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06x13 - The People Importers

Posted: 05/03/23 08:01
by bunniefuu
The joys of deep-sea

Bone-chilling temperature.

A pea-soup fog.

A magnificent catch.

And Harry Baxter for your guide.

Who told you about this trip?
Oh, please.

I've always been wanting to come to

Take a look at the label.

You've never been to England, but you wear
a made-to-measure suit by a London tailor.

It was sent to me in Lahore. A
present. You're lying!

Here, he's coming right at us!

Flaming lunatic.

No lights. That speed in a fog. Why?

Well, that's some catch. When
you're out fishing with Simon Templar.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, come on, pick up your feet.

He's not very well. He's sick.

My heart bleeds for him. Come on,
come on.

Right, that's enough. Rest of you next
trip. Whew! Smells like a stable in there.

Some of us were sick.
We could not help it.

Yes, yes, I know.

What's the matter with you?

Not conscience?

You just k*lled a man, Bonner.

Relax, Slater. The tide's going out.

He'll be swept in the mid-Channel by

Get 'em ashore.

All right, out!

Come on, come on. Hurry it up.

About a mile out, you say?

You wouldn't recognise the launch

In heavy fog?

It was a thirty-footer, white.

There are hundreds of 'em around.

Mr Templar, I shall want a written
statement when the police arrive.

Fine. Come on, Harry. We'll be at the
yacht club.

Yes, I daresay you could do with a

Oh, I could, but Harry never touches
the stuff.

What happens now?

Forged work permits, then you're
as good as any legal immigrant.

Do we get into this?
What do you want for your money?

More than this. For £!
That's risk money, sweetheart.

Our risk. Now get in the truck.
If you get caught you only get sent home.

We get sent to jail. Now, get in!

I'm sure we've met before.

I don't think so.

I never forget a face.

We must have met before.

It certainly seems long overdue.

You're Simon Templar.


And you?

Laura Stevens.

I've heard a lot about you.

You're said to be very rich.

A man's enemies will go to any
lengths to blacken his character.

I don't think being rich
is something to be ashamed of.

I think it's rather attractive in a man.

SIMON: Who's the original member
of the bulldog breed?

That's Charles Bonner.

A friend? A friend.

I am sorry.

Hope you didn't have too long to wait.

Mr Templar was entertaining me very

You just get in?

Tied up a couple of moments ago.

Fog a bit thick in mid-Channel.

It could be. I've just come down
from Saltsea.

Hugged the coast all the way.

Templar? Aren't you the chap who's just
fished that Indian fellow out of the drink?

You just saved someone?
I was just too late to save someone.

Who was he?
Oh, some Indian fellow.

They're not seamen, you know. Mess about
with boats, get themselves into trouble.

Yes, well, I don't think seamanship
would have helped this one.

He had two b*ll*ts in him when he hit
the water.

Did he? g*ng fight in all probability.
Large pink gin, please,George.

Yes, sir.

You seem pretty sure of what

That's because I know 'em, old boy.
Handled them during the w*r.

Which w*r was that?
World w*r II, of course.

That's the one that finished
a quarter of a century ago.

I'll be glad when we've dumped this

It's a police car!

Come on, the lot of you, out!

Come on!

Get 'em out of sight quick.

You have left them behind.

Go back and get them, sweetheart.
The cops will be glad to see you.

COP: Hey, Roy. Take a look at this

They have come , miles.

All to end in nothing.

Shut up!

Come on. We need a telephone.

Let's go.

A simple drive to London and you
bungle it.

We're in the middle of nowhere. Pick
us up!

All right, yes, as soon as I can.

I have to get back to London.

Now? That's what I said.

All right, all right. I'll get my
bag. Don't bother.

What? You're not coming.

You bet your life I'm coming.
What am I supposed to do?

Stay here tonight and I'll
come back for you tomorrow.

Stay here? All alone?

You'll find someone. You usually do.

Now, listen to me, Charlie.
No, you listen to me.

I'm in no mood for guff from you
tonight or anyone else.

So just do as you're told.

Mr Sen, this is Mr Templar. He found the body.
Mr Sen is from the Pakistan High Commission.

How do you do?
I am indebted to you, Mr Templar.

The dead man is...

or was...

a valued member of my staff.

You knew him?

A number of High Commission officials

are assigned to work with the
authorities on illegal immigration.

My colleague was obviously

There is big business in importing

Do you want me to question them?

