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OVAx04 - No Regrets Part 1

Posted: 05/02/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
[WORKERS gasp]

--Wait. What the--?

--Get back here!

Damn it all. They got us again.

Somebody! Call the MPs!


Hey, Levi!

Look sharp.

We're gettin' tailed.

Heh. So they're still after us?

These MPs never learn, do they?

Did'ja hear me, Levi?

That was a pretty

cool line, right, bro?


Don't be stupid.

[FURLAN] They're no real threat,

but I still wish

they'd stop throwing

soldiers at us.

It's 'cause the merchants who

do business here nag them to.

Yeah! We did just lift

another "unofficial donation"

from their vaults, so I bet

they're pretty pissed.

Hey, we're just helping them

avoid getting fat 'n complacent.

They oughtta thank us for

the service! Ungrateful jerks!


Furlan. Isabel. Speed up.


The Underground.

It's a desperate, squalid place.

A perfect counterweight to

the splendor and safety

of the royal capital,

which thrives just above it.

Construction of this

subterranean colony

was called off long ago.

It's since come to be peopled by

the descendants of

vagrants and outlaws.

Born in the capital's shadow,

they may spend

their entire lives without

ever seeing the sun.

Here. Sorry to keep ya.

That's for today

and for last time.

[COMRADES chuckle]



Right. Thanks, I appr--


Okay, guys. Don't spend it

all in one place, okay?

You'll draw too much attention.

Right, we know the drill.

Let's go!

--[COMRADE A] Sure.

--[COMRADE B] Yeah.

These jobs have gotten

a hell of a lot easier lately.

The ODM gear's

a real game-changer.

Means everyone gets

a better cut now.

Seems like some of our people

get better cuts than the rest.

Why is that?

You mean Yan.

It's because of his leg,

it's getting even worse.

You've seen him.

The medicine's expensive.

And they just keep

gouging the price.

Damn. The merchants

down here're vultures.

I'm betting you heard,

but they decided

to crank up the

stairway tolls again.



It's awful.

Now, even fewer of us

can hope to get

a taste of sunlight.

[FURLAN] Instead of competing,

the different stair owners

agree on fixed prices.

Which means they

pretty much get to extort us.

And even if you do

save enough to pay the toll,

if you don't have proof of

residence on the surface,

you'll just get tossed

back down later.

[FURLAN] The lack of

sunlight causes all sorts

of health problems,

bad legs included.

Everyone knows it.

But what's there to do?

Your mom had the same

condition Yan has, right?


So that's why. Huh.

Still, that was a significant

chunk of change.


It's severance pay.

He can't run anymore,

so he's out.

Hopefully, this'll help him

pay for a doctor.

I see.

Just how much more do we need

to get to live on the surface?




[ISABEL groans]



Thought we were gettin' raided.

Don't scare us like that, kid.


Don't call me that. Ever.

I'm not a... kid!

You're not?

Well then I won't feel bad

about running you outta here.

You got my floor dirty,

but if you get lost now,

then I'll forgive you.

What's the deal?

Are you too weak to stand?

Of course, I'm not!

Just get off my back.

[FURLAN] You're scrappy.

I'll give ya that.


This way!

Tch. So somebody

chased you here.

What's the plan?

Dammit! Stupid brat.

She'll pay for bitin' me.

Lemme have some fun with her

before we do

anything else, 'kay?


You can try.

Ain't nothin' fun about

a brat like that, though.

[THUG A] Hey! You see a filthy

urchin come through here?

Yeah, sounds like every

kid in this neighborhood.

Huh? I take it you're

the local thugs?

You're the thug.


Hey! I found her!

[THUG B] Knew she'd be here.

So what, is she yours?


[THUG C] Then you've got

no cause to protect her.

Give her here and

we'll be on our way.

The girl's gotta pay.

She tried to plow

through Stair Eleven

without paying our fee,


As I'm sure you're both aware,

Stair Eleven is owned and

operated by Councilor Lovof,

and he's not to be messed with.

She might've

botched her attempt,

but we still need to

make an example of her.

And if you guys shelter her,

we'll have to do

the same to you.


Well? Are you gonna

give her up or not?

I'll just take her.

They won't mind.


Keep your filthy hands off me.

I don't want you

smudging my shirt.

[FURLAN] Sorry, 'bout that.

We're clean freaks here.

You prob'ly shouldn't

come back, but if ya do,

be sure to wash

your hands first.

[THUG B] These guys are

nut jobs. Let's go.

So you know.

Whatever you're holding,

you're about to smother it.


It needs air to breathe.

[gasps] Oh, uh. I was just

trying to keep it warm.


Wait, why do you have a bird?

Think it flew in

through a crack,

then ended up

getting lost down here.

So, I'm gonna help it

get back to the surface.

What? You serious?

You really tried

to break through

one of the stair tolls

just to help a bird?

He hasn't been flying.

I'm sure he'd rather do it under

the sun than stuck down here.

Not saying that's wrong,

but he isn't flying because

his wings are hurt.

