04x09 - My Late Lover" / "Sanctuary

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x09 - My Late Lover" / "Sanctuary

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Let's go.



Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


Uh-oh, boss.

That guy looks like he's been
hitting the sauce on the flight over.

He's not drunk, Tattoo.
He happens to be very ill.

ROARKE: In fact,
according to his doctors,

he has only hours to live.

Oh, that's too bad.
Who is he, boss?

Mr. Thomas Henshaw,

a bookkeeper with an aerospace
firm in Sunnyvale, California.

For his fantasy is to be granted
an additional hours of life

and an opportunity to
be accepted as a guest

of the sanctuary
on North Gull Island.

Boss, that's where all the
big-time K*llers hide out.

Why does he want to go there?

To hunt down a k*ller.


His own.


Oh, boss, that's a
real elegant lady.

Yes, she's Mrs.
Anastasia Dexter.

Widow of the
millionaire, Arlen Dexter.

After years of a
loving and happy marriage

in which she was
protected and adored,

she now finds life to be
without sparkle or direction.

She's rich.

The way she looks, she
shouldn't have any problems.

Yet she does, Tattoo,

despite the fact that no less than three
very eligible bachelors wish to marry her.

You mean, she cannot
make up her mind?

Unfortunately, she has
been unable to do so.

You see, the memory of her
adored husband is so strong,

that any living man
suffers by comparison.

Her fantasy is to be able
to completely separate

that memory from the
reality of her everyday life,

to now place it in its
proper perspective,

so she may select the right man.

Can we help her
to do that, boss?

Yes, yes...

With some very
special assistance.

Assistance, which I
fear, will be a great shock

to Mrs. Dexter and her suitors.


My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


You say this hair
is the only clue

to the identity of the
person who poisoned you?

That's it, Mr. Roarke.
That's all I've got.

However, the human hair has

characteristics sort
of like fingerprints.

Yes, I know.

Now, the police think the
guy that that hair belongs to

got a job as a waiter
at our company party

and he slipped
something into my drink.

Now you say "guy."

Have the police determined
that it was indeed a man?

No, it's just a
figure of speech.

He, she, it... Take your choice.

All I know is this person

went to the sanctuary
within the past week.

That much I was able
to find out on my own.

Now all I have to do is
match that one strand

with one head and
I've got my k*ller.

You might say my life
is hanging by a hair.

You say your doctors don't
know what kind of poison it is?

No, Tattoo. That's why they
can't provide an antidote.

I'm sorry that for
the same reason,

neither can we, Mr. Henshaw.

However, this potion,

found exclusively
on Fantasy Island,

will, as I promised you,

extend your life for hours.

However, to
maintain its potency,

you must sip it at
least every three hours.



Two days to find the
man who m*rder*d me.


It's beautiful here, Mr. Roarke.

Everywhere I look it's
like the Garden of Eden.

-[CHUCKLES] -Thank
you, Mrs. Dexter.

Oh, look. There they are.

three admirable suitors.

Shall I tell you about them?

If I may, Mrs. Dexter,
allow me to tell you.

First, there is
Mr. Ellis Lathrop.

A wealthy socialite, who also has
acquired a reputation as a playboy.

He is considered to be
witty and fun to be with,

but you wonder if he has the
depth and personal stability

to be the kind of
husband you need.

Then there is Mr. Walter Blair,
a very successful businessman.

Intelligent and dedicated.

But you wonder how much
time he would devote to you

or how much fun life
would be as his wife.

That's true.


Which brings us to
Mr. Donald McKenzie.

A renowned professor of art
at a famous eastern university

and an accomplished artist,

but a modern version of
the absent-minded professor,

shy and withdrawn.

You wonder if his art

would be more important
to him than you would be.

You're amazing, Mr. Roarke.

You summed them up perfectly.

What happens now?


Oh, Dex, I miss you so.

Hello? The dining
room captain, please.


Hello, this is Mrs. Dexter.

I'm staying in the
Lanai Bungalow.


Would you please arrange
a private luncheon for me?

There'll be four of us.



Oh, yes, yes.

One thirty will be all right.


