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OVAx07 - Lost Girls: Wall Sina, Goodbye Part 2

Posted: 05/02/23 16:22
by bunniefuu

Come on, say something!

Tell me you're sorry!

Blubber and apologize

like you always do!

Hurry it up!

You gettin' proud,

ya dumb bastard?

Stay right there!



Open up! Open this door!

Show your face,

ya worthless coward!

[ANNIE] If he gets in,

I'll have to end him.

[NEIGHBOR A] Next time

I see you, you're dead.

[ANNIE sighs]

[ANNIE] Body's still warm.

He must've died fairly recently.


Kemper Boltz.

[NEIGHBOR A coughs]


Hot as it is,

this corpse'll start to

smell pretty quickly.

The men at that bar know me.

Once the body's found,

I'll be questioned.

Even if I report it myself.

Pretending to

stay in sick tomorrow

won't be an option. Damn it.


Should I just put the body back

and forget about all this?

No. If things go

sideways tomorrow.

I'll need to return

to my post here.

Ignoring a dead body

wouldn't just get me discharged,

it would draw suspicion on

those two as well as on me.

So what then?



I'll track down Carly.

Say I found her without

ever needing to come here.

If Kemper isn't

found by tomorrow,

I can report his death



That's the only way.

[ANNIE panting]


to work, Annie! Come on!

The enemy won't wait for you

to catch your breath

when you're out in the field.

So I won't either! You hear me?



[ANNIE'S FATHER groaning]


So, according to the doctor,

I'll probably be walking with

a limp for the rest of my life.

You've made me proud, already.

But I know that you can

get even stronger.


[NEIGHBOR A snoring]

[ANNIE] Think he's

finally fallen asleep.

[ANNIE] Could someone

have k*lled Kemper

and then abducted Carly

from his apartment?

It's possible, but you'd

think they would've

locked the door as they left

to keep that neighbor out.

Maybe the k*ller just

wanted Kemper's coderoin stash.

No way. Those boxes

were about as poorly hidden

as they could've been.

Even Hitch could've found them.

[DENNIS] This is coderoin.

A new street drug.

Coderoin is known to be highly

expensive, potent,

and addictive.

It's been an issue in the

capital for a couple of years.

And now, it's starting to

make rounds in Stohess.

[ANNIE] Kemper had three

boxes packed to the brim.

He was clearly dealing,

maybe with Carly's help.

But how did they get

so much of the stuff?

Regardless, I need to

grill Stratmann again.

I'll make him fess up about

whatever he was hiding before.

And I'll tug that thread 'til it

leads me to his daughter.


Thanks for waiting.



The Stratmann estate, please.

No sudden moves.

Come along quietly and

we won't have to k*ll you here.

We'd much prefer to

avoid making a scene.


He wore a real fancy suit,

and it looked like

one of his eyes was fake.

It was red: probably glass.

You'll know him

when you see him.

Hands up.

[LOU] Heh. Well, isn't this

a pretty little thing?

Here, bro.

These are very detailed notes.

I see that you

care about your work.

May I ask where you're

planning to take me?

[WALD] The industrial ward.

It's home to several open,

liquid-waste repositories

that are good for

making things disappear.

One dip in that sludge and it'll

melt'cha into nothin'.

So did you inhale

too many fumes from it,

or were you always this stupid?

Huh? Ha.

You need to learn your

place here real fast, bitch.

Calm down.

Let's not be savages, Lou.


I take it I must've upset you,

though I'm not quite sure how.

It's not that we're upset.

We're simply aware that

the work you're doing

could interfere with

the work we're doing.

So this is about

Carly Stratmann.

Do you know where she is?

You have to, right?

You'll never learn what we know.


You do realize that my comrades

will be hot on my heels,

don't you?

Actually, I think that's a lie.

We spoke to Stratmann earlier.

He informed us that

you're acting on your own.

Yes, I'm alone.

But I've also been checking in

with my superiors.

When I go missing, they'll look,

and they'll know where to start.

You discovered Kemper's corpse

in that apartment, did you not?

Considering how long you were

in there, you must've.

But you didn't tell the coach

to take you back to

MP headquarters.

You asked to go to Stratmann's.

And that means, for some reason,

you can't check in

with your superiors.

At least not about

this case, am I right?

