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04x15 - Loving Strangers" / "Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Posted: 05/02/23 11:03
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Let's go.

- Smiles, everyone, smiles.


ROARKE: Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Wilkerson

from Fort Wayne, Indiana,

who have recently celebrated
their th wedding anniversary.

They still look
very happy, boss.

Yes and they've had opportunity

for practice, Tattoo. You
see, they've known each other

since they were
in the sixth grade

of school together.

TATTOO: Let me guess,
her fantasy is for him

to be more romantic?

ROARKE: Oh, but,
Mrs. Margaret Wilkerson

is quite satisfied

with her husband's
romantic capabilities, Tattoo.

TATTOO: I got it. He wants
her to be more romantic?

No, no, Tattoo, their
combined fantasy is,

after all these
happy years together,

to meet, as if
for the first time,

to meet as total strangers.

Why do they want to do that?

To prove to themselves
and to each other

that they'll fall in love
now, just as they did

some years ago as children.

There is no problem, boss.

They can celebrate
at the sweetheart ball

- tomorrow night.
- Perhaps, perhaps.

But when people tempt
fate, as they are doing,

the ending may
be quite different

from the one they anticipate
with such confidence.

TATTOO: Boss, those two,

they look like they've stepped
out of a Valentine's Day card.

ROARKE: A most
appropriate observation, Tattoo.

That is Miss Pamela
Archer and Mr. Jack Foster

from Bloomington, Illinois.

And they are very much
in love with each other, yes.

Why do they need a fantasy?

They've got, already,
what most people want.

Love? Yes, they have that.

But you see, Miss Archer's life,

until she met
Mr. Foster a year ago,

was a most dangerous,
even sordid one,

one she would
desperately like to forget.

TATTOO: So what's
her fantasy, boss?

- To live happily ever after?
- No, no. Miss Archer's fantasy

is to begin what she hopes
will be a wonderful new life

by Mr. Foster asking
her to marry him.

That's an easy one
for you to fix, boss.

How come you look so unhappy?

I am concerned for Miss Archer.

And I sincerely
hope that in her case

her most unpleasant past
does not become her present.

My dear guests, I'm
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island!



Oh, Mr. Roarke, I
think it's just beautiful!

I had no idea my fantasy
would come true this fast.

- Thank you.
- Well, I am delighted

that you are
pleased, Miss Archer.

Everything is set, boss.

The wedding ceremony
is tomorrow night

- at the sweetheart ball.
- Very good, Tattoo.

You certainly do make
the wheels move fast,

and without squeaking.

Say, you wouldn't like to...

To handle my election
campaign, would you?

[LAUGHS] Thank
you, but I'm afraid that

elections and politics
are not in our line.

Politics, elections, boss?

Oh, I'm sorry, Tattoo.
I thought you knew

that Mr. Foster has a most
promising political career

ahead of him.

Indeed, his supporters
are confident that he will be

the next governor of his state.

- Oh, he will be, too.
- Slight prejudice.

What do we do next?

Well, now that Miss Archer
has approved her wedding gown,

that is entirely up
to the two of you.

Oh, I think we can find
something to do. Hmm?

- Thank you.
- You're very welcome,

-Mr. Foster. -Thank you.

Boss, I will call the designer
and tell him everything's okay.


Everything is okay, isn't it?

An ancient proverb says that,

"The shadow a person
casts at morning,

will return to haunt
him at sunset."

Whether everything
is okay or not

will depend on how Miss
Archer reacts to that truth.

I think this will always
be my very favorite place

in the whole world.

Well, maybe we can get
Mr. Roarke to put up a plaque

you know, a monument that
says, "Let everybody know

that this is the favorite
place in the world

- of Pamela Archer Foster."

Is something wrong?

No. Nothing.

Just a sudden chill.

You really can make
that happen, Mr. Roarke?

Tom and I actually won't
recognize each other?

That is correct.

Mrs. Wilkerson, you
and your husband

will be total strangers,
just as you both requested.

Think of it, Marge, falling
in love all over again.

Oh, I am thinking about it.

