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23x03 - A Grain of Truth

Posted: 05/02/23 09:15
by bunniefuu
Happy Midsummer's Eve, everyone,
and welcome back to Larkton's Mill.

Chrissie and I thought
it was about time for a catch-up.

The old mill is finally back up
and running, with the addition

of a state-of-the-art water turbine
making us fully sustainable.

That means we can now make our own
% organic flour

with clean and renewable energy.

As you can see,
our waterside cafe is now open,

and so far, we've been overwhelmed
by your incredible support.

But we've got big plans
for much, much more.

Our live feed is
buzzing with requests

to go inside the bakery.

So, let's see where
the magic happens.

Now it's time to meet
our incredible baking team.

We are so proud
of every one of them.

But none of this
would be possible

without the help of
our head miller, Gabriel,

and his talented
apprentice, Clare.

And now we've got the newest
addition to the baking team.

Say hello, Ricky.

When Ricky first came to us,
he'd never done any baking.

And here he is,
mastering our signature

organic sourdough rolls.
It turns out he's a natural.

Silas, have you seen this?

Ricky Naybury has stolen
from everyone in this village.

At least they're giving
him a chance, Den.

Not many would.
'Cause he doesn't deserve it!

And you know what Tom Larkton's
big plans are, don't you?

Bars, lodges, restaurants.

Our business is
already half dead,

but that would
just finish us off.

Not that you seem to care.

Don't know what you expect me
to do about it, Den?

Something. For once.

Same again, Jack.

Yeah, we need to escalate our plans.

Spread the word.



Do you think we
should call the police?

No, that's what they want.

We'll just hold our nerve.

I didn't think anyone
hated us this much.

I grew up here.
They know me.

Hey, this is just some
crank trying to freak us out,

and we are not going
to let that happen, OK?

Tonight's our chance
to show the village

that there's room
enough for all of us.

Come here.

Now making your own starter
can seem complicated at first.

It is a scary mix of microbial
science and metaphysics,

but I promise it's worth it.


Turn it off, Ma.

Why t*rture yourself?


You have to know your
enemy to defeat him.

My customers will come back
once the novelty wears off.

And if they don't?

Your father and I
left Italy with nothing.

We worked our fingers to
the bone to build this business.

Times change, Ma.

So we just give in?

Is that your answer?

Michael was a fighter.

He would have known
exactly what to do.

What are you doing here, sir?
I thought you were on leave.

Oh, Sarah has an old
school friend coming to stay.

Let's just say we've
never really hit it off.

What's the problem?

She's lived in
California far too long.

Always on a mission to
convert you to the latest fad.

Last time,
it was eating raw.

The worst week of my life.

Well, I look forward
to meeting her.

Oh, she'll love you, Winter.

She only dates toyboys.

Age is just a number, sir.

I'll bear that in mind.

Just got to turn it on, sir.

TOM: Clare.

I need more rye, mixed
seeds and pastry flour.

Quick as you can, please.

Sorry to interrupt.

Got a last-minute request
for this week's masterclass

from a Sophie Rendle.

Wonders if she could have
a quick chat, see if it's for her.

I don't have time. I've got this
second bake to do for the party.

If she's keen,
we can squeeze her in.

How was the response to that video?

All positive,

apart from one anonymous
post that claims we're lying

about being % organic.

They claim Heron's Farm uses
pesticides, that the info comes

from an official source
and that they can prove it.

But Nathan would never do that.

Ricky, can you take
over here, please?

- Be as quick as I can.
- Tom.


Why didn't you tell me?

You've been so ill, Dad.
I had to make a decision.

How did the DAF find out?

I have no idea.

We'll be fine. Trust me.


Are you using pesticides
under the radar?

- Yes or no?
- No.

Then why am I
hearing that you are?

We've had crop
contamination in the past.

Worked out it came from the verges.

It was just damage limitation.

I cannot believe this.

None of the grain you've
had from us has been sprayed

so you don't have to
worry, it's no harm done.

(SHOUTS) No harm done?
Are you serious?

Won't happen again, Tom.
You have our word.

No, it won't.


Tom. Tom!

Don't do this, please.

We really need this contract.

Sorry, Nathan. You've
left me no choice.

Tom, come on.



Look, I know that Nathan
was an old friend of yours,

but he admitted
that he's been using pesticides.

He gave me no choice.

I had to cancel that contract.


There's more. They're...

..all anonymous, and
they're all aimed at me.

Sir, I've just had a rather
unusual request from on high.

Have you heard of Tom
and Chrissie Larkton,

celebrities in the baking world?

No. Should I have?

They've restored the old
watermill in Lower Blissingham,

and it's attracting
a lot of visitors.

But the locals aren't
very happy about it.

Surely their success
benefits everyone.

Where are the
complaints coming from?

Businesses in the village
are losing serious money.

Denise Bantrig, who's the
landlady of the Highwayman Inn,

is leading a protest.

She has my sympathy,

but sorting out community squabbles

is hardly our remit.

I agree, but it does
seem to be escalating.

Chrissie Larkton's receiving
what she and her husband believe

to be credible death threats,
both online and...

..this is a first -
concealed in a cake.

What will it be next?
Booby-trapped baguettes?

It's actually pretty sinister.

There was a layer of pig's blood

hidden under the icing.

And when Mrs Larkton cut
into the cake, she found the word

"cursed" baked into the sponge.

Well, I agree, it's macabre,
but what would the charge be?

(CHUCKLES) as*ault and Battenberg?

Try to take it seriously, sir.

Due to the Larkton's high-profile
nature, the powers that be

want us to check it out?

Maybe I should have
stayed on leave after all.

It was the cake that really got
to me, the lengths they'd gone to.

Any idea how it got there?

We've been very busy today.
It could have been anyone.

Didn't seem busy
when we drove past.

Well, we closed early
for a private event.

A Midsummer's Eve party
for everyone in the village.

We're hoping to build some
bridges with our neighbours.

I've known many of
them since I was a child.

Oh, you grew up here?

The mill has been in
my family since .

After my mother died, my father
carried on as long as he could,

but there was no interest
in organic flour back then, and

he couldn't compete
with the factory mills.

I understand the word
"cursed" was used in the cake.

Does that mean anything to you?

The mill's been the scene of several
tragic deaths over the years,

including my mother's.

Locals think it's down
to some ancient curse.

Maybe they're right.

That must have been very
hard for you and your father.

After a while, he lost the will to
carry on, mothballed the mill, and

lived as a recluse
until he died.

