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05x13 - Flight Plan

Posted: 05/02/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
'What I like about getting back to
dear old London

is the English scenery.

Always beautiful. Always fascinating.

Makes you want to see more.

Now, is she happy? Vivacious?

Well, at least she's charitable.'

Thank you, miss.

Hold it!

Is the lady ill? Where's the first-aid room?
I'll show you. Can you manage? Yes, thanks.

Of course. You're the famous Simon

Hassani is going to be very angry.

That is just too bad.

We'll have to try again.

Can you tell me your name now, miss?

Diana Gregory.

And your address.

Avenue Marsoud, Paris.

You're just visiting London?

Yes... What happened?

For some reason,
you were given a hypo.

Drink this, my dear.Thank you.
It'll help clear your head.

I remember a nun.

She had a collection box.

I-I gave her...

A hypo? You mean hypodermic
injection? Yes, miss.

Mr Templar saw it happen.

The nun? A fake.

But...Ever seen her before?


Mr Templar, have you anything to

I'm afraid not.

The taxi. You didn't notice the
driver? The registration number?

I was more interested in Miss

Well, miss, I'll report this.

We may want to ask you some more

Where can we get in touch with you?
I shall be at my brother's,

in Chelsea.

Michael Gregory, Belleville

There we are.

I don't know why he didn't meet me
at the station.

Unless of course he's on duty.
Duty? Yes, he's a pilot in the RAF.

Do you have a key?

Well, if he is on duty, then he won't
be here to let you in.

Oh. Is Mr Gregory in?

I'm sorry, there's no person of that
name here.

But that's ridiculous. He's my
brother. He lives here!

I'm sorry, but you make a mistake.

She has the same man with her.

Come quickly.


This is crazy. He wrote to me from
here two weeks ago.

Sure you've got the right number?
Positive. It was on his letterhead, printed.

In fact...

Wait a minute.

This was in his last letter.

Well, it's number all right.

And there's the light fitting.

He MUST live here!

Unless he's moved in the last couple
of weeks.

You wait here.

Come on in.
It's all right. The place is empty.

Look. What does it mean?

That someone smokes cigars.
Do you recognise anything?

I've never been here before,
but I'm positive it's Mike's house.

Look at the mail. Mike Gregory.

Flight Lieutenant Mike Gregory.

Bills. Letters.

And this is his picture when he got
his commission!

You mean my sister's in London?

Didn't you send her a telegram, telling her
not to come? Of course I SENT her one,.

Obviously she didn't receive it.

Call her.

Please be very careful what you say.
No details.

I'm not that stupid.

Hello, Di, it's Mike.

Mike! Where are you?
Look, I can't talk now,

but I'm involved in something rather confidential
and won't be seeing you for a couple of days.

Yes. Make yourself comfortable.
I'll be home as soon as I can.

I beg your pardon?

Don't treat me like a child!
Don't be so touchy.

If you'll excuse us...

Before I could ask him anything,
we got cut off.

I expect he'll ring again.

At least I know he's all right.

Involved in something very

Well, that's what he said.
Probably some Air Force project.

Do you know where he's stationed?
Mm. Blakewell.

Now, are you sure you wouldn't rather
stay in a hotel?

No, I'll be fine here, really.

Here's my number.

If you need anything,

call me.

I will.

You've been marvellous. I can't
thank you enough.

Well, you could have dinner with me

I'd love to.

I'll call for you at eight.

Yes, sir. Second building on the
left, sir.

Come in.

Me Templar? Yes. Flight Lieutenant
Wills is expecting you.

Come in.

Mr Templar, sir.

Thank you.
Simon! How are you?

It's been a long time.
Nice to see you.

What can I do for you?
I'd like some information.

Sit down.Thank you.

What would you like some information

Flight Lieutenant Michael Gregory.

Is er, is he a friend of yours?

No, sir. As a matter of fact, I don't
even know him.

In that case, I can be perfectly

He was court-martialled three months

Flung out on his ear.

What for?

Passing dud cheques.

Slung one of our mess for quid,

bounced high on a trainee pilot
hitting the runway at knots.

The CO warned him about it
a dozen times.

You've seen the Osprey, haven't you?

Vertical take-off jobs.


A nozzle on either side directs the
thrust, either back or down.

Result, a supersonic aircraft
that'll dance a ballet!

Take off and land anywhere?
Absolutely anywhere.

Have you any idea what young
Gregory's up to now?

I haven't the foggiest.