Oh, that exciting,
happy feeling,

butterflies in your stomach,
just dying to touch your hand.

It truly was love at
first sight for both of us.

A wonderful experience indeed.
But there is only one condition.

It is simply that
you both return

to this bungalow
tomorrow at midnight.

Well, it is in fact a
double bungalow,

each with its own entrance.

You, Mrs. Wilkerson,
will stay here.

Uh, that door connects to
your bungalow, Mr. Wilkerson.

When it closes
between the two of you...

at that instant...

you will both lose all
memory of each other.

When you have both
returned tomorrow night...

the door will open again...

and your memories
will be restored.

What happens, if
for some reason,

one of us forgets?

Oh, I assure you, neither
you, nor your wife will forget.

But, should either of
you choose not to return,

then the fantasy
cannot be altered.

You will continue
to be total strangers.

The memories of
your past life together

will not return
to either of you.

Oh, no chance of that. I mean...

Honey, are you sure you
want to go through with this?

You don't have any doubts
about us, do you, Tom?

Oh, not me, I...

No, not me, not really.

Neither do I.

Then if you will step through
the door, Mr. Wilkerson.

I love you, Marge.

You know I love
you, too, darling.

How thoughtful of both
of you to welcome me

to your lovely island.

I'm looking forward to
every minute of it here.

And I don't mind telling you

I'm looking forward
to meeting someone.

Some dashing,
romantic gentleman.

Tall, dark and handsome will do.

Uh-oh. So much
for love at first sight.

Patience, my friend. Their
fantasy's just beginning.

PAMELA: Mr. Roarke, please.

Oh, I see.

No, I'll call him
back. Thank you.


Hello, baby.

It's been a long time, honey.
It's me. Nicky. You remember?

Honey, I've spent a lot of time
and money trying to find you.

Then I saw this picture of
you and your new boyfriend

in the newspaper.

Now, here we are
together again, huh, baby?

Nick, five years ago, I
walked out of your life forever.

Now, get out of mine!

I don't like it when
you talk that way to me.

Honey, we just can't
push the cancel button

on everything we've
been to each other.

I mean, how I found you
in the street and put some...

high class rags on your
back, some brains in your head.

I was only years old.

I remember, all right.

Just all sugar and spice
and everything nice.


That doesn't work anymore, Nick.

I'm not a frightened little girl
looking for someone to love her.

Now you think just
'cause you grow older,

that you automatically turn into

some kind of a saint,
huh? Do you think that?

You listen to me
and you listen good.

I want you to marry
that big sh*t boyfriend

of yours, Mr. Jack Foster.

All I want from you is
just a little pillow talk,

you know,

make sure that some
of my business deals

get the green light from
the governor's mansion.


Don't you know I'd
die before I did that?

Honey, we all got
to die sometime.

But I suggest that
right now you think

about your Sir Galahad.

When I tell him, the newspapers
and the television people

about his charming,
innocent little bride.

I'll do it, honey, if I
have to. It's all up to you.

You think about it.


I can see you have
a great love for music.

Oh, yes, I do. And
you do play beautifully.

Well, thank you.

That's a lovely compliment.

I'm just amazed that
a man with your talent

would be playing here.

- Oh, it's a nice place, but...
- Well, you're very flattering.

And also beautiful.

Well, Sir, I see you have met
one of our most charming guests.

I am happy to say
I have, Mr. Roarke.

Although, we
haven't quite reached

the point of exchanging names.

Well then, allow me.
Miss Margaret Chase,

may I present Maestro
Roger Alexander,

the world-renowned
symphony conductor.

Oh, my gosh!

Well, I thought
that you were just...

Well, never mind what I thought.


PAMELA: I am terribly
sorry, Mr. Roarke,

but when I actually
realized what it meant...

That tomorrow you would
be marrying the man you love.

Yes, getting married.

I suddenly realized that
I just wasn't ready for it,

the responsibilities
and the commitment.

Oh, I see.

And yet, those responsibilities,
the commitment, the marriage,

is the very heart of the
fantasy you requested, isn't it?

