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01x12 - The Raft

Posted: 05/02/23 18:04
by bunniefuu
[ Man Narrating ]

Last week, as you recall, we left Penny and Will Robinson watching from the safety of the Jupiter 2 as the final moments of a space experiment ticked off


- an experiment that Will Robinson hoped might save them all.

All personnel will leave launchpad area immediately.

All personnel will leave launchpad area immediately.

Launchpad area clear.

Why can't we watch from outside? That rocket may be small, but there's enough hyper

-energy fuel in there for a real blast.

Commence final countdown.

- Ten, nine, eight



- I hope somebody finds your message this time.

- Seven, six



- One of them's bound to land somewhere.

- This better be it.

It's your sixth try.

- Five four, three two, one.


When will the rockets fire?

- At 1,000 feet automatically.

- Is that when the pull of gravity ends? No.

But every bit helps.

You're learning.

What do you mean "learning"? I know all about gravity.

Come on.

Let's go see what my balloon's doing to it.

Space probe altitude


- [ Robot ]

Space probe altitude


-300 feet.

It won't be long now.

Where do you think it'll land? Shipwrecked sailors don't know where their bottles'll land when they toss them into the ocean.

They just hope somebody finds them and gets the message.

[ Robot ]

Space probe altitude


-500 feet.

Space probe altitude


- 700 feet.

It'll fire any second now.

[ Robot ]

Space probe altitude


- 900 feet.

Space probe altitude


- 1,000 feet.

What's holding it? Warning.


- [ Robot ]

It's coming this way.

- It's coming this way! [ Robot ]

Space probe out of control.

[ Penny ]

Aaah! Look out! It's okay, kids.

Looks like the force field saved our necks.

Well, I think that'll be enough of shipwrecked

-sailor experiments for one day.

I don't understand why it didn't fire.

Next time


- [ Maureen ]

There isn't going to be any next time, Will.

[ Dr.

Smith ]

Next time for what, may I ask? Didn't you hear it?

- Hear what?

- The expl*si*n.

You people are so busy making noise and getting exactly nowhere with your shipbuilding activities that I've conditioned myself to hear nothing but the dinner bell.

And it is almost that time now, isn't it, dear lady.

Not for another two hours, Dr.


The pain.

Well, then I have time to dictate another spool or two of my book.

You're writing a book?

- I am.

- About what? The social psychology of galactic castaways.

Very interesting, Dr.


I assume that you've settled on a point of view.

My own, naturally.

Isn't that rather a narrow view, Dr.

Smith? Not a bit.

I happen to have the gift of seeing myself as others see me.

- And vice versa.

- That's confusing.

Especially the vice versa.

Is it like E.



? It is knowing who are your friends.

And who are your enemies.

Remind me to buy that book.

- I might just sue him.

- [ Chuckles ]

If it ever gets to a publisher.

[ Straining ]

Galactic castaways, huh? I'll show him.

Well, we won't be making any noise around that propulsion unit for quite a while.

What's the trouble? I was hoarding our fuel like a miser for all the good it did me.

We're fresh out.

Well, how did that happen? I wonder.

Smith! Get out here.

Can't it wait? I'm in the middle of a sentence.

It'll be a death sentence if you don't get out here right away.

Really! Have you no consideration for a man's creative process?

- All right, my friend.

What did you do with it?

- Do with what? Don't try any evasions.

Where did you hide the fuel that was in that chamber?

- What are you talking about?

- [ Don ]

Do I have to beat it out of you? If you know where it is, you'd better tell us.

I don't know, and that's the truth.

[ Don ]

You're asking for it, Smith.

Don't hit him! I think I know what happened to that fuel.

I must have used more than I realized on my


- The shipwrecked

-sailor experiments.

I guess so.

Sorry, Dr.


Oh, no.

Which makes us galactic castaways forever.

[ Sighs ]

Where's Will? Oh, John, you mustn't go on blaming Will for it.

