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05x11 - Paper Chase

Posted: 05/02/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
SIMON TEMPLAR: London, :am.


The Embankment.

A boulevard, or a bedroom, depending
how fate dealt its hand.

For those of us who are not asleep,

it's a time to love, pray,
hate, argue,

cheat, sometimes even k*ll.

I can't. It is
very simple, what we ask.

It's impossible.Just two minutes
of your time, that is all.

The answer's no. Don't write to me

Think it over. You'll change your

Give it to me will you, please?

There's no need to push, I'm sure
that -Will you give it to me?

I strongly advise against that.
What's the trouble, gentlemen?

There's no trouble at all, Officer.
Now, just a moment, sir.

If you wouldn't mind -
Look, I haven't done anything.

No need to run, then,
is there, sir?

Now, just as a matter of routine,

would you mind
identifying yourself?


Because I asked you to.
Your driving licence will do.

Thank you, sir.

Eric Redman.

Still at this address?Yes.

The gentleman's letter blew out of
his hand.

I put my foot on it.

He was frightened of losing it and
got upset.

That's all that happened.
Thank you, sir.

May I go now?Of course.

Well, what about me, Officer?
Don't you want my identification?

Not necessary at all, sir.

It's my job to recognise notorious
people, like Simon Templar.

Morning, Mr Redman.

Oh, morning, Charles.

Thank you.

Mr Redman?

You forgot to sign out, sir.

Find what you want, did you, sir?

Er, no.

Thank you.

British European Airways
announce the departure

of their flight number BE-
to Berlin.

Will passengers...

, love.

Sorry I'm late.Major Carter.

Thanks for the tickets.

I didn't know you enjoyed tennis.
No, I don't terribly.

Wimbledon isn't what it used to be.

I hear you ran into Eric Redman

Who?Eric Redman.

At five in the morning,
on the Embankment.

How do you know?
Routine police report.

Redman works in the Foreign Office.


He's skipped?He's what?

Disappeared with a top secret file.

Oh? What's in the file?

Names, covers and codes of

the operators in
our East German network.

Yes, bad show.

Where do you think Redman's gone?

Berlin, we think. We're not sure.

That's where you come in.

Now, wait a minute-Our No. in West
Berlin is a chap named Schewerin.

, Gortestrasse.

I'd like you to pop over and see

What for?With a few photographs,
identify Redman, that's all.

Why me?Not one of the operators in
our East German network

has so much as laid eyes on Redman.

You saw him face to face,
yesterday morning,

and you've got a seat on
the : plane to Berlin.

Nein. Nein.

You're right.I usually am.

Your sure this is the man you saw
with Redman in London?


If you will wait, please, I will
tell Herr Schewerin you are here.

Thank you.You have the appointment?

Thank you, Fraulein Baum.

I will take care of Mr Templar.

His name is not in the book.

He made the appointment with me,

If it is not written down, Herr
Schewerin -That is all, Fraulein.

Thank you.

If you will sit, please,
Mr Templar...

Thank you.
We will not keep you long.

Allow me.

There. Is good.

Will you be so good as to read for
me the top line?


And the second row.

R-F S.

And the third row?

M-L-O .

Now, listen carefully.

We think Redman took this morning's
train to Leipzig.

We had an operator at the ticket

She photographed every man who
resembled the cabled description.

Why Leipzig?

Cos, in Leipzig,
is living Redman's papa.

Redman's English.
No, born in Leipzig.

The only child of Professor Redman,
an important chemist,

many inventions.

During the w*r,
the Professor was anti-Nazis.

Hitler spared his life only because
his chemical work is so important.

Now, wait.
Let me see that last one again.

That is Redman?

No, sorry.

Before the w*r,

the Professor had to see son
smuggled out of Germany to England

by a friend in
the Diplomatic Corps.

The boy was brought up in London.

He even changed his name
to Redman -the English version.

Throughout the years,
father and son kept in touch.

The Professor had wanted to come
over to the west,

but, always, the other side say no.

Now they're going to say yes?

That is what I think.

So Redman hands over the file,
they hand over Dad.


That's him.

You are sure?Positive.

Then we know he's in Leipzig, and
I have the Professor's address.


Here is your passport and escape
route, if you should need it,

and details of your cover.My what?

