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01x18 - Smoke and Mirrors

Posted: 04/15/14 06:52
by bunniefuu
STEPHEN: My name is Stephen Jameson.

And I am one of the Tomorrow People.

They call our powers the three T's.


CARA: Stephen?

STEPHEN: Telekinesis...

And teleportation.

There is a shadow w*r going on between us and Ultra...


... the secret organization that hunts us.

The only way to keep my species from going extinct is to find my father.

And the only way to do that is by working for the enemy.

STEPHEN: Previously on The Tomorrow People...

The Founder invented some kind of machine to amplify your father's powers.

For what?

I don't know.

But whatever it is, your father risked death to stop it.

How do we stop the Founder?

We k*ll him.

The machine was your father's dream, Stephen.

A device that could finally build a road to our salvation.


You're running?

After Cassie died for us, for your plan?

You're saving yourself now?

I'm taking the only path I can.

Hey, what the hell's going on?

Boss just ordered all hands on deck. No one knows why.

Jedikiah gave that order?

I'm talking about our new boss.

FOUNDER: All right, everyone. Listen up.

The Ultra I founded was based on a vision.

A world in which the Paranormal would live not as a mutation, a freak of nature, but as a blessed being, graced with astonishing gifts.

But as I became consumed by the advancement of our kind, Dr. Jedikiah Price turned this place of science into a fortress of brutality.

A death factory.

To my own ruin.

And my daughter's.

The Ultra that you have come to know is no more!

The hunting of our own kind, over.

The imprisonment, the k*lling, through.

From now on, all Paranormals will live in peace.

Breakouts will still be monitored, and those abusing their powers will be detained and instructed in the need for discretion and then released.

Any questions?


Back to work.

Cassie's death was an accident, John, it wasn't your fault.

I pulled the trigger.

I did the one thing I swear I'd never do.

If anyone's to blame, it's the Founder, he forced your hand.

He didn't force me to do anything.


Please. Don't disappear inside yourself again.

For us to work, you have to let me in.

STEPHEN: Cara, John, where are you guys?

Oh, good.

A three-way.

That's not funny.

I know it's hard to believe him, maybe something just snapped in the guy.

Losing his daughter, maybe it jarred the Founder awake.

It opened his eyes to the dark side of Ultra.

There's a light side?

Sounds like there was once.

Maybe it can happen again.

Says the Founder. It doesn't change anything.

If what he says is true, you guys might not have to live down here anymore.

Hello, Tribeca.

That is one hell of a big "If".

Way to get a guy's hopes up.

Look, think about it. The new head of Ultra, he's one of us.

With Jedikiah out of power, Ultra can protect Paranormals.

That's a little convenient, don't you think?

We get rid of our spies, our generals, our foot soldiers?

What, just wave the white flag and surrender?

Look, I'm not saying I trust the Founder but at least he's not Jedikiah.

Where is our favorite Paranormal exterminator?

He's gone. Disappeared.

How we doing today, folks?

Hey, I'm doing great.

Oh, it's a rhetorical question, pal.

Welcome to New York City. No one cares how you're doing.

(LAUGHING) I'm kidding! I'm only kidding. I care.

I care that you tip me. Okay?

Hey-yo! Alright, why don't you step on out for me, friendly kid.

You are my volunteer today. Big hand for a friendly kid, folks.

(CLAPPING) Yeah, so. I got a train to catch so what do you say we skip the salad and cut to the main course.

I call it the "disappearing act".

Do me a favor, stand right here, open your hand, prepare to be wowed, people.

Okay, now, I want you to throw it down as hard as you can, got it?

SHY KID: Okay.

(CROWD REACTING) How on Earth did he do that?

Oh my god, I think I may be a genius.



Give me a break, seriously. How on Earth did he do that?

I know, right? Monty the Magnificent, folks! Thank you very much!

Thank you, thank you. Appreciate it.

New breakout?

Uh-huh. Come on.

Where are we going?

