doing.

Couldn't you give my father
father just a few more minutes?


Time is up.

What kind of gas do you
plan to use with us?

Isn't that a shame?

I don't remember the formula.

Maybe the Professor will think about it.

Have fun.

Professor, don't try!

Out, quickly.

My car is in the garage.

Take him to the hotel and wait for me.

What about Quennel?

Leave Quennel to me.

It's all over, Quennel.

Professor Gray and his daughter are gone,

his personal assistant, Devan,
and his assistant

so to speak, are
off duty, in the Shelter.

So it's just you and me.

Templar, I am sure that
we can discuss this

as reasonable human beings.

Oh, reasonable human beings
use poison gas?

Let's ask the police.
Call them.

Don't bother, Dad.

I called the police
five minutes ago.

As an entrepreneur,
Quennel truly believed

that he could suppress
Process G indefinitely?

He was trying to do it in such a way
that if it backfired,

Devan would take the blame.

Oh, Simon, we can't
thank you enough.

- Teacher.
- Goodbye and thank you.

The usual, sir?

Yes, John, make it a triple, will you?

Oh, may I have the pleasure of
invite you for a drink?

Thank you.

No beautiful women tonight?


No one to tell you your problems?

Unfortunately not.

See, this is the kind of thing

what happens when
a beautiful woman says

- can i talk to you...
- can I talk to you?

In particular?

Simon, dear?