You are working for
Vaden and Smith of Birmingham,

precision lenses.

What do you mean, my cover?Sssh!

You are going to Leipzig.

Oh, no, I'm not, my friend.
I'm going to London.

Major Carter asked me to come here,
identify Redman and I've done it.

Major Carter said you are going to

destroy the file and bring Redman

He did, did he?Herr Templar,

that file means life or death to

Men and women who have courage
and who are now in great danger.

I have a ticket for you tonight.

The Berlin-Leipzig Express.

Surely you will not refuse?

OK, I'm hooked, which is
exactly what Carter wanted.

I wish you, my Herr,
a most fruitful journey.

Thank you.

This compartment is occupied.

What seems to be the problem,

I expected to occupy this
compartment alone.

So did I. We both seem out of luck.

Thank you. That's all.Danke schoen.

I wish to see your ticket.

Why, are you the conductor

I'm Colonel Kurt Probst,

Security Section, Leipzig Division,
People's Police.

Your ticket and your passport.

You are Neville Franklin Forbes.


Your East German visa is in order.

Well, tell me more.
Do you read palms

We do not treat regulations

What do you take lightly, Colonel?

Why are you going to Leipzig,
Mr Forbes?

I've been invited to attend
the Leipzig Trade Fair.

I wish you a pleasant journey.

I can tell it's going to be
a million laughs

What is the name of your company,
Mr Forbes?

Vaden and Smith, Birmingham.

It is impossible.It is?

Vaden and Smith.

Optical lenses?Correct.

But I know your company most well,
Mr Forbes.

You do?Ja.

Until the w*r, my family owned the
Probst Optical Works of Dresden.

As a young man, I visited
frequently, your factory.

Really?My father knew Herr Vaden
most intimately.

I suppose now he's dead.

Oh, yes, yes.

And Dr Wagner -
is he still with you?

Oh, yes. He's still with us.

Mm. His work on interferometry
is remarkable.

It is a most elegant subject,
you think so?

Oh, I do think so.

I mean, elegant in the sense that
with such a great economy of means,

you achieve
such remarkable results.


Oh, I never eat on the train.
The food is terrible.

Is that what he said? Dinner?

Ja, I suppose your people, they are
still working on micro-photo-

Yes, well, I didn't have any lunch,
so I'll go and have some dinner.

Oh, I will come, to have with you
beer and see they serve you well.

Oh, no, it's really not necessary.

Oh, no, no, no trouble, my friend.

We will continue
our so interesting conversation.

Oh, yes.

Oh, Colonel, I left my cigarettes.

Oh, I will go and make sure of
a table for two.

Thank you.

I promised my father's freedom in
exchange for the file.

It's a lie from start to finish.

They knew he was dead
when they made the offer.

Please, Eric, let us go home.

He smuggled me out of Germany
into England.

Risked his life a dozen times
in the process.

So, when I had the chance
to get him out, I took it,

but he was an old man -
tired, worn out.

They said I could take him home

where he could spend
the rest of his days in peace.

He is in peace now.

Well, I got it out without anybody

and I can put it back without
anybody knowing.

If you get to London alive.

I will.

Suppose the file has already been

Yeah. Yes, well, that's a chance
I'll just have to take.

I mean, sometimes a month can go by
without anyone consulting it.

Eric, take me with you, please.

I did not mind so much living here
when I was working with your father.

Now I want to get out.

Have you got a visa?Nein.

Any money?

I thought, perhaps, you could -

All I've got is my ticket
and less than Marks.

I'm sorry.It does not matter.

Somehow, I'll manage.


It's Metz.
Who is he?People's Police.

I'm supposed to contact him in

but I wanted to see
my father first.

I want you to take this for me.
But where?

Anywhere, just hide it.
Come on, hurry up.

See me back here tonight at :.

Seven o'clock.


May I apologise for
my colleague's bad manners?


Try and find her a taxi.
It is not necessary.

You are much too pretty to do
such things for yourself.


Leipzig Railway Station.

You knew my father was dead
when you made the offer.

Your father's death gave us the
idea.Liars. Cheats and liars.

Please, Redman, your father's death
is a statistic,

not a national tragedy.

Have you the file?

We have outraged Mr Redman's sense
of fair play.

How British you have

The Marquis of Queensbury rules,
even in a fight to the death.

Now, where is the file?