Probably with a crummy charter

flying an old Dakota tied up with

Bit of a comedown after Ospreys.

Why all this interest in young
Gregory? I know his sister.

But... Who are you?
What do you want?

I might ask the same question.

I'm Diana Gregory. This is my
brother's house.


I'm a friend.

At least, let's say I WAS a friend.

Oh, I see.

I had the deep misfortune, and I'm
not kidding,

to be in love with your brother,

but he's forgotten I'm alive.

I'm sorry.

I don't even know where he is.
Neither do I, I'm afraid.

Then we're both in the same boat.

All alone.

Do you have any friends in London?
Yes, a few.

Have you been in touch with them?
No, not yet. I've just arrived.


I know I shouldn't ask this,

but I'm desperate.

Could you have dinner with me
tonight? I'm sorry, I can't.

Oh, please!

I simply don't know what I'm doing

I am sorry, really, but I have
a dinner engagement.

Have a nice evening. Honestly.
With someone called Simon Templar.

He's picking me up here at eight.

Oh... Are you in a hurry?

Cos if that tea's still hot, I'd
love some.

Oh, yes, of course.
I'll get you a cup.

No problems? One. She has a dinner
engagement with a Simon Templar.

He's calling for her here.

Then someone should meet him.

Get her into the taxi.

Ahmed, you know what's involved in
what we're trying to do? Yes.

Nothing must stop us. Do you

I understand, Hassani.

This Templar is a danger
we couldn't have foreseen.

He could ruin everything.
He must be stopped.

Yes, I understand.


Gregory is here. And drinking.

He's dangerous and he's not

You be reliable. Now...

Take her in there.

You're in my chair.

A chair? Is this just a chair?

I thought it was a throne!

Er, do sit down, your Highness.

You'd better go.
Oh, I intend to.

But not back to that crummy cell

I'm going home to see my sister.

Is that so?

Yes, your high and mighty Majesty.
That is so.

I'm quitting. I've decided I won't

A decision you've been pondering for
some days now.

See-all, know-all Hassani.

What about our £, deposit?

I'll give it back, every penny.

And that'll fix everything, will it?

It'll have to, won't it?

You make me sick!

I can't do it.

Get up!

No wonder they chucked you out!

A weak, snivelling coward.

Well, you don't make a bargain with
me and just change your mind.

You'll do what you agreed to do,

and to be absolutely sure of you

I've made some special arrangements.

You want to see your sister?

Open it.

Go ahead. Look.



It's me, Mike.

What have you done to her?

She'll be all right.

No harm will be done to her, as long
as you carry out your task.

When you've finished, she'll be
turned loose in Hyde Park.

Hassani, please, let her go.

When you've done what you agreed to

Well, I'll go through with it, on my
word of honour.


We're wasting time.

I won't mention the drinking again.
It's to stop. Do you understand?


Go back to your hotel. Have a good
night's sleep.

Be at the boathouse on the
Serpentine at tomorrow morning.

And be on time. sharp.

Come on! On your feet!

Wake up!

Well, come in. I'm glad to see your
clock's still running.

Where is she?

I-I don't understand.

Do you...want me to explain?

Well, I tell you. I explain.

How long are you going to keep me

That depends on your brother.

I trust we're taking the short route?

Do you have a key?

Well, the truth...Open it.

Ahmed, is that you?

Yes, it's me.

Obviously you have taken care of
Mr Templar?

Yes, thanks.

Now, I had a dinner date with Miss

and I'm getting hungry.
Where is she?

Gentlemen, it's only fair to warn you
that I have a pretty foul temper

when I'm famished.


Diana? Simon!

Gentlemen, please, where are your
manners? Let the lady through.

Please, I don't want any unnecessary

Is that clock right?

Yeah, it's two minutes to eleven.

See anything?
Not yet.

Are you sure you got it straight?

I think so. I was still pretty

But I heard the man say to Mike, Be at the
boathouse on the Serpentine at tomorrow.

There he is! Where?

The rowing boat!

Over there, to the right.

It's a pretty foolproof way of not
being overheard.

'The something at Mary Vic

in cash. Course.

OK. Tonight...'

Lip reading isn't as simple as some
people think.

You're doing fine.

Read the first sentence back again.

'You will...' Then a blank.

' the aspirin tonight.'

It's a rounder vowel.

Aspirin's wrong.
Osprey. Hm?

It's a vertical take-off jet.

Never heard of it.
Run the film again.


I think I've got it this time.

'You will take off in the Osprey

Refuel at Mary Vic...the necessary

What about my money?

