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04x17 - Hollywood Starr

Posted: 05/02/23 06:11
by bunniefuu
(80's action music)

(energetic music)


- Oh God.

Oh my god, you know I'm late.

That any kind of greeting?

(answering machine beeps)

- [Answering Machine] Hey Dani,

it was terrific last night.

The fettuccine, the wine,
the music, you're some cook.

Really looking
forward to Saturday.

See you then.

(answering machine beeps)

Dani, hi, it's Meg.

I got the seats you
wanted for the ballet.

Sunday's performance.

So give me a call if you
can pry yourself loose

from the precinct, okay?

(answering machine beeps)

Dani, this is Captain Freeman,
where the hell are you?

Snitch that was
on the car robberies

finally came through,

and Cassidy's setting
up surveillance right now.

Pull out your flashiest
streetwalking outfit

and get your tail up to
Hollywood Boulevard.

You got point at 10:30.

♪ Tonight you will be walking

♪ Up and down the boulevard

♪ She's checking out
the vision dancer too

♪ And once she gets you talking

♪ You better be on guard

♪ Beware because
it's ladies dress in blue

♪ She lives and
breathes it, she needs it

♪ Danger is her passion

♪ Her body weaves
it, she bleeds it

♪ You won't know
what she's up to

♪ But if you get too close

♪ She'll let you
know ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood star

♪ She's a glamor girl

♪ That you can't push
too far ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood star

♪ She'll get to you
no matter who you are

♪ You're sleeping
when she's scheming

♪ In the cover of the night

♪ She knows just how
to use the moves you do

♪ She's thinking
when you're dreaming

♪ So you better do
it right ♪ Look out

♪ Don't let her
get a make on you

♪ Hollywood ♪ She's a
Hollywood ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood star

♪ She's a glamor girl
that you can't push too far

♪ Hollywood ♪ She's a
Hollywood ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood star

♪ She'll get to you
no matter who you are

- Okay, Dani, we're in position.

Adjacent to the
rear of the theater,

and the restaurant.

We're checking out there.

- Still on point, no
armored car or suspect yet.

- Anything moving
on your side, Carbo?

- Wanna quit bugging
me, Jameson?

I mean, if something's
gonna go down,

what am I gonna
be, the Lone Ranger?

- Okay guys, armored
car's heading in

for the restaurant pickup.

Anybody's gonna go
for it, now's the time.

- [Driver] Got 'em, they
just turned into the alley.

Any sign of suspects?

(engine humming)

- Try on my side, they
could be running a loose tail.

You get anything, Dani?

- Looks like we're
gonna get lucky.

Tan van, headed your way.

Heads up, gentlemen.

- [Passenger] Here it comes now.

- [Driver] Turning
into the alley,

following the armored truck.

- Let us out!

You've wrong and the rein's lid.

- It's going down!

(brakes squealing)

- [Criminal] Cops, cops!

(shotgun loading)

- Police!

You're done, sucker!

- You just bought the fuzz.

- Eat it, cop!

(fires g*n)

- Get him, Dani!

Get him!


- Close the door, and
move the bus, buddy!

Move move move!


(fires g*n)

You down there, you back off!

- Everybody get down!

- I told you to back off, lady,

or I'm gonna blow her away!

- Let's be cool.

Let's just be cool.

- You back off!

- Come on, mister.


- She's dead meat if she's...

- Oh no, oh no!

- We can talk about it.

- Oh please!

- I'll tell you what.

You let her walk,
I let you walk.

You let her go and you're clean.

How about that?

(fires g*n)




- Is he dead?

- I didn't hear him
leave a wake up call.


(police siren blaring)

- You okay?

- The guy on the
bus needs a priest.

I tried to talk him down.

He had a hostage.

I don't feel so well.

How's Carbo?

- Slug sliced clean
through, didn't hit anything.

- It's good about Carbo, huh?

- So's the message that came
in just before this went down?

- What message?

- Some cop named
Hooker called in from LCPD.

They picked up your suspect
on the Donovan m*rder warrant

we put out, Frankie Gable.

They're transporting
him in tomorrow morning.

(phone ringing)

- [Phone] Hi, this is Dani.