Why don't you tell me
the truth, Miss Archer?

Tell me the real
reason why you wish

to call off the wedding?

I have. I'm just
not ready for it.

It's still a woman's prerogative
to change her mind, you know.

Even if it breaks that
woman's heart, Miss Archer?

Even if it breaks the heart
of the man who loves her?


Just cancel the wedding, please!

Up, all right, keeping
going. Now, up, up, up.

Come on, now keep it
moving, and smile, all right.

Come on. Yeah. Woo!
Let's make it jazzy.

All right. Come on.
Yeah. All right, come on.

And stretch and
swing. You got it. Yeah!

Come on! Woo! All
right. Now, make it jazzy.

Yeah, all right. Come
on, now, do some swinging

and stretching, yeah.

And stretch and up!
And take it right and left!

Come on! Woo! Oh!
It feels good, yeah!

And give it a
b*at. There you go!

And stretch, stretch.

To the right and the left,
yeah. Come on, move it!

-Hi. -Hello.

- You're new in the class.
- You're right about that.

I'm sort of new about
everything, I guess.


the way to learn anything
is start at the beginning.

-I guess you're right. -Come on.

- Over here?

stretch, come on. Yes, yes!

There you go. Come
on, it feels good.

-It's great, isn't it? -Uh-huh.

I just love aggressive
exercise, don't you?

Well, they say that
aggressive exercise

is the best exercise.
Be aggressive!

Come on, and swing! Woo!

Keep smiling and breathing
and moving and doing.

Yeah, yeah! Come
on, come on! Woo!

Ow! All right! Come on!
Smile. Yeah! Oh, it feels good.

Come on, come
on, now. Work it out.

All right, be jazzy. All right.

Yeah! Come on! Woo!
Yeah! Come on. You can do it!

Uh. Are you with anybody?


-Girlfriend? -Oh, no. Just me.

Me, neither.

How about dinner tonight?

Dinner? Tonight?

-Yeah. -TOM: Here?


-Sure. Why not? -Okay.

And stretch, swing, and up.

Yeah, come on, yeah!

Woo! All right. Come on, now!

Give it a b*at, make
it jazzy and swing.

Well, Tattoo?


-Yes, boss. -All set?

All set. Stand by.

Yeah! Come on. Swing, swing.

Your attention, please.

Telephone call for
Roger Alexander.

Mr. Alexander,
telephone, please.

I'll be right back.
Excuse me, darling.

Well done, Tattoo.

Oh! It feels good.

Yeah, come on and
swing those arms.

Up, up, and push, stretch.

And down, down. Now, give
it an up. Now take it down.

- Oh, Mr. Roarke.
- Yes, Miss Chase.

Oh, I'm having such
a wonderful time.

Mr. Alexander is
a fascinating man.

Well, excellent. And
now, Tattoo and I want you

to meet another fascinating man.

Mr. Tom Wilkerson, may I
present Miss Margaret Chase?

I feel sure that you two
have a great deal in common.


Well, we have things
to do, right, Tattoo?

Will you excuse us?

-Sure. -Of course.

I've been exercising.

If you have nice legs,
you should show them.

Oh, that's kind. Thank you.

Oh, it's sure nice
weather we're having, huh?

For this time of year.


Come on, stretch, stretch.

And swing, swing.

Yeah. Come on, now
stretch it. Yeah, all right.

You're looking good. Come on,

make it jazzy. Yeah!
And up and stretch.


I must admit that I am concerned
about this fantasy, Tattoo.

Hey, we were supposed to
have lunch together, remember?

I was looking all over for you.

I... I... I wanted
to be by myself.

Well, I can understand that,
your wedding day and all, but...

I was starting to get worried.

I had to have some
time to think, Jack.

Must have been
something important.

It is. It's about you and me.

What's wrong, Pam?

I'm sorry, Jack. I
am sorry if I hurt you,

but I've already
asked Mr. Roarke

to cancel the wedding.

I can't go through with it.