And that's when you
decided to take it on?

It was a way

of making my parents'
dream a reality.

And now the demand for organic
flour far outstrips the supply,

so it made sound business sense.

So what happens now?

I'm afraid there's very little we
can do unless an actual crime

has been committed.

But you did the right thing,
informing the police.

Our new book
comes out this week,

so we'd appreciate it if it could
be handled with some discretion

to avoid any negative press.

Of course.

Where have you been?

I had to cover for you to Tom.

Thanks, babe. I owe you.

Oh, I bought you this.

Clare, I ask you for mixed seeds!
Where are they?

Oh, er, the jar was empty.
I couldn't find Gabriel.

It's not my problem.
I need them now.


Without this contract,
we're finished.

- You have to talk to Tom.
- Nathan...

You know how ill Dad is?
You can't do this to him.

You made the decision
to use pesticides.

I'm sorry, but my
hands are tied.

We can't risk losing
our organic status.

But you're prepared
to lose our friendship?

I've always defended
you in the village.

Told them, "She's one of us.

"Chrissie won't let us down."

But they were right
to see you as the enemy.

And you really don't want to make
enemies of people around here.



Midsummer's Eve has been
celebrated at the mill for over years.

A tradition we can't wait to revive
with our village neighbours.

We have laid on a
fully organic buffet.

Now, you can find all of these...

They're going to have
a long wait.

No one's crossed the line.


Looks like we've done it,
ladies and gents.

First drink on the house
for supporting the cause.


Johnny! Perfect timing.

Lovely to see you, Vanessa.

You're looking
younger than ever.

And you're looking awful.

Not surprising after a day
apprehending jewel thieves

and axe murderers.

- It's not always quite like...
- Do the honours, darling.

These nails cost a fortune.

I thought you didn't drink
anything but champagne.

Yes, but it's a biodynamic
sparkling from a local producer

who has a holistic approach
to the whole...

vineyard ecosystem.

Ah. You'll have to drink a lot
of these to offset your air miles.

Every little helps, darling.

V's got a very exciting
itinerary planned for us

over the next few days.

Yes, I do.

Including supper at zero-waste
pop-up near Badger's Drift.

Oh, can't wait.

But, I don't fancy
playing gooseberry,

so, I will need an escort.


..well, I might know someone
who's considerably younger

but some might say handsome.


Just how I like them.

We are going to have so much fun!



The press want to know
what's going on?

Well, isn't it obvious?
Nobody's coming.

We've got to stop
them reporting that.

I cut the live feed.
Said we had a technical problem.

Ricky, I want all the food dumped
and everything taken down. Now!


I told you to stop calling me.

Special midsummer offer -
filled rolls with any drink.

Only three quid.


Who are they from?

Never you mind?

We've got the pub full for once.

Might as well
make the most of it.

Maybe I'm not quite
as useless as you think.

MAN: Denise, pint, please.



MAN: (WHISPERS) Chrissie.


Chrissie. (ECHOES)

Follow me. Chrissie.


Chrissie. (ECHOES)




DENISE: And finally, I'd like
to thank you all for coming

and to make a toast

to the curse of Abaddon.

ALL: The curse of Abaddon!






What's the matter?

No, no.
Den, what's the matter?

No, no, no!

Talk to me.


(WHISPERS) Chrissie. Chrissie.


Chrissie. Chrissie.


Stop! Chrissie!

Where are you going?


Chrissie! Chrissie, Chrissie.

TOM: What's going on?

Call an ambulance.


Oh, thought I saw your car, sir.

You OK?

A little too much
biodynamic wine last night.

- Sarah's friend's arrived then?
- Yes.

Oh, and she's insisting on taking
us out to some shack in a field

where all the food is foraged.

She needs an escort,
and I proposed you.


Well, we might need an evening out
after the latest news from the mill.

Seems the party didn't
quite go as planned.

Fisticuffs over the focaccia?

No-one turned up,
and there are reports

of what seem like poisoning.

Fleur's particularly concerned
about a batch of seeded rolls.

We're just waiting
on the tox report.

How bad was it?

Chrissie Larkton had some sort of
seizure and had to be hospitalised,

and people were also taken ill
at the Highwayman Inn,

including Denise Bantrig.

Well, I thought that was
the hub of the protest.

It is, sir.

So what exactly happened
to Chrissie Larkton?

Doctors put it down to some
kind of temporary psychosis,

cause unknown.

Has your wife ever experienced
anything like this before?

She suffered some memory
loss when her mother died.

Dissociative amnesia
I think they called it,

but nothing since
I've known her.

You're supposed to be in bed.

I'm fine now, Tom.

If you're sure you're up to it.

Can you tell me what you remember,
Mrs Larkton?

Coming back here.

Having something to eat.

Then it was at the
edge of the water.

She said a man

lured her there, but when
we found her, she was alone.

Some kind of illusion.

People were similarly
affected at the Highwayman Inn.

Do you supply them
with bread by any chance?

What do you think?

We wanted to
teach them a lesson.

They think they can
click their fingers

and we'll all come running
and everything will be tickety-boo.

It's too late for that.

So you decided to have

an alternative party
for the village?

That's right. But we had absolutely
nothing to do with what happened.

It has been very hot lately,

and our cooling system
could be temperamental.

Maybe the beer was off.

That doesn't explain why
Mrs Larkton suffered the same

hallucinogenic symptoms
at exactly the same time.

Well, I never touch beer, but

the visions took me over too.

It was awful.

There are some
concerns around a batch

of seeded rolls at the mill.

Is there any chance any of them
could have made their way here?

Everything we served was
from our normal supplier.

Nothing out of
the ordinary at all.

Except that we were robbed.

What was taken?

Our emergency cash tin.

They must have
got in the back door

while all this was going on.


Yeah, one camera
in the car park.

It's faulty, though.
Got someone coming to look at it.

Well, if you remember anything
of interest from that night,

then, um, do get in touch.


Thanks very much.

Appreciate it.

There's nothing wrong
with that camera.

What on earth have
you been up to?

I was offered cheap rolls,
so I took them in good faith.

Oh, from Ricky Naybury, no doubt.

No wonder that cash is missing.

You kept going on about me
not taking action, so I did.

And nearly k*lling
me in the process

for a few measly quid.

I'll go after DS Winter,
tell him the truth.

And have the whole village know

that you had a hand
in them going doolally?

What do you want me to do?

Sort Ricky Naybury
out once and for all.