I hate this machine
as much as you do,

but I promise I'll
get back to you

if you leave a nice message
at the sound of the beep.

- [Answering Machine]
Hi baby, it's Dad.

I'm still in New York.

But I heard about your sh**ting.

Are you okay?

I can come back if you need me.

Dani, I know you're a
good cop, a great cop.

You don't have to
prove anything to me.

Love you.

(phone ringing)

- [Phone] Hi, this is Dani.

I hate this machine
as much as you do,

but I promise I'll
get back to you

if you leave a nice message
at the sound of the beep.


- [Answering Machine]
Dani, Cassidy.

I know how shook up
you were at having to pull

the trigger on that guy.

Try to hold yourself
together, okay?

(sobbing) (sad music)

- Tell me, how's a guy
with some auto theft arrests,

and a couple of
safecracking convictions

suddenly get in a m*rder?

- You're wasting
your breath, cop.

- Just making some idle
conversation there, Frankie.

- You're looking to be my
new best friend, Hooker?

Or you're wired, just want
me to tell my life story?

- I just wanna know
what makes you

such a hot potato that
Hollywood couldn't wait

for a routine jail transfer.

- Well you see these
Hollywood detectives

are making one large mistake.

I didn't m*rder nobody.

- Right, you were at a Boy
Scout meeting at the time.

- It was a Girl Scout meeting.

I was at a campfire
girl meeting.

- I got a very clear picture
of what you were doing

in my town, Gable.

You were casing jewelry center.

Now I just bet if I
dig deep enough,

you tied about five
other jewelry heists

around the state.

- You're dreaming,
pal, dreaming.

(upbeat music)

- Alright, they're
heading towards you now.

Do it right, Morano, or
don't bother coming back.

(brakes squealing)

- We want Frankie Gable!

Throw out your key,
and don't touch the g*ns.

This man dies if you
give us any trouble.

♪ Cos I know you really want me

- It does appear that
there's more to me

than meets the
eye, doesn't there?

♪ With all the changes
that you put me through

♪ You pulled the truth and run

♪ And I pursued

♪ It don't mean a thing

♪ If I can't make
sweet love to you

♪ Baby ♪ You can't hide

♪ You can't hide your passion

♪ You can't hide
inside (trails off)

- Dr Starr.

- Do I understand you're the one

who lost my prisoner?

- First of all, Frankie
Gable wasn't your prisoner,

he was my prisoner.

- Being delivered to me.

- And second of
all, I didn't lose him,

he was grabbed.

- Same thing in my book.

- Well if you knew he was
such a high risk prisoner,

then why didn't you let me know?

- Because I didn't know.

Look, I barely have the
guy in a homicide rap.

I have no motive, and
no reason to believe

anybody would wanna grab him.

- Well, we better get
started in finding all that out.

Because I'm
sticking around until

we get Frankie Gable back.

Where's the squad room?

- If we?


Look, you can't
work in this city

without authority
from the Chief.

- Who wants to give
Detective Starr the good news?

- Since this is your
case, and Carbo is

gonna be off for a week or two,

the Captain said that you
get to work with Hooker.

- Now wait just a minute.

- No no, don't look at me.

They got Jameson
and me working fulltime

on these armored
truck robberies.

- Look, we think
Frankie Gable ties about

five jewel heists
around the state.

I'm gonna need to
get an ID on the guys

who snatched them.

- How do you suggest
that Officer Corgan

get this Hollywood
machine working?

- About the same way
the LCPD machine works.

Call Ladens, have
them run a search

on the prints SID
pulled out of the cage

of that skip loader
that waylaid you.

- That's a start.

How about a composite artist?

I like to put those
faces down on paper.

- Okay.

- We can do this the easy
way, working together,

or we can do it the hard way.

- Take your best shot.

- I wanna know why
Frankie Gable was grabbed.

What made him so
valuable to somebody?

- He had friends.

Somebody didn't wanna
see him take the homicide rap.

- He was a suspect
picked up on a warrant,

there was no way to know
that there'd be a conviction,

no way to even guess
that you'd hold him.

- So where do we start?

- Let's start with a
recap of the homicide

that you want Frankie Gable for.

Begin at square one.

- That oughta get
us back on track.

- Good, then you
won't mind driving.

