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OVAx03 - Distress

Posted: 05/02/23 16:19
by bunniefuu

We believed.

That it would be a quick,

distress-free training mission.

Simple and easy.

[ARMIN] A ride into the forest

followed by a ride back home.

In theory, that was how

the whole process

was meant to play out.


It's worth noting

that as part of

this training mission,

our unit in the th

Cadet Corps had been split.

We operated as

two separate teams.

We were to locate

a checkpoint in the forest,

pick up a package there,

and return to base.

Going one way, it should

be a kilometer trip.

Our team had been placed

under Marco's leadership.

I, Armin Arlert, was in charge

of writing our mission log.

As for the other team,

they were led by Thomas,

with Mikasa serving as

their recordkeeper.

They left at

the same time we did,

but we took different routes.

Or rather, we went in opposite

ways on the same route.

Once we'd exchanged

information at the checkpoint,

we'd return to base via

the path their team came from,

while they took the path

we came from.

The stated purpose

of this training excursion

was to test our ability

to stay vigilant

over the course

of a long mission

that featured no clear threat.

This mission is just as

simple as it sounds.

But if you think that

means it'll be easy,

then I suggest you

pull your head out of

your ass and think again!

A soldier is a soldier

at all times!

You must always be

ready to fight,

regardless of

the situation you're in!

Never succumb to boredom!

Never be fooled by peace!

This whole mission is a battle!

Never forget that!



[MARCO] So. It's best

if we don't rush, right?

We should just

go slow and steady?


Uh. Yeah.

[JEAN] It'd be dumb to wear

ourselves out for no reason.

We may as well take it easy.

Yeah, well I don't know

how to take it easy.

Hell, if you're just

planning to relax,

then I'm gonna scout ahead.

Wait. Are you serious, Eren?

We need to stick together

and work as a team.

Don't you think, Jean?

I couldn't care less.

This training exercise won't

help me get into the MPs,

so it's kinda pointless.

Hey, you don't know that

for a fact.

Whatever, can we please just

focus on the mission, guys?

Not gonna happen.


C'mon. It's too soon for this.

[EREN] Yeah, suck it up

like the rest of us, Jean.

[JEAN] What, am I

not allowed to complain?

[CONNY] If only complaining

made time go faster somehow.

[SASHA] That'd be the dream.

We've got a long way to go.

This is so friggin' stupid.


If we go that way,

I doubt we'll

get there before dark.

[MIKASA] Okay. Should we

push further east then?

To be honest, I feel like

that might take all day, too.

[MIKASA gasps]

You good? See something?

No. Thought I did, though.

Perfect. Looks like

we're traveling

in the company of lizards now.

That kind of lizard is rare.

Out here at least.

They're also real tasty.

I'm dead serious.

My family back at home

would cook 'em up all the time!

If ya ask me,

they taste just like chicken!

That's interesting.

Do you know how to

cook them, then?

[SASHA] Of course I do!

It's easy peasy!

Oh. Cool.


Look, sometimes

you've gotta hunt for

food on these little outings,

so just think of this as

part of our training!

No, wait, Jean. Come back!

I'll deal with him.


Hey, what's your problem?

Stop treating this like a game!

Why should I? There's no

instructor in sight here!

We're not getting

credit for any of this!

Hey, cut it out, guys!

You're acting like

a couple'a kids!

That's pretty rich

coming from you, Conny!

Jean. Please, just behave!

None of this matters,

so why should I?

'Cause if you slow us down,

we'll have no choice

but to report it!

But don't write anything

down yet, Armin. Okay?


Uh. All right.

I've got nothing to hide,

the fact is I was about to

secure us some food,

but then Eren rode up with his

blades drawn and sabotaged me.

We have food, you--!

It's not meat!


Let's go.

Oh. Uh. 'Kay.

That was a really big one, too,

it would've fed

every last one of us.


And you're sure?


Positive. I left it right here.

And it vanished without

so much as a trace.

How could your ODM gear

disappear like that?



No warmth left,

they must be long gone.

