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01x15 - Return from Outer Space

Posted: 05/02/23 18:06
by bunniefuu
[ Debbie Warbling ]

[ Man Narrating ]

Last week, as you recall, Dr.

Smith, Will and Penny were returning from a rock

-gathering expedition unaware that hidden in the undergrowth nearby lay an alien machine of unbelievable powers.



I can't go on.

Your father's vicious desire for revenge has broken me.

Zachary Smith has finally been brought to his knees.

It's not revenge, Dr.


It's just that we've gotta gather these rock samples from all over see if we can find another vein of radioactive ore.

What about the Robot? He could carry all of this without any trouble.

He's gotta be free to use his sensors for any signs of radioactivity.

This is ridiculous.

Since when were human beings supposed to work for machines? [ Warbling ]

- Stop that!

- [ Warbling Continues ]

That is the final indignity.

Go and tell your father to vent his hostility on someone else.

Zachary Smith draws the line at carrying rocks for animals.




Smith, come back here right now! Dr.

Smith! [ Penny ]

Hey, Dr.

Smith! Will! Look what I found! Some kind of a nest and an egg! An egg? Where? Well, whoever laid that egg certainly selected a unique nesting place.


This is one of the machines that the aliens left when they came.

We'd better get away from here.

You know what Dad said about them being dangerous.

We weren't to touch them or even go near them.

A very wise precaution, my dear but surely there's no harm in collecting one little egg? I'd fetch it myself, but I'm completely exhausted.

Uh, you know about my bad back.

Why don't you? It's perfectly safe, dear.

- Well, if you're sure



- Yes.

Careful, dear.


An egg.

A real egg.

With this hen fruit I shall prepare a meal that will rival the culinary orgies of ancient Rome.

[ Sighs ]

- [ Leaves Rustling ]

- Hey, Debbie.

Get down there.

You know what Dad said about that.

- [ Eerie Humming ]

- Come down this minute.

Debbie! Oh, Debbie.

Come on down.

- [ Humming Continues ]

- Come on.

Here we go.

[ Electricity Crackling ]

[ Loud Humming ]

- [ No Dialogue ]

- [ Loud Humming Continues ]

Mmm! Ahh.

If I didn't know that there weren't eggs on this planet I'd swear that was an omelet.

Oh, nonsense.

I'm just whipping up a few exotic herbs from the hydroponic garden.

Amazing what you can do with just a little seasoning and some aromatic herbs.

And I thought it was an omelet.

Gourmets came to my home from far and wide to learn the secret of my salad dressings.

Naturally, I never revealed all the ingredients.

Is this one of your ingredients, Smith? Carbon tetrachloride? Hardly.

But, uh, you have used it.

- Of course.

To remove stains.

- Oh.

- And when did you use it last?

- Last night, I believe.

And you left the top off, so it evaporated.


Smith don't you ever have any thoughts beyond your immediate needs? Now, without the carbon tet for the purifier we stand a very good chance of losing our entire food supply.

[ Smith ]

I could have sworn I recapped this flask.

John, is it really that serious? It's the only certain method of food preservation we have.

Now, we're gonna have to subsist on a diet of nonperishable items until we find a substitute.


What is that you've got there? Oh, it's nothing.

Nothing at all.

lf, uh, I'm to be blamed for the food shortage I'm willing to, uh, provide my own from now on.

Well, well, well.

Well, where'd you get this? This? Actually, uh, I don't remember.

I do.

We were rock hunting together on the other side of the caves.



The Taurons left a matter

-transfer unit down there.

I trust you kept well clear of it.

Besides, we have our hands full just trying to fix this purifier.

Come along, darling.


Smith, have you seen Penny?

- Penny?

- I thought she was with you last.

I hope you didn't let her go near that Tauron device.

Of course not, my boy.

I'd never let her do a thing like that.

But, uh, even so perhaps we'd better go out and look for her.

All right.

