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06x02 - Invitation to Danger

Posted: 05/03/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
SIMON: If you're a punter,
the champagne is free,

the surroundings attractive, and the
removal of your money almost painless.

Now, to make sure you don't
steal it back,

most casinos employ elaborate
security systems.

This one's more elaborate
than most.

That is a closed-circuit
television camera.

The grilles on the window,

And the dealers, well, they'd give you a
pretty hard time if you tried anything.

As I don't intend to,
I guess it's none of my business.

Loaded and ready to fire.
I feel lucky.

Who's the girl?

Strictly an iceberg.

If you wanna get frostbite,
her name's Reb Denning.

£ on for the lady.

£ on for me too.
£ on for the gentleman.

And £ for the gentleman.

, took some winning.
Thank you.

£ for the lady,
£ for the gentleman. £, madame.

£ for the gentleman.

£, monsieur.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thanks for the .

Any time.

I don't know what you've got,
but if you ever market it I'll buy some.

That was a gilt-edged

And marked RSVP.

Cash these in for me.
I'll call you tomorrow.

Good luck.

REB: Let him go.

Are you all right?

Lucky you've got quick

I'd better drive you home.


I think I've just been elected
into a rather exclusive club.

Oh, what's that?

The league of grateful women whose lives have
been saved by the famous Simon Templar.

Take the next on the right.

You know,
I could have nailed him.

I know it. It's just that,
well, I'm here on holiday,

and I didn't want to get involved
in some long police action.

That's nice.

Only nice?

It cost guineas an ounce,
made to order.

It should be sensational.

Take the next on the left.

I'm nearly out of gas.

How much further is your place?

We're not going to my place.

We're going to a party.

In fact, we're there.

You will come in, won't you?

They're nice people,
and they'd love to meet you.

Well,I've come this far.
Why not?

Sounds like a swinger.

It will be, I promise you.

This way.

MAN: Good evening, Mr Templar.

There are cigarettes on the table.
Help yourself.

By now, you'll have discovered
that you're a prisoner.

Both you and the young lady who brought
you here will be released in a few hours,

and free to do as you wish.

Meanwhile, I suggest
you make yourself comfortable.

Stop them.



Who? Who?

MAN: Hello?

Hello, hello, hello.

What are you doing down there?

Yes, it's cold here too.
Have you seen anything? No.

We're wasting our time.
He's not gonna show up.

The kid's right.
You know that.


Then what are we doing
hanging around here?

Do you really want to know?

We're hanging around here

because Mr Sunley wants
us to hang around here.

Yeah, but...if that certain
party has any sense,

he'll be a thousand miles away
from here by now, and still running.

You may be right.

But that's not the way
Mr Sunley has it figured.

There's a car coming.

Is it him?

It's him.

Well, you know what to do.
Do it.

It's a novel way
of thumbing a ride.

Are you Simon Templar?

You, uh...want an autograph?

Just get out of the car.

And if I don't?

You can make it hard or easy.
Either way you lose.

Let's make it hard.

The easy way would have
been quicker.

See if he's clean.

When I got up this morning, I had a feeling
it was going to be one of those days.

You should have stayed in bed. That way,
you might have lived to be an old man.

Well, what's this compulsion
to see me dead?

If you want to play dumb,
OK. It makes no difference.

Fix the tyre,
and bring back his car. Sure.

What am I supposed to have done?
There's no supposed about it.

Three hours ago,
you broke into the casino,

bypassed all the security systems,
opened the safe, and walked out.

And uh, what did I take?

Haven't you counted it yet?
I'll save you the trouble.


Well, don't you think we should take the
covers off if we're going to play craps?

Well, Mr Templar,

I can't tell you what pleasure
it gives me to see you again.

Why, your friends
made the invitation irresistible.

I hope they weren't too forceful.

Oh, they were the essence
of old-world courtesy and charm.

Ah, that's fine. Fine.