He wasn't being destructive.

He was only trying to help.

I'm not blaming him.

I just wish he'd leave things alone and let Don and me take care of getting us out of here.

All right.

I know.

We haven't been doing a very good job ourselves.

Well, you're doing the impossible.

You're keeping us alive.

Maureen what do you know about the fourth state of matter? The fourth state? Well, there's gas, solid liquid and, uh


- Plasma.


Like blood plasma.

In a way, except that it can be extracted from ionized nuclei and electrons.

Now, our problem is to expand the plasma process long enough so we can get enough power for our purposes.

I see.

[ Chuckles ]

No, you don't.

I'm not sure that Don and I do either but if we succeed, we're gonna come up with something like that biblical cruse of oil.

An endless supply? Of what? Propellant.

Enough to take us anywhere in this galaxy.


All right.

Turn on that plasma test engine.

Fire when ready.

It works! It works! Turn it off! Oh, John.

Oh, that's marvelous.


You know something.

One of these days, we're gonna witness a perfect liftoff


- our own.

I guess it would be all right to say now that I never really did like this place.

But I'll bet you'll miss it when we go.

- You want to bet?

- [ Chuckles ]

- Come on.

Let's go tell Dr.


- Oh, Penny!

- He might not be too happy about it.

- Why not? It means he won't get a chance to finish that book he's writing.

[ All Laughing ]

The night sky is always so beautiful no matter where you are.

It's more beautiful if you've chosen where you are.

Have you chosen? Well, if it works and we could get the Jupiter 2 into space there is one place we should try for.

Alpha Centauri.


That always was our destination.

All opposed? All in favor? [ Dr.

Smith's Voice ]

And strange though it may seem to the dweller on our bounteous and hospitable Earth the galactic castaway is likely to be afflicted by a form of insanity which distorts his values and urges him to prefer the hostile and uncharted wastes of deep space to the comfort and security of Earth.

In the case history of the family "R," for example a family which it has been my lot to observe scientifically at first hand we have the absurd and utterly illogical resolve to continue on a voyage into space which can only end in even worse disasters than these they have already endured.

In instances such as these, it is force alone which can help galactic castaways recover their sanity.


Splendid, Zachary.

Splendid use of the language, as always.

Let them go wherever they wish.

But not before they've taken me home.

[ Groans ]

You're the hardest working astronaut I've ever met.

And plumber, gas station attendant, fixer

-upper and, uh, radio announcer.


And you're not such bad company either.

Well, I'm sorry I'm not better company tonight.

- Maybe when we get going.

- All right.

When we do



- Is there any doubt?

- Oh, I don't know.

This propulsion unit has to be tested at minimum thrust before I can take a chance on feeding it enough to get us off.

When will that be? [ Sighs ]

We might try it in the morning.

I'm sure it's going to be all right, Don.

No one goes any closer to the ship than where they are now until you get a clearance from the flight deck.

- Is that understood?

- Are all these time

-wasting tests and precautions necessary? Why can't we simply lift off and be done with it? We'd be back on Earth before you can say "John Robinson.

" Dr.

Smith, in the first place testing is not time

-wasting, as you would readily admit if you were not so impatient.

In the second place, our destination is definitely not Earth.

I see.

Well, it is mine.

After you've dropped me off, you people are free to roam at will wherever you please.

I shall be happy to discuss the proper arrangements.

There's nothing to discuss.

The Jupiter 2's destination is Alpha Centauri.

- End of discussion.

- Indeed.

We'll test for power and then thrust.

First the yaw and retro

-rockets, then the main thrusters.

- Full power?

- I'm afraid not, Will.

Not enough to lift us higher than the belly of an ant.

- All systems go?

- Your wishful thinking's showing.

- No, just the power system's go.

- Oh, I'm sorry but I'm a little bit shaky about this one.

So am I.

Power on.

Phase cycle 400 and steady.


