04x01 - The Devil and Mandy Breem" / "Instant Millionaire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x01 - The Devil and Mandy Breem" / "Instant Millionaire

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Let's go.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


This is strange.

Isn't that Mr. Fred Catlett,

the young man from
Lincoln, Nebraska

whose fantasy I rejected?

Don't worry, boss, I
will handle it myself.

Tattoo, do you mean to
tell me that you brought

Mr. Catlett here
without my permission?

Well, uh, you did
say that I could handle

a fantasy of my own.

Correction. I said
you could handle

a very simple
fantasy at a later date.

If memory serves me
correctly, Mr. Catlett's fantasy is

to become an
instant millionaire.

Well, that sounds
simple enough to me.

Simple? Indeed, it
is, so long as you have

one million dollars to
instantly give Mr. Catlett

so he can become
an instant millionaire.

Does that mean
that I have to put

a million dollar myself?


ROARKE: Mrs. Amanda
Breem of Philadelphia.

Boss, she's beautiful!

Is she looking for romance?

No, Tattoo. She is very
much in love with her husband.

As a matter of fact,
for the last year,

she has devoted herself to
nursing him back to health

after a terrible accident.
He almost lost his life.

Then what's her fantasy?

Her fantasy, Tattoo... is
to save her own life now.

TATTOO: Someone
trying to k*ll her?

She has not told me.

But in her case, I have
made an exception.

She will tell me the
rest when she's ready.


My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


- Just the man I have to see.
- Yes, Tattoo? What is it?

Mr. Catlett, he wants
his million dollars.

Well, I'm sorry to
be so blunt, Tattoo,

but I have no intention
of providing you

with one million dollars
for Mr. Catlett's fantasy.

- But, boss...
- The case is closed.

In future, perhaps
you will extend

the courtesy of checking
with me in advance.




No, Mr. Roarke is not here.

A special delivery?

Okay, hold it.


Yes, the package has arrived.

Tell Mr. Roarke...


Definitively an Aladdin's lamp.

Are you sure?

Okay, I'll tell him. Thank you.

ROARKE: This is Cabo Davadica.

MANDY: Very beautiful.

ROARKE: The natives say
there are evil spirits here.

MANDY: Do you
believe them, Mr. Roarke?

believe our islanders

are sometimes very
wise, Mrs. Breem.

Are you sure you want
me to leave you here alone?

- I need to be by myself.

Find some answers.

ROARKE: And then I hope
you'll be ready to tell me

the rest of your fantasy.

Soon, Mr. Roarke.


A problem shared is a
problem already half solved.

Do not keep it to
yourself too long.

You look well, Mandy.

How's your husband?

You see, I kept my end
of the bargain, didn't I?

I need to talk to you.

Now it's your turn to deliver
the goods, so to speak.


You said you'd give me an out.

A chance to
renegotiate our contract.

Very well.

Provided you do not tell
Mr. Roarke about our deal.

I haven't said a word, I swear.


In that case, my dear Mandy,

I will let you buy
out of our contract.

I haven't very much money.

Oh, I was thinking of something
much more exotic than money.

Well, let me see...

what would I take...

in place of your soul?

I know.

An alba form of
paniseapalulakei, yes.

A what?

Oh, forgive me. It's a flower.

Its common name is the
Queen Omega Orchid.

A flower?

You just want a flower?

Oh, but it's a very special one.

Very beautiful.

Very delicate.

It should be potted, not cut.

You place a living bloom
of the Queen Omega

in my hands before
midnight tomorrow...

and I will release
you from our bargain.

Now, that's fair, isn't it?

I don't know very
much about flowers.

Oh, but it shouldn't
be difficult to find one

in exchange for your soul.

Not here on Fantasy Island...

with Mr. Roarke to help you.

What a creepy place to meet.


Why all the secrecy?

[SHUSHES] Did you ever
hear of Aladdin's lamp?

-Sure. Why? -This is it.


Stop laughing. This
is the real McCoy.

Look, I know that you and
Roarke are wheeler-dealers,

but Aladdin's lamp? Come on!