Huh? Are you sure?

Huh! Wow! You're good at that!

Say. We never swapped names.

Mine's Isabel, what's yours?

Oh, I'm Furlan.

And this is Levi.

Cool. Hi.

Levi, huh? Think I'll

call you "bro"!

Come again?

Hey! I want in!

Lemme join your g*ng, okay?


I know you guys.

You're the ones

that have ODM gear.

I've seen you flying around!

I've always been

so jealous of you.

You're just as free as birds.

So please. Let me fly, too!

I'll learn fast!

Well, Levi?



If you're gonna stay

with us, then before you

learn how to fly,

you'll learn how to clean.



Thanks, bro! You're the best!

What's up, old-timer?

Need something?

I've come here

to offer you a job.

Yeah, well you're

botherin' the wrong crew.

We're not interested

in taking jobs.


We'll pay you well.

Just get lost.


know that we've already

started making

your down payment.

What're you talkin' about?

We haven't even met you before.


we've a mutual acquaintance now.

He'll be along soon.



His leg requires expert care.

The kind he can only hope

to find on the surface.

Isn't that right, Levi?

What're you try'na pull?


I told you.

We're making a down payment.

Now will you listen to me?

Yeah, fine.

Uh, thanks. I appreciate this.


This is the group?


Yes. Their skill should suffice.

And who the hell might you be?

[LOVOF] I can understand

why you might be suspicious,

but you have every

reason to trust me.


Heh. Why's that?


Because I came here to meet

with you in person,

for one thing.

That decision wasn't

without its risks.

Then there's the

down payment I made.

Things might work

different up there,

but in the underground,

we call that "taking a hostage."

Finally, you should

trust me because

I'm offering you a reward

that no one else can.

Complete this job, and yes,

you'll receive more money

than you've ever seen

in once place before,

but you'll receive

something else, too.

Residency. Up here

on the surface.

[BOTH gasp]

Hey, Levi. We're ready

when you are.

I confirmed what

they said about Yan.

He's in one of the best

hospitals in the capital.

The guy in that carriage

is legit, and so is this job.

So are we gonna

take him up on his offer?

Come on, Levi. What's the plan?


One more thing.

[LOVOF] Whether you agree

to involve yourself

in this business or not,

the target will

come after you, and soon.

[LOVOF] Meaning, you're wrapped

up in this, like it or not.

Well, bro?

We'll act like

nothing's changed.

That being said,

if the old blueblood's right,

and they come after us,

then the job will begin.

Hey there, pup. C'mere. Wait.

You gonna help or not?


Yeah, sorry.

[WORKERS gasp]

--Wait. What the--?

--Get back here!

Damn it all. They got us again.

Somebody! Call the MPs!


Hey, Levi!

Look sharp.

We're gettin' tailed.


Heh. So they're still after us?

These MPs never learn, do they?

Did'ja hear me, Levi?

That was a pretty

cool line, right, bro?


Don't be stupid.

[MPS gasp]

Those movements.

These guys aren't MPs!

[LEVI] No, they're definitely

not. Saw one up close.

[LEVI] And he was wearing

the Wings of Freedom.

It's the Scouts.

Heh. Considering the fact

they fight Titans,

I guess it would make sense

they're this good.

Well, you two?

Know what this means?

Of course!

The job's on. Good luck.

[LEVI] Now then,

let's see if you Scouts

are as good as I think.



Stop. Look around you.

Stop pushing! Ow, that hurts!

--Calm down!

--Let go of me or else!

No, you too?

Seems you're possessed

of sound judgment.

I have some questions

for you three.

How'd you obtain your ODM gear?

You're all quite skilled

at maneuvering with it.

Who was it that taught you how?

I take it you're

the group's leader?

Just how much military

training do you have?

You jerk!

I'll ask you once again.

Who trained you

in the use of ODM gear?

None of us were trained, okay?

We taught ourselves!

That's scarcely possible.

I don't believe you.

Yeah, well the

definition of possible

changes a bit

when you're trying to

survive in a dump like this!

But unless you know

what sewage tastes like,

I doubt that's something

you'd understand!

Tell that thug of yours

to let Levi go already!

You can't just t*rture

people in the street!

I'm Captain Erwin Smith

of the Scouts.

And what's your name?


Levi. I'd like to

offer you a deal.

What kind of deal?

I'll overlook

your various crimes,

and you'll lend me

your strength and skill

as members of

the Scout Regiment.

What if I refuse?


We'll give you to the MPs.

You've been thorns in

their sides for some time.

So if you go that route,

I doubt you or your comrades

will receive decent treatment.

The choice is yours,

pick a path.

All right, fine.

[ISABEL gasps]

If that's how it is,

then we'll join the damn Scouts.

[NARRATION] No one could've

known the outcome,

but along with

Furlan and Isabel,

Levi joins the Scout Regiment.

He looks at the rd Expedition

Beyond the Walls

as an opportunity to

achieve a certain goal.