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06x04 - The Desperate Diplomat

Posted: 05/03/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
Wait here a minute, please, sir.

There is about death an atmosphere.

And it's even stronger when the
death is sudden and violent.

That atmosphere is in this
house...right now.

Would you come in, sir?

Oh, I might have known.

Known what?

Who else but Claud Eustace Teal would want
to see me in the middle of the night?

I didn't want to see you. I sent for
you. There's a difference.

Touche, Claud.
Anything else, Inspector?

No...just so long as you're sure
of the cause of death.

Well, I'll do an autopsy, but you can
count on it bearing out what I told you.


Jason Douglas was a friend of yours?

Is that him? No.

Then Jason Douglas is a friend of mine.

That paper's three weeks old. There's been
no trace of him since. Did you know him well?

Well enough to know he wouldn't steal.

The theft has been established
by the Swiss police.

Claud, dear boy, the Swiss police
make just as many mistakes as you do.

Know him?

Sorry, Claud.

What happened to him?

He was tortured. As brutal as
anything I've ever seen.

Well, obviously, he didn't talk.

What makes you say that?

Well, the m*rder*r was looking for

He wouldn't have torn the room apart
if he'd been told where it was hidden.

This was behind the lining of the dead
man's suitcase. It was addressed to you.

Naturally, you opened it. Naturally.

Mean anything to you?

Not a thing.

I was hoping you could give me a

Oh, well, I am flattered, of course,

You know that I'd do anything to...

Nothing on him at all?

Checked in yesterday carrying a
Swiss passport.

Well, that should help.
Forgery. Not even a good one.

A Geneva exit stamp on it.

I'll just have to wait and see if the
Swiss police come up with something.

You'll let me know, of course?
Of course.

May I keep this?
It was addressed to you.

Do you need me for anything else?

I shouldn't have asked.
Perhaps your driver could drop me home?

I'll er...pick up a cab.

There he is now.

Do you know him?
MAN: I thought everybody did.

That, my friend, is the famous...

Simon Templar.

What's he want in a place like that?

Could be a girl called Sara.

Hey, it's great!
What do you really think, though?

Oh, it's not bad.
Could be shortened a bit, though.

We're just closing.
Oh, is Sara here?

She's in the back. Thanks.

We're still closing.

Hello, Sara.


How did you know I was here?
Oh, I did some checking around.

Well, with all that publicity,
things haven't been easy for me.

Well, it hasn't exactly been roses
all the way for your father, either.

Do you think I care about him?

I'd like to think you do.
He didn't care about me.

And if you've come here to talk
about him, you're wasting your time.

Maybe, but I'm going to talk about
him, anyway.

Now, would you like to do it in

I'll close up.

That's all for today, Julie.
We'll finish it tomorrow.

Nice. I like older men.

Oh, I bet you say that to all us

Very funny.

Well, I thought so.

May I turn round now?

I didn't say you had to turn away.
Want a bite?

No, thanks.
They're very good for you.

Yes, but dangerous.
Look what happened to Eve.

Goodbye, Julie.

He doesn't like apples.

Lock the door as you go out.OK.

All right, then. Let's get it over

Do you know where Father's hiding?

No, but when he left Katako-Kombe,
he had two men with him -

The white man's just been found in London,
tortured to death in a rooming house.

How do you know all this?

He had something on him addressed to
me. Do you recognise this?

It's Father's good-luck charm.

Here's its twin.

I don't understand.

Sometime ago in Africa, your father
and I were involved in a t*rror1st campaign.

We picked these up.
They're not worth anything. Just souvenirs.

And he sent you his, because he
wants help?

Well, that is what friends are for.

And he's relying on your stupid,
overextended loyalty.

My father has stolen
from an emerging African country

three-quarters of a million dollars
in American aid.

And that is a fact. There could
be extenuating circumstances.

Oh, fine. Do you know what's
happened to me in the last few weeks?

I was the daughter of a respected
diplomat. I was engaged to be married.

Suddenly, I'm the daughter of a

No fiance, no friends, nothing.

I think he's in Switzerland.

Now, I want the names of his friends
- people who might hide him.

And I'll call you tonight,
when you're over your self-pity.


I'll make a list.


I want to fly to Geneva tomorrow.

Well, you go and talk to the girl, Eddie.

Easy. I just want to talk.

Who are you?
A friend of your father's.

I've sort of lost touch with him...

but I'm sure you know where he is.

No, I don't.

Oh, you can do better than that.

You were with Simon Templar for quite
a while.

You must have talked about something.

Just an address is all I need.
Now, come on.

I don't know!

You're going to tell me sooner or later. I k*lled
a man last night because he wouldn't help.

Now, stop kidding around, or I'll
really hurt you.

All right. I'll tell you.

Please, take me to the police!

Well, hurry!

Take me to the police.
A man just tried to attack me.

There's a police station just down


Go on. Say what I told you.

Hello, Simon.Sara? What is it?