Oh, oh... I'm going to come
in and arrange for it myself.

Thank you very much.





He's here, Mr. Falco.

I don't like this.

I don't like this at all.

The guy reads like a psycho.

Blowing up a police
station is... is heavy stuff.

I like a pro.

A guy who works neater, quiet.

You keep an eye on him, Harlan.

A close eye.

Yes, sir.



You, when you bring in my bags,

I want you to handle
them carefully.

Mr. Brewer. I'm Harlan,
Mr. Falco's assistant.

Welcome to the sanctuary.



Lovely Anastasia, fellow
competitors for the lady's hand,

being civilized is difficult
with such beauty at stake.

So let me say simply,

end the suspense, Anastasia,

and tell these two well-meaning
but misguided gentlemen

that you have selected
me to be your husband

- and send them on their way.

Why don't you sit down, Ellis?

I'm sure that Anastasia finds
this whole process embarrassing.

DONALD: I agree with Walter.

Love isn't something you just
throw up for grabs in public.

I am terribly flattered.

And I certainly wouldn't be here

if I didn't find each one
of you terribly attractive.

But I just can't make
such an important decision

on an empty stomach.

Captain, would you please
serve the Beef Wellington?



- Anastasia? What...
- [STAMMERING] Dex! Dex!



"Dex." You said, "Dex."

Wasn't that your husband's name?

was the Beef Wellington.

Dex just loved Beef Wellington.


I'm terribly sorry.

No need to apologize.


Please, please excuse me.

Have a good lunch.




I hope you find this to
your liking, Mr. Brewer.

Yeah, it'll do.

We have color TV.

Or, if you prefer,
closed-circuit movies.


Over here, you
have a fantastic view.

If you dig scenery.


Wouldn't try it
without a hang glider.

You do understand
the arrangement?

Absolute security.

Anything you want
for $ a day.

Yeah, so I was told.

Look, all I want right now is
the pleasure of my own company.

If you don't mind.

Yes, sir.







You can turn down the bed
later, honey. I'm busy right now.

- What are you doing here?
- What am I doing here?

This is my room.

Your room? What
are you talking about?

Is this yours?

Well, it looks a little small.

Get out.

Hey, sweetheart,
I made a mistake.

I just checked in.

You know how it is in a foreign
country. All the doors look alike.

Will you leave now, please?

Yeah, sure. It was
nice meeting you.



Oh, Dex.

Now my eyes are
playing tricks on me.

DEXTER: No tricks,
babe. It's for real.



You... You... You
can't be standing there.

It's been three long
years since... since...

Since I died?


Talk about boring.
No fun. No action.

But you look
absolutely wonderful.

You haven't changed.

Except that you're
even more lovely.

This is impossible.

Not on Fantasy Island.

Ask our mutual
friend, Mr. Roarke.

Oh... Mr. Roarke.

Oh, Dex, darling.

No, no, no, no. That's
one of the no-no's.

No touch, damn it.

But that doesn't mean I
can't feel your presence.

Your warmth.

I missed you so.

I've always been close by,
watching you, loving you.

Hoping that you'd find happiness
with some lucky stiff who...

Poor choice of words, isn't it?

I was trying to go on alone,

but marriage was so
wonderful with you.

So I'm going to try it
again with the right person.

But I just don't
know who to pick.

Well, now your worries are over.

I've taken care of you
all these wonderful years.

I'm going to take
care of you now.

I want you to set a date
with each of your suitors

and I'll be there to help
you make the final selection.

You mean, you and them?

No, no, no. That's impossible.

Well, don't worry about me.

I don't plan on enjoying it.

Besides, nobody will
know I'm there except you.

You know, I'm getting tired.

Being alive is exhausting
when you're out of practice.

Don't forget to set
those dates, Annie.

I love you.

Oh, Dex.


You know, I don't ask for much.

A new doll. I'm entitled.

Something nice.



That's all I ask.

I'm telling you, she's
never been on the street.

She hasn't been
here a half a day

and she's hustling the psycho.

Mr. Falco, I found this girl
feeding pigeons in Des Moines.

There is no way that she's gonna
make it with a guy she just met.