- Well, aren't you coming, Doctor?

- In a moment, my boy.

No use wasting this celery.

It'll sustain us in our journey.

[ Will ]

Penny! Penny, where are you? I know she was here somewhere.

Will, you could have carried this lunch basket.

It's frightfully heavy.

Penny! I wonder what could have happened to her.

Doctor Smith, you don't suppose that


- No.

No, it couldn't be.

She's probably back home right now, safe and sound.

However, my boy our little safari doesn't have to be a total loss, does it?

- What do you mean?

- Your father was a bit too modest when he said the Taurons are way ahead of us.

If they can transfer themselves hither and yond why can't we do the same? After all, who discovered that "E" equals "MC" squared? We or the Taurons? I don't think we should monkey with it, Dr.


We sorta promised.

Of course we did.

But he didn't promise anything.

Now then, my steely eyed sorcerer.

Let me see you demonstrate your superiority over this container of molecular magic.

Replicator assembly on.

Regenerator on.

Transfer unit on.

- [ Beeping ]

- Timing phase signal.

Keep trying.

Once we get this thing working, my boy, who knows? With just a little bit of luck, I could


- Could what? Nothing.

Just a flight of fancy.


No Penny.

No molecular magic.


We may as well go home.

Come along.

Ohhh! Good heavens.

I forgot my lunch basket.

- Would you fetch it for me, my boy?

- Yes, sir.

They're gone.

The lunch basket and the celery's gone.

They were right here.

What happened, Robot? Apium graveolens have disappeared and are now in a condition of molecular change.

Destination unknown.

What a name for celery.

Say, do you think if you reversed whatever signals you sent out


- do you think maybe we could get them back? Command system of matter

-transfer unit incompatible with manmade command system.

- Try something offbeat.

- "Offbeat" does not compute.

How about "way out"? [ Twangy Beeping ]

- Can you translate that?

- Negative.

Well, try another signal


- something real wild.

[ Erratic Beeping ]

[ Loud Humming ]

- [ Debbie Warbles ]

- [ Beeping Stops ]

Will! Where have you been? I've been calling you.

- Why didn't you answer me?

- Where have you been? Right here.

I was gonna ask you something about


- [ Sighs ]

I can't remember it now.

- [ Debbie Warbling ]

- Debbie, come back here!

- Debbie!

- Penny! The matter

-transfer unit really works.

Did I hear voices?

- I gotta tell Dad!

- What? It's Penny.

She must've gotten taken away by the matter

-transfer unit.

And suddenly, right in front of my eyes on the very spot that you're standing


- I gotta tell Dad! A likely story.

The very spot indeed.

Aaah! And then I saw this maser beam come down and there was Penny and Debbie and the basket of celery.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I was there all the time.

No, you weren't.

You and Debbie and the celery were in a condition of molecular change.

When the Robot regenerated it, she came back from nowhere.

Will, have you been back to that matter

-transfer unit again? That's what I've been trying to tell you.

And yet you knew it was off limits.




- Well, go on.

- Well, we were trying to


- We? Oh, uh, I've just come from a perfectly lovely trip to our remote weather station


- uh, spent the whole morning there admiring the view.

All right, Will.

Now, who is we? [ Grunts ]

The Robot and me.

"The Robot and I," dear.

- Go on, Will.

I'm waiting.

- Anyway, Dad, believe me, it was worth it.

Will, uh, just how did you manage this sleight of hand? I mean, did you, uh, whistle it up? I just ordered the Robot to send out a few crazy signals and they worked.

- [ Judy ]

Crazy, huh?

- Real crazy.

And the matter

-transfer unit signaled back in exactly the same way.

Dad, I am telling the truth.


So am I, Will.

Now tomorrow Don and I are going to destroy whatever's left of that matter

-transfer machine


- not because we want to but because the temptation to tamper with it is too great and too dangerous.

Now you can go right to your cabin.