Simon, I had to tell them
you knew where Father was.

I couldn't help it.

Please do as they say.

Hello, Mr Templar...old boy.
Who is this? What do you want?

Never mind about that. What I have in
mind is a straight exchange.

The girl for the information.
All right?

Oh, good.
Then we'd better arrange a meeting, hadn't we?

Have you got a pencil, old boy?

Yes. Go ahead.


At ?

I'll be there.

That was him. We'd better move.

Easy. Make sure
he doesn't have any friends trailing him.

He wouldn't take a chance like that.

We'll give it a couple of minutes.

He should be coming up
to the telephone box now.

Well, you see, we wouldn't want you
shouting any warnings, would we?

Look behind the phone, Templar.

If you read me, come in.

I read you. Over.

Sorry about all this cloak-and-dagger
stuff, old boy. Can't be too careful, though.

Now, just follow orders,
and everything will be fine.

Drive on half a mile.
Turn left into a narrow lane.

Follow it to a gateway.

You'll get your next instructions
when you reach it. Understood? Over.

Understood. Over.

You've about seven minutes to get
into position.

Don't make any mistake.
He's not to come back.

I know.

But with three-quarters of a million dollars
at stake, you can forgive a few white lies.

As a matter of fact, once I have the
information... neither of you's coming back.

Hello, Templar.
Have you got to the gate yet? Over.

I'm coming up to it now.

All right. Go through the gate on

Follow the path. We've put markers
on the route you have to follow.

Over and out.

Now, all we have to do is to wait
for Mr Templar.


Don't go any further, old boy.
You've arrived.

Not a bad place for a meeting, is it?

A good, safe stretch of water
between you and me,

and you're half a mile away
from your car.

Where's Sara? She's here.

What's the matter?
Don't you trust me?

I want to see her. So you shall.

Satisfied, old chap? What's the deal?

I want the address where our mutual friend
is hiding out in Switzerland... No, no, no.

And Sara?

She stays here while I drive away.
Then you can come over and pick her up.

What guarantee do I have? None.

Just the word of one gentleman
to another.

Oh, by the way, don't try and
palm me off with any false address.

I know roughly the area he's hiding
in. I just want the exact location.

Come on, old chap. Make up your mind.
I haven't got all night.

As one gentleman to another... deal, old chap.

You've got the wrong one, old chap.

Sara? Sara, can you hear me?


Sara, if you can hear me, come in.

Sara, can you hear me? Over.

Simon...Simon, I hear you.

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine, Sara. Now, listen. There's a
village not far from here called Pembridge.

I want you to go there and wait for
me. I'll join you as fast as I can.

Here, let me. Oh, Simon...

I'm sorry. I had to tell them you
knew where Father was.

I wish I did.I'll do anything I can
to help you find him.

OK. We'll fly to Switzerland
tomorrow morning.

With three-quarters of a million
dollars kicking around,

there's going to be an awful lot of
people looking for him.

If they find him first,
they'll k*ll him.

Where do we start?

He has three or four close friends
in Geneva,

but if he isn't with any of them,
I wouldn't know where to look.

We'll make him come to us.
Come to us? How?

We'll make our arrival in Geneva
headline news in every paper in Europe.

TANNOY: Flug drei und zwanzig
uber Frankfurt...

We are in luck.
Carla Lawrence has arrived.

The Carla Lawrence?
There couldn't be two.

MAN: There she is!

Well,darlings...What about your
feud with Dorothy Scott?

Oh,darlings...Are you really
getting a million dollars?

Are you engaged to Rick Savage?

Darlings, I swear, there's absolutely
nothing between Rick Savage and myself.

In fact, the romance stakes are
absolutely nil.

I'm absolutely and positively off men
for ever.

Carla, darling!

Your name, darling. I can't see a
thing without my glasses.

You certainly hit the headlines.

And enjoyed every second of it.

What do we do now?

Ham and eggs. What?

We eat while we sit and wait.

Room service?

Hello? Ah, Mr Templar.

I am sorry to disturb you at this
hour, but the caller said it was urgent.

That's OK. Put him through.

Right away.This could be it.

Mr Templar? Speaking.

We have a mutual friend
who'd like to meet you.

What way do you have
of identifying our mutual friend?

He said to mention a town
called Katako-Kombe.

Fine. Now, how do I find you?

We're in an old house
about seven miles outside Versoix.

It's on the back road to Tesseau.

It's got a broken balustrade
on the roof.

Good. I think I can find that.

We'll be with you as soon as we can.

Thank you, Mr Templar.

Get your things. We want to be out
of here in half an hour.

You're a clever girl.

You'll go a long way.

If we're on the right road,
we should be there by now.

We are now. Look.

Hold it. Why?

You stay in the car till I check it out.



Hello, old boy!

I've been expecting you.


Go and get the girl.

Right. Now, let's make ourselves
comfortable, shall we?