The shop is still
working on getting me

a new set of keys.

- It figures.

But the faster we
start, the faster we part.

Know what I mean?

♪ You can't hide
inside that (mumbles)

♪ You can't hide

♪ You can't hide
that passion ♪ Baby

- [Hooker] I like your car,

how do you afford
it on a cop's salary?

- [Starr] Daddy
bought it for me.

(80's pop music)

Homicide victim was
one Richard Donovan.

At the time of his m*rder
he was an independent

movie producer.

The Alternate Fantasy
was going to be his next film,

but a b*llet got in the way
of that last Tuesday night.

The way I see it,
Donovan pulled in here

and the k*ller
pulled in behind him.

And Donovan got out of his car,

started walking back
towards the other car.

- And bam, he got
it right in the tenring.

- I've established
this much, so far.

An hour before Donovan's death

he had dinner at a
restaurant with the director

of his current film.

- [Hooker] That's this
guy, Alan Hartman.

And our suspect Frankie Gable.

- Right.

After dinner they
left the restaurant

in two separate cars.

Now I have a witness
who knows Frankie Gable,

and she saw him prowling around

outside the restaurant the
whole time they were eating.

- If Donovan didn't live here,

what do you think he
was doing in the area?

- Maybe it was his
most favorite place.

Welcome to Hollywood.

- [Hooker] Oh yeah.

Didn't I read somewhere
that an actress

jumped off that sign?

- Years ago.

She took a ladder
and climbed up on top

of the H and did a swan dive

because RKO didn't
pick up her option.

- [Hooker] Some beach you have.

- Grows on you.

- [Radio] Six king 22, come in.

- King 22, go ahead.

- [Radio] King 22,
a child calling about

an Andrea Colt is
requesting you at 1927 Eward,

says it's urgent.

- Andrea's my witness
I told you about,

who can place Gable with
Donovan outside the restaurant.

King 22, roger.

(revs engine)

- [Hooker] This Andrea,
what's her relationship to Gable?

- Stepfather's a
sleaze named Vick Colt,

hangs out with Gable.

First met Andrea when
I was working juvenile,

and I got a call about Colt,

he was sexually abusing her.

So she started with the dr*gs.

- Dani!

- Kerry, has your stepfather
been giving you trouble again?

- No, it's my sister Andrea.

There's something
wrong, Dani, real wrong.

(ominous music)

- Call for paramedics.

- I did, a few minutes
before you got here.

- Andrea, what is it?

- Get the child out of here.


Overdose or hotshot.

- Cardiac arrest.

(ominous music)

1001, 1002, 1003.

1001, 1002, 1003.

(background chatter)

- See?

What'd I tell ya?

Andrea gets enough of
my kind of harassment

and goes right
back to the needle.

No more threat to you.

- That remains to be seen, Vick.

- [Dani] Kerry, we'll
follow you to the hospital.

- You're a walking
social service (mumbles).

- Just a cop trying to
look after her only witness.

(ambulance siren blaring)

- I made composites
of the g*ons that

grabbed Frankie Gable.

- Great.

Stacey and Ramona?

- On the way.

Captain assigned them to us
so we have this thing wrapped.

- What about the prince
and the skip owner?

- They came back
to a Jake Morano.

He's connected to mob
porn activities in Chicago

10 years ago.

Take a look at who
the filmmaker was.

Recognize him?

- It's Richard Donovan,
my m*rder victim.

- Anything else?

- Chicago intelligence
heard a rumor that Morano

was staying at
the Starlight Motel.

We checked, he's long gone,

but the credit card that he
used to pay for his motel bill

belonged to Donovan's
production company.

And it's the same card number
that the Director Hartman

used to pay for dinner the
night Donovan was m*rder*d.

- Porn, Chicago,
mob connections.

A whole new way to
track Frankie Gable.

- Organized crime.

(mellow 80's rock music)

♪ Deep inside me

♪ Tearing me
apart each lonely day

♪ You can soothe my
spirit with some of your loving

♪ If you're by my side
we can make it okay

(fires g*n)


- Give me a black and
white over on the right.

♪ All I need is understanding
just to let me grow


Good, pull it in.

Bring out that black and white!

Come on, let's move
in that car, move it in!

What now?!