, US dollars

in cash, of course.

OK. Tonight at .'

Do you know what that means?
I don't believe it! Not Mike!

He couldn't!

I'm afraid he could.

We've got just over an hour.

Operator, give me the number of the
RAF station at Blakewell.

You're nervous.

Why not? I've got to fly
the flamin' thing.

There's a dance on at the camp.

Security will be relaxed

and the weather forecast is clear.

Flight Lieutenant Wills, please?

I'm sorry, sir, he's not available
at the moment.

There's a mess dance tonight.

I'm sorry, sir, it's impossible.
I can give him a message.

See that he gets it at once!
It's most urgent.

My name is Simon Templar.

Tell him there's an attempt being
made tonight to steal an Osprey.

Of course I'm serious.

See that he gets the message, will
you? Yes, right away.

Mike's been forced into this.

I know I could talk some sense into

We've nearly an hour. Please, Simon!
Let's stop him before it's too late!

What about my sister?

She'll be released the moment
you reach your destination.

My word means something.

There it is.

Are you sure it's serviced?
Everything's been arranged.

The job's off! What?

Templar's on to what we're doing.
He just called.

I must tell Wills, or they'll finger

I'm not carrying the can for this
flamin' lark.

When did Templar phone?

But the job's off! Mission aborted.

Now clear out, I've got to sound the

Hassani, no!

You k*lled him! Yes.
But you k*lled him!

Yes. Now say something about cold

Get on with it.

You should know by now, Lieutenant,
that we're not playing games.

He's always been a bit wild and

But he's not bad. He's not!

All right, off you go. And good

I'll need it.

We're nearly there now.

Do you hear that?

It's too late.

Come on!

This is absolutely incredible.
Read that first bit again.

'You... You will take off in the
Osprey tonight,

refuel at Mary Vic...'
We're not sure of the place.

'Blank. We'll provide
the necessary map.'


What? Where? What direction?

Get that to Air Ministry
Intelligence right away.

It was spotted over Dungeness
headed southeast,

flying at nought feet to avoid
NATO radar.


Could be making for the Middle East.
That figures.


What's the guard's condition?

All right, keep me informed.

They've sh*t Corporal Bullen and
coshed a patrol guard.

There won't half be a row after this
little lark.

Charlie, what's the range of the
Osprey? About a thousand miles.

So, if he's eventually flying to the
Middle East,

he'll have to refuel somewhere.

A thousand miles would put him down
somewhere in Romania,

Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece.

He wouldn't dare use a regular
airfield.Not in a friendly country.

But he won't have to.
Not in an Osprey, will he?

That's true. He could land in some
remote place,

a clearing in a forest,

a field, without the authorities
knowing. Charlie, look!

Marovec! Not Mary Vic.

I know the country well.
I want to fly after him.

You're mad! How long does it take to
refuel an Osprey?

If it's done in a field somewhere,
without proper equipment,

anything up to four or five hours.
Then there is time, isn't there?

For what? To get to Marovec,
find the Osprey

and blow it up before it can take off
for its final destination.

They'd skin me alive. I couldn't let
you.I haven't got the authority.

I'll tell you how to get it.

You call this number.

Ask for a Major Carter.

Explain the situation.

I'm telling you, if you wait for
the Foreign Office and Interpol

to pull the plug out by going through
the proper channels,

your £ million aircraft is going to
belong to somebody else.

All that secret equipment
on the other side.

Alert tower and duty ground crew
for take-off.

Then I want to speak to Major Carter
at Whitehall .

I'll hold on.

Oh, Charlie, one other thing.

Diana can fill you in on the details.
Call the police.

Have them raid the offices of
the Ajax Warehouse Company.

You must be Kovicek.And you must be
Templar, no?That's right.

I scare you plenty, huh?
Oh, plenty!

Always I say to myself,
even during the w*r,

Kovicek always take time for
a little joke! Ha!

I'm glad London got in touch with

Yes. Major Carter. The plane,
she land already. Where?

About ten kilometre north.
Soon I find out.

Ha! I'm a very crafty fella!

So am I. That makes two of us.

I've got a car. I take you to
the village inn.

The English pilot is there already.

Also with him is this Landek,
the fixer, the arranger.

A little man? Yeah, he's an agent who
deal in armament for certain government.

He's got plenty of influence.
But not with the innkeeper!

Ha! He's my brother!
All in the family, eh?

Sure, it's safer that way.