You see, Falconi here kind of
delights in causing pain.

You know, I was a bit worried
he might have indulged himself.

As a matter of fact,
he still might.

Mr Sunley, do you want to go on
making small talk?

Do you call £,
small talk?

That's what you took
from my safe tonight.

I don't think even a man of your
extravagant taste could've spent it already.

Now, why don't you
just tell me where it is?

Well, Mr Templar?

I'm sorry, Mr Sunley.
I can't help you.

I think you can, and you will.

See, I was hoping you'd volunteer
the information and save yourself the...

discomfort of persuasion.

See how this grabs you. I didn't take
your money, and I don't know where it is.

You leave me no alternative.

Take him downstairs.

You want to go downstairs?

Do I have a choice?


You can go wide-awake,
or unconscious.

It's not much of a choice.

Move by the door.

Open up.

In you go.

Very impressive, Mr Templar.

Your reputation is well deserved.

You shouldn't send a couple
of boys to do a man's work.

And now that you've worn off
your excess energy,

let's get down
to more subtle v*olence.

Bring him in.

Cuff him up to the pipe.

What's this for? People who bounce
cheques in your establishment?

How's that for openers?

You need a manicure.

That's enough.

Here, take this.

Now, Mr Templar, let me tell you
exactly what you did.

You got in here after we closed.

You must have used great skill to bypass or
put out of action all of my security devices.

Anyway, you found my safe,
and you opened it,

despite the fact the makers claimed
that it was burglar-proof.

Then you left the building
the same way you came.

All perfect.

Except that you forgot
one little old important item.

The closed-circuit TV camera.

It's too late to remember that now.

Mr Sunley, if I had done the job,

I wouldn't have overlooked it.

But don't let me interrupt.

Well, you see, the cameras are
hooked up to a video tape recorder.

Now, when we ran it back we had
a movie of the whole operation.

We uh...took some prints
from the tape.

Nice picture. Who is it?

Your car, Mr Templar?

It certainly looks like it.

Now, take a look at this one.

Pay particular attention
to the wristwatch.

Pretty, isn't it?

You're wearing one just like it.

I always thought mine
was exclusive.

What's that?

It could be the US Cavalry
coming to my rescue.

It'll be Vitale with Templar's car.

Now, let's go on.

This morning I received
a phone call. Anonymous.

This voice told
me that you had robbed my safe,

and where to pick you up.

What have you got to say
about that, Mr Templar?

You're making a pretty good case.

I'm almost beginning
to believe it myself.


Mr Sunley,
I found some very interesting things

in the back of his car.

A jemmy.

Wire cutters.

Lock picks.

And this.

Now, now, this is a real
good-looking raincoat.

Matches the one
in the photographs exactly.

Simon Templar.

The prosecution rests.

Well, I don't think Perry Mason
could have gotten me out of this one.

Mr Sunley, if I were to tell you
I didn't do the job,

and I don't know where
the money is, would you believe me?

I'm afraid not.

On the other hand, if I don't tell
you where the money is,

your heavies are going
to work me over until I do.

I'm afraid so.

I think I'm the one
who should be afraid.

All right. There's a house on
the road where you picked me up.

Big pillars at the gates,
stands well back from the road.

Underneath the stairs,
you'll find a cupboard.

That's where your money is.

You made a wise choice.
I think so.

You bring the car around. OK.

Oh, Mr Templar,
you'll understand

I can't let you go until we've
checked out your story.


You come along with us in the car.

Moreno, you stay here
and look after our guest.

Don't take any chances.
You go right out that door,

lock it, and stay right there.

You understand?

If this should prove a bum
steer, Mr Templar,

I can promise you a most
uncomfortable time when I get back.

I can hardly wait.

But you will.

Lock it.

And watch him.

You know, it bothers me.
What bothers you?

The way Templar told us everything
we wanted to know.

I didn't think he'd break
that easily.

We'll soon find out.

