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06x09 - The House on Dragon's Rock

Posted: 05/03/23 07:58
by bunniefuu
Wales is a land of mountains and clouds.

It is a thing of the past rooted in the grim secrets of land.

It is a country song and witchcraft.

It is Merlin, King Arthur's wizard, home.

The place names are incomprehensible.

Is anybody here?

Hello. - Hi.

What is your name? - Mary Williams.

Are your parents here? - Mom is in Cardiff Megan-aunt.

Is your father here? - Yes.

Where is he? - Looking for Owen.

Where is Owen? - He has disappeared.

Something strange is going on. - In what ways?

Adults do not tell.

What is your name? - Simon.

Who is Simon?

I asked that anyone Simon.

Once you asked about politely -

my name is Simon Templar.



Are you just passing through? - I was thinking to stay a couple of days.

Why? - Do I have to be the reason?

After all, this is a free world.

Rhys Davis asked me to visit.

Do you doctorate friends? - I've known him for years.

It is a different matter. - How so?

It makes you less a stranger.

Dr. is a search party in the ointment. - Looking for Oweniako?

How do you know it? - I told.

I see.

Maybe you would like to help us, Mr. Templar.

With pleasure.

You go to bed, Mary. - Yes, father.

Keep the door locked. - After all, we never put the door lock.

Do as you're told. Sleep well. Do not be afraid.

Do you stay you get here? - I do not know.

Rhys Davis' friends are welcome us.

Good night, Mary. - Good night, Mr. Templar.

Sheep Shepherd probably ever got lost in the mountains.

So it is, many times.

Why is this so secretive?

Do not ask me.

Here is a place in the last few months things -

which no one understands.

Stop this.

I am not the schools visited.

Doctor can explain it better. - I hope so.

They are Pirunrotkossa.


It you go you. Does he not seen?

Can you see anything? - Yes.

Do you see anything, Shoni? - No, Doctor.


Owen Thomas!

Dr. Davis! - Who is it?


Welcome, Rhys. - Simon. Did you get to your destination.

I'm sorry, I did not come against. - Williams helped me.

Are there any? - He's not a gorge, unless he is unconscious.

Owen Thomas called the shepherd is missing.

Thus I understood. Why do you seek him with shotguns?


Owen, what happened? Where were you?

We've been looking for you for almost three hours. Where were you?

Inform others that we found him.

Shoni here. We found him. Get back to the pub.

We'll take you home. - Acknowledge.

Owen, you're safe. You do not have to worry about anything.


Owen! What's wrong with you?

Can not you give him something? - Yes. Bring my bag.

Try to take her jacket off.

Easy, now.

No worries. - No one will harm you.

Which arm? - Whatever.

This is not a fairy tale. - It calms you.

Take her to the car. We'll take her reception.

No worries. You tokenet yes, Owen.

Rhys, what makes a man like that?

See her his coat.

Simon, look at this. These have been around the chest.

Just like her would be slashed. - It's impossible.

Owen, can you hear my voice?

What happened? What tore your coat?

You see, what was it?

Was it an animal?

Why did not he speak? - Speech Center is paralyzed from the shock.

Can you write it for us?

Help him to sit.


Put her down. Saddling him too much.

The ambulance will pick you up from the hospital.

You're fine - within four days.

Great what? - That's why I asked you here.

This is bizarre. I do not understand this.

A few years ago, a research team -

Lord Rossiter bought an old house.

What research do they do? - I do not know.

So? - Them started to pay attention until weeks ago.

Here, strange things began to happen. - What kind of?

One morning two-ton tractor was found from the field may be down.

It was upside down. men either had not received it felled.

A week later, stables were torn open.

Four horses died. - Was not it vandalism?

Vandalism is not doing that to him.

Cases have been half a dozen. The cows have died -

and trees torn from their roots.


Do you have any guesses? - Yes. I am totally confused.

Too bad that Owen can help. When will he able to speak?

Maybe tomorrow, maybe never. - Will it be permanent?

It has happened in the context of a severe shock.

Simon, we're dealing with some very ominous.

Take it out.

It is a monster from another planet.

Satellites interfere with nature. - Do not talk silly.

A similar, Dylan.

It is lykantropiaa.

What a wonderful word. What does it mean?

Transformation into a wolf. - It is a superstition.

Llewellyn Scourfield able to hear it.

He rubs himself made a dead cat liniment.

It can be a vampire.

Thus, such films. - This is a logical explanation.

Overlooked by werewolves and vampires.

One thing is for sure. This is related to the researchers.

They call themselves doctorate and Boarded in the large house.

It is the truth.

I still think that it is a monster from another planet.