Please, make your
wish for a million dollar,

and then rub the lamp.

Come on.

Rub it.

I wish... for a million dollars.

This is the dumbest
thing I've ever done.

Rub it!

I wish... for a million dollars.

I wish... for a million dollars.


AVA: Next time you
guys decide to rob a bank,

tell me about it first, huh?

Listen, once Herb
stops this car,

you bail out, kid, huh?

Once you get this stuff stashed,

meet us at the
hideout. You got that?



I wish for a million dollars.

It worked.

But of course it worked.
What did you expect?

Tattoo, you... you
really are the greatest!

I am the greatest! [LAUGHS]

-Here, gotcha! -[LAUGHS]

MANDY: Mr. Roarke, I'm...

I'm ready to tell you the
rest of my fantasy now.

ROARKE: By all
means, Mrs. Breem.

My fantasy is to have a
Queen Omega Orchid.

It's got to be potted, not cut,
and it's got to be blooming.


I thought you wanted
to save your life.

Oh, it will save
my life, believe me.

To find one blooming at
this time of the year, I...

- I really don't know.
- It's got to be blooming!

It's my fantasy!

My dear Mrs. Breem, you
told me your life is in danger,

and now you ask for a flower.

Should I not be, uh, perplexed?

You guaranteed to supply
me with whatever I needed!

What is it that
you're not telling me?

Mr. Roarke, if you
can't provide me

with the orchid,
please, just say so.

Very well, Mrs. Breem.

You shall have your
Queen Omega Orchid.


In the meantime, there is
someone here to see you.


[GASPS] Philip! What
are you doing here? Oh!

I was worried. You
left such a strange note.

Oh, I'm sorry, darling. I
was just so depressed,

but everything's going
to be all right now.

Please. Please just
be patient with me

for just a little while longer.

I'll explain it all later.

In the meantime, I
suggest you enjoy

the many pleasures
of Fantasy Island.



ROARKE: Uh, Come in.

BANDWELL: Mr. Roarke,

I couldn't leave without
thanking you personally.

My pleasure, Mr. Bandwell.

I take it your Errol Flynn
fantasy was a success.

my wildest dreams!

Ha! We sighted the
pirate ship off Tobago Bay,

and overhauled her
on the windward side.

All morning long we fought
a running battle with her.

Then my lads got in a
broadside and took her main mast!

She struck her colors,

and I ordered me
crew to stand by

with grappling
irons to board her.

But before we could
close in alongside,

all of a sudden she heaved
over on her beam ends.

Just before she sank,

I saw the pirate
captain himself,

up on the stern,
waving his cutlass.

I could have sworn it
was Blackbeard himself.

[GASPS] How exciting.

I congratulate you
on a historic victory.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, thank
you, Mr. Roarke. Thank you!

There's just one thing.

Yes, Mr. Bandwell?

That pirate ship, uh,
somehow, uh, well...

it... it seemed a lot
smaller than I had expected.


Of course, uh, we never
did get really close to her.

Uh, well, distances can be
deceptive at sea, Mr. Bandwell.

And, uh, in the heat of battle,

uh, things do not always
appear as they really are, you see.

guess that's it, yeah.

Anyway, we sent
one more buccaneer

to Davey Jones' Locker.

And made the Spanish
Main a safer sea to sail on.

Well, I am glad that the
outcome of your swashbuckling

was to your satisfaction.

Uh, goodbye, Mr. Bandwell.
Goodbye, Mr. Roarke. [CHUCKLING]

And thank you.

-Boss? -Yes, Tattoo?

Please, do me a favor.

No more Errol Flynn
fantasy for a while.

I've been sunk
four times this week.

Please, boss.

We'll think about it.

All right.

AVA: As soon as I show
you where the money is,

I'm through. I split.

You'll split when
we get it back.

Look, it came
through that window!

I heard the glass break.

S... somebody
must have taken it.

I wonder who.

Ace, don't look at me like that.

It's filthy in here. Nobody's
been in here in years.

Somebody must have been in here.