To make a good first impression.

Oh, there's no need to knock. My door is always open.

I'm offering you a seat.

We have a breakout, sir.


Excuse me?

It's what my friends call me.

Right. Well, he is posing as a street magician and using his powers recklessly in front of humans.


Well, we just came here because we wanted your permission to bring him in.


Very well. As you see fit.

Thank you, sir.

Was there something else, Stephen?

HILLARY: Jameson?

I'm sorry for your loss, sir.

Circled the block 14 times, our magician's not here.

This is where his Tele-signature last registered.

Well, maybe he got a cab or a train or maybe his mom picked him up.

He had no problem teleporting in broad daylight, I hardly think he's going to lay down some cash for a taxi.

Wow. Look at you, a real Paranormal profiler.

We should get you a reality show.

You have fun. I'm out.

You've had your panties in a bunch this whole day, what is your problem?

You are my problem, Hillary.

What did I do?

Just sucking up to the new boss.

Always looking for the gold star, right?

Is that what this is? You think I'm all gung-ho?

What else would it be?

A second chance, maybe?

We can finally do our jobs without feeling like we're selling out our own kind.

A pro-Paranormal Ultra sounds great but I'd like to be sure that this Bathory guy is for real, first.

Okay, well, I guess we'll find out when we bring in our breakout.

Guess so.

But I trust him.


What, you think I'm being naive?

Well, let's make a bet.

I'm not betting on the fate of our species.

Loser's the winner's bitch for a week. You do whatever I say.

Or you do whatever I say.


You're on. See you later, biatch.





Hey, Stephen.

STEPHEN: (SCOFFS) I was tracking a Tele-signature, how did you do that?

I designed these instruments so I can pretty much do what I want with them.

Hiding out in alleyways, not really your style, Uncle Jed.

Yeah, well, after you screwed up that assassination attempt I've had to lay low until I can figure out our next move.

Sorry, "our next move"?

Against the Founder.

Stephen, he has to be stopped.

From what? Shutting down the k*ll squads?

Putting an end to your v*olence?

He's manipulating you, Stephen.

And trust me, without me there to protect you, he will eventually k*ll you.

He had his chance. He didn't.

Of course! Because he wants to exploit you first.

Your ability to stop time, it's crucial to his plan.

What plan?

If you join forces with him, millions of humans will die.

The only human you ever cared about was yourself.

Good luck.

Where have you been?

Thought I had a beat on our magician, the signal went cold.

Well, I think I picked it up.

"Monty the Magnificent. Fort Greene Theatre".

This is our guy?

It's not exactly hiding.

We're really going to go pick someone up for putting on a magic show?

Delivering a breakout is the only way to see if the Founder's for real.

HILLARY: Wanna get some beers?

I'm sorry, I think I'm having a stroke.

Did you suggest we break a rule?

Very funny.

CARA: Stephen, can you hear me?

Did you feel that?

I just got a telepathic burst.

Yeah, me too. You check it out upstairs. I'll wait here.

Keep an eye out.

STEPHEN: Not a good time, Cara.

I was just...

STEPHEN: Worried about me? I'm fine.

I'll have two beers, whatever's on tap.

You did try and k*ll your new boss.

STEPHEN: Yeah, and now I'm bringing in a breakout, as a way of saying I'm sorry.

And you're willing to risk the new breakout's life for that?

Stephen, I got us a booth.



Did he just hang up on me?

Tim, triangulate Stephen's cell phone?

Why are you stalking Stephen?

To intercept the breakout.

TIM: He just entered Fort Greene Theatre, where a magician calling himself Monty the Magnificent is providing the evening's entertainment.

It's gotta be him.

"Him" who?

The new breakout. Let's go.

I thought we were going out.

We are. To a magic show.

Come on, it'll be fun.

Hey, Uncle Jed.

Uh, is your mom here?

Uh, no, she's not. Sorry.

Oh, you're alone, interesting. Uh, do you mind if I come in for a sec?