I found another campfire

not far from here,

so it seems like we're

dealing with a group.


Agreed. Now look here.


Wagon tracks.


Looks like at least two.

[ANNIE] The mission

briefing didn't make

any mention of

a local population.


Could be brigands.



[REINER] They steal

weapons and supplies,

then sell them to

black market fences.

I hear ODM gear can

fetch a high price.

You think these guys

are after us?

If they caught sight of you,

they probably would've att*cked.

You should count yourself

lucky to be alive right now.

So what do we do then?

Should we call it quits

and head back to base?

[REINER] No. We're almost

to the checkpoint.

Let's hurry there.

I think we should

warn Marco's team

and head straight

to the base after.

[JEAN] These rations

taste like actual dirt.

[SASHA] Too bad.

If only we'd caught that lizard.

Nah, screw lizards.

I bet they taste like dirt too.


Didn't you just try to hunt one?

Well, at least

I'm not pretending

I'll be able to

hunt Titans someday.

Then why're you even

here right now?

Why the hell did you bother

joining the Cadet Corps, huh?

I didn't do it out of

a psychotic desire

to throw my life away,

I can tell you that.

Shut your mouth!

That crossed a line

and you know it!

Wow, okay.

No need to write this down.

It's just campfire talk,

let it go.

Heh. I guess your love of

pointless training exercises

comes from the fact that

you've seen a Titan, huh?

Man, you're such a--

[EREN] Finish that sentence,

I dare you!


Wait, don't fight!

Why don't all of us go

and hunt a lizard together?

I bet it'll help us

to relax, you know?

[EREN] You know what,

I don't wanna hear it!

Just let go of me!

[JEAN] You grabbed onto me,

you good-for-nothing jerk!

[EREN] And what do you think

you're good for?

Hey! Listen--

[JEAN] suicidal maniac,

I know that for a fact!

Just sit down!

If you keep this up,

you're gonna rip my shirt!


Okay, that's enough.

--[JEAN] I hope I do rip it!

--[EREN] Screw you!

[JEAN] That's your comeback?

"Screw you"?


I said let go of me!


Shut up!



[CHRISTA screams]


Don't move.


All right.

Gather up all their ODM gear.

Move fast.

Just what are you

planning to do with it?


It's a valued commodity.

We'll sell it for profit.

It's not like

the Titans can be beat.

I see no problem with

stealing useless weapons.

[JEAN gasps]


Get up! Fight back!

No, Eren!

[ARMIN gasps]

[LEADER A] Don't even

think about trying that again.

Behave yourselves.

[LEADER A] Once we've

delivered these goods,

we'll set your friend free.

But if you pursue us,

we'll see that she pays

with her life. Got it?


You guys.

[ALL gasp]

[EREN] This wouldn't have

happened if you guys had

stepped up and helped me!

That's just your

thick-skulled opinion.

I think we would've

gotten k*lled.

They had g*ns

pointed at our heads.

You put us all in danger!

Guess we should abort mission.




So you're abandoning Christa?


It's not like that.

Without our horses or gear,

there's nothing we can do.

Let's run to base for help

and then come back.


And if we're too late?


You're free to give up

on her, but I won't!

If you're too scared

to try and save her,

then I'll do it my own!


Eren, I--!

Hold on!

Just how do you expect

to catch up to them

without a horse, Eren?

Do you even have a plan?

Shut up, that's none of

your business.


Of course, it's my business!

I'm coming with you!


Yeah. I've got your back.

I don't wanna walk home

in humiliation either.

All of you?


Glad that's settled.

But how do we track these guys?

We've got way too much

ground to cover.

We could split up, but...

I know just what to do!

Let's climb somewhere high

and look from there!

When you get lost on

a mountain, hike to the peak!

When you get lost in the forest,

find a tall tree and climb it!

I learned that from my dad,

he knows lots of stuff.

Hey, look there!

[LEADER A] We'll move out

as soon as we finish loading.

So hurry it up!


--We could just rush them.

Not when they've got

those g*ns, we can't.

We won't stand a chance.