FLEUR: I sent these to
a forensic-botanist mate.

She informed me that the
seeds used in the sourdough rolls

were actually the ascomycete
fungus Claviceps purpurea.

AKA 'ergot'.

The infection

replaces individual
grains with dark, hard ergot.

They get mixed in with healthy
grain during harvest and milling.


Painful seizures,

spasm, hallucination,

psychosis, mania and delirium.

The ergot fungus contains a number
of highly poisonous and psychoactive

alkaloids that can affect the
function of the cerebral cortex.

impacting high-level
processes, such as

perception and memory.

In what way?


Memory loss.

I've never even heard of ergot.


It was more of a problem
in the th century.

In fact, there's a school of thought

that women accused
of being witches were

probably suffering
from ergotism.

These days, stringent
quality checks

make it extremely rare.

We need to talk to the miller.

- Gabriel Arnson.
- Mm.

Thank you, Fleur.

Yes, thank you, Fleur.


You've got a nerve.

I... I heard about last night.

I just wanted to
make sure you're OK.

Like you care.

What do you really want?

To reassure you that Tom
and I want to be your partners,

not your rivals.

You're going a
funny way about it.

Our aim is for us
to all work together,

just, like it was
in the old days.

My parents

counted you and
Silas as friends.

The difference is, your parents were
decent, community-minded people,

and all you care about
is yourselves.

- Hang the rest of us.
- That's not true.

You're a fake, Chrissie Larkton.

Always were.

And no matter
what you say or do,

the curse will get
you in the end.

Get away from my pub.

Every sack is subject
to stringent quality control.

Ergot-infected grain
would never get past me.

The heads are black.
Stand out a mile.

What about the mixed seeds?

Likewise. They're hand-sifted
and stored in airtight jars.

Could someone have tampered
with the jars without your knowledge?

Well, it's possible,

but I personally supervise
everything that goes to the bakery.

Except for yesterday.

Well, Tom needed mixed seeds.

I came to fetch some
but the jar was empty.

He went mental.

He said I had to
find some, or else.

But when I came back,
the jar was full.

I thought you'd refilled it.

So, you took the jar
into the bakery?

I didn't want to upset Tom.

Tom can be a bit of a bully
when he's under pressure.

Is he feeling the pressure now?

There are allegations online
that the mill's claims

to be fully organic are untrue.

We had a problem with one
of our grain suppliers,

Heron's Farm,
so we cancelled the contract.

- When was this?
- Yesterday.


This is interesting.

When I spoke to Silas Bantrig,

he claimed that all the food
served last night came

from their usual suppliers,
delivered that morning.

But Tech have just
sent this through.

Mr Bantrig said that
their CCTV had a fault,

but a security camera on a
cottage opposite, caught this.

Looks like Fleur
might be right after all.

Mm. Isn't she always?

Mr Larkton, could we have a word?

Natasha, could you finish
this focaccia, please?

How can I help you?

We think the rolls prepared
for the party were deliberately

contaminated with ergot.

What about the pub?

Bread was delivered there
after the party was called off.

Do you recognise this person?

(SCOFFS) That could be anyone.

What happened to
all the party food?

It was dumped in the food waste.

Can we take a look?

The bins are collected every
morning. It'll be gone by now.

We understand you ended a
contract with a supplier yesterday.

Heron's Farm.
Why was that?

I found out they
were using pesticides.

Do you think they've got
something to do with this?

Nathan. Nathan!

It was you, wasn't it,

causing all this trouble?

No, of course not.

Don't lie to me, son!


Look, if you tell me the truth,

we can face this together.

I've got to finish
cleaning the silo,

store the grain due at the mill.

Go back inside.









Heron's Farm have had issues
with ergot infections in the past.

The DAF were tipped off
about recent pesticide use by

a member of the parish council.

Did you get a name?

They wanted to remain anonymous.






Yes. We had a
problem with ergot.

That was before the Larktons
took over the mill.

If you believed it
had been eradicated,

why use pesticide?

Nathan was worried about
the verges, so he sprayed them

to be on the safe side.

I had no idea.





What happened to
the infected crop?

Incinerated the lot.

So whatever went on last night
had nothing to do with us.

So Nathan didn't go
to the mill yesterday?

Not that I know of.

But you can ask him yourself.

He's cleaning the silo.

Thank you for your
time, Mr Duncroft.

(YELLS) Help!


Fleur said ergot is
extremely rare in this country.

What are you thinking, sir?

That the infestation on
this farm has to be linked

to yesterday's poisoning.

And now this.

Mr Duncroft.


The door was bolted
from the outside.

Is there any other way out?

Is there anyway that he
could have triggered it himself,

- from the inside...
- No.

- ..accidentally?
- No. You... have to climb the external
ladder to release the grain.

So this was no accident.

Can you think of anyone that would
want your son dead, Mr Duncroft?

Ergot is used in certain

homeopathic compounds.

People pay silly money.

We needed every
penny we could get.

So you didn't
incinerate the ergot.

Instead, you were selling it

When Tom Larkton ended our contract,

Nathan must have just lost it.

He wanted to damage them
as much as they'd damaged us.

I know it was reckless, but

he didn't want to k*ll anyone.

He was a good man.

A good son.

And he didn't deserve this.

Where's Ricky?

He's on his break. Why?

My keys went missing from my jacket.

I went home to check
everything was OK,

found out I'd been broken into.

Well, it doesn't mean it was Ricky.

Stuff's been going missing
ever since he arrived.

It's time to get real, Tom.
He's taking you for a fool.

I will compensate you

for everything that you've lost.

But please don't
call the police.

Too late. They're on their way.

I'm not protecting him anymore,
and neither should you.

Where have you
been all afternoon?

A walk.

You should tell me when
you're going out.

I'm nearly years old,
entitled to a life of my own.

The police are
going door to door,

asking questions,

looking for witnesses.

I wasn't even at the pub.

Know nothing about any of it.

It's not about that.

Nathan Duncroft is dead.

What was taken.

Some cash and a box
belonging to my grandfather.

There are other
valuables in the house,

so I think they must
have been disturbed.

What was in the box?

Watches. Cufflinks.

Anything distinctive about it?

His initials are on the top.

Any sign of forced entry?

No need.

He stole my keys.

Ricky Naybury, professional thief,

currently out on licence.

Tom's his sponsor,
won't hear a word against him.

but I reckon he's in
all sorts of trouble.

I saw him arguing
with Nathan Duncroft.

- When was this?
- Yesterday afternoon.