Gee whiz.

A maser beam hit the celery broke down its molecular structure, and it was gone?

- Really.

- Oh? That boy has an extraordinary imagination.

He knows perfectly well the Tauronic box of tricks is totally out of commission.

And how would you know that? Wel


- It's a perfectly logical assumption.

Nothing's logical where you're concerned, Smith.

You and I will never be friends, Major.

That is the first logical assumption you've ever made.

I don't see why they have to destroy it.

It's not doing them any harm.

It can do just about anything.

Maybe even transfer me.

I might not get back.

Maybe the Robot


- Maybe he could command it to send me to Earth.

And maybe I could get back by reversing the signals.


I could tell 'em we're alive and where we are and everything


- at least close enough for them to make a s*ab at finding us with a rescue ship.

I'm not gonna be doing anything with it not unless I figure out a way to stop them from burning it.

[ Sighs ]

They'd better pay attention to this sign.

Do you remember all about your command capabilities?

- Affirmative.

- Well, listen carefully.

On my command, you will initiate signals for round

-trip to the planet Earth.

- Roger.

- Are your signals compatible with that destination? Destination Earth is my place of origin.

It's almost 0800.

At 0800, you will signal matter

-transfer unit to send me to the planet Earth.

You will remain here until high noon.

- "High noon" is dialect for 1200.

- All right.

At 1200 hours, you will signal matter

-transfer unit to transfer me back here.

- Is that clear?

- Affirmative.

- No later.

- Affirmative.

Well, here goes.

[ Erratic Beeping ]

My lunch.

It's right there.

Can I go get it? Negative.


-transfer unit already signaled to send subject to the planet Earth.

But it'll just take a


- [ Loud Humming ]

[ Loud Humming ]

I made it! I made it! I'm on Earth! Will ya quit that?

- What are you doin' up there?

- Not a thing.

I just got here.

Will ya get down from there before you start another avalanche? Hey.

I've never seen you around here before.

- What's your name?

- Will.

Will Robinson.

What's yours? Davey Sims.


What'd you mean when you said you just got here? I've been here for a half hour, and I didn't see ya.

Unless you were up there hiding, waiting to dump snow on me.

No! Honest! This was my destination, and here I am.

Yeah? Where'd you come from? Priplanus


- that's a planet in another galaxy.

So it's really Earth.

[ Sighs ]

I get it.

You're a runaway from home, right? Well, this is Hatfield Four Corners, Vermont.

You wanna find your way back home, right? Nope.

I'm gonna call Alpha Control.

Alpha Control, this is Will Robinson of the Jupiter 2.

My position now is Hatfield Four Corners, Vermont.

Come in, Alpha Control.

Do you read me, Alpha Control?

- This is Will Robinso



- Hey! Lemme see that.


You must've got this at the same dime store you got that outfit.


Gimme that back! Alpha Control! You busted it! Well, look, don't worry about it.

I'll give you another dime, and you can get a new one.

Is there a phone near here? Aw, look.

You're gonna freeze in that outfit.

Why don't you just come over to my house, and you can phone your mother from there.

My mother's at least So's the rest of my family.


Your mother's at least You know, you kids are getting wackier every day.

Well, now, Davey, you know I can't let you make an expensive call like that unless your aunt says it's all right.

I'm not Davey.

I'm Will Robinson and I've gotta get in touch with Colonel Mason right away.

It's very important.

I haven't got much time.

And don't worry about how much it'll cost.

Alpha Control will pay all expenses.

Hey! What are you trying to do? Hello.

Miss Rachel? Look, I only let this goofy kid use the phone so he could call home and that's all.

Well, when he gives me the proper number, I'll get it for him.

And he better not tell me to get him any colonels or generals.

Wasting all my time with that space nonsense.


Do you wanna call home, or do you wanna start walking? I only wanna call Alpha Control.

Can't you get your aunt to give me permission to do that? All right, kid.

