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05x12 - Locate and Destroy

Posted: 05/02/23 09:02
by bunniefuu
'Sun-worshipping didn't originate
with the international bikini set.

It was very large with
the Incas of Peru years ago.

Witness Inti, the sun god.

The Incas were carving in gold when our
ancestors were k*lling each other with tomahawks.

They sculpted various friends
and relatives in stone.

Here's a typical free-wheeling
young Inca man about town.

Strangely enough,
in spite of their advanced culture,

they weren't much on painting.

Hello. Odd man out.'

This is a Cardet, isn't it?
Si, senor.

But it is not for sale.

I repaired the frame for a client.

I'm so sorry.

Buenos dias, senores.
What can I do for you?

Do as we say and you won't be hurt.

We're not robbers. And we're not
K*llers.Girl Guides, perhaps?

Am I spoiling a party?

It doesn't matter.
This will only take five minutes.

But if you interfere,
I shall be forced,

much against my will,

to sh**t the famous Simon Templar.

All right, back!

Look, when Mr Coleman comes in,
you keep him talking.

And you won't get hurt.

I won't be long.Yes, sir.

Mr Gonzales,
I believe my painting is ready?

Si, senor.

Ah. An excellent job.

I am glad you are pleased.

What is wrong?Don't move!

You have an appointment, Mr Coleman,

that should've been kept
years ago.

All right, Templar.
It's been OK so far.

Just don't spoil it.

Police! Guardia! Guardia!
Pronto! Pronto!

And you have on idea
who these men are?None.

Or why they att*cked you?No, no.

Could they have been after this?

If so, they are very foolish.

Why?It is only a reproduction.

It's an exceptionally good one.

I paid, er, $ in Buenos Aires
five years ago for it.

You had a steal.
No matter what their motive,

I promise you there will be
a thorough investigation.

Is that really necessary, captain?

After all, nothing was stolen.
Nobody was hurt.

Senor, you're not serious?

You see, at the moment, I'm involved
in a very difficult business deal.

It's of great importance
to the country as a whole.

Any publicity now would be...

Well, I'd rather avoid it.

But senor, a g*n was fired!
These men, they are criminals!

As a special favour to me, captain?

I, er,
I won't forget your cooperation.

Of course, if you...
Thank you, captain.

And thank you, too, Mr Templar.

I am deeply grateful to you
for your help.

I trust you won't forget
my cooperation, either.

No, indeed not. I live in Chosica.
Any time you're free,

my wife and I would be
only too honoured to entertain you.

Goodbye, Mr Templar.Mr Coleman.

Thank you again, captain,
and goodbye.

Goodbye, senor.

So, that's that?Yes.

Just because he told you to lay off?
That's right.

Why?Self preservation.

Is he that influential?

Henry Coleman owns the biggest
gold mine in South America,

he has powerful friends
in high places.I get the idea.

He's rich, he's influential,
whereas I...

You're just a policeman.

You may go now, Senor Templar.
Thank you.

Oh, by the way, how far am I
from the closest library?

Just four blocks to the main branch.

Oh, don't be depressed, captain.

Your only handicap
is simple integrity.

Why, the frame is as good as new.
Yes. Gonzales did an excellent job.

Can I get you a drink?Please.

Who phoned him?Pardon?

I asked you to ring Gonzales and say I
would call for a picture at three o'clock.

Did you?
As a matter of fact, I didn't.

Why not?Oh, I was busy.
I asked Salter to call.

Five servants in the house, you're too
busy to make a -second telephonecall?

But what difference does it make
who telephoned?

Surely the picture was ready?

Yes, the picture was ready.

After all, Salter's your secretary.
I didn't see any harm in asking him to...

What's wrong, Henry?

I don't know.

But I intend to find out.


Our friends made a contact today.

Where?In the city.
Want me to come up to the house?

Right away.
And bring Salter with you.

He's probably in his office.

Salter here?

We botched it. Yeah.
Coleman got away.

Look, I, er...
I think you'd better get out, fast.


Do you think Salter's in danger?

I've no idea.

We should've shot Coleman
on the spot and been done with it.

Don't take it so hard.
How do you expect me to take it?

I could tear him to pieces
with my bare hands!

Oh!Mr Coleman wants to see you.