I haven't got it.

Don't try and play games with us.
You can't possibly win.

I didn't bring it with me.

Start looking!

You're wasting your time. I wanted
to make sure my father was well

and still wanted to come over to
the West.You are lying.

London knows the file is missing.

Well, it couldn't.

And it is missing
because you took it.

Now, if you don't hand it over
to us,

the only way you'll get out of
Leipzig will be in a coffin.

And dying can be made very

So can living.

Are you moving out,
or have you lost something?

What do you want?

A mutual friend in London asked me
to look up Professor Roteman.

Who are you?We are the Security
Section of the People's Police.

There are more People's Police in
the German Democratic Republic

than there are people's people.

Your passport, please.

Your name is Forbes.
You can read, marvellous

Metz, look!

The girl in the hall.With the

Who is she?I don't know.She told
the taxi driver -Not here!


As a matter of interest, who is she?

Her name's Hanya Linzt.

She used to work for my father.

Doesn't she now?No.

No, my father's dead.

She told the taxi driver, 'The
railway station!'Hurry, Fritz!

You happened to be on the
Embankment at five in the morning?

Walking home after a party.

Now you're working for Carter.

They want you back in London
and the file destroyed.

Mm, yeah, I'll bet he does.

You can fight it if you like, but
you're coming with me.

Some choice
If I stay here, they'll sh**t me,

if I go back to London,
they'll give me years.

What do you expect, when you sell
your country out, the MBE

I did this for my father.

He's an old man, tired, worn out -
I'm not your confessor.

Where's Hanya Linzt gone?

Well, she's working at
the Leipzig Trade Fair.

Covers a lot of ground.
The Home Furnishings building.

Is that where she's taken the
suitcase?I don't know.

I told her to hide it anywhere.

Danke schoen.

There she is, without the suitcase.

She's put it in left luggage.
Then she'll have the check.

Fritz, follow her.

Miss Linzt?

Yes? What do you want?

I'm a friend of Eric Redman's.

Who is he?

Miss Linzt,
I don't have any time for games.

Eric Redman gave you a suitcase.

I want it. Where is it?

I don't know what you're talking
aboutand I don't know Eric Redman.

You're meeting him at his father's
flat at seven o'clock.

I wouldn't know that unless he told
me, would I?

Please leave me alone, I have some
work to do.So do I.

To find that suitcase and destroy a
file that's in it,

then get Eric Redman
back to England.

Now where is it?You will never make

Now please leave me. I cannot help

Miss Linzt -If they see me talking
to you, they will arrest me.

Fraulein, you're under arrest.
But why?Kindly come with us.

I've done nothing, I swear it.

I beg your pardon?

You are under arrest.

I am sorry, Herr Forbes,

that we meet again in unpleasant

Perhaps you would care to explain.

PerhapsIwould care to explain?
Perhaps YOU would care to explain.

I was going peacefully about my

when I was att*cked by your men
without provocation.

How do you mean, att*cked?
I was struck, repeatedly.

Then I was arrested at gunpoint by
six of your trained baboons.


Speak in English.

There were three of us only,
Herr Colonel.

There were six. Three in uniform
and three in plain clothes.

He is lying. We have no plain
clothes security officers at the fair. Uniform divisiononly.

You were there. You saw them.
Yes, there were, Colonel.

There were three civilians fighting
with the Englishman.

And these men, these civilians,
can you describe them?

I can go better than that.

I can name one of them: Metz.


Bring me the file on Rudolf Metz.

If it's the man we think he is,

he's a notorious - what you call in
English - confidence trickster.

A swindler.
We've had our eye on for some time.

We have not been able to get the
evidence to convict.

Now, with your help perhaps, we
shall have success.

Is that the man?


We will have him before dark, I
think. We know his usual haunts.

It will be helpful if you will

Of course.

I am sorry that your stay in Leipzig
has been disturbed. My apologies.

Am I free to go?

Of course, and I that hope you enjoy
the rest of your visit.

Thank you.

My passport!

I think it will be quite safe here.

You can collect it on the day of
your departure.

And what do you think of our Herr

I am not sure.

I am. He's lying.

Follow him, and report
every move to me.

Where's Hanya?
I thought she was here.

No, she's minutes late.
Something must have happened.

You're so right.What do you mean?