Are you suggesting he's involved
in Nathan's death somehow?

I'm just telling you what I saw.

Were there any other witnesses?

My apprentice. She was with him.

Clare Simkins.

She's infatuated with Ricky.

Did she say what the
argument was about?

She claims Nathan
was accusing Ricky

of being a traitor for
working for the Larkton's.

But, she'd say
anything to protect him.

Nathan Duncroft wanted to
damage the Larktons' reputation,

he didn't want to k*ll anyone.

So, why would someone react
in such a brutal and violent way?

The farm's in the middle of nowhere,


there's direct
access via a footpath

between the mill and the farm.

The estates are adjoining.

Larkton had motive.

Nathan Duncroft poisoned his wife.

See what you can find out
about Larkton and anyone else

in the vicinity of the mill
and Heron's Farm.

I've already looked
into Ricky Naybury,

who lives rent-free in a
cottage on the Larktons' estate.

Giving him direct access
to Heron's Farm.

According to Gabriel Arnson,
Ricky Naybury had an issue

with Nathan Duncroft.

History of offending - robbery,

theft, with a particular
interest in jewellery.

Seems to have made
quite a career of it.

Did he now?

Can I help you?

I'm here for the master class.

I booked mill
accommodation for two nights.

Couldn't risk being late.
It's a long way from Chelsea.

Sophie, isn't it?
I'm Chrissie Larkton.

It's great to meet you.

This place looks
amazing on the vlog,

but it's even more
beautiful in real life.

Tom and I are very lucky.

I don't suppose I could introduce
myself to him before the master class.

He's a little busy
at the moment.

I'll show you the cottage.

Anywhere to grab a bite
to eat this evening?

The Highwayman Inn
does basic pub grub.

Probably best not to
mention you're staying here.

Um, there's a few teething
troubles with the villagers.

I saw the posters.

As long as I can get
a G&T, I'll be happy.

My lips are sealed.

A witness saw you and Nathan Duncroft
arguing the day before he died.

What was it about?

Nathan fancied the girl
I've been seeing.

Clare Simkins?

That's right.

He wanted me to back off,

and, I told him where to go.

She told Mr Arnson
a different story.

that Nathan Duncroft was accusing you
of being a traitor to the village

by working for the Larktons.

Yeah, that, too.

But it's hardly
reason to k*ll him, is it?

Where were you between two and three
yesterday afternoon, Mr Naybury?

At home, with Clare.

Bit of...

..afternoon... delight.

Your cottage backs onto fields
belonging to Heron's Farm.

Did you see anyone in
the area around that time?

Yeah. Bobby Cignoni.

Maybe it's him

you should be talking to.

You have multiple convictions
for theft, Mr Naybury.

I'm a reformed character.

Can we show Mr Naybury the
pub car park footage, DS Winter?

Recognise the
person in this film?

He seems to be wearing your cap.


So I,

lied, about that.


..but I don't regret it.

It seemed criminal
to waste all that food

when there were businesses
in the village who could use it.

So you see yourself as a
modern-day Robin Hood?


(CHUCKLES) Why not?

How was I to know
it were poisoned?

How are we to know
this isn't another lie?

You'll just have to trust me,

Had a call from our landlord
about the lease renewal.

He told me they've been offered a
huge increase from another party.

So, when I pushed him on who it was,
he told me.

Tom Larkton.

It's not a done deal yet, Den.

He said he'd give us his final
decision in a couple of days.

We all know how this is going
to end if we don't act now.

It'll be your caff next, Maria?

Oh, Santa Maria Madonna, no!

And then this little Chrissie
Larkton coming to me,

bold as brass,

saying, "Oh, we just
want to be your friend."

(SCOFFS) I knew
it was a wicked lie,

just like her amnesia
back in the day.

Anything for a bit
of drama, that one.

The Larktons have stirred up
the dark waters of Abaddon.

No-one is safe!

Then there's Nathan.

(LOWERS VOICE) Word is it's m*rder.

I wouldn't put it past Tom Larkton
wanting the farm as well.

You really think Tom
Larkton's got it in him?

That man will do anything
to get what he wants.

Same again?


I thought we were going out.

Well, V's been treating me
all day, and I felt so guilty

I offered to cook.

Or perhaps you didn't fancy
eating marinated nettles.

(CHUCKLES) Well, yeah, that might
have had something to do with it.

I told Jamie to join us here.

Hurry up and change, darling.

Into what?

Don't look so worried.

Chinos, cashmere, loafers.
You'll be fine.

I don't own any of those.

Well, I need to take
you to Milan, darling.

You're in desperate need
of a makeover.


How long is she staying?

Well, there's... there's
really nothing to worry about.

Everything's sorted here. Yeah.

OK, great.

OK, we'll talk then.

Who was that?

Jeff from the production
company about the pilot.

They heard about what
happened here last night.


More poisonous
posts on the vlog.

Last thing we need is the press
to connect what happened here

with Nathan's death.

We have to do whatever
we can to protect the brand.

Nathan was one
of my oldest friends.

I didn't even get
to say goodbye.

and, all you seem to care about
is how it could damage the business.

OK, I'm sorry.

- I didn't mean to be...
- I can't do this now.

I'm going to bed.

Your masterclass guest called.
She's cold.

Needs someone to light the fire,
and everyone's gone home.

I'll go.

But can we talk when
I'm back, please?


Maybe tomorrow.


It's so lovely to meet an
Englishman that knows how to dress.

Poor Johnny here doesn't
have a clue. (CHUCKLES)

- More wine.
- Mm!

So how long have
you lived in the States?

Oh, longer than I care to admit.

Currently in the most amazing
house on Malibu Beach.

Courtesy of a very
bitter ex-husband.

Guests always welcome.

I might take you up on that.

I've never been to California.

So how long are you here for?

A week.
Possibly longer.

You can stay as
long as you like.

It's the very least we can do.

How come?

Well, when my aunt
in Sydney was dying.

I was desperate to be with
her, but I couldn't find a flight.

V. found out

and pulled a few strings,
and hours later I was there,

holding her hand.

Stop. It's only money, darling.

You've always been
unbelievably generous.

I mean, the spa today,

Masterclass with
Tom Larkton tomorrow,

even though you've never shown
the slightest interest in baking.

Yes, but Tom Larkton is a pioneer
in the organic baking world,

and he's very good looking.

Our current investigation has
connections to Larkton's Mill.

You might want to make
alternative plans.


Makes it all the more exciting.