Now, where do you live?

- Tell me the truth.

- I told you.

We took off for Alpha Centauri, and we ran into a meteor storm which knocked out a lot of instruments.

And we landed on this unidentified planet and that's where we are now


- all except me, that is.

Would you care for a nice piece of apple pie and a glass of milk, Will?

- It is Will, isn't it?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Well, come and sit down.

- Thanks.

This sure is good pie, ma'am.

You must've been very hungry.

Not exactly, but we're on short rations on Priplanus on account of something went wrong with the food

-storage purifier.


That is a shame.

Is 0900 the correct Earth time, ma'am? Uh, he means, "Is it 9:00?" Oh.


It's, uh


- It's three minutes past 9:00.

Gosh! That leaves me less than three hours.

I've gotta call Alpha Control, ma'am.

- Is it all right?

- Oh.

Oh, yes.

Yes, of course, Will.




- But a little later.

Now, let's go in here and have a little talk.

Just sit right down over here.

Now, Will, dear, I know it's great fun being an astronaut and traveling through space and landing on strange planets.

- Aunt Clara



- Now you be quiet, Davey.

Now, I remember the Robinson family very well.

They were the first family in space.

I guess we all remember how exciting it was when they took off last year.



Seems like such a long time ago now.

- If I could just



- Things happen so fast in the world today.

I'm afraid a lot of people have already forgotten about them.

Uh, Will, maybe if you could too uh, sort of put them out of your mind for a spell.

- Yes, but



- And think about your own family.

Now, they must be wondering where you are.

Why don't you phone them, and maybe they'll come over for you? The Robinsons are my own family and they can't come and get me even if they knew where I was.

The Jupiter 2 crashed onto a hillside, and that's where it is now.

And it can't get out unless a rescue ship reaches them.

- That's why I'm here.

- Yeah? Well, then how'd you get here? By the matter

-transfer unit that the Taurons left on the planet.

I'd thought they'd taken it back with them but the other morning I was looking for some radioactive minerals



- You were looking for what?

- Some radioactive minerals for a propulsion unit.

Well, that's when I found the matter

-transfer unit.

And the Robot helped me to get it working, and that's how I got here, on a maser beam.

But that's not important.

I've gotta reach Alpha Control.

That's very important.

Uh, Will, dear, let's take a drive over to the sheriff's office.

I'm sure he can help you reach your family.

I can't reach my family from Earth!

- I wanna reach Alpha Control!

- Well, he'll help you do that too


- much easier than I can.

Well, sonny, that's a very interesting yarn you've been spinning.

It's not a yarn.

It's the truth.

It'll make a nice little filler for the weekend edition.

Okay now, sonny, turn this way.

- That's it.

- May I call Alpha Control now? That's what you wanna do, huh? Call Alpha Control.

As soon as possible.

I've only got two hours left.

I can get through to Alpha Control in a split second if I have to so don't worry about how much time you got left.

Boy's got lots of time, hasn't he, Clara? Now, George, he's very young.

You won't do anything


- Oh, Clara.

I've got two boys of my own.

You know that.

They were his age once.

Come on, son.

But I've gotta get in touch with Alpha Control! Sure, you do.

And I'm not gonna forget that, am I, Lacy?

- Yeah.

- Will, when this is all over you will come and see us again, won't you? Yes, ma'am, if I can ever get us all back here.

Come on, son.

Uh, it sure would be funny if I put his story in the weekend edition and it turned out to be true.

Uh, I guess maybe I better call Alpha Control, just to make sure that it's not.

Oh, I think that's a very good idea, Mr.


In fact, you know, I'm gonna do more than just write a weekend filler on it.

I'm going to urge parents to make sure that their children don't take this science fiction that they've been reading too seriously.

It could have mighty serious consequences if a boy really believes that he's from outer space.


-I'm sure it would do a lot of good, Mr.