Don't yell at me. I'm...


if you're thinking
of ripping me off,

of double-crossing us.

Ace, I told you,

I don't want any
part of that money.

You'd better find
out where it is then,

because Herb and
me do want it, all of it.

I... I don't even
know where to look.

Herb, uh...

why don't you go around
and ask a few questions, huh?

Find out whether somebody's
been spending a lot of cash.

Okay. Yeah, it's a small island.

If you do find out

that some guy's been
spending our money,

I don't want you to
lay a finger on him.

-Is that clear? -Why not?

Because I want to
take care of him...


Fred, how much
did you wire them?

- Two hundred thousand dollars.
- That's a lot of money!

I grew up in that
orphanage, Tattoo.

I owe them everything.

Besides, they need all
the money they can get.

Fred, you're a nice guy.

- You like the wagon?
- It's beautiful.

I got another one on order.

Nothing like having a
backup, I always say.

Let's go.


Oh, Mr. Roarke.

You certainly know
how to throw a party.

Thank you. This is
for you, Mrs. Breem.


An alba form of the

- the Queen Omega Orchid.

- It's lovely.
- Not as lovely as you.

Oh, thank you, Tattoo. Thanks.

I hope it will bring you
everything you hope for.

Will you excuse us? Tattoo.

What does he mean that

"Everything you
hope for," Mandy?

-Oh, uh... -What... what's, uh,

what's that all
about, sweetheart?

I'll explain it to you
later, Philip, okay?




-You want a strawberry? -Mm.

There you go.

-Oh, it's delicious. -Yeah.


I... I have to leave you,
but just for a minute.

What for?

Trust me.

Just a little bit longer, okay?


Mandy, my dear girl,
you brought me a flower.

I kept my part of the bargain.

- Now I'm free of you forever.
- I'm afraid not.

Not just yet.

What do you mean?

First of all, I have to inspect
the merchandise, naturally.

It certainly appears to
be the, uh, right species.

Would you mind...

placing it in my hands

as we agreed?

But... [SCOFFS] it's
exactly like you ordered.

Potted, not cut.

I am afraid this
simply will not do.

I am certain that I
specified a living bloom.

But it is living.

Look at it.


Didn't Mr. Roarke tell you?

Nothing delicate can
live in my presence.

You devil.


And in just hours,

I will collect that
which is justly mine.


The immortal soul...

of Amanda Breem.

they are in the gate

for the fourth race.

Oh, we seem to be
having a little problem

with Arnie's Dream,
and, uh, Kitty's Boy.

A Bold Hold seems
to be holding still.

And now... Oh, the flag is up.


ANNOUNCER: And they're off.

Kitty's Boy is the early leader.

Come on, Arnie's Dream!

comes Arnie's Dream.

Arnie's Dream moving up.

- We're gonna win!
- Come on, Arnie's Dream!

Dream in front by three lengths.

Prince Paris is closing fast.

It's Arnie's Dream and
Prince Paris neck in neck.

And here comes Kitty's
Boy on the outside.

It's Arnie's Dream
and Prince Paris.

And here they come to the wire!

It's Prince Paris!
Prince Paris the winner!

We'd better leave.

Why? There's still
two more races to go.

But you lost so
much money already.

Only a hundred
and twenty thousand.

Besides... we can
always rub the lamp

- and get another million, right?
- I guess so.

You don't know how
much this means to me.

All my life I've
been a have-not.

Back home, I'm a
sanitation engineer.

You know what that is?

It's a fancy name for janitor.

Suddenly I'm flush.
I got my fantasy.

And I just want you
and everybody else

to enjoy it with me.

One more race, okay?

TATTOO: All right.


Who do you like
in the next race?


they're off and running!


-Uh... -Thank you.

And... and... and
you know what's great

about being rich, Ava?


All your faults are
called eccentricities.

Oh, money isn't
everything, Fred.

-[CHUCKLES] -True.

-Mm. -But like some writer said,

"It sure calms the nerves."

- Oh, I'm calm.
- [CHUCKLES] Me too.


Come on, tell me
about the money.