Okay. Okay.

They're ex-lovers.

They knew each
other before, right?

I don't know. I don't know.

What about cops?

What do you think of that?

I want to see her now.


Hi, Mr. Brewer. What
can I get for you?


-Bullshot. -Okay.

You know, I thought a
friend of mine might be here.

A guy from the east.

Well, there's a Jack
Morris. He just checked in.


And yesterday it was
the Reilly Brothers.

And Dooley Farentino.

And Willie Simon
and his girl. And...

That's a lot of hair.

-Huh? -Nothing. Nothing.


HARLAN: Mr. Brewer.

Sandra looking after you okay?

Yeah, sure. No
complaints. Thanks.


Stay away from the
lady down the hall.

You know, the one
you paid a little visit to?

I'd be very careful, Mr. Brewer.

You know, the protection
you buy here at the sanctuary

doesn't hold once
you leave here.

What are you,
Falco's errand boy?

I'm telling you.

Yeah, well, you
can't be the lady's pet.

She didn't come with a dog.



Don't ever thr*aten me again.


HENSHAW: My life's
still hanging by a hair.


Thank you.

Donald, I wanted to
talk to you seriously.

Well, you know
how I feel about you.

Do you mind if I keep on
sketching while we talk?

Sketch? Go right ahead.

Well, sometimes when it
comes to personal relationships,

I can express myself better
this way than I can with words.

A fact that some of my
students have mocked

as an example of
sexual misdirection.

The kids were probably right.

Now don't be cruel, darling.

Oh, I don't mean to be.

No, the students we get
today are sharp, intelligent...

I didn't mean you.

Are you sure there is
nothing wrong, Anastasia?

[CHUCKLES] Oh. No, I...

I've just been a little
bit absentminded all day.

I thought I had a
corner on that market.

The professor's mixing
his metaphors, darling.

Don't let him confuse you.

Walter is the businessman.

Donald, I always felt that we
have a great deal in common.

If you would only bring it out.

You see, I have a
great appreciation for art.

I'm sorry, honey. I don't think
I can take any more of this.

I'll catch up with you
and the next candidate?

Would you like
to see it? It's you.

Ooh, you sketched me?

Of course I
would like to see it.



It's me all right.





Did Harlan tell you I
wanted to see you?

I'm not your sl*ve, Mr. Falco.

When your friend
invited me here,

he said you needed a hostess.


That's why I
called you just now.

To begin your training.

You see, first you be nice to me

and then later on,

you can be hostess to
anyone else who wants you.

Now how's that for a deal, huh?

I don't want that kind of a job.

Maybe you already have a job.



Now, what is your... What is
your connection with Brewer?

I don't know any Brewer!

The little guy. What was
he doing in your room?

I don't know. I came
in and he was here.

He said it was a mistake.


Maybe, Tessa.

I'll have plenty of time
to find out the truth.

Because you and Brewer aren't
going anywhere for a long time.



In the meantime,
you've got a lot to learn.




You move pretty good, lady.

[CHUCKLES] So do you.

Yeah, well, I'm a firm
believer in physical fitness.

I set a company policy allowing
employees time off for exercise.

Exercise is a sound
investment in good living.

And I couldn't agree more.

One, two, three.


You silly thing, you.

It does sound a
little stuffy, doesn't it?

Well, I didn't mean it...

I didn't mean it the
way it sounded, Walter.

I've never been
married, you know.

I never had time.

I have always regretted
that. Until I met you.

Well, that's what I
wanted to talk to you about.

About us.

Why we should get married.

Well, I guess I could
talk to you about

compensating balances,

mutual assets that make
a partnership workable.

He's not talking marriage,
Annie. He's talking merger.

And he's wearing
out my visibility.

I'll be moving right along.

But there's only one
real reason why I ask you

to marry me, Anastasia,

to me the only important one.

What is that, Walter?

I love you.

DEXTER: Come on, babe.

Marry him and you'll have to take the
whole board of directors home with you.

Thank you, Walter.
We'll talk later.

But, Anastasia...

Oh... Later, Walter. Please.






-Hold it! -[EXCLAIMS]

What are you doing?