We'll hold it there.

How does it sound to you? Music.

Flickfire on starboard coming up.

Hold your breath.

We'll try a two

-second thrust on retro now.

[ Controls Clicking ]

I'm gonna recommend our astronauts be given the Order of Merit when we get back to Earth.

We're not going back to Earth, Dr.


Don't be stubborn, my boy.

I think they're gonna test the main thrusters now.

Advancing phase cycle to 1,000.

Ready? And waiting.

[ Beeping ]

Well, back to the drawing board.

- Worked all right up to 800 cycles.

- That's great.

That'll get us six feet off the ground.

There's gotta be some way we can increase power.

- Ha!

- What's that supposed to mean? Your persistence is admirable, Major but your competence is nonexistent.

How would you like a punch in the nose? I even question your ability to do that

- competently.

- Now just a minute.

Hold on, Don.


Smith, right now morale's very low around here.

We don't need any cracks from you to make it worse.

If you haven't anything constructive to say, keep your mouth shut.

I'm sorry.

Perhaps I was just a little subtle for Major West's intelligence.

There was nothing subtle in what you said, Dr.


Perhaps I'd better explain.

I was merely trying to goad him into proving how competent he really is.

Yeah? Well, if that's the way you treat galactic castaways in your book you'll be the only one who ever reads it.

That remains to be seen once you get us off this obnoxious planet.

Can you give me any idea when that's likely to be? Once we make some more tests, I'll let you know.

Dad, you know those baby rockets I sent up with those S.



messages? How can I ever forget those? Couldn't we build a small space vehicle and float it up on a balloon? Maybe there'd be enough plasma fuel to get it out into space.

Be kind of like people who are shipwrecked building a raft.

Well, it'd be a lot more difficult than that.

Anything we made would have to be completely airtight and able to stand tremendous acceleration.

- [ Snaps Fingers ]

- The reactor chamber.


The reactor chamber.

Maybe we could pull it out of the engine room and rebuild it.

- How big would that be?

- Big enough for one.

Maybe two.

Oh, two.

By all means, two.

You and I, Major.

I can't think of a more useless payload than having you along, Dr.


- Are you really gonna do it?

- Why not? And fly it? I don't see anyone issuing any orders, so I guess I'll volunteer.

- Decontamination gear checked?

- All set.

- You ready?

- Go.

[ Clicking ]

I still get a slight reading on the Geiger counter.

Give it another shot.


That did it.

Well, Professor, would you like to be the first to step aboard the S.


Space Raft? All right.

Your first possible fix will be Procyon.

The spectrometer will give you an a*t*matic check.

And if it is Procyon, the I.



will take you to Earth from there.

[ Chuckles ]

And while all this is happening, I'll be playing solitaire.

If you take me along, we can play chess.

Oh, now, Will, we've been through all that.

Can't blame a guy for trying.

We'll more than likely lose contact with you within the first That's only if I accelerate at full power, right? I think it's vital you do.

My calculations for Procyon are based on that.


Anything else? Well, you've got about I suggest you sleep through every one of 'em.

- And miss breakfast?

- [ Chuckles ]

[ Maureen ]


There, um


- There may not be time to say very much in the morning.



- And I'm not going to embarrass you by saying very much right now.

But I do want you to know how we all feel.

And until we see you again you won't be out of our thoughts and our prayers for a moment.


I take it that you're thoroughly familiar with what is necessary to release that bag of wind out there.

Thoroughly familiar with bag of wind right here.

- Do you mean me?

- Affirmative.

Very funny.

Do you or do you not know how to release that balloon?

- Affirmative.

- Now what does that mean? "Affirmative" expresses agreement with the two terms of a proposition in logic.

Spare me your flip remarks.

Do you know how to cut loose that vehicle on command?

- Affirmative.

- Well, let me see.

Suppose we use the command "Cast off.

" How would that be? What are you doing? Let me go, you ninny.