- Come on, Mr Hartman,
be cooperative, huh?

So we don't have to
make a large scene.

This is Sergeant Hooker, LCPD.

- Business with Detective
Starr or just touring?

- No, my interest is
in your credit card.

- Credit card?

- The one you used
to pay for dinner

the night Donovan was k*lled.

- So I used a company
card, what about it?

- Same card was
used to rent a room

by a mobster named Jake Morano.

- It's a suspect that we
believe was Donovan's k*ller.

- Mobster?

That's absolutely bizarre,
there must be some mistake.

- Really.

Let's start with a
look at these two.

- This one I saw
for the first time

when Detective
Starr showed it to me.

I've never seen
this man in my life.

- He's the one you
rented a room for.

- That's a damn lie.

The card number is used by
a lot of people in the company.

Ask the front office for a list.

And just for the record, kid,

I resent the hell out
of your insinuation.

Richard Donovan
was a friend of mine.

You don't seem to
wanna believe that.

- He knows more
than he's saying.

- You're right, this is the
third time I've talked to him

and I haven't been able
to shake anything loose.

People in Hollywood
get desperate,

they do desperate things
because the stakes are so high.

- Well maybe you'd
get more out of him

if you laid on a little charm.

- You mean, bat my
baby blues and flirt?

Why don't you try it?

- I would if I had
your equipment.

- Right, nice to know
you aren't a chauvinist.

- Hooker.

Is that really you?

- Trixie.

- Hi.

- How are you, baby?

- Oh God, it's good to see you.

- What are you doing here?

- Well put it this way.

If you gave me the
biggest break of my life,

this runs a close second.

I bought a bus
ticket to Hollywood,

I worked my tail off, I
got lucky and I just landed

a role in this picture!

- That's great.

You still clean?

- Yeah.

- Excuse me, this
is Detective Starr.

We're looking into the
Richard Donovan m*rder.

- Ever see either
of these two guys?

- [Trixie] Yeah, this one.

He hired on as a union driver
here a couple of weeks ago.

Haven't seen him in
a few days, though.

- And what about this one,
his name's Frankie Gable.

- Uh, no, he's
not familiar to me.

Hey, look, I'm doing makeup.

Stay in touch.

- From a gopher
in the porn business

to a union driver.

- He's using a shotgun
to help take Gable.

- He gets around.

- A mob guy.

That cinches it.

Organized crime has access
to this production company.

And we have a whole
new field to mine.

Got a last known
address on Gable?

- Venice.

He lived the good
life, at the beach.

- I keep thinking
of what he said.

There's more to him
than meets the eye.

I don't know who he
is, where he came from,

known associates,
what his tie to the Mob is,

I wanna know chapter and verse,

down to what his
birthmark looks like.

- It's Alan Hartman.

Got same cop who was
asking questions about Donovan

was back, with
some out of town cop.

I'm scared.

They can get me as an accessory.

- Get your act together.

Get yourself a pine box and
a reservation at the cemetery

next to your producer
friend Donovan.

Those cops aren't gonna let up.

- I told you, you shoulda
taken care of Vick Colt's

stepdaughter before
she talked to her.

- Couldn't even hold
you for two minutes,

how much she told.

- Well I'm supposed
to take a confidant, eh?

Look pal, I know why
you guys grabbed me,

because I'm the only guy
that can crack that safe

and put five million in cold
hard diamonds in your hands.

- So how far along are you
with the diamond mart plans?

- Okay.

Now, there are four
independent systems.

We got silent ringers that
go to an alarm company

over the phone line,
here, here, and here.

We've got infra-red pots right.

Now we got magnetics
over the front door over here.

The vault door, it's bugged,

and it's made from
some special kind of alloy.

We're gonna have to use heavy
duty torches to burn through.

- Alright.

So with this, and what
you've already brought in

from the other heists, we
can cover the 10 million

that jerk Donovan blew
on his artsy movies.

- What about these two cops
that are playing tag with me?

(ominous music)

- [Hooker] No Frankie
Gable to be found,

but it's sure a
nice neighborhood.

- I used to live out here.

Cut classes to hit
the beach at sunrise,

surf all day, hang out all night

with characters that
would fail a police blotter.

- Rich girl in (mumbles).