Lacy if the boy's story really is a fairy tale.

- [ Commotion ]

- All right, boys.

All right.

Let us through.

- Come on.

- Hey! What are you doing? Now, you stay here with the rest until the bus is ready to leave, you hear me? Will I be able to make my phone call soon? Don't you worry, sonny.

Where they're gonna take you, you'll get to do a lot of things.

Ruth, I, uh


- I got a boy here I'd like to talk to you about.

[ Sighs ]

What's he doing here? Maybe that'll tell us something.

"Warning! This instrument is the property of


-" You know, it's bad enough having to worry about our food supply without having to think about disciplining a boy who can't obey orders.

You can't blame him, really.

This gizmo's irresistible to a boy like Will.

Will! Will, where are you? Aw, we'll catch up with him later.

Let's get this Robot out of the way and knock that thing off.

Okay, Robot about

-face and back to camp.

And as your good friend Dr.

Smith would say no dawdling on the way.

Compliance not possible.

All systems preempted.

Fixed position must be maintained.

[ Don ]

So unfix it and get going! Don.

It's Will's lunch bag.

He's got me worried.

He wouldn't run off and leave this here, especially with rationing.

Well, maybe he went small game hunting instead of rock hunting.

Let's put this thing out of commission once and for all before it causes more trouble.

Now, wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

I think we'd better find Will first.

We can always destroy this unit later.

You don't think that


- I don't know what to think.

Come on.

Let's go.

Well, I'd like you to explain just what you're doing here.

All systems preempted.

Fixed position must be maintained.

Really? Well, I've got a little work for you that's far more important than experimenting with celery salad or whatever it is that boy's got you doing.

- Follow me.

- Imperative that I do not abandon my station.



At 1200 hours, initiate signal to matter

-transfer unit to return subject to original form and location.

Never mind all that nonsense.

You're coming with me.

Imperative that I do not abandon my


- That is a little imperative you didn't bargain for.

We can't have you bearing false witness against me, can we? Now, then, just a little reprogramming and then they can ask you anything they like about me.


- And there.

- [ Whirring ]

Now then, I'd like to hear your answer to a hypothetical question.

And I'll give you a little hint.

Your answer will be negative.

Question: Was Dr.

Smith, to your knowledge ever in the vicinity of the matter

-transfer unit with or without Will Robinson? Ahh.

A golden silence


- so much better than chattering, isn't it? Now, then, shall we go? And this time you will, of course, follow me, won't you? Well? Go.

[ Erratic Beeping ]

[ Noisy Commotion ]

- Aw, shut up!

- Hey! You just play your game and be quiet yourself, buddy! [ Commotion Continues ]

Stick a marble in there! Come on! Stop cheating, man! [ Commotion Continues ]


You in a hurry to go somewhere?

- To make a phone call.

- Yeah? Who to? Alpha Control, if you must know.

[ Huffs ]

Hey, fellas, look.

We got ourselves a spaceman.

What are they gonna do send you up in a misguided m*ssile or something?

- Hey.

Maybe he's in orbit.

- [ Laughter ]

- That's not very funny.

- Yeah? You're not very funny either in your clown outfit.

It's my regular uniform.

We all wear it on the Jupiter 2.

- Who's we, your g*ng, spaceman?

- My family!

- [ Laughter ]

- If you don't mind, I'd like to be called by my name.

- It's Will Robinson.

- Robinson? Hey.

That's the name of the first space family.

And their ship was the Jupiter 2, just like he said.

I know that, stupid, but this guy's not one of them Robinsons.

- That's for sure!

- Yes, I am! Hey! Will ya give me your autograph, please? Did you hear that, fellas? We got the real, genuine Will Robinson with us today.

All right, Jupiter, what's a stellar interferometer? It's an instrument for measuring the diameter of stars.

All right.

How many miles in a parsec? Hey.

How far is it to Alpha Centauri? Well, he coulda learned all that stuff from a comic book.