Yeah, sure. I was just fixing a sandwich.

Oh, that sounds tasty.

What happened to grabbing Monty backstage?

We should see the act, document his Paranormal abuses and write a comprehensive report on him.

I say we take him now.



Too late.

MONTY: Thank you, thank you.

There he is.


With his partner.

What, you think we can't take her?

Let's just keep our heads down until we know what they're planning (MONTY CONTINUES SPEAKING TO CROWD)

We're blown.

Better make the most of it.

Cara Coburn, do you know her?


Hey, Stephen.

Hey! A little.

Do you mind if we join you?

Oh, uh, that's okay, we got a table.

No, we don't mind the squeeze, do we?


I heard this Monty guy's supposed to be great. A real breakout star.

(COUGHING) Excuse me, I'm gonna go grab a napkin.

Here, take mine.


You two make such a cute couple.

How long have you been together?

Oh, um, we just work together.

Oh, yeah, where?

Come on, baby, it's Saturday night. Who wants to talk work?

I'm so sorry, I didn't get your name.

(GASPING) Look, look! Wow, it's starting.

You know.

People tell me I'm crazy to try this first trick.

Might as well dress the part.


Thank you.


MONTY: Say a prayer.


How did he do that?

You know damn well!

Time to go, people are watching.

Mr. Magnificent.


Happy to sign autographs for my fans.

I know a magic trick. Let me see your hands.


If I were you, I'd stay down.


It's okay, Monty, I'm here to help.




If we don't at least mix it up a little, Hillary's gonna know something's off.

I'm not gonna fight you over some kid who thinks he's magic.

Gotta protect my cover. Sorry, John.


Gotta sell it, John.

I'm trying.


We good?




Hi, what are you doing here?

You texted me to come over.

No, I didn't.

Thank God.

Look man, something is wrong with Uncle Jed. He's talking crazy.

Stephen, Astrid. Nice of you to show up here.

Go ahead, Luca, ask him.

Ask me what?

He says you have powers.

Like comic book stuff.

And he says you know about it, Astrid.

Look, Jedikiah is very sick. And he was just leaving.

Astrid, are you going to tell him?

Your brother is right, your uncle is sick.



You've seen firsthand the dangers of knowing too much.

I've just told Luca everything.

Now, tell him what's in store for him, tell him his future.

That k*ll squad that came after you, tell him about it!

Tell him!

Why are you doing this?

Folks, this is a Paranormal intervention.

I brought you into Ultra to protect you and you fall in with the wrong guy.

You think it's easy to dismiss what I say?

What are you gonna do now that your brother's life is on the line?

Get out!

Tell him the truth! Now!

Do it or, so help me god, I will put a b*llet in him.

What the hell?

Do it!

Let him go!

Tell him now.

Okay, okay, okay!

Luca, it's all true.

Yeah, not convincing enough.


Thank you for proving my point.

You son of a bitch!

He needs to know the truth. Please, listen to me!

So it's true.

You're some kind of mutant?

No, no...

And Mom and Dad?

I know our family was messed up. We're like a supernatural freak show.

And everyone knew about it except me!

I was only trying to protect you. Okay? I promise.

Well, what about me? Am I a freak too?

I'm sorry to have to do that, Stephen. But the time for secrets is past.

Everyone you love needs to know the stakes.

Listen to me, the Founder cannot be trust...



I don't want to hurt you, son.


I did it for your own good. Stephen!

My family was off-limits.

Wait, Stephen. Listen to me!

We're done talking. Let's see who passes out first.




Stay the hell out of my life or I will find a way to k*ll you.

So what was that about?


I was trying to save a breakout.

At the expense of Stephen's cover?

Well, it doesn't matter now since the Founder is ushering in a kinder, gentler Ultra.

But you don't believe that.

Stephen does.

And he's willing to risk Monty's life to prove it.

And you're willing to risk Stephen's life to prove him wrong.

He's been under cover too long. He's starting to think like Ultra.