And if the money isn't there?

I will personally give him a

that'll make the Spanish Inquisition
look like kindergarten.

It's not there.
I'll take him to pieces.

Want me to check the rest of
the house? What's the point?

He wouldn't have given this kind of
a lead if the money was in the house.

Let's get out of here.

Come on, come on! Move it.
She's nearly flat-out now.

Up here.

I'm looking forward to this.

Run the car straight in the garage.


If anybody comes around here
asking questions after Templar,

I don't want them seeing that.

Get it out of here.

Hello. Marty?

Where'd you get to last night, huh?

Oh, I became the subject of the neatest
piece of framing since the Mona Lisa.

Listen, those chips you cashed in
for me, I may need the money.

Yeah, I've got it.

Where should I bring it?

A pub called the Ennersmore Arms
in about an hour.

I've got a couple of things to do

I'll be there.


Good morning.


That would make a provocative
answer on some other occasion.

Right now, I'd like to talk about

You want to buy some?

This has your name on it,
presumably made to order.

All our perfumes are made to order.
May I try it?


Yes, it's ours. Number .

Has anybody ever told you
you have a perfect nose?

I don't get many complaints about
the rest of the equipment either.

I'm surprised you get any at all.

Is there any way of finding
out who this was made for?

It'll be listed.

That's a nice scent you're wearing.

£ an ounce.

It's called Perhaps.

For that sort of money, I'd want
something a little more definite.

Here it is - .

It was made
for a Miss Rebecca Denning,

suite , Royal Garden Hotel.

Thank you. I wish there was some way I
could show you how really grateful I am.


Just thought you'd like to know
Simon Templar was here

asking about a Rebecca Denning,

Royal Garden Hotel.

Thanks, honey.

Thank you, honey.

Well, had yourself quite a night.

If I were you, I'd lay off.

And spend the rest of my life
wondering what it's all about?

Getting k*lled won't satisfy
your curiosity either.

Did you get my money?



I brought you something else
that might come in handy.


Nothing else I can do?

Well, I may need help fast,
so stay by your phone.

I'd rather stay near you.

Thanks anyway.

I've got it!

Where was it?
In the shower.

It's nice to know that she keeps
everything so clean.

And what are we going to do
with this clean little lady?

Well, perhaps we'd better
dirty her up a little,

to teach her that she really cannot
go around taking other people's money.

So we'll give her something
to remind her never to do it again.

Hold it!

I'll be with you in a minute.

It's Sunley. Open up.

Come on, open up!
Open it.

I just spotted Te...
Come on in.

Shut the door.

Obviously I saw your car
a little bit too late.

You seem to enjoy
giving my boys a bad time.

Well, they're just
not very good at their job.

Did you get the money?
On the bed.

Well, now, this changes everything.

I don't think we have anything more
to discuss, Mr Templar.

Except who stole it.

Oh, I don't think
that's important any more.

Especially since Vitale
is holding a g*n on you.

Drop it.

I didn't think you could squeeze
the trigger fast enough

to stop me k*lling your boss.

I said drop it.

Go ahead.

Should be an interesting

Forget it, Vitale.

It's what they call in the
business a Mexican standoff.


And we'll resolve it
by leaving quietly,

taking the money with us, of course.

Do you have any objection,
Mr Templar?

Seems reasonable.
Since it's your money.


You will excuse us, won't you?

You fool!
You great bungling idiot!

Of all the stupid,

When you're ready to talk like a nice,
gentle, civilised girl, just nod your head.

That's better.

Will you please untie my hands?

I must admit, this is hardly
the welcome I had hoped for.

Well, what did you expect?

You let them just walk
out of here with the money

after all the trouble
I went through to get it.

Well, I figured
you'd had a hand in framing me.

Of course I did.

The whole plan was mine.

Well, this may come
as a shock to you,

but I have a definite aversion

to being k*lled
for something I didn't do.

Well, that was a chance
I had to take.