You know, if I
didn't know better,

I might get the
impression you want

to get your hands
on it. [LAUGHS]

Fred, how can you even
suggest such a thing?

Well, I like you
so much, I was...

I was just trying
to save your life.


-[GASPS] -What?

Hey, what...

Hey, what do you
think you're doing?

Well, let's just call it
a recovery operation.

You owe us a million
dollars. I'm here to recover it.

The only million dollars

I saw lately came from
Aladdin's magic lamp.

Sounds to me like
he's been smoking

some of the funny stuff.

Look, pal...

you've got my money,

I intend to get it
back. Is that clear?

Now, Ava, you'd better
tell your little boyfriend here

I play for keeps.

You know these guys?

Well, it's a long
story, Freddie.

Let's go. Move it! Come
on, come on. Come on!

ROARKE: Tattoo?

- What have you got there?
- TATTOO: Where?

-Behind your back. -Oh, there.

ROARKE: Yes, there.

Well, it's nothing.

Just trying a... a little
magic. Experimenting.

That lamp is not
capable of magic.

Oh, it is.

Mr. Baffle told me
so on the phone.


Did he tell you that it
was, uh, Aladdin's lamp?

ROARKE: Oh, Tattoo, don't
tell me you actually believed him,

did you? Oh, you didn't.

I think, um, I was
just thinking that, uh...

If you have a
problem, my friend,

that requires a little magic,

perhaps we had
better discuss it, huh?

Oh, there's nothing,
boss. There is nothing.

Like I told you, I was
just trying a little magic.


The lamp.

Thank you.

Mr. Roarke, you've
gotta help me!

Help you?

After you lied to
me, Mrs. Breem?

Well, I... I didn't
mean it. I just...

You said you came
here to Fantasy Island

to save your life.

But the real threat was
much more than that.

Wasn't it?

You are about to lose
your immortal soul.

What are you saying?

You should have told
me you were involved

with the Prince of
Darkness, Mrs. Breem.

[SCOFFS] Are you crazy?

Mr. Roarke is right, Philip.

I entered into a
pact with Satan.

And payment is due.

What exactly did Satan
give you, Mrs. Breem,

in return for your soul?

I think you already
know that, don't you?

I know.

The accident.

The... the car crash was...

one year ago today.

PHILIP: I would have
died on the operating table

except for a miracle.
That's what they said.

There was no miracle, was there?

You did it for me.

You were dying.

The doctors had given up
all hope. I was desperate!

And that's when you
were approached?


He offered to
save Philip's life,

if, in a year's time...

he could claim my soul.

there is little I can do.

You entered into a
contract of your own free will.

And Satan has certain rights,
the same as everybody else.

Why, he won't get her.
I... I'm going in her place.

No! No, don't!

Do you understand what
you are saying, Mr. Breem?

No, don't let him, Mr. Roarke!

Don't let him! Please,
don't let him go!

Now, please calm yourselves.

Calm yourselves, both
of you, please. Please.

There may be a way, after all.

Please have a seat, won't you?

ROARKE: As I said,
the Devil has his rights.

But like everybody else,

he is governed by
rules and procedures.

Now, your case is
not a strong one...

but there is immense
power in a love such as yours.

That will be our strength.

Our strength?

I will appear on your behalf
as council for the defense.

The Devil is obliged
to grant us a hearing.

In fact...

I am reasonably
sure that this has been

his purpose all along.

He has been using you to set up

a confrontation with me.

You see, a love like yours...

is a priceless thing.

knew I wouldn't let it be

destroyed without a fight.

It will not be the first time that
he and I have done combat.

ACE: All right, how much of
our money do you have left?

I told you, it's not your money!

How much?

Four hundred
thousand dollars maybe.

You spent six hundred grand?

Give or take.

Where have you got
the rest of it? Where is it?

The hotel safe.

ACE: The hotel safe.

Nothing's easy with
you, is it, Catlett?

We can't take him to the hotel.
The cops'll spot us for sure.

ACE: All right.

I'm just gonna
make sure that you

don't get a chance to
spend the rest of that money.