You're hurting me! Really.

I didn't need so vivid a demonstration, old boy.

In an hour or so, you and I have an appointment to keep.

- [ Knocking On Door ]

- Come in.

- Your light was on.

So I



- Oh, well, I


- I couldn't sleep.

Sit down.

- Don



- Judy


- [ Chuckles ]

I'm not sure I'll be able to say good

-bye to you in the morning.

Why not? It might be too difficult.

So I thought I'd better say good

-bye to you now.

With this.

But don't open it now.


May I know what it is? A tape I made.

But don't listen to it more than once.

It might get monotonous.

- I'll let you know when I get back.

- You'll be back.

Are you on guard or something?

- Affirmative.

- Oh.

Boy, what I wouldn't give to be in there.

Will! Don't call out, my boy.

Everything's perfectly all right.


Smith, what are you doing in there? Come in.

I'll tell you all about it.

This ship is supposed to be off

-limits to everyone but Dad and Don.

How'd you get past the Robot? The Robot? Ah, yes.

The Robot.

Well, you don't suppose he'd have let me in without raising a fuss if I didn't have permission from Major West.

To do what? Well, what do you suppose a man of my position would be asked to do? Well, check on the life

-support system, I guess.


And that's exactly what I was doing when you arrived.

- Is everything okay?

- In perfect order.

One minor check of the reserve, uh, atmospheric system and everything will be ready for castoff.

You said "Cast off.

" What's happening? Don't do that!

- We've got to let them know!

- There's nothing they could do except sh**t us down.

And I don't think they'd do that.

No, I'm afraid we may be at the mercy of space.

Unless, of course, we get back to Earth, where our instruments are automatically set to take us, I believe.

As much as Will wanted to go, I just can't believe he'd take off like that.

Even if it was Smith's idea, Will shouldn't have gone along with it.

I don't know how it happened, but it's possible he had no choice.

It doesn't matter who was responsible.

The important thing is, will they be safe? If they keep it on a*t*matic control and don't change the setting they'll have the same chance that I'd have had.

And if something goes wrong?

- Well, they have their backup systems.

- Oh.

Maureen, Will was in on every phase of its construction.

Now, we've got to trust him to know what to do in an emergency.

I just wish he'd radio to let us know that they're all right.

They're probably too far out by now.

I'll try and reach them again.

All right.



Calling Jupiter 2.

Come in, Jupiter 2.

Do you read me, Jupiter? Signal if you do read me, Jupiter 2.

- Please, Jupiter.

- Naughty, naughty.

I'm your commander, and I've ordered radio silence.

As your commander, I could clap you in irons for disobedience.

Some commander.

You don't know a gyroscope from a fluxgate.

The use and identification of hardware can be safely left to the nuts


-bolts mentality of space mechanics like Major West.

As a commander, my concern is objectives, not objects.

I was just trying to let them know that I was all right.

I don't want them to worry about me.

Commendable, but entirely unnecessary.

I guess you enjoy knowing that they're worried.

Certainly not.

Besides, why should they worry? This vehicle was designed, built and set for a journey to Earth automatically.

We're doing exactly what Major West would have done.

- I'd rather be with my folks.

- I won't stand in your way.

As soon as we've landed, you can be a passenger on the first ship back.

[ Sighs ]

I could do with a bite to eat.

Will, could you reach me a sandwich? [ Beeping ]

What's that? I don't know.

- But it's coming in awful fast.

- Let's get away from it! If I do that, it'll change our course, and we'll never get anywhere.

What do we do now? We? I thought you were the commander.

I appoint you first officer.

Take over, Mr.


And I rely on you to get us away from whatever that is on the double! See anything? Over there.

[ Will ]

It's a planet.

- [ Dr.

Smith ]

A planet?

- And we're headed straight toward it.

Oh, no! Oh, don't just sit there.

I couldn't bear to be trapped on another one of those dismal


- Will.