I was just going across
to number three shaft office.

That'll have to wait.Yes.

Yes, all right.

Ah, come in, boys!

Close the door, Karsh, will you?

Sit down, Salter.

You know, I had a very interesting
adventure today.

Really, sir?
Yes, in Gonzales Art Store.

Two men... tried to kidnap me.

Kidnap you? But why would anybody
want to do that?

I've no idea.

Tell me, Salter,
did you phone Gonzales this morning?

Yes, sir. Mrs Coleman asked me to.
And what did you say?

That you'd be in for the picture at
three o'clock. Is that all? Yes, sir.

Who else did you phone?

Er, pardon?

Are you hard of hearing?
No, sir, but I don't understand.

We can forget Gonzales, he's been
running that shop for years,

but these men were tipped off.
They knew I'd be there.

They knew what time I'd be there.


I knew I'd be there
at three o'clock.

My wife knew.

And you knew.

You do see my point, huh?

No, sir.How very unfortunate!

Who do you think you are?
You can't do that to me!

Sit down, will you!

Being an informer
takes a great amount of skill.

Very few people
are suitably equipped.

Informer? I don't know
what you're talking about.

Karsh does, don't you, Karsh?

Then explain to him!

Let go of me! Agh!

Take him to the old number one shaft.
I want to know names and addresses,

where these men came from,
how they traced me, everything!

You will get it.

Time is of the essence.

Who are these men? Why would they
want to attack Mr Coleman?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

Here, take a look at this.
You know what it is?

No, senor.

Ever seen it before, perhaps
on the back of Coleman's painting?

No, senor.Or under the frame?

When I repaired the frame,
I did not remove it.

Hm. This is the seal
of the Krakow Museum.

It was marked on the back or the frame
of every painting the museum acquired.

What are you getting at, senor?

Whether the painting
is the genuine article or not.

I cannot say, senor. Mr Coleman, he
took the painting back to Chosica.

Perhaps I'd better ask him.

I want their names!
Their addresses! Everything!

I know nothing.

Henry? Yes.

About Salter...What about him?

Well, I know you're angry with him
about something, but...

Yes, I am indeed.

But what did he do?

Why do you ask?

Well, is there any harm in asking?

I wish you'd share things with me.

Not just the good things,
but your problems, your troubles.

You're very sweet.
But I have no troubles.

I don't share my problems.
I solve them.

Ah, Mr Templar, what a nice surprise.
Do come in, will you, please.

Thank you, Mr Coleman. I hope I'm
not intruding. Not at all. Glad to see you.

Of course, you'll stay for dinner,
huh?Well, thank you, I'd like that.

Ah, darling, Mr Simon Templar.

My wife.

Mrs Coleman.Mr Templar.

A drink, huh?
Thank you. Whisky and soda.

No ill effects from our little
adventure this afternoon?

No, no. None whatever.
What exactly happened?

Oh, two thugs tried to rob
poor old Gonzales' shop.

Mr Templar and I intervened.
It was nothing.

But I want to know about it.
No, dear. Don't bother yourself about it.

Mr Templar is staying to dinner.

Now go and tell the cook, huh?
Of course.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

She is, erm, very high-strung.

I didn't want to upset her.
I understand.

We've only been married for a year.

Really? Congratulations.

Thank you. And to your good health.

Leave him. We'll go and eat.

Thank you. You've collected
some very beautiful pictures.

Well, what is the good of money
if you don't spend it?

Were you ever in Poland?

Poland? Why do you ask?

I just wondered.

No, I came down here
over years ago

with a pickaxe
and a prospector's craze for gold.

Worked like a dog ever since.

Still do. I don't know why.

Certainly not for the money.

It must be something in my blood.

Karsh! What happened?

You two go that way! You two around
there! Look for him! OK, go on.

I'm very sorry, Mr Coleman, but...

What is it? What is the matter?

There's been a cave-in at the mine,
number three shaft.

Anyone hurt?
No. But there's flooding.

Ah. I'll be right with you.
Wait outside.


Sorry, Mr Templar,
to have to cut your visit short.

It's all right.It's an emergency.

I quite understand.
Mrs Coleman, thank you so much.

Good night, Mr Templar.Good night.