I heard from Owen Thomas. How is he?

Where you heard? - I saw a search party lights from the window.

How did you know that Owen had disappeared?

I asked.

Asioikaa elsewhere, Miss Grant.

We are here to serve the Institute's household.

I guess you can tell whether Owen condition.

Good night, Miss Grant.

Externally Owen's injuries are mild -

but he suffers from severe shock.

I'll walk you to your car.

Thank you for saving me, sir ... - Simon Templar.

My pleasure. You are obviously at work in the laboratory?

Just a secretary. My uncle Charles Sardon lead it.

What kind of research is he doing?

Enzymes, endocrinology, hormones ...

I do not understand a lot about it all.

Is that Owen?

Yes. He has lost the power of speech.

Miss Carmen. - Good evening.


Charles-uncle? - Come in.

Carmen, came back already.

I have something to say. - Sorry. We are in a hurry.

The man is in the hospital.

He has lost the power of speech.

That's unfortunate. - Do not you have anything else to say?

What should I say? - He was scared almost to death.

Was he was scared? - The village peasants are afraid of what they don't understand.

They are not peasants. They are good people.

The child good, they do not exist at all.

Go to sleep now. We're busy.

Charles Uncle, what scared him?

Was it your fault? I have a right to know.

Dr. Armstrong, tell the truth.

This doesn't concern to you, Carmen. Go now.

We are in a hurry.

What if the man had died?

In the name of science -

you sometimes have to sacrifice a few lives.

It's m*rder.

So? - I'd like to meet Dr. Sardon.

Is she expecting you? - I don't believe so.

So you don't have an appointment. - You make one.

My name is Templar, Simon Templar.

Dr. Sardon.

Simon Templar? What does he want?

I see. Send him here.

Did you call him to you? - I do not.

What did you tell him yesterday? - Nothing important.

Then why did he come from? - I do not know.

You should not meet with him. - Armstrong Good, -

Simon Templaria not sidelined just like that.

It would be foolish to stop seeing him.

Hello, Mr. Templar. Come in.

I am Charles Sardon.

Thank you for taking me against. - You're welcome.

I've always wanted to meet you. I like the way in which you operate.

I hope you will continue.

That sounded almost menacing. - Are you aware of events in the village.

Welsh fools are too boring, kuomaseni.

I thought you still come out to see what you are doing here.

If you do not mind. - My pleasure.

Come to the lab.

Here it is.

What would you like to know? - What are you doing here?

We will do basic research on the molecular level.

We combine physics, chemistry, mathematics and electronics -

with biology and medicine.

This is Dr. Armstrong. Simon Templar. - Hello.

Armstrong is a Scientist.

He studies the interaction between sound and electrical impulses -

in the so-called lower forms of life.

It is amazing how some insects and mammals -

can literally talk to each other.

Here is my niece Carmen. Obviously you met already.

Days. - Carmen is a secretary and a good one it is.

He is sometimes a little unruly, -

but on the other hand, he is still young.

What's in there? - Vineyard Room.

May I have a look at there?


These include a variety of meters. Room temperature is controlled.

What about the incidents that have occurred in the village?

I do not know anything about them. They are not caused by me.

Some thought they might be.

Probably those who say to me Frankenstein.

It should tell you what they are like.

One man still startled yesterday so badly that he can not speak.

These people believe in ghosts, magic and haunted houses.

They are superstitious people.

Do you have an explanation for this?

No. Did you expect I would?

Perhaps. - I would have thought trained men were wiser.

I would have thought a trained man -

ought to know everything.

Thank you for your presentation.

Carmen, controlled by Mr. Templar.

Of course.

Good-bye, gentlemen.

Don't blow up the house.

She suspects something. - Go ahead.

He is dangerous. - He's a fool.

Just like everyone else.

Ye can't believe him. - Do you believe?

I don't know. I think that...

I can't speak against him.

If you change your mind, I'm the Prince of Wales.

Goodbye. - Good-bye.

Put the pin.


Devil's Gorge is here.

The big house is here.

The dead cows were discovered here.

Fallen tractor was here and scattered stables here.

Owen Thomas saw something.

Look at how everything is around the big house.

What can it be?

It can only be guessed at.

How is Owen? - He still can't speak.

Do you think that Dr. Sardon is responsible for this?

I'm sure of it.

He said himself today, Doctor Frankenstein.

Is he created some kind of monster?

Is everything all right? - , round all is quiet.

Waiting for an hour.


Not anymore. Not tonight. - Of course.

We need to stop everything that has happened since then.

A pair of timid peasants?

Are you crazy?

We have achieved the impossible.