This Landek, he's instructed my
brother to order taxi for four o'clock,

for himself and the English pilot.

But now for you, I've got a big

You're the taxi driver!
Oh, you guess already!

I'm a crafty fella too!
Ha! Come on!


Where are they?
In the English pilot's home.

This the man from London.
Is welcome.

My brother.
Don't you feed him?


I have put you in the room
next to English pilot, so come.

If you need me, I'll be in the
kitchen.I go feed my face.

Hey, if there's a fight,don't
forget to save one for Kovicek, uh?

What's keeping him?

Colonel Zaglia will be here.

He'd better be.
Do not worry.

After all, he's flying the plane to
its final destination.

And just as a matter of curiosity,

what is the, er, final destination?

That is not your affair.
Well, the money's my affair!

My sister's my affair! Your sister
will be released in London

the moment Colonel Zaglia is
airborne in the Osprey.

And he's bringing the money.

I wish I'd never got into this
filthy business.

But you did, because you have two
very common faults.

You are weak and you are greedy.

Spare me the lecture.

Your visitor has arrived, gentlemen.

Colonel Zaglia.

This is Flight Lieutenant Gregory of
the English Royal Air Force. Retired.

Excuse me?
Skip it.

And this is Colonel Zaglia,
who will take over the plane.

Good evening.

I hope you fly it into the

I shall go at once to the landing

to ensure everything is in order.

No doubt you will like some food and
a little rest after your journey.

You can follow with Gregory in half
an hour. I've got to go back there?

It is so arranged. What for?
You've got the flamin' aircraft!

What else do you want? Flying

I have no experience on vertical
on take-off jets.

A briefing is most necessary.

Now, look, I want my money.
I have the money here.


Which you will get when Colonel
Zaglia is safely in the air.

At the same time I'll send a signal
to London

and your sister is released.

The landlord has a meal for you.

You will excuse me, please?
Any time.

You are being played for the biggest
sucker of all time.

Landek, I am concerned.
So am I.

The English pilot, he is unreliable.

He's a thr*at to all of us.

If it is a problem, you must work it
out any way you wish.

Bon appetit.

They had no intention of letting
Diana go free.

They were going to k*ll her.
I had to get her out at gunpoint.

And believe me, they are going to
k*ll you.

I don't believe it. They brought the

And they are going to keep it.
No, they wouldn't do that.

Mike, I was sent here to blow that
plane up.

Instead, why don't you fly it back?
Me? Go back to England?

I'd get years.
Stay here, you're dead.

I won't stay here. I'll go to France
or Italy.

Can't you get it through your thick

that no matter where you are, you
are a thr*at to their organisation?

You can talk.

The minute they are through with you

you will get a b*llet in your back.

We ARE through with him. Now.

I'll see them rot before they get
that plane.

Oh, there's been a slight change in

We're going to fly the Osprey back to

How are you feeling?

We'll never make it, Templar.
I've lost a lot of blood.

We're going to get that plane out of
here and you're going to fly it.

I hope your brother can handle

My brother only little.
But plenty smart fella.

How much further?
We're almost there.

Are you all right?

Guards ahead.

The two pilot.

I can't make it.
You've got to. Now, watch it.

I'm ready to check out the procedure
with Colonel Zaglia.

Of course.

Are you ill?
No. I'm all right.

You're bleeding.

Yes, I cut myself on a flamin'
whisky bottle.

Follow me.

I'm going to pass out.

Not until we get this thing
off the ground, you're not.

Tell everyone to stand well clear.
I want to run her up to full power.

All right.

What do I do?
Just a moment.

Your pilot wants a practice run-up.
Tell everyone to stand well clear.



Switch on.

Throw that switch forward.
Not that one. That one.

Fine. Now, pull this green knob
slowly back.



Press the button.

Stop them! Stop them!

It's no good, Simon.
I keep blacking out.

I can't keep it up.
You've got to, Mike!

We're approaching the coast.
Find your 'nozzle select' lever.

Mike! Wake up! Mike!

We're crossing the coast now, Mike.

I think I'll make it.You've got to
help me land this plane.



Right. And lay on an ambulance.

Tower's had a signal.

The Osprey crossed the coast three
minutes ago, Templar and your brother.

He's wounded, but not seriously.

You mean...

Mike's back?

Oh, thank God!

There it is!

Nozzle selector forward.

Easy does it.

Increase thrust. Not so fast.

There. Steady.

I can't face them.

I think they'll take into account
that you brought the plane back.

Oh, I didn't.

It didn't fly on its own.