Except I didn't.

And I bet you don't even know what a Doppler effect is.

Well, sure I do.



- It's kind of a rainbow.

You call that a scientific answer? He got that from a comic book.

Look, you.

You oughta be ashamed of yourself for wearing that space suit.

The real Will Robinson is dead! So are his folks! Everybody knows that.

They're all dead.

Everyone that was on that ship's dead.

They're skeletons floating around in space.

They're not dead! You take that back! They're not dead!

- Boys! Boys!

- [ Commotion ]

Stop it.

Stop it!

- They're not dead!

- Oh, now who started this? He did.

He jumped on me.

He said my folks were dead! Well, what difference does it make to you, anyway? You're not a Robinson.

I have to make a phone call, and I've only got an hour left.

All right, Will.

Come with me.

No foster parent's ever gonna take him in.

He's gonna be stuck here the rest of his life.

- Will?

- Will! We'd better head back to camp.

We'll have a better chance of finding him on the radioscope.

Besides, we have to get back to work on that food purifier.

- Tsk.

- Let's go.


Smith has always been a loyal and self

-sacrificing member of the Jupiter 2 crew.

He is incapable of telling the truth.

Oh, very good.

- What did you say?

- Imperative that I do not aband


- You're wearing my patience very thin.

You will erase that last statement and correct it to read, "Dr.

Smith is incapable of telling a lie.


- Repeat.

- [ Click ]


Smith is incapable.

"Of telling a lie," you ninny! Finish it! Earth time is now 1105 hours.

At 1200 hours, initiate signal to return subject to original form and location.

Will, I want you to remember that you're before the town council and that you've got to be truthful with them at all times.

I've been truthful with them.

Honest, I have.

Now then, these folks here are gonna decide what's best for you.

I know what's best for me.

Just let me make that phone call.


You and that phone call.

I can't be here all day.

Will, would you just tell us once again? You said you got here on a beam from, uh



- Priplanus.

- Yes, Priplanus.

And that you want Alpha Control to send a rescue ship.

But what I don't understand is why your father let you make the, uh, journey instead of coming himself.

Well, because he


- Well, I decided to do it on my own.

And he wasn't too keen on letting anyone go near the matter

-transfer unit anyway.

I see.

[ Whispering ]

- Now can I make that phone call?

- [ Whispering Continues ]

All I know is Hatfield Four Corners will be the laughingstock of the whole country

- if we let that boy make that call.

- That's right.

[ Loud Commotion ]

[ Engine Revs ]

May I please use your phone? Sure.

Help yourself, boy.



I wanna talk to Colonel Mason at Alpha Control, Cape Kennedy.

Right away.

Please hurry.

Wait a minute.

You're not making any crackpot long

-distance calls on my phone.

I thought you wanted to make a local call.

But it's a matter of life and death.

The emergency hospital is on Maple Street.

Now, git.

[ Sighs ]

What's the use? It's too late now, anyway.

Carbon tetrachloride! Well, give me a bottle of this.

They need it real bad.

Wait a minute.

That'll be 89 cents.

- Can you charge it?

- Who to? Mr.

John Robinson.

He's my dad.

- Where do you live?

- Right now, on Priplanus.

Priplanus? I never heard of that street.



- Hey! Wait a minute! Well, sonny, looks like you finally did something I can understand.

Well, sonny, looks like you finally did something I can understand.

- You're a runaway and



- No.

Please give it back.

They need it on the planet for the purifier.

He said he lived on Priplanus.

There's no such street! It's a planet, so he says.

Please give it to me.

I have to have it with me when I'm back on that roof at 12:00.

Our newspaper editor's checking out your story.

Personally, I think he's wasting his time.

Maybe he can get some officials over here from Alpha Control and then we'll find out all about you.

I'm taking you to Miss Sims.

She can keep an eye on you till that bus gets back.

You might as well give him back that bottle of carbon tet.