That you had to take?

You know, I think I'm going to understand
this whole affair a lot better

if you explain it slowly
over a large drink.

Brett Sunley's casino is a cover.

Fact is, he acts as a banker

to a number of countries'
intelligence agencies.

He holds money to pay off agents
and to buy information.

You know this because you're an
agent yourself?

Yes, I work for CIA.

Two weeks ago, a whole file
on US m*ssile sites was stolen.

We know that the man who
got it is a freelance.

He'll sell to anyone
who'll meet his price.

His price being £,.


The file gets into London tonight,
Sunley pays over the money,

and that's that.

If Sunley doesn't have the money,
he doesn't get the file.

Exactly. The only way we could stop
the deal was by taking the cash.

And framing me for it.


We knew if we could convince Sunley
that you'd taken his money,

he'd be concentrating % on you
and leave us in the clear.

The character who att*cked you
in the garage was a phoney?

My partner Peter Rendo.

So you took my watch, my car
and the raincoat out of it,

and made sure that the closed-circuit
TV cameras got a good look at them.

Why, you even planted housebreaking
equipment in the trunk of my car.

All very cute.

To make quite sure, we even tipped
Sunley off with a telephone call.

It was perfect.

Then you had to go and ruin
everything by escaping, and tracing me.

Oh, I'm sorry about that.

So, who k*lled Peter Rendo?



Found him at the house
with a b*llet through his chest.

I can't believe it.

Well, if you didn't k*ll him,

then there's somebody in the game
you don't know about.

Now, I suppose
we'd better figure out a way

to stop Sunley getting that file.

You're going to help me?

Why not? I've come this far.


How much do I owe you?

shillings, sir.

Keep the change.

Thank you, sir.

What's that?

It's a Victorian £ piece.

Lucky charm?
Hardly that.

We had better get going.

Looks like it's going to be
a rough night.

I understand.

Yes. Everything as arranged.


The arrangements
have been confirmed.


We leave in minutes.

Are you sure
they'll come out this way?

Sunley's car's down there.
I checked.

Get down.

Here we go.

You're too far behind.

You're in the wrong seat
to be a backseat driver.


Are you here, Garston?



Yes. Glad to see you.

And I you. Have you got the money?

We'll talk about that after I've made
sure you've got the right property.


Surprise, surprise.

As he said,

Still asleep?

Cover me.

You'll find everything is there.

I sure hope so.

Well, if you're satisfied,
let's settle things.

I want to get
out of the country before morning.

Now, don't rush me.

For this kind of money,
I'm entitled to make certain.

Look out!

That's enough, Templar.

You're going to get yours slowly.

We can rest up here until I get somebody out
from the Embassy to pick this stuff up.

Why don't you wait in the lounge?
I'll fix us some coffee.


Hello, Marty.

You don't seem surprised.

No, just disappointed.

Do you have the money
and the files?

Got to hand it to you, Marty,

very slick.

Slick as oil.

The whole story
is absolutely genuine.

Peter Rendo was a real CIA agent.

He did plan to frame you
and steal the money

so Sunley couldn't buy the file.

His big mistake was in hiring you
and Reb to help him.

You know about her too?

CIA agents don't always carry
badges to identify themselves.

They use other things
which change every month.

I checked with a friend
in Washington.

This month, it's this coin.

I showed it to Reb.
It meant nothing to her.

So, why go through with it all?

Because I wanted to finish
Rendo's job for him,

and get the people who k*lled him.


That's the g*n I gave you.

I took the precaution
of loading it with blanks.

I'm sorry, Simon.

You'd really k*ll me?

I have to.

Sorry, Marty.

I couldn't let you do it.

m*rder was not part of the deal.

Now I'll take the file
and the money.

I don't think so.

They're blanks.

I always check a g*n.

Marty, that's when you gave
yourself away.

Sorry, darling, I'm afraid you're going
to find prison grey quite depressing.