I think I have an idea.

[ARMIN] They'll want to sell

their loot as soon as possible.

And Odel is the closest

city in the region,

so I'm more or less sure

that's where they're heading.

Which means we can

predict their route

and ambush 'em.

But how are we gonna

get ahead of them

when we don't have horses?

[SASHA] The path they've

gotta take is real windy.

But we can just

cut through the woods!



[ARMIN] Past this forest,

the road splits in two.

If they turn right,

towards Odel there, that's that.

It's a clear, open road.

We won't be able to catch them.


[gasps] They're here!

All right!

But even if we do

divert them, what then?

We need to know

which wagon has Christa,

and which has our stolen

ODM gear. Any ideas?

I'll listen for the rattle

of metal and signal you.

[MARCO] I'll tug once if

the gear's in the front wagon,

and twice if it's in the rear.

If it's in both, three times.

[MARCO gasps]


There! That's the signal!


Here goes!


Wh-What the hell?

Huh? What's going on?

C'mere, ya little whelp!

There, I got you!

How do you like being

ambushed for a change, huh?

[EREN grunts]

I'll teach you brats a lesson!

Whoa, wait, don't!



[MAN D] Dammit! No way

am I gonna miss twice.


No, stop!

--[JEAN gasps]


Get off me!

[ALL gasp]

Hey, you good?


Yeah. Somehow, I'm fine.


Jean, Eren! How'd it go?

Not too bad.

We got ahold of the ODM gear.

But they still have Christa!

Let's go then!

Sasha, do you have

a flare g*n?

Well yeah, but why do you ask?

Because I need to borrow it.

[CHRISTA groans]

[MAN D] Lay off me, damn it!

Stop fighting!

Do as you're told, or else!

[CHRISTA gasps]


Don't k*ll her!

She'll fetch a good price!

Yeah, I guess that's fair play.

Between taking that loot back

and wrecking our wagon,

you and your friends

put us deep in the hole.

Now, you'll just have to

make up for it.





Keep your distance!

And lower your weapons!

[LEADER A] Put down your blades

and take off your ODM gear.

C'mon, make it quick!

[ARMIN gasps]


This is such complete bullshit.

When am I gonna catch a break?

We barely escaped the Titans.

Only to get resettled in a place

where every crop we plant dies.

I can't believe I ever

taught my daughter

that if she did right and

worked hard, she'd be fine.

[CHRISTA gasps]

All right, hurry up!



No, wait, don't k*ll them!



You guys ran into trouble, huh?

[ARMIN] After that,

we arrested the brigands

and put them into

Military Police custody.

When all was said and done,

the excursion ended

without a single casualty.

[ARMIN] Though our mission

ended prematurely,

I still had to submit

a report to the commandant.

I thought it important

to make said report

as honest and straightforward

as possible.

Excuse me, sir.

Can I ask something?

Go ahead.

When our gear was taken,

should we have returned to base

and requested assistance?

Or were we right to

bet on ourselves?

I guess I'm just wondering if

chasing the brigands

was the correct choice.

I can't answer that

as a soldier.

However, when I'm faced with

that kind of choice as a person,

I try to choose

whatever path I think

will bring me the most distress.

So between retreating

and pursuing the brigands,

what would you say sounds

most distressing to you,

Armin Arlert?

Uh. Well, I--

[ARMIN] I couldn't

come up with an answer.

But I suspect the trials we

faced during that excursion

were less an interruption

of our training

and more an intended part of it.

[MARCO] Well, here's hoping

I never get forced

to try to lead a team again.

[EREN] Really? I feel like

you took to it a lot better

than you think you did.

Nah. I'm just not

cut out to lead,

and I'm fine with that.

Jean, though. He's a natural.

Are you serious?

That guy's a useless jerk.

[MARCO chuckles]

Eh. You'll see it someday.

[EREN] If I do,

I'm gettin' my eyes checked.

I wonder. What kind of soldiers

will we all be?


All this transpired in ,

a mere two years before the

members of the th cadet corps

would fight our first battle.