It couldn't be.

It isn't possible.

What isn't possible, Doctor? Will! That's Earth! Look.

The American continent.

[ Will ]

It couldn't be Earth.

We haven't been traveling long enough.


Who knows how long we were asleep.

Or how fast we were traveling, for that matter.

I don't recognize any of those stars.

Or any other planets in the solar system.

Obviously we're traveling too fast.

We whizzed right past them.

Look, Will.

The Great Lakes! We were automatically homed for Earth and that's exactly what we're going to do


- land on Earth! Look sharp, Mr.

Robinson! Prepare for a landing.

And make it soft.

Firing retro


Hold on.

We're gonna hit.

[ Loud Thud ]

[ Controls Clicking ]

You can open your eyes now, Doctor.

- Have we landed?

- Thirty seconds ago.


A very nice landing, my boy.


You can't go out there.

On my own native soil? Why not? 'Cause we're not sure it is your native soil until we've checked out its atmosphere.

All right, my boy.

Go play with your toy.

We've got plenty of oxygen and nitrogen.


We're on Earth! [ Will ]

It doesn't look like anything I've ever seen.

If I could only be sure.

But if we are on Earth, the first thing to do is contact Alpha Control.

And spoil the fun we'd have walking in on them unannounced? My dear boy! Where is your sense of drama? Ah! Breathe it in, my boy.

The sweet fragrance of home.

Do you know where we are? In the Dakotas or Wyoming, by the look of things.

Badlands country.

Will, pack a small lunch, and we'll head south.

Now, let's see.

Which way would that be? That way.

If this is really Earth.

Trust your dear Doctor Smith, my boy.

I know every inch of this country.

The Continental Divide there.

The great Missouri River to the north.

Pikes Peak to the south.

We'll head for the nearest highway and thumb a ride to the first comfortable hotel.

- I'll go pack lunch.

- Good.

[ Steady Tone ]

Come along, my boy.

Come along.

We should have come to a highway by now.

We've been walking for hours.

This is a big country, my boy.

Much of it still as it was when the buffalo roamed this prairie.

I've never seen anything like that on a prairie.

We don't have plants like that on Earth.

And we haven't seen anything in the sky.

Not even a bird or a mosquito.

Just that.

A harmless but overgrown specimen of the common or garden variety of skunk cabbage.

Right now I'd be happy just to see a skunk.


Smith, I don't think we're on Earth at all.

You're just a bit nervous, my boy.

Or perhaps a bit of space sickness after our ride.

I'll prescribe something for you when we get to a drugstore.

It isn't space sickness, Doctor.

- Then what is it?

- Homesickness, I guess.

But this is home.

Suppose it's not.

Suppose it's just another unknown planet like the one my parents are on.

That means that you and I are the only ones here and will have to go on living here forever maybe.

I'll probably live a bit longer than you 'cause I'm not as old as you are.

Bully for you.

But until then, you're the only person I can rely on.

- Do you mind?

- Do I mind what? Well, watching out for me like you were my father.

Seeing I don't get into trouble and that I don't forget to eat or get lost or something.

Do you mean you actually want me to look after you? I don't have anyone else, Doctor.

I'm sure you'd be pretty good at it.

Do you really think so? Of course, I haven't had too much experience with children.

It usually comes natural to a grown

-up when there's someone young around.

I suppose it does.

I never really thought about it.

- Don't.

- Don't what? Think about it.

Just sort of roll with the punches.

I understand.

If you're tired, I can carry you piggyback.


But I guess I can make it on my own.

Good boy.

Come along.

[ Growling ]


Smith, I don't think this leads anywhere.

- We're going south, aren't we?

- I guess so.

Then all we have to do is keep going.

It can't be more than a mile or two to the first signs of human habitation.

There's a population expl*si*n here, remember? Doesn't look like it exploded anywhere near here.

Well, seems as though we've come to a dead end.

Never mind.

We all make mistakes.

