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05x04 - The Reluctant Revolution

Posted: 05/02/23 08:54
by bunniefuu
TEMPLAR: 'President Alvarez.
A bargain-basement politician.

Always ready to dip his hand
into the national till.

And as long as his government is in,
the till remains open.

But who knows for how long?'

Stand up for your president,
you pig!

Stand up, you pig!

Old Chinese proverb: he who kick man
when down...fall over own feet.


Get him out of here.

Nothing to declare.
One moment, senor.

I am Capitan Sanchez,
Seguridad Nacional.


A little friendly advice, senor.

In San Pablo, we do not like
foreigners to meddle in our affairs.

Do I make myself clear?

Whether I take your advice or not
is another matter, isn't it?

Your passport, senor.

Flattering picture, don't you think?

Remember I have warned you,
Senor Templar.

Mr Templar?
My friends call me Simon.

I'm Diane Holbrook. We were on
the same plane this morning.

How could I ever forget?
Please come in.

Thank you.

I've come to return your...
To return my bag.

And, er, this belongs to you.
Yes, that's right.

Afraid I made a silly mistake -
picked up the wrong one.

Well, it's easily done,
they are identical.

So they are.
Except for what's inside.

Well, I mean we could hardly go
around wearing each other's clothes.

Not really.

Why do you need the g*n?

That's none of your business.

g*ns are for sh**ting people.

Who did you have in mind?

President Alvarez?
Or is this just for your scrapbook?

Can I have my bag now, please?

you haven't answered my question.

Really, Mr Templar,
do I look like a political assassin?

Now, if you don't mind...

I expect we'll, er,
see more of each other.

I doubt it.
I'm only here for one night.

I'm flying out
first thing in the morning.Oh.

Goodbye, Mr Templar.

Bon voyage.

The freedom fighters again?
More trouble?

Last week, they attempted
to sabotage the power station.

They must be dealt with, and soon.
Before they get too powerful.

Up to now, they were just
a bunch of t*rrorists with g*ns.

Shouldn't be too difficult.
So what are we waiting for?

Hortal's return.
Where is he now?

Somewhere in the mountains.
But when he gets back to San Pablo...

We will know.

We have an informer on the inside.

And then what will you do?
sh**t 'em.

Oh, I don't mean all of them.
Just Hortal and a few key men.

Once they're dead,
the whole movement will collapse.

I don't know.

This seems a very severe step.

It's got to be done.
And soon.

Unless you want a full-scale
revolution on your hands.

But there must be another way.
There isn't! They're dangerous!

Can't you get that
through your head?

All right, Captain,
wait for me outside.

Look, how much did you take
in royalties from the San Pablo oil corporation last year?

A lot. And so did you.
All right, so did I.

And if the Americans pull out...
But they cannot.

Oh yes, they can, and the will -
first sign of trouble.

Then where's the money
gonna come from?

No more trips to New York or Paris,
no more wine, women and song.

Is that what you want?
Of course not.

Then stop being so sensitive!
We can't afford half measures.

These freedom fighters
have got to be smashed.

Hortal and a few others must die.

All right. Do what you think best.

But don't bother me with the details.

Well?He agreed.

He usually does with you.

What does that mean?

Nothing. Except that sometimes I get
rather curious.

Yeah? What about?About you. You
arrive here four years ago out of nowhere.

And suddenly you're the President's
right hand and left hand too.

As long as you remember that.


Whisky and water, please.

Champagne, senor?

And tell Senorita Consuela
to join us when she's ready.

Of course, Senor Lawrence.

If I might intrude on your pleasure,
I have news.

Of the freedom fighters.

There is to be a meeting
here in the city tonight.

I don't know yet.

But it must be important -

the rumour is that Hortal himself
will be present.

Let me know
when you have something positive.

Not for me.

You want to relax sometime.

Don't you ever forget you're a cop?

You're wanted on the telephone,
Captain. Your headquarters.

You see? I am not allowed to.

Captain Sanchez.


Send a car and three men
to the Casa del Sol at once.

Right. And let me talk to Jose.

Jim Foster!