May I assume you guys

m*rder*d Kemper?

[WALD] No. Our methods aren't

nearly so uncivilized.

But Kemper had grown rash.

Gotten in over his head.

I'm far from surprised that

he was met with such a fate.

Before I take a dip

in this sludge pit,

I'd like to ask a favor.


What is it?

I want you to persuade your

oh-so-civilized friend here

to give me my ring back.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

That's quite enough,

Lou. Your ring?

My dad gave it to me

as a parting gift

when I left my hometown.

If I had it back,

I could sink through

that industrial waste in peace.

Hand it over, Lou.

Are you kidding me, Wald?


Hand it over.



--[WALD] Not to her.

--[LOU] Huh?

Give it here.


Whoa, cool!

[WALD] What is this?

Is it coated with poison?

Why not see for yourself?


No, I don't think I will.

You're an intelligent

young woman.

If it were simply

coated with poison,

you wouldn't goad me like that.

There must be something

to this I can't see.

You really think

we're stupid enough

to fall for your dumb tricks?


You cocky little--!

You're that stupid.

[BOTH gasp]



Now tell me where to

find Carly Stratmann.

[WALD] You appeared out of

nowhere and ruined everything.

It's like you're a Titan.


Carly is at--

[LOU] I guess she set off

a b*mb or something.

Hey! Can ya stand, Wald?

I think I can manage.


Not for long, ya can't.

Take a nice, civilized rest.

[sighs] So were you the one

who k*lled Kemper, after all?

Like it matters.




You're still alive.

Tell me where to find Carly.

Van Gelder.

It's a second floor apartment.

Who exactly are you guys?


Just a group of freelancers.

A few days back,

Mr. Stratmann hired us

to help him find and

recover his daughter.

When the trail led us to Kemper,

we tied him up

and questioned him.

Then he said that

he would tell us

where to find Carly

and give us her secret,

so long as we incentivized him

by helping with a job.


What kind of job?


The dirty kind.

Not only did he plan to ransom

Carly back to Stratmann,

he wanted to use her secret

to blackmail the man.

We took the job.

We'd made arrangements

to meet Stratmann

and exchange the girl for

the money two days from now.

If it'd worked, I could've

put this life behind me.

It was so close to

being in my grasp.

All I needed was

a little more time.

[WALD] It was the

same story five years ago.

If that colossus had come to

attack the walls one day later,

my son and I would have

been here in Stohess.


Every damn time.

Right when you're ready

to take that final step,

something gets in your way.

For me, that's just how

life has always gone.


Finally. Some peace and quiet.

It's time. Peter.

Dad's coming home.

[THUG A groans]



Bitch! k*ll her!

Fine. Leave it to me!

Shit! Damn you!


Is Carly inside this building?


I never fought your g*ng,

I never met you or Wald,

and I was never here. Got it?

If you squeal to

so much as one person,

then the second word gets

back to me, you're through.

--[ANNIE] Bang!



Are you done?


You must be Carly Stratmann.

Your father's been worried.

I'll escort you home.

What's the hurry?

Why don't we get a drink first?

[CARLY] So. Kemper's dead, huh?

That's a real shame.

I hear that you've got

a big secret. Care to share?

I've been creating coderoin.

You mean you actually

manufacture it?


It's not as hard as it sounds,

as long as the MPs

in the capital

keep selling me morphine.

Kemper was just one dealer.

Daddy runs things.

Stratmann distributes it?

But I heard that it was

popular in the capital

before it ever

made its way here.

So it was.

When we first launched

this little enterprise,

I had him promise

not to sell coderoin here.

And then you came across proof

that he had broken his promise.

That explains why you got angry

when you saw

coderoin at the bar.

[CARLY] I was hoping to

leave the city with Kemper.

But, he wasn't interested in

living in poverty with me

in some unknown town.

Then he made a deal with

those mercenary guys.

And, based on what you've said,

I guess Lou

must've betrayed him.

Silly Kemper.

Say. Would you be willing to

pretend ya never found me?

Why'd you decide to

start making coderoin?

Five years ago,

Daddy lost everything he had.

[CARLY] I wanted to

help him get it back.


Come on, Carly, dance with us!

I'm tempted, but I

don't know if I should.


Sorry, fellas. I've gotta run.