We'll detour around it.

Look at what's happening! I told you it didn't lead anywhere! And now we can't even get out! [ Growling ]

I'm sure someone's receiving us.

- I can't get anything out of them but that steady call signal.

- Try voice again.

This is Jupiter 2.

This is Jupiter 2.

Do you hear me? [ John On Radio ]

This is Jupiter 2.

Come in, please.

This is Jupiter 2.

Can you hear me? What is your position? It must be on this planet.

But where? Don, get the flying belt.

Check the area north of the ship.

- Maureen and I will cover the south area in the Chariot.

- Right.

I know it's foolish to think this, but I keep hoping that it is Will.

I hope we all remain that way.

Just foolish enough to believe that it is Will.

- Have you cut through yet?

- I can't even make a dint in it.


It's your turn.

No wonder.

The edge is blunted.

It wasn't when I started.

That stuff's like Durasteel.

There's only one way out of this.

We'll have to tunnel under.

- With our bare hands?

- Certainly not! Start with this.

You got us into this mess, hijacking that spaceship.

You start.

[ John Over Speaker ]

Will! Will.

Will, if you read me, come in.




Will, come in if you hear me.

Let me drive for a while.


Will? Can you hear us, Will? Answer if you hear me.

Will! Will!

- Will?

- Will!

- Will!

- Will! Will? Look at what's happened.

I guess that's all they needed is a little digging.

A very poor reward for all our work.

Maybe all this place needs is someone to do a little work on it.

I'll bet if we cultivated these vines and weeded 'em and everything they'd begin to get moist and soft and we could get out.

Gratitude is not a characteristic of vegetable matter, my boy.

It's a form of life.

And even if it can't speak, it knows what's good for it.

I am interested only in what is good for Zachary Smith.

- You're telling me.

- Indeed.

You have the bottle opener.

Get on with the tunnel.

You may be right about vegetable matter not being grateful, Doctor.

- Of course I'm right.

- I don't know what kind of vegetable matter these vines are made of, but the way they hemmed us in, it looks as if they want us to stay and take care of this place forever.

That's certainly not what we want, is it? Continue digging the tunnel.

- [ Growling ]

- Look! [ Growling Continues ]

Do you still think we're back on Earth? [ Steady Tone ]

There's an open transmitter out there.

Now, there must be some way to zero in on it.

Otherwise we could go on searching like this for days.

If we only had some kind of portable R.




We could get a fix on it by triangulation.

Say, wait a minute.

How about the space theodolite? We ought to be able to get some kind of direction signal from that.

We might be able to.

I'll get it out and take it to the point.

I'll call you from there if I get any kind of a fix.

I guess I was right.

That bush creature wants us to stay here and take care of his place.

- But those flowers are beautiful.

- They're an abomination.

And so is that bushman, whatever you call him.

[ Sighs ]

I wish he'd show himself so I could find out what he expects of us.

A lifetime of labor in his vineyards, then death, I suppose.

Well, one thing for sure if he expects us to stay here, these berries had better be good to eat.


Like cranberries.

I guess we could live on these a long time.

That is until we find something else to grow.

- Have some.

- No, thanks.

I guess I wouldn't mind staying here awhile.

A couple weeks or so, anyway.

If there were only some way of letting my mom and dad know I was all right.

Is that all you can think about, your parents? Yes.

Especially when I guess right now all they're doing is thinking about me.

[ Steady Tone ]

John, I'm getting the same signal up here.

Loud and clear.

Can you get a fix on it? Yes, we're working on it right now.

To save time, make your way on up to the oasis.

- We'll rendezvous there.

- Roger.

Well, then you know the general area? Yes, but I think we'll need another fix to pinpoint it.

I don't think it's too far from that first weather station we set up.

What are you doing?

- Why are you destroying them?

- Because of something you said.

You said if we cultivated the vines, they'd become soft.

Give me a hand.