Well, Diane.

What are you doing in San Pablo?
Celebrating my father's funeral.

He died two weeks ago. In prison.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I just bet you are.

No, really. I didn't know.
Of course you didn't.

You're far too busy playing the big
man down here as Victor Lawrence?

Look, why don't we go some place
and talk? Later.

I haven't anything to say.

Diane, there's a whole lot of things
you don't understand.

My father trusted you,
and in return you k*lled him!


Get away from him!

Our cue to leave. Come on.

They cannot have gone far -
one man and a girl.

Cordon off the area.
Si, Capitan.

Search every house in every street!
Find them!Especially the girl!

Her g*n.

Why did she try to k*ll you?
I have no idea.

You don't know her?
I never saw her before in my life.

That makes it even more mysterious.

A girl you have never seen before,
or say you have never seen before,

wants to k*ll you. I wonder why.

He's a crook. A swindler.

He k*lled my father
and you stopped me!Come on.

Hey, you!Hey, you there!

Stop right there!

Over there.Is this the standard
welcome around these parts?

Enrico, Pablo, blindfold them.

Quick, quick!


All right, now take them along.

Pablo, go back now, keep watch.

All right,
you can take your blindfolds off.

Ricardo, bring our guests over here.

Please, sit down.

I think a few introductions
are in order.

Of course. I am Jose Hortal.

Ricardo Delgardo.
Rosendo Vargas.

That's better.
Not that I mind being kidnapped,

I just like to know
who's holding the g*n.

You're a cool one, senor, er...?

Simon Templar.

This is Miss Diane Holbrook.

Why have you brought us here?

Because we hear of your attempt
on the life of Senor Lawrence.

You're the freedom fighters.
You knew?

I guessed.I've seen enough policemen
since I've been here to tell the difference.

In that cast, you'll forgive me
for having brought you here

in this unconventional manner.
You understand,

we must take every precaution.

If that pig Sanchez and his police
locate us here,

we shall all be dead by the morning.

An occupational hazard of
the revolution business, surely?

You seem to know a lot about what is
happening in our small country.

I know from what I've seen so far

that the sooner you get rid of this
present lot, the better.Good.

Then, er...then you will help us?

I was just waiting for
the invitation.

You talk like a man, senor.
It will be good to have you with us.

Not if you go on hitting me,
it won't.

And you, Miss Holbrook?
Now, wait a moment.

She's in enough trouble already
without getting into any more.

Besides, I don't see how I can help.

You can begin by telling us
all you know about Victor Lawrence,

why you tried to k*ll him.
I'm curious about that myself,

I only know half the story.

What's your interest?

Victor Lawrence is the most powerful
and hated man in San Pablo.

He is Minister for Internal Affairs.

He is the president's
right-hand man. He is...

He is also a thief, a coward,
and a wanted criminal.

His real name is James Foster.

He was my father's partner.

A firm of investment brokers
in London.

Until about four years ago.

Go on.

There was some money missing
from the clients' accounts.

About $,.

And Mr Foster disappeared.

My father knew nothing about this,
and yet he was put in prison

for five years!

It was too much for him.

He was an old man. He died.

So you recognised Foster's picture
in the newspaper cutting

and came here.

Then I...

Well, you know the rest.

Miss Holbrook,
have you told this to anyone else?


If Lawrence thinks
you can expose him,

he'll try to k*ll you, I know.
Then get her out of the country.

It will be difficult.
The police are searching everywhere.

Open up! Police!

I suggest Miss Holbrook makes
a written statement about Lawrence.

It will help our cause enormously.

Not only to discredit him,
but the whole crooked regime.

Will you?
Of course.

I'll be glad to.

We'll be very grateful.
And then, as Senor Templar says,

you must leave San Pablo.

It is too dangerous for you to stay.

Ricardo, you'll arrange it?
When do you want her to go?

As soon as possible.
How are you going to get her out?

There is no problem. I will take her
over the mountains to the border.

One small point, senorita.

Have you got your passport with you?

No.I left it in the hotel.

It's easy to get you
across the border,

but once you are in a strange country
without documents...