I think he might be right.

About a man that tortured you?

Used his own child as a human guinea pig and then threw her away when he was done with her?

That's the man you think we should trust?

You didn't see what we saw.

His daughter died in his arms because of me.

He could've done anything to us.

But he didn't, he let us go.

And the only way Cassie's death will have meant something is if the Founder is true to his word.

So you're telling me everyone down here is like me?

You're all magic?

Not saying you're not special, Monty.

Just saying some of us are a little more special.

Don't listen to him. Down here, we're all equal.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Presenting Monty the Mediocre.

Excuse me. Sir.

Just four letters.

Four simple building blocks.

It seems like there should be more to us than that, some... ineffable thing that makes us unique. But...

We're all simply the sum of these four components.

G, T, A, C.

Yeah, DNA. Uh, if this is a bad time, I...

But this particular DNA is my daughter's.

For so long, I... I searched through it, looking for the key that could save us from the threat of humans and their petty fears.

But in the process, I...

I sacrificed the part of her that was unique.

And now, all I have are these four letters.

(SIGHING) I'm sorry, Stephen, you, uh... you wanted to talk?

The, um, breakout, we lost him.

We didn't lose him. The Tomorrow People took him.

Which is why we have to put an end to them.

Stephen, I know that you have ties to them.

Excuse me?

I need you to take them a message.

Who said that I have ties to them?

Tell them to release the breakout and in exchange I am prepared to offer them a truce.

If our kind is to survive it must be in peace.

Otherwise, my daughter's death will have been for nothing.

Please, Stephen.

I'll see what I can do.


This kid's actually pretty good.

Monty, you're coming with me.

No, Stephen, I said no.

He's trying to get you to risk your life for him.

You don't have to live down here anymore, you can go back to the life you had.

More or less.

Yeah, the less being they take your powers and you go back to being like everyone else.

If I stay down here, even with powers I'm like everyone else.

Dude, don't get all existential.

Why would you trust the Founder to keep his word?

He has no reason to lie to me.

He knows I'm helping you, he still turned the other cheek.

While they fight, why don't you show me another trick.

Okay. You ready?

Or he's trying to lure you into a false sense of security.

Did you even consider that?

Now you see me.



This is what we're missing! Showmanship.

He just teleported topside.

STEPHEN: Real smart, bud.


About as smart as you hooking up with your partner on the job.

What was that?

I'm not blind. You're 18 and she's gorgeous.

I don't know how we expected you to remain objective.

Wow, are you jealous?

Of course not.

How can you be jealous of Hillary when you're with John?

This isn't about me and John, this is about you risking Monty's life.

Hillary is clouding your judgment.

You are unbelievable.

You said you and I were a mistake.

We are a mistake.

And what about Hillary? She's a mistake too?

She's an Ultra agent.

You know that's not the reason.

Come on, Cara. Don't make me read your mind.

Just because I'm jealous, doesn't mean I'm wrong.

At least I can keep my feelings and my judgment separate.

Yeah, you've done a great job with that.


If you have lost sight of why you've gone undercover in Ultra in the first place, it's more than just my feelings that'll get hurt.

White makes the first move, last time I checked.

Sorry, zoning off a little.

TIM: Is that slang for being preoccupied with one's sexual mate?

Tim. Mind your own business. Pawn E4.

TIM: Pawn to E5.

Well, aren't we feeling bold?

Knight to F3, tough guy.

TIM: Knight to F6.

The King's Gambit.

What's gotten into you?

TIM: I don't know. But it certainly wasn't my move.


TIM: Someone's entered my mainframe and is playing you remotely.

Clearly, your opponent knows a great deal about my operating system.

Maybe that's because he designed it.

Luca, stop avoiding my calls, I need to talk to you.

Okay? Call me back. Please.

Hey, hey.

I need your help.


I can't find my little brother.

What do you want me to do?

I'm gonna keep looking for him, I need you to put his photo in facial recognition.