Goodbye, Mr Templar.

Have you an explanation for this,
Mr Templar?I am an art lover.

Please don't.

What do you know about this painting?

Only that it is my husband's
property.Well, that's doubtful.

Doubtful?Would you look at that?
It's the seal of the Krakow Museum.

This is a genuine Cardet.That's
impossible.Worth about $,.

You're mistaken. The picture
is a good copy, nothing more.

That's your husband's story.
And what is your story, Mr Templar?

When the Nazis invaded Poland
in , this picture was looted.

What are you suggesting?
I'm suggesting nothing.

I'm merely wondering how it happens
to be here.I don't know.

But I'm positive
my husband bought it in good faith.

So did the Krakow Museum.

Take what men you need, off-shift.

He's got to be found. Do you

We'll find him. Don't worry.
I will. All night.

Phone me the instant you get the

Ambulance, senor. Very sick.

Where's the nearest doctor?
In the village, senor. Dr Lopez.

This man is gravely ill, senor.

Can you do anything for him?

He needs an X-ray,
blood transfusion.

He must be hospitalised at once.

In the city. I will arrange
admission if you can drive him there.

Of course. My daughter is a trained
nurse. She will go with you. Icannot.

One of my patients at the village
needs me desperately.

Maria, phone the hospital.
Yes, Papa.

Where did you find him?

On the road on the far side
of the village leading to the mine.

And we put him in the car
and the stranger drove him away.

Do you know where?
Si, senor. Dr Lopez.Gracias.

Nobody in.We wait? Till somebody comes.
We must know where they've taken Salter.

Hurry, senor. He is dying!

Dr Lopez.Mr Karsh!

I understand one of our employees
was brought to you tonight.Yes.

He was very sick indeed. Internal
injuries that I could not...Yes.

Where is he?I sent him to the
hospital in the city.Thank you.

Mr Coleman will be quite relieved.

Who is responsible for this?
For what?

This man has been beaten.

Well, I just found him on the road.
He's trying to speak.Excuse me.

Go... to...

Go to where?



Avenida... Pascal.

Say that...

..Coleman is...

May I help you, senor?

You have had an emergency admission
from Chosica. Are you a relative? His employer.

Oh. I'm very sorry, senor,
but he died ten minutes ago.

Would you like to speak
with Dr Pineda?


She's resting quietly.
Her condition is good.

You're welcome.

If he's dead, what have we got
to worry about?I don't know.

He may have talked.
He may have... Hey!

That man. Templar.
He was at Coleman's tonight.

He was at Gonzales Art Store this afternoon.
Then let's see where he's going now.

You'd better wait in the car.

All right, Mr Templar,
no heroics this time.

Just the truth.
What are you doing here?

Well, I heard this was the local
hotspot.Who told you that?

An employee of Henry Coleman.

Salter?Where is he?

He's dead.

I found her outside in a car.

Well, now the g*ng's all here,

suppose we trade some information,

Just give me one minute.

We are not assassins, Mr Templar.
Neither are we kidnappers.

We're Israeli government agents
and we're after Henry Coleman

which, of course, is not
his real name.He's a n*zi.

Always was and always will be.

What about Salter?
He was part of our organisation.

He kept us informed of Coleman's movements,
so we knew he'd be in Gonzales' shop.

Unfortunately, you were there, too.

He got away from Germany in .

We managed to trace him to Lima
about a year ago.

Get going!

They got away.

What about the others?They are dead.

Come on, let's get him out of here.


The wound is clean. It will heal.

Here, try a little brandy.

Did you see who they were? No, but it's
a safe bet they were Coleman's thugs.

Just shows how far he'll go
to protect his secret.

What is his secret?

He was the notorious Hans Kroleg.

Hitler's deputy minister of mines.

The n*zi barbarism was worse
in Poland than anywhere else.

And Kroleg...

..put , Polish Jews...

..mostly women and children,
into a mine.

And he blew up the mine...
and buried them alive.

He's a m*rder*r!
A madman! A butcher!

And our job was to get him
out of Peru alive to stand trial.

It looks as if we failed.

Not if I can help it.

Police! Open up!
Open up!

Then stay there. Call the minute
you have more news. Right.

Merkin is watching
the police station.And?