I'm closing your
accounts, both of you.

FRED: I'll make you a deal.

Your million for our lives.

Million? I thought you
said you spent most of it.

A... a full million.
I can get it.

Tattoo, Mr. Roarke's
assistant, he could do it.

He's the only one who
can. He'd do it for me.

Ace, what... what
have we got to lose?

You're gonna write a
little note to your friend.

One million dollars by midnight.

FRED: Delivered here.


No, at that graveyard
that we passed back there,

two miles back.


And you tell him, when he brings
it, he brings it and to come alone.


Oh, I'm sorry, boss. I
didn't know you were busy.

ROARKE: No, that's all right,
Tattoo. Please, please come in.

I want to talk to you.

It won't take a minute.

Tonight I have an
appointment with, uh...

an old adversary.

- I am leaving this letter...

to be opened only
if I don't return.

Won't return?

You mean never?

Boss, don't say that.

I am putting it here.

But, boss, what's
gonna happen to me?

What's gonna happen
to Fantasy Island?

You will run
everything in my place.

- This will tell you how.
- [GROANS] Boss, I can't do that.

You know that.

Boss, please don't leave.

I must go. You know that.

And if I don't come back,
you'll manage very well.

I want you to know, Tattoo...

you have been a
wonderful friend.

And the best companion
anyone could ask for.

Thank you very
much, boss. Thanks.

You know I feel the same
way about you, don't you?


Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Breem. [SIGHS]

You will wait for us here,
Mr. Breem, please, with Tattoo.

No, Mr. Roarke. I'm
going with Mandy.

We've talked it
over, Mr. Roarke.

Neither of us wants
to live if the other dies.

I understand.

ROARKE: Shall we go?


- Come back, boss.

Please come back.


come back.

MEPHISTOPHELES: Roarke, my dear
fellow, how good it is to see you again.

Mr. Breem...

may I present...


I'm delighted to
meet you, Mr. Breem.

of you to accompany your wife.

May I say I consider
it a most noble act.

We have come to
demand a hearing.

By all means.

But you understand,
Roarke, if you lose,

I get your soul too.

Isn't that why you ordered
Mrs. Breem to Fantasy Island?

However, I am prepared
to offer you all our souls...

or none.

Why not?

After all, I have a reputation
of being a good sport.

You've got yourself a deal.

We have the right to examine
your contract with Mrs. Breem.

Will you produce it, please?

I drew it up myself.

You'll waste your time
looking for loopholes.

I give you my word.

You will forgive me

if I don't take your
word for anything.




We had to get smart,
pick a graveyard.

These places
give me the willies.

Ah, we're a little early.

You, uh...

think the little guy'll show up?

He'd better, for their sake.

Oh, Fred, I hate to say this,
but money might not be enough.

What do you mean?

Ace, well, he... he may decide
that he doesn't want to have

any witnesses around.

You don't really think...


This whole fantasy stinks!

First I get a million dollars,
and then I'm dead broke.

Now I'm probably dead. [GRUNTS]

Well... it did have
one positive aspect.

brought us together.


But for how long?

I remind you, old adversary,

that we are not
in a court of law?

I have fulfilled the
letter of the contract.

That is all that
is required of me.

You knew she could never deliver

a living bloom in your hands.

Why, that's
deliberate deception.

But I advised her
to seek your help.

If she'd been honest with you,

then you could have
objected. Now, too late.

It's never too late
to object to fraud.

If she's read things
into it that aren't there,

it's not my fault.

You encouraged her
desperation, Mephistopheles,

as you always do.

You pretend to be reasonable.

You pose as a
friend and offer hope.

But all you deliver
is destruction.

You are the worst kind of
fraud. You are a lying hypocrite.

That is a poor choice of words.

I would have much
preferred master politician.


Your clients tried to escape me.



How stupid.


See how piteously
they clutch each other.


They are clinging to each
other in the face of the unknown,

each bravely giving
comfort to the other.

Why, Roarke, you are
an incorrigible romantic.

If you mean that I
am in love with love,

- you are quite right.

Don't get me wrong.
I find love very useful.