Please. Their truck crashed
a couple of miles down the road.

We think the driver and some others
got away.

He says they were brought over from

Ask him about the boat. The men on it.

Two men.

Both English.

That is all he knows.
You must understand, Mr Templar,

these men have never been in a
boat in their whole life before.

They were afraid.

It was dark. They saw very little.

What about the truck?

We checked. Stolen in London.

From the Stirling Transportation

No lead there particularly.
Hundreds of vehicles stolen every day.

There has to be a lead somewhere.

It's not going to be found
booking Pakistanis for illegal entry.

You've botched this up properly,
haven't you? We got their money.

None of the ones the cops picked up have any
idea where the clearing house is in London.

No thanks to you.
It couldn't be helped.

All we have to do is get rid of
these three tonight.

BONNER: Get 'em in here, then.

Come on, in the car.


Come on.



Where's Bulldog gone?
To London.

What does he do? About what?

About living.

He's a boat broker.

You want to buy the Queen Mary,
you phone Charles Bonner.

And what do you do?

I'm an ex-model.

I'm an ex-dancer.

I'm an ex-somebody's wife.

And I need my head examined.

Why, I don't think so.

What you need is another large gin
and a ride back to London.

Would you drive me back?
With the greatest of pleasure.

You're not only rich.

You're sweet.

And kind.

And very, very curious about Charles

BONNER: Humadri.

Passport, work permit, and good luck.

Thank you, kind sir. Thank you.

You got somewhere to sleep tonight?
Oh, no, I'm sorry.

What about you two?
I'm going to my sister.

I have a cousin in Birmingham.

Right. Jackson.

That one goes to Mrs Reynolds.

Wait a minute. I'll pay you first.

When's the next trip, then?

I'll let you know.

What are you going to do? Lie low
for a bit?

I'll let you know.

One hundred.

And that's for Sam.

You can give it to him in the

Now, get Humadri over to Mrs


Come on, you.

Yes. Thank you, kind sir.

Humadri, you tell me where you stay
in London.

The next time I come, we will meet.

Camden Square.

You would write it down, please. To
be so kind.


..Camden Square.

Thank you. Thank you, kind sir.

Soon we will meet. Come on.

Thank you.

And it's my neck as well as yours.

Five hundred.

Now, look, Bonner! Don't be
impatient. We'll talk about it later.

Suresh. Gupta.

It's a work permit.

But I am a student.

Yes, well, I've put you down as a

Very nice.

I had no idea you people
went in for cheesecake.

She's my sister. And she's a lady.

All right. Coming.

JACKSON: Hello, Mrs Reynolds.

Just one?
Yes, we had a bit of trouble.

What kind of trouble?

None of your business.

Well, can he pay?
Oh, yes, lady.

I can pay.

£ a week. In advance.

Oh, yes, lady, it is most satisfactory.

Bargain of the year.
Bye-bye love, be seeing you.

Come on.

It's not a palace. But it's not a
flophouse either.

It's most comfortable.

Well, then, pay for it.


Two. Two weeks in advance.

Certainly, kind lady. Two weeks.

It's time you were moving.

You're certain you've got somewhere
to go?

Oh, yes. My sister. She lives in

How are you going to Birmingham?
By train.

Early in the morning.

minutes past eight.

Can you get to Euston?

By taxi.

Taxi? My, my, we are coming up in
the world.

Just make sure neither of you are picked up
wandering round the streets, understand?

You've got your passports, work permits,
and the best of British luck. Now, beat it.

Are you sure you're all right?


Hey, Chaudri, listen.

Come to my sister's.
No, no.

It's only a few hours before my train leaves.
I will stay in the station. Do not worry.

SLATER: You must be a lunatic,
Bonner! What a mess you've got us into!

What won't they do for money?

You are among thieves, Suresh.

Do not be surprised about anything
they do.


to passengers a week
at quid a time.

You take two grand.
I get a lousy, stinking quid!

You can keep it, Bonner!

Now, don't get greedy, Slater,

I supply the organisational talents
and the boat.

Under the circumstances, very fair.

That's open to discussion.
Discussion perhaps. But not negotiation.

After tonight, I want more.

You're making more money
than you've ever made in your life.

And about times what you're worth.

I didn't reckon on m*rder.

They are evil and greedy, those two.

They are worse.

They are K*llers.

I saw them. On the boat?


One of us.
They shot him and threw him overboard.

Then they must be punished. Shh.