The girl's just been released.
They're still holding Templar.

They've got to be kept quiet!
I've got to protect myself!

And me.
Yes, yes, of course, and you.

Erm, look, drive down to
the village, get the girl.

She's probably on
the seven o'clock bus.

That's risky.
We've got a lot at stake.

Hans, listen.

I'm sorry, it slipped out.
Like the old days.

Forget the old days.
I will, I assure you.

If the people ever found out that I
was HansKroleg,

everything we've built up during the
past years would go.

We would be finished.

Yes, I suppose you are right.
You know I'm right.

So be ruthless. You know how.
You've done it before.

Yes, I have.
And I can do it again.

Now look! Whoever m*rder*d the
Israeli agents will be brought to justice!

I don't need any advice from you!
And what's more, I don't want you around!

There's a plane to New York
in one hour. You be on it.

You're making a reservation?

What about Maria Lopez?
Released. On her way home.

And Nathan?He will be deported
when he's fit to travel.


Thank you, captain,
for your loyal cooperation.Templar.

I, too, hate...

Look, I am as interested in justice
as you are.Are you?

You can... You can miss that plane
this afternoon

but you'll be on the one tomorrow,

Yes, captain.

And then we were taken to the police
station and questioned most of the night.

Oh, Papa, it was terrible.
There, there, you are home now.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Dr Lopez. Oh, yes, Pedro?

When? Badly?

Do you know how to apply
a tourniquet? Then do so at once.

As soon as I can. Is kilometres?

I should make it in an hour.

Pedro Santino's son has had
an accident with his arm.

He's in a tractor.
You have to go out?

But my dear child,
he may lose the arm.

But you are quite safe here.
Just do not open the door to anyone.

I'll be back as soon as I can.


You overdid it.
I couldn't take any chances.

She may be out for hours!
Then we'll just have to wait.

Doctor. Can we talk for a moment?

Yes, yes, of course. Come in.

Maria! I'm back!
She told me what happened.

It all sounds very frightening.
It wasn't frightening, it...

What's the matter?

What is it?


Maria! Maria!


Come on, you. I'll walk up and down.

Coleman has her, I'm sure of it.
Well, what will we do?

Call Captain Rodriguez in Lima.
Tell him exactly what's happened.

And if he asks about you?Say I have
a big interest in the gold mine.

Hello? Hello, hello.

Come in, Mr Templar.
I've been expecting you.

Mrs Coleman, I'm afraid I have some
unpleasant things to say to you.

About Hans Kroleg?

You know?

I've suspected for some time that
he had some sort of guilty secret.

Just how unspeakable the secret is
I've only learnt in the last hours.

I am married to a criminal
and a m*rder*r.

Do you know where he is now?

At the mine, presumably.

He has kidnapped
a girl from the village.

Maria Lopez, the doctor's daughter.

Because she knows what you know.

Are you saying he intends to...


Have you any idea
where he may have taken her?No.

Unless... The old number one shaft.
It's been abandoned.

It hasn't been worked for years.
Will you take me there?



Here. You may need this.

Danger of what?Cave-ins, gas.

Then you'd better wait here.

We're getting impatient, Maria!
That is all I know!

The agent who is still alive,
where is he?The hospital in Lima.

And Templar?

Get out, Maria.

Go on, hurry. Just follow the tracks
down the tunnel.

Now, you're about to take a trip,
Hans Kroleg.

Listen...To Israel to stand trial.

W-W-We can come to some arrangement.

I'll give you $,, huh?

How did you arrive at that figure?

Let's say $ a head

for the , Jews
you buried alive in Poland.

It's just wartime. It was years ago.
I was carrying out orders.

Look, be reasonable, will you?
And be careful.

Drop your g*n.

We'll, erm, take him to the shaft,

Karsh! Open the shaft!Yes, sir.

, feet, Mr Templar.

Straight down.

Run, Maria!

Agh! Agh!


Come on, Kroleg.

Looks like you're gonna make
that trip after all. Let him go.

Get out.

Ingrid...Stop! But he'll get away!

And the girl! Hans Kroleg.

Now, look, don't you start.

Give me the g*n, huh?

I'll call the police.

Maybe it's not the way you wanted it,

but Nathan's mission is completed.