Without love, there
would be no temptation.

In my business, I couldn't
get along without it.

On the contrary,

love is the creative
energy of the universe.

Without it, life would be hell,
and you would have won long ago.


someday, when all
mankind really learns to love,

like those two good people,
you will finally be destroyed.

I am not the one
facing destruction here.

Your time is almost up.



Nothing you have said compels
me to release your clients...

or you.

You are finally beaten.

We both know the rules.

You must take exactly
what you are entitled to.

Exactly. Not one
soul more, nor less...

or you relinquish
your claim to all of us.

I claim all three souls!


But I don't see how
you can manage that.

There are four souls here.


[SCOFFS] Four?

How will you take Mrs. Breem...

without harming the child?

What child?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

You did know Mrs.
Breem was pregnant...

did you not?

ROARKE: If I remember correctly,

you are forbidden to
touch the unborn child.

So, if you cannot take all...

you take nothing.

Damn you, Roarke!

Is that not what you
have been trying to do?

You lose again.

You can't take any of us.


I warn you,
Mephistopheles, no reprisals.

The Breems are
free of you, forever.

You hurt my feelings,
my dear Roarke.

I... know the rules.

Even my worst
detractors must admit

that the Devil is a
damn good sport.

Thanks for the game, Roarke.

We will play again.

We have all
eternity before us...


sooner or later...

I'm bound to win.

Mr. Roarke...

is it really over?

For you two, yes.

-[SIGHS] -Mr.
Roarke, we owe you,

uh, the most any
human being can owe.

I'm just sorry that
you had to tell a lie

in order to save us.

A lie? What lie?

You said that I was pregnant.

My dear Mrs. Breem,

when you get back
to Philadelphia...

I suggest you pay a
visit to your family doctor.


You finally showed, huh?
You're ten minutes late.

And you are six hundred
and thousand dollars short.

-What? -FRED: Tattoo?

Didn't... didn't you
bring the magic lamp?

I told you... I told you
to bring it in... in the note.

Fred, the lantern is a fake.

-What? -The only thing

you've got in that case is
the four hundred thousand

from the hotel safe, right?

Right. Why don't you
check for yourself?

-Stick it up! -Oh! Oh!



No way!




Is everything under
control, Tattoo?

Everything okay, boss.

Oh, thank you, Tattoo.
They would have k*lled us.

Not with me around.

Tattoo, where in the
name of Wyatt Earp,

did you get that very
large and deadly w*apon?

Oh, I bought it, boss.
Self-protection, you know?


Then you should have
checked it for b*ll*ts.


[g*n CLICKS]

[g*n CLICKS]


Oh, boss.


Mr. Roarke, there's
something more I should say.

There is no need to
say anything, Mr. Breem.

You have given me an
example of loyalty and love

I shall always remember.

-Thanks. Goodbye. -Goodbye.


-Boss? -ROARKE: Yes?

I knew you wouldn't
lie about the baby.

Oh, thank you very much, Tattoo.

But how did you know? I
mean, you're not a doctor.



Oh, Tattoo, I want to
thank you for my, um,

an interesting fantasy, Tattoo.

I'm sorry that your fantasy
didn't come the way I wanted.

- What, uh, didn't work?
- Well, Fred didn't get the girl.

Who said so?

FRED: Ava?

I thought she was in
jail for bank robbery.

- So did I. What happened?
- Very simple, gentlemen.

Miss Ava Foster is an
undercover police officer.

She only joined forces with
Ace Scanlon and Herb Glazer

in order to bring
them to justice.



You didn't tell me she
was a lady cop. Why?

For the same reason
you didn't tell me

you borrowed my lamp.

You knew about
that, and you fixed it

so that the money will
go through the window.

I? How could I?

TATTOO: One million dollars.

One million dollars exactly.

A mere coincidence,
I assure you.

Then... the lamp is not magic?

wouldn't say that, Tattoo.

I will put it this way,
sometimes it's best

not to know where
reality leaves off

and the magic begins.

But to tell you the truth...

sometimes I am not
altogether sure myself.


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