Oh, it's getting cold in here.
Light the fire. I'll watch him.

What happened to him?

Oh, it's nothing to do with us,
old boy.

He was unconscious when we got here.

He's lost a lot of blood.

Got two bad wounds,
making off with the money.

He ought to have medical treatment.

He'll come round.
Then he'll tell us where the money is.

After that, I don't much care if he
lives or dies.

Well? She's not out there.

Where is she?
Why don't you try the hotel?

Oh, I see. You thought you'd get a bigger
slice of the cake without her tagging along.

It's er... It's been a rough night.

Do you mind if I have a drink?

Help yourself.

Are you going to drink it or swim in it?

Oh, now...

I'm cutting it down.

Trying to shake the habit.

Hold him back.

Hold it!

Drop it or I'll k*ll him.

Leave him.

Makes you feel better?

Keep that up, you'll hurt your hand.


When the time comes,
I'm going to enjoy k*lling him.

Get them down in the cellar.
They can't do any harm there.

Mr Templar...

Are you John Chatto?
Yes. How do you feel?

Like somebody hit me
on the head.

What about Jason? Still unconscious.

He's dying, Mr Templar.

The only thing that's kept him alive
is the hope that you'd come.

Well, we... we can't do much for him
like this.

Jason. Jason.

Simon...I knew you'd find me.

Too late, I'm afraid. All that
matters now is getting you to a hospital.

Oh, no point. I'm for it.

But I... I have to tell you
about the money -

why I stole it.

Help me up a little, will you?

Simon, I don't have to tell you,
my whole life is in Africa.

I love the country.
I love the people.

I have given my whole life to them.

We know that.

When independence came,

I went to work for the new regime.

The new leader started with good

Then corruption set in,

in the person of our friends

Aid from America, from Britain,

was used to furnish palaces,

buy cars, jewels...

Government officials lived in

while the people starved.

Rest a minute. Please.

Help him down.

Together again. Just like old times.

Ah, this time, it is loaded.

Well, you weren't very clever,
were you?

See, I found this.

A fresh cigarette butt with lipstick
all over it, lying just beside the car.

Didn't take much intelligence
to figure it was yours.

Well, now, I'm sure you'd like
to see your father.

One evening, I learned a courier
was leaving for Switzerland.

He was carrying two cases,

containing three-quarters of a
million dollars in US aid.

It was the President's
personal account in Zurich.

I followed the courier here.

I tried to reason with him... return the money.

There was a fight. I was wounded.

I k*lled him, and got the money back.

There are good people in the country.

Not like Faber and his g*ng.

They'll use it honestly, for the

Jason, where is the money?

In this house.

We'd better let him rest.

Make loops on the ropes,
so we can slip them on easily.

Bolted on the outside.

Slip up and listen at the door.

Get the old man.

Stand up.

Now, pick him up.

Take him upstairs.

Go ahead. Take a look at him.
He's your father.

Is he going to be all right?
He's very sick.

He won't get out of this unless
he gets attention.

Give it him.
You're a medical student. I can't.

You've kept him alive this long.

He needs dr*gs. I haven't any more.

Can you get them?

Yes. There's a pharmacy
in the village.

Go with him and get him
what he needs.

We must keep the old man alive.

Oh, and by the way...

You wouldn't...try anything,
would you?

For her sake.

Well, they should be back
any minute now.

Will you let us go then?
My dear girl, of course.

We can take him to hospital?

As soon as he's told me where the money is,
you can do what you want with him.

And Simon Templar?

Ah, well, now, he is a slightly
different proposition.

You see, he'd never give up.
He keeps on and on.

He'd hunt me down,
until finally it would be him or me.

You're going to k*ll him!

My very acute instinct for survival
tells me that I must.


Aaaarghh! Let her go.

No, no, I can't do that. You see, her pain is
your incentive to tell me where the money is.

Oh, please, please don't hurt her.

I'll give you seconds.
After that...

The money must go back
to the people.

Where is it? I can't tell you.

Time's running out.
Ten seconds gone already.


Where is it?

I'm asking you for the last time.

Tell him, Father! Tell him.

All right. Leave her.
All right.

Where is it?

There's an alcove...

..behind the cupboard... the old kitchen.

Right here in the house all the time?

I've found the money!

Don't need you any more, friend.

Get this away from the wall.

Here - help him.

There's a lot of good living.

Get our cases from upstairs,
will you? Put them in the car.

What about the girl?
Oh, put her in the cellar.

And the Saint?

Do I have to spell it out?

Simon...they're going to k*ll you.

That's right.

Now, say goodbye to lover boy,

Simon...Get out of the way.

But...Get out of the way.

Get out of the way...or you'll
get it, too.

What's going on up there?
They've got the money.

You stay here till
all the fireworks are over.

He's dead.

I'm sorry.

Have you got the money?

Yes, it's in my car.

I know he wanted you to take it

but would you let me, instead?

If that's what you want.

Thank you.