I've had to scratch too
hard to get where I am now

and it's too soon for me to...

give it all up and settle down
with you, or with anybody!


When you've seen
enough of this lovely island...

we'll go on a grand tour...

exploring the musical
capitals of Europe...

Rome, Paris, Vienna.

Oh, Roger, I'm afraid
I'm not very much

of an explorer.

I tried that when
I was a Girl Scout

and I wounded
up with poison ivy.


But I did read The
Life of Columbus once.

Well, it was a
condensed version.

Condensed? Now,

what if I were to
condense Beethoven?

Well, you would
probably arrive home early

-from work that night.

Margaret, you are
adorable. One of a kind.

Oh, you know so
much about the world.

Art, music.

Cities and countries
that are just names to me.

Oh, I can listen to you forever
and ever and ever and ever.


I may hold you to that.


Now, that is a great exercise.

I got to be honest
with you, Tom.

I didn't come to Fantasy
Island to exercise.

At least, not that
kind of exercise.

Well, you don't
have to exercise.

I mean, look at you.
That beautiful shape,

those gorgeous lines. I
mean, that wonderful body.

You sound like you're
describing a used car.

Oh, no. I wouldn't
describe you that way.

You're more like a
new, glossy Ferrari.

Brilliant. Magnificent.

Terrific on the curves.

I think you just
turned the right corner.

-Huh? -I've got a great idea.

How about if we
take a little, uh,

test drive this afternoon?

-Test drive? -Yeah.

Maybe a few spins
around the block?


Oh, Jack.

What is this? A little
pre-wedding blues?

I rang the doorbell. And
when you didn't answer,

I figured I'd just
come in, wait.

You know, I've been
thinking a lot about you,

about the way it used to be.

Thinking about how
great you look now.

And about how much I love you.

Nothing, Nick.
Not even a flicker.

Well then, I guess,
I'll just keep trying

until there is.

No, Nick. I don't have
anything you want anymore.

- I've taken care of that.
- What do you mean by that?

Simple enough.

There isn't going to be
any wedding. I canceled it.

I don't believe you.

Well, that's up to you. But
it's easy enough to prove

one way or another, isn't it?

- Why would you do that?
- You wouldn't understand, Nick.

No, I wouldn't.

But if you are not lying
to me, then I've wasted

a lot of time and money.

And you owe me, baby.

So if you're not leaving this
island as Mrs. Jack Foster,

then you're gonna leave with me.

Sure. Why not?

-Hi! -Oh, hi!

What are you drinking?

- Ginger ale.
- I'll have the same, please.

It was nice of Mr. Roarke
to introduce us, wasn't it?

Oh, he's such a nice man.

Listen. uh...

have you made any plans
for tonight's sweetheart ball?

I mean, is somebody taking you?

Well, I hope so.

But to tell you the truth, Tom,

I'm afraid I'm a
ginger ale woman

- with champagne dreams.
- Thank you.

Nothing wrong with that.

I'm sort of the ginger
ale type myself.

Well, at least, we have
something in common, then.

Hey, let's...
let's drink to that.


ROGER: Oh, Margaret!

Here you are. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, Roger! May I present Tom...

-Tom... -Wilkerson.

- Roger Alexander.
- Nice to meet you.

Margaret and I,
we were discussing

- how much we had in common.
- Common?


I can assure you
there's nothing common

-about Margaret. -Oh. [CHUCKLES]

As a matter of fact, I
think, she's one of the most

extraordinary women
I've ever had the pleasure

of meeting.

I must talk to you alone,
my dear. It's very important.

Of course. I'll
talk to you later.

- You'll excuse us, please?
- Yeah.

You can take the ginger
ale. I'll have a bourbon.

Make it a double.

Very nice, Tattoo. You
have done an excellent job.

Thank you, boss.

Oh, I almost forgot.

You remember I
mentioned a very special

and important
assignment for you?

Oh, yes.

Well, I am now ready
to proceed, if you are.

Oh, I'm ready.

Wings? Am I ready for it, boss?

On Valentine's Day,
we must have a Cupid.