Owen Thomas could have died.

Must we be forced to consider a foolish shepherd?

You start to become older, clumsy.

Listen, Charles.

Stop before something terrible happens.

We search eight-kilometres around Pirunrotkosta.

Trust me. - I can't do anything about this.

I'm scared.

It is unnecessary.

Come on. We have to prepare.

Take slowly. ,.

Thank you.

Prince of Wales.


Mr. Templar, you have a call.

Thank you. Hello?

Mr. Templar. - So?

I changed my mind.

Do you know Pirunrotkon?

Pirunrotkon? Is that where Owen Thomas found?

Could we meet there soon? - I'll be there in minutes.

Thank you. Goodbye. - Goodbye.

If you go to Devil's Gorge alone tonight, -

you had better take a shotgun.

Frequency Management.

Carmen, where are you?

Here. Help!

Where are you?

I'm here! Help!

I'm here! Help!

What's wrong?

I don't know. - What was that?

I don't know. It was huge.

I was absolutely terrified.

I was just ...

Whatever it is, it's gone now. Don't worry.

Did you see where it went?


Let's go.


Do you already feel better?

Come on.

Judging by the tracks it passed through here.

How far do the tunnels go? - Mountain through. They have a network.

They have not been studied properly. They are dangerous.

Shall we investigate?

On the Where do we go? - This is a lottery.

This is a rock. No tracks.

Let's try this.



Very slowly now. ,.

Open the door.

Very carefully now. , revolutions.

Carefully. Careful now!

We must not upset the brain.

Close the doors.

It is safe at home.

Can we rest for a minute? - Sure.

We must continue. We have to be close to the house.

It has dropped her eggs.

Do you see what we have achieved when they hatch?

Only too well.

We may have to change the world.


We have to k*ll it and destroy the eggs.

You are incredibly intelligent. It's been a pleasure working with you.

I have learned a huge amount ... - Stop.

You fool.

We can't let it multiply. - We can not stop it.

The ants have the same instincts that made man a tyrant.

We must find the eggs and destroy them.

Imagine that they should be hundreds, thousands and millions.

We can't allow them to hatch.

They will eventually take over the whole world!

, cycles would k*ll it.

Then we must look for the eggs and burn them.

We must, Charles. - Don't.

Go upstairs.

I'm warning you.

Those sounded like g*nshots. The buzz comes from the same direction.

We have to be close to the house.

It's sealed. - Why?

The sh*ts came from here. - The sound is strongest here.

I am guessing that we are just below the house.

You have to help me in. Will you do it? - I'm trying.

Good girl.

We will now search the house. - Good luck.

Carmen. - Good evening.

You can come out now.


Are you still at work? - I just quit.

It was about time. Now it is almost midnight.

Would you like a chocolate? - It would be nice.

Do you want something with it?

Is it not beautiful?

It and its kind will rule the world.

We manage the electric impulses.

As you can see, at around -

It is docile and calm.

, rounds to k*ll it.

Armstrong feared.

Wouldn't it scare you? - Yes.

The human race is doomed anyway.

We'll destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons before long, and everything else.

That is why the ants will take over the world.

Don't try to reach for your g*n, Templar.

How did you do it? - At first I tried to improve on Ludwig's work.

He increased the evolution years ago.

Artificial Hybridization -

and radiation increased not only the size -

also improved their intelligence.

Move away from the clutches trust.

You talked about controlling the world?

Yes. It has laid eggs somewhere in the dungeon.

Soon, it is like a hundred and then .

If ants are smart, why do not they rule us already?

Because the nature of defrauded them.

It took them to wait for the last crucial factors:


I gave it to them.

Now the ants force is responsible for their intelligence -

and they dominate wisely.

Their organizational skills are perfect.

So the ant can k*ll electrical impulses?

Yes. That's why I had to sh**t Armstrong.

What did he do?

The frequency is adjusted on the disc.

He apparently crashed in towards it. - Exactly.

He was, however, good reason to be scared.

Why? - This is Dorylinaeta.

It's a species of intelligence and discipline.

Unfortunately, it is also cruel.

You can't leave it alive. - It will lay it's eggs.

Is there anything flammable in the laboratory?

Kerosene. - Get it.

Will you burn it? - As well as eggs.

I brought it. - Good job. Come on.

We will not survive. - We have to try. Come on.

Let's get out of here.

They do not make you evil.

I won't allow it. I'll help you.

I promise to help you.

Let's get out of here.

Take this.

Stand back.


I can't see anything.

Simon, we're trapped!

It hasn't been able to get from that to lay their eggs.

There must be another tunnel. Let's go.

Take this.