Your friend Metz, a phoney.Phoney?

No more People's Police
than you are.

But he contacted me in London,

he arranged my father
in exchange for the file.

A confidence trickster.
It was a set-up.

For what reason?Some private deal
of his own.

I should imagine that Colonel Probst
has him right now.

They'll work him over a little
and he'll talk.

I'll... No more.

I will tell you everything.

It was a planned operation.

Please, can I have some coffee,

Go on.

A month ago, Redman's father died,
so I went to London.

Why?To persuade him
to work for me.

You see, I knew of the existence of
that file.

And what is in it?

The names and the covers of
all the operatives

in the British-East German
espionage network.

Which, of course, you intended to
sell. Go on.

I posed as a member of the People's
Police, the Security Section.

I guaranteed Redman his father's

After the father was dead.



Redman agreed to bring the file to

And did he?I er... I think so.

I haven't actually seen it.

Where is the file now?

I don't know.

You are not dealing with
an amateur, comrade.

Now let us try again.

Where is the file?

I think it is in a suitcase,

checked at the left luggage office
at the railway station.

You realise the immense importance
of this file?Completely.

Exposure of every British
Intelligence agent.

Have you seen this man before?

Yes, I think he is in British

I am sure of it.

I'll alert the station police

Go yourself and take charge.
I will join you in minutes.

Very well.

Hanya, do you realise what time it

I'm late, I know.

Where's the file?

Hanya, where did you leave it?
I will not tell you.

Hanya, where's the file?

I will not tell you unless -
Unless what?

Take me with you, please. I do not
want to live here any more.

You don't have to blackmail us.

You mean you will take me with you?

Where did you leave the case?

I checked it into the left luggage
office of the railway station.

What does it look like?It's brown,
battered, it's got my initials on it.

The handle's been repaired with
rope.Wait here for me.

But, Eric, I was seen.

By whom?By Metz, the man who tried
to arrest me.

He'll have talked. The station will
be crawling with police.

Is there a back way out of here?


Anything?Not yet.

We will open every piece of luggage
that has been checked.If you wish.

We'll give it half an hour.

Mr Forbes, keep your hands up,

My compliments on your technique.
But we broke your cover by accident.

Metz talked?Interminably, now...

Danke schoen.



Did you get it?Yes.

But this car...On loan, from the

Here, turn on the map light.

There's an escape route via Harz.

What is the number of your police

P-L A.

You will pay for your incompetence.

This is an all car alert.

Watch out for a black, four door,
official police car,

registration number P-L A.

Occupants are to be shot on sight.

Anybody following us?


It won't be long. This car's so hot,
it's burning.

Police car, registration P-L A,

seen Menzstrasse, : hours.

They're making for the Harz.

Is that a police car, Sergeant?

Yes, Major.

If it was seen on the Harz road,
why was it not stopped?

We have no report of that, Colonel.

Order an alert at
the border barrier at Harz.

Major! What is it?

An accident.

Lift the lady up, Major.

Eric, get their g*ns.

I don't know who you are,
but you'll never away with it, I...

Well, Major, we'll try not to be
a discredit to the service.

We've made it.

Not quite. We've still got
the border crossing at Harz.

What's this?


How very friendly of them.

They can't be more than minutes

The border's just ahead.Good.

We'd better turn off the road.


Eric, take Hanya in that direction,
keeping to the bushes.

When you get to the barrier,
wait for my signal.


Hilfe! Hilfe!

Hilfe! Hilfe!



Colonel Probst.

I presume you heard
there are two English spies

in the company of a woman trying
to cross the border to the west?

Yeah, Herr Major.They're both
heavily armed,

but we want them alive.

Under no circumstances are you to
sh**t them.

You understand?Ja, Herr Major.


Excuse me, Herr Major.



Get through to Leipzig and tell 'em
what you're doing.

Get back to your post!

They were seen about an hour ago... be on the alert,
these men are dangerous.

We will be caught. They will k*ll

Over there, all of you, quickly!

Idiot, dummkopf...

They're not across yet. Spread out,
search for them.

Yes, Colonel.

They are to be shot on sight!


Once across the other side,
they can't touch us.

Let's see how bad it is.

I'm... I'm through.

We're the other side now, Eric.

We can get help.

It's... It's too late, Templar.

The paper chase... over.