-Cupid? -Indeed.

It is said that
this golden shaft

was unearthed on Mount
Olympus, the seat of the gods,

and that it has all the
power of Cupid's darts

to strike love in
the human heart.

Who am I gonna sh**t?

I will tell you, when
the time comes.

What you must remember is
that you have but one arrow.

It must be used wisely.

Oh, Tattoo, you look so elegant.

Don't worry, boss.
I'll use it wisely.

ROARKE: Are you
saying, Miss Chase,

that you are leaving
with Mr. Alexander...

CHUCKLING] -...for Rome?

Oh, yes. I'm so excited!
Isn't it wonderful?

-I feel like Cinderella. -Yes.

But I would remind you that
Cinderella had a deadline,

and so do you.

It is essential for you to
return to your bungalow

- at midnight tonight.
- Oh, Mr. Roarke,

I have just met the
most fascinating man.

He wants me to fly off with
him into a whole new life of travel

concerts, exploring the
world, being together.

All I ask, Miss Chase, is
to postpone your departure,

that's all.

Forgive me for asking, but...

does Mr. Alexander love you?

Well, of course, he must.

Well, he wouldn't ask
me to fly off with him

to Rome unless he...

Unless his concept of love...

were perhaps
different from yours.

Well, I'm not sure I care.

Oh, Mr. Roarke, don't you see?

If I wait, Roger might
turn into a pumpkin.

No, I assure you Mr. Alexander
will remain the same man he is.

It was Cinderella who changed...


Think about it, Miss Chase.

Think about it very seriously.

I will, I promise.

I don't expect you to
understand, Mr. Roarke.

How could you?

[SIGHS] I... All I can say
is I did what had to be done.

I sincerely hope
so, Miss Archer.

When you canceled the wedding,

I suspected that...

due perhaps to some past
unpleasant experiences

in your life...

you were making what might
be a most gallant gesture.

-And if only you would... -No.

It was totally
selfish, I'm afraid.

I see.

I was about to say that...

if you had trusted a
little more in the depth

of your fiancé’s love for you...

if even now you
would reconsider...

It's out of the
question, I'm afraid.


I'd like to thank you
for all you tried to do

and now if you'll excuse
me, I've got to pack.

I'm leaving right away.

Alone, Miss Archer?

Sorry to disappoint you.
I'm leaving with Nick Corbin.


Oh, isn't it beautiful?
It's like a fairyland.

Yes, it's nice,
darling. But then...

you haven't seen Rome.

I shouldn't have let you talk
me into delaying our flights.

- Oh, it's not for long, Roger.
- Long enough.

Wait here, please.
I'll be right back.

I want to make sure our
charter plane is on time.

But, Roger, I...

-Wild, isn't it? -Yeah.

- I could dance all night.
- Really?

You know something, I...

I think I've just about had it.

Excuse me. Could
you help me out?

Hey, hey! No problem.

Let's go.

-Hi. -Hi.

Your friend is
some kind of dancer.

Oh, she's something all right,

and I'm not too
sure she's my friend.

-Mind if I sit down? -Oh, sit.

I need a break. As you can
see, I'm no John Travolta.

Well, that kind of dancing
is not very romantic.

More like a physical
endurance test.


MAN: And now,
ladies and gentlemen,

it's time for a change of pace.


Now, that's my kind of music.

Say, would you like
to... I mean, would you...

- Well, why not?
- That's my kind of music, too.

-May I? -Of course.

You're really terrific.

Well, you're not
so bad yourself.

Excuse me. I'm sorry I
took so long, Margaret.

Will you pardon us, please?

Enjoying the party,
Mr. Wilkerson?

I... Yes, I was there for
a minute, Mr. Roarke.

Please excuse me.

The plane will
be here first thing

in the morning, darling.

And then, a whole new
wonderful season for both of us.

I had hoped that we could spend

our first night together,
above the clouds.

Literally, darling.

But then...

my bungalow can be heaven, too.

With you.


I'm not used to
moving quite this fast.


My sweet and
innocent little valentine,

that is exactly what
makes you so charming.