I'm very good at
snooping, Johnny.

In fact,

we could be your eyes
and ears on the ground.

I can liaise with Jamie

if there are any
gory developments...

..if he'll give me his number.

Hello, Tom.


What are you doing here?

You weren't answering my calls,

so I reinvented myself as Sophie

and booked into your class.

And now all you have to
do is make it worth my while.

I told you,

this is over.

And as I've told you many times,

I always get what I want.





Thought you might
need this after last night.

Vanessa took
quite a shine to you.

I always fancied
being a kept man.

So did all her other conquests,

now carelessly discarded
around the globe.

I'd stick to policing
if I were you.

Any updates?


Bobby Cignoni has agreed
to meet me this morning,

and Tech traced the author
of the pesticides post...

..Denise Bantrig.

It turns out she's vice chair
of the parish council.


where were you last night?

I tried to find you.

Well, what you said
about me not caring,

that... that really got to me.

I just ended up walking for hours.

I was so scared.

What happened?

The... face at the window,
it came back. But...

..this time there was
blood on my hands.

None of this is real, Chrissie, OK?

The doctor says it will pass.

Come here.

It's so wonderful to
see such a happy couple

after so many years of marriage.

I hope Tom managed
to light your fire last night.

Oh, yes.

Burned brightly for hours.

I haven't slept that well in years.
Great bed.

I'd better get organised.

Class won't run itself.

Can I get you a coffee,
while you wait?

That'd be great, Chrissie.
Thank you.

Hello and welcome to today's
Baking Masterclass,

Organic Sourdough For Beginners.

And of course, welcome to
everyone joining us online.

Now, this

unappetising-looking goop...

He's even better
looking in real life.

I thought it was his eco-credentials
that you were interested in,

Well, yes, that.

- And perfectly sculptured arms.
- .. % hydrated...

Can't wait to see him
kneading dough, darling.

..water and flour by weight.

DCI BARNABY: Online trolling is
a criminal offence, Mrs Bantrig.

How did you know it was me?

Our team traced
it to this location

and discovered you
were on the parish council.

You abused your position
to bring down the Larktons,

but your actions had far more serious
consequences at Heron's Farm.

I was so angry.

I didn't think it through.

Angry about what?

The Larktons plans to
put us all out of business.

Someone had to do something.

But you've known Chrissie Larkton
all her life, knew her parents.

How did things go so badly wrong?

John and Flora
were such good people.

Her accident
devastated this village.

Flora lost her footing
when the river was in spate.

Got crushed between
the wall and the mill wheel.

Chrissie claims she nearly
drowned trying to save her,

got that traumatised
she blocked it out.

Doctors gave it some fancy name.

Dissociative amnesia.

That's the one.

But I reckon

she just couldn't
face the truth of it.

that she failed
to save her mother's life.

You must be a very skilled
baker to win all these prizes.

Yeah, I suppose I am.

Expert enough to bake the cake
that was sent to Chrissie Larkton

telling her she was cursed.

I was desperate, Inspector.

I wanted them to feel
as scared as we do.

But I went too far.

What do you mean?

Nathan might still be alive
if I hadn't exposed him like that.

None of this was his fault.

The Duncrofts were struggling
like the rest of us.

I'd see Nathan every afternoon

trying to stay on
top of everything.

He was at the end of his tether.

Every afternoon?

I rent one of their fields.

I keep a couple of horses.

Did you see him
the afternoon he died?


But he didn't have time to talk.

He seemed very
angry about something.

Did you see anyone else?

Bobby Cignoni, in the woods,

just beyond the footpath.

But when he realised
I'd seen him, he vanished.


Uh, your bread's on the side.

I couldn't get as much as usual.

Too many prying eyes.

I can't pay you today, Ricky.

I'm sorry.


No worries. Better shift that.

I'll, uh, add it to your tab.

DS Winter.

Causton police.

Your son agreed to meet me here.

I'm not his keeper.

He's years old, as
he keeps telling me.

Do you know where he was
yesterday afternoon?

Here, until about two-ish.

He likes to walk.

Where? I have no idea.

He tells me nothing.

You support the protest?

Why wouldn't I?

I'm a proud Italian.

We don't go down
without a fight,

and the Larktons
will be defeated

by the curse in the end.

Just like everybody
else who lived

in that dreadful place.

Changing the name
won't help them.

What do you mean?

It was always known
as Abaddon Mill,

from the Book of Revelation.

A place of destruction,

the underworld of lost souls.

My son, drowned there.

Bobby's younger brother,

my wonderful Michael.

Bobby was supposed
to look after him,

but he didn't.

But it was an accident.

An accident that would
never have happened

if Bobby hadn't left my
poor Michael all alone.

So I'll tilt the bowl
so you can see.

We're just going to wet
our fingers a little bit.

I'm going to grab from
the edge of the bowl,

- stretch...
- Look at those biceps flex, darling.

Concentrate or you'll
get us both in trouble.

This is going to give our loaf
much more structure and height.

Well, there's
nothing I'd like more.

Tom, darling,

I'm not sure I'm
doing this right.

Maybe if you put
your hands over mine,

I'll get the idea.

Well, you could just watch Sarah.

She's doing it perfectly.

Well done, Sarah.

What about me, Tom?

How's my technique?

I think you might have a rival.


So why is Bobby
Cignoni avoiding us?

His mother confirmed that he wasn't
at home at the time of the m*rder.

Denise Bantrig claims she saw
him in the woods near the farm.

When he realised he'd been seen,
he disappeared.


Mrs Cignoni said that the mill had
always been known as Abaddon,

which, according to the Bible,
means "place of destruction",

"realm of the dead."

She believes that it's cursed
and that no-one that lives

there can ever escape it.

Maybe this case needs
a paranormal investigator

rather than a detective.

New career for you, sir.

OK, we've all got our loaves out.

Let's take a look.

Oh, mine's a disaster, darling.

Hasn't risen at all.

I think I need some private lessons.

Well, practice makes perfect.

And don't get discouraged,

it can take years to
master sour dough.

Sarah's bake, however,

is... perfection.

Let's take a look inside.

We've got this lovely, dark,

crisp, crust.

And inside,

is a tender, open crumb.

That's beautiful. I have to say,
I'm very impressed, Sarah.

It's only bread.

Congratulations to everybody.

You all did amazingly.

But this week the star pupil is...

..Sarah Barnaby.

Come and get your trophy, Sarah.

You're suited to
more basic tasks.

And if you fancy a change of
career, you just let me know.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching.