Are we in a position to go to the


No, no, that's true.

Now, listen, you don't look well.

A little fever, that's all.

But I'm worried about you, all

Look, have I not a tongue?

I speak English.

I say to the taxi driver,

"Euston Station, please."

Then I ask for a Birmingham train.

Do not think of me as a child.

Look, your bus is coming.

DRIVER: Sorry, mate.

I mean, honestly, what would you think?

Well, I er...think it's very fishy.

Another woman.


After all, he did walk out on you
at the yacht club. Left you flat.

I think it shows a certain lack of

You're right. You're absolutely right.

But I'll find out what's going on.

Yes, sirree, I'll find out.

BONNER: You'll find out what?

What will you find out, Laura?

Where were you tonight?

Well, I...I have a right to know.

If Simon hadn't brought me home, I

Now that you have, good night.
It's a little late for social calls.

Oh, but this isn't a social call.


I could want to buy a boat. A boat?

Yes. You are a boat broker, aren't you?

Well, yes, but I don't normally
do business at this hour.

Oh, but I thought you did.

In fact, I thought you'd been doing
business all evening.

What the devil are you talking about?

People. Importing.


What's he talking about?

We're talking about loading
immigrants onto a boat in Calais,

bringing them across the Channel at
£ each. Say, ten a trip.

That's £, three or four of those
a month.

Easy pickings.

You're either drunk or out of your

Am I?

Then how do you keep this pad up?

Laura says you haven't sold a boat
since she met you.

You talk too much.
Charlie, I didn't mean to...

Mind your own business. Honestly,
I wouldn't get you into trouble.

Oh, but, Laura, he's in trouble.

And so will you be,
if you don't get out.


If you repeat this accusation in
public, I'll sue you blind.

If I repeat it, I'll prove it.

Now, come on, Laura. Get your coat.

I'm going to take you to an hotel.

I have a feeling that the bulldog
breed is going to turn nasty.

It's a dream, a dream to see you.
I'm so happy.

I thought your permit wasn't till
next year.

Malia, I didn't want to wait that


Malia, I have everything.

Work permit, entry certificate,

So please don't worry.

Why should I worry?

Oh, no reason. No reason at all.

You are lying. I know you.

I am your sister.

Those papers are forged.

Isn't that true?


I could not afford to waste a whole

What is it, mister?

Are you Sam Barlow?

Who's asking?

This truck was in a spot of trouble
last night. Sussex, wasn't it?

That's right. It was pinched.

That's what happened, is it?
The law's satisfied.

So, whoever you are, beat it.

I was told, Sam,

that under certain conditions,

you weren't averse to making a little

I was told that you were willing to hire
the company's truck out for a small payment.

What are you getting at?

No questions asked. You leave the truck.

I pick it up. Then return it when I'm
finished. Get going.

And if anything should go wrong,
you can always say it was stolen.

I said get going.
That's what happened though.

I don't know what you're talking about.

The police are satisfied it was
stolen. Now, I've got work to do.

Something to do before you leave.

Read the last entry.

", miles."

Meaning that up until Saturday, this
truck had travelled , miles all told.

Right? Yeah.

Now look at the speedometer.

, miles. Well?

We know the truck went to Sussex last
night. It was stolen, you told me.

The accident must have duffed
the speedometer.

In that case, the speedometer
should show miles down to Sussex.

miles more than is in the log book.

I don't understand it.

Oh, yes, you do, Sam.

You disconnected the speedometer
every time the truck was required for a job.

Give us a break, will you?
quid a time, that's all I got.

Won't do, Sam.

You're gonna shop me to the boss?

Mm-hm. Unless you start thinking.


Well, there is an address.
East Road, Shoreditch.

But it won't do you much good.
It's a derelict house.

Thanks, Sam.

It's all right, don't be afraid.

I am not from the police or the

I'm only interested in the men who
brought you here. Do you understand?

Now, were you on that boat?


Cousin in Birmingham.

You help me, please. To Euston

A man was k*lled on that boat?

Did you see who did it?

See, no. Suresh saw it.

Not me.

Suresh knows.
Where can I find this Suresh?

He has sister in London.

Very beautiful. She is a model.

You're very sick. I'd better take you
to a doctor.

No, no doctor.

Nobody's going to hurt you. I

Come along.


Was he on the boat?

Now, come on, give me that g*n.

You're sick. You need a doctor.
Now, give me the g*n.