I'll go and get it.
Is it in you room?


In the drawer in the dressing table.

Here's the key.

It is very dangerous.
The police have your description.

They will be watching for you.
I could take him.

The back way.
Good, Rosendo.

Go, and be quick.

Be careful.

How long will it take us?

We can be there and back
in half an hour.

See you later.

Good luck.

The parking lot at the back, senor.

You try the fire escape, senor,
I will wait here.

Give me ten minutes.
All right.

This is the police!
Stand where you are or we'll sh**t!

All right, the truth, Senor Templar.
I've told you.

Where are the freedom fighters?

I've never heard of them.

You're lying!
They helped you get away.

Where did they take you?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Where is the girl?
Was she there too?

What girl?The girl
who tried to k*ll Senor Lawrence.

Oh, did she?

She showed remarkably good taste.

But why?
What what?

Why did she try to k*ll
Senor Lawrence?

He was here,...ask him.

Why did you do that?
Cos you're wasting your time.

It was unnecessary.
Take him downstairs.

Very well, since you asked so nicely.

All right, inside.

Take him to a cell.


Good. Do nothing yet,
wait until I arrive.

The freedom fighters -
we know where they are.

He has been gone too long!

They could have been to the hotel
and back three times by now!

Do you think the police...
Anything is possible.

I do not underrate Sanchez.
He is no fool.

They could have been waiting
in your room.

There is something wrong,
I can smell it!

What do you suggest?

I'm going to find out
if something has happened.

What's happened?
Where is Templar?

They got him.

The police, they were waiting
at the hotel.

Pablo! Policia! Policia!

Jose, you must go!
I can still use a g*n.

No! You we cannot afford to lose.
Enrico, Vargas, help him.

The girl must go with you.

Get him out.

Break the door.

Help him.

You will go to the house of Vargas,
you will be safe there. Go on!

We will hold them.

sh**t it down!

Bring gas!

Quickly! Smash the door.

Where is the girl and Hortal?

Where are they?

Take him away!

Where did they take the girl?
I don't know.

They're bound to find her in time.

But YOU want to get her first.

Right again.

I'll make a deal with you.

You tell me where to find Diane
and I'll get you out of here.

Out of the country. With $,.

$,, hm?

That sounds like a reasonable offer.

You'll do it?

Well, I would,
except for one little thing.

I don't like your face.

I'll give you one hour
to think it over.

Nothing but offers.


One hour, Templar,
then you'll both be shot.

What happened?
They found the cellar.

She is safe with Hortal.

Vargas is hiding them at his house.

The others?
Enrico and Pablo captured.

There were many dead.

I'm sorry.

MAN: Left, right! Left, right!
Left, right! Left, right!

Left wheel!

Squad, halt!

About turn!

Quick march!

Left, right!
Left, right! Left, right!

He's only a boy!


Pablo! Pablo!

It will be quick, Pablo.

A second of pain, that is all.

Squad, halt!

Left face!

Squad, ready!

Butchers! Murderers!



Squad, about turn!

Quick march!

Left, right! Left, right!
Left, right! Left, right!

We'll get out of here.


We have to,...

..or we'll be next.


If you'll sign it, please.

What will you do with it?
Have copies made, thousands of them.

Distributed to the people.

And then what will happen?

We can only hope that
when the people of San Pablo know

that the senior minister
of their present government

is a wanted criminal,
they'll get rid of him.

Will that be enough?

I hope so.

No people can ever be trampled on
and cheated forever.

And President Alvarez?

Rather than face a scandal,
he'll resign.

And you'll take over.
If the people wish it.

I hope they do.
Thank you.

It will take time,
but we shall succeed.

It's bad news.
What is it?

Our headquarters was raided,
everyone captured.

Erico and Pablo...
Go on.

They were brave men.

And my friends.
Mine, too.

Delgado?Being held
at Seguridad headquarters.

With Templar.
But they can't hold Simon!

After all,
he saved Victor Lawrence's life.

These people do not need reasons,
it's a dictatorship.

Men are imprisoned and shot
on the president's whim.