I won't be able to get it to them now.

There'll be time for that once we find out for sure that you're not the biggest storyteller that ever hit Hatfield County.

Now, come on.

Let's go.

[ Grunts ]

[ Knocking ]

[ Lock Unlocks ]

- Ready for lunch?

- I don't want any.

- Now, Will.

- Leave me alone! Will, I know how you feel being locked up here and all.

No, you don't.

You don't know any more about it than the others.

- You think I made everything up.

- I don't know what to think anymore.

If you would've let me made that phone call from here instead of taking me to that sheriff Alpha Control would've been here by now.

You've ruined everything.

Will, I'm so sorry.

But i

-it's all so hard for me to understand.

If only there was some way of knowing for sure about these things.

- There's only one way you can know for sure.

- Ooh.

What's that, dear? Well, if you'll let me be at that roof where I came from I'll just disappear as soon as it's 12:00.

I'd like to believe that and let you go but the sheriff said I had to keep you locked up here until the bus comes for you.

Haven't they done enough? The least they can do is let me go back with my family.

Oh, Will, dear.

How would you like to stay here with Davey and me and be a part of my family? Oh, Hatfield Four Corners isn't very big but it's quiet and beautiful and people are real friendly once they get to know you.

I'd do everything I could to make you happy and I know Davey would like to have you as kind of a brother.

I don't want a brother! And I don't wanna be one of your family.

I've got a family, and all I wanna do right now is get back with them.

Oh, it doesn't really matter to me whether you've imagined those things or not


- or if they were true.

All that really matters is that you're a fine boy, and we love you.

It's no good.

It's no good.

No one understands.


Now then, my dear friend I should like to hear a brief, but compelling statement on the sterling character of one Zachary Smith.

Does not compute.

Spare me the editorial comments.

It is now 1142 hours by Earth time.

Oh, no, you don't.

Oh! Imperative that I do not abandon my station.

At 1200 hours, initiate signal to return subject to original form and location.

You will scrub that and pay attention to me, do you hear? [ Yelps ]

Come back here at once! That's an order! Come back at once! This is an order! Will! Maureen.

I've spotted the Robot.

[ Don ]

Is Will with it?

- No.

- Let's go.

- Who is it?

- It's me


- Davey.

Can I come in? It's your room.

[ Lock Unlocks ]



-You haven't eaten a thing.

Uh, Aunt Clara, she was talking about having you staying with us.



- Like permanent.

Well, whatever she said, she's wrong.

When Alpha Control finds out how you kept me here I wouldn't be surprised if they put you away for life.

Well, it was pretty hard to believe


- those things you told us.

- Then you'd better get with it.

- Well, I am now sort of.

- What's it like in space?

- How should I know? Whatever I told you, you'd be sure I was making it up.

No, I wouldn't.


I really wanna know.

I don't think you mean it.

Well, I do.



- Well, I've been thinking.

For instance, when I was in the square loading the cart I did see a flash, and I thought it was lightning.

But instead I saw you.

What you saw was the maser beam that transferred me to Earth.

- All the way from space?

- You don't believe me.

Well, I don't disbelieve you.

I read about things like that.

In fact, I might major in physics when I go to college.

Will you tell me about space? Well it's not so different once you find a place you can live on.

You mean it's just like here on Earth? Well, a person from Earth isn't so different


- I mean, his feelings and all.

And the forms of life you meet there, well, they're different to look at.

And you have to watch out that they don't misunderstand your reasons for being there.

But they're not so different either.

You mean their feelings are just like ours? Well, I don't know about that, but I do know that everything in the whole universe is made up of the same kind of molecules we are.

They're just rearranged differently, that's all.

And what you have to learn is to translate what they are into what you are.

Like I did with the Taurons' matter

-transfer unit.

But it didn't do me much good.

- Do you really wanna go back?

- What do you think? But it's too late now.