To see if we're already tracking him, his name is Luca Jameson.

You think the TAC team is about him?

I hope not. But Luca knows about me.

And you remember what happened to Astrid when somebody ratted her out.

I'll see what I can do.

Ok. Thank you.


Didn't expect to see us arming up.

Well it seems the breakout you and your partner failed to apprehend has been located.

No offense, this doesn't exactly look like a truce.

This breakout has proven evasive, and as much as I loathe force, it will still be necessary on occasion.

The kid is a street magician. What are you going to do to him?

That's up to him.

JEDIKIAH: I see you got my message.

Who else would be reckless enough break Sicilian and rush a knight?

John, you know I've never subscribed to the historical defenses.

Always better to sacrifice a pawn...

And draw a prey for the bigger g*ns.

Yes, you taught me that the first time you brought me here to play.

I did.

Alright, let's cut the crap, kid.


I need you.

Let me rephrase that, humanity needs you.

Always in the name of humanity.

I'm running out of allies, John.

If you walk away from me now, every human being on this island is in grave danger.

Even if I did believe you, how is it my problem?

I know you feel responsible for what happened to Cassie.

We're not going to talk about Cassie.

You're right, we're not.

But I'm offering you a chance to atone for her death.

Who do you want me to k*ll for you now?

I don't want you to k*ll anyone.

I want you to save someone, John.

Someone very dear to both of us.

(g*ns COCKING)

Everyone! Please disembark immediately.

Monty. Just come in the easy way and you won't get hurt.

Try and get out of these ones, Houdini.

You want me to save Roger?

It is rather poetic, if I do say so myself.

You getting to save the life of the man I k*lled? Beautiful.

This is all predicated upon Stephen's participation.

And at the moment, he's convinced the Founder is on his side.

If he's not dissuaded of this, John, Stephen will die.

Roger will die. I will die.

You and all the Tomorrow People...

Will die? The Founder wins, the whole world ends?

How horrible.

You're being facetious.

JOHN: The Founder forgave me for k*lling his daughter.

If he wanted us dead, he could have done it by now.

He would've done it by now.

John, he's playing you, he's playing everybody.

For what?

For the plan Roger chose death to stop.


You want your leader back?

I have his body, I have the means to bring him back.

Unless, of course, you want to bet with the Founder, in which case...



If you're lying, I will put a b*llet in you.



Let me go. Please!

You want me to stop performing? I'll stop.

(DEEP BREATH) All my mom wants is for me to go to dental school.

I'll never use my powers again. I swear.

You said the new Ultra's was gonna be different.

That we weren't taking down our own kind anymore.

You are just like my uncle, nothing's changed.

I never said Ultra would tolerate reckless Paranormals revealing our powers to the world on a whim, or worse, for profit.


No! No, please.

You perform parlor tricks for humans, you allow them to record our antics and broadcast them across the globe.

Do you think that's wise?

I, um...

I'm just a magician.



And what's the first rule of magic?

Never reveal your secret.

Now, do you think you can do that?

Do you think, uh, you can keep our little secret?

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Hmm, well, good.

I look forward to catching your show some time.

Just try to keep the tricks somewhat plausible.


Absolutely, uh-huh. You... you got it.

Mister, um...

Mr. Bathory.

And that name is definitely to be kept secret.

Of course.


What was in the needle? What did you just do to him?

I told you things would be different here at Ultra, Stephen.

In the future, you'd do well to trust me.

What the hell have you done to him?

It's the only way I can save him, John.

To bring him back, I need Stephen.

I have tried everything, but he will not listen to me.

He will listen to you.

If what you're saying is true, if Roger put himself into limbo to stop the Founder, you say bringing him back doesn't play straight into his plans?

It's a risk we're going to have to take.

You expect... you expect me to convince Stephen of that?

You or Cara.

I understand she has quite a sway over the boy.


You're crazy.

(SOFTLY) I knew I could count on you, kid.

Hey. How'd you find him?