I must go. There is much to do.

But senor, you cannot.
The police are everywhere.

You will be caught.
I will be careful.

Keep the senorita here.

When it gets dark, I'll send Morales
to take her to safety.

Miss Holbrook, I cannot thank you
enough for what you've done.

I hope we shall meet again.
I hope so, too.

Good luck.
Thank you.

You will be careful?
Do not worry.

you are hungry perhaps, huh?


I'm suddenly very tired.

Is there anywhere I could lie down?

Yes, of course.
Come with me, please.

I'll call you when I'm ready.

All right, Templar,
I want your answer now.

Well, I've had time to think about
your little proposition.

You, er, have a point.

At any rate, I'd rather be
a live coward than a dead hero.

I thought you might.

So, where's Diane?
Cash first.


I'll see you get it.

Oh, that's not good enough.

I want it in my hot little hand.

And get me out of here -
that is part of the deal.

After all, if I don't keep my word
you can still have me shot.

All right.

Guard! Guard!

Ricardo, do me a favour, will you?

Now what do we do?
Get out of these.

Captain Sanchez?

This is Rosendo Vargas.

You let him get away?!
But I had to.

I couldn't stop him.
But I have the girl.

Yes. In my house.


Well, hurry!!

Oh, you traitor!

If you try to escape, senorita,

I will k*ll you.

And I will be given a medal.

We are mad, senor.
The building crawls with police.

It makes life interesting. Come on.

Hey! Where are you taking him?
The captain wants him,

more interrogation. Move on there!


Here, take these things off!

Come on, hurry up, you fool!

And get my car at once! With two

Sanchez! Come here quickly.

After you.

Do nothing foolish.

Move over.

He's been a good boy so far, I think
we'll let him out at the next corner.


Let's get rid of the car,
it's too conspicuous.You are right.

From here, we can go on foot.

Through the back streets -
it is not far.

Where are we heading for?
The house of Vargas.

We will be safe there.

Ah, Miss Holbrook.
How nice to see you again.

Senor Lawrence is most anxious
to talk with you.

Take her out.

Am I to be rewarded?

But of course.


Please! I can explain!

If you live long enough.


Ricardo and Senor Templar!

You managed to escape.
It's good to see you alive.

Forget the congratulations.
Sanchez has got the girl.

It is true, Jose.
But it's not possible.

I only left her an hour ago
with Vargas.

Vargas is a traitor.

He sold her out.

I have taken care of him.

Do you know where they've taken
the girl?No, not yet.

Why have you brought me here?
Please, sit down, Miss Holbrook.

There is something I want to know,
and only you can tell me.

What do you know about
Senor Lawrence?

We have located the girl.

She's being held
at the president's palace.

Are you sure?
Si, senor, quite sure.

She was with Captain Sanchez
and two other policemen.

They are still there.
Some of our men are watching.

You have done well, Chico.
We have to get her out.

But how?Victor Lawrence is
desperate, he'll have her k*lled.

But the palace is strongly guarded.
Soldiers everywhere,

and the president's bodyguard.
It is impossible to get in.

You've said that before.

Gentlemen, the revolution
is going to start at once.

But how? We are not strong enough.

We have not enough arms
and amm*nit*on.

We cannot take on the army and the
police. Soon perhaps, but not now.

There's something else,
Senor Templar.

An armed uprising will mean
death and destruction,

innocent people being k*lled.

I did not want this to happen.
Well, it's not what I have in mind.

I want a radio engineer. An expert.
We have such a man.

Chico! He's in charge of
our communications.

Go get Hernandez,
tell him to come here.

He will be with us soon.

Now I'll tell you my plan.

Stay where you are.

And strip.

All this you have told me,
is it true?

Every word of it.


You will remain here.
I shall be back soon.

And please, Miss Holbrook,
do not try to get away.

I shall leave a man outside.


It is all in order.

Everything OK your end?
Si, senor, it will work.

You're not to worry.

This had better be good.
It is.

I have just had a long talk
with Miss Holbrook.

You found her? Where is she?

Safe, for the moment.