Thanks for waiting.

You hungry? This is for you.


What is it?


Bag o' donuts.

Don't think I've ever had one.


Got'cha this, too.

[CARLY] Think I'm gonna

miss this town.


You don't have to leave, do you?

Just tell your Dad you're

done making coderoin.

I'm the only person

who knows how.

If I stick around here,

I'll feel pressured to help him.

[ANNIE] Got you a permit to

enter Wall Rose, as promised.

You can just scrap it

if you want.

Thanks, Annie.

But I'll go.

Get some rest, you've earned it.


I really wish I could,

but I still have

one last thing to do.


What a nice smell.

Is that some sort

of rare cigarette?

You've a good nose.

Yes, they used to

make these cigarettes

in Wall Maria, back in the day.

[STRATMANN] All good things

are dying off, it seems.

I may have

the world's only stash.

I've more or less confirmed

that you k*lled Kemper Boltz.

That's completely ridiculous.

Why would you say that?

This morning, while you and I

were talking here in this room,

your butler came in

and handed you a note.

It contained a message

from Kemper. Did it not?


He'd been surreptitiously

watching your estate.

So when I entered

your residence,

I'm certain he noticed.

Realizing that MPs were

on the case made him panic.

As a result, he decided to

demand the ransom money early.

"Just bring the money

to my house

and I'll give

your daughter back."

I bet that's the gist

of what the note said.

So you went to Kemper's

place as he'd suggested.

The two of you drank,

and you spoke.

I don't know

what words were said, but...

In the end, you k*lled him.

That's an interesting

fiction you've created.

[ANNIE] I found a few of these

in Kemper's ashtray.

[ANNIE] You have the

"world's only stash," right?

Do you really think

your excuses'll

hold up to a full investigation?

Or can you understand

that you've been caught?

[STRATMANN] It was an accident.

But he deserved it.

Kemper had no intention

of freeing my daughter.

He was trash.

He just wanted to get me

drunk and steal my--


Save your breath, Stratmann.

And while you're at it,

would you please stop

smoking those cigarettes?

You have no authority to tell me

what I can and can't do

in my own home.

I'll smoke as I please,

thank you.

I've had to soak in the stench

of booze and cigarettes

all day now.

I'm done putting up

with this shit.

And what has you so

agitated, all of a sudden?

Don't misunderstand this.

I'm not acting out of anger.

I'm tired. I want this to end.

That's all it is.

[STRATMANN] I see. You will

let me smoke in my cell, right?

You won't be going to a cell.



What made you decide to help me?

Helping you wasn't my objective.

I did this for my own sake.

What must be done, must be done.

I have a mission,

and I will complete it.

No matter what.

If you would like,

you're welcome to

visit me at my estate anytime.

I'll see that you

eat like a queen.

I appreciate that.

But well, I'll probably be

leaving this place soon.


Are you getting transferred?

Hopefully, I'll return

to my hometown.

[ANNIE'S FATHER] And when you're

surrounded by multiple foes?

I should neutralize

their strongest fighter first

to break their morale.

[ANNIE'S FATHER] That's correct.

Well said, Annie.

What must be done,

must be done, dear.

You need to complete

your mission, no matter what.

In the meantime, we can spare

no effort. Understand?


Investigation report:

The missing person,

Carly Stratmann,

headed to the capital

three days ago

with her lover, Kemper Boltz.

[ANNIE] The two were likely

carrying forged travel permits,

in which case,

they'll have passed through

the checkpoints

using false names.

Their new aliases are unknown.

As is the identity

of the individual

who forged their travel permits.

Further investigation

is likely impossible.

[HITCH] You aren't

seriously out looking for

that runaway girl

right now, are you?

Whatever. Not my problem.

Anyway, if you're

really gonna meet

a guy tomorrow,

you should try wearing this.

You're about as sexy as

a brick right now,

so it can only help.

Hitch Dreyse.



I'm so sorry.

I don't expect you

to forgive me.

But, please. Please just...

Stand your ground.

Stand your ground even if

the whole world

stands against you.

They'll despise you.

They won't understand.

But I will.

Your dad always will.

Promise me you'll return.

That's all I ask.

[ANNIE] Today, during the Scout

Regiment's th Recon Mission,

I'll capture Eren Jaeger.