I knew he'd be trouble.


I didn't even know you'd k*lled that
Indian on the launch,

Heard Templar and Chaudri discussing it.

Hello, Slater.

Listen, we've got a problem.

Chaudri's back at the clearing house and...

The clearing house is dead.

There's nothing to lead them

Slater's got Chaudri's passport,
work permit, the lot.

Wait a minute.
What did he say about the bit of paper?

What bit of paper?

Look, I wrote it myself.

Camden Square.

It was in his pocket.

It'll lead them straight to Humadri.
He can identify the lot of us.

Then someone has to deal with

Not me.

The b*llet k*lled him.
But he'd have died anyway with smallpox.

What do you know about this man?

He's one of a group
who were smuggled in last night.

Where are they now? All rounded
up apart from three. He was one.

Probably none of them vaccinated.
I doubt it.

In an Indian or Pakistani community,
this can spread like wildfire.

These men must be found and fast.
I have a couple of clues.

This address, I found it in his
pocket. Camden Square.

Both of them are a threat.
We're in very big trouble.

Where's Slater?
He's gonna meet us back here.

The one that arrived last night?

Upstairs. Number eight.

DOCTOR: Smallpox won't bother him now.

Don't you pull the Captain Bligh bit
with me!

All right, all right, don't get shirty.

The point is, the kid saw me k*ll
this man.

An eyewitness to a m*rder
and Templar's looking for him.

He's got to be somewhere we can find
him, first.

Wait a minute.
Didn't he say his sister was a model?

What does that do for us?

My dear chap, we know her name.

Gupta. If she's a model, she'll have
a telephone.

Green. Guest.


There you are, Gupta. Not many of
them either.

A few calls and we've got her.

Right, give me the first one.
Gupta. A.

This is the International Model
Agency here.

Is Miss Gupta there, please?


No, no. Gupta.


Yes, that's right.



Gupta. L.

MAN: Right, lick your lips.

That's nice.

Great. Arm up, darling.


There you go.

Now, give me the back.

I'm sorry to interrupt. Is that Miss

Yeah. I must have a word
with her. It's very urgent.

Hang on a minute.

Right. She's all yours.

Miss Gupta, I'm sorry to come barging in like
this, but I'm trying to locate your brother.

My brother?

If you're planning on taking my
picture, this is my bad side.


I know the whole story.
He arrived last night.

Who are you?

Simon Templar.

Well, you're mistaken, Mr Templar.

My brother is in Lahore.

How many more?

About eight.


This is the International Model Agency
calling. Is Miss Gupta there, please?

No, I'm sorry, she's not in.

She's gone for a...
She's gone out on a modelling job.

Got him. What was the
address on that last number?

Stanmore Park Road.

Right, come on.

All right, Laura, come out.

I came back for some clothes.

She's heard everything we've said.

I won't cause any trouble.
You certainly won't.

Take her down to the boat and keep
her quiet.

Miss Gupta, I promise you,
everything I say is true.

Your brother crossed the English Channel
last night with a Bengali named Chaudri.

He has been exposed to smallpox.

He can not only infect others,
he can become seriously ill himself.

Please trust me.


I'll take you to him.

BONNER: Suresh? Who is it?

It's your friends from the boat.

What do you want?

There's been a complication. Open up.


You're coming with us.

Why? What have I done?

Nothing. And you never will.

Come on.


OK, answer it. Hello.


Malia? Malia, get the police.

Now, listen, the men who brought me
here are trying to k*ll me.

Where are you?

I'm in a...junkyard.

Hello? Hello?

They're going to k*ll him.

Did he say where he was?
In a junkyard.

Is there one near here?
Yes, quite close. Why?

I'll explain on the way.

This is where he made the
phone call from.

Come on.

You get onto the police.

Then wait for me here.

Here, give me that.
How many of them are there?

There were...there were two.

Now there's only one.

You go back to the phone box.

Malia will explain everything.
Go on. I'll cover you.

World w*r III's over, Bulldog.

You shouldn't have taken the g*n
from me.

The first one I got right on
the head. It was real good.

And when they were coming...

Of course, I'm not a
big drinker myself.

Well, all set to go fishing?

I just don't feel right somehow.

Using his boat.

Oh, I wouldn't worry. Come on.

Where Bonner's gone,
he won't be using it for some time.

Coming, Harry?
No, thank you.

You never know what you might find,
if you go fishing with Simon Templar.