I didn't, uh, the lady from your office did.

Lady from my office?

Oh, uh, short, kinda chesty.

Yeah, uh, she... she came by my house, told me Luca had been hiding out in the library.

That was my partner, Hillary.


Hillary who tried to have me k*lled?


I'll let you two talk. Ok.


Gimme a sec.


Look, I know you're freaked out.

Not telling you the truth, it was only ever about protecting you.

Okay? You gotta believe me.

I'm 16. Man, I'm your brother. I don't need to be protected.

I know.

Alright? I just didn't want to pull you into this world.

This is my burden.

Not yours.


Well, our whackjob uncle said it could happen to me too.

Okay, but, it doesn't mean it will.

And if it does, we will figure something out.

Alright? I'm your brother, I'm always...

I gotta go to practice.


Would it k*ll you to knock, like a normal human being?

Well, I'm not human.

The Founder wants to see you. (CLEARING THROAT)

Okay. Great. I'll put my pants back on.


See, I won the bet, and I found your brother, so...


You have to do whatever I want.

You serious?

Mmm-hmm. Bet's a bet, Jameson.

(CHUCKLING) What about the Founder?

It can wait.

JOHN: We need to find Stephen now.

Why? What did Jedikiah say?

He's got Roger's body.

I saw him, Cara! I saw him with my own eyes.

With Stephen's help, we can bring him back.

Then we should split up.

I'll let you know if I find him.

Stephen, are you here?

(THINKING) We need to talk, your uncle, he claims...

What is it?

We're gonna make it.

Checked his school and Ultra, he's not there.

I found him.

Is he okay?

Cara, what's going on?

I think we may be losing him.

You wanted to see me?

Um, where is everyone?

I gave them the night off, I wanted to talk to you in private.


Relax, I know you've come up the ranks under a reign of terror.

The notion of injecting a breakout with a tracer and releasing him, must seem unbelievable.

A tracer.

It's a tracking device, actually.

Lodges in the cerebellum and sends a radio wave that my network monitors.

Can I trust you with another secret, Stephen?


While your uncle was busy stripping our kind of their powers, I was operating my own pet program.

Yeah, what is all this?

Each dot represents a Paranormal tagged and released over the years.

Many by Ultra, before Jedikiah's paranoia set in.

There are over 200 in the city alone.

STEPHEN: What are you planning on doing with all of them?

Well, it's not what I plan on doing.

It's what you are going to do.

You, Stephen, will lead them all, someday, to a place known as The Refuge.

You must wonder how I lost sight of the horrors happening under my own nose.

Even committing some of them against my own blood.

The answer, Stephen... is this.

The machine.

I thought my father destroyed it.

Your father built the original.

He was to serve as it's, uh...

How can I describe it? It's... engine.

To do what?

Amplify his powers.

In theory, enough to bring all Paranormals there with him.

If that was true, why would he want to blow it up?

Indeed. Indeed, finding The Refuge is in the best interest of both species.

h*m* sapiens and h*m* superiors cannot coexist in peace.

But your uncle poisoned your father's mind, he turned him against me.

Why would Jedikiah do that?

Simple. Your uncle doesn't want this w*r to end because without it, he's nothing.

You don't know whether you can trust me.

Jedikiah's poisoned your mind too.

But you are the only one who can take us to The Refuge.

After years of toiling, I have finally rebuilt the Ark that will sail us to our destiny.

But we must launch before your uncle interferes.


What do you want me to do?

A test run. To see if you can do what my Cassie could not.

You see, the machine uses your power to stop time and to open the portal.







Is this you?


What are you doing here?

I'm just... watching you and Luca play.

Dad, listen.

It's not me anymore.

Ok? I'm right here.

You're not dead?


No, I'm very much alive. My body's just back in the real world.

Ok, the Founder, he has this machine.


Stephen. You have to listen to me very carefully.

Wait. Dad! Dad, I can't hold on any longer.



Oh, you stupid, stupid boy.