- Something like that.

My father's a writer.

Wrote a lot of big
pictures for a lot of years,

and got lucky in television.

We've had our ins and outs.

I love him, but...

- Not even buying a new
Mercedes solved it, hm?

- Never stopped
trying to prove to him

I could make it on my own.

Not since...

- Since what?

- It's not important.

- [Hooker] Dani.

Talk to me.

Something's on your mind.

- It's nothing you need
to be concerned about.

- Well I am.

So I guess I'll just
keep on playing it close,

until I know for sure.

- [Dani] Know what?

- That I can trust you.

That I understand why
you suddenly got quiet

when we landed on the
idea that organized crime

figures in this case.

- What's bothering me has
nothing to do with this case.

- [Hooker] Nothing?

Nothing at all?

- The Mob k*lled my husband.

That's what's on my mind.

And this case is bringing
back some memories

I'm not sure I can deal with.

(80's upbeat music)

- They're all over
Frankie's neighborhood.

You have an idea how
close they're getting?

(loads g*n)

- I'm ready.

- Now we'll wait for dark.

- [Radio] King 22 come in.

- Go ahead, guard in.

- [Radio] Apparently
when Jake Morano

graduated from
porn he left New York

and learned the
safecracking trade in Chicago.

And guess who Chicago
intelligence puts down as his teacher?

- Frankie Gable.

- It's all dovetailing into
the jewelry robberies, isn't it?

- Progress.

What's number two?

- Andrea's been
released from the hospital.

- Already?

- That's what I asked,
but the doctor said

she was in good enough
shape to go in outpatient status.

But here's the real kicker.

According to her social worker,

Andrea turned in
her heroin connection.

It's her stepfather.

- Vick Colt.

- Roger.

Didn't you say Colt and
Gable used to deal together?

- Nail him and we've
got a perfect squeeze

to locate Gable, is that
what you're thinking?

- We're on the same
frequency once again.

You got the search warrant?

- One Vick Colt, and a lead
to Frankie Gable, coming up.

- [Andrea] Stop it!

- That's Andrea's voice.

(tense music)

(hammers on door)

- Police!

Open up!


- Andrea!

- Open the door, it's
the police, open the door.

- Andrea, what are you doing?

What happened with
the social worker?

- He came, with some legal
paper that he's (mumbles).

- I don't like coming
into my house!

- Get back there.

- Andrea!


- It'll be alright.

It'll be alright.

- No it won't be.

- You have a right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to remain silent,

and everything you say can
or will be used against you

in a court of law.

- We'll have to come
back like before.

He'll make us come back.

- No they won't, sweetheart.

Not this time.

Not this time.


It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

(sad music)

- The auditors have barely
scratched the financial surface.

Looks like Hartman's
paychecks in the film company

don't match his income.

- Part of a laundering scam?

- That's what we're
hoping we can prove

when the auditors get
deeper than a scratch.

Oh hey, Hooker.

I found us a place to crash.

208, Sunset Motel.

- Nice, you'll like it there.

Pimp and junkie heaven.

- I told you to let
me handle that.

- You were busy.

- Right.

If I see any roaches,

you're gonna bite
the dust before them.

Of course.

- Where to in such a hurry?

- A place you might
be interested in.

I broke Vick Colt, to give
you a possible hangup

on Frankie Gable.

- Great.

- Heard you have a
protective watch on Andrea

and her sister.

- Andrea's a good kid, Hooker,

she doesn't deserve
what she's getting.

- Like what you got
out of your marriage?

- I told you the Mob
k*lled my husband.

What I didn't tell you is
that he was one of them.

- Yeah I know.

I talked to Cassidy.

He told me you
had it pretty rough.

- We were kids getting started.

Johnny got a job cutting meat,

then I got pregnant
and had to stop working

and he got fired
all at the same time.

Then I had a miscarriage.

The bills started piling
up and before I knew it

Johnny's cousin Vincent
starting helping Johnny out.

I tried to stop him but
he just couldn't stand

to see me living like we were.

I don't know.

Maybe we were trying to
prove something to my father.

Then one morning he went
out and he never came back.

They found him in the airport,

in the trunk of a
Buick with a 22 slug

in the back of his head and
an overdue parking ticket

on the windshield.