And desirable.


ROARKE: There is one condition.

That you both return
to this bungalow,

tomorrow at midnight.

CHIMING] -What is it?

Boss, I got my wings back.

Perhaps just in time, my friend.

Mr. Wilkerson has
gone inside, but...

-No Margaret? -No.

Boss, I didn't
sh**t anybody yet.

Well, then, as
Cupid's representative,

there's only one
thing left for you to do.

sh**t the arrow
into the air, my friend.

- In the air?
- In the air, Tattoo.

Let its destiny be
decided by Eros himself,

the God of love.

-Marge? -Tom?

All those memories,
so beautiful.

Our memories, darling,
to share and to keep.

Stay my valentine, always?

This night boat we are
taking isn't much, you know.

Why don't we wait and take
the plane in the morning...

catch up on old times tonight?

I'm leaving tonight
with you or without you.

Okay, darling. All right.



Mr. Roarke told me
you're leaving the island.


Pam, I...

I want you to stay.

I want us to be married
tonight, just as we planned.

I can't.


Listen, there's nothing
about you or about your past...

that I don't know.

Well, that's what calling
the wedding off is all about,

isn't it?

You and that...

Pam, what I'm
trying to say is that

now, when you're in politics,
the people around you, they...

well, they check out
everybody that's important to you

or to your future.

NICK: See, how
about that, darling?

Hero here is the forgiving type.

You've known all along?

What is there to know?

That you were starved
for compassion...

and love?

Oh, Jack!

Well, listen, I'd like to
propose a little toast...

to the blushing bride
and the understanding

groom here.

The three of us, together.


That was a mistake, hero.

No, Mr. Corbin.

You being on this
island is the mistake.

He can still spoil everything
for Jack, Mr. Roarke.

No, Miss Archer. Mr. Nick
Corbin will spoil nothing,

for either of you.

He's fleeing into
the waiting arms

of several law
enforcement agencies

who have been in
touch with me about him.

He will be spending
a great many years

removed from the public
scene, I assure you.

And now, if you'll excuse
me, I have a few things to do

before attending a wedding.


I am told that the
bride and groom to-be...

are a most charming couple.


Tattoo, what's wrong?

The rings, I can't find them.

You put them on your fingers
so you wouldn't lose them.

Dearly beloved...

we have come
together here to witness

and bless the joining together

of this man and woman
in holy matrimony.

The body and covenant
of marriage was established

by God, in creation,

and Holy Scripture commends it
to be honored among all people.

The union of husband and
wife in heart, body and mind,

is intended for
their mutual joy,

for their health and comfort.

And such a union
is not to be entered

into lightly or unadvisedly,

but reverently, deliberately,
and in accordance

with the purposes for
which it was instituted.

And now, Pamela Archer...


Indeed. Mr. and Mrs. Foster,
again, my congratulations.

To tell you the truth,
for a minute there

I didn't know whether we'd
get through that ceremony

-or not. -But we finally did.

Thanks to Tattoo getting
the rings off his fingers.

- JACK: Yes.
- Oh, it's nothing, it's nothing.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
And thank you for everything.

Yes, and that
goes double for me.

Will you send us an
invitation to your inauguration,

- Mr. Foster?
- You can count on it.

-Tattoo. -Goodbye.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye, Mrs. Foster.

Another happy couple, boss.

Yes, Tattoo. They have
learned an important lesson

which was once stated
quite simply by a great writer.

It is that, "The supreme
happiness of life

is the conviction of
being loved for yourself,

or more correctly, being
loved in spite of yourself."

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

And thank you and
your wife, Mr. Wilkerson,

for helping to prove once
again that love and faith

are everlasting qualities.

Well, I just want to say,

this was the happiest
Valentine's Day I've...

We've ever had.

And we are delighted.

-Goodbye, Mr. Roarke. -Goodbye.

Goodbye, Sir.

- Love is beautiful, boss.
- Indeed, Tattoo.

Of life's myriad fantasies,

love is without a doubt the
most wondrous of them all.