And if you baked along with us,
please upload a picture

of what you made to our website

for a chance to win a signed copy...

- V!
- ..of my new book.

That's available
for pre-order now.

Obviously you can
follow us on socials.

V, what is going on?

You're right, darling.

The artisan life
really isn't for me,

or my nails.

Well, I'm ready
to leave if you are.

Actually, I think
I'm in need of a treat

after all that hard labour.

I'm thinking of checking in to

this rather
delicious-looking spa hotel.

But we've got all your luggage.

Oh, that's OK, darling.

I'll send a cab to get it.

You and Johnny,
can have a date night.


Book now.



Where are you going now?

I'm going to ask Tom what he
thinks of the hotel restaurant.

And maybe I could
persuade him to join me.

Last night, that was a one off.

You don't call the
sh*ts, Tom? I do.

When we first met,

I was a successful journalist
who agreed to build your career.

You were nothing.

I know, and I appreciate that.

And now I've served my
purpose, you want me gone?

I don't take kindly to being used.


I recorded some interesting
things in the pub last night.

How much people in
the village hate you.

How they believe you're
connected to the m*rder at the farm.

That's ridiculous.

Is it?

Word is, it's a m*rder.

MAN : Do you really think
Tom Larkton's got in him?

That man will do anything
to get what he wants.

True or not, would
make a great story.

I could sell it to anyone.

Oh, sorry to interrupt.
Tom, quick question.

How can I help?

Oh, over here, darling.

We have to be
very, very careful.

They might hear us.

Who are they?

Tom Larkton and his friend Sophie.

Or is it Lara?

That's why I called you.

Now, clearly, she's
some sort of double agent.

Claims the villagers all
think that Tom's a m*rder*r,

and if he doesn't do what she wants,

she'd shop him to the press.

And what does
she want him to do?

Well, I'm not % sure,

but I get the impression

that they're more
than just friends.


Sir, I'm minutes away.

L-Leaving now.

Do you have to go, darling?

Surely my information
deserves some sort of reward.

I'll, um...

I'll call you.

I'll call you.







Nathan, was my friend.

Nathan was my friend,

and my lover.

But we had to be discreet.


We had a shepherd's hut

deep in the woods.

I was waiting for Nathan
when I saw Denise watching me.

I went straight to the hut,
but Nathan never arrived.

And today?

I was clearing
away all our things... case anyone found them.

Why all the cloak and dagger?

My mother's disappointed
enough in me already.

Holds me responsible
for my brother's death.

Nathan felt his dad would
have struggled to accept it.

It just seemed easier.

Did you know what
Nathan was planning?

The ergot wasn't his idea.

It was mine.

I was just so angry
with the Larktons,

what they'd done to him.

I wanted them to feel his pain.

So I planted the
seeds at the mill.

Nathan knew nothing about it.

And when you were waiting for
Nathan, did you see anyone else?


But if I'd stayed...

..I could have saved him.

I'll never forgive myself.

So, Vanessa's call wasn't a ploy
to get you to drive her to a hotel.

She actually had some
potentially useful information.

One of the Masterclass attendees,
Sophie Rendle,

is a London journalist called
Lara Milton,

and Tom Larkton is aware
of her real identity.

- How?
- Vanessa didn't know.

Lara Milton said she
had witnessed locals

accusing him of being our k*ller

and was threatening to
expose him to the press.

If he doesn't do what?
And why the alias?

I'll do some more digging.


what's your decision?

I've been lying to myself.

I love you, Lara.

I'm not sure you could love anyone,

but I'll give you the
benefit of the doubt.

We'll have to take it slow.

But just because I can't afford
a scandal right now.

Just don't keep
me waiting too long.


Who's been a
naughty boy, then, eh?

What would Chrissie say?

And the press.

They'd have an absolute field day.

Ricky, I gave you a chance.

I lied for you when the police
showed me the CCTV.

I had your back
when no-one else did.

And I'll have yours.

But it'll cost you.

What did you find out about
Michael Cignoni's death?

He drowned at the mill,

years ago.

Blood matching his was
found on a rock near the edge.

It was assumed that he slipped
and hit his head.

He couldn't swim,

and there were high levels
of alcohol in his blood.

His mother never recovered.




Seems like the curse
has struck again, sir.

Time of death between
pm and am.

No phone, no wallet.

- Who called it in?
- Gabriel Arnson.

But it was Clare Simkins
who was first at the scene.

She found him dead here
at the bottom of the stairs.

But, on initial examination, I'd say
he died from a severe crush injury.

So the fall down the
stairs was staged?

According to his injuries,

something extremely heavy
dropped on him from above.

Like a sack of grain?

My thoughts precisely.

There's evidence of blood

in the area directly
beneath the trap doors.

But not a trace of the sack.

Whoever did this, tried
to cover their tracks.

So what was he doing
here at that time of night?

Had he arranged to meet someone?

And if so, why?

We need to talk to Clare Simkins.

Ricky wasn't a saint.
I knew that.

But he didn't deserve this.

When was the last
time you saw him?

Yesterday afternoon
when I left work.


Tommy had some things to do.

Said I should wait for him at home.

(TEARFULLY) He never arrived.

I started getting worried.

And what did you do?


I came back here.

I couldn't find him anywhere.

Did you see anyone else?

Only Tom

in the lane.

Must've been about

: .

When you arrived for work
this morning,

did you notice anything unusual?


The door was unlocked.

The mill's always
locked overnight.

Ricky was seen arguing
with Nathan Duncroft,

a day before his m*rder.

He said that it was about you.


It was about this.

When we passed
Nathan on the path,

he said he recognised it.

Claimed that it belonged
to his late mother.

They'd had a break in,

and Nathan said that it
must have been Ricky.

He wouldn't do that.

He bought this necklace for me.

He said so.

He loved me.

We'll get someone
to drive you home.

Who else has a key to
the mill apart from you?

Uh, The Larkins. Clare.

That's it.

You were no friend
of Ricky Naybury's, Mr Arnson.

You said he broke into
your cottage two days ago.

I just wanted him to return
my grandfather's box.

I knew he had it.

Tom wouldn't listen,

didn't want to know the truth.

What do you mean?

Tom had a rough start in life,
got himself into trouble.

A mentor turned his life around,
and he wanted to do

the same thing for Ricky.

But he wasn't interested in reform.

Why not tell us this before?

Tom is my friend.

I knew he didn't want people
knowing about his past.

Where were you between
and am Mr Arnson?