- Sorry.

- I buried him.

Paid the ticket, and tried
hard not to look back.

I guess three years
just isn't long enough.

- Is Johnny the reason
you became a cop?

- Part of it.

I was faced with two
choices with Johnny gone.

Go home to my father
or make it on my own.

The detective who
was handling his m*rder,

kind of adopted me, and
I guess he steered me

in this direction.

- That's a good cop,
always recruiting.

- He's retired now,
but we stay in touch.

- Thanks for leveling with me.

All the way.

- I never go all the way
with a guy I hardly know.

Know what I mean?

(sexy music)

(phone buzzes)

- Officer Romano?

I'm sorry, Sergeant
Hooker isn't here,

but I'm his partner,
can I help you?

- Tell him to be careful.

They're gonna try to k*ll him.

(somber music)

(energetic music)

- You think Colt gave you a
righteous address on Gable?

- If he didn't I'll be
right back in his face.

(brakes squealing)

(energetic music) (g*n firing)

(brakes squealing)

- They tried to get us.

Like they did Johnny.

(doorbell rings)

- How do you feel about
working when you're off-duty?

- Why, you got something?

- Yeah, a phone call while
we were being shot at.

And a lady saying be careful.

Romano took it.

- He get a name?

- No, but I think I
know who it was.

I thought you might
like to see if I was right.

- Sure.

Give me a second.

- Take two hours.

I don't know where to
start til after 10 o'clock.

That's when the party begins.

- Party?

- The wrap party
for Hartman's picture.

- Hooker, are you going
Hollywood on me already?

- Just following your moves.

- Want something to eat?

- No.

You certainly
keep busy off duty.

- You ever have to
k*ll someone, Hooker?

- I heard about the
sh**t you were in.

sh**ting team ruled
that it was self-defense.

Not your fault.

- You're not
answering my question.

- 'Nam was the first time.

And I've had to
do it in the streets.

It doesn't get any easier,

but sometimes you have
to do it for your own survival.

Or to protect the people
you put on the badge to serve.

- Mob doesn't have any
trouble pulling the trigger.

- You're thinking about
pulling it again, aren't you?

Cassidy told me
about your homework.

Any downtime you have,
you're back in the case, digging.

Turning the case
folders inside out.

Trolling for new witnesses.

Re-interviewing old ones
in your husband's death.

- It's real simple, Hooker.

I want Johnny's k*ller.

- It wasn't one mechanic
that k*lled your husband.

It was the whole organization.

Be satisfied every
time I get a piece.

Where you going?

- You said we had two hours.

I'm going to put them on notice

that I'm after the next piece.

- [Hooker] Who?

- The Mob.

(energetic music)

- I know what's
going on inside you.

Dig down deep.

Keep it under control.

- No you don't know what's
going on inside me, Hooker.

Nobody does.

(somber music)

(soft classy music)

- Hello Dani.

- Vince.

- This is my cousin by
marriage, Dani the cop.

I see you got
yourself a new friend.

- This isn't a
social visit, Hazard.

Name's Hooker, LCPD.

- You're thinking of
transferring to another city, Dani?

- You like getting rid of
anyone in the City of Angels,

someone learns that
taking out a cop is a mistake.

- I don't know what
you're talking about.

Why don't you sit down,
relax, have some shrimps

and scongili and clams.

Listen, I always
wanted to ask you,

what do you cops see
in doing what you do?

I mean, always crying,
busting business,

you're never gonna
get rich, you know.

- If I was after the
money, I'd give you a call.

Just like Johnny did.

- We're not gonna travel
down that road again, are we?


Johnny was in the wrong
place at the wrong time,

and some of the boys from
Lahoya took exception to,


- I heard they
were from Chicago.

- Then you know more than I do.

- Somebody else from Chicago
was around the other day.

- Is that right?

- Jake Morano.

- I can't place the name.

- Let's not dance
all night, Vince.

- You know what
your trouble is, Dani?

You always gotta win.

You have to prove something
in that female head of yours.

I want you to take something
by you and your friend

here of yours, take a vacation.

Somewhere where the air's clear.

You'll live longer,
both of you, believe me.

- I'll take a vacation,

the day Johnny's k*ller
takes his last breath.