Oh, why did you stop me?

Look, I don't know
what your problem is,

but life is too precious to
throw away, no matter what.

Yeah? How can you talk
about life being precious

when you're what you are?

What do you think I am?

You're here in this
place. You're all K*llers.

You're here. Is
that what you are?

Me? I wanted a little
excitement out of life.

And I thought
this was the place.

They told me I was
gonna be a hostess.

That's a new name for it.

Listen, my name isn't Brewer
and I'm not what you think I am.


- What's the matter?
- I'll be all right.

What is that stuff?

It's a long story.


Anyway, you've got enough
problems of your own.

Come on. I'm gonna
help you get out of here.

Why should you?

Because you're nice, that's why.


This place is a fortress.

Don't worry, I'll find a way.

-[KNOCKING ON DOOR] -Who is it?

MAN: Room service.

I didn't order anything.


Come in.

Compliments of the house.

Mr. Roarke!

Mr. Roarke?

Mr. Henshaw, Miss Brody.

Oh, am I glad to see you.

Look, this girl doesn't
belong here, you've gotta...

Wait a minute. How did
she know your name?

Miss Tessa Brody
works in a factory

in Des Moines, Iowa.

As she puts it, not the
most exciting job in the world.

Her fantasy has been to get
some excitement, a few thrills.

Some danger into her life.

But I had this feeling

that you were in great
danger, Miss Brody.

Oh, Mr. Roarke, I almost
made a terrible mistake.

He stopped me.

Unfortunately, once
a fantasy has begun,

it must be played
out to its conclusion.

Whatever happens to both
of you is in your own hands.

But I ask you to remember this,

ingenuity and courage have
often been mistaken for miracles.

I've made my
decision, Mr. Roarke.

Tessa and I are leaving
here together. Right now.

Oh, I see.

May I have a word
with you, Mr. Henshaw?

In private, if you don't mind.

Do you realize the consequences

of abandoning your own
fantasy, Mr. Henshaw?

Yes, I know, Mr. Roarke.

But coming here was a dumb idea.

I haven't been able to find
out anything to help me.

I can do something
to help Tessa.

Her life can go on and
count for something.

And if that's the best I can do,

that's good enough for me.

I can die with that.

You're a very courageous
man, Mr. Henshaw.

Who knows?

Perhaps your courage
itself will produce a miracle.

ROARKE: I sincerely hope so.

Good luck.

Miss Brody.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.

I'll bet you that
factory in Des Moines

looks pretty good to
you right now, huh?

Oh. I didn't know
when I was well off.

Yeah, well, look. You better change
'cause we're going out of here in style.

Thank you.




Why thank you.

Dancing with you, my darling, is
as close to heaven as a man can get.

Thank you.

Did you hear that applause?

We're a team. We go together.

We're beautiful people.


Annie, proceed with caution.

What I'm really saying
is I'm crazy about you.

Now and forever.

Yummy, yum, yum.

Stop it!

What? What's wrong? I thought...

I'm sorry, Ellis. I...

I really... I'm terribly sorry.

Anastasia, what's the matter?


DEXTER: Hmm... Now
I've left her with no one.


All right. Let's take it slow.

Just remember, you're
an average, everyday,

garden-variety type k*ller.

And my arm is gonna fall off
if you don't loosen your grip.

Brewer, anything in
the house is yours.

Except her.

Yeah, well, I don't think
you get the picture, Falco.

You see, we're leaving together.

All right, hold it right there!

This is a nitro
derivative. My own blend.

You're bluffing.

It'd blow you up the same as us.

Well, now that's what those
cops in Philly thought, too.

We want a car and a boat. Now!

You can't run far
enough, Brewer.

You and this deadbeat loser.

-All right, Falco... -No!


Get the boys and
cover the grounds.

Oh, Mr. Roarke?

I just came to thank
you for everything.

I'm going to drive
up to the mountains.

I understand that the
view from the summit

is something like
nothing in this world.

That would not be
very wise, Mrs. Dexter.

There was a storm at the
higher elevations last night.

The roads may be treacherous.

Don't worry about
me, Mr. Roarke.