In bed, like every other night.

Millers have an early start.

Gabriel Arnson has no alibi, knows
the workings of the mill

and has access.

As do the Larktons.

But Tom Larkton worked hard
to protect his protege,

so why k*ll him?

Well, according
to Gabriel Arnson,

Ricky consistently
betrayed Tom's trust.

Maybe he found out.

Let's do a deeper dive
into Tom Larkton,

see if we're missing anything.


Everything alright, Den?

The landlord's agreed to sign
the lease over to Tom Larkton.

Three months and
we're out of here.

If you had done something
when I'd asked you to!

I'm sorry, Den.

Well, at least Ricky Naybury's dead.
That got you off the hook.

Unless you k*lled him.

But even you
wouldn't be that stupid.

I'll put things right, Den.
I promise.

Too late for that now.

I know what it's like
to be abandoned,

for nobody to believe in you.

And that is why I wanted to
give Ricky a second chance.

According to Gabriel Arnson,
he betrayed your trust

on several occasions.

I have no proof of that.

Where were you
yesterday evening?

I was at home.

We... We both were.

Clare Simkins said that
she saw you in the lane,

sometime between : and : .


can't have done.
We had dinner at nine,

went to bed around

: , slept through until
we heard Clare's screams.

Thank you for your time.

If you remember anything
else, please let us know.


But you weren't at home
were you, Tom?

Where were you?

Clare Simkins seemed pretty sure
that she'd seen Tom Larkton.

Which means Chrissie Larkton

just lied to protect
her husband.

We've got officers searching
Ricky Naybury's cottage now.

That might throw
up some answers.

But first,

let's see what Lara Milton
has to say for herself.

Find out why she's
here under a false name.

I've been commissioned
to do a piece on the mill.

Thought I'd get a more realistic
impression if I went undercover.

So you're saying that the Larktons
had no idea who you were?

Wouldn't be much point
if they did, would there?

We know that's not
the case Ms Milton.

A witness saw you with Tom
Larkton and said it was clear you

had a shared
history of some kind.

OK, so we were on the
same circuit back in the day.

Vague acquaintances at best.

But if my editor knew that,

she'd put someone
else on the piece.

Can anyone confirm your
whereabouts last night?

I was here, alone.

Did you see or hear
anything unusual?

Actually, there was something.

When I went to close my
bedroom curtains, the exterior light

had been triggered.

What time was this?

Around am.

I thought it was a fox,

but then I saw what looked like a
mobile phone being hurled into the pond.

I could see the
light on the screen.

Did you see who threw it?

Afraid not.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

- Anything?
- Not yet, sir.

OK, thanks.

We've got divers
on the way to the mill.

Hopefully they'll
find that phone.


Maybe Gabriel Arnson was right
about Ricky Naybury all along.

The last time I shut the mill

was the day your father died.

It broke my heart.

But this isn't the end.

I said the same thing to Tom.

Maybe it should be.

I thought Tom was like Dad,

full of love and passion

for this place - like you are.

But, everything he said about
wanting to be part of this community

was a lie.

What do you mean?

Denise claims they're being forced
out of their tenancy at the pub.

that Tom made their landlord
an offer he can't refuse.

But this is just the beginning.

How could he do that?

I-I-I had no idea.

Neither did I.

He's betrayed me as much
as he's betrayed them.

He's humiliated me in
front of the whole village.

He must have known how
unhappy this would make me.

But I don't think
he cares anymore.

You deserve to
be happy, Chrissie.

Ricky Naybury told
us nothing but lies.

But what connects his death
to Nathan Duncroft's?

The Larktons.

I ordered an advanced
search on Tom Larkton.

Turns out he was a
serial offender in his youth.

But, unlike Ricky Naybury,

his crimes involved
impulsive acts of v*olence.

He's kept that well hidden.

But he didn't k*ll anyone.

And all of his crimes were committed
under the age of ,

so they don't show
up on his record.

A sponsor gave him a
second chance at a bakery.

He managed to
turn his life around.

But maybe the
demon still lurks within.


They've found a mobile
device in the pond.

No email or text data,
but they have

managed to pull a few images.

- Anything interesting?
- Yes.

This one,

a silver necklace with
a pendant like a horn.

They found a similar one on
an Italian jewellery website.

It's called a cornicello.

an Italian horn, used mainly
in the south of Italy as a talisman

or an amulet in the
protection against evil.

The image was taken

the day after Gabriel Arnson's
house was broken into.

Does it belong to him?

Not sure.

But... bear with me.

Look at this picture
of Maria Cignoni.

What she's wearing looks
remarkably similar.

We were told the police
were finished here.

Yeah, we are for now.

I just wondered if
you recognised this,

Mr Arnson.


It's an image from Ricky's phone.

It was taken in his cottage
not long after you were burgled.

As I say, Ricky was very
light-fingered. Loved jewellery.

But this wasn't in
my grandfather's box.

Could have come from anywhere.


- You OK, Chrissie?
- Got a migraine.

Need to lie down.


Sorry I can't be more helpful.

It was just a joke.

Who were you expecting?

No-one. Sorry.

Just... a bit on edge.

I'm heading back
to London till this

all dies down.

But not for long.

Unless you've changed your mind.

No, of course not.

I just need a bit more time.

So you're using poor, gullible
Chrissie like you were using me.

Fortunately for you,

I find your ruthlessness,
very attractive.

I'll call you.

And if you don't pick up,

I'll call Chrissie.

So, how can I help you?

That necklace you're wearing.

My corno.

What about it?

It's very similar to this one.


Where did you get this?

You recognise it?

It's Michael's.

I gave it to him
for his th birthday.

One with a crown,
because he was my prince.

Was he wearing it when
his body was found?


We assumed it had been
lost to the darkest depths

of that terrible place.

It was supposed to protect
him from evil, Ispettore.

But it didn't.

Tom, where are you?

I thought you'd be home.

We need to talk.



Tom! Somebody!







Somebody, help!

DS WINTER: I'm almost there, sir.

You'd just left when
Chrissie Larkton called me.

I don't know what to do!

Is there any way to
turn the turbine off?

I tried closing the sluice gate,
but it's stuck fast.

I think it's been sabotaged.

Tom! Stay with me, Tom.

Untie the knot!




You've got to get the knot!

I'm trying!


Tom! Hurry, please!

I got it!

Thank God.

It's alright.

Well done, Winter.

I'm glad you got
here first and not me.

Is he going to be OK?