She was very informative about
a Mr James Foster.

Of course, I know nothing about
this man at the moment,

but if I should find out anything
- for instance, that he was

wanted by the police
in another country -

it would be my duty as a policeman...
Yes, all right, come to the point.

So she told you.

Yes, but I suspected something
all along.


Well, what do you want?

Money? Power?

Shall we discuss it privately?

You are new.

I have an important despatch
for el presidente.

Where is Miguel Camarra?
Oh, he is sick.

Fight last night in the cantina,
trouble with some girl.

He always has trouble
with a girl, that one.

All right.

Come in!

What is this?

I suggest you read it,
Senor President. All of it.

Who are you?
My name is Simon Templar.

I, er, borrowed the uniform
to get in to see you.

Lies! All lies!

Then ask Miss Holbrook.

Captain Sanchez is holding her,
here in the palace.

Ortega, find Captain Sanchez.

He's somewhere about in the palace.
There is a girl with him.

Bring them both immediately
to my office.

And at the same time,
bring Senor Lawrence.

We'll get to the bottom of this.
Well, while we're doing that,

mind if I sit down?

It will not be long now.

About five minutes.

Are you sure this will work?

When we rebroadcast,

our transmitter is strong enough

to reach all the radios
in the immediate vicinity.

Templar's been working with
the freedom fighters.

What's he doing here?
He came to bring me this. Read it.

I would like to know what it means.

Well, is it true?
Are you this man Foster?

these things can be checked.

Yes, I'm Foster. What about it?

Do you realise what it means
if this is made public?

The chief minister of my government,
a cheap crook, an embezzler?

What do you think you are?! You've
stolen from the treasury for years!

To finance your gambling debts,
and your movie stars, and everything else!

'You seem to forget
to whom you're talking.'

'I don't forget anything.

For instance, your bank account in
Geneva with million Swiss francs.'

I know it all. The only reason
you like being president

is for what you can get out of it.

You don't give a hoot for your people
- how they live, what they earn.

What do you care about my people?

But at least I'm honest enough
to admit it.

All right, so I stole $,!

You've been getting away
with millions!

Gentlemen, I think you ought to know
there's been a revolution.

So, whatever ideas you may have
for hushing this little scandal up,

you'd better forget them.
It's too late.

The cat is out of the bag.


'The freedom fighters are in
complete control of the army.

They've also captured
the radio station and the airfield.

'And here we have a conversation
recorded only a minute ago

between President Alvarez
and the Minister of Internal Affairs,

Senor Victor Lawrence
at the president's palace.'

'Yes, I'm Foster. What about it?'

'Do you realise what it means
if this is made public?

The chief minister of my government,
a cheap crook, an embezzler?

'What do you think you are?You've
stolen from the treasury for years!

To finance your gambling debts, your
movie stars,and everything else.'

'You seem to forget
to whom you're talking.'

'I don't forget anything.

For instance,
your bank account in Geneva with million Swiss francs.

I know it all.'
What are we to do?

'You only like being president
for what you can get out of it.'

And now,
I give you our new president -

Jose Hortal.

People of San Pablo,

this is the day
we've long been waiting for.

The forces of liberty
have triumphed at last.

'And I can promise you,
we will give you government

that is fair, clean and,
above all, honest,

with the interests of you,
the people, at heart.'

That'll make a change, won't it?

Right at this moment,
President Alvarez

is signing his resignation.

We'd, er, better get on with that,
hadn't we?

Would you be kind enough
to sign here?

You can sign your own life away,
but you won't take me with you.

Take care of your capitan!


Take him, compadres!

We have done it, Senor Simon,
we have done it!

Yes, well, was there ever any doubt?
You'd better take this.

The president was kind enough
to sign it.

A bloodless revolution!

Everything is as normal!

Where is the fighting?


It's a transmitter. Everything
you said was picked up by a van

outside the palace walls,
recorded, then rebroadcast.


Senor Jose Hortal! New and exalted
presidente of San Pablo!

Well, Simon?
Where do WE go from here?

Never ask a silly question, darling.

Not in front of the whole world.