I know I'm going
to enjoy this drive

more than any drive
I ever took in my life.

It was foolish of
me to think that

I was going to find
the right man here.

I know now that
there is only one way

for me to find happiness.

And I'm going to take it.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.


The next move, Mr. Dexter,
is definitely up to you.

And quickly.

I never intended
this, Mr. Roarke.

Now she actually means
to take her own life.

How can I help her?

By letting her go, Mr. Dexter.
Really letting her go.

Instead of helping
her as you promised,

you have mocked and ridiculed
the three men who attracted her.

Despite her love for you, which
is secure in her heart forever,

you have, out of jealousy,

robbed her of the
years ahead of her.

Years that must be without you.

You're right.

I was jealous. Imagine.

Hurry, Mr. Dexter.


Thank you.


-I'm sorry, Tessa. -We tried.

FALCO: Hold it, Brewer.




Help me?

Stay where you are
or I'll push him off.

Would you give me a hand up?


What are you doing?

They look the same to me.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

But will you please
give me a hand?

Yeah, sure, Falco.

But first, take a
good look at me.

Do you remember? Tommy Henshaw.

Bookkeeper, Sunnyvale.
Now why did you poison me?

You were handling
the Florsheck account.

That's a cover for
overseas bribes.

You were gonna be
investigated by SCC.

The boss got scared that
you'd blow the whole deal

if you found out.

Now will you please,
please give me a hand up?


Just one more thing.

What kind of poison did you use?




You know, you're a
fool. You know that?

I don't have to k*ll you.

You're gonna die anyway.

You're the one I'm
gonna enjoy wasting.

I think you better look
over there, Mr. Falco.


Well, Mr. Henshaw?


I have a plane waiting.

We'll be at Fantasy Island
Hospital in minutes.

We'll radio the information
so the antidote will be waiting.

Well, thanks for the
cavalry, Mr. Roarke.

I thought you said this island
was owned by an unfriendly nation.

And so it is, but I have an influential
friend very high in our government.

I thought this a most
opportune moment for him

to use that
influence, and he did.

Dex, this is our song.

I hope you enjoy it.

- Annie, this isn't the way.

What you and I had
will never change.

But you must go on without me.

No, Dex.

Now we'll be together forever.


I love you, babe.

And I will till the end of time.

But you must live
and love again.

Because only by loving
is all love kept alive.

Now remember that.

And remember me.

And we will love again.

Now, my darling,
now you must live.

Anastasia, you must live.


DEXTER: You must live.

Yes, Dex.

I will.

I will.

Anastasia, Mr. Roarke told
me that you'd driven up here.

I was very worried about you.

Thank you, Walter.

I was just thinking about
something you said to me.

They were only three
simple little words,

but you are the only
one who said them.

"I love you."




Are you feeling all
right, Mr. Henshaw?

Never better, Mr. Roarke. The
hospital gave me a clean bill of health.

You know, when I think what Tommy
was willing to give up for me, well,

I'll be taking care
of him from now on.

For the rest of our lives.

I think I hear wedding bells.

You hear right, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Splendid.

And may your life together
bring you both a gift

no fantasy ever could.

Long years of the reality
of sharing your love.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
For everything.

- You're welcome, Mr. Henshaw.
- Thank you.

-Thank you. -Goodbye.

-Tattoo. -Bye-bye.

You did it again, boss.

With a little help, Tattoo.

With a little help.


Oh, Mr. Roarke. [CHUCKLES]

I don't know why, but I'm sure
that Walter is the right man.

Oh, I am very happy
for you, Mrs. Dexter.

And yet I detect a slight
reservation on your part.

Oh, well, he would be all
right. It's just that he's so...

so solid.

If he would have
a little bit of...

Shall we say a little
dash of wackiness?

That's right.

can't have everything.

Walter! Oh, where have you been?

Sorry, darling.

I've been practicing a little routine
that Tattoo taught me this morning.

A routine?

Sure, watch.

Walter, you tap dance!

Doesn't everybody? [CHUCKLES]

Oh, thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Goodbye, Mrs. Dexter.

And thank you, Tattoo.

Bravo, Tattoo.



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