Well, it's eight minutes till 12:00.

And I've run to the square in five minutes.

- What about your Aunt Clara?

- I'll square it for you.

Come on! Bye, Aunt Clara.

Thanks for everything.

Will! Davey! Boys!

- What time is it?

- Well, I think I beat my old record.

We got four minutes to go.

Will, I was just thinking.


-Do you think it'd be okay with that matter

-transfer unit if I hitched a ride with you? I don't know, Davey.

The Robot's only programmed for me.

Well, it was a crazy idea anyway.

It wasn't crazy at all.

The carbon tet! I can't go without the carbon tet! Well, I'll get it for you.

Look, you just get on that roof.

But it's 89 cents! Hey.

I'll take this bottle of carbon tetrachloride.

- There's your money.

- What about your change? I'll get it later.

- I got it, Will! I got it!

- Hurry up, Davey! I'll tell them all about you and how you helped me.


Maybe I'll get up there someday and see ya.


You better take this.

And you can thank your Aunt Clara.

She was nice, really.

And you can thank Miss Ruth at the boys home.

And if you ever get that sheriff or anybody to contact Alpha Control tell 'em how I got here and how I had to get back.

Maybe they'll send out a rescue ship.

Well, I'll do the best I can, Will.

Bye, Davey.

Merry Christmas.

Sure! And a happy New Year.

[ Erratic Beeping ]

There he is! Up on the roof! Will! Will, you come down from there! Come down! [ Loud Humming ]

- Where is he?

- Up there! Why, they'll be here from Alpha Control in an hour.

- W

-What'll I tell 'em?

- Aw, tell 'em anything.

[ Loud Humming ]

[ Maureen ]

Will? Oh, Will!

- Hi, everybody.

- [ Electricity Crackling ]

Will! Oh! Where have you been? We searched half the planet for you!

- Will!

- What's happened to the matter

-transfer unit? Signal overload responsible for burnout.

- [ John ]

What signal?

- [ Will ]

The signal that got me back here, I guess.

Back from where?

- Earth.

- [ Maureen ]

Earth? Well, I've been on Earth all morning at a little place called Hatfield Four Corners in Vermont.

They sure are behind the times there.

They wouldn't even let me call Alpha Control to send a rescue ship.

They thought I was some kind of nut.

Oh, Will.

I think you better watch that imagination of yours or we might all think the same thing.

But it's true.

I even got a bottle of carbon tet for the food

-storage purifier.

It is carbon tet.

And it's from "Hatfield Hardware.

" Is it possible he's telling the truth? Come along.

I have completed the assigned task.


You may now dig at a 90

-degree angle directly toward the hydroponic garden.

Instructions computed.

Another example of how man has freed himself from toil.

We have harnessed the muscle of machines thus giving ourselves more time for intellectual pursuits.

Dad says machines do too much for us.

He says it's good to go out and work.

Does he, indeed? Why walk when it's so much easier to ride?

- [ John ]



- We're over here, Dad! Cease your efforts.

Give me the shovel at once.

Well, Dr.

Smith, I see you've really been hard at it.

Oh, yes, indeed.

A little physical exercise is so good for one.

I see it, but I don't believe it.

Go away, Major.

You irk me.

Uh, Don and I will get that pipe for you.

You, uh


- You just keep the good work up, huh? Oh, yes.

I'll do that, Professor.

- Something wrong?

- Yes, sir.

You fibbed.

- I did?

- Dad thinks you dug the ditch.

That was an assumption on his part.

Never once did I say I was responsible.

But you didn't tell him the Robot did all the work.

Oh, come, come, William.

You're making a mountain out of a


- [ Wind Howling ]


Smith, are you all right? Dr.

Smith, what's wrong? Out of the way.

I am being summoned.



[ Wind Continues Howling ]

[ Electrical Humming ]

[ Humming Continues ]


Smith! [ Growling ]

[ Roaring ]