He's alive, but they're not
giving anything away.

Now they're taking him
to Causton General.


I'm here for you, Chrissie,
no matter what.

Mrs Larkton.

I'll follow you to the hospital.


I'd rather go alone.

I'll call you.

Did Maria Cignoni
know about the amulet?

She's convinced
it's her son Michael's.

He died years ago.
How did Ricky get hold of it?

If only we could ask him.

Push Tech to see if they can
retrieve any other pictures.

I don't think this
is relevant, but

I thought I saw Silas Bantrig

running away from the mill not
long before Tom was found.

Thank you, Mr Arnson.

Passed him on the road.

I know how much he
resented Tom Larkton.

We need to find him.

No need to.

He's called the station.

He's waiting for us at the pub.

I promised my wife I'd do
something about Tom Larkton.

Are you saying you were involved
with what happened, Mr Bantrig?

No, I'm not a violent man.

Then, what?

I decided to poison
the water supply,

divert the slurry from
Heron's Farm to the millpond.

My father used to work there,
knew how the pipes ran.

Ruin the watercourse
for - months.

Years, maybe.

But you didn't. Why?

I was going to open the valve,

and I saw Tom about to
be dragged into the water.

Why didn't you call for help?

I thought he was already dead.

And as I was one of the enemy,
I knew I'd be a suspect. So...

I ran.

Like the coward my wife
says I've been all my life.

Sir, Tech have retrieved
another image.

Gabriel's grandfather's open box

with all the items that
he said was stolen.

This image includes
the missing cornicello,

the item that Gabriel Arnson
said he'd never seen before.

Which suggests that

it was in Gabriel's grandfather's
box when it was stolen.

If it was Michael Cignoni,
what was Gabriel doing with it?

Why did he say he'd
never seen it before?

I'm not sure Michael Cignoni's
death was an accident.

Mr Arnson?

Doesn't strike me as the sort of
person to leave his door unlocked.

Must have left in a hurry when
he got Chrissie's call about Tom.

Mr Arnson?

Mr Arnson!

A picture of a young
Chrissie Larkton.

- It's a bit odd, isn't it?
- Mm?

Indeed it is.

This ribbon in her hair.

What about it, sir?

It's the same as that one.

It's a shrine to
Chrissie Larkton.

You can't enter my
house without a warrant.

You left the door
open, Mr Arnson.

We were concerned.

No need.
You can go now.

Where did you get this?

I found it washed up.

You told DS Winter
you'd never seen it.

- Mrs Larkton...
- Chrissie!

Mrs Larkton!


It was him.

He's to blame for all of it.

Why are you telling us this now?

Because I didn't remember.

Why didn't you remember?

Because your hallucinations,

were never illusions,
were they?

They were recovered memories.

You consumed rolls
baked with ergot,

a fungus with properties
that can affect the way

we process memory.

You experienced
amnesia after the

tragic death of your mother.

And the same thing happened

after you saw
Michael Cignoni drown.

Didn't it, Mr Arnson?

Everything I did
was to protect you.

Can you tell us exactly what
you remember, Mrs Larkton?


Cignoni had been

pursuing me for months.

I kept saying no, but

he was never going to give up.


mother thought he was the...

..perfect son. but
that was Bobby.

Michael was...



The day it happened,

I remember I was

walking back from
the village and um,

I heard someone behind me...


..and I turned around
and saw Michael.

I tried to fight him off.

But he was so strong.


Gabriel appeared out of nowhere.

He pulled him off in a rage.


Michael, lost his balance.

He must have hit his head

on a rock.

There was so much blood.

Um... I...

I hated Michael
with all my heart.

But I would never
have let him drown.

I almost...

..managed to
grab his arm, but...

..Gabriel pulled me away,

said it was divine justice.



..when I turned back,

he was gone.

What happened then?

When Chrissie saw the blood
on the rock, she went out cold.

and when she came round, it was
as though it had never happened.

I told her I found her
passed out in the woods.

She believed me.

Because you knew all about her

trauma-related amnesia.

and took a chance that

her memory of Michael's
drowning would

also remain locked away.

The truth would
have ruined her life.

She needed my protection.

And you needed hers.

And you had it until the

ergot triggered the
unlocking process.

So why k*ll Nathan Duncroft?

He poisoned her with ergot.

She could have died.

I couldn't let that
recklessness go unpunished.

I walked the back
route to the farm,

didn't have a plan.

But when I saw Nathan
enter the silo alone,

I knew it was the
perfect opportunity.

But it wasn't Nathan Duncroft
that planted the ergot.

It was Bobby Cignoni.

Nathan died an innocent man.

And when Ricky found

the amulet in your
grandfather's box,

he connected you to Michael's death.

He recognised it from
Michael's photograph.

Said he'd expose me to
the police if I didn't pay up.

I told him I was going to leave
the first payment in a sack of flour.

And all I had to do...

was wait.

You had to find the
amulet to cover your tracks.

Where was it?

It was in his pocket.

I knew he wouldn't
let it out of his sight.

What made you
turn on Tom Larkton?

He was having an affair with a
woman who called herself Sophie.

Real name - Lara Milton.

He'd been cheating
on you for years,

using you like he used everyone.

So you had to protect
her from him, too.

I always believed that one day

Chrissie and I would
run the mill together.

So you decided to
eliminate your competition?

He publicly humiliated her,
betrayed her, lied to her.

He deserved to die.

You did all this because

you believed I could,
love you?

All I wanted to do

was to protect you and the mill.

just like your father
would have done.

You're nothing like my father.


Hello, fella. Hello.

You're back early.

- Everything OK?
- Mm.

I'll tell you when
I've had a cold beer.

It's been an interesting day.



VANESSA: Surprise!

Hi, V.

Oh, yeah, uh...

come in.

Major boiler issues
at the spa, darling.

No sauna, no Jacuzzi.

- It's an absolute nightmare.
- I can imagine.

So get your glad rags on,

because I'm taking you somewhere
terribly, terribly expensive.

Oh, look, V, that would
have been lovely,

but we're picking up
Betty from my mum's,

and I promised her
we'd stay for dinner.

Oh, poor you.

Right, well, it'll
have to be plan B.

A rather fabulous-looking
boutique hotel by the river.

I wonder if Jamie's free.

We've been messaging
each other, you know.


Ah, my taxi is still here,
so I must dash.

Going to love you
and leave you. Mwah!

Au revoir,
but not goodbye.




I thought Betty was at your
mother's for one more night.

Yeah, she is.