We'll be out of this in a minute.

- [ Screaming ]

Get me out of here!

- [ Growling ]

They won't budge! Tell the bush creature I'll stay.

I'll work my fingers to the bone.

I'll pull out every weed if only he'll let me loose!

- I don't know how to talk to him or what to say.

- Say anything! Just get me out of here!

- What's that you dropped?

- It's a radio.

Can't you see? What does that matter now? Calling Jupiter 2.

Come in, Jupiter 2.

Do you read me? Come in, Jupiter 2.

Stop fooling with that radio and get me out of here! Come in, please, Jupiter 2.

[ John ]

Is that you, Will? What is your position, Will?

- Do you hear me?

- It's Dad! Dad, this is Will.

We're in some kind of funny ravine.

I don't know where it is though.

- And we're trapped in it.

- [ John ]

We located the ship.

- You did?

- Listen carefully.

Which way did you head after you left the ship? The buffalo lands! Tell him to look for the buffalo lands.

The prairie! I heard that.

I think I know which way to go.

You'd better hurry though.


Smith got himself all tangled up.

That's for sure.

And keep him tangled.

But there's this funny bush creature who's


- He signed off.

- Get me out of this.

- What'll probably happen now is when Don lifts off and heads back to Earth, he'll probably take you with him.

- You really think he will?

- As his prisoner.

If that's the case, I'd much rather stay here with that bush creature.

I'm free! Will.

Will, look there.

We can climb out on those vines on the other end.

Look! He's coming after us! [ Growling ]

- Maybe you'd better keep your promise.

- No, I will not.

Let's hurry!

- [ Growling ]

- [ Yells ]

[ Screams ]

[ Roars ]

Will! Boy, it sure was easier getting in this place than it was getting out.

With trouble, that's usually the way it is.

I kept telling Dr.

Smith we couldn't be on Earth but he wouldn't believe me.

I made a good landing, so Don won't have any trouble going back to Earth.

I don't think Don's going back to Earth.

- [ Will ]

Why not?

- [ John ]

For the same reason you didn't.

Not enough power.

You went into an extended orbit around the planet but you couldn't break free of its gravity.

- I knew it all along.

- [ Don ]

I'll bet.

You just knew the ship didn't have enough power.

Right? Right.

And, uh, where were you thinking of going? Uh, just a little pleasure hop.

I thought Will was deserving of it for his brilliant suggestion.

Well, gentlemen, uh back to my book.

[ Sighs ]

Let's go.

We shouldn't be gone more than a couple of days.

It's just a question of setting out the individual relays over the right area.

It'll be like a giant dish antenna

- I still don't see why I can't go.

- What good would you do? We'd only have to keep looking out for you all the time.

- Will, that will do.

- Maybe next time, honey, huh? Step on it, Smith.

We haven't got all day.

Indeed, indeed.

This is monstrous.

Monstrous! I am a man of science and letters, not a beast of burden.

No, but it's so good for the soul, Doctor.

You may rest assured, Professor, that despite your petty anger I shall do everything in my power to protect your loved ones while you're away.

Do us a favor, Smith, and don't do us any favors.

- Bye


- Bye! Have a safe trip.

Bye, Will.

Bye! Don really didn't mean what he said, Dr.


Don't worry, my dear.

I can find it in my heart to forgive him.

Now, first of all, we have to set up a watch for the night.

May I suggest three four

-hour shifts? Uh, you will take the first one, you will have the second and you will have the


- On second thought, maybe we should have two six

-hour shifts.

Yes, I think that would be much better.

All right.

Come on.

I'm not sure we should have left Smith back there.

I'd like to have him right here where I can keep an eye on him.

Knowing Maureen, I'm sure she can handle him.

Will, turn the Robot on.

- There's some data I want to feed it.

- Sure thing.

Danger! Danger! Danger! You see something? No.


[ Don ]

Meteor storm.

Will, are you all right? I'm all right.