- I was only thinking of
your health, you know.

Nobody's invincible.

- That goes for you
and your people, Hazard.

Remember that.

- Tell your boys the next time
they're in my neighborhood,

I sleep with one eye open.

- They never quit, huh?

- Don't worry.

We'll put the diamond
job down before

they can refill their gas tanks.

- Do you think he
had something to do

with the death of your husband?

- Yeah, I do.

What hurts is knowing
I'll probably never

be able to do
anything to prove it.

- 10 o'clock, let's
go with what we got.

Director named Hartman.

That auditors tied to an illegal
money laundering scheme.

And a lady that tried
to warn us about a hit.

- Okay.

(energetic music)
(background chatter)

- Can we talk?

In private?

- I just overheard them
talking about the hit, Hooker.

I heard 'em use your name.

That's why I called you.

- It was a Johnny fixture?

- The same guy you showed
me a picture of the other day.

Frankie Gable.

(energetic music)

- You're a very charming
man, Mr Hartman.

Still, one the mob would
consider expendable.

Now the records we
found prove that you did

what they asked you to do.

Now I'd like a name.

The next rung up the ladder?

- You're a sweet kid,
but you're also bluffing.

There are no records there.

- The name she's looking
for is Vincent Hazard.

Hazard, Mr Hartman.

And when we give all the records

and all your laundering
schemes to the grand jury,

it'll be my pleasure to say
the name came from you.

Let's go.

- Just when I was
beginning to like you.

Too bad.

- Alright.

But you have to protect me.

Hazard and Richard
Donovan were on the outs.

He knew that Richard
didn't trust him.

So Hazard told me to get
him up to the Hollywood sign,

on the pretext of discussing
it as a picture location.

I thought Hazard
wanted him up there

to talk about the trouble.

I swear, I didn't know
he was gonna be k*lled.

- You mean you wouldn't
let yourself admit it.

Let's go.

- [Frankie] You sure
you can short this gauge?

- You wanted to get
your hands on the ice first,

didn't ya, you watch.

I'll work, no questions.

(ominous music)


- Hooker!

I checked the address Chris
Wild gave you, no Gable.

- Found this in the garbage.

- Looks like an alarm
systems schematic,

there's a sketch on the back.

Might be some kind of rough map.

- Strike a nerve?

- An expensive one, but
city block arrangement

looks like downtown.

If it is, that's the
Jewelry Mart.


(brakes squealing)



- I know it, somebody's
in the building.

Alright, we got enough,
let's wrap this thing up

and let's get outta here.

(tense music)

Alright, gather those things
and leave them here, let's go!

(tense music)

- Freeze!

Against the wall, move!

I said, move!

(tense music)

- [Dani] Freeze!


- I got him.

(tense music)

- Drop the case.

- Take it easy,
Dani, take it easy.

- Drop the case.

- Okay, okay okay.

Here it comes.

- Now the g*n.

- I ain't carrying
anything, honey.

- Drop it!

Last chance.

- You wouldn't sh**t
your husband's own cousin,

would you, sweetheart?

- Don't you believe it, pal.

(cocks g*n)

(g*n hitting floor)

(upbeat music)

- Heard you were
on your way home.

- The dispatcher
said you were here,

thought I'd drop by.

What have you got?

- Ride-by sh**ting.

Everything and everybody
says it's a street g*ng beef.

- And what does Dani Starr say?

- Victim's connected to
some funny real estate deals,

got an iffy partner.

- Who might want him quiet.

- Crossed my mind.

It's also gonna get
my full attention.

- Not bad for three
years on the job.

- That mean I can come around,

discuss the case, Hooker?

- Well the way you're going,

you're gonna have
everything solved

before there's
anything to talk about.

- Wish my dad could
hear you say that.

- I wish we coulda learned
more about Johnny's death.

- It'll come.

A piece at a time.

- I know it will.

I'll be in touch.

- I'm counting on it.

♪ But if you get too close

♪ She'll let you
know ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood star

♪ She's a glamor girl
that you can't push too far

♪ Hollywood ♪ She's a
Hollywood ♪ Hollywood

♪ She's a Hollywood star

♪ She'll get to you
no matter who you are

(80's action music)